Download - Targeted Parent Petition Comments 2016-04-23

  • 8/18/2019 Targeted Parent Petition Comments 2016-04-23


    The National Alliance for Targeted Parents

    Recipient: American Psychological Association, Dr. Jodi Quas, and Dr. Lauren Fasig Caldwell

    Letter: Greetings,

    New APA Position Statement: Some children are manipulated into rejecting aparent.

  • 8/18/2019 Targeted Parent Petition Comments 2016-04-23



    Name Location Date Comment

    Jason Hofer Point Edward, Canada 2016-02-13 My wife and I have not been allowed contact with her 15 year-old daughter (my

    step-daughter) for over a year now. She moved in with her father in August

    2014. She had two very fun visits with us in September, then told us she didn't

    want to visit anymore because she felt an "atmosphere of depression" the last

    day of her last visit. For all anyone can see, it appears as though this is entirely

    her decision. She is the oldest of four sisters. One biological sister (12), one

    step-sister (12), and one half-sister (5). Our entire family misses her very much.

    We don't even know what to tell our little one when she asks when can she see

    her big sister again. My wife is torn apart by this. On top of it all, just last spring

    this daughter reported to child protective service 17 pages of false abuse

    charges against my wife and myself, and even against her own sister. Child

    protective services have always found our home to be loving and safe for our

    children, and they still do. However there is nothing they can do. Without the

    power of the mental health system to back them up, they have no grounds for

    protecting children from psychological abuse of this nature. We need to wake

    up the APA.

    Phillip Taylor Virgil, Canada 2016-02-13 I am a loving a devoted father of a now 17 year old daughter. At the age of 14

    years old, my daughter fully and completely rejected me and states openly that

    she hates me and never wants to speak to me again.

    Up until the separation with my ex wife, I had a wonderful and deep bonded

    relationship with my daughter. After the separation, the change in her attitude

    toward me was shockingly swift and worsened daily. Within 2 months of the

    separation, my sweet little girl whom I always treated with love and respect told

    me she hated me and never wanted to speak to me again. She used language

    toward me that I have never heard her use before. She stands in complete

     judgment of me and parrots exact phrases for her justification that my ex would

    often use. She shows all three diagnostic indicators as described in this petition

    as well as many well known clinical signs of a victim of pathogenic parentingotherwise known as "parental alienation". Unfortunately, I have lost the fight to

    rescue my daughter through the courts, she has "aged out". I am faced with

    the knowledge that my daughters misunderstood grief response is a life

    sentence of abusive hatred deep within her. She has become a victim of her

    abusers rage and now treats me and all of her extended family with other

    contempt. My daughter has cut off all contact with all extended family

    members, including her Nana and Papa who miss her dearly. I don't know how

    to explain this to them, it is such a hard thing to comprehend. How do you tell

    your child's grandparents that they will never speak to their granddaughter

    again. I guess according to my ex, they had it coming too.

    It is time to stand up to this epidemic. The evidence is overwhelming. We just

    need the mental health community to recognize it and empower the legal

    community to protect children from this type of child abuse.

    Asenka Kramer Zagreb, Croatia 2016-02-13 It is the right thing to do.

  • 8/18/2019 Targeted Parent Petition Comments 2016-04-23


    Name Location Date Comment

    Howie Dennison Columbus, OH 2016-02-13 I'm signing because the American Psychiatric Association has identified these

    tendencies in a borderline or narcissistic parents:

    a. "parentify their own children"

    b. "excessively bind their children to themselves"

    c. "demand absolute, unlimited control over their children while threateningrejection"

    d. project their own fears onto the other parent

    e. abandon their spouse in favor of their children

    f. revive their own childhood attachment trauma after a difficult experience

    g. force a child to engage in highly pathological behaviors such as running

    away or attempting suicide in order to break away from parental control

    Joyce Rodriguez Springville, UT 2016-02-13 I hate to see the injustice carried out by a revengeful and angry parent upon

    her ex spouse by way of their children.

    Dorcy Pruter Cary, NC 2016-02-15 I am on the front line fighting this battled to end the suffering for emotionally

    abused children. I am an adult child of parental alienation and this suffering

    would have ended in my childhood had the APA recognized this emotionally

    crippling form of child abuse.

    Gil Freeman Austell, GA 2016-02-15 Pathogenic Parenting is a child protection issue NOT a child custody issue.

    Wendy Elson Lockport, NY 2016-02-15 I'm going through this now! My soon to be ex husband is doing this to my older

    2 children

    Jenny Howard Euless, TX 2016-02-15 I have seen severe parental alienation of children firsthand, and have

    witnessed how it affects them as adults. This type of abuse must be

    recognized and stopped immediately!

