Download - Teen Zine Fall 2013 - · Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls My Reality – Taylor Bradley Cool – Taylor Bradley Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Page 1: Teen Zine Fall 2013 - · Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls My Reality – Taylor Bradley Cool – Taylor Bradley Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Teen Zine Fall 2013

Page 2: Teen Zine Fall 2013 - · Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls My Reality – Taylor Bradley Cool – Taylor Bradley Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Table of Contents

Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls

My Reality – Taylor Bradley

Cool – Taylor Bradley

Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Beat of Angel’s Wings – Dessa Leonard

Lilies – Dessa Leonard

The Calling – Shreya Sharma

Page 3: Teen Zine Fall 2013 - · Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls My Reality – Taylor Bradley Cool – Taylor Bradley Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

My Reality – by Taylor Bradley #3 in the Imaginary Frenemies series; sequel to Forgotten Friends (#2)

“I can’t believe it.” said Molly Hyde, 17 year old and recent resident of Springfield, Illinois. “Ace ran away. He really ran away,” she sighed. “And it’s all my fault.” Ace was Molly’s best friend. (At least she hoped that was still true.) He was imaginary. He had gray skin, black hair that hung in his face, black clothes, and 99% of the time had a devilish smirk that always meant trouble for all involved. He used to belong to her ex-boyfriend, Andrew, but then Molly met Ace and he showed her that Andrew was a terrible boyfriend - or any friend for that matter. Andrew had tried to keep Ace locked up in his mind, but Molly had been able to help him escape. She had set him free, but not before making him a friend of his own. She’d created Polly. She, too, had gray skin. She also had black hair that was always braided back, a black dress, no shoes, and a big green purse that was almost always on her shoulder. Ace and Polly had gone to see the world. When they got back, Ace wanted to throw a Friend-Aversary party, since it was nearly a year since he had been rescued and Polly had been made. But Molly had made two more friends. Real friends. Maxine Jenkins and her twin brother, Dominic. Ace got worried that because Molly had made other friends, he would be replaced and abandoned once more. Instead of telling her, he began to judge them and Molly’s choice in befriending the Jenkins before even meeting them. Molly and Ace had gotten into a fight, which ended when Molly said Ace didn’t know anything because he didn’t have a real brain. Which was true. Imaginary friends have limited brains; they only know what their creator wants them to. This resulted in Ace running away in the middle of the night without a trace. Molly decided to skip school today, which was supposed to be their Friend-Aversary, to help Polly find him. So, here we are.

Where could he have gone? Molly asked herself. Suddenly, Polly rushed up the spiral staircase and into

Molly’s purple bedroom. “Did you find any clues?” Polly panted heavily from all the running. “I didn’t….find…anything. I looked everywhere. He could be in the next

county for all we know.” That was the last thing Molly wanted to hear. She realized that she had been wrong to insult Ace and she was ready to apologize. She wanted him to come home and be her friend again. She refused to give up!

“Well, we’ll just have to go out there and find him then,” she stated. “I don’t care if he hates me. I don’t care if he doesn’t want to come home again. We have to make sure he’s alright. Even if it does end up being the end of our friendship.” And with that, they grabbed some snacks, two sleeping bags – just in case – and were out the door.

“Where do you think he would go?” Molly asked. “If you were Ace, and you were upset and confused, where would you go?”

Polly thought for a second. “Topeka, Kansas.” “Why?” “I don’t know. It sounds cool. Topeka!” Polly giggled. “You’re not helping!” Molly snapped. “Sorry. Maybe we should ask around. See if anyone’s seen him.” “Don’t you remember, Polly? Only you and I can see him. Imaginaries can pick and choose who sees them.” “Oh, yeah.” Polly’s stomach growled. “Can we take a snack break?” “We just started searching!” Molly told her. “If we don’t find him soon, we might be too late. He could be on a

plane right now on the way to Who-knows-where!” Polly started to cry. “I want my friend back!” she sobbed. Molly frowned and gave Polly a hug to calm her. “I know, Polly. I do too,” she whispered. “And I promise, I’m gonna do whatever it takes to get him back.” This

touching moment was interrupted by Molly’s phone. The 17 year old inside her forced her to answer:


“Hi, Molly. It’s Debby.” Debby was Molly’s ditsy friend from Peoria, where she used to live.

“Deb, I can’t talk right now.”

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“I have pineapples in my pants.”

“…I don’t want to know.”

