Download - Tech Training - Session 9

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Borough of West ChesterInformation Technology Training

Session 9 – May 14, 2013

William Mann, Chief Information Officer

• Interactive Presentations• CitySourced• Securing Your Online Profile with

LastPass• Website Enhancement Project• Wireless Networks (public & staff)• Microsoft Office 365 - Upgrade• Facebook Update• Technology Blog• Straight From The Headlines• Questions & Answers

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Interactive Presentations Room 240 and the Borough Council Chambers are both in the process of being upgraded to include the ability to easily conduct interactive presentations. The solutions being installed are very popular in school districts and are very easy to setup and use.

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Interactive Presentations

Room 240 will have a “fixed” projector and board installed.

The Borough Council Chambers will have a “mobile cart” solution. The mobile cart will have the ability to be placed at any desired location, easily and quickly.

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Interactive Presentations These interactive projectors will be available for all departments, public meetings and on appointment private meetings as well.

Before anyone can use the equipment the presenter must first be introduced to how the equipment functions.

A policy and procedure for the use of this equipment shall also be issued prior to it being placed into service.

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Interactive Presentations Room 240 and the Borough Council Chambers are both in the process of being upgraded to include the ability to easily conduct interactive presentations. The solutions being installed are very popular in school districts and are very easy to setup and use.

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The Borough has partnered with CitySourced to bring interactivity and engagement to our community.

What is CitySourced?

Very simply CitySourced allows anyone to very easily and quickly report hazardous conditions, environmental concerns and public safety problems directly to the appropriate governmental department…. right from their smartphone.

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How Does CitySourced Work?

Users will be able to download (for free) West Chester’s new app, “West Chester Connect” from their smartphone’s store. The app will be available on iPhone, Android, Windows and Blackberry devices. All that will be needed to register is the user’s email address & name.

Our app is already available in the Apple & Android Stores. Windows & Blackberry should be available very shortly.

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How Does CitySourced Work?Once downloaded the user will only need to open the app when he or she finds an issue they would like to report. Once the app is open, the camera is automatically activated so that a photo of the “problem” can be included along with the information. A couple of pre-defined fields will be available such as “pot hole” or “sidewalk” for the user to select. The user can also include additional notes in their report.

The GPS informationfrom the phone & the time of the report will also be includedin the report.

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Administering CitySourced?

Each department will login to our account to manage and work on reported issues. The person who submitted the report will receive updates as the reported issue is handled.

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The app is being written and should be available in the app stores shortly. A policy & procedure is being prepared in addition to “press release” information.

Training will also be provided soon to management.

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Staff with access will be able to log in to manage and complete work orders which are submitted through CitySourced. The citizen who submitted the work order will get push notifications as the work order is processed.

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Staff assigned with specific roles in CitySourced will be notified by email when work orders are submitted.

Sample email


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I am continuing to work with CitySourced developing our new service.   You can find the app in the Apple and Android stores now. This is the app you (or a citizen) would use to “report an issue”.  The Windows Phone & Blackberry apps should arrive within a week or two.

What’s Next? • I have training next week with CitySourced.

• One hour webinar to be scheduled in June for departmental staff provided by CitySourced.

• I will provide follow-up training to all staff who will use the service.

• I will prepare a “press release” which will be submitted to the Borough Manager for approval announcing the new service and a launch date.

• I will prepare a “borough policy” in respect to CitySourced which shall be submitted to the Borough Manager for approval.

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Securing Your Online Profile

I have been checking out several free applications for the past year or so in respect to managing passwords. I have finally conceded that sometimes you simply need to pay if you want to do it right.

This revelation in addition to the importance of enhancing security has led me to “LastPass”.

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Securing Your Online Profile

What is LastPass?

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Securing Your Online Profile

Getting Started with LastPass? * LastPass is about $12/year. Which is well worth the small cost to secure your information safely & easily.

You can sign up at

Tips: • Write down & gather all your secure account

information. • Place the accounts into categories (finance, shopping,

tv, school etc.)• Enter all of your gathered information into the “Vault”.• Download the app for your mobile devices.

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Wireless Networks

There are 2 wireless networks in service inside the municipal building.

1. The primary access is “WC-Wireless” which is open to the staff as well as visitors. This wireless network can be shared with anyone who requests access. The WEP Key is [4016106962700].

2. The secondary access point is “Staff Only”. Access to this SSID must be approved through the CIO’s office.

Review IT Memo 2013-21 (Staff Only Wireless Network)

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Wireless Networks

WEP – “Wired Equivalent Privacy”

This is a security code assigned to secured wireless networks.

SSID – “Service Set Identifier”

Wireless networks can be broken out into several different “service sets” in order to meet the needs of different users.

This is how we can have both “WC-Wireless” and “Staff Only” on the same wireless access network.

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Wireless Networks

Security Tip !

You no doubt have noticed that more & more public businesses such as restaurants, grocery stores, book stores, coffee shops and pubs are now providing “open access” to their wireless network.

While this is great It is strongly recommended that if you connect to these “open networks” you stay away from banking and other sensitive transactions while connected.

If you find that you need to conduct any type of secure transaction take a moment to first disconnect from the wireless network and use your carrier’s cellular network.

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Microsoft Office 365

Our upgrade to Microsoft Office 365 is only a couple of weeks away! Although no specific date has been set yet I did receive an alert from Microsoft on May 1 providing a 4 week window for our service upgrade.

In addition to moving from Office 2010 to Office 2013 some of the new highlights include:

• The 2013 service upgrade will deliver exciting new features, including: Wider support for mobile devices, so you and your staff can be more productive in more places.

• Integration between online conferencing, social networks, and email for improved collaboration.

• File sharing and storage in the cloud with SkyDrive Pro.

• Smarter email, calendar and contacts with broader mobile support.

• Improved management capabilities in the redesigned Office 365 admin portal.

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Microsoft Office 365

Some of the improvements you will see include:

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The Borough’s Facebook page has continued to grow in popularity since it was launched on October 1, 2012.

We are approaching 1000 ‘Likes’ so please recommend our page to your friends and family.

If you have any ideas or suggestions pleaseContact any of the Facebook Team members.

• William Mann• Staci King• Rich

Ashenfelder• Meghan

Fogarty• Kathy Brooks• Hector Mojica• Jennifer Glick

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Technology Blog

Please be sure to stay on top of all things tech at the Borough’s own “West Chester Technology Blog”.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact me.

Did you know that you can subscribe to the tech blog by entering your email address in the “Follow by Email” option on the right panel.

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Promoting Engagement

This 4 x 6 sticker will be arriving shortly.

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Technology News

• “DNS” or “Domain Name System” Turns 30.• Online Shopping Faces Taxes• Malware Trouble For Bing• Boston Tragedy – Contacting Loved Ones During

Tragedy• Cyber Criminals Scoping Out Mobile Users

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Q & A