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  • 8/4/2019 TE040 Test Script AP




    Payables Implementation


    Creation Date: September 26, 2011

    Last Updated: September 26, 2011

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  • 8/4/2019 TE040 Test Script AP


    TE.040 System Test Script

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    Payables ImplementationFile Ref: 69413494.doc

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  • 8/4/2019 TE040 Test Script AP


    TE.040 System Test Script


    Document Control.......................................................................................ii


    Century Date Compliance.....................................................................1

    System Test Sequences..............................................................................2

    01 - System Test Specifications < Opening Payable Periods >..................3

    02 - System Test Specifications < Defining Banks >..................................4

    03 - System Test Specifications < Defining Distribution Sets >.................5

    04 - System Test Specifications < PO Invoice for Goods >.........................6

    05 - System Test Specifications < Prepayment (Supplier / EmployeeAdvances) >...............................................................................................7

    6 - System Test Specifications < Prepaid Expenses, Rent & OtherAdvances >.................................................................................................9

    7 - System Test Specifications < Employee Expense Reports >..............11

    8 - System Test Specifications < Debiting Suppliers Liability >...............13

    9 - System Test Specifications < Create Invoice Not Matched To PO >....14

    10 - System Test Specifications < Supplier / Employee Refund >............16

    11 - System Test Specifications < Entering Payments >.........................17

    12 - System Test Specifications < Cancel Unpaid Invoices >...................18

    13 - System Test Specifications < Invoice Distribution Correction >........19

    14 - System Test Specifications < Void Payment >..................................20

    15 - System Test Specifications < Payables Month-End Processing >......21

    16 - System Test Specifications < Payables Close Period >.....................23

    Defect Log.................................................................................................24

    Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable...........................................25

    Open Issues.........................................................................................25

    Closed Issues.......................................................................................25

    Payables ImplementationFile Ref: 69413494.doc

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    This System Test Script documents the steps needed to test theintegration of application extensions with the target application systemwith respect to the Payables process.

    System testing measures the quality of the entire application system,

    using system test sequences and scripts. You must create scripts for allbusiness processes based on the Mapped Business Requirements(BR.030). You should be able to reuse the test scripts you created duringTest Business Solutions (BR.080); however, the focus of business solutiontesting is confirming individual business processes, while business systemtesting focuses on confirming the collective application system. For moreinformation, refer to Business Mapping Test Results (BR.080) as a basisfor business system test specifications.

    This system test will include the following types of testing:

    Integrated Business Processes

    Security Testing

    Century Date Compliance

    In the past, two-character date coding was an acceptable convention dueto perceived costs associated with the additional disk and memorystorage requirements of full four character date encoding. As the year2000 approached, it became evident that a full four character-codingscheme was more appropriate.

    In the context of the Application Implementation Method (AIM), theconvention Century Date or C/Date support rather than Year2000 or Y2Ksupport is used. It is felt that coding for any future Century Date is nowthe modern business and technical convention.

    Every applications implementation team needs to consider the impact ofthe Century Date on their implementation project. As part of theimplementation effort, all customizations, legacy data conversions, andcustom interfaces need to be reviewed for Century Date compliance.

    Testing activities need to make sure that all interfaces and applicationextensions are coded for Century Date compliance. System test scriptsshould include steps for testing Century Date compliance.

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    System Test Sequences

    Sequence #

    Payables Test Description Tester


    Pass/Fail Notes

    1. Opening Payable Periods Opening Payable Periods Active2. Defining Banks Defining Banks Active3. Defining Distribution Sets Defining Distribution Sets Active4. PO Invoice for Goods PO Invoice for Goods Active5. Prepayment (Supplier / Employee

    Advances)Prepayment (Supplier / EmployeeAdvances)


