Download - Teays Valley Presbyterian Church The Valley Viewer€¦ · 1 Teays Valley Presbyterian Church The Valley Viewer Honoring Elizabeth Thompson Sunday, February 21, Teays Valley Presbyterian

Page 1: Teays Valley Presbyterian Church The Valley Viewer€¦ · 1 Teays Valley Presbyterian Church The Valley Viewer Honoring Elizabeth Thompson Sunday, February 21, Teays Valley Presbyterian


Te a y s Va l l e y P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h The Valley Viewer

Honoring Elizabeth Thompson Sunday, February 21, Teays Valley Presbyterian

Church members and friends gathered together to

honor Elizabeth


That Sunday

was her last

worship at

TVPC and time

to be with

everyone. She

has moved to

Virginia to be

with her

daughter, Molly

Channell and


More information, including the proclamation and

more pictures, please continue to page 5.

Deep Cleaning!!! A few ladies gathered Tuesday, January 12, and

worked on cleaning the parlor rug, the refrigerator,

Narthex windows, the choir loft and working on the

wax on the pew cushions. They joined again on

Tuesday, February 9th, and had another excellent


Mark your calendars, ladies…March 8th is the next

ladies’ cleaning get-together.

February cleaning tasks included sealing the granite on

the new counters in the Narthex and cleaning out the

drawers and cabinets for the information and coffee

areas and for the Community Cupboard cabinet. The

windows inside and out of the Narthex/porch area have

been cleaned and the insides of the rest of the windows

in the Narthex and hallway are looking much better.

The baseboards throughout the Narthex and hallway

and the vents between the sanctuary doors were also

cleaned. You might also notice that the tables and

chairs and chalkboard in the Hedrick Room are

looking much cleaner now.

Plan to join the ladies when they work on Tuesday,

March 8, any time between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

Please bring your own preferred cleaning products. If

you will be there during lunchtime, you are encouraged

to bring a lunch, and we can enjoy a break together.

Pastor Kyle’s Sermon Schedule March 6 … 4th Lenten: Wilderness Time Part 4:

A Time of Doubt… Mark 1:9-15; Mark 9:24 March 13…….5th Sunday in Lenten Series: Wilderness

Time Part 5: “A Time of Comfort” … Mark 1:9-15; 2

Corinthians 12:7-10

March 20 Palm Sunday … Lenten Series: Wilderness

Time Part 6: “A Time of New Beginnings” … Mark 1:9-

15; 2 Corinthians 5:14-19

March 23 ....... Maundy Thursday……. 7:00 pm Service

Remember to bring your “Nail." If you didn’t receive a

nail, or have misplaced yours, feel free to pick up another

one at the Information Desk in the Narthex.

March 27……. Easter Sunday ................... He is Risen!

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9:00 AM Sunday School

9:15 AM Praise Team Practice

10:00 AM Worship Service

2:00 PM Sunday FUNday


6:30 PM Boy Scouts 1 7:00 PM Hannah Circle

2 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


3 6:30 PM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM Scout Leadership 6:30 PM Scouts Council 6:30 PM Session

4 Putnam County Schools

Developmental Screening


6 COMMUNION Narthex Coffee 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 10:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Sunday FUNday

7 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Worship Ministry



9:00 am – 5:00 pm


drop in anytime

9 6:30 PM Chancel Choir



5:30 PM Soup Dinner at Teays Valley


6:30 PM Girl Scouts

11 12

13 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 10:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Sunday FUNday

14 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Mission Outreach

Ministry Team

15 11:30 AM Owls

16 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


17 6:30 PM Girl Scouts

18 19


Bucket Brigade Session 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 10:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Sunday FUNday

21 6:30 PM Boy Scouts

22 7:00 PM Member Care

Ministry Team

23 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


24 7:00 AM Maundy Thursday Service

Bring your Nails!




10:00 A.M.


He is RISEN!

