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Technical guide

Visual Basic Application

(Hotel Booking Application)

See ref.3

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List of contents

Technical guide ............................................................................................................................ 1

.................................................................................................................................................... 1

Visual Basic Application............................................................................................................... 1

(Hotel Booking Application) ......................................................................................................... 1

List of contents ............................................................................................................................. 2

Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3

This technical guide is divided into several sections and these are: ................................................... 3

System requirements ..................................................................................................................... 4

Hardware requirements ................................................................................................................. 4

Software requirements .................................................................................................................. 4

Software and hardware requirements for programmers to customise or to create programs ................ 5

Customising content and copyright ................................................................................................ 6

What features can be customised?.................................................................................................. 6

Editing and attaching tools ............................................................................................................ 7

File structure ................................................................................................................................ 8

Accessibility ................................................................................................................................ 8

Technical Support......................................................................................................................... 9

Installing web-server..................................................................................................................... 9

Producing CD-ROMs for distribution ............................................................................................ 9

Troubleshooting technical problems ............................................................................................... 9

Technical guide for Non-technical audience of the program........................................................... 11

Bibliography .............................................................................................................................. 15

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This Technical guide has been developed to support and assist users and

programmers to maintain Visual Applications.

This technical guide is divided into several sections and these are:

System requirements

Customising content

Technical support (Troubleshooting, FAQs and help desk)

Technical guide for Non-technical audience

See ref.1

See ref.2

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System requirements In order for the user to use the visual basic application, there are several hardware and

software requirements that both users and programmers requires in order to successfully

debug and create certain software through the use of Visual Basic program.

Hardware requirements

To use the Visual Basic Application, users or/and programmers must use a computer with the

following features so that the programme can successfully debug and run:

Internet access(preferred Wi-Fi for home users)

Sound card installed on the computer

At least 256 MB of RAM

CD –ROM Drive

IMB compatible with 1000 MHz processor for Windows operating systems

Versions: 2000, XP, Vista, 7 & 8.

IMB compatible with 500 MHz processor for Apple operating systems

Versions: Apple Macintosh, OS, OSX and above.

Software requirements Programmers or/and user must have the following software so that the program can be

debugged and so that the tools such as the buttons and other tools are fully functional.

The user’s computer must have the following software versions:

Google Chrome

Version: 31.0.1650.57 Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8.

Source: -- OR --

Internet Explorer

Version: 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11. Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7 & 8. Source:

-- OR --

Safari Version: 2.0.4 or above


Adobe® Flash Player 9

Version: 9 or above.

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Microsoft Word or/and WordPad Version: 97-2013


Adobe® PDF Reader Version: 6.0 or above Source:

Visual Basic or/and Visual Studio

Version: 2008 and above. Source:

Please update the versions of the applications that I have mentioned above if certain

applications are not yet updated. What’s more is that you should refer (visit websites) to the

link that I have attached above to update some applications. Afterwards, once you have

opened the links, a variety of applications are available on the websites (links can be found

beneath the applications that I have mentioned).

Software and hardware requirements for programmers to customise or to

create programs

Developers should also consider of installing the hardware and software components that are

mentioned above so that programmers are able to create and code their own programs (Visual Basic is

required in order to carry out this task), where the developer may require the following applications

and learning programming languages such as HTML and Visual Basic programming languages.

Aside from the hardware and software components that I have mentioned above, the programmer may

also require the following components for viewing certain files and to design their own program.

Programmers may require the following applications:

Microsoft Word to edit documents and view documents such as this ‘Technical Guide’.

Visual Studio

Version: 2008 or above.

Photoshop /Fireworks or MS Publisher for editing logos, images and designing.

Notepad ++

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Customising content and copyright When creating applications and documentations, it’s imperative that we do not contravene the

copyright legislations and comply with the conditions of a certain licence. Furthermore, before we

commence any modifications, I recommend programmers to refer to the license details and comply

with those conditions so that programmers does not contravene those certain conditions of a particular

licence, particularly when copying and editing items (these includes the use of images and other

applications).As a result, programmers can only carry out customisations and other task for a

particular item that the programmer has copied. In addition when programmers has copied materials

of not their own work, programmers must reference the materials that they may have used so that they

do not contravene with the conditions of that certain licence.

