Download - Team Web Dashboard User Guide - Elite HRV

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Team Web Dashboard User Guide

Updated: July 2015

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What Is In This Guide

Intro to Elite HRV TEAM

Login with Existing Account

Creating a New Account

Creating a New Team

Adding a Payment Plan

Team Funded vs. Member Funded Plans

Account Settings

Joining a Team

Viewing and Adding Team Members

Managing Team Member Status

Displaying a Team in the Dashboard

Navigating the Dashboard

Dashboard Summary Insights

Dashboard – Table Analysis

Dashboard – Group Analysis

Dashboard – Individual Analysis

Exporting Data

Support & Feedback



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To access the Elite HRV TEAM web dashboard visit

The Team web dashboard is intended for Team Administrators and Owners. This means Coaches, Trainers, Health Practitioners, etc.

• Note: Javascript must be enabled to operate the Team web dashboard


Intro to Elite HRV TEAM

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1. Select Login in the top right corner of the Team home page

2. Use your same email and password as the Elite HRV app account

• Note: If you typically log in with Facebook or Google and have not created an Elite HRV password, you will need to create a password before logging in to the Team web dashboard. To create a new password simply follow the "Forgot Password" instructions on either the Team web dash or within the Elite HRV app


Login with Existing Account

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1. Select Sign Up in the top right corner of the Team home page

2. Fill out the needed account information• Note: If you create a new account in the Team

web dashboard, that account will automatically have access to the Elite HRV app using the same email and password as well


Creating a New Account

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1. In Settings tab, select the “Create Team” button

2. A popup box will appear. Type in your team name and select “Create”

3. Your new team will display in the “Settings” tab

• You can have multiple teams displaying with the option to drill down into each team


Creating A New Team



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During or after your free trial, you have the option to select a payment plan for your team (“Member Funded” or “Team Funded”). This payment plan will not become active until after your 30 day free trial is up.

1. In the Settings tab, expand your newly created Team, the option to select “Member Funded” or “Team Funded” plans are displayed.

2. Select the plan you wan to use for your team.


Adding a Payment Plan

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3. After selecting the “Member Funded” plan, an email is automatically sent to your Team Members. The Subscription will show your current plan selected is “Member Funded.” No further action is required by the Team Owner.

4. After selecting the “Team Funded” plan, a button will appear saying ”Activate Account”. To complete the process, select “Activate Account” and follow the steps to add your billing information (you will not be charged until at least a month after your free trial ends).

5. You can check what billing information you have saved by selecting the “Billing” button.


Adding a Payment Plan Cont’d



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If you choose either Team Funded or MemberFunded, the functionality of the Elite HRVTeam platform is the same.

The main difference is that under the TeamFunded option, the Team Owner isresponsible for paying the Team Members’monthly subscription fees while under theMember Funded option, the Team Membersare responsible for paying their own monthlysubscription. The Team Funded plan also hasbuilt in discounts for larger teams and hasthe added ability for Team Owners to setmembers as active/inactive so they aren’tpaying for a Team Member that is on hiatus.

No matter the funding option you choose,your team gets the first month free as partof the no-strings-attached free trial.

Learn more about the funding options at


Team Funded vs. Member Funded

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1. In the Settings tab, view your teams, create or join a team, edit your profile information, or view/manage your billing info.

2. To update your profile information, select “Edit Profile”

3. A popup box will appear where you can update your email and/or user name.


Account Settings




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1. In order to join a team, select the “Join Team” button in the Settings tab

2. The “Join Team” popup box will appear. Type the existing team name in the search and select the team you want to join and select Done. (Note: The search will autocomplete with matching team names from existing database teams after you type 3 letters)

3. Your request to join a team will be submitted to the team owner and other existing admins for approval and display as pending

4. Once your request to join a team is approved, your team will display under “My Teams” as a Member status


Joining A Team



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1. If you are a team admin for multiple teams, select the team you want displayed in Settings page then navigate to the Members page from the Menu bar. The selected Team will display at the top of the page

