Download - Technical Details of the Management Strategy …...6 111 direction when the control rule was reapplied in the fourth year. Thus, four variants of the biomass 112 based control rule

Page 1: Technical Details of the Management Strategy …...6 111 direction when the control rule was reapplied in the fourth year. Thus, four variants of the biomass 112 based control rule

Technical Details of the Management Strategy Evaluation


This document provides the technical details of the MSE. The document has three distinct

sections with details that pertain to: 1) Atlantic herring (Deroba), 2) Atlantic herring predators (Gaichas),

and 3) economics (Lee). Symbol definitions and terminology may vary among sections. This

inconsistency is the outcome of meeting deadlines, but also a lack of standardization in the scientific

community such that the same term may be defined differently by a fisheries biologist or an economist.

Consequently, each section should be read somewhat independently. The models of predators and

economics, however, do rely on outputs from the Atlantic herring simulations, and these dependencies

are highlighted in each section. The Atlantic herring section also includes the majority of results, and so

some cross-referencing among sections may be necessary to understand the interpretation of some

performance metrics.

Page 2: Technical Details of the Management Strategy …...6 111 direction when the control rule was reapplied in the fourth year. Thus, four variants of the biomass 112 based control rule


Technical Details of Operating Models and Harvest Control Rules used in the Georges Bank/Gulf of 1

Maine Atlantic herring Management Strategy Evaluation 2

Jonathan J. Deroba 3

Introduction 4

Attention has been given to applying a harvest control rule to Atlantic herring Clupea harengus 5

that considers a fishery objective related to their role as a forage fish. The fishery also has other 6

competing objectives, however, such as attaining relatively high and stable yields. The information 7

available to evaluate the relative performance of control rules at meeting these competing fishery 8

objectives is limited to analyses that are not specific to the system (Pikitch et al., 2012; Deroba and 9

Bence 2008). While “borrowing” control rules from other systems or species might be a valid last resort, 10

it is not the ideal method (Deroba and Bence 2008). Applying generic control rules may have 11

unintended consequences, may not achieve fishery objectives, and may not adequately consider 12

uncertainty in the way in which the control rules were derived (Deroba and Bence 2008). Control rules 13

and the parameters that define them are best chosen based on stochastic simulations that consider key 14

uncertainties for the specific system (e.g., management strategy evaluation; MSE; Deroba and Bence 15

2008). This document describes a system specific MSE for Atlantic herring that may be used by the New 16

England Fishery Management Council to choose a harvest control rule. 17

Methods 18

Basics.—An MSE was developed specific to Gulf of Maine – Georges Bank Atlantic herring. The 19

MSE was a modified version of that used in Deroba (2014), and symbols are largely consistent with 20

Deroba (2014; Table 1). The MSE was based on an age-structured simulation that considered fish from 21

age-1 through age-8+ (age-8 and older), which is consistent with the age ranges used in the 2012 and 22

2015 Atlantic herring stock assessments (NEFSC 2012; Deroba 2015). The abundances at age in year one 23

of all simulations equaled the equilibrium abundances produced by the fishing mortality rate that would 24

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reduce the population to 40% of 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐹𝐹=0. Abundance in each subsequent age and year was calculated 25

assuming that fish died exponentially according to an age and year specific total instantaneous mortality 26

rate: 27

𝑁𝑁𝑎𝑎+1,𝑦𝑦+1 = 𝑁𝑁𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦𝑒𝑒−𝑍𝑍𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 ; 28

𝑍𝑍𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 = 𝐹𝐹𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 + 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 . 29

Recruitment followed Beverton-Holt dynamics: 30


1−ℎ4ℎ �𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑦𝑦

1+� 5ℎ−14ℎ𝑅𝑅𝐹𝐹=0



2 ; 31

𝜀𝜀𝑅𝑅𝑦𝑦 = 𝜔𝜔𝜀𝜀𝑅𝑅𝑦𝑦−1 + √1 − 𝜔𝜔2𝜒𝜒𝑦𝑦; 𝜒𝜒𝑦𝑦~𝑁𝑁(0,𝜎𝜎𝑅𝑅2); 32

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑦𝑦 = ∑ 𝑁𝑁𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑎𝑊𝑊𝑎𝑎8+𝑎𝑎=1 ; 33

(Francis 1992). The variance of recruitment process errors (𝜎𝜎𝑅𝑅2) equaled 0.36 and the degree of 34

autocorrelation (𝜔𝜔) equaled 0.1, which are values consistent with recruitment estimates from a 35

recent Atlantic herring stock assessment (Deroba 2015). 36

Assessment Error.—A stock assessment was approximated (i.e., assessment errors) similar to 37

Punt et al. (2008) and Deroba (2014): 38

𝑁𝑁�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 = �𝑁𝑁𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦(𝜌𝜌 + 1)�𝑒𝑒𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑𝑦𝑦−𝜎𝜎𝜑𝜑2

2 ; 39

where: 40

𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑𝑦𝑦 = 𝜗𝜗𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑𝑦𝑦−1 + √1 − 𝜗𝜗2𝜏𝜏𝑦𝑦; 𝜏𝜏𝑦𝑦~𝑁𝑁(0,𝜎𝜎𝜑𝜑2). 41


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The variance of assessment errors �𝜎𝜎𝜑𝜑2� equaled 0.05 and autocorrelation (𝜗𝜗) equaled 0.7. Rho (𝜌𝜌) 43

allowed for the inclusion of bias in the assessed value of abundance (see below; Deroba 2014). Assessed 44

spawning stock biomass �𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦� was calculated similarly to 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑦𝑦 except with 𝑁𝑁𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 replaced with 𝑁𝑁�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦, 45

and assessed total biomass �𝑆𝑆�𝑦𝑦� was calculated as the sum across ages of the product of 𝑁𝑁�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 and 46

𝑊𝑊𝑎𝑎. 47

Operating Models.—The stakeholder workshops identified uncertainties about herring life 48

history traits and stock assessment, and the effect of some of these uncertainties on harvest control rule 49

performance was evaluated by simulating the control rules for each of eight operating models (Table 2; 50

Figures 1-2). The uncertainties addressed by the eight operating models included: Atlantic herring 51

natural mortality and recruitment , Atlantic herring weight-at-age, and possible bias in the stock 52

assessment beyond the unbiased measurement error �𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑𝑦𝑦�. 53

The specific values used in the operating models for each of the uncertainties were premised on 54

data used in recent stock assessments or estimates from fits of stock assessment models (Deroba 2015). 55

Natural mortality in recent stock assessments has varied among ages and years, with 𝑀𝑀 being higher 56

during 1996-2014 than in previous years (NEFSC 2012; Deroba 2015). Natural mortality in the stock 57

assessments also has relatively minor amounts of interannual variation in 𝑀𝑀 because the 𝑀𝑀 values were 58

calculated using a relationship with weights at age (Lorenzen 1996), which vary slightly among years. 59

Natural mortality, however, has also been identified as an uncertainty in the stock assessments and 60

sensitivity runs have been conducted without higher 𝑀𝑀during 1996-2014, such that 𝑀𝑀is nearly constant 61

among years (NEFSC 2012; Deroba 2015). To capture uncertainty in 𝑀𝑀in the MSE, operating models 62

were run with either relatively high or low 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 (Table 2; Figure 1). Relatively high 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 values equaled the 63

age-specific natural mortality rates averaged over the years 2005-2014 that are inputs to the stock 64

assessment with higher rates in recent years (i.e., higher 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 during 1996-2014). Relatively low 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 65

values in the MSE equaled the age-specific natural mortality rates averaged over the years 2005-2014 66

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that are inputs to the stock assessment with nearly constant natural mortality among years (i.e., the 67

assessment without higher 𝑀𝑀 during 1996-2014). In the MSE, 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 was always time invariant. 68

Uncertainty in estimates of stock-recruit parameters were represented in the MSE by using the 69

parameters estimated by stock assessments fit with and without the higher 𝑀𝑀during 1996-2014. Stock 70

assessment fits with higher 𝑀𝑀during 1996-2014 produced estimates of steepness and unfished SSB that 71

were lower than in stock assessment fits without higher 𝑀𝑀during 1996-2014 (Table 3; Figure 1). Thus, 72

operating models with relatively high 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 always had relatively low steepness and unfished SSB, and the 73

opposite held with relatively low 𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎 (Table 2). 74

Uncertainty in Atlantic herring size-at-age was accounted for by having operating models with 75

either fast or slow growth (i.e., weights-at-age; Table 2; Figure 3). Atlantic herring weight-at-age 76

generally declined from the mid-1980s through the mid-1990s, and has been relatively stable since. 77

Reasons for the decline are speculative and no causal relationships have been established. Thus, fast 78

growth operating models had weights-at-age that equaled the January 1 weights-at-age from the most 79

recent stock assessment averaged over the years 1976-1985, while the slow growth operating models 80

averaged over the years 2005-2014 (Deroba 2015). In the MSE, weight-at-age was always time 81

invariant. 82

Differences in 𝑀𝑀, stock-recruit parameters, and weights-at-age led to differences in unfished 83

and MSY reference points among operating models (Table 3). The effect of 𝑀𝑀 and stock-recruit 84

parameters was larger than the effect of differences in weight-at-age (Table 3). 85

To address concerns about possible stock assessment bias, operating models with and without a 86

positive bias were included. In operating models without bias, 𝜌𝜌 = 0 and the only assessment error was 87

that caused by the unbiased measurement errors �𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑𝑦𝑦�. In operating models with bias, 𝜌𝜌 = 0.6, which 88

was based on the degree of retrospective pattern in SSB from the most recent stock assessment (Deroba 89

2015). 90

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Harvest Control Rules.—Several basic control rules were evaluated, including a biomass based 91

control rule (Katsukawa 2004), a constant catch rule, and a conditional constant catch rule (Figure 3; 92

Clark and Hare 2004; Deroba and Bence 2012). The biomass based control rule was defined by three 93

parameters: the proportion (𝜓𝜓) of 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 that dictates the maximum desired fishing mortality rate �𝐹𝐹��, 94

an upper SSB threshold (SSBup), and a lower SSB threshold (SSBlow). The 𝐹𝐹� equaled the maximum when 95

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� was above the upper threshold, declined linearly between the upper and lower thresholds, and 96

equaled zero below the lower threshold: 97



⎪⎧ 𝐹𝐹𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑦𝑦𝜓𝜓 if 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦 ≥ 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆up

�𝐹𝐹𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑚𝑦𝑦𝜓𝜓�𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦 − 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆low𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆up − 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆low

if 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 < 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦 < 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑢𝑢𝑝𝑝

0 if 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦 ≤ 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙

The 𝐹𝐹�𝑦𝑦 was then used to set a quota in year 𝑦𝑦 + 1: 98

𝑄𝑄𝑦𝑦+1 = ∑ 𝐹𝐹�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦

𝐹𝐹�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦+𝑀𝑀8+𝑎𝑎=1 𝑆𝑆�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦�1 − 𝑒𝑒−�𝐹𝐹�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦+𝑀𝑀𝑎𝑎��; 99

where 𝐹𝐹�𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 equaled 𝐹𝐹�𝑦𝑦 times 𝑆𝑆𝑎𝑎, and 𝑆𝑆𝑎𝑎 was time and simulation invariant selectivity at age equal to the 100

values for the mobile gear fishery reported in Deroba (2015; Table 1). 𝐹𝐹�𝑦𝑦 was used to set a quota in the 101

following year to approximate the practice of using projections based on an assessment using data 102

through year 𝑦𝑦 – 1 to set quotas in the following year(s). Furthermore, although 𝐹𝐹�𝑦𝑦 was set using 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦, 103

the quota was based on 𝑆𝑆�𝑦𝑦 because the fishery selects some immature ages. The fully selected fishing 104

mortality rate that would remove the quota from the true population �𝐹𝐹�𝑦𝑦� was found using Newton-105

Raphson iterations. 106

Several variations of the biomass based rule were also evaluated. These variations included 107

applying the control rule annually, using the same quota for three year blocks such that the control rule 108

is applied every fourth year (i.e., 𝑄𝑄𝑦𝑦+1 = 𝑄𝑄𝑦𝑦+2 = 𝑄𝑄𝑦𝑦+3), using the same quota for 5 year blocks, and 109

using the same quota for three year blocks but restricting the change in the quota to 15% in either 110

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direction when the control rule was reapplied in the fourth year. Thus, four variants of the biomass 111

based control rule were evaluated: 1) annual application, 2) three year blocks, 3) five year blocks, and 4) 112

3 year blocks with a 15% restriction. 113

For each biomass based control rule variant, a range of values for the three parameters defining 114

the control rule were evaluated. The proportion (𝜓𝜓) of 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 that dictates the maximum desired fishing 115

mortality rate was varied from 0.1𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 to 1.0𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 in increments of 0.1, while the upper and lower SSB 116

threshold parameters (SSBup, SSBlow) were varied from 0.0𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 to 4𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 but with inconsistent 117

increments (i.e., 0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4). The full 118

factorial of combinations for the three biomass based control rule parameters produced 1,360 119

shapes (note SSBlow must be < SSBup) and each of these shapes was evaluated for each of the four 120

biomass based control rule variants described above. The control rule used to set Atlantic 121

herring allowable biological catch for the years 2013-2018 (i.e., the status quo control rule used 122

to set quotas) was defined as a biomass based control rule that used three year blocks with: 123

𝜓𝜓 = 0.9, SSBup = 0.5, and SSBlow = 0.0. This shape was chosen for the status quo because for years 2013-124

2018 the quota for herring was set to a constant value for three year blocks (2013-2015; 2016-2018; 125

NEFSC 2012; Deroba 2015), the average proportion of 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 achieved by the quotas over those years 126

equaled 0.9, the stock enters a rebuilding plan with reduced fishing mortality at SSBup = 0.5 (i.e., half of 127

𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀), and the fishery would never entirely close and so SSBlow = 0.0. The linear decline in 𝐹𝐹� 128

between SSBup = 0.5 and SSBlow = 0.0 may not exactly match what would occur in reality because 129

entering a rebuilding plan may induce non-linear changes in 𝐹𝐹� , but adding this reality requires short-130

term projections be conducted within the MSE and this is not a trivial task and could not be completed 131

in the given time frame. 132

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The constant catch control rule is defined by one parameter, a desired constant catch 133

(i.e., quota) amount (Figure 3). The constant catch amounts were varied from 0.1 𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑌𝑌 to 134

1.0𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑌𝑌 in increments of 0.1. 135

The conditional constant catch rule used a constant desired catch amount unless removing that 136

desired catch from the assessed biomass caused the fully selected fishing mortality rate to exceed a pre-137

determined maximum, in which case the desired catch was set to the value produced by applying the 138

maximum fully selected fishing mortality rate to the assessed biomass (Figure 3). Thus, the conditional 139

constant catch rule has two policy parameters: a desired constant catch amount, and a maximum fishing 140

mortality rate. The constant catch amounts were varied from 0.1 𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑌𝑌 to 1.0𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑌𝑌 in increments of 141

0.1, while the maximum fishing mortality rate equaled 0. 5 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀. When the maximum fishing 142

mortality rate portion the conditional constant catch rule was invoked, a quota was set in the same 143

manner as when 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� 𝑦𝑦 ≥ 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆up in the biomass based control rule described above. 144

Implementation Error.—Implementation errors were also included in a similar way as in Punt et 145

al. (2008) and Deroba and Bence (2012): 146

𝐹𝐹𝑎𝑎,𝑦𝑦 = 𝐹𝐹�𝑦𝑦𝑆𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑒𝑒𝜀𝜀𝜃𝜃𝑦𝑦−


2 ; 𝜀𝜀𝜃𝜃~𝑁𝑁(0,𝜎𝜎𝜃𝜃2). 147

The variance of implementation errors �𝜎𝜎𝜃𝜃2� equaled 0.001. 148

Performance metrics.—For each combination of control rule shape and operating model, 100 149

simulations were conducted, each for 150 years. Preliminary simulations suggested that this number of 150

simulations and years was sufficient for results to be insensitive to starting conditions and short-term 151

dynamics caused by auto-correlated processes. Median SSB, 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆


, yield, yield𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀

, biomass of 152

herring dying due to 𝑀𝑀, and the proportion of the herring population comprised of age-1 fish over the 153

last 50 years of each simulation were recorded as performance metrics. Additional performance metrics 154

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included the proportion of the last 50 years of each simulation with SSB < 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀, SSB < 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀2

(i.e., 155

proportion of the last 50 years that are overfished), SSB < 0.3𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐹𝐹=0, SSB < 0.75𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐹𝐹=0, fully-selected 156

𝐹𝐹 > 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 (i.e., proportion of the last 50 years that overfishing occurred), and 𝑄𝑄 = 0 (i.e., proportion of 157

the last 50 years that the fishery was closed). Interannual variation in yield (IAV) was also recorded over 158

the last 50 years of each simulation: 159

𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼𝐼 = � 150∑ �𝑌𝑌𝑦𝑦+1 − 𝑌𝑌𝑦𝑦�

250𝑦𝑦=1 � 1

50∑ 𝑌𝑌𝑦𝑦50𝑦𝑦=1 �� . 160

These performance metrics were highlighted to be of interest at the stakeholder workshops. 161

Two types of two-dimensional tradeoff plots for some pairs of performance metrics were used 162

to graphically summarize results. 1) For comparing large numbers of control rule shapes, tradeoff plots 163

were generated for individual operating models and were based on the median among simulations, such 164

that each control rule shape was represented by a single point. These types of plots were generally used 165

to introduce the broad topic of tradeoffs, convey the extent of performance that each general control 166

rule could achieve, and to highlight the pairs of metrics with relatively strong tradeoffs. While focusing 167

on a single operating model and relying solely on the median ignores variation in results, simultaneously 168

plotting the range of performance among operating models with multiple percentiles for thousands of 169

control rule shapes was ineffectual. 2) For comparing relatively few control rule shapes (e.g., < ~6), 170

tradeoff plots were generated using shaded areas that ranged from the 25th to the 75th percentile of 171

each performance metric among all the operating models for each control rule shape. These types of 172

plots were generally used to introduce the concept of “robustness”, i.e., that some control rule shapes 173

are more certain to produce a given result or tradeoff than other control rule shapes. These two types 174

of tradeoff plots are presented in separate Results sections below. 175

Results presented here also include performance metrics for Atlantic herring predators, the 176

details of which can be found in Gaichas’ technical document. Results for economic metrics are not 177

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presented here because some corrections and refinements are being made. The details of the economic 178

metrics are available, however, in Lee’s technical document. Results for economic metrics may be 179

presented at the peer review meeting. Some cross-referencing between this document and the other 180

technical documents may be necessary. 181

Results 182

The results described here are intended to serve as examples of how various graphics were used 183

to convey information, and are not comprehensive. Results for control rule shapes that achieve 184

specified objectives (e.g., achieve 80% of MSY) are also not presented because the New England Fishery 185

Management Council is in the process of selecting preferred control rules, and this process has not yet 186

identified such preferred objectives or performance. 187

1) Comparing large numbers of control rule shapes—Yield relative to MSY (i.e., yield𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀

) generally 188

exhibited a dome-shaped relationship with 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐹𝐹=0

, and the severity of this relationship varied 189

among operating models (Figure 4, which occurs on multiple pages). Generally, the biomass 190

based control rule variants achieved higher levels of yield and maintained higher biomass than 191

the constant catch or conditional constant catch rules (Figure 4). 192

A broad range of yield𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀

could be achieved across a broad range of IAV, and while this 193

relationship varied among operating models, the general pattern held. So for the sake of 194

brevity, results were only presented for the operating model with a combination of Hi M, low 195

steepness, slow growth, and an unbiased assessment (Figure 5). The biomass based rule 196

applied with 3 year blocks and a 15% restriction, the constant catch, and the conditional constant catch 197

rules more consistently achieved low IAV than the other biomass based alternatives, but this came 198

at the cost of fewer alternatives that could achieve relatively high yield (Figure 5). 199

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The frequency with which tuna weight was greater than average was driven almost 200

entirely by whether Atlantic herring grew fast or slow (Figure 6). Results were only presented 201

for operating models with a combination of Hi M, low steepness, and an unbiased assessment 202

(Figure 6). 203

The frequency with which tern production was > 1 (i.e., that terns were able to maintain 204

replacement) was generally ~85% or higher and Atlantic herring biomass was generally higher 205

for the biomass based alternatives without the 15% restriction than for the biomass based rule 206

with three year blocks and a 15% restriction, constant catch, and conditional constant catch 207

rules (Figure 7). Results were only presented for the operating model with a combination of Hi 208

M, low steepness, slow growth, and an unbiased assessment (Figure 7). 209

Results for the frequency with which dogfish were > 0.5BMSY were similar to results for 210

that of tern production (Figure 8). The frequency with which dogfish were > 0.5BMSY was nearly 211

1.0 and Atlantic herring biomass was generally higher for the biomass based alternatives 212

without the 15% restriction than for the biomass based rule with three year blocks and a 15% 213

restriction, constant catch, and conditional constant catch rules (Figure 8). Results were only 214

presented for the operating model with a combination of Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, 215

and an unbiased assessment (Figure 8). 216

2a) Comparing relatively few control rule shapes—Results in this section pertain to four 217

specific biomass based control rule shapes (Figure 9). These four shapes were chosen ad hoc 218

and are for demonstration purposes. Unless otherwise noted, the same colors correspond to 219

the same biomass based shapes throughout the figures. Whether the control rules were 220

applied annually, with three year blocks, or with five year blocks was noted in figure captions, 221