    Heather Dragon Lockport, NY 2016-02-15 My sister's two children have been turned against her by her narsist soon to be

    exhusband. He continuously talks bad about her in front of the children to the

    point the children won't even talk to her anymore. My sister was always the

    one who did EVERYTHING for her kids while her husband couldn't even keep

    a job because of his controlling behavior. People like this need to be stopped

    and their should be some sort of legal reprocussion to their actions!! Please

    help protect children from these types of people!!

    Amy Drake Lockport, NY 2016-02-15 My sister is going through this exact issue right now with her children being

    alienated from her from her narcissistic husband that she is divorcing because

    of his manipulative behaviors with her, her children and her family!

    Shirley Puchala Gasport, NY 2016-02-15 My daughter is going through this right now B with he husband who is

    narsasist. He has turned them against her and our hole family.

    Deanne Cohen Irvine, CA 2016-02-15 Watching my husband who is a loving man, always tried his best, going

    through this with his 2 daughters as a result of parental alienation!

    Haily Deming Lockport, NY 2016-02-15 my aunt is currently having this done to her

    Gregory Hudgins Atlanta, GA 2016-02-15 I have been aleinated from my son

    Rebekah Curtis Doncaster, United


    2016-02-15 Because I know of many parents like this.....

    Suzy Courtnell-Edwards Bitterne Southampton,

    United Kingdom

    2016-02-15 This is what's happening right now to 2little Boys!

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Donna Macey Chilliwack, Canada 2016-02-15 experienced this.

    Kara Matthews Marietta, OK 2016-02-15 I'm signing because my husband and step daughter are victims of parental

    alienation even though he has court ordered standered visitation and his ex

    wife has had 3 kids taken away by the state already.

    rhonda mumpower Portland, OR 2016-02-15 So true. Very well said. Now I have a better understanding of my 2 boys

    attitudes. They were taken by my ex husband, girl friend and his mother. My

    boys were taken at age 4 & 8. They are now 16 & 21. They still don't take me

    serious. I basically don't mean anything to them. They are very disrespectful

    toward me. I see fear in them in many areas. I used to be the parent who did

    everything for and with my boys. After taken by my ex, I couldn't even tell my

    best friend. It was so unbelievable!

    Robert White Morristown, NJ 2016-02-15 I am a targeted parent of Parental Alienation

    Tracy Foraker Byesville, OH 2016-02-15 Because as a step mother I do not want to see another child go through being

    kept from another parent and the entire family ever again.

    rhonda mumpower Portland, OR 2016-02-15 I would change the title name. It comes a cross as you wanting to allow parents

    to do this. If I didn't know about ii, I would have clicked right by. Because of the

    title. I did sign. My 2 sons and I are effected by the other parent and his family.

    For years! Horribly!ERICA LAMES Owasso, OK 2016-02-15 i am the victim of parental alienation

    Cathleen Lames Mount Pleasant, IA 2016-02-15 This is happening to my granddaughter. She is being manipulated by her

    father and paternal grandmother. They have made it so that she cannot even

    speak nor visit her mother or anyone in the maternal side of the family for no


    Kimberly McCullah Florence, AZ 2016-02-15 I'm a psychologist and an alienated parent

    Diane Coughlin Lockport, NY 2016-02-15 My niece is going through a divorce and her husband is going this to their


    Christa Bates Buford, GA 2016-02-15 Witnessed this behavior in multiple children I know in different situations

    Tom Robin Warsaw, Poland 2016-02-15 Stop Parental Alienation! It's child abuse!

    Rebecca Samten West Point, VA 2016-02-15 I've lived the hell that is pathogenic parenting and I know that other kids are

    enduring the same pain. It's time to put a stop to this and hold the parents who

    engage in this behavior accountable.

    Claude Wilkes San Jose, CA 2016-02-15 My family and I are Alienated father and grand parents

    Paul Trizonis Coatesville, PA 2016-02-15 I am currently experiencing this and my children are being held hostage

    patricia laguna Chandler, AZ 2016-02-15 My niece was alienated from her family and committed suicide at age 15

    michael lazarin San Jose, CA 2016-02-15 I am the biological father of Audrie Pott- international story. My daughter was

    legally kidnapped from my family at age 7, in an unjust family Court system

    which destroys families and our innocent children. My beautiful daughter is

    now in heaven, she committed suicide September 12, 2012 at age 15.Jeff Burbank Las Vegas, NV 2016-02-15 Both patents have equal rights.

    Tom Lusch Canal Winchester, OH 2016-02-15 It is way past time to recognize and deal with this issue that affects families so

    very deeply.

    Tamara Gaglio Lexington, KY 2016-02-15 I lost 5 years of memories with my kids due to an emotionally abusive step

    parent and a mental health system that ignored my pleas for help. 5 years later

    our therapist sees it, but only after their dad admitted his girlfriend is abusive.

