Download - Tech Tip: Importing from a database using customised SQL code in IBM SPSS Modeler


Importing from a database

using customised SQL code

in IBM SPSS Modeler

To database source node can be used to import a variety of

sources using ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) protocol

In the data tab there are two options

• 1) Table

• 2) SQL Query

The Database Node


Instead of selecting the data source and table you are

interested in you can write or import a SQL query

Using the SQL query mode there are 3 options available

• Load Query

• Save Query

• Import Default

Using the SQL Query


Load Query: Allows you to load a previously saved query file

(.qry) file

Save Query: Allows you to save a query you have written

Import Query: This will import an example SQL SELECT

statement constructed automatically using the tables and the

columns selected in the dialog box

Using the SQL Query


No need to replicate work that has already been done in

writing a SQL query i.e. It can just be imported.

If you are familiar with writing SQL queries you can do this

instead of specifying the data sources/tables and then doing

a selection further down stream

Advantages of using a SQL Query