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as was whether the results cover operating models with unbiased assessments or both biased 222

and unbiased assessments. 223

Control rules that were more certain to provide relatively high yield were more certain 224

to produce smaller amounts of herring SSB, more frequently resulted in herring becoming 225

overfished, and were more certain to produce less variation in yield than control rules less 226

certain to provide relatively high yield (Figure 10). Control rules that resulted in herring 227

becoming overfished less frequently also produced more frequent fishery closures than other 228

control rules (Figure 10). 229

The frequency with which tuna weight was greater than average was driven almost 230

entirely by whether Atlantic herring grew fast or slow, and so results for each control rule 231

varied from 0-1 in that metric (Figure 11). Control rules less certain to maintain the frequency 232

of tern production at levels > 1 were also more certain to reduce herring SSB, although in the 233

worst case the frequency with which tern production was > 1 was still > ~80% (Figure 11). The 234

frequency with which dogfish were > 0.5BMSY did not vary among the four control rule shapes 235

(Figure 11). 236

2b) Comparing the sensitivity of relatively few control rule shapes to assessment bias—237

All of the control rules produced less herring SSB in biased assessment operating models than in 238

unbiased assessment operating models (Figure 12). Some control rules, however, were more 239

certain to generate less yield in the biased than in the unbiased operating models, while other 240

control rules were actually more certain to produce higher yield in the biased than unbiased 241

assessment operating models (Figure 12). All of the control rules were more certain to result in 242

greater frequencies of herring becoming overfished in biased than in unbiased assessment 243

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operating models, but control rules that were more certain to produce relatively high yield in 244

the unbiased operating models were more sensitive to assessment bias(Figure 12). Other 245

tradeoff plots were not included for the sake of brevity. 246

2c) Evaluating the effect of applying biomass based control rules annually, in three year 247

blocks, or five year blocks—The same four control rules analyzed in sections 2a and 2b (Figure 248

9) were also evaluated for their sensitivity to applying each of the control rules annually, in 249

three year blocks, or in five year blocks. The four control rules responded similarly to the 250

various blocks, and so results are only presented for the status quo biomass based shape (see 251

Harvest Control Rules section above). 252

The short-term stability provided by using the same quota in three or five year blocks 253

resulted in less long-term yield, less herring SSB, greater frequencies of herring becoming 254

overfished, and increases in long-term variation in yield (i.e., IAV) than if quotas were varied 255

annually (Figure 13). The effects were greatest on the frequency that herring became 256

overfished (Figure 13). 257

Caveats 258

This MSE assumed that the reference points used to define the harvest control rules (i.e., 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 259

and 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀) were known without error. The bias and precision of such reference points, however, can 260

depend on life history characteristics, exploitation history, and autocorrelation in recruitment (Brodziak 261

et al., 2008; Haltuch et al., 2008; Haltuch et al., 2009). Incorporation of errors in these reference points 262

into an MSE is not a trivial task (see discussion in Deroba and Bence 2012), but should be a topic of 263

future research. 264

Assessment errors in this MSE were induced by applying multiplicative error to the underlying 265

true abundance, but incorporation of a full stock assessment model (e.g., statistical catch-at-age) into 266

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MSEs can affect control rule performance (Cox and Kronlund 2008). Incorporation of the assessment 267

models intended for use in making management recommendations should be the goal of this MSE. 268

While some life-history parameters varied among operating models, they were all treated as 269

time invariant within each operating model. Time varying life history parameters can affect control rule 270

performance (Walters and Parma 1996; Deroba and Bence 2008; Hawkshaw and Walters 2015), 271

however, and this should also be a topic of future research. 272

References 273

Brodziak, J., Cadrin, S.X., Legault, C.M., Murawski, S.A. 2008. Goals and strategies for rebuilding New 274

England groundfish stocks. Fisheries Research 94: 355-366. 275

Clark, W.G., and Hare, S.R. 2004. A conditional constant catch policy for managing the Pacific halibut 276

fishery. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24: 106-113. 277

Cox, S.P., and Kronlund, A.R. 2008. Practical stakeholder-driven harvest policies for groundfish fisheries 278

in British Columbia, Canada. Fisheries Research 94: 224-237. 279

Deroba, J.J. 2014. Evaluating the consequences of adjusting fish stock assessment estimates of biomass 280

for retrospective patterns using Mohn’s rho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 281

34: 380-390. 282

Deroba, J.J. 2015. Atlantic herring operational assessment report 2015. US Dept. Commer., Northeast 283

Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 15-16; 30p. 284

Deroba, J.J., and Bence, J.R. 2008. A review of harvest policies: understanding relative performance of 285

control rules. Fisheries Research 94: 210-223. 286

Deroba, J.J., and Bence, J.R. 2012. Evaluating harvest control rules for lake whitefish in the Great Lakes: 287

accounting for variable life-history traits. Fisheries Research 121-122: 88-103. 288

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Francis, R.I.C.C. 1992. Use of risk analysis to assess fishery management strategies: A case study using 289

orange roughy on the Chatham Rise, New Zealand. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic 290

Sciences 49: 922-930. 291

Haltuch, M.A., Punt, A.E., Dorn, M.W. 2008. Evaluating alternative estimators of fishery management 292

reference points. Fisheries Research 94: 290-303. 293

Haltuch, M.A., Punt, A.E., Dorn, M.W. 2009. Evaluating the estimation of fishery management 294

reference points in a variable environment. Fisheries Research 100: 42-56. 295

Hawkshaw, M., and Walters, C.J. 2015. Harvest control rules for mixed-stock fisheries coping with 296

autocorrelated recruitment variation, conservation of weak stocks, and economic well-being. 297

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 759-766. 298

Katsukawa, T. 2004. Numerical investigation of the optimal control rule for decision making in fisheries 299

management. Fisheries Science 70: 123-131. 300

Lorenzen, K. 1996. The relationship between body weight and natural mortality in juvenile and adult 301

fish: a comparison of natural ecosystems and aquaculture. Journal of Fish Biology 49: 627-647. 302

NEFSC (Northeast Fisheries Science Center). 2012. 54th Northeast Regional Stock Assessment Workshop 303

(54th SAW) Assessment Report. US Department of Commerce, Northeast Fisheries Science 304

Center Reference Document 12-18; 600pp. 305

Pikitch, E., Boersma, P.D., Boyd, I.L., Conover, D.O., Cury, P., Essington, T., Heppell, S.S., Houde, E.D., 306

Mangel, M., Pauly, D., Plagànyi, È., Sainsbury, K., and Steneck, R.S. 2012. Little Fish, Big Impact: 307

Managing a Crucial Link in the Ocean Food Webs. Lenfest Ocean Program. Washington, D.C. 308

108pp. 309

Punt, A.E., Dorn, M.W., Haltuch, M.A. 2008. Evaluation of threshold management strategies for 310

groundfish off the US west coast. Fisheries Research 94: 251-266. 311

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Walters, C.J., and Parma, A.M. 1996. Fixed exploitation rate strategies for coping with effects of climate 312

change. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 148-158. 313


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Figure 1.—Hi and lo natural mortality rates and stock-recruit relationships used in Atlantic herring MSE operating models. Hi natural mortality was always used with lo steepness in the operating models, and the opposite also held true.

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Figure 2.—Fast and slow growth values used in Atlantic herring MSE operating models.

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Figure 3.—Example relationships between fishing mortality or catch and biomass for each basic type of control rule evaluated.




Biomass Biomass







Constant Catch Conditional Constant Catch


Biomass Based


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Figure 4.—Tradeoff plot for median yield relative to MSY versus SSB relative to unfished SSB. BB is the annually applied biomass based control rule, BB3yr is the biomass based policy with 3 year blocks, BB5yr is the biomass based policy with 5 year blocks, BB3yrPerc is the biomass based three year block policy with a 15% restriction, CC is constant catch (filled dots in far right panel) and CCC is conditional constant catch (open circles in the far right panel). The red triangle is the performance of the status quo shape (see main text). The green dots simultaneously achieve 80% of MSY and 65% of unfished SSB.

Hi M, low steepness, fast growth, biased assessment

Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, biased assessment

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Figure 4 (continued).—

Hi M, low steepness, fast growth, unbiased assessment

Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, unbiased assessment

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Figure 4 (continued).—

Lo M, Hi steepness, fast growth, biased assessment

Lo M, Hi steepness, slow growth, biased assessment

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Figure 4 (continued).—

Lo M, Hi steepness, fast growth, unbiased assessment

Lo M, Hi steepness, slow growth, unbiased assessment

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Figure 5.—Tradeoff plot for median yield relative to MSY versus IAV (Variation in Yield) for the operating model with Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, and an unbiased assessment. All else is as in Figure 4.

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Figure 6.—Tradeoff plot for median frequency with which tuna weight was greater than average (Prob Wt>Avg) versus SSB relative to unfished SSB for the operating model with Hi M, low steepness, and an unbiased assessment. All else is as in Figure 4.

Hi M, low steepness, fast growth, unbiased assessment

Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, unbiased assessment

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Figure 7.—Tradeoff plot for median frequency with which tern production was > 1 (Prob Tern Produ>1) versus SSB relative to unfished SSB for the operating model with Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, and an unbiased assessment. All else is as in Figure 4.

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Figure 8.—Tradeoff plot for median frequency with which dogfish biomass was > 0.5BMSY (Prob GF>0.5Bmsy) versus SSB relative to unfished SSB for the operating model with Hi M, low steepness, slow growth, and an unbiased assessment. All else is as in Figure 4.

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Figure 9.—Four biomass based control rule shapes, the results for which will be presented in Figures 10-12.

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Figure 10.—Tradeoff plots for yield relative to MSY versus SSB relative to unfished SSB, yield relative to MSY versus frequency herring become overfished, yield relative to MSY versus IAV (Variation in Yield), and frequency herring become overfished versus the frequency of fishery closure. The range of colors cover the extremes of the 25th and 75th percentiles for all operating models except those with biased stock assessments, and pertain to four biomass based control rule shapes applied with three year blocks. Triangles are the median of operating models with low M and hi steepness, while circles are medians for operating models with hi M and low steepness.

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Figure 11.—Tradeoff plots for frequency with which tuna weight was greater than average, frequency with which tern production was > 1, and frequency with which dogfish biomass was > 0.5BMSY versus herring SSB relative to unfished SSB. All else is as in Figure 10.

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Figure 12.—Tradeoff plots for yield relative to MSY versus SSB relative to unfished SSB and yield relative to MSY versus frequency herring become overfished.

The solid colors cover the extremes of the 25th and 75th percentiles for operating models with unbiased assessments (i.e., as in Figure 10), while the hatched

colored ranges are for operating models with biased assessments. All else is as in Figure 10.

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Figure 13.—Tradeoff plots for yield relative to MSY versus SSB relative to unfished SSB, yield relative to MSY versus frequency herring become overfished, and yield relative to MSY versus IAV (Variation in Yield). Results are only for the status quo biomass based control shape and for operating models with unbiased assessments, and the colors are indicative of whether quotas were varied annually (red), using three year blocks (blue), or five year blocks (yellow). Colors are not indicative of different control rule shapes as they were in Figures 10-12. All else is as in Figure 10.

