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Task Six

For my magazine in the end it came out a lot better than I first anticipated. I wasn’t expecting to be able to learn how to get my magazine to such a good quality so quickly. With my front cover, I went for a berry tree in a forest; this photo along with the tree standing out in the middle I think suits the magazine cover. I took notice of how on all the different magazines the bar code was in the bottom right; this was a good choice, as it didn’t obscure any of the pages in any main areas, such as covering needed text. Instead of having my image to the side and having to write around and along the side of it, I chose to have it in the middle, between texts, but also keep to other magazine designs and keep the main part of the image free from text. I took ideas from magazines I’ve seen all around and added an edition number to the front cover, that way

With my magazine I took into account “Photographers Magazine” where on the front cover they had a photo of a landscape visible and not covered in text. I also did the same kind of text design over the front of the page, by taking notes on other magazines I had to make the masthead of my magazine big, so it was clearly visible and not at all hard to un-notice.

The thing, which influenced my work the most, was landscapes. Around the world there are incredible landscapes which, when captured at the right moment, look magnificent. Along with landscaped general photos of nature can grow into something eye catching.