    This needs to end now!

    Samantha Hammond Stewartstown, PA 2016-02-15 I believe this is a major issue in the world. Divorce already makes children high

    risk for issues and PA makes it even worse.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    David Tayani Mission Viejo, CA 2016-02-15 It is amazing that in this day and age, we are still dealing with such level of

    ignorance, and it needs to change yesterday!!! I am appalled that the Family

    Courts and the Mental Health industry have created such a void where they are

    systematically destroying our families and children right after they have dealt

    with a hurricane in their life, i.e. DIVORCE!

    Monica CHAMBERS Lacey, WA 2016-02-15 We have been victims o f parental alienation at the hands of my husbands ex

    wife. We lost almost 10 years of memories with her for no other reason than


     john eberly Midland, TX 2016-02-16 I have been alienated as well as my parents from my sons due to false abuse

    charges so my ex can gain an upper hand in custody hearings. With no

    evidence to back up the story, and with their experience Child Protective

    Services stated in this case they believed the children to be "coached". This

    does happen and the actions never get punished so they in the end get

    rewarded with no consequences. My parents have been barred from seeing

    them with no evidence no nothing....this has hurt them dearly just so that they

    are denied contact. These are almost 90 year old loving people in their twilight

    years denied from their grandchildren. The children don't understand.

    Lisa Forbes Waterdown, Canada 2016-02-16 Children deserve the love of both parents.

    SallySue Steel Salt Lake City, UT 2016-02-16 My son was taken from me by my ex when he was a month short of 11 years

    old, 982 days ago. He and I had a fantastic last weekend but has been

    manipulated in the time since to the point where he refuses to acknowledge

    any connections to me or anyone on my side of his family. The responsibility of

    the decision to "hate" me and "refuse to have a relationship" with me and the

    rest of his family, has been put directly on him, as a child. This is facilitated to

    feed the controlling and self-serving needs of his biological Mother and her

    current partner, in a successful effort to remove me from their lives. This type

    of behavior needs to be brought to light and these abusive parents need to be

    held accountable for their actions!

    Laurie Nicholson Girard, PA 2016-02-16 My children need rescued from the alienating parent- the court system does not

    acknowledge or address this issue as abuse.

    dale cornelison Pingree, ID 2016-02-16 it happened to me with my son

    Susan Tomlinson London, United Kingdom 2016-02-16 My son is suffering from this situation.

    Jodi Hoeksel Pembroke, United


    2016-02-16 Pathogenic parenting is extremely harmful to innocent children and their futures

    as it not only affects their freedom to love both parents, it instills a cycle of

    behaviour that effects them throughout their live as well as their furture

    children. It is child abuse and needs to be recognised, treated, and stopped!

    diane miller Burlington, Canada 2016-02-16 I am an alienated parent. I'm signing for my son

    Sandra Johnson Rockford, IL 2016-02-16 The world needs to know that parental alienation is real and dangerous

    Jane Jacobson Delavan, WI 2016-02-16 I am an alienated parent & miss my children dearly.

    gale scheodleman- hill Whitesboro, NY 2016-02-16 I am a great grandma and because of my grandsons ex she wil l not let any ofus see him except to my daughter and if she lets us see him she threatens her

    that she will not see him either

    William Clarke Kitchener, Canada 2016-02-16 cas of waterloo region stole my daughter with help from my lawyers and judge

    Alison Antle Edmonton, Canada 2016-02-16


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    Name Location Date Comment

    Preston Conner Redondo Beach, CA 2016-02-16 My daughter has been turned against me by her diagnosed, mentally ill,


    She and I used to be so close, talked about everything. Now she isn't allowed

    to come to the door if I stop by and she doesn't return phone calls...

    Wendy Shriver Kelliher, MN 2016-02-16 My ex husband has been doing this to our 3 children for the past eight years.

    My 13 year old girls have tried overdosing with pills and do self-harm by

    cutting. It is devastating for children.

    Brandi Vytlas Luther, OK 2016-02-16 My husband is a victim of parental alienation and has been robbed of a

    relationship with his oldest child as a result.

    Kirsten Hutka Bowmanville, Canada 2016-02-16 I'm signing because I am an alienated parent. 16 months since I have seen or

    heard from my 11 year old son, despite having a court order with joint/ shared

    equal parenting

    Dyana Kelley Philadelphia, PA 2016-02-16 I am watching this happen now. Two kids who were once happy are now

    confused, depressed and using drugs. This has to stop.

    Jaime Rhoades Derby, KS 2016-02-16 I am signing because my children have been refused contact with me for over 5

    yrs. Brainwashing is real. I jad witnessed it first hand by my daughter. I said her

    name the day after her 18th bday and she looked at me as if I was disgusting.

