Download - TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Page 1: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 2: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 3: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 4: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 5: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 6: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 7: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire

Page 8: TechRaking 7 Presentation: Story of the Gun

cultivates a culture of understanding and empathy

ampifies the voices of community members

as local as local gets while remaining scaleable

Damian Wolfgram + Ivan Yip + Kinto Diriwachter + Madeleine Maguire