9:00 AM Sunday School 9:15 AM Praise Team Practice 10:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Sunday FUNday

28 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 6:30 PM Evangelism

Ministry Team

29 30 6:30 PM Chancel Choir


31 6:30 PM Girl Scouts

1 2


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Christian Community


Canned Veggies!

Sorry No Corn & Green


Thank you for your

donations of Spaghettios

and Ravioli in February.

As always, our contributions to the Christian

Community Cupboard are really appreciated.

In March, the Cupboard is in need of canned

vegetables. They are asking for anything

EXCEPT corn and green beans. Right now,

they have enough of those two items.

The Board of Directors of the Christian

Community Cupboard met in February and

reviewed the 2015 Annual Report. The

following was included in that Report:

In 2015, the Cupboard continued to operate

year-round, every Tuesday and Friday from

10:00 am - 12:00 pm. Over the year, the


*Provided service for 2866 family visits

representing 9088 individuals. We served 155

families new to the Cupboard.

*Distributed food to provide over 100,000


*Expanded the food package to now regularly

include eggs, fresh produce, frozen meat, and

margarine in addition to nonperishables

(canned and boxed foods) and breads.

*Updated client registrations, strengthening the

accuracy of our records in terms of family size

and eligibility.

There are copies of the complete 2015 Annual

Report for the Christian Community Cupboard

on the information counter in the Narthex.

Please feel free to take one.

We have been successful in signing up

volunteers from various churches to staff the

Cupboard one Saturday per month in 2016. If

you find that you are interested in this

opportunity during the year, please contact me

and I will add your name to our list.

We should be very proud of our support of this

wonderful outreach mission! Thanks, Barb 304-757-7369

[email protected]

Member Care Committee:

Rose Hensley and the Member Care Committee

would like to thank Roberta Farmer for the

beautiful table runners, she crafted, will be used

to decorate the table during Narthex Fellowship

Coffees. The runners depict the many holidays

and seasons of the year. A different runner will

be used each month. Stop by

and check out her beautiful

handy work during the next

fellowship coffee. Again,

thank you Roberta!

The Mission Outreach Ministry Team and

Teays Valley Manor Board Members are

planning a soup dinner for residents of the

Manor. The dinner will be Thursday, March

10 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the Community

Room of the Manor. The TVPC groups are

Mission Outreach Updates:

Page 4: Teays Valley Presbyterian Church The Valley Viewer€¦ · 1 Teays Valley Presbyterian Church The Valley Viewer Honoring Elizabeth Thompson Sunday, February 21, Teays Valley Presbyterian


planning to have four crock pots of different

soups and a variety of breads and desserts for

the residents. It is always an appreciative group

at the Manor for any refreshments we prepare,

but they especially enjoy the time of fellowship.

Anyone who would like to help with this

mission may contact Mission Outreach

chairperson Reggie Lowe or Manor Board

president, David Brown.

The Heart and Hand Collection of personal

hygiene items will continue until Sunday,

March 13. These items will go to the Heart and

Hand Community Service Center in Winfield.

The Center helps individuals in this area with

information about resources such as the local

food pantry. They also offer rent and utility

assistance in times of emergency for families.

Presently, they are in need of personal hygiene

items. The Mission Outreach Ministry Team is

collecting small toothpaste, toothbrushes

(individually packaged), bar soaps, tissue

packages, small combs, small shampoos, chap

stick, hand sanitizer, wash rags, small

deodorants, and small body lotions. If you

would like to donate any of these items, you

may drop them in the “bathtub” in the Narthex.

If you have any questions about this mission,

please speak with Cathy Conaway.

Narthex Updates…. There have been many

positive comments and excitement about the

updated Narthex. The furniture arrived during

February, and the information counter and

cabinet, coffee kiosk, and Christian Community

Cupboard are all in place and being used.

The information counter is filled with the many

items of interest about our church. The minutes

for each of the committees (now called

Ministry Teams) are placed in a notebook on

the counter. The bulletin board has an area for

the present week’s activities, future activities,

and also a place for important news articles.

Coffee, tea, and hot chocolate are available on

the coffee counter, with the supplies stored in

the cabinets and drawers below.