    Before this no contact she and I had a relationship.Rev. Michele D Plessner Somerville, MA 2016-02-16 My sons have been brainwashed and lied to by their father who is abusive.

    Daniel Rittscher Oregon City, OR 2016-02-16 My un-adopted oldest daughter (it's complicated) hates me because of my gay

    ex wife. She left me

    Theresa Camp-


    LAKE WORTH, FL 2016-02-16 I have been kept from seeing my son simply because I filed for divorce without

    first asking permission. My ex had been in a relationship with someone else for

    4 years I didn't see or understand why filing for divorce would provoke such

    hatred toward me and sever completely the relationship I shared with our son

    5 1/2 years of age. What has this child been told what reason could be given

    to explain the disappearance of one of your parents from your life. I looked

    very forward to our time together as did he how heart breaking for me but

    worse how heart breaking for him. It's cruel, an intentional act meant to hurtme with no consideration for how it hurts our child..

    Jonathan Smolkovic Newmarket, Canada 2016-02-16 I'm doing this for my other daughter

    Francis Dean Kitchener, Canada 2016-02-16 SAME AS MOST , TO HAVE THE EVILS OF ALIENATION RECOGNIZED


    Ian Combs Raeford, NC 2016-02-16 I am a targeted parent

    Chrystal Workman South Mountain, Canada 2016-02-16 I am a targwt parent who knows firsthand the damage parental aleanation is.

    Tina Romano Raleigh, NC 2016-02-16 I have been a targeted parent.

    Amanda Blue West Chester, PA 2016-02-16 I've seen it myself. I was alienated and my husbands children are alienated.

    alan piggott nova scotia, Canada 2016-02-16 Alienation

    Sally Broessel Whitney, TX 2016-02-16 I have seen alienation in my family, and thousands of families.

    Heather Allen Midland, MI 2016-02-16 I'm being alienated from my daughter and she is being severely abused by her

    father because he is bitter and vindictive. The courts need to be able to

    recognize the signs for our children's sake. She is in danger not being cares for

    like she should be and this all started with the evaluator.

    Pierre Pontbriand Sydenham, Canada 2016-02-16 I'm signing because the abuse my children have suffered at the hands of not

    only an alienating parent, but at the hands of a society and culture that

    condones and supports parental alienation.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Gerry Tye Narwee, Australia 2016-02-16 Because I have experienced this personal and lost my family to the lies of their

    mother, while the court relies on Family Court Psychologist Specialists that

    follow a set formula to apply to custody issues, ignoring blatant 3rd party official

    evidence that would complicate matters, like false claims of abuse by the


    Andrea Breer Melbourne, Australia 2016-02-16 This needs to stop

    Becki Hoffer Winnipeg, Canada 2016-02-16 Your criminal activity of overt Human Rights abuses must end now.

     junaid qazi Islamabad, Pakistan 2016-02-16 I am a parent that has been alienated.

    Susan Sievert Denver, CO 2016-02-16 I'm signing because my two sons 17 and 20 have been emotionally abused

    and alienated from me. As a direct result of the emotional abuse both took

    father's advice to drop our of high school so hey could contribute to the family.

    As Bros we stick together. Yet, my ex continues to receive support from me but

    insists the boys contribute their share to the home.

    Evan Eketone Australia 2016-02-16 This has happened to my children and it should be a crime. My ex lied to police

    and has alienated me from my children.

    Charlee Wilkison Cumming, GA 2016-02-16 I'm signing because I have three children who have suffered the horrific things

    stated above for the past five years.

    Nikki Pickard Traverse City, MI 2016-02-16 Our children need protection and guidance from this horrific pathology!

    Kelly Howland Australia 2016-02-16 We are going through this with my step daughter. Horrible for these poor


    Maree McKneil Australia 2016-02-16 I am a step parent affected by Parental Alienation.

    Tom Lusch Canal Winchester, OH 2016-02-16 My divorce had a PROFOUND affect on my sonÉto this very day. Allow me to


    It was in 2002 that I first took steps to end my marriage. Within a week of

    seeking a peaceful dissolution, my 19 year old son began giving me the cold

    shoulder. Within 3 months he told my sisterÕs daughter that he had dreams of

    killing me!

    I have not been accepted as part of my sonÕs life since 2002. In 2011 he

    actually did reach out and invite me to his wedding. But then his motherÕs

    drama began occurring again, and the wedding invitation to me was withdrawn.

    A friend shared with me my sonÕs wedding program. On there is listed ÒMother

    of the groom.Ó However, ÒFather of the groomÓ is nowhere to be found. How is

    it that an adult child, even at 32 years old now, can be so rejecting of a parent,

    all due to a divorce?

    It is time for the APA to acknowledge that children, even adult children, can be

    manipulated into rejecting a parent.