What features can be customised? In terms of customisation, programmers would be able to customise all areas and objects that they

may have included to their program, where the programmer has full control of editing and coding all

areas of the program. These includes creating a login form, where the programmer is expected to code

appropriate validations and include appropriate data types so that the programmer can create a

functional login form , where users can enter their username and password successfully.

Customisable elements (tools and techniques) on Visual Basic

Element (tools and techniques)

To customise (Description)


Key-press and number-text

validations (textbox for

Telephone number)

Programmers would be able to customise the text validations on a textbox by simply editing the code, where only allowed

texts (strings) can be entered.

Dim allowedChars As

String = " -0123456789 ()"

Set an image for


Navigate to the properties of the form and select on ‘Background image’, where the programmer would have the opportunity to select their preferred image, to set as background.


Create a login form

In order to login form, a programmer must first declare variable declaration for username and password. Afterwards, the programmer can code a text-validations for username and password so that only appropriate username and password can be allowed to be accepted by the program.

Dim username, password As String

username = txtUsername.Text

password = txtPassword.Text

Set specific items to appear

on one combo-box if a

certain item has been

In order to carry out this specific task, two combo-boxes must be attached on the form

If cboCountry.SelectedItem = "Wales" Then

cboCity.Items.Add("Bangor") cboCity.Items.Add("Cardiff")

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selected on another combo-


and code these combo-boxes so that these items could function (view the code).

cboCity.Items.Add("Newport") cboCity.Items.Add("St Davids")


To add another form to your


To add another form to your program, this particular task can be carried out through GUI as this will involve of using tabs and buttons. To add another form to your program, please carry out the following instructions:

Click the ‘Project’ tab

Click ‘Add Windows Form’

Select ‘Windows form’

And press the ‘OK’ button.


Editing and attaching tools

There are a variety of methods of editing your program. However, to select tools for your program,

navigate to the ‘Toolbox’ of Visual Basic, where you will be able to access to a variety of tools such

as buttons, combo-boxes, group-box and check-boxes.

To attach texts (labels), simply access to the ‘Toolbox’ of Visual Basic or Visual Studio and click

label. Afterwards, drag a label to the form of your program; navigate to the properties of the label and

insert the texts (word or sentences) on the ‘Text’ textbox so that you are able to customise and edit the

label. However, spell-check feature is not included on Visual Basic, you should consider of

proofreading the texts that you as a programmer is inserting into your program. What’s more is that

you should consider of text-editor applications such as Microsoft Word, where you as a programmer

would be able to spell-check and grammar check texts that you may attempted to include on your


To code tools and items on your program such as buttons, labels and combo-boxes, simply double-

click the item that you prefer to code and a coding window will appear. What’s more is that you

should always ensure that your codes are accurate so that certain items and tools can function


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File structure

The root folder has the following sub-folders:

source_files which usually contains Flash files. In addition this type of files can usually be

edited and flash files are usually images and text-based files.

Shared includes all scripts, styles, glossary, intranet and resources that the programmer

may have used and included on the application are saved on the CD-ROM of their computer.

Projecrs contains forms and tools and objects that are attached on the form of the program,

or the program itself. In the other words, project contains all the materials that are used for the


Each form folder may have the following file structures:

css folder, which is a folder that contains the styles.

Resources folder, contains certain files that the programmer may have used to include on the

program such as images, where the programmer may have used to set a a background.

docs is a type of file that is normally used for any Word documents.

debug folder usually contains the exe.file of the program.



Title attributes have been used on links to describe specific materials, or software component in the

link, where specific components and materials has been described and well identified in greater detail

that both users and programmer may require in order for both readers to fully understand the purpose

and function of the components and other materials. In addition links that are attached on this

technical guide is a website address, therefore when the user or programmer has opened the link, a

new window will usually appear of either an ‘Internet Explorer’ or a ‘Firefox’ browser; once a link

has been selected by pressing <Ctrl> and left-clicking the mouse, a browser usually opens. As a

result, both users and programmers would be able to access to the links that has been mentioned on

this technical guide.