“They pinch.”

“Then take them out.”

“I can’t. Andrew triple-dog-dared me to keep them there for the rest of the day.”

“Why are you listening to Andrew?!? I told you he was a sexist jerk! That’s why we

broke up!”

“I know…but he’s a smokin’ hot jerk!”


“Okay, okay. Ow! A pineapple poked me in the_”

“Deb, I said I’m busy. Gotta go. Bye!” She hung up the phone and turned back to Polly, only to have her phone ring 3 seconds later. She answered it


“Debby, I told you I’m busy! Take the dumb fruits out of your pants and hang up the


“Debby? Who’s Debby? This is Maxine. I looked you up in the phone book. What


“Oh, sorry. I thought you were my brainless friend.”

“I was just wondering if you wanted to come over today.”

“Max, I would love to but I have something really important to attend to. It’s really


“Okay. I understand. I just- DOMINO!!!”

“What’s wrong?”

“He stole all my underpants. Don’t lie, Domino. I know it was you. (Muffled talking in

the background.) “Well, if it wasn’t you, then who was it?!?”

Molly dropped her phone in shock. Hold on. She thought. Ace is a prankster. Always jokes about

underpants. He hates Maxine. He runs away. Maxine’s underpants disappear... “Polly, I think I

know what Ace’s first stop was.”

“Why would Ace steal Maxine’s undies?” Polly asked as the two rushed up Maxine’s driveway.

“Because, to Ace, it’s all her fault. If it wasn’t for her, this wouldn’t have happened,” Molly told her. It’s not

Maxine’s fault. She thought. It’s mine. They raced up the porch steps, which Polly tripped over, and Molly rang

the doorbell like a madwoman. The door swung open. “Hi, Molly.” Maxine greeted her. “I thought you weren’t coming” “Change of plans,” she said. “How’d you know which house was mine?” “I may or may not have knocked on every door on this street hoping to find you.” Molly was extremely nervous.

Maxine’s house might be her only change of getting Ace back. “Well, that’s so sweet…and…slightly disturbing.” Maxine murmured. “Come on in.” Molly walked in. Maxine

almost shut the door on Polly who was invisible to her. Dominic was sitting on a small sofa playing Galaga. “High score!” he shouted. Maxine looked embarrassed.

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“Want to go in my room?” she asked. “Yes!” Molly screamed. That really was the only reason she came over. “I mean…sure.” Maxine led the girls up a

carpeted staircase and into a small bedroom. “Make yourself at home.” Maxine said. “I’m gonna grab some snacks.” “Wait, why aren’t you in school?” Molly asked. “Dude, school got out 2 hours ago.” Maxine replied. She walked down the stairs screaming, “Domino, you’re

gonna rot my brain if you keep playing that game!” “I don’t have one!” he yelled back. “Got that right!” Maxine said. “Cause you’re a boy! Guys don’t have brains! We all know girls are smarter.” “Wow.” Molly said to Polly. “We were searching for over three hours. It felt like only 40 minutes.” “Well, you did almost knock down every door on this street,” she replied. Molly ran to Maxine’s large dresser and

started opening the drawers. “Polly, tell me when she gets back.” “Okay.” Molly tore out every dresser drawer, searching for any sign of Ace. “Nothing in the shirts. Same for the tank tops,”

she paused. “She color-codes her socks?” Molly decided to let that slide. She came upon an empty drawer that she guessed had to be where the underwear used to be.

“Anything?” Polly asked. Molly slowly grabbed a single strand of black hair. “Ace.” she said. “Okay, so he was here.” Polly said. “And not that this isn’t cool, breaking into someone dresser, but…where is he

now?” “I don’t know,” Molly mumbled. She felt like crying. Suddenly, a paper airplane flew into the room. Molly picked it

up. “Polly, this is no time for crafts.” “I didn’t throw that.” “Then who did?” She unfolded it. Someone had written a note on the inside. It said:

Having trouble with a friend? Try going back to basics. Back to where it all started.


A friend

“This is freaky,” Molly said shoving the paper in her pocket. “Let’s go.” “Where?” Polly asked.