The cabinet doors of the new, tall Christian

Community Cupboard will be opened each

Sunday for depositing the needed food items

and any extra grocery bags. The signs for the

monthly food needs are sitting on the top of the


As of Sunday, February 21, a

total of $7,965.00 has been

collected for the updating. We

continue to accept donations for

our goal of $11,000 to finish

payments for the upgrades.

Many thanks to everyone who

has helped finance

this work!

The TVPC Website…Tina Cobb has been

working to complete the various web pages for

our new TVPC website. We are very close to

going live with the new site. It will be an

ongoing, changing site as we have news and

information to share. We are looking for

individuals who would be interested in helping

with the updating of the site. Please speak with

Bob Hansen or Becky King if you are interested

in helping.

“Good morning, how are you? Welcome to

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church”…Do those

words flow easily from your heart? The

Evangelism Committee discussed the

welcoming of visitors to our church on

Sundays. Pastor Key talked about the need to

have several good greeters from our

congregation and have one available each

Sunday morning to meet our visitors. This

greeter would introduce the visitor to others and

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see that they are seated in the sanctuary.

During the service we plan to have a power

point reminder for Elders to stand so that a

visitor could identify with them. Following the

service the greeter and Elders would make sure

that they are handed one of our visitor welcome

bags. The committee members plan to design

an information form for the visitor to fill out so

that there can be follow up. Could you be one

of our friendly, welcoming greeters one Sunday

a month? Speak with Bob or Becky if you are

so inclined.

The Evangelism Committee is seeking new

members for our committee work. We meet the

last Monday of the month. The February

meeting will be Monday, February 29, 2016.

Honoring Elizabeth Thompson continued from front page.

Sunday, February 21, Teays Valley

Presbyterian Church members and friends

gathered together to honor Elizabeth

Thompson. That Sunday was her last worship

at TVPC and time to be with everyone. She has

moved to Virginia to be with her daughter,

Molly Channell and family.

Elizabeth has been an active member at Teays

Valley Presbyterian Church for over 50 years.

Considering her faithful service to the church,

the Session honored her with the title of

ELDER EMERITUS during the worship

service. Following the service there was a

reception with refreshments and cards, flowers,

and gifts for her. She was able to greet many of

her friends during this special time.

Sara Sowards read the following proclamation,

honoring Elizabeth Thompson:

WHEREAS, Elder Elizabeth Thompson,

devoted servant of God, has faithfully served

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church for over 50

years. During that time she has served as elder,

Sunday School member, choir member,

attendance secretary and Clerk of Session.

Elder Thompson has served on numerous

committees including the Member Care


and, Whereas, during this period, God has

drawn the congregation together through Elder

Elizabeth Thompson’s wisdom and ministry, to

glorify Him and serve Him in love, and has

used Elder Elizabeth Thompson’s life’s

testimony to grow, nurture, and impact many

generations of members of Teays Velley

Presbyterian Church.

and, Whereas, Elder Elizabeth Thompson has

maintained a long lasting relationship with

Teays Valley’s Session and congregation, and as

an elder faithfully serving and tending her

sheep, serving out of a love for Christ which

sustains her unfailing commitment.

and, Whereas, we are a flock of unruly sheep,

quick to wander and often entangled in the

world’s thorns. But Elder Elizabeth Thompson,

a faithful servant of Christ and woman of godly

wisdom and integrity, has lovingly and

faithfully been shepherd, teacher, listener,

comforter, counselor, administrator and dear

friend to all. Even as Christ laid down His life

for the Church, Elder Elizabeth Thompson has

given herself in devoted service to this flock.

Be it therefore resolved that the Session of

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church of Scott

Depot, West Virginia, expresses its heartfelt

appreciation, gratitude, and high acclamation to

Elizabeth Thompson, and in recognition of her

exemplary and faithful service to the Lord and

to Teays Valley Presbyterian Church (PCUSA),

commends her as ELDER EMERITUS;

AND, that it be further resolved, we give all

honor and praise to our Sovereign God for

Elder Elizabeth Thompson’s humble, dedicated,

and unwavering service to the church and our

Lord Jesus Christ.