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Table 1. Symbols and descriptions of parameters or variables used in the simulation model Symbol Description y Year a Age 𝑁𝑁 True abundance 𝐹𝐹 Actual fishing mortality rate applied to the population 𝑀𝑀 Natural mortality 𝑍𝑍 Total mortality 𝑅𝑅 Recruitment h Steepness of the stock-recruitment relationship 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆 Spawning stock biomass 𝜀𝜀𝑅𝑅 Process error for the stock-recruitment relationship

𝜎𝜎𝑅𝑅2 Variance of the stock-recruitment process errors 𝜔𝜔 Autocorrelation coefficient for stock-recruitment process errors 𝜒𝜒 Errors for 𝜀𝜀𝑅𝑅 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝐹𝐹=0 Unfished spawning stock biomass 𝑅𝑅𝐹𝐹=0 Unfished recruitment 𝑁𝑁� Assessed abundance 𝜌𝜌 Degree of bias in assessed abundance 𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑 Assessment errors 𝜎𝜎𝜑𝜑2 Stationary variance of assessment errors 𝜏𝜏 Errors for 𝜀𝜀𝜑𝜑 𝜗𝜗 Autocorrelation coefficient for assessment errors 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆� Assessed spawning stock biomass 𝑚𝑚 Maturity 𝑊𝑊 Weight 𝑆𝑆� Assessed total biomass 𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑌𝑌 Maximum sustainable yield 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 Spawning stock biomass at maximum sustainable yield 𝐹𝐹� Desired fishing mortality rate 𝑆𝑆 Selectivity 𝑄𝑄 Desired quota 𝐹𝐹� Fishing mortality rate that would produce the desired quota when applied to the

true population 𝜀𝜀𝜃𝜃 Implementation errors 𝜎𝜎𝜃𝜃2 Variance of implementation errors 𝜓𝜓 Proportion of 𝐹𝐹𝑀𝑀𝑆𝑆𝑀𝑀 used to define a parameter of the biomass based control rule 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆up Upper biomass parameter of the biomass based control rule 𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆𝑆low Lower biomass parameter of the biomass based control rule IAV Interannual variation in yield

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Table 2.—General properties of the eight Atlantic herring operating models.

Hi Low Hi Low Fast Slow Biased Unbiasedx x x x

x x x xx x x x

x x x x

x x x xx x x x

x x x xx x x x

Steepness Natural Mortality Growth Assessment bias

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Table 3.—Unfished and MSY reference points for the Atlantic herring operating models.

Steepness Natural Mortality Growth Unfished SSB SSBMSY MSY FMSY

0.44 High Slow 845176 324977 66061 0.310.44 High Fast 845176 335849 60969 0.280.79 Low Slow 1347080 369089 129171 0.540.79 Low Fast 1347080 405485 120360 0.45

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Herring MSE: Predator ModelsSarah Gaichas and Jonathan Deroba, Northeast Fisheries Science Center

February 23, 2017


This document explains the predator modeling component of the Herring Mangement Strategy Evaluation(MSE). Predator modeling balanced the New England Fishery Management Council (Council) scope andtimeline specified for the Herring Amendment 8 ABC control rule analyses with the objectives identified forpredators during the first stakeholder workshop. The Council required evaluation of an annual, stock-wideAtlantic herring harvest control rule that considered herring’s ecological role as forage, to be completedwithin less than one year. Stakeholders were interested in evaluating potential effects of herring harvestcontrol rules on multiple predator types including highly migratory species (tuna), groundfish, seabirds, andmarine mammals.

Herring’s ecological role as forage

The food web of the Northeast US continental shelf large marine ecosystem is characterized by many diversepredators and prey (Fig. 1). Atlantic herring is group 37 in the figure, sharing the role of forage with othergroups such as sand lance (36), river herring (38), Atlantic mackerel (39), and butterfish (40) (Jason Link2002).

Figure 1: US Northeast shelf food web from Link 2002


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In the Northeast US, there is wealth of scientific information to characterize predator-prey relationships,including feeding ecology data for fish predators (e.g., B. E. Smith and Link 2010), seabirds (Hall, Kress,and Griffin 2000), bluefin tuna (Chase 2002; W. J. Golet et al. 2013; Logan, Golet, and Lutcavage 2015; W.Golet et al. 2015), and marine mammals (L. A. Smith et al. 2015). Consumption of herring by predatorshas been extensively studied in this ecosystem (W. J. Overholtz, Link, and Suslowicz 2000; W. J. Overholtzand Link 2007), and multiple methods were evaluated to include this consumption within the most recentherring benchmark stock assessment (NEFSC 2012). Much of this information was presented at the firststakeholder workshop in May 2016.

Predator modeling objectives for the herring MSE

We note that the general objective for the Council was to answer “how do changes in herring populationabundance affect predator populations?” This is a different and more complex question than that addressedin the 2012 herring assessment “how much herring is consumed by predators?” Council specifications andtime constraints and did not permit development of integrated multispecies models (existing models accountfor predation mortality on herring, but not “bottom up” herring impacts on predators), nor spatial orseasonal models accounting for migrations of wide-ranging predators into or out of the Northeast US shelfecosystem. At the initial stakeholder workshop, it was agreed that separate “general predator” modelslinked to herring would be a reasonable approach, with the goal of developing one model for each of the fourpredator categories: highly migratory fish, groundfish, seabirds, and marine mammals.

Predators were therefore modeled with fairly simple delay-difference population dynamics that allowed dif-ferent predator population processes to be dependent on some aspect of herring population status, following(Plagányi and Butterworth 2012). Each predator model takes output from the herring OM as input, andoutputs performance metrics identified at the stakeholder workshop as in Fig. 2. While this allows “bottomup” effects of herring on predators to be examined, this configuration does not consider “top down” effectsof predators on herring, or simultaneous interactions of multiple predators with herring.

Figure 2: Herring MSE information flow


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Summary of herring MSE predator modeling objectives

Predator models ARE:* Focused on evaluating stock-wide herring ABC harvest control rules applied annually* Developed balancing Council/ stakeholder specifications and time constraints of MSE* Based on information from the Northeast US shelf and most recent stock assessments

Predator models ARE NOT:* Spatial, do not address local scale or seasonal dynamics* New or full stock assessments* Accounting for any impacts on predators other than changes due to herring control rules* Intended to predict actual predator population dynamics


There are two components of predator modeling for the herring MSE: a predator population model, and aherring-predator relationship model to link herring with predator populations. Here, we give an overview ofthe modeling process, and we describe the decisions made in parameterizing individual predator models andherring-predator relationships in the following sections. The overall population in numbers for each predatoreach year Ny is modeled with a delay-difference function:

Ny+1 = NySy + Ry+1, (1)

where annual predator survival Sy is based on annual natural mortality v and exploitation u

Sy = (1 − vy)(1 − u), (2)

and annual recruitment Ry (delayed until recruitment age a) is a Beverton-Holt function:

Ry+a = αBy

β + By. (3)

Predator recruitment parameters are defined with steepness = h, unfished recruitment RF =0, and unfishedspawning biomass BF =0 as

α = 4hRF =0

5h − 1, and (4)

β = (BF =0/RF =0)((1 − h)/(4h))(5h − 1)/(4hRF =0)



Predator population biomass is defined with Ford-Walford plot intercept (FWint) and slope (FWslope)growth parameters

By+1 = Sy(FWintNy + FWslopeBy) + FWintRy+1 (6)


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Parameterizing this model requires specification of the stock-recruitment relationship (steepness h and un-fished spawning stock size in numbers or biomass), the natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality (exploita-tion) rate, the initial population size, and the weight at age of the predator (Ford-Walford plot intercept andslope parameters). For each predator, population parameters were derived from different sources (Tab. 1).

Table 1. Predator population model specification and parameter sources

Highly migratory Seabird Groundfish Marine mammalStakeholderpreferred species

Bluefin tuna Common tern not specified not specified

Species modeled Bluefin tuna(western Atlanticstock)

Common tern(Gulf of Mainecolonies asdefined by theGOM SeabirdWorking Group)

Spiny dogfish(GOM and GBcod stocks alsoexamined)

none, data limited(Minke &humpback whales,harbor porpoise,harbor sealexamined)

Stock-recruitment Currentassessment andliterature

Derived fromobservations

Currentassessment andliterature

No time seriesdata for ourregion

Natural mortality Currentassessment

Literature Currentassessment

Derivable fromassessment?

Fishing mortality Currentassessment

n/a Currentassessment

Derivable fromassessment?

Initial population Currentassessment

Derived fromobservations


Derivable fromassessment?

Weight at age Literature Literature Literature Literature

Predator population models were based on either the most recent stock assessment for the predator or fromobservational data from the Northeast US shelf. Herring-predator relationships were based on either peer-reviewed literature or observational data specific to the Northeast US shelf. We did not include processor observation error in any of these modeled relationships. This is obviously unrealistic, but the primaryobective of the herring MSE is to evaluate the effect of herring management on predators. Leaving outvariability driven by anything other than herring is intended to clarify the effect of herring managment.

To develop the herring-predator relationship model, specific herring population characteristics (e.g. totalabundance or biomass, or abundance/biomass of certain ages or sizes) were related to either predator growth,predator reproduction, or predator survival. Our aim was to use information specific to the Northeast USshelf ecosystem, either from peer-reviewed literature, from observations, or a combination.

In general, if support for a relationship between herring and predator recruitment was evident, it was modeledas a predator recruitment multiplier based on the herring population (Hpopy) relative to a specified thresholdHthresh:

Ry+a = αBy

β + By∗ γ(Hpopy/Hthresh)

(γ − 1) + (Hpopy/Hthresh), (7)

where γ > 1 links herring population size relative to the threshold level to predator recruitment.

If a relationship between predator growth and herring population size was evident, annual changes in growthwere modeled by modifying either the Ford-Walford intercept (AnnAlpha) or slope (AnnRho):

By+1 = Sy(AnnAlphayNy + FWslopeBy) + AnnAlphayRy+1, or (8)

By+1 = Sy(FWintNy + AnnRhoyBy) + FWintRy+1. (9)


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Finally, herring population size Hpopy could be related to predator survival using a multiplier on constantpredator annual natural mortality v:

vy = ve−( Hpopy

HpopF =0)δ

, (10)

where 0 < δ <1 links herring population size to predator survival.

After specifying the population model parameters and herring-predator relationship, we applied the (Hilbornand Walters 2003) equilibruim calculation for the delay difference model with F=0 to get the unfishedspawners per recruit ratio. This ratio was then used in a new equilibruim calculation with the currentpredator exploitation rate to estimate Beverton-Holt stock recruitment parameters, equilibrium recruitmentand equilibrium individual weight under exploitation. Then, each model was run forward for 150 years withoutput from the herring operating model specifying the herring population characteristics.

Highly migratory species

Bluefin tuna were identified at the stakeholder workshop as the recommended highly migratory herringpredator.