“I don’t know,” she sighed. She’d been saying that a lot lately. With all the stuff I don’t know, I’m

starting to doubt if my brain is real. They walked back down the stairs. “Max, my mom called. She said she

wants me back home,” she lied. “Okay, I’ll see you at school tomorrow,” Maxine said from the kitchen. “Wait, why weren’t you in class today?” Molly looked out the window. The sun was setting. They were running out of time. She rushed to the front door,

Polly secretly following her. “Long story! Tell you later! Maybe! Bye!” she yelled back. Molly and Polly ran all the way down the street and up a large hill before stopping to catch their breath. Well, Molly caught her breath, but imaginary friends don’t need to breathe, nor do they have lungs, so Polly just watched the sun go down.

“What if we’re too late?” she murmured. Molly looked up at the colorful sky. “I don’t know, Polly. I just…don’t know.”

Molly and Polly were camped out under a willow tree in Peoria, where Molly used to live, lying in their sleeping bags. The sun was down, and the stars shone bright. Molly had no idea where Ace went. They’d checked everywhere. Molly even got Debby and her mom to drive her back to Peoria to check her old house, which still wasn’t sold. The case of the missing imaginary friend was starting to look hopeless. Polly was swatting at her arms.

“These.” Swat. “Mosquitoes.” Swat, swat. “Won’t leave me alone!” “I told you to bring bug spray.” Molly said.

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“Well, excuse me, if I was a little occupied looking for my best friend to remember!” Swat. “Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I don’t wanna fight. Not anymore,” Molly whispered. Polly sat up and looked at the sky. “This is the worst day ever,” she sulked. “Not to mention the worst Friend-Aversary ever,” Molly added. Polly sniffled. “Let’s talk about something happy. Like pie. Or butterflies. Or pie.” Molly looked up at the tree she was lying under. The fire that crackled in front of her. “I remember the first time I

did this.” “What?” Polly asked. “Camped out? Was it with your dad? I’ve never seen your dad.” Swat. “Where is your

dad?” Molly looked away for a moment. “I don’t want to talk about it. It’s not something happy.” “Okay. So when did you do this before?” Molly sat up, but couldn’t meet Polly’s innocent eyes. She was too upset. “It was one of the best days of my life,”

she started. “The day I was kidnapped.” “What?!?” Polly screamed. “By who?” “Ace,” Molly said. “That’s how we met. Didn’t he tell you?” “He said he didn’t want to talk about it. Cause it had Andrew in it. All he told me was that it changed his life

forever.” “Yeah,” Molly sniffled. “Mine too.” “Will you tell me? Please?” Polly begged. “Andrew asked me out for frozen yogurt. When I answered the front door, expecting Andrew, Ace was standing

there. Andrew came to pick me up. They started fighting. I was so confused that I fainted. Apparently, Ace knocked Andrew unconscious. He kidnapped me and brought me to this very forest. When I woke up, I thought Ace was some sort of murderer or monster. He stole my phone and wouldn’t give it back. I was tempted to run, but then I saw his eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul. Do you know what I saw in his soul? Loneliness, abandonment, depression, and a guy who really just wanted someone to care. I didn’t want to add to that loneliness, so I stayed. We talked for a while. When he told me that Andrew had locked him up for all those years, I couldn’t bear to leave him alone. So I became his friend. And I promised to never leave him alone, like Andrew.” Molly turned away. “Now I’ve broken that promise.”

“Then what happened?” Polly asked. “I stayed with him all day,” Molly continued. “After the sun went down, Ace went to find more sticks to keep the fire

that he made going. Once I was alone, Andrew showed up. He tried to get me to come with him. Then Ace came back. Andrew started yelling at him and pushing him. That’s when I saw my boyfriend in a new way. Andrew was always kind of controlling and conceited, but when he did that, it was too much. You should have seen the fear on Ace’s face! He looked like he was going to wet his pants!”

Polly giggled. “Sorry. It’s just…wet pants.” Molly stared at her. “Continue,” Polly said. “Anyway, Andrew called me his property. His possession. People don’t own other people, Polly. That was very

wrong of Andrew to say. Before I could do anything, he put Ace back in his head. I went up and slapped Andrew, thinking how scared Ace must have been in there. When I touched Andrew and thought of Ace, I was transported into my now ex-boyfriend’s mind. I found Ace and I used my brain to help him escape. After that, he was invisible to Andrew, and I broke up with him. But I wasn’t the least bit upset. Because I had Ace. And then I made you. All in all, it was the best day ever.”

Polly wiped a tear from her eye. “That’s amazing.” Swat. “I think I’ll try to sleep before these mosquitoes eat me alive. Good night, Molly.” She lay down in her potato sack, which she had thought was an Egyptian sleeping bag.