    Donna Gleeson Australia 2016-02-16 What children can suffer after the break down of their parents relationship ishorror. The child experiences grief like a death. The long term affects are not

     just to family but to community.

    Maria Rickard Sanborn, NY 2016-02-16 I'm a mom of a broken home and would never tolerate this behavior from my

    ex. No parent should ever have to deal with this. No child should ever be used

    as a weapon against another.

    Mark Smits Upland, CA 2016-02-16 I was a target of PA for nearly a decade.

    Laura Schwartz Saint Paul, MN 2016-02-16 My children are victims of this as well and they deserve to be protected and

    grow up without being abused.

  • 8/18/2019 Targeted Parent Petition Comments 2016-04-23


    Name Location Date Comment

    William kirk palmdale, CA 2016-02-16 My child is/was a victim of PA. I am a parent whose loss will never be filled.

    Lies and false allegations have no place in a courtroom or effective parenting.

    kel budzynski Australia 2016-02-16 I am an alienated parent. My son and daughter havent see their sister in over 9

    months and the seperation is heartbreakingly painful on a daily basis. This kind

    of thing needs to stop, the parents that do this to their own child/other children

    and other parent should be charged and lose all parental rights. This kind of

    abuse is inexcusable. Is completely selfish and in no way in anybodys best

    interest except the parent doing it. Laws need to be changed and children needto be saved! !

    Mel Carragher Australia 2016-02-16 My husband is a victim from first marriage

    Sarah Hay Olive Hill, KY 2016-02-16 I'm signing because I lived thru parental alienation as a child, and it still

    adversely affects me to this day. It has taken me years of counseling to

    overcome the damage that is caused by PA. The after effects do not end with

    childhood. Now as an adult, I'm experiencing the other side of PA, from a

    parent's perspective & it's heartbreaking that our court system does nothing to

    stop it. Please make the changes necessary to stop this abuse towards


    debby cook NSW, Australia 2016-02-16 I agree that a parent can easily manipulate a child to reject their other parent in

    the context of divorce. This is psychological & emotional abuse.

    connie caracciolo Australia 2016-02-16 This has impacted our family for over 5 years causing sadness and grief for

    parent, grandparents, best grandparents, uncle aunties and cousins!

    Ronda Burgard Kearney, MO 2016-02-16 I know the damage and heartache PA causes the children and targeted


    Karen Moran Little Mountain, Australia 2016-02-16 Because my child has lost a sister to parental alienation and it shouldn't be

    allowed to happen

    Melissa penter Bridgeton, NJ 2016-02-16 Because my family has been affected by parental alienation greatly.

    Melanie Walsh Garran, Australia 2016-02-16 I'm signing because I have seen this happrn far too many times with male &

    female friends & its upsetting to see the children miss out on rewarding

    experiences with a loving parent

    Jeremy Vytlas Gretna, NE 2016-02-16 I currently have a son that has been alienated against me and for all the

    attempts made to turn this around have failed i t makes parents who want the

    best for their kids realize there comes a time it's time to walk away and give

    them space and the freedom they are seeking.

    Jennifer Ramos South Lebanon, OH 2016-02-16 I am an alienated parent who had a strong bond with my sons. One year ago

    over Christmas with their father, my sons have never spent time with me again,

    despite my Shared Parenting Court papers. My sons live with their father FT,

    ALL communication has ended; I have been erased.

    Francesca Gambino Kentfield, CA 2016-02-16 Parental al ienation is chi ld abuse. My daughter has been psychological ly abuse

    for 6 years and she and our relationship has been severely damaged. It has got

    to end in our lifetime or it will go on and damage more children and ruinfamilies.

    Karin de Kovk Pretoria, South Africa 2016-02-16 Two of my three children are emotionally abuse by the actions of parental

    alienation (Hostile Aggressive Parenting) by the father, legal system and

    clinical psychologist's. I am a targeted parent.

    Joseph Di mauro Australia 2016-02-16 i'm signing this because my child is turned against me

    leon calitz Auckland, Australia 2016-02-16 i feel this is wrong for any parent to do to there children and should be

    ashamed of themselfes

    Zeina Jordan Horsham, Australia 2016-02-16 I have seen this 1st hand and it's so horrible on the child!!!

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Graham Berry Australia 2016-02-16 Things need to change

    Brad Campbell Kitchener, Canada 2016-02-16 My kids have been alienated from myself and my family

    Karen Hodgkins Australia 2016-02-16 of work I do with pa mums and dads..

    Colleen Malone-Engel Los Angeles, CA 2016-02-16 This is so important. I t's beyond high time this issue is truly recognized for the

    damaging thing that it is. People need to learn about it, and become aware

    when it's happening in their own families and communities. Please move this

    into a formal field of study, acknowledgement, and focus. Please help childrenmove out of the traumatizing situations they are way too often put in. Thank


    Lena Grahn Trelleborg, Sweden 2016-02-16 I lost my daughter three years ago due to PAS. The pain this has cost so many

    because of ignorance is unbelievable.

