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Leisure activity Jess, ,Ethan and Jacob

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Who, kids and parents

What, for kids who don’t go outside

When, they don’t have anything to do

Where, at home or out some where

Why, because kids play in side to much on the Xbox and etc.

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Problem• Many children want to play out but

there garden is dull and boring and have nowhere to go.

• There are many leisure centres in there town but many don’t know where

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Problem Question

How can I get my kid off there electronics and make them play outside

How can we find a fun place for are kids to go and have fun?

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Key insight statements

People who’s kids don’t go outside currently try to use bribing , but this does not work, because kids might think your kidding with what your saying.

Our key insight is that people need to tell them to go and find somewhere fun like a leisure centre if they have a sport they enjoy tell them there favourite sport is there and this will hopefully make them leave the house more.

Our key insight is that parents need a method of working out how to make there kids do what they want outside.

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Mini elevator speech

My team technos, is developing an app to help parents solve the problem of there kids going outside or going to a shopping centre by telling them.

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User Profile

Meet Abby she likes going outside she has a I phone as well ,some times Abby gets board . Our app is to make more people go outside. You press the search button and you put in what you what to do like if you want to go to the park it will come up with the nearest park .

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Competitors or other solutions

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User stories

As a user I would love a app to help me find places for me .I love going to places like parks or football area. Lucy ( who loves leisure centre) would like to find the nearest centre as she can't go that far.

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Business model

A3 sheet Business caseWho benefits from your app?Main target user For kids who don’t have anything to do Others who benefit Friends and family


Our business model All users payyes

Some users payno

Somebody else pays no

My team’s app leisure activity app will operate a business model in which all users pay.My team has identified that all users are willing to pay towards the app, because it can help kids or adults find a place to go.   

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Marketing stategy