Soli Deo Gloria!

Adopted by the Session on February 9, 2016.

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Photos from the celebration.


If you know someone who’s looking for a

church, recently moved, or would just like to

come to sing a few songs with us, please feel

free to invite them! We’re always looking for

more smiling faces to join us at TVPC and you

never know, they could be the next New

Member Shout Out!

Hannah Circle Hannah Circle will resume

meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month at

7:00 PM in the parlor. All women are invited to

join us for an evening of Bible Study,

refreshments and fellowship.

O.W.L.S. OWLS will have their next meeting on the 3rd

Tuesday in March. Come and join the group ...

we have great fun and fellowship.

March 15 - and we will go to Italian Grill :-)

All are welcome to attend OWLS functions, you

don't have to be retired or old to enjoy the

fellowship of Older, Wiser, Livelier, Sexier people

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Recent Prayer


JUDY ANDREWS —Christy Walls‘ mother HELEN BAXTER CHLOE BROWNING — recovery ALICE BROYLES —healing BEN COBB- recovery BECKY GOODMAN – recovery NANCY GOODMAN – rehab (Heartland of

Riverview, Chesapeake, OH) NANCY HILL – recovery CATHERINE KING – manor resident – various

health problems ROBERT KRASZEWSKI — leukemia (Uncle of

Andrea Lupson) SUSAN MCKENZIE — cancer (friend of Ray &


Please help us to keep the prayer list current by

sharing with us answered prayers as well as new

and continued prayer needs.

You may do so by leaving your requests and

updates in the Secretary’s mail slot located just

outside of the office. Thank you.

If you have an urgent prayer request and would

like our chain of Prayer Warriors to pray for you,

please call Pastor Kyle, 540-405-1042, Bill Hensley

304-757-8599, Dianne Harrah, 304-549-0026 and

they will notify the prayer chain.



Christy Wagner 03/01

Samuel Pett 03/02

Trent Smith 03/04

Angie Barthelmess 03/06

Christian Deiss 03/06

Madison Gray 03/09

Chloe Konstanty 03/09

Charlene Bowles 03/10

Molly Gaines 03/10

Ada Boggess 03/14

Chloe Browning 03/14

Gabi Cobb 03/16

Caroline Smith 03/17

Molly Wagner 03/18

Bob Eddins 03/19

Laura Boggess 03/24

Kenneth Gould 03/24

Nancy DuVall 03/25

Mark Patrick Newman 03/25

Daniel Ingram 03/28

Janet Sims 03/28

Mark Hayes 03/31

Hooooorrrraaaaayyyy … Happy almost

SPRING … It is an

exciting, happy season of

“Hope” … everything is

coming alive – a time to

share the Good News - the

“Light” of life is our Lord,

Jesus Christ … Come to

Worship with us and learn of all the blessings He

has provided … Well I was given the honor of

presenting the award of “Elder Emeritus

Elizabeth Thompson” - had my first real chance

behind the pulpit to “preach” and I was

overwhelmed by all that Elizabeth has done for

TVPC and her very presence in the congregation

was very special because many folks may not

The Lord’s Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13 King James Version (KJV) 9 After this manner therefore pray ye:

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in

heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive

us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not

into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the

kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

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know that she was here through thick and thin,