    Philip Garner North Manly, Australia 2016-02-16 I absolutely agree that this pathogen parenting is real and is chi ld abuse,

    I am a great parent to my boys yet I see them 1 day a forthnight.

    Children have the right to have 2 parents in their life.

    Michael Calautti Australia 2016-02-16 I haven't seen my children in over a year due to this kind of child abuse by their


    Kelly Lloyd Australia 2016-02-16 Something needs to be done so this issue is recognised and treated

    accordingly. These children are suffering significant emotional trauma and

    there seems to be nothing we can do about it.

    Rah Bruhn Southport, Australia 2016-02-16 Children are strongly influenced by their care givers and others in their

    environments (if tv commercials can get a kid begging for plastic toy imagine

    what the people children depend on can do!) Unfortunately not all parents can

    seperate their negative feelings around an ex spouse from the children's

    relationship with that parent, and this can obviously cloud a child's view of that


    sarah ohalloran Australia 2016-02-16 This is happening to my children

    Tamara Ford Seaton, Australia 2016-02-16 My ex husband stole my kids and refuses to let me see them nor talk to them

    purely out of spite.

    Sue Twigg Hereford, United


    2016-02-16 This invidious form of child abuse needs to recognised and dealt with

    effectively by agencies dealing with children plus the family court system. It has

    to stop.

    Les Hayford Port Lincoln, Australia 2016-02-16 all children deserve to know both parents. Stop these people using children for

    their own purpose

    Brandy Furlani Imperial Beach, CA 2016-02-16 I see this in my own family court issues and my children's therapist says it's

    very difficult to diagnose that a parent is coaching their children. They need

    more education on this and it needs to be recognized in all high conflict family

    court cases. It needs to stop. Early detection and treatment is key to saving

    thousands of dollars in family court costs and child welfare accusations.

    Ross Bloomfield Albion Park, Australia 2016-02-16 This is happening to me

    catherine scuiller Sarzeau, France 2016-02-16 I signed this pŽtition because It's about time this parentectomy is identified

    when it's not too late for the children to rebond to the targeted parent.

    Joy Edmistone Australia 2016-02-16 I'm signing because my grandson is being adversely affected by parental


    Kathleen Anderton Bolton, United Kingdom 2016-02-16 My son and our family are victims of this abuse. My grandson hates and

    despises his dad and all our family because of this evil ,known as parental

    alienation syndrome.

    Jeremy Sturtzel Australia 2016-02-16 Ive lost both of my children due to this exact thing

  • 8/18/2019 Targeted Parent Petition Comments 2016-04-23


    Name Location Date Comment

    Tracy Andrew Austin, TX 2016-02-16 This is dangerous to know that deceptions, manipulations and coercive abuses

    are allowed to continue and these are gender- neutral actions that affect the

    future generations of the world. STOP this PLEASE!! Good people and

    precious children are being destroyed. There is no reason on earth to allow this

    to continue or to go unpunished. It is wrong to keep a child away from their

    parents, wrong to destroy and attempt to eliminate a parent for no reason or

    authority. It is happening and need to cease!!!

    Simon Foster Wollstonecraft , Australia 2016-02-16 I'm signing because I am a targeted parent in an ongoing agenda to alienatemy two daughters from me and deny them a life of love and caring from their

    father. The actions of the girl's mother constitutes emotional and psychological

    abuse that I fear has and will harm the girl's adult development. The alienating

    agenda has taken place for almost a decade and in defiance of Family Law

    Court orders.

    Scott Turner Australia 2016-02-16 I suck of seeing of the politically correct child abuse

    David Brima none Melbourne, Australia 2016-02-16 I have lived this for 13 years, and it nearly destroyed my efforts to play a

    meaningful role in my daughter's life.

    Sarah Keetley Australia 2016-02-16 Parents should not be allowed to abuse their children in this manner.

    Toni Terry Atlanta, GA 2016-02-16 I am a parent who is being denied access to my kids even with a court orderbecause its between 2 states an georgia an south carolina are to lazy to do

    their jobs because i moved to bama..COURT SYSTEM IS A JOKE, that aint

    even funny...sad

    Robert Ayers Las Vegas, NV 2016-02-16 My daughter has been withheld from me for 12 years. Her mother has lied and

    abused her to the point she has Border line personality disorder. She has

    burned herself and cut her self to the extreme. Her mother will do nothing to get

    her help. She has kept her from her grandparents and told her they are crazy.

    This evil has to stop, no parent who loves and is capable of caring for the child

    should ever have to suffer in this way ever.