“Good night.” Molly lay down in her own sleeping bag. She pictured herself and Ace sitting under the oak tree the day they met. Molly loved that oak tree. “Ouch,” she whispered. Something in her pocket had poked her. She took out a crumpled piece of paper. It was the paper airplane from Maxine’s house.

Having trouble with a friend? Try going back to basics. Back to where it all started.


A friend

“‘Back to where it all started,’” Molly said aloud. She jumped out of her sleeping bag. “That’s it! Polly, get up!”

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“What? What’s wrong? Is it a squirrel attack?” “I know where Ace is!!!”

Part 2: The Reality of it All

“Molly, slow down!” Polly screamed. Molly was running through the nearly pitch black forest. “Where are we going?!?”

“Back to where it all started!” Molly yelled back to her. She skidded to a stop and pointed at the ground. “Look,” she told Polly.

Polly looked concerned. “That’s a very nice mound of dirt, Molly. I think we should get you to a doctor or something.”

“No, look!” Molly got down on her knees. “I remember this spot. This is where Ace took me when he kidnapped me. And this is the very spot where Andrew had pushed him. Which means…” she got up and looked at the trees. “AHA!”

“What is it?” Polly asked. Molly placed her hand on the tree trunk. “This is the oak tree that we sat under. This is where we became friends.

Where it all started.” “That’s cool, but what does that have to do with the fact that Ace is still missing?” Polly said. “Don’t you see?” she asked. “Ace left because he was confused and hurt. He needed to clear his head.” “So?” Polly said. “Don’t you get it? What better place to clear your head then under an oak tree watching the sun set over the hills?

Not only that, but this is where we met! This tree holds a lot of happy memories. It’s the perfect spot to go to when you’re upset.”

“Of course!” Polly exclaimed. She looked around. “So where is he?” “Well that just it,” Molly said. “I was sure that he would- Do you hear that?” “What?” “Snoring.” Both the girls looked up into the tree branches. And sure enough, sleeping on a sturdy branch was none

other than- “ACE!” Molly and Polly screamed. Note: Never scream at someone who’s sleeping in a tall tree. Ace awoke with a

start, lost his balance on the branch, and tumbled out of the tree, yelling “Ow! Ouch! Ow!” as he hit almost every tree branch. He eventually face planted into the dirt. Polly rushed over, sat him up, grabbed his shoulders and shook him back and forth, quickly.

“Don’t you ever scare me like that again! Do you hear me?!?” she screamed. Ace’s voice vibrated. “Yeeeeesssss sstttttooooppp sssshhhhaaaakkiinnggg meeeee.” Polly stopped and wrapped him in a giant hug. “I missed you.” Ace smiled and returned the hug. “I missed you, too,” Molly added. Ace’s smile vanished. He turned away from Molly with a “Hmph.” “Oh, come on, Ace. I’m sorry I said you didn’t know anything. It’s not your fault it’s true,” Molly said. “HMPH!” Ace said, still refusing to look at her. “That came out wrong!” Molly said. “What I meant to say was…was…” Molly wasn’t sure what she had meant to

say. She wasn’t even sure they would find Ace. It hadn’t never once crossed her mind to plan her apology. “Spit it out and be friends again!” Polly commanded. But no words came to Molly’s mind. So she spoke her heart. “When you kidnapped me that day, and you told me

that Andrew had abandoned you, that’s when we became friends. And when he put you back, I wanted to cry and scream and kill Andrew all at the same time! Do you know why, Ace? Do you know why I came to rescue you?”

“I’m sorry, my brain isn’t real, so no, I don’t!” Ace snapped, still refusing to look at her.

At least he’s talking to you. She thought. That’s a start. “I came to get you because…because…”

Ace got up and took Polly’s hand. “Come on, Polly. Let’s go back to Egypt, or Romania, or the farthest place from here!”

Say it! Molly commanded herself. Say it or you’ll lose them forever! Molly took a big breath and

blurted “I came to rescue you because I knew how it felt!”