2. Existing team members can be viewed and sorted by clicking the column headers

3. Pending Member Requests will display at the top of the page. Any team admin can approve or deny a pending member request

• Currently, Team Members must search and request to join a team in the Elite HRV App or on the Team Web Dashboard


Viewing and Adding Team Members




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1. Team Member Status can be managed by clicking on the team member

2. A popup box will display providing options to Promote a team member to a Team Admin or to Remove a Team Member from your Team

3. If the Team Member already has Team Admin status, an option will display to remove them from Team Admin status (currently only Owners can demote)


Managing Team Member Status





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4. Team member notes can be added or updated for each member

5. A Team Owner or Admin can remove a member from their team by selecting “Remove from Team”

6. Member notes and Admin/Member Status displays in the Member List


Managing Team Member Status






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If you are an Admin or Owner of multiple teams, to change the team displayed in the Dashboard analysis:

1. Go to the Settings page on the right Menu bar

2. Expand the Team you are interested in viewing in the Dashboard

3. Select “Display This Team in Dashboard”4. The Settings page will indicate which team

is currently being displayed in the Dashboard

5. Navigate back to the Dashboard from the Menu bar to begin your Team’s analysis

6. The selected Team name will display in the Dashboard header


Displaying a Team in the Dashboard





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1. Navigate to the Dashboard page from the Menu bar

2. From the Dashboard home page, use the buttons at the top of the page to toggle between the Table Analysis, Group Analysis, and Individual Analysis


Navigating the Dashboard

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1. View a summary of the current day’s Team Summary

2. Click on any wedges of the left pie chart to see a popup list of team members in each Readiness group (Red, Yellow, Green)

3. Click on the right donut chart to see a popup list of team members’ MR reading compliance


Dashboard Summary Insights






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1. Toggle to the Table Analysis view to view your team members data in a table chart

2. Use the date selector by scrolling with the arrows or selecting a date from the calendar popup

3. Click the desired column header in order to sort the data in ascending or descending order (Note: Current sorted column will show as highlighted with arrow indicating ascending or descending sorting)


Table Analysis



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1. Toggle to the Group Analysis view to compare your team members’ HRV data in a chart

2. To add team members to the displayed chart, “Select All” to display all members, select team members from the Members list, or search for a member and select to add the member

3. Remove team members from displaying on the comparison chart by clicking their name


Group Analysis




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4. Choose to compare your team members’ different metrics by toggling between data filters

5. Use the date selectors in order to adjust the time range for the displayed chart

6. Select a data point in order to highlight the team member and further analyze the selected individual

7. Click “Analyze Individual” in order to navigate to the Individual Analysis view for the selected individual


Group Analysis





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1. Toggle to the Individual Analysis view to analyze a team member’s detailed HRV data in a chart

2. Easily switch between team members to analyze their individual HRV data

3. Select multiple HRV data filters to display on the chart for more in depth analysis


Individual Analysis




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4. Select the quick select date ranges or use the date selectors in order to adjust the time range for the displayed chart

5. Select a data readiness bar in order to view advanced HRV details for the selected HRV reading


Individual Analysis




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Data can be exported to a CSV file from Table Analysis, Group Analysis, and Individual Analysis

1. Navigate to the desired Analysis screen

2. Apply desired trending, date, and member filters

3. Select “Export CSV”

4. The file will save automatically to your default downloads location with the analysis type and date as the file name (e.g. Table – 2015-07-29.csv)


Exporting Data



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Teams receive priority support! Send an email to [email protected] or contact us directly through the Elite HRV Team web platform by using the Feedback box found in the Resources Page.


Support & Feedback

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Team Members can choose to hide themselves from their teammates by activating the "Disable Teammate Sharing" option directly from their Elite HRV app Settings screen. When ON, teammates will not be able to see their HRV information. This will not prevent Team Administrators and Owners from viewing the data - only other Team Members.

