Download - Technology for speakers and trainers

  • 1.Technology for Speakers and Trainers
    Potent Tools for Online and In-Person Presentations and Training

2. Awareness Test
3. What technology tools are you currently using?
4. How To Vote via Texting
Standard texting rates only (worst case US $0.20)
We have no access to your phone number
Capitalization doesnt matter, but spaces and spelling do
5. New Technology for Speakers and Trainers
Video Tools
6. Skype
7. Terry Brock
Terry Brock is a professional speaker and marketing coach. He writes about technology, marketing and the Internet as a journalist since 1995.
Terry has an MBA with a major in Marketing.
He served as President of the local NSA chapter in Georgia and served for six years on the Board of Directors of the National Speakers Association.
8. Skype Multi-View Chats
9. Skype - Pricing
10. OoVoo
11. OoVoo - Pricing
12. iMeet
13. iMeet

  • Up to 15 Conversations

14. Everyone with their own cube 15. Side Conversations 16. Knowing who is talking 17. No Software or Downloads (Flash driven solution)