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Ace stopped dead in his tracks. “What?” “I knew how it felt, Ace. I still know. How it feels to be abandoned. To have someone you care about throw you

out and never look back. I know,” Molly said. Ace slowly turned toward her. “What’s going on?” Polly said. “I get it, Ace. I really do,” Molly continued. She sighed. “It was my fourth birthday. My mom was making a cake for

me. All my friends came, which was just Debby, and she was too busy chasing a squirrel to notice. But I noticed. I saw it all. My dad was screaming in the house, and so was my mom. They screamed and screamed and I heard every word. My mom screaming ‘You’re never there for our daughter!’ My dad replying ‘What daughter?!? As far as I’m concerned, I’m not even married!’ ‘Well if that’s you really feel then you can just leave!’ ‘Alright, I will!’ My dad was never really the ‘fatherly’ type. I remember one time, when was watching golf, I came up to him with a baseball and asked if he would play. He took the baseball, threw it through the window and said ‘Fetch. But this time, don’t come back.’ And then he added ‘Yo, Angela! The kid busted the window.’ The day of my fourth birthday was the last straw for both him and my mom. He just got in his car, and drove away. I always thought he’d come back. That he’d remember me one day, drive up in his banged up Chevy, pick me up and give me a hug. But he never did.” Ace moved closer to her. “I looked him up on Facebook one time. I was almost going to send him a message,” Molly continued. “Then I saw the picture he posted. He had a new wife, and a new girl. Her name is Leslie. So now I have a half sister. He doesn’t need me anymore. And he never will.”

By the time Molly was done, Ace was standing right in front of her. “And you know what the weirdest part is?” she whispered. “My dad’s first name…is Andrew.” Molly stared at Ace. “He’s the brainless one…not you.”

Ace just stared. Finally, he managed to say, “Next time me and Polly go on vacation, I’m t-ping his house.” Molly laughed through the tears. “Maybe I’ll steal some of Leslie’s underpants, too.” Ace added.

“I really am sorry,” Molly said. “Me, too.” Ace held out his hand. “Friends?” “Best friends.” She took his hand- and felt a sudden jolt of electricity. “Ow!” Ace held up his palm to reveal a- “Joy buzzer. Don’t mess with the Prince of Pranks.” Polly joined them. “That’s nothing compared to what he did to the Eiffel Tower.” “What did he do?” Molly asked. “You didn’t tell her?” Polly asked Ace. “Molly, remember in the first letter I sent you, I told you to check your underpants drawer?” “Yeah.” “Well…” Ace took a photo from his pocket. A pair of pink underpants was waving from the top of the Eiffel Tower. “You know you owe me and new pair, right?” Molly said. “You can have Maxine’s,” he smirked.

Maxine. Molly took Ace’s hand. (The one without the hand buzzer.) “Come on. There’s something we need to


It was the next morning. Molly had been grounded for skipping school and received a week of detention. School was out for the day, and Molly was approaching Maxine’s locker. “Hey, Max.”

She looked up from her backpack, which she’d been stuffing with homework. “Hi, Molly. What’s up?” “There’s something you need to know.” “What?” Molly checked to make sure no one else was around before motioning for someone to come out. Ace and Polly

slowly creped out from around the corner, visible to both Molly and Maxine. “Maxine, these are my friends. My imaginary friends. Ace and Polly.” Maxine stared before allowing a smile.

“What is it?” Molly asked. Please still be my friend. Please still be my friend. Please still be

my friend. “I need to show you something too,” Maxine said. Dominic, Maxine’s twin brother, spiked black hair and all, came

around the other corner. Maxine took out a photo. “This is a picture of my family.” Molly took the picture. There was a mom, a dad, and Maxine. “Where’s Dominic?”

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“He was there,” Maxine said. “It’s just…no one else saw him.” “What do you mean no one- no way.” Molly stared. “Domino…reveal,” Maxine commanded. Dominic suddenly turned as black as a shadow. Large white dots popped

up all over him. “Wait…he’s an” “Imaginary friend,” Domino finished. Molly’s eyes widened. “You threw that paper airplane!” “Yup.” “But how did you even see Ace?” “People might not see him, but other imaginaries can.” “But I saw you at the lunch table the other day!” “Because I wanted you to.” “But you looked normal!” Molly persisted. “Hey!” Ace interjected. “I’m normal too!” Polly and Molly stared at him. “Okay, no I’m not.” “Why be normal?” Polly said, hugging Ace. “I like you just the way you are.” “All imaginary friends can do that,” Domino said. He turned to Ace. “Didn’t you know?” “Yeah,” he said pointing to himself. “But who would wanna give up this face?” “How did you even know Ace was mine?” Molly asked. “It’s wasn’t that hard. New girl in town, suddenly there’s an imaginary friend stealing Maxie’s underpants. You’re

predictable.” Molly held her head. “This is a lot to take in.” “You made two of them! How do you think I’m coping?” Maxine asked. Molly pointed to Ace. “I didn’t make him.” “Who did?” Molly giggled. “It’s a long story.” “With the birds and the bees…” Polly said airily. “And the oak trees,” Ace added. “Don’t forget the oak trees.” Molly pushed Ace closer to Domino. Slowly, Domino smiled. Ace smiled. Ace reached in his pocket and held out

something pink to Maxine. “I think this is yours.” Maxine accepted the underpants and kissed Ace on the cheek. Ace fell into some sort of trance. “Uh…uh….”

