Download - Technology evolution



Daniel M. Sta. Maria

MTE 502

How do you define Technology?

• Technology Defines as

“a material entity created by the application of mental and physical effort to nature in order to achieve some value"

How do you define Technology?

" therefore it is a product of

collaborative effort of Ideas

and work that comes to life.

“combinatorial evolution”.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell if technology is something to love or to fear

Are computers making us smarter or dumbing us down?

Are genetically modified foods a miracle or a menace?

Will the future be a utopia or a nightmare?

•What’s really scary is how little control we have over it.

• It seems to have a life of it’s own.

•We’re fearful of unleashing forces that are beyond our control.

Whatever we might think or feel, technology will

progress and we need to decide for ourselves how we will interact with it.

• Yet before we can do that, we need to understand how it evolves into being.

How does technology evolves?

Technology evolves by a process of self-creation.

New technologies are constructed from ones that already exist and these offer themselves as possible building-block elements for the construction of still further and more improve technologies.


Thales of Miletus and his AMBER.

Dr. William Gilbert 1600 CE ”Father of Electricity”

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN 1751 CE ”Lightning Thief”

ALOYSIUS GALVANI 1780 CE “Frog Prince”


• 1820 HANS CHRISTIAN OERSTED “Electromagnet” magnetic lines of force”analogmeter.

• 1820 Andre Marie Ampere “ Current”


• 1831 JOSEPH HENRY “ Electromagnet”

• 1832 - 1837 SAMUEL F. B. MORSE “ Telegraph”

• 1825 - 1867 MICHAEL FARADAY “ Capacitance”,”Generator”

• 1865 JAMES CLERK MAXWELL “electromagnetic theory of light (Electromagnetic wave)”

• 1875 ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL “ Telephone”

• 1887 – 1888 HEINRICH HERTZ “Father of Radio”

• 1893 NIKOLA TESLA “Tesla Coil”

• 1895 - 1900 GUGLIELMO MARCONI “Wireless Telegraph”

• 1900 – 1905 LEE DE FOREST” Vacuum Tube”

• 1912 - 1913 IRVING LANGMUIR and HAROLD ARNOLD ““high vacuum”

• 1924 JOHN LOGIE BAIRD “First to demonstrate television image”........

It is in this way that technology creates itself out of itself. It builds itself piece by piece from the collective of existing


Any solution to a human need—any novel means to a purpose—can only

be made manifest in the physical world using methods and components

that already exist.

• The rules of Technological evolution thus make a strong argument for accelerating evolution. Compared to the snail-paced evolution of the human species, we have to wonder if we’ll be able to manage the increasing complexity of technology or if the dystopian vision of some futurists will come true: machines will become ‘alive’ with artificial intelligence and not just roam the earth but also rule it.