Download - Technology role

Page 1: Technology role


Noor Al-Maashani

Habiba Al Ghafri      

Page 2: Technology role


Technology promotes students’ learning

Technology facilitate teacher's task

Technology Promotes Collaboration

Advantages to education


Page 3: Technology role

Technology is used as a tool to support the

efforts of teachers to promote different

learning styles among students to become

interested in the learning process.

Computers are incorporated into school

curricula: Teachers use presentation Graphics Software

Students use application software and the internet

Internet technology is becoming a global

tool used in a mediated classroom with: e-

Instruction, e-learning or distance learning


Page 4: Technology role

Technology promotes students’ learning by;

Serving different learning style (Visual, Auditory,

and Kinesthetic) through the use of different

media such as video, cassette recorder,

photographs, pictures and others

It provides opportunities for students to exercise

their curiosity in learning to know more through

the use of online recourses.

Technology promotes students’ learning

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Using technology facilitate teacher's task in

display information for a big number of

students with different learning characteristic

by using an OHP, applications, online exams

and others.

Technology facilitate teacher's task

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Technology promotes collaboration and reflective

learning :

Presents an authentic model and/or student-created model

Supports self-directed learning and continues learning

outside of the classroom (Blacke,2013)

provides more channels for communication between the

school and other schools, parents, students, teachers,

Ministry of Education and others

Technology Promotes Collaboration

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Promotes Critical Thinking

Social Learning

Increase Language Skills

Modalities and Learning Styles


Students and Teachers Co-Creators

Advantages to education

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As we know; the development of teaching and

learning process is fundamental for the development

of the society. Teaching gives knowledge, leads to

career progression and builds character. Integrating

technology in teaching and learning has become a

necessity. Scientific research has shown that effective

integration of technology increases students'

productivity, enhances their learning, facilitates the

process of teaching, promotes lifelong learning and

supports the effective use of resources.