Polly came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “Watch it,” she grinned. “Only one girl can do that to my boyfriend, and it’s me.”

Ace snapped into reality. “Boyfriend?” Everyone laughed, except Ace, who was still processing this. “Looks like our imaginary friends are friends,” Maxine said. “Looks that way,” Molly replied. “Boyfriend???” Ace repeated. Polly shut him up by kissing him on the lips. “I think I’m gonna like it here,” Molly said.

1 Month Later

“Go fish,” Polly commanded Ace, her current (and most likely her only one for life) boyfriend. Ace picked up a card from the deck. “I’ll be right back.” He got up and left the room. Maxine quickly blew up a pink

balloon and put it where he was sitting. Domino was playing chess with her. Molly would play the winner. “This is fun. What a great way to spend our one month Friend-Aversary,” Maxine said. “I know, right?” Molly agreed. Domino nodded. Ace walked back in with a glass of water. “My turn, right?” He took his seat. Bblllllllllllpp! Everyone turned to Ace.

He got up and picked up a deflated whoopee cushion. Maxine laughed loudly.

Oh no. Molly thought. Please don’t get mad. Please don’t get mad. Please, please,

please! Ace stuck out his hand to Maxine. “Well played.” Molly sighed with relief.

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Maxine shook his hand. ZAP! “Ouch!” She retracted her hand.

Ace held up his joy buzzer. “No one outsmarts the Prince of Pranks! Woo-hoo!” “That buzzer really does bring you joy, doesn’t it?” Domino asked. “Yes. Yes it does.” “Yeah, we’ll it brought me pain!” Maxine said. “Exactly,” Ace said. “Your pain is my joy.” Maxine groaned. “Your move,” Domino told her. Ace got up and started to walk into the next room. “Where are you going?” Molly asked. He looked over his shoulder and smirked. “That wasn’t just the whoopee cushion.” “What do you mean it wasn’t…Oh my god!” Everyone ran out of the room. “Ace, that’s disgusting!” “Dude, that reeks!” Maxine told him. “Thanks,” he smiled. “Eh, I’ve smelled worse,” Domino said. “It’s Paris all over again!!!” Polly wailed. “I’m gonna start carrying a gas mask,” Molly said. “Ditto,” Maxine agreed. “Mom, turn the fan on!” Molly called to her mother, who was in the kitchen, safe from the odor. “Why?” Ms. Hyde asked. “Don’t ask!” Once they were safely away from the stench and their eyes stopped watering, they all laughed. Ace got a few high

fives and a kiss from Polly. “I love you, Smelly,” she said. “Good, cause I didn’t deodorize either,” he smirked. “Start,” Molly said. “Before this house is condemned from your odor.” And that’s basically how it went in the Hyde house. Starting with imaginary gray people, and ending with the true

meaning of friendship being farts. Molly looked around at her group of friends and thought, So this is how my life is

now. Who would have thought? She smiled. Maybe to some this is strange, to some,

imagination is for babies. But to me, this is regular. This is how I like it. my reality.


(Just kidding!!! :) Don’t miss the fourth story:

Andrew, My Nightmare.

P.S. This is basically an ongoing series now. What can I say? Imagination

never ends.)

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“Cool,” by Taylor Bradley

So you think you’re too cool

To go to school?

Well I have to disagree.

Just because you wear your pants

Real low

Doesn’t mean that you can judge me.

I don’t need a pair of shades

Or some fancy roller blades

To make me feel good.

Because you’re strong,

You can do whatever.

Doesn’t mean that you should!

You can’t put me down

‘Cause I know my grades are good.

You think you got “swag”

We’ll I hope you’re glad,

‘Cause on the inside,

You’re just hollow.

Your pride you cannot


Open your eyes

And look in the mirror

And wipe off that

Pompous sneer.