snow, ice, rain or heat, when the doors opened

she was here (sometimes she opened them

herself), following worship she was given a

reception so folks could greet her and wish her

well - she moved to Virginia to be with Kevin,

Molly, Melinda and Ashley Channel and we

miss her SOOOOO! AND of course I forgot to

preach (and everyone was relieved) … The old

church house is alive and buzzing with activity

and looking lovely … Thanks to the Evangelism

Committee we have a beautiful new and

organized looking Narthex, under the very

capable Yeager Designs and Interiors (who is

Elizabeth Yeager Cross) a very special young

lady who has been in and around TVPC since

she was a little girl … The Lenten season, with

Kyle and Chris Key, has certainly brought new

life to the congregation – starting with a Shrove

Tuesday Pancake supper presented by the

Member Care Committee (when everyone is to

eat and store up lots of bacon, sausage, butter

and syrup on pancakes) to hold them through

“Lent” which is the next 40 days until Easter

Sunday … then Ash Wednesday was celebrated

the next day with six stations throughout the

sanctuary, for instance one had slips of paper

and if someone had done something to you that

has always bothered you, you would write a

word or name on the paper to remove that

burden from you – then the slips were crumbled

and trashed … another you placed your hands in

a basin of water for cleansing and received a

pebble, then clay, oil, light, etc. with the final

station having a cross put on each person's

forehead made with ashes from burned palm

branches, administered by Kyle and then Laura

Boggess put a nail in each one's hand pressing

the point so you could feel the sharpness –

everyone is to bring the nail back for Maundy

Thursday when it will hammered into a wooden

cross which will be placed outside on the

entrance walkway – To explain … each station

had two banner type sheets – one explaining

what the symbol stands for and the other had the

scripture reference ... all of this is being

followed up with Lenten series sermons, making

the “Good News” light up TVPC … well I think

I feel like I have been preaching … The OWLS

attended the Thai House Restaurant (each 3rd

Tuesday) and had 22 in attendance – it is so nice

having Chris Key with us and of course Kyle …

next month, March 15, Nancy Hill is hosting –

going to the Italian Grill in Putnam Village –

everyone is welcome – it helps if you tell Nancy

Alker or Sara Sowards or Dianne Harrah so we

can have a close estimate on how many chairs to

have ready...we are so pleased that Dianne

Harrah has volunteered to help the callers... well

I better close for now … have a Blessed Easter –

Luv from the CM

Pastor’s Note Greetings Dear Friends!

As we journey through the

Lenten Season, my prayer is

that God is working in your

life and revealing His infinite love and nature

into your lives. Remember His promise that if

we seek Him, we will find Him. As you continue

to discover more about the character and nature

of God, may you also find His plan and purpose

for your life during this season.

As you know, Lent is a time to examine

ourselves, to bear the fruit of repentance, and to

sacrifice through self-denial. It’s valuable to

prepare our hearts to remember and reflect on

the crucifixion of Jesus.

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A part of that examination process is, Self-

Examination. What does it mean to examine

ourselves? In His Upper Room Discourse in

John 13-16, Jesus tells that the role of the Holy

Spirit is to teach us, give us understanding and

remind us of the Word of God that we have

planted in our hearts. He also tells us in John 16

an important role of the Holy Spirit is to convict

us of sin so that we may confess it and be

cleansed of it. As we examine ourselves and

search our hearts, the Holy Spirit, along with the

Word of God, can reveal to us areas in our lives

where we are not walking closely with Jesus.

Once we are aware of these areas, how

refreshing it can be to confess those sins and

have them washed away by the cleansing blood

of Jesus Christ that was shed for us on the Cross

for the forgiveness of our sins.

The Apostle Paul encouraged the saints in

Corinth to examine themselves before they took

communion, so that they would not eat and drink

of the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner by

taking lightly Christ’s sacrificial death for us.

This confession and resulting cleansing frees us

up to serve and love the Lord with abandonment.

Paul writes this wonderful good news in Romans

8:1-2, “Therefore, there is now no condemnation

for those who are in Christ Jesus, because

through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life

set me free from the law of sin and death.”

Because of the work of Jesus Christ, we have

been set free. Free from what? Free for what?

We have been set free from the bondage of sin

and are free to enjoy a living, vibrant

relationship with the Creator of the universe!

Jesus tells us in Mark 12 that the greatest

commandment is to love the Lord our God with

all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Out of

this love should flow our motivation for


This Lenten Season is about the solemnity and

sacrifice of our Lord. And it is right and good

that we observe these things in our everyday

lives, being living witnesses of the power of

Jesus and His resurrection in us.