    6. Prepaid Expenses, Rent & OtherAdvances

    Prepaid Expenses, Rent & OtherAdvances


    7. Employee Expense Reports Employee Expense Reports Active8. Debiting Suppliers Liability Debiting Suppliers Liability Active9. Create Invoice Not Matched To PO Create Invoice Not Matched To PO Active10. Supplier / Employee Refund Supplier / Employee Refund Active11. Entering Payments Entering Payments Active12. Cancel Unpaid Invoices Cancel Unpaid Invoices Active13. Invoice Distribution Correction Invoice Distribution Correction Active14. Void Payment Void Payment Active15. Payables Month-End Processing Payables Month-End Processing Active16. Payables Close Period Payables Close Period Active

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    01 - System Test Specifications < Opening Payable Periods >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    1.1 Period Start OpenPayablePeriod

    AP Manager (N) Setup >Calendar >Accounting >AP AccountingPeriods

    - Select period to open.- Status: Open- Save your Work.

    - The period statuschange to Open

    - The user can usethis period to EnterInvoices andPayments

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    02 - System Test Specifications < Defining Banks >



    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    2.1 DefiningBanks(FunctionalCurrencyBankAccounts)


    Setup >Payments >Bank

    (B) BankAccounts


    - Enter the required Bank Information:- Bank Name:- Bank Branch:

    Save your Work- (B) Press Bank Accounts to enter the required Bank

    Accounts Information:- Bank Account Name:- Bank Account Number:- Account Use: (Internal)

    -Bank Account Currency: (Functional Currency)

    - Cash Account:- Cash clearing Account:

    Save your Work- (B) Press Payable Doc. to enter the required

    information:- Enter a unique Document Name:- Select a Disbursement Type: (Combined)- Select a Payment Format: (Check)- Enter in the Last Used: (the last payment document

    number you used on a payment document)- Enter in the Last Available: (the last payment

    document number available for a payment document)Save your Work

    - Bank AccountSaved

    - Bank PayablesDocument Saved

    - The bank accountand the payablesdocument areavailable forpayments

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    03 - System Test Specifications < Defining Distribution Sets >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path Test Step Details Expected Results Actual Results Status

    3.1 DefiningDistributionSets

    AP Supervisor Setup >Invoice>Distribution Set

    - Name your Distribution Set: OfficeRent Expenses

    - Percentage: 100- Account:

    01.0000.62601.001.0000.0000Save your Work

    - Distribution Set isSaved and can beused

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    04 - System Test Specifications < PO Invoice for Goods >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual


    4.1 Receive theInvoice,Receipt doc.andpurchaseorder

    CreateStandardInvoice(Match toPO)


    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Enter Batch Name:- (B) Press Invoices to enter standard Matched

    invoice- Type: PO Default- PO Number: Enter your PO Number- Supplier Name: Supplier_Name (Defaulted)- Supplier Site: Select Supplier site (Defaulted)- Invoice Date:- Invoice Number:

    -Invoice Currency:

    - Invoice Amount:- Payment Terms:- Payment Method:- (B) Match & Select Purchase Order (to match

    the invoice to your PO)- (B) Distribution to review the created invoice

    lines after matching to POSave the Invoice

    - Standard Invoice Saved- The invoice lines marked

    with Track as an AssetsCheck Box

    4.2 ValidateInvoiceand createaccounting


    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Query on the Required Batch- (B) Invoices and Query on the Required

    Standard Invoice- Review the Standard Invoice- (B) Actions: Validate the Standard Invoice- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - The Standard Invoiceshould pass validation

    - The Accounting Entriescreated

    DR. Asset Acc 1000DR. Asset Acc 300

    CR. LC Account 300CR. Supplier Lib. Acc


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    05 - System Test Specifications < Prepayment (Supplier / Employee Advances) >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual


    5.1 ReceivingRequest forPrepaymentto Supplier

    EnterPrepayment toSupplier


    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Enter Batch Name:- (B) Invoices to enter the Prepayment Header

    Information:- Type: Prepayment- Supplier Name: Supplier_Name- Supplier Site: Select Supplier site- Prepayment Date:- Prepayment Number:- Prepayment Currency:

    -Prepayment Amount:

    - Payment Terms:- Payment Method:- Settlement Date: (the date which after you

    can apply the prepayment to standardinvoice)

    - Enter Prepayment Distribution Information:- Type: Item- Line Amount:- Line Account: Accept the Default

    Save the Prepayment

    - Prepayment Saved

    5.2 ValidatePrepayment andcreateaccounting


    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Query on the Required Batch- (B) Invoices and Query on the Required

    Prepayment- Review the Prepayment- (B) Actions: Validate the Prepayment- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - The prepayment shouldpass validation

    - The Accounting Entriescreated

    DR. Supplier Prepay. Acc1000

    CR. Supplier Lib. Acc1000

    5.3 PrintInvoiceRegisterStandardReport


    (N) Other >Requests > Run -

    Choose Single Request, then (B) Ok- Select Report Name from LOV: (Invoice

    Register)- Enter the mandatory report parameters and

    specific your report by using the optionallyparameters

    - (B) Press Ok- (B) Press Submit- (M) View > Requests > (B) Find to review

    your request status and the view the output

    -The Invoice registerprinted

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    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual


    5.4 PaymentDue

    CreatePaymentto Supplier


    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches > (B)Actions > Pay infull

    - Enter Payment Information:- Payment Type: Quick- Payment Bank Account: Select Bank Account- Payment Document: Select Payment Doc.- Document Number: Last available document- Payment Date:- Supplier Name: Appears by default- Supplier Site: Appears by default.

    Save the Payment- (B) Actions: Choose Format- (B) Actions: Choose Create Accounting- (M) Tools: View Accounting

    - The Payment saved- The GL Accounting

    Created and correct

    DR. Supplier Lib. Acc 1000CR. Bank cash clearing Acc1000

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    6 - System Test Specifications < Prepaid Expenses, Rent & Other Advances >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    6.1 ReceivingRequestforPrepayment toSupplier

    EnterPrepayment toSupplier

    AP Invoice (N) Invoice>Entry>Invoice Batch

    - Enter Batch Name (All Rent Prepayments willbe entered in one batch in the beginning ofeach year using Macro Upload Excel sheet,which will be designed by Oratech)

    - Enter Prepayment Header Information:- Type: Prepayment- Supplier Name:- Supplier Site:- Prepayment Date:

    -Prepayment Amount:

    - Description: Prepaid expenses for 12 Monthsfrom MMM-YY to MMM-YY

    - Enter Prepayment Distribution Information:- Type: Item- Line Amounts:- Line Account: Prepaid Expense Account.

    Save the Prepayment

    - PrepaymentSaved

    - PrepaymentStatus NeverValidated

    6.2 ValidatePrepayment &CreateAccounting

    AP Invoice (N) Invoice>Entry>Invoice Batch

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Prepayment- Review the Prepayment- (B) Actions: Validate the Prepayment- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - PrepaymentSaved

    - PrepaymentStatus unpaid

    - GL AccountingCreated

    6.3 Paymentto Supplier

    AP Payment (N) Invoice>Entry>Invoice Batch > (B)Actions >Pay in full

    - Enter Payment Information:- Payment Type: Quick- Payment Bank Account:- Payment Document:- Payment Date:- Supplier Name: Appears by default- Supplier Site: Appears by default.Save the Payment

    -(B) Choose Actions: Format

    - (B) Choose Actions: Create Accounting

    - PrepaymentSaved

    - PrepaymentStatus Available

    - GL AccountingCreated

    6.4 RecurringInvoiceCreation


    (N) Invoice >Entry >Recurring

    - Enter Supplier Name / Number:- Enter Supplier Site:- Payment Method- Recurring Calendar:- No of periods:- First Period:- Invoice Number: Alphanumeric (The invoice

    number generated will contain this numberconcatenated with the period name)

    - Distribution Set: Rent Expenses- Enter the invoice Currency & Payment Term:

    - RecurringInvoices

    Template savedwith no error

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    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    - Enter the First Amount:Save your Work

    6.5 RecurringInvoicePeriodicalSettlement


    (N) Invoice >Entry >Recurring

    - Inquiry on your Recurring Invoice- Enter Number of Invoices to be created: (One)- (B) Press Create Recurring Invoices- Name your Batch- (B) OkSave your Work

    - The RecurringInvoices created

    - No of remainingPeriods in theRecurringInvoices

    Templatedecreases byone

    6.6 Invoicing AP Invoice (N) Invoice>Entry>

    Invoice Batch

    - Inquiry on the Batch Name (the one previouslynamed during the recurring Invoice Creation)

    - Review the Invoice CreatedSave the Invoice

    - The InvoiceCreated Correctly

    6.7 ValidatetheInvoices


    (N) Invoice>Entry>Invoice Batch

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Invoices- Review the Invoices- (B) Actions: Validate the Invoices- (B) Actions: Create Accounting- If there is a number of invoices you can select

    more than invoice and (B) Press Actions,Choose Validate & Choose Create Accountingfor the number of invoices at once

    - The InvoicesValidated

    - The Accountingcreated andcorrect

    6.8 PaymentDue

    Match theavailableprepayment tosupplierinvoice

    AP Payment (N) Invoice>Entry>Invoice Batch

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Invoice- (B) Actions: Choose Apply/Unapply

    Prepayment- Mark the Check Box then enter the amount

    you want to Match. Then (B) press Applybutton

    - (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - The Invoice isFully Paid

    - The PrepaymentInvoice isPartially Applied

    - The AccountingCreated andcorrect

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    7 - System Test Specifications < Employee Expense Reports >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    7.1 ReceivingRequest forPrepaymenttoEmployee



    (N) Invoice> Entry >InvoiceBatch

    - Enter Batch Name- Enter Prepayment Header Information:- Type: Prepayment- Supplier Name: Select Employee name- Supplier Site: Office- Prepayment Date:- Prepayment Amount:- Description: Employee Traveling expenses- Enter Prepayment Distribution Information:

    -Line Type: Item

    - Line Amounts:- Line Account: Accept the Default

    Save the Prepayment

    - PrepaymentSaved

    - PrepaymentStatus NeverValidated

    7.2 ValidateEmployeePrepayment


    (N) Invoice> Entry >InvoiceBatch

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Prepayment- Review the Prepayment- (B) Actions: Validate- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - PrepaymentSaved

    - PrepaymentStatus unpaid

    - GL AccountingCreated andcorrect

    7.3 PaymentstoEmployee


    (N) Invoice> Entry >InvoiceBatch(B) Actions> Pay in full

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Prepayment- (B) Actions: Pay in Full- Enter Payment Information:- Payment Type: Quick- Payment Bank Account:- Payment Document number:- Payment Date:- Supplier Name: Appears by default- Supplier Site: Appears by default.

    Save the Payment

    -(B) Actions: Format

    - (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - Prepayment Saved- Prepayment Status

    Available- GL Accounting

    Created and correct

    7.4 ReceivingEmployeeExpenseReport



    (N) Invoice> Entry >ExpenseReports

    - Enter the Employee Name or Number- Enter the GL Account: Defaulted from the HR

    setup for employees, this accountcombination used to default the missingsegments for your expense report templateCost Center

    - Enter the invoice Number, Date & Currency:- Enter the invoice Description:- Optionally enter the Prepayment Number to

    be applied to this invoice (limited to the exp.Report amount)

    - Expense report issaved

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    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    - Select the Expense Template: Travel Exp- Select Meals: Enter Amount & Select Account- Transportation: Enter Amount & Select

    Account- Hotel: Enter Amount & Select AccountSave your work

    7.5 EmployeeExpenseReportscreate


    (N) Others>Requests>Run

    - Select Request Name: Expense Report Import- Enter Report Parameters:- Batch Name:- Source Payables Expense Reports- GL Date:- (B) Ok, (B) Submit

    - Expense reportconverted toinvoice correctly

    7.6 Validate the




    (N) Invoice

    > Entry >InvoiceBatches >(B) Actions

    - Query on the Required Batch

    -Query on the Required Invoice

    - Review the Invoice- (B) Actions: Validate Invoice- (B) Create Accounting- (M) Tools > View Accounting

    - The Invoice

    Validated- The Accounting

    Entry Created

    7.7 PaymentDue



    (N)Payments >Entry >Payments

    - Enter Payment Information:- Payment Type: Quick- Payment Bank Account:- Payment Document:- Payment Date:- Supplier Name:- Supplier Site:- (B) Press Enter / Adjust Invoices- Select the required Invoices to be paid- Only the Remaining unpaid Amount Appears

    for this Employees invoicesSave the Payment- (B) Press Actions: Format- (B) Press Actions: Create Accounting

    - The Paymentsaved

    - The AccountingEntry Created

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    8 - System Test Specifications < Debiting Suppliers Liability >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    8.1 Receivingcreditnote fromsupplier


    AP Invoice (N) Invoice >Entry >InvoiceBatches

    - Enter Batch Name- Enter Credit Memo Header Information:- Type: Credit Memo- Supplier Name:- Supplier Site:- Credit Memo Date:- Credit Memo Amount: (Negative Amount)- (B) Press Match to Invoice, then chooses the required

    Invoice you need to match this credit memo to, by

    matching to Invoice the Credit Memo distribution lineswill be created automatically

    Save the Invoice

    - The Credit MemoDistributionCreated from theOriginal MatchedInvoice Lines

    - The Credit MemoSaved


    8.2 Validate CreditMemo &CreateAccounting


    (N) Invoice >Entry >InvoiceBatches

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Credit Memo- Review the Credit Memo- (B) Actions: Validate the Credit Memo- (B) Actions: Create Accounting- (M) Tools > View Accounting

    - The Credit MemoValidated

    - The AccountingEntry Created

    8.3 PaymentDue

    Payments toSupplier


    (N) Payments> Entry >Payments

    - Enter Payment Information:- Payment Type: Manual- Payment Bank Account:- Payment Document:- Payment Date:- Supplier Name:- Supplier Site:- (B) Press Enter / Adjust Invoices- Select the required Standard Invoices with the Credit

    Memo to be paid (the Net Amount will be paid)- Save the Payment- (B) Actions: Format- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    -(M) Tools > View Accounting

    - The PaymentAmount will bethe Net of theInvoice and theCredit Memo

    - The Paymentsaved

    - The AccountingEntry Created

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    9 - System Test Specifications < Create Invoice Not Matched To PO >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual


    9.1 ReceiveSupplierInvoice



    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Create New batch or (M) View > Find searchfor the batch by batch Name

    - (B) Invoices to enter standard Matched invoicefor Supplier invoice

    - Type: Standard- Supplier Name: Supplier_Name- Supplier Site: Select Supplier site- Invoice Date:- Invoice Number:

    -Invoice Currency:

    - Invoice Amount:- Payment Terms:- Payment Method:- (B) Distribution to Enter the invoice lines, the

    total of invoice lines must equal to the InvoiceAmount you entered for the invoice headerinformation

    Save the Invoice

    - Standard Invoice Saved

    9.2 ValidateInvoiceand createaccounting


    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Query on the Required Batch- (B) Invoices and Query on the Required

    Standard Invoice- Review the Standard Invoice- (B) Actions: Validate the Standard Invoice, if

    there are any holds you have to release thehold before the revalidation. If the invoiceamount is not equal to the total of invoice lines,the invoice will be hold until you both equal

    - (B) Holds to release the invoice hold, selectfrom LOV the reason and save

    - (B) Actions: Validate Invoice, the invoice will bevalidated successfully

    -(B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - The Standard Invoiceshould pass validation

    - The Accounting Entriescreated

    DR. Expense Acc 500CR. Supplier Lib. Acc


    9.3 PrintInvoiceRegisterStandardReport


    (N) Other >Requests > Run

    - Choose Single Request, then (B) Ok- Select Report Name from LOV: (Invoice

    Register)- Enter the mandatory report parameters and

    specific your report by using the optionallyparameters

    - (B) Press Ok- (B) Press Submit- (M) View > Requests > (B) Find to review your

    request status and the view the output

    - The Invoice registerprinted and matchingthe invoice data

    9.4 Payment Apply AP (N) Invoices > - Query on the Required Batch - The Invoice is Fully Paid

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    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual


    Due availableSupplierPrepayment toinvoice

    Payment Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - (B) Invoices and Query on the Required Invoice- Review the Standard Invoice- (B) Actions: Choose Apply/Unapply Prepayment- Select the prepayment you want to use (in case

    there is more than one prepayment)- Choose the Check Box then enter the amount

    you want to apply to invoice- (B) Press Apply- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - The Prepayment isFully Applied

    - The Accounting EntryCreated

    DR. Supplier Lib. Acc 1000CR. Supplier Prepay. Acc


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    10 - System Test Specifications < Supplier / Employee Refund >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    10.1 ReceivingCredit Note& PaymentfromsupplierOrEmployeepay back

    EnteringSupplierCredit Memo

    AP Invoice (N) Invoice >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Enter Batch Name- Enter Credit Memo Header

    Information:- Type: Credit Memo- Supplier Name:- Supplier Site:- Credit Memo Date:- Credit Memo Amount: (Negative


    -Enter Credit Memo DistributionLines Information:

    - Line Type: Item- Line Amount:- Line Accounts:Save the Invoice

    - The Credit MemoSaved

    10.2 ValidateCredit Memo& CreateAccounting

    AP Supervisor (N) Invoice >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Credit

    Memo- Review the Credit Memo- (B) Actions: Validate the Credit

    Memo- (B) Actions: Create Accounting- (M) Tools > View Accounting

    - The Credit MemoValidated

    - The AccountingEntry Created

    10.3 PaymentDue


    AP Payment (N) Invoice >Entry > InvoiceBatches >(B) Action >Pay in Full

    - Query on the Required Batch- Query on the Required Credit

    Memo- (B) Press Action: Choose Pay in

    Full- Enter Payment Information:- Payment Type: Refund- Payment Bank Account:

    -Payment Document Number:

    - Payment Date:- Save the refund- (B) Actions: Create Accounting- (M) Tools > View Accounting

    - The PaymentAmount isDefaulted

    - The Supplier isDefaulted

    - The PaymentSaved

    - The Accounting

    Entry Created

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    11 - System Test Specifications < Entering Payments >



    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    11.2 Enter aQuickCheck


    Payments> Entry>Payments

    - Enter a QuickCheck (a single computer-generated check) by selecting "Quick" inthe Type field of Manual Payment window

    - Select Payment Type Quick- Select the bank account- Select Payment Document- Enter the Payment document Date- Enter the Supplier Name or Number- Enter the Supplier Site

    -(B) Enter an validated invoice that is noton hold by clicking Enter/Adjust Invoicebutton

    - (B) Click Action button to navigate to thePayment Actions window.

    - (B) Action > Choose Format the check- (B) Actions > Create Accounting

    - The invoice should quick pick inthe Manual Payment window. If itdoes not, compare the paymentmethod of the bank account usedin the Manual Payment windowwith that of the payment methodin the Invoice Entry form (Thisdefaults from the vendor)

    - Format options should be

    available in the Action window- The Accounting Entry Created

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    12 - System Test Specifications < Cancel Unpaid Invoices >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual


    12.1 InvoiceCancellation



    (N) Invoices >Entry > InvoiceBatches

    - Query on the Required Batch- (B) Invoices and Query on the Required

    Standard Invoice- Review the Standard Invoice- (B) Actions: Cancel Invoice- (B) Actions: Create Accounting

    - The Standard Invoicereversed / cancelled

    - The Accounting Entriescancelled

    - The Invoice StatusInvoice Cancelled

    DR. Supplier Lib. Acc. 500CR. Expense Acc 500

    12.2 PrintInvoiceRegisterStandardReport


    (N) Other >Requests > Run

    -Choose Single Request, then (B) Ok

    - Select Report Name from LOV: (InvoiceRegister)

    - Enter the mandatory report parameters andspecific your report by using the optionallyparameters

    - (B) Press Ok- (B) Press Submit- (M) View > Requests > (B) Find to review your

    request status and the view the output

    -The Invoice registerprinted

    12.3 End of Period(Month)

    PayablesTransfer toGeneralLedger


    (N) Other >Request > Run

    - Choose Single Request- Select Request Name: (Payable Accounting

    Process)- Enter the Request Parameters:- Enter the Period From & To Period- Select Document Class: (All)- Submit Transfer to GL: Yes- Submit Journal Import: Yes- Validate Accounts: Yes- Summarize Report: Yes- (B) Ok to return to main form

    -(B) Submit to run the request

    - (N) View > Requests (review the requeststatus)

    - GL Accounting Entriescreated for all invoices

    - All AP transactions forthe period rangespecified postedsuccessfully to theGeneral ledger

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    13 - System Test Specifications < Invoice Distribution Correction >



    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path Test Step Details Expected Results Actual Results Status

    13.1 TransmitAP journalentries toGL


    (N) Other >Request >Run

    - Select Request (Payables Transfer to GeneralLedger)

    - Enter the request parameters- (B) Ok > (B) Submit

    - An unpostedjournal batch willbe created for APtransactions

    13.2 Update tothe InvoiceDistribution Lines

    AP Invoice (N) Invoices> Entry >Invoices >(B)Distributions

    - Select an invoice validated and transferred to GL- Adjust the invoice distribution to go to a

    different expense account than was originallyentered in the PO distribution for the shipment

    - Reverse the existing distribution line- Create a new distribution line

    -Update the invoice amount header information

    - Save the invoice- (B) Actions > Choose Validate- (B) Actions > Create Accounting

    - The user should notbe able to changethe distribution inthe normal invoiceentry screen,because the

    originaldistributions werealready posted tothe GL

    13.3 Viewinvoicestatus

    AP Invoice (N) Invoice >Inquiry

    - Query the updated invoice - Invoice changesshould have beenapplied properly

    13.4 RunInvoiceRegisterReport

    AP Invo ice (N) Other >Request >Run

    - Select Request (Invoice Register Report)- Enter Request Parameters- (B) Ok > (B) Submit

    - Corrections to theinvoice should bereflected in theInvoice RegisterReport

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    14 - System Test Specifications < Void Payment >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path Test Step Details Expected Results Actual Results Status

    14.1 VoidPayment

    AP Payment (N) Payments> Entry >PaymentsSummary(B) Actions

    - Select a payment created in theabove steps

    - Void this check- Run Void Payment Register to

    confirm void- Transmit AP journal entries to GL- Confirm adjusting void entries in GL- Try to record a manual payment for

    this invoice- Cancel the invoice

    - The void Payment shouldshow up on the VoidPayment Register report

    - Adjusting void entriesshould show in GL

    - The invoice should beavailable for the re-issuance of paymentagain

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    15 - System Test Specifications < Payables Month-End Processing >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    15.1 End of Period(Month)

    Get a listof invoiceson hold


    (N) Other> Request> Run

    - Select Request (Invoice On Hold Report),- Enter the request parameters- (B) Ok > (B) Submit

    - Get a list of invoicesthat will not post tothe current GL perioddue to posting holds;re-run if necessary toclear holds

    15.2 Reviewsinvoicedistributio

    ns beforeposting


    (N) Other> Request> Run

    - Select Request (Payables Accounting EntriesReport)

    - Enter the request parameters

    -GL Transfer Status (All Accounting Entries nottransferred to GL)

    - (B) Ok > (B) Submit

    - Reviews invoicedistributions beforeposting. Flag any

    accounts needingcorrection.

    15.3 PayablesTransfer toGeneralLedger


    (N) Other> Request> Run

    - Choose Single Request- Select Request Name: (Payable Accounting

    Process / Payables Transfer to General Ledger)- Enter the Request Parameters:- Enter the Period From & To Period- Select Document Class: (All)- Submit Transfer to GL: Yes- Submit Journal Import: Yes- Validate Accounts: Yes- Summarize Report: Yes- (B) Ok to return to main form- (B) Submit to run the request- (N) View > Requests (review the request


    - GL Accounting Entriescreated for allinvoices andpayments

    - All AP transactions forthe period rangespecified postedsuccessfully to theGeneral ledger

    15.4 GenerateMassAdditionCreate


    (N) Other> Request> Run

    - Choose Single Request- Select Request Name: (Payables Transfer to

    General Ledger)- Enter the Request Parameters:- (B) Submit Request

    -Select Another Request Name: (Mass AdditionsCreate) to transfer AP Assets lines from OraclePayables to Oracle Assets

    - Enter the Request Parameters:- GL Date:- Select Asset Book Name:- (B) Submit Request- Select Another Request Name: (Mass Additions

    Create Report) to review the result of Massaddition you previously submitted

    - Enter the Request Parameters:- Select Asset Book Name:- (B) Submit Request

    - Assets Linestransferred to OracleAssets Correctly

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    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path

    Test Step DetailsExpected Results Actual Results Status

    - (N) View > Requests (review the requeststatus)

    15.5 View MassAdditionsLines


    (N) FA>MassAddition >PrepareMassAddition

    - Select the book you want to query lines in- Select NEW in the queue field- If you want to check some specific lines, enter

    other criteria to limit your search- Invoice Number:- Line Number:- Supplier Name:- Supplier Number:- Source Batch:- Creation Date:- Invo ice Date:

    - (B) Press Find to your asset lines

    - Lines transferredfrom AP with Statusof NEW

    15.6 SubmitMonth-EndReports


    Other >Requests> Run

    - Select Request (All Month End Reports)- Enter the request parameters- (B) Ok > (B) Submit- Important reports include:

    1- Posted Invoice Register2- Posted Payments Register3- Accounts Payable Trial Balance

    - The Reports Printedand available forReviewing in reportset for errors

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    16 - System Test Specifications < Payables Close Period >

    ScenarioStep Event

    TestStep Role

    Actionor Path Test Step Details Expected Results Actual Results Status

    16.1 End of Period(Month)



    (N) Setup >Calendar >Accounting > APAccountingPeriods

    - Select period to Closed - The period statuschange to Closed

    16.2 APManager

    Other > Requests> Run(N) Setup >Calendar >Accounting > AP


    - Run The Unaccounted Transactions SweepProgram, use this program to redateaccounting date of the open transactions tothe first day of the next open period, that incase your business allow to change the

    transaction date (the opened transactionscouldnt be transfer to GL because there isunrealizable hold)

    - The Invoice SweepReport should showthe newly-enteredinvoice

    16.3 APManager

    (N) Setup >Calendar >Accounting > APAccountingPeriods

    - Close the current period- Open the next period

    - The previous periodhas a status ofClosed

    - The New openedperiod has a statusof "Open"

    - PayablesTransactions entryand posting shouldbe allowed to theopen accountingperiod

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    Defect Log

    Defect IDNumber

    Test StepReference

    Module Name DefectDescription

    Resolution Re-Test By Re-Test Date Pass/Fail Status (open,closed, inprocess)

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    Open And Closed Issues For This Deliverable

    Open Issues

    ID Issue Resolution Responsibility TargetDate


    Closed Issues

    ID Issue Resolution Responsibility TargetDate


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