Take off your shades,

Now the answer’s clear!

“”Cool” doesn’t make

The man.

Put yourself in the shoes

Of others.

And show respect

To your mothers.

Heed my word,

‘Cause when I’m free

As a bird,

I’ll be soarin’

In the sky,

Because I didn’t change myself

To be a

“Cool” guy.

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Deadpool – by Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Page 13: Teen Zine Fall 2013 - · Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls My Reality – Taylor Bradley Cool – Taylor Bradley Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Beat of Angels Wings (AKA: That Horse Story, Part 2) – by Dessa Leonard

“Don't be cheesy.” I smiled and rolled my eyes. He chuckled and set his menu down in reply. “So, the money. Explain.” “I told you. Money is no object to angels. I may not be immortal, but I'm still in touch with my Angelic side – just enough to keep what few precious powers I have left over from the fall.” “ just appears?” Jey nodded. “Pretty much.” His eyes were focused on something behind me. Fearing the two angels had returned, I whirled around and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw the waitress. I looked back at Jey and noticed he had gone cold again. He looked out the window and clenched his jaw. “We'll take four cheeseburgers, two orders of fries and two chocolate shakes.” I smiled at her. “Thanks.” I passed her the two menus. She gave a bored nod and walked off. Awkwardly, I turned to Jey and looked down. When I looked back up he was smiling at me. “People-shy much?” I asked, laying on my arms. “It’s distrust more so than shyness.” He said, looking down at me. “So...people-shy.” I repeated, sitting upright. “Believe what you want.” He mumbled, leaning back and brushing his hair from his face. “So why me? Why do you hate literally every person on earth but me?” I asked, tilting my head a bit as if it would help me understand what he wasn't saying. “It's...complicated...” He muttered, looking out the window again. “How can I trust you to catch me when you won't even tell me what's bothering you?” I frowned, staring at him intently. He continued to gaze out the window. “There are a lot of things that I can't tell you. I want to, but I can't. It’s too complicated.” “I can handle the truth.” I said, crossing my arms. “I know Little Rebel.” He replied, looking back at me. The food arrived, and I frowned, wanting Jey to confide in me. I picked up a hamburger, and bit down. At least the hot food felt good inside my stomach, slowly warming me up. Jey sighed as he also picked up a burger and began to eat. He swallowed and looked up. “Are there any hotels

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around here?” He asked, taking a drink of his chocolate shake. I looked up, swallowed, and frowned. “I'm not sure.” Jey chuckled and looked out the window, glancing at the buildings to look and see. “Not that I see here. But I know where we can go,” he said, looking back at the food with a complex look on his face. I nodded halfheartedly and set my burger down. I just couldn't figure this angel out. One minute he was all serious, the next he was smiling. I was about to return to my meal when Jey set a hundred dollar bill on the table and stood up. “They're coming. Evral and Iasef,” he said, with a grave look on his face. He nudged me towards the door and I left the half-eaten meal on the table and headed into the afternoon heat. Jey looked around, and then headed out of town. Without questioning him, I followed. “Why me? Why am I the one to help you get your wings back?” I asked curiously, walking a little faster to keep up with him. “That's another thing I can't tell you.” The Angel said, plowing through a crosswalk with no concern for cars. I checked the streets before speeding after him. “Can you ever tell me?” I asked, with a sharp exhale. I was surprised now that I’d even gotten him to tell me his name. “Someday. Very soon. I'm sure you'll find out,” he replied. “I'm surprised you didn’t ask this question sooner.” “Like you'd answer,” I mumbled, shoving my hands into my pockets. Jey chuckled. “Great. Thanks. That's very helpful.” Jey laughed. “If you only knew, Little Rebel.” “I'd know if you'd tell me,” I mumbled. Then, suddenly feeling something behind me, I stopped. “Keep walking.” Jey prodded. “Go inside.” We were right in front of the local motel, so I turned, following Jey inside. We headed toward the front desk. Evral and Iasef were so close behind us I could practically feel Iasef's breath on my neck. She was shorter than me, but twice as powerful. Evral was next to her, standing a little too close to us. I took a second to wonder if his knee was hurting or not as Jey pulled me along. Once we reached an empty stretch of hallway, Jey pushed into one of the rooms. When we were inside, he turned around to meet the two other angels.