As we continue through the Season of Lent, it is

my prayer that our lives will be incredibly

moved by reflecting on the power of God’s love

toward His people. I pray that we will be

renewed, refreshed, revived and reinvigorated

for the journey that lies before each of us and the

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church.

Remember, the Season of Lent ends with the

best news ever uttered, “Why do you look for

the living among the dead? He is not here: He

has risen!” (Luke 24:5-6)

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed!

May this amazing good news transform our

lives, our families, our church and our


And may we live our lives in a manner worthy

of the calling we have received!

See you in church! Happy Easter!

Your Pastor and Friend, Kyle

P. S. Remember to bring your “Nail”, which you

received during the Ash Wednesday Service, to our

Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 PM on March

24th. If you didn’t receive a nail, or have misplaced

yours, you may pick up another one at the

Information Desk in the Narthex.

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Family Health Ministries

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church has enjoyed a

twelve year history of working with Family

Health Ministries in Durham, NC. In 2003,

Cathy and David Walmer visited our church

and spoke about their ministry. Since that time

we have financially supported their mission,

providing needed medical supplies and other

hygiene items. We have also had four members

of our church travel on their medical trips.

Family Health Ministries has recently

announced their 2016 mission travel dates.

There are presently openings for:

June 11-19 for a Blanchard Clinic Medical Trip.

Healthcare providers and non-medical members

are needed.

July 16-24 for the Vacation Bible School week.

There are also three other weeks with openings

with Hope Community Church, Raleigh, NC.

Participants would work with members of this

church in three different medical locations in


Please visit their site at for

more information about Family Health

Ministries, their mission travel, their work in

Haiti, other ways to get involved with their

ministries, Haiti news, and how to contact

them. Also, do not hesitate to speak with Laura

Boggess, Laura Lees, or Bob and Linda Hansen

about any questions you might have about the

Family Health Ministries mission in Haiti

“Supporting Haitian communities in their efforts to

build and sustain healthy families” is the Mission

Statement of Family Health Ministries. “Together-

Learning to live God’s love” is the Mission

Statement of Teays Valley Presbyterian Church.

