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2. Teacher librarians: the app for that Carolyn Foote, Westlake HS Library Eanes ISD, Austin,Tx tweet along @technolibrary [email protected] 3. People base their understanding today based on what they think the future holds. But really, the future creates the present. So we have to change how people think about the future to change the present. Thomas Frey, Summit on the Flickr: Saranel 4. Libraries are about tomorrows learners 5. ...not about the state of our Dewey Decimal system -- Jennifer LaGarde flickr: mag3737 6. What is your core mission? flickr: soul_smiling 7. Library as developing enterprise, not fixed --Joan Frye Williams Text 8. Embracing the growth mindset 9. What do we know? 10. 74 % of teens access internet via mobile; 25% mostly cell 78% have cell phones 80% desktop/laptop 23% tablets 81% use social networking 11. Digital natives? 12. Teens dont try to analyze how things are different because of technology; they simply try to relate to a public world in which technology is a given. Danah Boyd Its Complicated 13. How libraries can help? 14. Services 15. Incubator: our story 16. Curate 17. Navigating the new 18. Cooper Elem Library 19. Text Instructional support 20. Anticipate needs 21. flickr: sicoactiva Embedded librarianship 22. Lead learner 23. Libraries are about supporting curiosity flickr: dianecordell 24. This is Braeden 25. and.... 26. 27. 28. 29. What can we help students create? 30. What we envision will create the future flickr: ashleyrose 31. dschool Libratory? Kitchen? Studio? 32. While I love me a read poster, we need to look less like book museums and more like learning laboratories. Jennifer LaGarde TL Virtual Cafe 33. From warehouse 34. to their house 35. No more 7-11 36. 37. 38. Idea center 39. Learning Commons Student,Teacher and Librarian designed Learning studio with technology, books, librarians, technologists and other learning specialists Areas for individual or group work or classroom work If they build it, they will use it. David Loertscher 40. What spaces do you want to create? 41. Become an anthropologist 42. Strategies? identify obstacle points w/sticky notes engage students ask critical observers to chart the flow --David Bill flickr: rubyblossom 43. Remove obstacles 44. Space as social emotional support photo by Eric Schlegal 45. What do the things in your room say about what you believe? --@criticalskills1 46. Who is the 21st century librarian? 47. flickr: ncheng93 I've always seen the media specialists as the Swiss army knife of any school. 48. Instructional partner 49. and-just-how-does-rainbow-loom-fit-into.html Global learning leader 50. Web designer friendly-search-engines/ 51. Blogger 52. Experimenter 53. Literacy cheerleader 54. Sharer 55. Innovator 56. School libraries are not just a bunch of rooms filled with books; they are a national network of incubators for future economic potential. Jeff Norton 57. Info literacy specialists Keith Curry Lance studies 58. Studies show... 59. AASLISTE NETS for students 60. created by Jennifer LaGarde 61. How can you help? 62. Mindset 63. Raise our own expectations 64. Support, nurture & invite collaboration 65. Collaboratively reenvision library 66. support p/d for librarians -- conventional and unconventional tech and lib relatedSeek out professional development flickr: kishizuka 67. Watch for trends 68. Be a strategic partner 69. Support innovation 70. Support Braedens 71. Make library part of the schools strategy 72. Strategy in Our EISD Strategic Plan We will promote and support a robust digital-age learning environment to inspire student learning and creativity. 73. Believe you have a valuable voice 74. and... 75. Be kind to yourself 76. Ask... How, together, do we help our school reach its goals? Jennifer LaGarde 77. There is an app for that. 78. flickr: milomilosovec Carolyn Foote Westlake HS Austin,Tx @technolibrary [email protected] Stay curious, my friends.