Tuna population model

Western Atlantic bluefin tuna population parameters were drawn from the 2014 stock assessment (ICCAT2015), the growth curve from (Restrepo et al. 2010), and recruitment parameters from a detailed examinationof alternative stock recruit relationships (Porch and Lauretta 2016). Ultimately, the “low recruitment”scenario was selected to represent bluefin tuna productivity in the Gulf of Maine, which defines Bmsyas 13,226 t and therefore affects measures of status relative to Bmsy. Continuation of the current tunafishing strategy (F<0.5Fmsy under the low recruitment scenario) is assumed. All predator population modelparameters are listed in Table 2.

Herring-tuna relationship model

Tuna diets are variable depending on location and timing of foraging (Chase 2002; W. J. Golet et al. 2013;Logan, Golet, and Lutcavage 2015; W. Golet et al. 2015), but for the purposes of this analysis, we assumedthat herring is an important enough prey of tuna to impact tuna growth in the Northeast US shelf ecosystem.A relationship between bluefin tuna growth and herring average weight was implemented based on informa-tion and methods in W. Golet et al. (2015). The relationship between tuna condition anomaly (defined asproportional departures from the weight-at-length relationship used in the assessment) and average weightof tuna-prey-sized herring (Havgwty, herring >180 mm collected from commercial herring fisheries) wasmodeled as a generalized logistic function with lower and upper bounds on tuna growth parameters:

AnnAlphay = (0.9FWint) + (1.1FWint) − (0.9FWint)1 + e(1−λ)∗(100(Havgwty−T )/T ) , (11)

where λ > 1 links herring average weight anomalies to tuna growth.

The inflection point of T = 0.15 kg average weight matches the 0 tuna weight anomaly in W. Golet et al.(2015) (p. 186, Fig 2C), and upper and lower bounds were determined by estimating the growth interceptwith weight at age 10% higher or lower, respectively from the average weight at age obtained by applyingthe length to weight conversion reported in the 2014 stock assessment (ICCAT 2015) to the length at ageestimated from the Restrepo et al. (2010) growth curve (Fig 3). When included in the model with λ = 1.1 inequation 11, the simulated variation in tuna weight at age covered the observed range reported in W. Goletet al. (2015).


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0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3





Figure 3: Modeled herring average weight-tuna growth relationship


Common terns were identified at the stakeholder workshop as the recommended seabird herring predator.

Tern population model

There is no published stock assessment or population model for most seabirds in the Northeast US. Therefore,Gulf of Maine Common and Arctic tern population parameters were drawn from accounts in the Birdsof North America (Hatch 2002; Nisbet 2002) and estimated from counts of breeding pairs and estimatesof fledgling success summarized by the Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group (GOMSWG; data at, as corrected and updated by seabird experts from throughout Maine. While weanalyzed both Arctic and Common tern information, the stakeholder workshop identified Common terns asthe example species for modeling, and this species has more extensive data and a generally higher proportionof herring in its diet based on that data. Therefore, the model is based on common terns in the Gulf ofMaine.

Adult breeding pairs by colony were combined with estimated productivity of fledglings per nest to estimatethe annual number of fledglings for each year. A survival rate of 10% was applied to fledglings from each yearto represent “recruits” to the breeding adult population age 4 and up (Nisbet 2002). This “stock-recruit”information was used to estimate steepness for the delay difference model based on common tern informationonly. Fitting parameters with R nls (R Core Team 2016) had variable success, with the full dataset unable toestimate a significant beta parameter (cyan line, Fig. 4) for common terns, and a truncated dataset resultingin low population production rates inconsistent with currently observed common tern trends (bright greenline overlaid with black, Fig. 4). Therefore, steepness was estimated to give a relationship (black line, Fig.4) falling between these two lines. The resulting stock recruit relationship set steepness at 0.26, a theoreticalmaximum breeding adult population of 45,000 pairs (Nisbet (2002), 1930’s New England population), and atheoretical maximum recruitment of 4,500 individuals annually (reflecting approximately a productivity of1.0 at “carrying capacity” resulting in a stable population). Average common tern productivity is 1.02 (allGOM colony data combined). Adult mortality was assumed to be 0.1 for the delay difference model (survivalof 90% (Nisbet 2002) for adults).


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0 10000 20000 30000 40000




* 0





Tern stock and recruitment assuming 10% fledgling−>adult survival

Figure 4: Stock-recruitment function for Gulf of Maine common terns

The resulting model based on common tern population dynamics in the Gulf of Maine (with no link toherring) predicts that the population will increase to its carrying capacity under steady conditions over a150 year simulation. The actual population has increased at ~2% per year between 1998 and 2015 (Fig. 5).Given the lack of detailed demographic information in the delay-difference model, this was considered a goodrepresentation of the average observed trend in current common tern population dynamics.


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2000 2005 2010 2015








Figure 5: Population trends for Gulf of Maine terns, no herring link

Herring-tern relationship model

The relationship between herring abundance and tern reproductive success was built based on informationfrom individual colonies on annual productivity, proportion of herring in the diet, and amount of herring inthe population as estimated by the current stock assessment. Since little of this information has appeared inthe peer-reviewed literature, we present it in detail here. First, productivity information was evaluated bymajor diet item recorded for chicks over all colonies and years. In general, common tern productivity washigher when a streamlined fish species was the major diet item relative to invertebrates, but having herringas the major diet item resulted in about the same distribution of productivities as having hake or sandlanceas the major diet item for these colonies (Fig. 6).


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ity species



Figure 6: Major diet items for Gulf of Maine tern fledgelings

Individual colonies showed different trends in number of nesting pairs, productivity, and proportion of herringin the diet (plots available upon request). When both Arctic and Common terns shared a colony, interannualchanges in productivity were generally similar between species, suggesting that conditions at and around thecolony (weather, predation pressure, and prey fields) strongly influenced productivity rather than species-specific traits. Only two colonies (Machias Seal Island near the Canadian Border and Stratton Island insouthern Maine) showed a significant positive correlation between the proportion of herring in the chick dietand productivity. Other islands showed either non-significant (no) relationships, or in one case (MetinicIsland) a significant negative relationship (Fig. 7).


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White and Seavey

Pond I Seal I Ship I Stratton

Metinic Monomoy Outer green Petit Manan

Eastern Egg Rock Jenny I Machias Seal Matinicus Rock

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75

0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75




ity species



Herring proportion in diet and tern productivity GOM

Figure 7: Herring proporiton in diet and tern productivity by colony

The estimated population size of herring on the Northeast US shelf had some relationship to the amountof herring in tern diet at several colonies (4 of 13 common tern colony diets related to herring Age 1recruitment, 6 of 13 common tern colony diets related to herring total B, and 4 of 13 common tern colonydiets related to herring SSB; detailed statistics and plots available upon request). However, statisticallysignificant direct relationships between herring population size and tern productivity were rare, with onlyShip Island productivity increasing with herring total B, and Eastern Egg Rock, Matinicus Rock, Ship,and Monomoy Islands productivity increasing with herring SSB. Given that Monomoy Island tern chicksconsistently received the lowest proportion of herring in their diets of any colony (0-11%), we don’t considerthis relationship further to build the model.

Based on tern feeding observations, we would expect the number of age 1 herring in the population to bemost related to tern productivity since that is the size class terns target, but this relationship was not foundin analyzing the data. Herring total biomass was positively related to tern diets at nearly half of the colonies,and reflects all size classes including the smaller sizes most useful as tern forage, but was only directly relatedto tern productivity at one colony. Herring SSB was not considered further as an index of tern prey becauseit represents sizes larger than tern forage.

To represent the potential for herring to influence tern productivity, we parameterized a tern “recruitmentmultiplier” based on herring assessed total biomass and common tern productivity across all colonies (exceptMonomoy where terns eat sandlance). This relationship includes a threshold herring biomass where commontern productivity would drop below 1.0, and above that threshold productivity exceeds 1.0 (Fig. 8). Thethreshold of ~400,000 tons is set where a linear relationship between herring total biomass and commontern productivity crosses productivity=1 (black dashed line in Fig. 8). However, the selected thresholdis uncertain because there are few observations of common tern productivity at low herring total biomass(1975-1985). The linear relationship does not have a statistically significant slope; a curve was fit to representa level contribution of herring total biomass to common tern productivity above the threshold. The curvedescends below the threshold, dropping below 0.5 productivity at around 50,000 tons and representing theextreme assumption that herring extinction would result in tern productivity of 0. Although the relationship


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of tern productivity to herring biomass at extremely low herring populations has not been quantified, controlrules that allow herring extinction do not meet stated management objectives for herring, so this extremeassumption for terns will not change any decisions to include or exclude control rules.





0 500000 1000000 1500000 2000000 2500000









Tern production (no Monomoy) and assessed herring tot B

Figure 8: Modeled influence of herring total biomass on tern reproductive success

When included in the model using γ = 1.09 in equation 7, this relationship adjusts the modeled commontern population increase to match the current average increase in common tern nesting pairs observed in thedata (Fig. 9). There is still considerable uncertainty around this mean population trajectory which cannotbe reflected in our simple model.


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2000 2005 2010 2015








Figure 9: Population trends for Gulf of Maine terns with simulated herring-common tern productivityrelationship


Because no specific groundfish was identified as a representative herring predator during the stakeholderworkshop, the first decision was which groundfish to model. Annual diet estimates (based on sample sizes of~100+ stomachs) are available for the top three groundfish predators of herring (those with herring occurringin the diets most often in the entire NEFSC food habits database): spiny dogfish, Atlantic cod, and silverhake. Cod and spiny dogfish were considered first because their overall diet proportions of herring are higher,and because silver hake has the least recently updated assessment. Diet compositions by year were estimatedfor spiny dogfish, Georges Bank cod, and Gulf of Maine cod to match the scale of stock assessments. Fullweighted diet compositions were estimated, and suggest considerable interannual variability in the herringproportion in groundfish diets (filled blue proportions of bars in Fig. 10).


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1980 1990 2000 2010



















Figure 10: Annual diet compositions for major groundfish predators of herring estimated from NEFSC foodhabits database

Some interannual variation in diet may be explained by changing herring abundance. Dogfish and both codstocks had positive relationships between the amount of herring observed in annual diets and the size of theherring population according to the most recent assessment (statistics and plots available upon request). Thissuggests that these groundfish predators are opportunistic, eating herring in proportion to their availabilityin the ecosystem. However, monotonically declining cod populations for both GOM and GB cod stocksresulted in either no herring-cod relationship, or a negative relationship between herring populations andcod populations (Fig. 11). Only dogfish spawning stock biomass had a positive relationship with theproporiton of herring in dogfish diet. Therefore, we selected dogfish as the groundfish predator for modeling.


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dogfish GBcod GOMcod

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60












Figure 11: Relationship of assessed groundfish spawning stock biomass (SSB) with the proportion of herringin diet

Dogfish population model

The dogfish model stock recruitment function, initial population, and annual natural mortality were adaptedfrom information in (P. J. Rago et al. 1998; P. J. Rago and Sosebee 2010; Bubley et al. 2012; P. Rago andSosebee 2013). Due to differential growth and fishing mortality by sex, our model best represents femaledogfish (a split-sex delay difference model was not feasible within the time constraints of this MSE). Further,dogfish stock-recruit modeling to date based on Ricker functions (P. J. Rago and Sosebee 2010) capturesmore nuances in productivity than the Beverton-Holt model we used. Our recruitment parameterizationreflects a stock with generally low productivity and relatively high resilience, which we recognize is a roughapproximation for a species such as dogfish. The annual fishing exploitation rate applied is average of thecatch/adult female biomass from the most recent years of the 2016 data update provided to the Mid-AtlanticFishery Management Council (Rago pers comm).