2016 Shepherd List:

BARRON, TOM 562-6703

Gould, Terri

McKinney, Ray and Jane

Nunley, Helen

VanDyke, Jack

BOGGESS, ADA 757-6026

Gaines, Molly

Mumma, Virginia

Scoular, Barbara


Jarrett, Mike

Lowe, Reggie and Najie

BROWN, DAVID 757-5599

Boggess, Jeff and Laura

Canterbury, Lucy

Gould, Ken

Mattison, Mel and Mary Lou

Moody, John and Claudia

Pfost, Brett and Wanda


Hedrick, Pat

FARMER, DON 757-5088

Davis, Charles and Charlene

McNeely, Jessica

Pemberton, Jay and Sara

Postle, Marsha

Shinn, Pat

White, Greg

HANSEN, BOB 760-8138

Baxter, Helen

Davis, Bruce and Barbara

Hensley, Bill and Rose

Moon, Jack and Mary Jo

Peterson, Randy and Jean

Walker, Rishel and Sandy

Vest, Ben and Gayle

HAYES, BECKY 562-2360

Allen, Bob and Lois

Prisk, Bonnie

HEDRICK, PAT 757-7131

Ball, Andy and Donna

Buchanan, Martha

HEDRICK, PAT 757-7131

Ball, Andy and Donna

Buchanan, Martha

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HENSLEY, BILL 757-8599

Broyles, Alice

Craigo, Oshel and Joanna

Goodman, Nancy and Becky

Miller, Ann

Ripley, Bob and Karen

Poore, David

INGRAM, MARCI 553-3694

Allman, Chris and Jennifer

Burchett, Nica

JARRETT, MIKE 539-2379

Alker, Rick and Nancy

Conaway, Kevin and Cathy

Farmer, Don and Roberta

Hill, Nancy and Jessica

Newman, Mark and Patty

Sowards, Sara

KING, BECKY 546-4587

Harrah, Dianne

Hayes, Mike and Becky

Lupson, Jon and Andrea

Springer, Rose

Valentine. Minnie

White, Betty

LOWE, REGGIE 757-0579

Browning, Joey & Kimberly

Cobb, Ben and Tina

Key, Rev Kyle and Chris

Konstanty. Paul and Susie

Sims , Gary

Thompson. Elizabeth

MCKINNEY, RAY 757-1320

Hansen, Bob and Linda

Harris, Dan and Toni

Ingram Dan and Charlotte

Lees, Laura

Prisk, Bonnie

Sims, Janet

SIMS, JANET 757-7640

Ingram, Dan and Marci

Wagner, Christy

SMITH, MARY 552-5966

Brown, David and Molly

SOWARDS, SARA 757-6186

Chafin, Linda

Gillenwater, Frances

Jarrett, Bob


Bright, Nancy

Rollyson, Charlie

MATTISON, MEL 757-0863

Barthelmess, Brett & Angie

Boggess, Ted and Ada

Carney, Richard and Erika

Smith, Tom and Mary

Stringer, Ray and Barb

Walls, Christy

PRISK, BONNIE 561-7766

Barron, Tom and Imorene

Cobb, Lloyd

Cope, Luther and Barbara

Iing, Larry and Becky

Schuster, Lisa

Serfontein. Stephan and Maria

revised 2/18/16

Travel to Scotland

Travel to Scotland focusing on Church

Heritage, Partnership and Spiritual


Peter and Tina

Vial are leading a

trip May 24 - June

6, 2016 to explore our rich Scottish

heritage, the Coolest Small Country on

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the Planet, and a time of spiritual retreat.

There are only a few spots left! For more

information please contact Rev. Vial

at [email protected]

Small Church Choir Sign-Ups

Come join the Small Church Choir for

worship at the Small Church Conference,

Fayetteville Presbyterian Church, April

30, 2016. The only

requirement is that you can

make a joyful noise!

Nancy Villain, Music

Director at Elk Hills

Presbyterian Church, will direct the choir

that will be made up of church members

from all over West Virginia joining their

voices in praise to God. Please send an

email to [email protected] and let her know

you are interested.

2016 Festival of Faith

Heath Rada, the Moderator of the General

Assembly of the PCUSA, will be our

keynote presenter for Festival of Faith,

April 2, at First Presbyterian Church,

Charleston. In addition to the keynote

presentation, there will be opportunities for

worship, workshops, fellowship and fun for

all ages.

New this year will be the

opportunity to attend 3

workshops during the day.

Some of the workshop

offerings and their leaders

are: A Conversation with

the Moderator (Heath Rada); Meet our

New General Presbyter (Ed Thompson);

Discovering Faith in Calvin and Hobbes

(Amy Parker); and An Invitation to

Hospitality: Coloring Grows Up (Jackie


Packets of information have been sent to

churches. Check with your Pastor, Clerk of

Session, Church Educator for materials.

Complete information can also be found by

clicking here! If you would like a packet of

information sent to you, please contact

[email protected].

WV Volunteer Organizations Active in

Disaster Update

Wondering about just how we are

recovering from the floods that occurred

earlier this year? We are moving forward

and with great partnerships we are

beginning a ground breaking project that

hopes to address the significant need for

bridge repair and replacement for some of

those who lost access to their homes during

the flooding.

Please click here to see what WVVOAD

has planned and about how you can be a

part of the story. If you watch the video and

notice some people in royal blue shirts...

They are us! Presbyterian Disaster

Assistance on the move!

2016 Presbyterian Youth Triennium Now's the time to identify youth in grades

8-12 in your congregation who might be

interested in attending the 2016

Presbyterian Youth Triennium held on the

campus of Purdue University, July 18-23,

2016. The presbytery will be taking a

delegation of youth and adult advisors to

this faith/life changing event with other

Presbyterians across the nation and the

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world. The cost per youth will be $425,

which includes housing, transportation,

program, t-shirts and meals. Adult

advisors over the age of 25 will also be

needed, though the exact number won't be

known until registrations are in; interested

adults should be in touch with Susan Sharp

Campbell as soon as possible.

