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Page 1: Task Coordination in Human Prehension* · Task Coordination in Human Prehension* ... ant relationships between effectors' trajectories (Soechting & Lacquaniti, 1981), finding common

Haskins Laboratories Status Report on Speech Research1990, SR-105/106, 153-172

Task Coordination in Human Prehension*

Patrick Haggardt

Movement patterns may be complex in the sense of being composed of separablecomponent tasks. These components may be coordinated at some level by the voluntarymotor system, in order to combine tasks into appropriate actions. This study describes theuse of task interference methods and phase transition curves (PrCs) to quantify taskinterference in tasks that may have two components. Comparing the effects of taskinterference on the different components suggests how these may be coordinated duringnormal movements. These techniques can be applied to the coordination of hand transportand grasp aperture components in the reaching and grasping movements that peoplemake in order to pick things up. Five subjects made cyclical movements which involvedeither composite reaching, or just the transport or grasp component in isolation, accordingto condition. The cyclical movements were "perturbed" by requiring a rapid transport orgrasping response to an auditory signal by the contralateral hand. The pattern ofphaseshifts, or changes in the timing of the cyclical task introduced by these"perturbations" was modelled using Phase Transition Curves, in order to assess the natureof the functional linkage between transport and aperture in normal prehensile movement.The results suggest a functional linkage between grasp aperture and hand transport innormal prehensile movement.

Functional Linkages at Task andEffector Level

There has been comparatively little interest, inthe movement control literature, in complexmovements which not only require coordination ofmultiple effectors, but also involve two or morecomponent tasks. Yet many human actions seemto involve separable elements which arethemselves tasks. Consider manual tracking, forexample: skilled performance of this task requiresboth moving the eyes in pursuit of the target andalso moving the manipulandum along thetrajectory of the target. These operations usedifferent effector systems, and are additionallydistinct in that each is a task with its own

I am grateful to the Commonwealth Fund of New York for aHarkness Fellowship, which made this research poBBible, toBruce Kay, Ignatius Mattingly, Elliot Saltzman, MichaelTurvey, and the staff of Haskins Laboratories for advice andassistance, and to John Duncan, Ian Nimmo-Smith, TimShallice, Alan Wing and two anonymous reviewers forcomments and disCussion. The writing of this paper wassupported by a Wellcome Trust Prize Studentship.


immediate goals. However, there may also besome degree of "communication" or information­sharing between component tasks, in order tofacilitate their fusion into a single action. Thisinformation-sharing, or functional linkage, is animportant characteristic of coordinated movement.

In producing multi-task movements, the motorsystem may "parse" the overall goal intocomponent tasks. In contrast with linguisticparsing (which decomposes a sentence into thesmaller sections which together make up itsmeaning, and is hence purely analytic), motortask parsing is likely to be both analytic (complexmovements must be decomposed into theircomponents) and synthetic (the control ofcomponent tasks must be directed by the goals forthe complex movement as a whole).

Methods for studying multi-task movementsA number of methods for identifying functional

linkages of this kind have been proposed for multi­effector movements. These include finding invari­ant relationships between effectors' trajectories(Soechting & Lacquaniti, 1981), finding commontemporal patterns between neural activations of

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different effectors (Sears & Stagg, 1976), orfinding stable movement patterns despite varyingconditions of movement (Kelso, Saltzman, &Tuller, 1986; Kugler & Turvey, 1988).

This paper combines four distinct elements tocreate an analogous method for identifyingfunctional linkages at the task level, as opposed tothe effector level. First, a modified task inter­ference or dual task paradigm is used toselectively disrupt the component tasks whichcontribute to a complex movement. Second, theprimary task may be disrupted throughout itstime course by applying a discrete, secondary taskat various times. Third, the response of theprimary task to interference is expressed as afunction of the primary task phase using PhaseTransition Curves (PTCs). Finally, the secondarytask is considered to have a constant effect on themotor control system.Task interference

Interference between two tasks has been held toreflect competition either for the capacity of asingle, general-purpose central processing channel(Broadbent, 1958; 1982), or for specific cognitiveresources or "modules" (Shallice, McLeond, &Lewis, 1985).

The logic of task interference studies requiresextension to tackle the issue of multi-taskmovements. If a complex multi-task movementconsists of two component tasks, then it should bepossible to find secondary tasks which perturbeach component. Where the component tasks areencapsulated, and do not communicate, it shouldbe possible to disrupt each component taskselectively without affecting the others. On theother hand, if component tasks share information,an interfering task aimed at disrupting onecomponent task should also disrupt othercomponents with which the first communicates.Thus, observing the behaviour of the system as awhole in response to selective perturbations canreveal the communication between componenttasks. This method will be called Complex TaskInterference (CTI).

When investigating the way in which the com­ponents of the primary task are combined in anormal complex movement, comparison of CTIand traditional, simple task interference (STI) re­sults can be particularly valuable. Consider againthe example of manual tracking. Suppose a sec­ondary task, T, interferes with pursuit eye move­ments when these are performed in isolation (i.e.,an STI condition), but does not interfere withmoving the manipulandum through a trajectory.Now suppose T is performed during the course of a

normal composite tracking movement (i.e., a CTIcondition). Under these conditions, T may still in­terfere with eye movements, and may now also in­terfere with the kinematic trajectory of the hand,perhaps because this trajectory is planned on thebasis of oculomotor information. Alternatively, ifless intuitively, the interference between T andoculomotor pursuit observed in isolation may nowdiminish or disappear, perhaps because the si­multaneous occurrence of the kinematic trajectoryof the hand alters the way in which oculomotorpursuit is executed, leaving the trajectory of thehand unaffected. Thus, comparing the effects ofvarious interfering tasks on two or more compo­nents of a complex task can be used to study nor­mal coordination of those components.The time course of the primary task

Previous dual task studies have generally usedcontinuous tasks in both primary and secondaryroles (see Welford, 1968, Table 4.2). But an alter­native technique which measured the effect on acontinuous primary task from a discrete secondarytask would permit precise assessment of thecontrol and processing required by the primarytask throughout its time course. Interference fromdiscrete secondary tasks has previously been usedin this way in probe reaction time studies (Posner& Boies, 1971; Posner & Keele, 1968). Posner andBoies visually presented a warning signal,followed by a letter, and finally a second letter. Inthe basic experiment, both the warning intervaland the inter-stimulus interval, which separatedthe appearance of the letters, were held constant.As the primary task, subjects were asked to judgewhether the two letters were the same ordifferent. The secondary task was a discreteresponse to a white noise probe, which could occurat one of several points in the sequence of primarytask events. Posner and Boies found a systematiceffect on the probe RT as a function of the point inthe primary task sequence at which the probeoccurred. Higher probe RTs were taken to reflectincreased processing demands of the primarytask, thus providing a history of the primarytask's processing requirement.

Charting the time course of processing demandsis a valuable adjunct to a task interferenceparadigm, since "time-sharing" may occur in manydual task situations. A continuous record ofprocessing demands can indicate epochs wheretime-sharing is a more or less attractive strategy.In the case of movements, it may also beparticularly valuable to compare the temporalpattern of processing with the kinematic patternofthe observed behaviour.

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Phase transition curves (Pres)

Continuous records of processing demands canalso be achieved by considering the effects of adiscrete secondary task on the primary task usingPhase Transition Curves (PrCs).! PrCs describethe effects of a single perturbation on a stablerhythmic behaviour, using the observation thatdiscrete perturbations can cause phaseshifts(temporal advances or delays) in a cyclicbehaviour. PrCs represent the effects of theperturbation by an array of signed phaseshiftvalues considered as a function of the phase in thecycle at which the perturbation occurs. Themagnitude of the perturbing stimulus generallyalters the pattern of phaseshifts, so many studiesinclude stimulus magnitude as a parameter of thedesign. The effects on the cyclic behaviour asstimulus phase and stimulus magnitude are var­ied permit an assessment of the stability, and thusthe control, of the behaviour.

The use of PrCs to analyse task interferenceinvolves modelling the system's response toperturbation in terms of its timing characteristics.While PTCs are a relatively new method inpsychology, phaseshifts have often been noticedand discussed in the literature on humanperformance (e.g., the psychological refractoryperiod; Kantowitz, 1974; Allport, Antonis, &Reynolds' "timing errors," 1972; Michon, 1966).Thus, the application of PTC methods seemspromising.

To obtain the PrC, the phase of the cyclic be­haviour at a given instant is defined as the timesince a particular reference event occurred,expressed as the modulus of the mean period ofthe cyclic behaviour. Phase is normally measuredfrom 0 to 1, with phases 0 and 1 being equivalent.Using the example of manual tracking again, onecould ask subjects to track a cycling target,defining the point when the target passed aspecified line on the screen travelling in aparticular direction, say, as phase O.

Perturbations are delivered at a variety ofphases in the movement's cycle (see Figure 1).

The phase of the behaviour at the end of theperturbation is termed the "oldphase" (Kawato,1981). The phaseshift is the temporal discrepancybetween the phase of the observed post­perturbation waveform and the phase of ahypothetical post-perturbation waveform obtainedby continuing the mean pre-perturbationwaveform to infinity (the dashed line in Figure 1).Positive phaseshifts conventionally indicate aphase delay (the observed waveform lags behindthe hypothetical waveform), and negative phase-

shifts indicate a phase advance (the observedwaveform precedes the hypothetical waveform).The phaseshift observed on the ith cycle afterperturbation is termed the it h transientphaseshift.

The oldphase [cjl] plus the ith transient phase­shift [l1cjli(cjl)] equals the ith transient llewphaseWi(cjl)]:

cjl'M) =cjl + l1cjlj(cjl),

where (i=l...n).

If the effect of the perturbation is sampled at asuitable range of oldphases, the phase transitioncurve itself can be plotted in a plane whose axesare the oldphase and newphase, either byconnecting all observed sets of coordinates ofoldphase and ith transient newphase, or by fittinga regression line to these coordinates (Figure 4will offer an example of this). The resulting curveis called the ith transient PrC. PTCs differ fromother performance measures in some importantways. First, each trial or observation contributes asingle value for oldphase, and as many transientnewphase values as may be measured. Thus,successive transient PrCs are not independent.Second, the representation of phases is"biperiodic": i.e., both abscissa and ordinate of theoldphase by newphase plane wrap around andrepeat themselves continuously, since phase 0 andphase 1 are identical. Any datapoints that appearinitially to be outliers may therefore be translatedby adding or subtracting 1 to the oldphase ornewphase coordinate, thus incorporating theminto the rest of the distribution.

Some perturbations may cause a temporaryphaseshift of the motion in comparison with itsnormal, unperturbed pattern. These responses toperturbation are captured by the transient PrCs.When the system has recovered from perturbationand returned to its original cycle period, the phaseof the perturbed motion may also return tonormal, indicating the system's complete recoveryfrom perturbation, or the phase shift caused bythe perturbation may persist indefinitely. The"steady state PTC" represents such long termeffects of the perturbation on the behaviour. Theexperimental section of this paper, however,reports transient rather than steady state PrCs,since adjustments to perturbed movements arelikely to have low latencies.

Once obtained, the PrC's shape and topologycan elucidate the stability of the behaviour, andsuggest the nature of its control. If theperturbation has no effect, the result is aphaseshift of zero: as the oldphase varies from 0 to

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1, it is matched by the newphase to yield a PTCwith gradient 1 and intercept O. At the otherextreme, if the perturbation is so disruptive thatthe cycle is stopped entirely, then the PTC

will have a mean gradient of zero, and somenewphase values will not be represented at all,since the cycle will begin again at a constantphase, returning to square one, as it were.




\: . . r "f'; : "\ : I ": \: r \' , \ ,1 I I ~

(j~ 1: 11 r, ' I, Ir:· ,1~ " [I ,( ,rj~ ,1i : ~ : I I I I

~ iH; :: \f ":: 1 I : =' I I \ I I1;1 , r:\1 ::\' ,. \' ,.

:It 11't \t J \l\} ~ 1 'J ..}


Figure 1. Definition of the Phase Transition Curve (PTC). First a reference event during the cycle is chosen, in thisfigure the peak of the waveform. All phase measurements are measured as moduli of the mean period of the pre­perturbation waveform: i.e., the mean pre-perturbation period, TOt is assumed to be 1. The oldphase of the cycle is thephase of the cycle at which the perturbation ended. The first transient phaseshift is the temporal discrepancy betweenthe actual post-perturbation waveform (solid line) and the pre-perturbation waveform hypothetically continuedbeyond the perturbation (dashed line) at the first reference event following the perturbation. As many transients asrequired may be measured. Larger (more disruptive) perturbations cause greater phaseshifts. The first transientnewphase is the oldphase plus the first transient phaseshifL The first transient PTe is a fit to many datapointsrepresenting the.first transient newphase values plotted against the oldphase values. Perturbations may cause a simplelinear delay or advance in the cyclic behaviour, or they may produce nonlinear phaseshifts whose magnitude and signdepend on the oldphase.

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This may be described as a total "reset" of thebehaviour. Other, intermediate degrees ofresetting are possible, as when the perturbationcauses the cycle to restart within a restrictedrange of newphase values which are neverthelessa systematic function of the oldphase, resulting ina PTC with a mean gradient of 0, but with locallynonzero gradients. Comparisons of actual PrCswith these two benchmark patterns can be used toquantify the effects of the perturbation delivered.In general, PTCs for small perturbations havemean gradients close to 1, and those for largerperturbations have mean gradients close to O. AllPTCs observed in biological systems havebelonged to one of these two basic geometricalcategories (Winfree, 1988).

PrCs thus provide a diachronic measure ofstability, suitable for proQing control throughout acontinuous primary task. But there are also thefollowing caveats: First, the less stable the studiedrhythm is in the absence of perturbations, the lessreliable PTC methods will be. Second, largenumbers of observations are required to assess theeffects of perturbations delivered throughout thecycle. Finally, the extensive development of thePrC technique by mathematical biologists has notyet produced a set of accepted statisticalprocedures either for fitting appropriate curves tosets of datapoints, or for testing hypotheses aboutthe effects of perturbations using PTC results­this topic will be discussed later.

Applying PTCs to task interference

The early use of PrCs in investigating biologicaloscillators, and their present use in taskinterference differ importantly as regards thenature of the perturbing stimulus. The formertradition employs known, quantifiable stimuli, aswhen examining the effects of a flash of light oninvertebrate circadian rhythms (Pittendrigh &Bruce, 1957), and precisely manipulates thestimulus strength to investigate what patterns ofphase resetting of the underlying oscillator can beinduced. In the case of task interference, however,the "strength" of the perturbatory task is notdirectly quantifiable, and is, in fact, the questionbeing addressed by the investigation, rather thana planned parameter of the experimental design.Thus, task interference studies must infer thestrength of the perturbation post hoc from thePTCs themselves, using a suitable statisticalprocedure.

One such procedure is as follows. First, aconstrained linear fit of newphase values onoldphase values is performed. The slope of the

regression line is constrained to be 1, and theintercept constrained to be O. This regression linecorresponds to the PrC that would be obtainedwith no perturbation. A second, less constrainedfit is then performed to obtain a PTC which allowsfor any effect of the perturbation either by varyingthe slope or the intercept, or by adding varyingnonlinear terms to the regression function, so thatthe newphase values may be more accuratelypredicted from the oldphase values.

An incremental F statistic (Kerlinger &Pedhazur, 1973) can then be used to test for asignificant difference in the quality of the fits,adjusting for any differences in the number ofterms used in the two regressions. A significantand positive incremental F means that theadditional varying terms in the second regressionhave captured an effect of the perturbation on thetiming of the behaviour. Significant and negativeincremental Fs are also possible, since anyadditional terms may not improve the fit, whilestill using up degrees of freedom in thenumerator. In this latter case, comparison of thetwo regressions would suggest that theperturbation had no effect. The same conclusionfollows when the incremental F statistic is notsignificant. Use of the incremental F can beextended to compare the quality of fit between anytwo stages in the regression procedure: addingextra terms which genuinely capture the effects ofthe perturbation will produce a significantincremental F. The choice of which and how manyterms are added to the regression to attempt tocapture the effects of the perturbation is clearly ofcritical importance, and will be discussed later.

One comparison between regression fits is ofparticular theoretical interest. Comparing a linearfit to a second fit having both linear and nonlinearterms can separate the effects of the perturbationinto a linear component, which is independent ofthe oldphase at which the perturbation occurs,and a nonlinear component, which is phase­specific. A linear effect could result either from atransient speeding up or slowing down of a centraltimekeeper, or from a fixed interval during whichthe activity was entirely suspended (in the case ofa phase delay), after which it resumed normally.This would constitute a simple "dead time", ratherthan any substantial change in the behaviour. Thenonlinear effect, however, involves a perturbationactually altering the form of the cycle in the phaseplane, and thus represents a genuine change inthe dynamics.

More specifically, linear phaseshifts may be dueto the constant interval required to switch some

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general attentional capacity between theresponses required for each task.2 This response­switching could be a part of a time-sharing strat­egy for combining tasks in a system with limitedinformational capacity (Broadbent, 1958; 1982).Nonlinear, phase-specific phaseshifts, on the otherhand, may be due to more complex interferencebetween tasks, such as disruption or degradationof pre-established sets of commands. Thus,comparing the nonlinear fit with a linear fit cancapture the more interesting and dynamic effectsof task interference, as opposed to the simpletime-sharing ones mentioned by Broadbent.

Application to Human PrehensileMovement

The above methods can be applied to substan­tive issues in motor coordination. As an illustra­tion, consider the combination of hand transportand grasping components involved in everydayprehensile movements, such as reaching out topick up a glass of water. Three specific issues con­cerning these movements will be addressed: theseparability of reaching and grasping into the op­eration of two movement systems, assessing therelation between these two processes, and the ap­plicability of PTCs to this relationship.

Reach and grasp movements require both thatthe hand be transported to an appropriate pointin space for contacting the object, and also thatthe grasp's opening and closing be appropriate forthe intrinsic properties, such as size and mass, ofthe object to be picked up. They are thus bothmulti-effector and multi-task movements.

Jeannerod (1981) has proposed that these twocomponents are performed by independent sub­systems: an egocentric reaching component con­trolling the transport of the hand, and an object­centred component controlling the configuration ofthe fingers for grasping. He suggests that the twocomponents are independent processes which arecontrolled separately, and do not share any infor­mation, except for a loose temporal coupling(Paulignan, Mackenzie, Marteniuk, & Jeannerod,1990). Two strands of research seem to supportthis view: first, integrating egocentric and object­centred representations is a complex computa­tional problem (Marr, 1982); second, signals forthe control of grasp and of forearm position maybe carried in separate tracts in the primatecentral nervous system (Lawrence & Kuypers,1968). On the other hand, an architecture of twoencapsulated processes is computationally lessefficient and less flexible than a model in whichthe reach and grasp are coordinated to some

degree and share information (e.g., Wallace &Weeks, 1988; Wing, Turton, & Fraser, 1986).

Relations between hand transport and graspaperture

Selective task interference methods are wellsuited to testing Jeannerod's hypothesis of twoindependent processes. If Jeannerod's "two­process" hypothesis is correct, it should be possibleto devise perturbations which affect the reach, butnot the grasp, and vice versa. Furthermore, theeffect of a given perturbation on each movementsystem should be the same whether the othercomponent is operating concurrently or not; andthe effects of a perturbation on the combinedreach and grasp movement should ~e predictablefrom the perturbation's effects on the handtransport and grasp aperture systems in isolation,since the processes are assumed to be inde­pendent. For example, if a particular perturbationaffects grasping behaviour, the two-process viewpredicts that it should have the same effect onisolated grasping, and also on grasping which ispart of a composite reach and grasp movement.These predictions can be directly tested bycomparing the results from complex task inter­ference and simple task interference conditions.

In short, studying the differential effects ofperturbatory tasks on the components in isolationand in the composite case should be informativeabout how the reach and grasp components arecoordinated, and how, if at all, they· shareinformation. Furthermore, since timing changesare both known to occur in dual task performanceinvolving motor control, and to be important tocoordination (Allport et aI., 1972; von Holst, 1973),PTe methods seem applicable to the coordinationofhand transport and grasp aperture.


Subjects sat comfortably in a dentists' chairwhich allowed unconstrained movements of botharms. The three primary tasks investigated wereall cyclic, and all involved the right arm and handonly. They were:

1. Repeatedly grasping a dowel 28 mm indiameter with the right hand, without moving thearm.

2. Repeatedly reaching out with the right handin the horizontal plane over a distance of about 30cm, without opening or closing the hand.

3. Repeatedly reaching and grasping the dowelwith the right arm and hand, as in a normalprehensile movement.

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fixed dowel

Selspot Camera dowel attatchedto table with spring

right hand:primary task ­movement always cyclic



left hand:secondary task -movement always l.-- -j


Figure 2. Experimental apparatus.

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These primary tasks were chosen to involve,respectively, the grasping component alone, thehand transport or reaching component alone, andboth hand transport and grasping together. Thedowel used in the first and last tasks was located30 cm in front of the start position, in line withthe axis of the subject's right forearm. The dowelwas fixed to the work surface with a spring, so itcould be grasped, pulled and released, and wouldthen spring back into the upright position. Thisarrangement ensured that the third condition,involving combined reaching and graspingmovement, approximated normal prehension.

An auditory signal occurred at a random timeduring each trial. On hearing this signal, the sub­ject performed one of two discrete secondary taskswith the left hand. One secondary task involvedgrasping a second dowel, again 28 mm. in diame­ter and positioned 30 cm in front of the subject inline with the left forearm. The other secondarytask involved reaching out with the left hand in ahorizontal plane in front of the body, over a dis­tance of 30 cm. The two secondary tasks were cho­sen to be similar to the first two primary tasks

. hypothesized to involve the grasping componentalone, and the hand transport component alone.

All combinations of the three primary tasks withthe two secondary tasks were investigated, givinga total of six conditions. The data from three ofthese conditions are particularly relevant to theway in which grasping is coupled to hand trans­port in normal reaching. These three conditions,which are all reported here, involve the effect of aleft hand grasp on right hand grasping, the effectof a left hand grasp on right hand reaching, andthe effect of a left hand grasp on combined righthand reaching and grasping together. The threeremaining conditions, involving the effect of lefthand reach on each of the right hand primarytasks, do not directly address the relation of handaperture to hand transport, and so are notreported here. An earlier pilot study also includeda vocal response as a control secondary task; acondition analogous to Yamanishi, Kawato, andSuzuki's (1979) task B. However, since thiscondition, like that of Yamanishi et al. (1979)produced no phaseshifts at all, and made theexperimental sessions 1.,macceptably long, it wasomitted from the final experiment.

Each condition was planned to include 48 trials,divided into four blocks of 12 trials each. All thetrials in a particular block involved the samecombin~tion of a particular primary task with aparticular secondary task. Subjects were

instructed before each block which combination ofprimary and secondary tasks would be used inthat block. One condition for one subject containedonly 36 trials, due to error. Furthermore, a verysmall number of trials which seemed unusable(e.g., because the subject's movement accidentallytook the hand outside the workspace) wererepeated, so that each block contained at leasttwelve acceptable trials. The order of the blockswas randomized, with each subject receiving adifferent random sequence. Each trial lastedapproximately 12 s, and was followed by aninterval of a few seconds, during which the subjectcould stop the repetitive movement and relax, ifshe or he so wished.

Subjects were instructed to perform the primarytask at a comfortable speed which allowed them tomake the cyclical movement as regular aspossible. They were further instructed to performthe secondary task as rapidly as possible onhearing the auditory signal, while attempting tokeep the rhythm of the primary task regular. Forthe conditions involving grasping, subjects wereinstructed to grip the dowel between the pads ofthe thumb and the index finger. Practice waslimited to two or three trials per subject, to checkthat both hands could make the full range ofmovements involved without being constrained bythe apparatus. Since subjects were able to ·performthe cyclic primary tasks at an appropriate rhythmand to grasp the dowel almost immediately,further practice was judged unnecessary.

The movement of the thumb along the reachaxis was monitored using a modified Selspotoptical tracking system (accuracy 0.5 mm at 53 cmcamera to subject distance: Edwards, 1985)positioned above the work surface, and parallel toit. The Selspot camera recorded in two dimensionsthe positions of Infra Red Emitting Diodes(!REDs) mounted on the distal interphalangealjoints of the right thumb and index finger. Sincethe thumb showed almost no side-to-sidemovement during reaching, and .since itsmovement was parallel to the Selspot's y axis,movement in the y dimension of the- IREDmounted on the thumb was taken as the transportcomponent of the movement. The distancebetween the IREDs on the thumb and index fingerin the orthogonal (x) dimension was taken as thegrasp aperture component of the movement.

Kinematic data obtained from the Selspot canonly give an approximate indication of when theright hand grasps the dowel. Therefore, a surfaceelectrode was attached to the dorsal surface of the

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subject's right hand, and another to the dowelgrasped by the right hand. The electrodes wereisolated from the main supply for safety. Changesin resistance between these two electrodes gave aprecise indication of the time at which thesubjects' right hand contacted and released thedowel.

The data were recorded on FM tape, digitized at200 Hz, and subsequently processed on a com­puter. There were five subjects. All were right­handed, and were aged between 20 and 30. Nonehad any history ofneurological disorders.Applying and fitting PTCs

Yamanishi et al. (1979) describe a procedure forfinding PTCs by least squares regression fits tosets of data in oldphase and newphasecoordinates.

PTC datapoints are phases, so any fit to thesepoints must repeat or 'wrap around' on botholdphase and newphase axes, to capture theequivalence of phases across successive cycles.This requirement was satisfied by using a leastsquares regression with both linear andsinusoidal, nonlinear components. Yamanishi etal. (1979) used a single linear component: agradient, which was fixed at 0 or 1, since these arethe gradients underlying all observed PTCs. Theirchoice of gradient was made by taking the valuewhich gave the best fit, though in othercircumstances the choice could be made on a priorigrounds· such as magnitude of perturbation deliv­ered. The present study added a further linearcomponent not used by Yamanishi et al. (1979).This was an intercept which could vary freely.Including a linear intercept in the fittingprocedure facilitated distinguishing between fixeddelays or advances, and phase-dependentphaseshifts, as explained above.

The sinusoidal terms are taken in harmonicpairs from the Fourier series:

Bk sin(21tkx) + Ck cos(21tkx) (k=l...n)

where Bk and Ck were coefficients which couldvary freely. Whereas Yamanishi et al. wereprimarily. interested in the gross distinctionbetween Type-O PTC and Type-1 PTCs, moresubtle distinctions can be made between fittedPTCs of the same type. Thus, the incremental Fstatistic can be used as described above tocompare the quality of fit using just linear termswith the quality of fit using linear terms plussome sinusoidal, nonlinear terms intended tocapture the effect of the perturbation. Thisstatistic will be called the "nonlinear vs. linearincremental F." In this study, the fitting procedure

was restricted to use only the first and secondpairs of harmonics as the nonlinea~ terms, sincethese seemed to capture the pattern of phaseshiftsin the data without consuming too many degreesoffreedom in the regression.

Thus, the equation of the nonlinear regressionfitted was:

y =Mx + A + Blsin(21tX) + Clcos(21tX)+ B2sin(41tX) + C2Cos(41tX)

where y =newphase, x =oldphase, and M = 1(since the "perturbations" delivered were nothighly disruptive). The first, second and thirdtransient PTCs were calculated for each subject ineach condition using this equation. TransientPTCs after the third were not calculated, becausethe movement generally returned to stableoscillation within three cyCles. The issue of whichnonlinear terms should be used is consideredagain in the methodological discussion.

RESULTSKinematics of waveforms

Figure 3 shows typical time series waveformsfor the transport and aperture components of aright hand combined reaching and graspingmovement during one trial. .

The upper waveform represents the movementof the thumb in they dimension, and can be takenas the hand transport component of the behaviour.The valleys of the upper waveform represent thestarting position, while the peaks represent theposition of the hand while grasping the dowel. Theamplitude of the upper waveform, given by thevalley-to-peak displacement, averages about 30cm. The lower waveform represents the distancebetween the finger and thumb IREDs in the xdimension, and can be taken' as the graspingcomponent of the behaviour. The valleys of thelower waveform represent a closed grasp, whilethe peaks represent the maximum apertureattained just before grasping the dowel. Thevalley-to-peak displacement 'averages about 8 em.The "notch" or horizontal portion just aftermaximum aperture represents the time duringwhich the subject grasped the dowel with the righthand, while pulling it slightly backwards. Contactbetween the right hand and the dowel on the'firstcycle is marked by the first vertical dashed line.

The regular, cyclic nature ofboth waveforms canbe clearly seen. Further, the two waveformsappear to be synchronized throughout the trial.The secondary task following the auditory signalor "perturbation," marked on Figure 3 by a furthervertical dashed line, was a discrete left hand

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grasp. The secondary task appears to have littleeffect on the timing of key events in the graspwaveform such as grasp contact (cf. Figure 7).However, the kinematics of the grasp waveformfor this trial seem to show a slight increase in

maximum grasp aperture immediately after theperturbation. While kinematic variations do notcome within the scope of the present analysisusing PTCs, the possibility of kinematic effectsdeserves further study.

Hand TransportCODLact pertUrbatiOD!


Grasp Aperture

o ,<

Figure 3. Typical time series wavefonns for one trial in the right hand combined reaching and grasping condition. Theupper trace shows the position in the y dimension of an Infra Red Emitting Diode (IRED) mounted on the distal jointof the righnhumb. The lower trace shows the distance in the orthogonal, or x, dimension, between the IREDsmounted on the right thumb and the right finger. Note the clear periodic nature of both wavefonns.

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Task Coordination in Human Prehension 163

Phase Transition CurvesThe results were analysed using PrCs, in order

to assess the effects of the secondary tasks on thevarious primary tasks. Different events are usedto. define phase 0 for different experimentalconditions. Where the primary task was repetitiveright handed reaching, phase 0 represents theinstant of the peak forward velocity of the rightthumb as it approached the dowel. In theseconditions, grasping the dowel generally occursaround phase 0.3, and the start of the forwardtransport of the hand towards the dowel generallyoccurs around phase 0.8. Where the primary taskwas right handed grasping alone, or combinedreaching and grasping, phase 0 represents theinstant of the subjects' hand contacting the dowel,as determined from the resistance between theelectrodes on the hand and the dowel.

Figure 4 shows a typical set of datapoints, forsubject 5 in the first condition: the effect of a leftgrasp perturbation on an isolated right handedgrasp. The first, second and third transient new­phase values are plotted against the oldphasevalues, with the first transient at the bottom ofthe graph, and the third at the top. Although thenewphase is measured modulo 1, a constant of 1has been added to all the second transient new­phase values, and a constant of 2 to all the thirdtransient newphase values, to separate each set ofnewphase values for display purposes. The solidcurves, from bottom to top, are the first, secondand third transient PrCs fitted to each set ofdatapoints using the equation given above. Thedashed lines all have a gradient of 1 and, frombottom to top, intercepts of 0, 1, and 2. These arerespectively the first, second and third transientPTCs which would have been obtained if theperturbatory task had had no effect on the timingof the primary task. The distance between thesolid and the dashed line represents the overalleffect of the perturbation, while the variations ofcurvature in the PrCs (solid lines) represent thenonlinear, phase-specific effect of the pertur­bation. More disruptive perturbations would tendto produce PTCs with a high mean displacementfrom the line of no perturbation, and with highcurvature.

The data shown in Figure 4 are clearly betterfitted by a PrC with an underlying gradient of 1than by a PrC with a gradient of O. On the otherhand, the datapoints do deviate from a simplelinear model with unit slope and zero intercept.This is particularly evident from the firsttransient of the data shown in Figure 4: note the

concavity of the first transient PTC, and thedisplacement of the datapoints below the line of noperturbation around oldphase 'values 0.2 to 0.8.This contrasts with the much smallerdisplacements from the line of no perturbation foroldphase values from 0.8 to 0.2. If the requirementto make a left hand grasp occurs in the formersection of the right hand's grasp cycle, the effect isa phase advance, whereas in the latter section ofthe cycle, the perturbatory task appears to havelittle or no effect. The effect of the discretesecondary task on the cyclic movement is thusclearly nonlinear, and the characteristics of thenonlinearities can be captured by the sinusoidalterms of the PI'C.

The overall pattern of PrCs obtained is shownin Figures 5 to 7. The nonlinear vs. linearincremental Fs for the first transient PI'Cs shownin these figures are given in Table 1.

Taken together, the combination of simple andcomplex task interference results expressed inthese figures suggests that the two-process theoryof reaching and grasping must be incorrect.

Considering the first transient· PrC only, theleft handed grasp perturbation significantlydisrupted right hand grasping in most. subjects(see Figure 5).

In this figure, PrCs for subjects 1 to 5 are pre­sented from left to right and from top to bottom.For each subject, the fitted PrCs and lines of noperturbation are arranged exactly as in Figure 4.Subject 5's data, already seen in Figure 4, aretherefore shown again as the plot on the right inthe bottom row. The individual datapoints, eachrepresenting one trial, are shown for the firsttransients, but have been omitted for the secondand third transients, for purposes of clarity. Whencompared to a linear fit with gradient 1 andvariable intercept, the nonlinear fits for the firsttransient PrC gave values for the incremental Fstatistic which were significant at the 5% level,indicating a significant effect of the perturbatorytask, for each subject except subject 3. Thenonlinear pattern is also clear from visualinspection: a perturbation occurring betweenoldphase values 0.2 and 0.8 caused substantialdisplacements from .the line of no perturbation inall five subjects' data. Perturbations occurringbetween 0.8 and 0.2, by contrast, do not appear toproduce large phaseshifts. For this condition, the"reference event" corresponding to phase 0 of theprimary grasping task was the time of firstcontact between the subject's right hand and thedowel.

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Fitted PTeNo Perturbation

+ First Transiento Second Transient+ Third Transient

B B.2 B. ~ B,6 B,8


Figure 4. A typical plot of, from boltom to top, oldphase against first, second and third transient newphases, togetherwith the PTes filled to each set of datapoints (solid curves), lines of no perturbation (dashed lines), for subject 5 in thefirst condition, the effect of a left hand grasp perturbation on isolated right hand grasping. Although newphase valuesare measured modulo 1, a constant with value 1 has been added to all the second transient newphase values, and aconstant with value 2 has been added to all the third transient newphase values for clarity of display. See text forfurther explanation.

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2 2 2() v C)

~<I) CIll'\l r;I

~.c ..c


() v ()




2 20 0<I) <I)

r:: ~~

0. C5..~ ~v 0


1 1


o '-'- '--.....1...----'-_"'----'

o Oldphase 0 Oldphase

Figure 5. PTCs for the effect of a left hand grasp perturbation on cyclic right hand grasping. The five graphs are, fromleft to right and top to bottom/ for subjects 1 to 5. Each graph shows oldphase from 0 to 1 on the abscissa, andnewphase on the ordinate. The three solid lines on each graph are, from bottom to top, the first, second and thirdtransient PTCs. Thus, data from each trial contributes to each of the solid lines, since successive transient PTCs are notindependenL The three dashed lines on each graph are lines with a gradient of 1 and an intercept of 0: these rePresentthe PTC that would be obtained if the perturbation had no effect on the timing of the behaviour.

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166 Haggard

Table 1. Nonlinear vs. linear incremental Fs for first transient PTCs shown in Figures 5 - 7. See text for explanation.

Corresponding Figure Figure 5 Flgure6 Figure 7

Primary task(cyclic, right hand)

Secondary task(discrete, left hand)

Subject 1

Subject 2

Subject 3

Subject 4

Subject 5

Grasp Reach

Grasp Grasp

Inc. F(4,43) =4.53 Inc. F(4.55) =1.37P < .001 N.S.

Inc. F(4,42) =7.48 Inc. F(4,43) =0.73p< .001 N.S.

Inc. F(4,41) =1.59 Inc. F(4,42) =1.83N.S. N.S.

Inc. F(4,38) =2.83 Inc. F(4,38) =1.24p< .001 N.S.

Inc. F(4,40) =6.93 Inc. F(4,43) =0.85p< .001 N.S.

CombinedReach and Grasp


Inc. F(4,43) = 6.63p< .001

Inc. F(4.31) = 2.03N.S.

Inc. F(4,45) = 0.82N.S.

Inc. F(4,38) = 1.84N.S.

Inc. F(4,45) = 1.80N.S.

However, the same left hand grasp perturbationdid not perturb right hand reaching as much (seeFigure 6). None of the nonlinear vs. linearincremental Fs for the first transient PTCs inFigure 6 are significant, showing that the graspperturbation did not disrupt the right hand'sreach behaviour. The reference event corre­sponding to phase 0 in this condition was the peakvelocity of the right thumb along the reach axisduring the approach to the dowel.

These two results may be seen as an instance oflike tasks interfering more than unlike tasks (ef.McLeod, 1977). However, sucp effects of task simi­larity are restricted to the case when both tasksare performed in isolation, and do not hold forcomplex reaching and grasping. In the case ofcomplex movements, the two-process view predictsthat the left grasp perturbation should perturb aright hand grasp even when the latter componentis combined with a reach in a composite reach andgrasp movement, since the effects of perturbationson the composite movement should derivestraightforwardly from the effects on the compo­nent movements when performed in isolation. ThePrCs of Figure 7 show that this is clearly not thecase. As in figure 5, the reference event corre­sponding to phase 0 of the primary grasping taskwas the time of first contact between the subject'sright hand and the dowel.

None of the nonlinear vs. linear incremental Fsfor the first transient PrCs in Figure 7 are

significant, except for subject 1. Thus, for mostsubjects, the left grasp perturbation did notseverely disrupt the right hand's grasping whenthis was part of a composite reach and graspmovement. Note particularly that the first tran­sient PTCs of Figure 7 exhibit much less curva­ture than those in Figure 5, and the datapointsare less scattered around the line of no perturba­tion, indicating that the effect of a left. hand graspperturbation on cyclical right hand grasping isless when the right hand's grasping movement isa component of a combined prehensile movementthan when grasping is performed alone.

Discussion of ResultsIn the composite case, where the right-hand

grasp is part of a normal reach-and-graspbehaviour, the grasp is no longer susceptible toperturbations that do have an influence whengrasping is performed in isolation. The attempt atselective perturbation of the grasp aperturecomponent alone therefore fails in the compositecase. This suggests that the co-occurence of theright hand's reach causes a fundamentalalteration in the way the right hand's graspingmovement is controlled. 'Specifically, in thecomposite movement, the control of the graspseems functionally dependent on the control of thereach. This result is inconsistent with any theorywhich proposes independent control of handtransport and grasp aperture.

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Task Coordination in Human Prehension 167

33 3



2 2 2lU lU lUCI) CI) CI)CIl CIl ell..c ..c: ..c0- 0- 0-~ ~ ~t.) lU lUZ Z Z

1 1


2 2t.) lU

'" CI)c;:: CIl



t.) <)


Oldphase a OJdphase

Figure 6. PTes for the effect of a left hand grasp perturbation on cyclic right hand reaching. The plot is arranged in thes~e way as Figure 5.

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168 Haggard



2 2 2

0 00

~ ~'"ell ..c: ..c:..c:~ ~~ 0 0

0 Z ZZ

1 1

o Oldphase 1 o Oldphase 1 o Oldphase

2 20 0

'" '"~ ell

~ 'li?;

0 0Z Z



o Oldphaseo Oldphase

Figure 7. PTes for the effect of a left hand grasp perturbation on cyclic right hand grasping when the right ha.ndgrasping is part of a composite reach and grasp behaviour. The plot is arranged in the same way as FigureS.

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An alternative interpretation of this resultmight attribute the lack of phaseshifts in Figure 7to the fact that more time is available to organisethe right hand's grasp when this is part of acomposite reach and grasp movement, since in thecomplex, but not in the isolated condition, grasp­ing takes only a proportion of the total time re­quired for the movement. Thus, the grasp could beplanned in advance, during this spare time, andthe motor program simply run off at theappropriate instant. Adequate buffering of thiskind might ensure that a discrete perturbationwill not produce interference. Although thisinterpretation cannot be ruled out on the basis ofthe present data, it seems implausible for· tworeasons. First, pre-planning the grasp movementduring any spare time before grasping actuallyoccurs might produce an unacceptably largenumber of movements in which the grasp was notwell adapted to the characteristics of the reach,and therefore' of errors in grasping the dowel.Almost no such errors were observed. Second, inrepetitive tasks such as those reported here,subjects would presumably tend to plan the graspat approximately the same point in eachcomposite movement. But, since perturbationswere delivered randomly over all phases of themovement, a tendency for greater phaseshifts ontrials where the perturbation occurred around thispoint would be expected. No such tendency isapparent in Figure 7.

The qualitative similarity of the first, secondand third transient PrCs for each subject in eachcondition is also noteworthy. In particular, if aperturbatory task causes a phase-specific advanceor delay (Le., concavity or convexity of the PrC)for the first transient, the same pattern generallyappears in the second and third transients,though perhaps to a slightly lesser extent. Thus,where a secondary task does disrupt the phase ofthe primary task, this disruption seems to bepermanent: there is no systematic modulation ofthe timing of subsequent cycles of the primarytask in order to return to the pre-perturbationphase. Rather, the perturbation permanentlyshifts the whole post-perturbation time series.

The differential penetrability of componenttasks when interfering tasks are performedconcurrently has been used to study thecoordination of those c~mponents into a complexeveryday movement. Since it is possible to reachwithout grasping and vice versa, the compositemovement can presumably be "parsed" into atransport task and a grasp configuration task.However, these two components seem to be com-

bined in a way that shares information, since theeffect of a grasp perturbation on the compositemovement cannot be predicted from the effects onthe transport and aperture components inde­pendently. So a model which treats ordinaryreaching and grasping as the addition of twoentirely independent and encapsulated tasks isinadequate. Rather, the control of transport andaperture seems to be organised in a hierarchical,rather than a parallel fashion, since the co­occurrence of a reach with a grasp resulted in apattern of perturbability which is similar to thatfor a reach, rather than some compromise betweenthe patterns for hand transport and grasp.

Methodological DiscussionA combination of task interference and PrC

methods has previously been used by Yamanishiet al. (1979). They obtained PrCs for the effects oncyclic finger tapping of three discrete, secondarytasks: a visual cognition task, a vocal reactiontask, and a key pressing task performed with thecontralateral hand. The key pressing task causedthe greatest phaseshifts in the rhythm of fingertapping, and thus was judged most disruptive.Yamanishi et al.'s main interest was in theprocesses underlying. timing control, of the cyclicfinger tapping movement of the dominant hand.By introducing a variety of concurrent tasks as"perturbations," they were able to introduce aresetting of the timekeeper or clock underlyingfinger tapping. This resetting was attributed to achange in processing, such as a delay in theneural mechanism responsible for timing control,caused by the perturbatory task. WhereasYamanishi et al. investigated timing of amovement with only a single clear component, thepresent approach expands their methods to usePTCs and task interference to investigatecoordination of multiple component tasks, such asthe integration of hand transport and grasping inprehensile reaching movements, using selectiveperturbation techniques.

Possible effects on the Secondary TaskThe effects of interference on the discrete,

secondary task merit consideration. Yamanishi etal.showed that the reaction times in theirsecondary tasks were independent of the oldphase.They therefore argued that the phase-specificresetting of the cyc1ic tapping task could not beattributed to a simple pause required for theperformance. of the secondary task. The presentstudy assumed, following Yamanishi et aI., thatreaction time for the discrete, secondary task

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would constitute a phase-independent "deadtime", producing a simple linear phase-resetting.Thus the nonlinear vs. linear incremental Fstatistic used automatically takes account of thereaction time component of the task interferenceby the discrete, secondary task, since the linear fitalready includes an intercept term. In addition,the mean phase-resetting of the continuous,primary task introduced by the discrete,secondary tasks in this study was often very small(e.g., Figure 6), implying that the effects ofinterference on the timing of the discrete task mayalso be negligible.

The approach taken in this study, and in that ofYamanishi et a1. contrasts with Posner and Boies'(1971) probe reaction time paradigm. Posner andBoies emphasised the performance of the discrete,secondary task, and ignored any disruption itmight have caused to the continuous, primarytask. Their justification is interesting in thecurrent context: "In studying movements, it wasfound that the probe had little effect on theprimary movement task, but that the probe RTreflected the central processing demands of theprimary task in a very sensitive way." However,logical difficulties in using secondary taskperformance as a reliable and independent indexof primary task control (Brown, 1968; Duncan,1979) raise problems for probe reaction timestudies. The alternative approach, as taken in thisstudy, retains the concern with quantifyingcontrol throughout the movement, but emphasizesthe effects of interference on the continuous,primary task, rather than on the discrete,secondary task. Thus, whereas Posner and Boiesdid not deliberately match primary and secondarytasks, the present technique specifically choosesdiscrete, secondary tasks with a view to theirpossible effects as selective perturbations of theprimary movement. .

Further issues regarding PresA study by Kay (1986) used PTCs to assess the

effects of a brief mechanical perturbation from atorque motor on human finger movements. Kayused the pattern of phaseshifts induced by theperturbation to investigate the dynamics of theoscillator presumed to underlie the movement.One problem in using mechanical perturbationsmay be the change in displacement of the effectorcaused by the torque motor, which can itselfgenerate a reference event, thus artifactuallyproducing an abnormally long or short "cycle,"which is purely passive. Perhaps for this reason,Kay chose to use steady state PTCs only.

Both Yamanishi et a1. and Kay presented theirperturbations at phases of the movement(oldphases) which were determined by an on-linemeasuring device. Yamanishi et a1. perturbed atoldphase values 0.0, 0.1... 0.9. Kay aimed toperturb at oldphase values 0.0, 0.25... 0.75, thoughhe did subsequently calculate the precise oldphasefrom the movement waveform. This practice ofperturbing only at or around particular oldphasevalues seems unfortunate in two respects. First, itmakes perturbations statistically morepredictable. Second, it has adverse consequencesfor curve-fitting. Clustering perturbations onspecific oldphase values requires fitting apredominantly diagonal (type 1) or horizontal(type 0) PTC to a few vertical bars of datapoints.Not only is the detailed representation ofphaseshifts in the regions between the barsentirely lost, but the results of fitting sinusoids tosuch "vertical" datasets can be deceptive. Astatistically more acceptable approach is to deliverperturbations entirely randomly, without on-linemonitoring and control of oldphase values. Wherethe number of trials is large, scatter of the dataover all oldphase values is guaranteed. This latterapproach is also technologically simpler.

The use by Kay and by Yamanishi et a1. ofsteady state, rather than transient, PTCs raisestwo distinct problems. While steady state PTCsare better understood, their use implies discardinginformation about the behaviour's transient re­sponse to perturbation. For example, if the new­phase values for a particular set- of oldphase val­ues exhibit a pattern of oscillation between suc­cessive transients (such as a phase delay for thefirst transient, and a phase advance for the sec­ond), this would be equivalent to a negative auto­correlation at a lag of unity (Wing & Kristofferson,1973). Since the first, second and third transientPTCs for the reaching and grasping data reportedabove are qualitatively similar, the processes re­sponsible for the negative lag one autocorrelationsfound in other rhythmic movement time series,such as tapping, appear to be absent from theprehensile movements observed in this study.This difference merits further investigation.

Further, the precise time taken for return to thesteady state could vary substantially from onetrial to the next, and could also vary as someinteresting function of the magnitude of theperturbing stimulus, or of the oldphase. Thisinformation, which may be relevant to thesystem's dynamics under perturbation (Scholz &Kelso, 1989), is similarly discarded when usingsteady state PTCs.

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Finally, the problem of fitting PrCs deserves afew further comments. The regression procedureproposed by Yamanishi et aI., which involve a lin­ear plus sinusoidal least squares fit, clearly satisfythe requirement of a biperiodic regression.However, a number of difficulties remain. First,sinusoidal fits inevitably tend to obscure anyinteresting local discontinuities in PrCs. As suchdiscontinuities have been found in some biologicalsystems (though not yet in human movement),this may be an unfortunate omission. Second,each additional pair of regression terms takenfrom the Fourier expansiQn transfers two degreesof freedom from the denominator to thenumerator. Thus, greater statistical significancefor a fit to a set of datapoints may sometimes beachieved by reducing the number of sinusoidalterms. This is particularly the case where thenumber of datapoints is low. Fitting too fewsinusoidal terms may yield significance at theprice of failing to capture the actual p.attern ofphaseshifts in the data. On the other hand, usinga larger number of sinusoidal parameters, thusincluding some of higher frequency, will give amore detailed fit to any confined regions on theabscissa where there are phaseshifts which arehighly phase specific, in the sense that theresponse of the system to perturbation may bevery highly dependent on the oldphase at whichthe perturbation is delivered. The interestingpossibility of identifying such behaviour in humanmovement control encourages the use of a fairnumber of sinusoidal terms.

CONCLUSIONSThe methodological section of this paper has ar­

gued for the value of both phase transition curvesand task interference techniques in studies ofcoordinated movement, and has discussed somemodifications and extensions to these methodswith a view to increasing their applicability. Theexperimental section has used these methods tosuggest a functional linkage between grasp aper­ture and hand transport in human prehension.

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FOOTNOTES·A slightly different version of this paper appears in JounuU of

Motor BehIllJior, 23(1), 25-37 (1991).tNow at the Medical Research Coundl Applied Psychology Unit,

15 Chaucer Road, Cambridge, CB2-2EF, England.lphase transition curves are an analytical technique, rather than abehavioural observation, and bear no relation to the "phasetransition" phenomenon observed by Kelso (1984) in humancyclical movement.

2Evidence from other fields confirms the linear nature of time­sharing and switching effects. Yoshizawa and Takeda (1988)accounted for performance on a continuous pursuit tracking taskusing "an inherent dead time included in the operator" Miall,Weir, and Stein (1985) also posited feedback delays to explainintermittencies in monkeys' visuomotor tracking.