Herring-dogfish relationship model

There was a weak positive relationship between dogfish total biomass and herring total biomass from therespective stock assessments (Fig. 12), but no clear relationship between dogfish weight or dogfish recruitmentand herring population size. During the recent period of relatively low dogfish recruitment (1995-2007), thereis a positive relationship between dogfish pup average weight and herring proportion in diet, suggesting apotential growth and or recruitment mechanism; however this relationship does not hold throughout thetime series (Fig. 12).


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500000 1000000 1500000 2000000




Dogfish total biomass 1968−2016






0 20 40 60









Dogfish pup average weights 1980−2009

Figure 12: Dogfish population relationships with herring total biomass (left) and herring proportion in diet(right)

Therefore, to simulate a potential positive relationship between herring and dogfish, we assumed that dog-fish survival increased (natural mortality was reduced) by an unspecified mechanism as herring abundanceincreased (Fig. 13). Because dogfish are fully exploited by fisheries in this model, the impact of this changein natural mortality on total survival has small to moderate benefits to dogfish population numbers andbiomass. Using a δ = 0.2 in equation 10 results in weak increases in dogfish biomass with herring abundanceconsistent with observations.




0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

current herring abundance / unfished herring abundance




al n


al m




Figure 13: Modeled herring relative population size-dogfish natural mortality relationship

Marine mammals

Because no specific marine mammal was identified as a representative herring predator in the stakeholderworkshop, as with groundfish, the first decision was which marine mammal to model. Diet information fora wide range of marine mammals on the Northeast US shelf suggests that minke whales, humpback whales,harbor seals, and harbor porpoises have the highest proportions of herring in their diets (L. A. Smith et al.2015), and therefore may show some reaction to changes in the herring ABC control rule.


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While some food habits data existed for marine mammals, consultation with marine mammal stock assess-ment scientists at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center confirmed that no data were available to parame-terize a stock-recruitment relationship for any of these marine mammal species in the Northeast US region,and no such information was available in the literature for stocks in this region. Althouth it may be possibleto develop stock-recruitment models for one or more of these species in the future, it was not possible withinthe time frame of the herring MSE. Therefore, we were unable to model marine mammals within the sameframework as other predators.

Potential effects of changes in herring production and/or biomass on marine mammals were instead evaluatedusing an updated version of an existing food web model for the Gulf of Maine (Jason Link et al. 2008;Jason Link et al. 2009; J.S. Link et al. 2006) and incorporating food web model parameter uncertainty.Overall, food web modeling showed that a simulated increase in herring production in the Gulf of Maine mayproduce modest but uncertain benefits to marine mammal predators, primarily because increased herring wasassociated with decreases in other forage groups also preyed on by marine mammals. Please see Appendix1 of this document for full analyses and results.

Summary of predator model input parameters

Table 2. Predator model input parameters

Parameter Tuna Tern DogfishNumbers or Weight? Weight Numbers WeightUnfished spawning pop 6.69E+04 45000 300000Steepness h 1.0 0.26 0.97Annual nat. mortality v 0.14 0.1 0.092Annual exploitation u 0.079 0.00 0.092Growth intercept FWint 0.020605 0.00015 0.000278Growth slope FWslope 0.9675 0.0 0.9577Initial abundance 111864 3000 49629630Initial biomass 27966 1.5 134000Recruit delay (age) a 1 4 10Prey-recruitment link 1 (off) 1.09 1 (off)Prey-mortality link 0 (off) 0 (off) 0.2Prey-growth link 1.1 1 (off) 1 (off)

Output metrics

Predator performance metrics included those described at the stakeholder workshop, as well as several othersdrawn from MSE best practices (Punt et al. 2016). The herring MSE included 8 herring operating models(described fully in Deroba’s Technical Details document); for each operating model 5,460 control rules weretested. For each control rule, 100 replicate simulations reflecting stochastic herring recruitment variabilitywere run for 150 years each. Each of these simulated time series was passed to each predator model, resultingin outputs as described below using the equations above.

All predator performance metrics were calculated based on the final 50 years of each replicate simulation. Forall metrics other than “frequency of good status” metrics, we took the median value over the final 50 yearsof each replicate simulation. Then, the 25th percentile, the median, and the 75th percentile of these 100medians were calcualted to represent the performance metric for a particular control rule. Results reportedhere focus on the median.


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Biomass, Abundance, Recruitment

Population abundance and recruitment in numbers were output for all modeled predators. Populationbiomass was output for tuna and dogfish. These quantities were directly output by the models.

Predator condition

Stakeholders expressed interest in predator condition for fish and marine mammal predators at the firstworkshop. While delay difference models do not track individuals or age cohorts, a measure of populationaverage weight (population biomass/population numbers) was output for tuna and dogfish.

Predator productivity

Productivity, the number of fledglings per breeding pair, was output for the tern model. Productivity wascalculated as recruitment times 10 (to account for the 10% survival rate of fledglings to adults) divided bytern abundance 4 years earlier in the simulation.

Status relative to thresholds

Stakeholders were interested in different measures of population status depending on the predator. Forcommercially fished species, status relative to current management reference points was preferred. Tunaand dogfish biomass was divided by a biomass reference point specified in current stock assessments: tunaSSBMSY was 13226 (ICCAT 2015), and dogfish SSBMSY was 159288 (P. J. Rago and Sosebee 2010).Because dogfish were fully exploited in our model, they did not reach SSBMSY , so we also evaluatedstatus relative to 0.5 SSBMSY (“overfished”). Tuna condition status was assessed by dividing the outputpopulation average weight with the equilibrium average weight. Common tern colonies are managed toimprove productivity, so stakeholders suggested that a common tern productivity level of 0.8 would be aminimum threshold, while a productivity of 1.0 would be a target. In addition, total population status wasmeasured relative to current population numbers using the rationale that maintaining at least the currentpopulation was desirable. The average common tern population of nesting pairs (including Monomoy) from1998-2015 was 16000.

Frequency of good status

Evaluating the frequency of desirable or undesirable states over the course of a simulation is suggested byPunt et al. (2016). We calculated two metrics for each of the status determinations. First, we calculated theminimum number of years in any individual simulation that a metric was above a given threshold. This isa “worst case scenario” metric. Second, we calculated the median proportion of years across all simulationsfor a control rule that were above the threshold. This is an “average performance” metric addressing howoften good status is maintained.


Predator metrics had different levels of sensitivity to herring population changes resulting from differentABC control rules combined with the uncertainties represented in each herring operating model. Here wesummarize all predator metric results across all herring operating models and control rules to demonstratethe rationale for keeping only the most sensitive predator metrics in the full MSE results.


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Tuna general results

Simulated tuna biomass, numbers, and recruitment were similar across all herring operating models andcontrol rules. Biomass was the only metric that changed with different herring control rules due to changesin average weight. There was some variation in biomass status, but the median was always above thethreshold. Tuna average weight was both above and below the equilibruim weight threshold across allmodels. Metrics for frequency of good status also reflected the sensitivity of tuna avereage weight (Fig. 14).

B N Rec












B status Wt status





minyr +B




yrs +B yrs +Wt







Tuna metrics: median over all operating models and control rules

Figure 14: Summary of tuna performance metrics across all herring operating models and control rules

A comparison of the most sensitive tuna metric, average weight status, across herring operating modelsdemonstrates that operating model configuration drives tuna average weight. Separating operating modelswith historical herring weight at age (OldWt) from those with recent weight at age (RecWt) demonstratesthe primary contrast in tuna results. After this difference in operating models is accounted for, there is farless contrast in the median performance of different control rules for tuna (Fig. 15).


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BB BB3yrBB3yrPercBB5yr CC CCC BB BB3yrBB3yrPercBB5yr CC CCC




















Figure 15: Tuna average weight status by herring operating model group and control rule type

Tern general results

Simulated tern population metrics were more variable across all operating models and control rules than tunametrics. However, the median values for these metrics generally indicated relatively high population levels(above current levels), with good recruitment and productivity at or over 1 for most control rules. Summaryplots show fairly long tails of median values well below good status for the metrics for some control rules(Fig. 16).


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N Rec









Prod Cur status








minyr +N P0.8+




yrs +N P0.8+







Terns metrics: median over all operating models and control rules

Figure 16: Summary of tern performance metrics across all herring operating models and control rules

Examinging tern productivity results by operating model shows little contrast across operating model un-certainties, but differences in performance between control rule types. The biomass-based control ruleimplemented for 3 years with a constraint of 15% change between specifications (BB3yrPerc) showed a widerange of variability in performance across control rule variants, as did the constant catch (CC) control rules(Fig. 17). For terns, herring weight at age had little effect on results, so those operating models are combinedhere.


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BB BB3yrBB3yrPercBB5yr CC CCC BB BB3yrBB3yrPercBB5yr CC CCC












Figure 17: Tern productivity by herring operating model group and control rule type

Dogfish general results

Simulated dogfish population metrics showed less variation across all herring operating models and controlrules combined relative to tuna and terns. Median biomass status never reaches 1 (above Bmsy) but neverdrops below 0.5 (overfished status; Fig. 18).


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B N Rec









B status Wt status






minyr +B




yrs +B yrs +Wt







Dogfish metrics: median over all operating models and control rules

Figure 18: Summary of dogfish performance metrics across all herring operating models and control rules

Cases of poor status observed for dogfish were limited to two control rule types within the herring operat-ing models specified with high natural mortality and low stock-recruit steepness (HiM) representing a poorherring productivity state. The control rule types performing poorly for dogfish under poor herring produc-tivity were the same performing poorly for tern productivity: the biomass-based control rule implementedfor 3 years with a constraint of 15% change between specifications (BB3yrPerc) and the constant catch (CC)control rules (Fig. 19). Also similar to terns, herring average weight did not affect these results, so thoseoperating models are combined here.


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BB BB3yrBB3yrPercBB5yr CC CCC BB BB3yrBB3yrPercBB5yr CC CCC

















Figure 19: Dogfish proportion of years not overfished across all herring operating models and control rules


This document has explained the predator models used in the herring MSE. These models simulate differentpredator relationships with Atlantic herring in the Northeast US, and suggest different effects of herringcontrol rules based on these relationships. As has been found in other MSE analyses (Punt et al. 2016), theresults may be more useful for eliminating poor control rule options than for optimizing herring control rulesto improve predator metrics. There are several reasons for this. First, this is a complex question. Predatorpopulations are affected by many factors, while we attempted to isolate factors associated with prey. Further,in the Northeast US, predators have many prey options, while we attempted to evaluate relationships withjust one prey, herring. Finally, time limitation enforced model simplicity for these complex relationships.Our approach was to use the best-supported relationship for each predator based on observations from theNortheast US ecosystem. We discuss the pros and cons of this approach for each predator below.