It is our intention to take all interested

youth from the presbytery.

Bluestone Year-End Updates Bluestone

We're not far from closing out another year

at Bluestone. The majority of camp is

winterized, except for two of our recently

remodeled cabins which we will keep open

through the winter... which means...

Bluestone is now officially a year-round

retreat center! We encourage small groups

of up to 20 people to consider coming to

Bluestone this winter for a weekend


To follow up on Send-A-Kid to Camp

news, I had announced to presbytery back

in August that we hoped to recover about

$2,200 in outstanding balances for 8

campers we invited to camp. Since then we

have received $1,160... Thank you so

much! We are still hopeful to recover

another $1,000 by December 31...

Keep in mind that your church will soon

receive letter inviting your participation in

Send-A-Kid to Camp in 2016. We hope

you will consider this opportunity for

outreach and evangelism that is "close to

home" as your involvement will most

definitely impact the life of a child in deep

and meaningful ways...

Finally, we anticipate the opening of

registration for Summer Camp 2016 by

January 1 via our online process. In the

meantime, these are the dates for camp this

coming summer: June 12 - June 18, June 19

- June 25, June 26 - July 2, July 3 - July 9

I'm once again challenging you to respond

to me. Feel free to post on our Facebook

page, or just send me an email. I challenge

you to send me pictures that remind you of

God’s love. Also, I would like to do a

special edition with before and after shots

for all the couples TVPC has seen get

married. So please, send me wedding and

years later shots of couples who’ve gotten

married at TVPC (please have their names

and ideally the years they got married too).

Also, we would love to see pictures of

Spring, as it’s finally around us. Post

pictures of you enjoying Spring on our

Facebook! Don’t forget the Egg Hunt on


Have something you want in the Newsletter? Feel

free to email the Newsletter at:

[email protected]


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Pack and Troop 283

would like to thank

Teays Valley Presbyterian

Church for their support.

How to receive your newsletter in the future

Contact Sara if you would like to get on the mailing list for a printed copy, even if you also receive a digital copy.

Currently, the printed newsletter will be in black and white. The digital copy which will go out to everyone our

email list. It will be as a Portable Document Format (PDF). We recommend either Foxit Reader or Adobe Reader to

open these documents. These readers are both available for free. Many people may already have the Adobe Reader


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Our Staff

Rev Kyle Key .................................... Pastor

Karren Sparks ............................... Secretary

Michael Wright ..............Organist/Keyboard

Laura Boggess.............................Lay Pastor

Jeff Boggess……………..Praise Team Leader

Susie Konstanty…………………CE Director

Paul Konstanty…………………Youth Leader

Kim Lemons…....... Leaps & Bounds Director

Tyler Mullens …………………Choir Director

Andrea Lupson .....................Newsletter Editor

The Valley Viewer is produced by:

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church

5339 Teays Valley Road

Scott Depot WV 25560

304 757-6073 – office phone

[email protected]


March 1 - Hannah Circle Deep Cleaning - March 8

OWLS - March 15 Palm Sunday - March 20

Maundy Thursday – March 24– 7pm- Bring your nails!

Easter Egg Hunt - March 26 (10 a.m.) – accepting donations for egg “fillings”

and volunteers for the event.

Easter Sunday - March 27 HE IS RISEN!

For more information on the events happening at the church, please refer to the

calendar on page 2.

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Sunday Funday

Sundays 2:00-3:30 pm

Cub & Boy Scouts

Mondays at 6:30 pm

Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays at 9:00 am

Chancel Choir

Wednesdays at 7:30 pm

Girl Scouts

Thursdays at 6:30 pm

Visit us on the Web!

View the calendar online – just click on the link.

Check out our Facebook page!

Teays Valley Presbyterian Church

5339 Teays Valley Road

Scott Depot WV 25560