Page 15: Teen Zine Fall 2013 - · Cover – Project Tween: Kokeshi Dolls My Reality – Taylor Bradley Cool – Taylor Bradley Deadpool – Isabel Rizo & Kevin Cardenas

Evral smiled. “How nice of you to make some time for us.” Iasef took a step forward. Jey tensed up, as if waiting for something. “We don't appreciate the lie, Jey. It was very selfish of you to use your powers to protect her. We only wish to help you get back your wings,” Iasef said. “You aren't able,” Jey scowled. “You know that,” he said, crossing his arms. Evral scowled at me. “Once you get them, you know you'll go home. And we'll be here. Waiting.” Jey was about to respond, when a new presence made itself known to us. “Not if someone is waiting for you first,” he said, walking closer. As I studied his face, I could tell there was something familiar about it, but he was a stranger. Like someone you meet at a party, and forget about completely until you see them again. I blinked, trying to place the face to a name, but just couldn't. The stranger stood in between me and Jey, glaring at the other two fallen angels. “And I WILL be waiting,” he threatened. Evral and Iasef's eyes widened. They were clearly afraid of this man. If he wasn't defending me, I would be scared of him too. He was at least 6'5” – no contest, he was the tallest person there. His face wasn't menacing, but his presence was...strange. He was seriously scary, but I also felt a strange sense of comfort from it. I looked over at Jey to see if he was feeling it too, and by the look on his face, he was simply terrified of this stranger. “This isn't over!” Evral growled, before turning to run from the room. When he was gone, the stranger turned to Jey. “Hello, son of Gabriel,” he said to Jey, who gave a nod back. “Lucifer. I never thought I'd meet you face to face,” was all Jey muttered, as he clammed up – more than a little nervous. I sat down on the bed. Lucifer, as in the angel who rebelled against heaven and was the first to fall to earth? As if hearing my thoughts, Lucifer turned to me and bent down, looking me over. I wracked my brain, trying to figure why he seemed so familiar. “How entertaining is this?” He chuckled, “The rebellious son of Gabriel delivering a Nephilim to me.” “I don't find it funny,” Jey said, stepping over to me and blocking Lucifer from my view. “She doesn't know who you are, Lucifer.” I stood up. “What is going on?!” I yelled, surprising myself at the tone I had taken. I had never snapped at anyone fact, before I had met Jey I was the most complacent person on Earth.

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Lucifer laughed. “ can see she needs the help. She's grown a bit flat without her better half.” “Will ONE of you speak English?!” I demanded again. Finally, Jey turned around. “A Nephilim is a half-human, half-angel. That's you. But since you've never woken up your angel half, the half of you that has most of your free will, emotion and power, you've-” “I've never really been myself,” I interrupted, knowing exactly what he meant. Lucifer nodded, gently pushing Jey aside. “Correct. Your angelic half was dormant until it came into contact with other angels. With a bit of poking, it will wake up fully.” I looked around the room, and finally decided to look at Lucifer in the eye after I gathered my courage. “ parents are both human. Not like archangel boy over there,” I said, looking at Jey. Wait...sarcasm? Where did that come from? Jey shot me a look and I gave a small shrug. “Sorry Jey...” I mumbled, before looking back at Lucifer. “Your parents most likely believe you belong to them, but I believe in this case your mother wasn't the most...honest wife.” “But if my dad isn't my real dad, who is?” I asked, looking back and forth between Jey and Lucifer. Jey looked at me with a soft smile. “Little Rebel, meet the very First Rebel, Lucifer. Your father.”

Lilies – by Dessa Leonard

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The Calling - by Shreya Sharma

Can you hear the calling? Urging you to pursue your dreams? Can’t you tell that it is tempting? To believe that everything is not what it seems? Why won’t you go to the voices? And all that they have to say? They could change your life, In an unexpected way. They could lead you far away, To a land never known. Here you can make the future, And the journey your own. Go, and bring forth a transformation, That may shatter you with a knife But risks must be taken, For that is the meaning of life.

teen zine is:

Taylor Bradley, Dessa Leonard, Shreya Sharma, and Isabel Rizo

Please join us at our next meeting!

Call the Information Desk (847-669-5386 ext. 21) to attend.

Teen Zine is a publication of the Huntley Area Public Library’s teen writers’ club and includes members’ work as well as submissions from area teens in grades 6 – 12. If you would like to

submit your work for review and possible inclusion in a future issue of the zine, please fill out a submission form (available at the library’s Information Desk), or use our online form: