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Ashlyn Bryant

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What is a constellation?

A cluster or group of fixed stars, or dvision of the heavens, designated in most cases by the name of some animal, or of some mythologial personage, within whose imaginary outline, as traced upon the heavens, the group is included.

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Taurus constellation was noticed by many cultures of the ancient world. Ancient Babylonians and Sumerians have mentioned about this constellation in their records. The Arabs called this constellation Al Thaur. In Italian, Taurus, the Bull is known as Il-Toro and the French call it Le Taureau, while it is known as Taura and Shor in Persian and Hebrew respectively.

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Myths aboutTaurus

To the Egyptians, the constellation Taurus was a sacred bull that was associated with the renewal of life in spring. About 4,000 years ago, the spring equinox entered Taurus. The constellation would become covered by the Sun in the western sky as spring began. This 'sacrifice' led to the renewal of the land.

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More Myths …

According to the Greek mythology, Zeus, the father of the Greek gods fell in love with Europa, the Phoenician princess. She was always guarded by her father’s soldiers. Zeus transformed himself into a beautiful white bull with a pair of golden horns and wandered towards her while she was plucking flowers in her garden.

Europa was mesmerized by the beauty of the white bull and made him her pet. They became instant friends. One day, Europa climbed onto the back of the white bull, who making use of the opportunity, carried her away to Crete. After reaching Crete, Zeus revealed himself and later married her. According to Greek mythology, Zeus as a white bull represents the constellation Taurus.

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When can we see Taurus?

Taurus can be seen in September and October.

It is visible along the eastern horizon.

In December and January, Taurus can be seen in the night sky.

March and April the constellation will appear to the west during the evening twilight.

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What does Taurus look like?

Taurus looks like a bull.

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Stars and Galaxies in Taurus?






NGC 1409

NGC 1410

3c 109

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Why did I chose the constellation Taurus?

I chose the constellation Taurus because I wanted to learn more about the constellation.

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