Western Atlantic bluefin tuna migrate widely and forage throughout North Atlantic; their population foot-print is much larger than that of Northeast US Atlantic herring. However, tuna feed seasonally in the Gulfof Maine, exploiting high energy concentrated prey to maximize growth (W. J. Golet et al. 2013). Becausetuna growth is key in the Northeast US, and because there is a well-supported relationship between herringweight and tuna growth here (W. Golet et al. 2015), we used this relationship. Other relationships were alsoinvestigated. Available data do not support implementing a positive relationship between herring and tunapopulations in our models for this MSE; according to assessments, Northeast US shelf herring have increasedduring a period of bluefin tuna decline (NEFSC 2012; ICCAT 2015). Stakeholder observations and fine-scaleanalyses (e.g., W. J. Golet et al. 2013) suggest that bluefin tuna follow herring in the Gulf of Maine andlikely aggregate around herring while feeding. However, our models designed to address ABC control rules


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at the Northeast US shelf scale do not address herring/tuna interactions in a specific place or time, andwe can draw no conclusions from our modeling about predator/prey co-occurrence or availability at smaller,local scales. Similarly, without additional observations, we cannot extrapolate local scale co-occurrence topopulation level relationships.

Common terns, in contrast, are central-placed foragers seasonally near their island breeding colonies in theGulf of Maine. Their foraging footprint during chick production season is much smaller than the scale ofthe Northeast US Atlantic herring population. However, because tern productivity is a key managementobjective for tern colonies in the Gulf of Maine, and with substantial data to explore a relationship betweenherring and tern reproductive success, we worked to develop this relationship. However, many factorsother than herring abundance affect tern production. According to Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Groupminutes, predation by mammals, gulls, and other birds is a major factor that most colony management aimsto control. Further, timing of weather events and timing of prey availability is important but difficult toquantify from current data. Similarly, the relatively small scale spatial and depth distribution of prey affectstern foraging success as well as the overall abundance of prey. At one colony during the same year, theproporiton of herring in tern chick diets was much lower than the proportion of herring in razorbill diets atthe same colony; razorbills are capable of deeper dives than terns (GOMSWG minutes). Spatial variabilityof predation, weather, and prey distribution may drive the high variation in observed herring population-tern producivity relationship among colonies. This high variance in the observations is not considered bythe modeled herring �tern relationship. Further, the tern model is optimistic about population trajectorybecause it considers only herring total biomass impacts on terns, and does not model predation, habitatquantity and quality, etc.

Spiny dogfish may have the best spatial footprint match with Atlantic herring in the Northeast US of thethree predators modeled. Dogfish forage through same range as herring for most of the year. Considerableinformation on dogfish diet has been colleted over time in the region, and there are adequate data to conducta stock assessment. However, the dogfish relationship assumes herring abundance improves dogfish survivalbecause no clear relationship was found with recruitment or growth. Increased survival may not be themechanism for the observed positive influence of herring in diet on the dogfish population.


Our models are designed for evaluating alternative herring control rules, not predator stock assessmentand population prediction. We caution against generalizing results for these particular predators to otherpredators, as population parameters and herring relationships differ.

Overall lessons from this process can inform future work. First, isolating a clear herring �predator relationshipfrom observations is difficult or impossible when other factors dominate predator dynamics (e.g. cod). Second,even with good observations, the modeled herring �predator relationship may require strong assumptions andnot be statistically significant due to the many other factors affecting predators (e.g. terns). Third, apparentpositive herring� predator relationships may not arise from the modeled mechanism (e.g. dogfish). Finally,a clear herring predator relationship is not satisfactory when it does not answer the question of interest tostakeholders (e.g tuna).

Although we selected predators with high herring diet proportions, observed predator population responsesto herring alone do not dominate dynamics, and our herring �predator relationship models reflect that.Predator responses to aggregate prey dynamics are likely to be much clearer than responses to individualprey in the Northeast US ecosystem given its food web structure. While modeling this is a more complex andtime-consuming undertaking, the results may give clearer advice for managers making decisions regardingmultiple simultaneously exploited prey and predators within the ecosystem.


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Bubley, W. J., J. Kneebone, J. A. Sulikowski, and P. C. W. Tsang. 2012. “Reassessment of Spiny DogfishSqualus Acanthias Age and Growth Using Vertebrae and Dorsal-Fin Spines.” Journal of Fish Biology 80 (5):1300–1319. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2011.03171.x.

Chase, Bradford C. 2002. “Differences in Diet of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus Thynnus) at FiveSeasonal Feeding Grounds on the New England Continental Shelf.” Fishery Bulletin 100 (2): 168–80.

Golet, Walter J., Benjamin Galuardi, Andrew B. Cooper, and Molly E. Lutcavage. 2013. “Changes in theDistribution of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna ( Thunnus Thynnus ) in the Gulf of Maine 1979-2005.” PLOS ONE 8(9): e75480. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0075480.

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Herring MSE: Economic Models

Min-Yang Lee, Northeast Fisheries Science Center

February 23, 2017

1 Introduction

This document explains the economic component of the Herring Management Strategy Evaluation. This

was developed during the spring and summer of 2016; the goal of this component is to allow some aspects

of economic performance to be included in the MSE. The economic analysis focuses on two revenue metrics

and stability of those metrics. Taking cues from the herring dynamics section of the MSE, we report these

metrics over the final terminal 50 years of the simulation.

2 Background

On an annual basis, the quantity supplied in the herring market is likely to be driven by the TAC, ACL,

or sub-ACLs. Sub-ACLs for herring usually limit catch1. They are occasionally not constraining; however

seems to occur for regulatory reasons (such as a closure for catch of haddock in the Georges Bank fishery2)

instead of for market reasons.

The fishery is managed spatially, with sub-ACLs for four Herring Management Areas. Herring is caught

by purse seine, midwater- and paired-midwater trawls, and small mesh bottom trawls. Purse seine vessels

typically fish in the Gulf of Maine (HMA 1A), particularly during the summer. Small-mesh bottom trawl

vessels typically fish southern New England and the Mid-Atlantic (HMA 2). Midwater trawl gear fishes in

areas 1B, 2, and 3 and is excluded from Area 1A during the summer months. Recently, the purse seine

fishery has caught 30% of total landings while the midwater- and bottom-trawl fisheries have caught the


Herring is often (but no exclusively) used for bait; typically for the lobster fishery. In 2014, approximately

75% of landed herring was utilized as bait. Other uses include animal food and human consumption.From

2010-2015, annual prices were fairly fairly constant (dashed line in figure 1). Prices often spike during the

winter months when landings are very low. 2016 is a bit different: large portions of Area 3 were closed due

to haddock bycatch until April 30, 2016.




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Figure 1: Monthly prices for Atlantic Herring

3 Methods

In brief, the economic component of the model converts Yield from the biological component into Gross

and Net Operating Revenues. Gross Revenues are simply yield multiplied by price. Net operating Revenues

subtract out the variable operating costs. We summarize Gross and Net Revenue metrics by reporting the

median of terminal 50-year medians. Variability is captured by using interannual variability over the final

50 years (Amar, Punt, and Dorn, 2009; Deroba, 2014) and reporting the frequency with which Net Revenue

metric satisfies the statistical property of stationarity (Dickey and Fuller, 1979).

Real prices, when used, have been normalized to 2015 real dollars using the Bureau of Labor Statistics

(BLS) Producer Price Index (PPI) for “Unprocessed and Packaged Fish” (WPU0223)3.

The economic component of the model is simple and does not capture aspects of reality that are (likely

to be) important, including:

• Herring landings being different from Yield,

• Fixed and quasi-fixed costs,

• Entry- or Exit of participants,

• Effects on fishing communities (both herring and other) or the regional economy,

• The direct and indirect benefits and costs of changes in herring biomass, including

– economic impacts of changes in predator, biomass on users of those predators, and

– economic impacts of changes in the location of herring biomass.

We will discuss these caveats and limitations later in the document.

3Available at


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3.1 Changes since the second workshop

• We have used real instead of nominal prices for menhaden and herring.

• We have slightly different estimates of cost-per-day based on updated data.

• We have assumed an elasticity of price with respect to quantity supplied of -0.5, instead of -1.

Workshop 2 Current MSEmenhaden backstop ($ per mt) 260 275herring baseline ($ per mt) 306 324purse seine ($ per day) 850 810Trawl ($ per day) 2,600 3,000elasticity of price -1 -0.5

Table 1: Summary of different parameters

3.2 Prices and Gross Revenues

We assume that the elasticity of price with respect to quantities is -0.5.




p= −0.5 (1)

Following Lehuta, Holland, and Pershing (2013), we assume that an unlimited quantity of menhaden

is available as a perfect substitute at real price of $375 per metric ton. Menhaden is likely to be a good

substitute in the bait market, but a poor substitute in the human consumption market. $360 per mt is equal

to the average real price over the most recent 5 years ($242 per metric ton) plus a transportation markup of

$133 per metric ton. This puts an upper bound on the ex-vessel price of herring when quantities are low4.

At the second MSE workshop, we presented results based on an elasticity of −1. This was not a particularly

good choice.

Given an initial value for the price of herring and the quantity of herring, this allows us trace out a

demand curve for herring. We average over the same time period to produce a nominal starting price of

$305 per metric ton at a 87,117 mt of landings.

We assume that Y ieldy in year y is equivalent to quantity supplied in year y (qy). Therefore, Gross

revenues are simply:

GRy = p(qy)qy (2)

3.3 Costs and Net Operating Revenues

We construct costs separately for the purse seine and trawl fleets.

We assume that the purse seine fleet will continue to land 30% of landings and the trawl fishery could land

the remainder. We use observer data from 2010-2014 to construct catch-per-day (CPUEp and CPUEt for the

purse seine and trawl fleet respectively). For each fleet, landings are divided by CPUE day to compute days

4Preliminary data from 2016 (which was not available when this work was started) suggests that a backstop price of $375per mt may not be appropriate (See Figure 1).


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Figure 2: Assumed demand curve for herring

fished. These are multiplied by costs-per-day (costp and costt respectively) to compute variable operating

cost. Net Operating revenues are computed by subtracting the variable operating costs from Gross revenues:

NRy = p(qy)qy − 0.3qyCPUEpcostp − 0.7qyCPUEtcostt (3)

The two fleets have surprisingly similar catch-per-day metrics, although the trawl fleet takes much longer

trips than the purse seine fleet and therefore has higher catch-per-trip. We present catch-per-trip in table 2

and 3 because it may be interesting to the reader although they are not used directly in the simulation.

Year Observed catch (mt) trips days catch per trip CPUE (mt/day)2010 8,565 242 283 141 492011 17,278 276 338 158 632012 19,514 290 342 143 622013 23,218 318 355 124 542014 27,103 318 355 133 64Average 66 57

Table 2: Observed herring catch, trips, days,and CPUE metrics for the Purse Seine fishery (2010-2014).

Costs were also extracted from the observer data. These included fuel, damage, supply, water, and oil

costs. “Supply” (boots, knives, gear, etc), food, and bait costs were not included in construction of trip costs.

Crew pay was also not included. Like many fisheries, fuel expenses are a large portion of total expenses.

Fuel prices have changed a bit during the 2010-2015 time period. Average prices were approximately $3 per

gallon in 2010 and 2015 and $4 per gallon in 2011-2014. Rather than averaging costs over these time periods

with very different fuel prices, we used the 2015 cost figures; sensitivity of of net revenue metrics under the

alternative assumption of $4 fuel is possible5.

5For both fleets, daily costs in 2011-2014 are 30-50% higher than in 2015, which roughly corresponds to the fuel pricedifference over these time periods


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Year Observed catch (mt) trips days catch per trip CPUE (mt/day)2010 54,189 385 1,107 141 492011 59,932 380 956 158 632012 63,122 442 1,016 143 622013 62,458 504 1,148 124 542014 60,187 454 938 133 64Average 139 58

Table 3: Observed herring catch, trips, days,and CPUE metrics for the trawl fishery (2010-2014).

(a) Monthly Fuel Prices

year Price2010 3.082011 3.982012 4.132013 4.082014 4.012015 2.89

(b) Annual Average NewEngland Number 2 DieselRetail

Figure 3: Fuel prices from EIA.

year trips days cost per day cost per trip days per trip2011 79 74 1,667 1,562 0.92012 40 45 1,290 1,454 1.12013 50 40 1,279 1,035 0.82014 24 27 1,330 1,510 1.12015 14 15 811 864 1.1

Table 4: Observed costs for the purse seine fishery (2011-2015). In the simulation models, the cost of a purseseine day is assumed to be $810

year trips days cost per day cost per trip days per trip2011 149 387 4,519 11,728 2.62012 179 533 4,607 13,711 3.02013 103 365 3,955 14,032 3.52014 122 298 4,181 10,218 2.42015 19 48 3,001 7,633 2.5

Table 5: Observed costs for the Trawl fishery (2011-2015). In the simulation models, the cost of a trawl daywas assumed to be $3,000.


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3.4 Stability

Stakeholders were interested in understanding “stability” of the herring industry. Following the herring

dynamics section, we computed Interannual Variation (IAV) of Net Revenues and report the median (across

replicates) of median (across the final 50 years) of IAV. IAV is a summary metric of variability in the

time series over a time period, but does not provide insight into stationarity of the time series. We assess

stationarity using a Dickey-Fuller, one of many econometric tests of stationarity.

3.4.1 Interannual Variability

Here is the equation for interannual variability over the final 50 years (Amar, Punt, and Dorn, 2009; Deroba,




∑50y (NRy+1 −NRy)2


∑50y NRy


3.4.2 Stationarity

We assessed stability over the final 50 years using an econometric test for stationarity of Net Revenues

(Dickey and Fuller, 1979). In this application, a finding of stationarity implies that the system is in a stable

equilibrium. Alternatively, this implies that Net Revenues has a measure of central tendency that does not

depend explicitly on time. Yet in another alternative interpretation, it means that shocks or perturbations

are not persistent: a “good” year (defined as a year above average) is equally likely to be followed by a

“good” or “bad” year.

In contrast, a finding of non-stationarity (or a unit-root process) implies that the system is not in a

stable equilibirum. The Net Revenue metric has a measure of central tendency that does depend explicitly

on time. Alternatively, it can be interpreted as a system in which shocks or perturbations are not persistent:

a “good” year more likely to be followed by a good year than a bad year. Similarly, a “bad” year is likely to

be followed by another bad year.

NRy = a+ ρNRy−1 + δy + uy (5)

We are primarily interested in testing for a unit-root or non-stationarity. Econometric evidence that ρ = 1 is

evidence of a unit root while statistical rejections of H0 : ρ = 1 is evidence of stationarity of the time-series.

Equation 5 is difficult to estimate using Ordinary Least Squares because ut is often serially correlated

(E[uyuy−1] 6= 0), which invalidates inference about ρ. Instead, equation 5 is typically transformed by

differencing. Letting ∆ be the first difference operator (∆NRy = NRy − NRy−1), the general form of the

augmented dickey fuller regression is:

∆NRy = a0 + βNRy−1 + δy +


ξj∆NRy−j + ε (6)

In this formulation, econometric evidence that β = 0 is evidence of a unit root while statistical rejections of

H0 : β = 0 is evidence of stationarity of the time-series. In an homage to Sala-i Martin (1997), we estimate

equation 6 for the final 50 years for each simulation. We estimate a version of equation 6 in which a and


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ξj ∀j ≥ 4 are restricted to zero6:

∆NRy = βNRy−1 + δy +


ξj∆NRy−j + ε (7)

We classify a simulation as stationary if we reject the null H0 : β = 0 at the 10% significance level. We

then compute the number of simulation (out of 100) that are stationary for each of the 8 operating models

and 5,460 control rules.

3.4.3 Stationarity in Graphical Form

During the second workshop, we presented some illustrative graphics about stationary and non-stationary

Net Revenues.

(a) Stationary, Low IAV (b) Non-Stationary, Low IAV

(c) Stationary, High IAV (d) Non-Stationary, High IAV

Figure 4: Stationarity is independent of IAV

6This is implemented in Stata using dfuller NR, trend lags(3).


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(a) Real Herring Prices (b) Nominal Herring Prices

(c) Real prices and non-Virginia menhaden landings

Figure 5: Some descriptive graphics about the herring fishery

4 Methods we tried that didn’t quite work out

We attempted to construct a rigorous model of prices for herring. It didn’t quite work. This section provides

a short overview of those methods. We focused on four species: herring, mackerel, menhaden, and lobster.

Mackerel may be jointly produced with herring. Menhaden is a likely substitute for herring in the bait

market. The lobster industry is a major consumer of herring (as bait). While other market interactions (for

example: squid, redfish racks, and “livestock byproducts”) are likely, we focused on a small number to start.

Here are a few summary scatterplots based on annual data.

The relationship between landings and herring prices, particularly real prices, looks like a downward

sloping demand curve. The relationship looks stronger for real prices compared to nominal prices. However,

all of the high prices and low quantities are recent (2008-2015) while the lower prices and higher quantities

are mostly old (1996-2006). This raises the possibility that either (a) structural changes in the underlying

market have occurred or (b) something else that is correlated with time is an important determinant of

herring prices.


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We constructed monthly landings and prices of herring, mackerel, menhaden, and lobster from NMFS’s

commerical fisheries database system (1996-2015 calendar years) aggregated at the state level. Herring data

was supplemented with the “cleaned” state of Maine database provided by Maine DMR. Menhaden landed

in Virgina was treated separately from menhaden landed in other states. Prices were normalized using

the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Producer Price Index (PPI) for “Unprocessed and Packaged Fish”

(WPU0223). For this particular exercise, the base year was set to 2014 because the 2015 PPI data were not


We estimated a bunch of panel (cross-section, time-series) models that attempted to explain the prices

of herring as a function of substitute prices or quantities. We also tried to estimate time-series models on

data aggregated at the region. We were unable to estimate a model that meets basic goodness-of-fit criteria.

Then we ran out of time and just assumed that the elasticity (at the annual level) was -0.5.

5 Problems with these methods

5.1 Prices

This treatment of prices is not particularly good. It can (charitably) be seen as a sensitivity analysis

benchmarked against a “constant price” that can be deduced by comparing Gross revenues with Yield.

5.2 Costs

We did not include fixed costs. If firms do not enter or exit, then the exclusion of fixed costs from the model

has minimal qualitative effects: the Net Revenue outcomes for all control rules and operating models would

shift down by the same amount and the relative rankings would be the same. The stationarity metric would

be unaffected; this shift would be differenced out in equation 7. IAV constructed without fixed costs will be

smaller than IAV constructed with fixed costs:



∑50y ((NRy+1 − F )− (NRy − F ))2


∑50y (NRy − F )



∑50y (NRy+1 −NRy)2

−F + 150

∑50y NRy


Because the denominator of 8 is smaller when fixed costs are accounted for, we can deduce that IAV cdom-

puted when properly accounting for fixed costs is larger than IAV as computed in this simulation.

If firms can enter and exit, then exclusion of fixed costs from the model could result in misleading

recommendations. We did not model firm entry and exit; this is a difficult decision to model. Firms should

may exit if they anticipate negative profits over a particular planning horizon. The number of active vessels

in the herring fishery has declined a bit over, which could provide some data necessary to estimate a model

of exit. Properly doing this would probably require accounting for payments to crew (which can readily be



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Alternatively, we could follow the assumptions of Lehuta, Holland, and Pershing (2013) and include a

zero-economic profit condition at the annual level.

5.3 Stability

A drawback of the stationary metric is that the “system” can be stable at zero net revenue. This would not

be good.

6 Caveats, Extensions, and Future Research

Yet another assumption of this model is that herring landings are equal to yield. This is not really likely for

many reasons. In particular, if we believe the demand curve described in figure 2, then firms are likely to

find landing large amounts of herring at low prices to be unprofitable and will not do this. This will break

the link between yield and landings (and therefore net revenue). When this happens, it also implies that

biomass in subsequent years will be slightly higher than biomass in the model; the magnitude of this effect

depends on the amount of yield that is not converted to landings.

Here is some related literature: Lehuta, Holland, and Pershing (2013) constructs a coupled model of

lobster and herring. Kirkley, Walden, and Fare (2011) provides a framework for examining tradeoffs in the

herring fishery. Jin et al. (2012) construct an integrated model that examines effects on human communities.

Carroll, Anderson, and Martınez-Garmendia (2001) describe another mechanism (product quality) through

which changes in prey could be evaluated.

We did not attempt to value in-situ herring or compute the social benefits or costs derived from changes

in biomass. Brown, Berger, and Ikiara (2005); Finnoff and Tschirhart (2003) describe methods to trace the

effects of changes in harvest or biomass of one species on ecosystems or predators. Finally, we note that

increases in predator biomass can have negative impacts on prey and harvesters of prey Flaaten and Stollery


In a more holistic model, with multiple predators, prey, and variability in the “desirability” of predators,

it is possible that increases in biomass of a particular prey could be bad for society. For example, biomass

of a predator that is low-valued but skilled at consuming herring could result in disproportionate increases

in that low-valued predator. If that low-valued predator is not a complete specialist (in consuming herring),

it may also drive down the biomass of high-valued predators.

Stated another way, the ability to manipulate the ecosystem with an ABC control rule to achieve desir-

able outcomes would depend on the rates at which increases in prey are converted into social utility: this

depends on the ecosystem “technology” (conversion of prey into additional biomass of valued predators),

human technology (conversion of prey and predator biomass into catch or tourism), and human preferences

(converting catch or tourism into utility). Many of these technologies are not particularly well understood

at this time.

There are undoubtedly more extensions that would increase the realism of this model. However, time is

up and our pencils must be put down.


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