    Amanda Allen Shaw, United Kingdom 2016-02-16 I feel strongly that this is child abuse..

    Katharine Silva Assonet, MA 2016-02-16 My family is currently suffering from this epidemic. WE (especially us targetedparents) need to rise up and stop this so that other families do not have to

    travel on this same, long, painful journey that we have all tried to endure.

    Darlene Manners Australia 2016-02-16 As a loving mother who loves her son and misses him so much

    Leandro Serres Goulart Itaqui, Brazi l 2016-02-16 Por todas as crian•as que merecem conviver em harmonia com seu pai e sua


    Melissa McCarthy Hamilton Township, NJ 2016-02-16 #bringourbabyhome

    Cindy Shearer Australia 2016-02-16 My husband has been suffering this for years and years spending $$$$$ on a

    flawed court system that fails to recognize the problem is alienation

    Dave Stewart Cooma, Australia 2016-02-16 Because this f orm of child abuse needs to be r ecognised

    tracy gambrell Anderson, SC 2016-02-16 I've seen my husband go through losing his children to a vindictive'sheartbreaking

    sue shearer Melbourne, Australia 2016-02-16 My brother who is a loving and caring father has been dealing with an exwife

    who never wanted a husband, just his children. He and his children are missing

    out on the loving relationship they should have. The courts do nothing but suck

    the life out of him and his new wife and empty his pockets.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Robert Wheeler Garnett, KS 2016-02-16 I'm a father of two wonderful boys who's m other for over six years has done

    everything to keep the boy's from maintaining a healthy, consistent relationship

    with me. The latest is claiming physical neglect to child services and forced the

    boys tell untruths to them, Of course they came and the claim was unfounded

    and unsubstantiated. It's very hard to be an effective father and constantly

    battle with there mother constantly.

    debra brown hawkins, TX 2016-02-16 this is an issue with so many children. one parent can go so far as to kill their

    children as to let the other parent be involved we are reading about thissituation more every day.

    AnnMarie Lawson Australia 2016-02-16 I've seen my son twice in 2 years due to be alienated by his father... I miss and

    love my son and his younger brothers miss him and don't understand why he is

    not here with them

    Pamela Camp Wimborne Minster,

    United Kingdom

    2016-02-16 I am victim parent of abduction and parental alienation and I know that what I

    am signing is true and what I have witnessed in the courts.

    Daniel Forster Plymouth, United


    2016-02-16 We. Need. Change. We need to end the daily horror story of children

    manipulated to reject loving parents and so egregiously and consistently failed

    by the mental health and legal professions.

    Andrew Herbert Australia 2016-02-16 I have lost three children to this form of emotional and psychological abuse andit is high time our leaders had the backbone to do something about it. It is just

    as damaging as sexual and physical child abuse, it just takes decades for

    children to become adults and see the wrong that has been done to them.

    Billie Reid Cardinal, Canada 2016-02-16 Billie Drew

    Deborah Franklin melbourne, Australia 2016-02-16 Im an alienated mum

    Leslie Bell Cumming, GA 2016-02-16 I have a friend who hasnt had her kids for a long time because of this. Her ex

    husband is manipulating them and controlling them.

    Laura Mastrangelo Fredericksburg, VA 2016-02-16 I am an alienated parent

    Gudrun Sjšstrand VŠsterŒs, Sweden 2016-02-16 I am alienaded from my child

    Brian Geise Brighton, MI 2016-02-16 Children are being abused legally by one parent in order to hurt the otherparent. The courts currently allow this to happen and even support it. The

    current laws destroy children and family's.

     jerry Villella Brainerd, MN 2016-02-16 Because of a Parent and Court assisted Alienation my daughter has not seen,

    spoken to me, (her Dad), her sister or anyone else on my side of the family for

    5+ yrs.

    Which is Permanent, emotional and mental harm to my daughter. Child Abuse

    Shannon Mccall Boone, NC 2016-02-16 I am not an alienated parent. However, I have been alienated by my Son-in-

    law. He said he wish we had been his parents. I loved him as my own. I

    entrusted him to take care of my daughter. My daughter passed away 3 years

    ago. She left behind a beautiful little boy. The light of all of our lives. He and my

    SIL lived with us for alittle over a year. Now he says he never wants to see or

    talk to me ever again. I am now an alienated grandmother. Why? I do not know.

    My entire family has been cut off from my Grandson. The APA needs to change

    their statement concerning alienation. Alienation is detrimental to all those


    Gregory Blue West Chester, PA 2016-02-16 I'm signing this petition as the father of 2 grown daughters that have been

    alienated and are beyond my ability to protect them. This shouldn't happen to

    anyone else!