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Technical Support

Technical support is available from the Help Desk. The information concerning the contact details of

the Help desk is available on the last page of this technical guide. However, before contacting the

Help Desk, please ensure that the problems that you may have encountered is not shown on the

‘Troubleshooting technical problems’ section, where some problems are shown of resolving certain

problems are answered.

Please contact the College for further details at

Installing web-server

Producing CD-ROMs for distribution Once the program has been completed and fully functional, the programmer may consider of

producing CD-ROMs for distribution. Therefore, the programmer should consider of carry out the

following steps so that programmer is able to carry out this particular task.

Step 1: Using your computer, open your preferred burning software.

Step 2: Select the data option.

Step 3: Drag or copy all files of the program (do not include the source_files directory).

Step 4: Burn.

Note: When considering producing class sets of copies, the programmer should consider of testing the

first disk, to ensure that the program is functioning appropriately.

Troubleshooting technical problems

1.) A message-box may appear which contains information warning the user of the required

software that requires to be updated or to be downloaded. This particular software is often

Flash player, as flash player is required to play or debug certain applications such as playing

videos or so that the program can be debugged successfully.

To resolve this problem, the user could carry out the following options:

Update the Flash player that is installed on your computer or

The Internet Explorer is blocking active content – navigate to the Internet Option;

select the ‘Advance’ tab and uncheck the checkbox for ‘Allow active content to run in

files on My Computer’.

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2.) A security file warning may appear which requires the user’s attention in order for the user to

successfully open the program. What’s more is that the security warning requires the user to

select two options and these are to ‘Run’ the program, or to ‘Cancel’ the process of opening

the program,

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Technical guide for Non-technical audience of the


Login form

To close the program, press the ‘Exit’ button by left-clicking your mouse.

To sign-in and proceed to the next form of the program, press the ‘Sign in’ button by left-clicking

your mouse. However, correct username and password must be entered correctly.

To remove texts that you may have entered on the textbox for username and password, click the

‘Clear’ button by left-clicking your mouse.

To access information of how you can sign-in, press the ‘Help’ button and a window will open

containing information concerning appropriate username and password so that the you (the user)

would be able to sign in. What’s more is that the ‘Help’ also provides instructions of necessary steps

that you could carry out when you are experiencing technical issues.

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Main screen

To return to the preview form (login form), press the ‘Back’ button by left-clicking your mouse.

To proceed to the next form of the program, click the ‘Next’ button and you will be able to

progress the next form of the program.

To access to more information, click the ‘Help’ button.

To remove all texts that have been entered on the textboxes within the main screen, click the

‘Clear’ button and all texts will be erased.

To close the program, click the ‘Exit’ button.

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Main form

To select your preferred destination country, click the combo-box for ‘Country’ and you will be

able to choose your preferred destination country.

To select your preferred city, please choose one of the options on the combo-box for ‘City’.

To select your own your chosen hotel type, check your chosen hotel type, which can be located in

this form.

To go back to the previous form, click the ‘Back’ button.

To proceed to the next form of the program, press the ‘Next’ button of the program.

To reset items that has been checked and selected on the combo-boxes and checkboxes that are

located within this form of the program, click the ‘Clear’ button.

To close the program, please press the ‘Exit’ button.

To access additional information regarding the steps of how to use this particular form of this

program, please click the ‘Help’ button and you will be able to access to necessary information that

you may require to operate this form of the program.

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To save all details that you have provided, press the ‘Saveinfo’ by left-clicking your mouse.

To remove all texts that the user has provided, click the ‘Clear’ button left-clicking your mouse.

To go back to the previous form of the program, click the ‘Back’ button left-clicking your mouse.

To print all objects and texts within this form of the program, click the ‘Print’ button by left-

clicking your mouse.

To access to relevant information of how the user can operate this particular form of the

program, click the ‘Help’ button by left-clicking your mouse.

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Contact details:

For more information on any of these applications please contact:

Phone: (07) 12345670

Fax: (07) 213131232

Email: [email protected]


Rookery Lane Campus Rookery Lane





Ref 1:

Ref 2:

Ref 3: