Download - Task 1.1 Different Application of Photography Little mermaid

Page 1: Task 1.1 Different Application of Photography Little mermaid

•This photo is composed of two key elements: Queen Latifah dressed as Ursula and the landscape she has been superimposed on. •The light is drawn to Queen Latifah, picking out light elements in the sky and in the sea. The mountains and rocks are dark. The dark elements in the sky and the sea create a sense of depth and highlights the texture of the sea. • There are a variety textures in this image. The roughness and choppiness of the sea is contrasted with the smoothness of the top of Ursula’s tentacles. The suckers on the bottom of the tentacles are also highlighted with a clear sense of texture.

Page 2: Task 1.1 Different Application of Photography Little mermaid

• In terms of scale, Ursula dominates this image due to the use of perspective. She is the first element that our eye is drawn to because of her imposing presence.

• The form of the shot is a large square wide shot which gives us a landscape view of the sea, mountains and Ursula

• The image is mainly composed of a palette of blue tones which range from light to dark. This is contrasted with the black of the rocks and mountains and the white of the sea surf.

Page 3: Task 1.1 Different Application of Photography Little mermaid

• The special effects used in this image make it incredibly visually interesting but also gives the photo a sense of magic which is appropriate for the fairytale theme. The image is very striking and creates a sense of wonder and awe in the viewer. This mimics the effect that the Disney film on which it is based would have on a small child.

• The juxtaposition in this photo is created by the contrast between the static rocks and mountains and the vibrancy and movement implied by the image of Ursula which is mirrored in the violent choppiness and roughness of the sea. has term of movement and contrast in the mountain.

• The popular culture reference for this photo is the original Ursula character in the 1989 Disney film “The Little Mermaid”. It is part of a series of portraits entitled the Disney Dream Portrait Series.

Since 2007, Disney has been releasing the series as advertisements. They were created by Annie Leibovitz and feature celebrities in Disney fairy tale scenes to promote Disney Parks' "Year of a Million Dreams".