    Rod McCall Plano, TX 2016-02-16 I am signing because my son and I are victims of parental alienation. He is now

    dead because of his mother. The court system is not currently up to the task of

    saving children who has a parent who is willing to bully everyone around them.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Derek Harlan Hickory, NC 2016-02-16 The current lack of acknowledgement by the APA is just plain ignorance. How

    many more generations of kids are you going to allow to be raised thinking that

    one parent isn't worthy because of a narcissist?

    Sabrina Davis Buffalo, NY 2016-02-16 I agree with this message.

    Amanda Baca Las Vegas, NM 2016-02-16 All parents should be part of their childs life

    Joliene Ivory New York, NY 2016-02-16 It is true, this is happening. I know several parents whose children are a victim

    of this. It is insidious and the courts have done nothing to rectify it.

    Jesse Gonzales Fowler, IN 2016-02-16 My 12 year old granddaughter has been alienated for 10 years. Disposition is

    terrible as she acts much like her mother.

    Joe Delicio Cranston, RI 2016-02-16 I have 3 children who are suffering through the abuses caused by a pathogenic

    parent. They currently have no relationship with not only me, but an entire half

    of their family. I am signing this in the hopes that changes are made so that no

    other families suffer this abuse. Thank you

    Alex Nelson Wanaka, New Zealand 2016-02-16 Because my ex wife refuses me any contact with my 10 year old son. I haven't

    seen or heard from him in over two years, I try weekly to make contact and it

    kills me. I feel no one cares.

    Paul LaDuke Hummelstown, PA 2016-02-16 My children have been emotionally abused by their mother into hating me and

    my entire family. I am a great father and was until the day she ripped them

    from their home to move into their parent's basement.

    madeleine sleeth Australia 2016-02-16 My son is gettin left with the abuser! If i fight this i coukd lose my daughter

    Nema Saadaie Los Angeles, CA 2016-02-16 Parent/child estrangement is an undeniable consequence of a rather flawed

    legal process.

    Christopher Hutchens Yadkinvil le, NC 2016-02-16 My ex wife tr ies to hold my son from me because she is evil and all about the

    child support, she hasn't worked or supported my son financially since 2010

    and refuses to get a job.

    melissa kelly Sault Ste. Marie, Canada 2016-02-16 A child should never have to choose between one parent...they should be

    allowed to love both....hate is taught...this needs to be recognized by they can assist and not further abuse..

    Nancy Malinowski Citrus Heights, CA 2016-02-16 I have been alienated from my son by my ex-husband who has been tested by

    a psychologist and found to have a personality disorder. Family court judges

    ignore so many facts in their quest to keep both parents involved in children's

    lives and, while noble, this ultimately destroys the children's emotional and

    mental well-being.

    arthur ackerman key biscayne, FL 2016-02-16 I agree with it

    From my own personal experience

    Alane McFarland Dayton, OH 2016-02-16 my children were victimized by this syndrome.

    Jonathan Schmidt Louisville, KY 2016-02-16 I have not had time with my son for nearly a year due to alienation from his

    custodial mother and step father. His paternal family and I have missed major

    holidays because of his mother's actions.

    Laura Yancey Cape Coral, FL 2016-02-16 Of Christian and Preston

    Chantal Rivard Ascot Corner, Canada 2016-02-16 je signe parce que nous vivons prŽsentement cette situation TRES diff ici le et

    ce depuis 6 ans !

    Jennifer Graham Keller, TX 2016-02-16 I'm signing because this is happening to me and my oldest daughter, she has

    been manipulated by her father to reject me

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    Rob Baumgardner Geneseo, IL 2016-02-16 When 1 parent encourages the child to disrespect and consider their time with

    the other parent as optional, their lowest or no priority, and rewards that

    behavior, they are taking away that relationship for no reason other than

    selfishness and spite. Our children need protection from this, not enabling.

    Sara Jones Colville, WA 2016-02-16 my 5 of my 7 children were alienated from me by the CPS system which

    includes, caseworkers, visit supervisors, so called therapists/counselors, foster

    parents, and finally adoptive parents. All of these parties vilified me, any

    "report" from the children was exaggerated and put in the worst light possible.

    Jennifer Hunt Starkville, MS 2016-02-16 I am going through this with my son now. Since our divorce he has rejected

    me and anyone in my family. It has been 4 years. We were always close and

    had a wonderful relationship prior to me divorcing his father.

    Corry Defrates Cedar Hill, TX 2016-02-16 I have unfortunately lived it.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Vineet Mansukhani Bedford, TX 2016-02-16 At the onset the LPC case worker noted a loving, respectful, no-fear relationship between mydaughters and me (father).

    Within 10 months this degenerated into a cross generational coalition with borderline personality

    traits showing splitting, projection, decompensation into delusional beliefs, severe panic/anxiety

    (ER initially suspected heart attack in my 16 years old). This triggered a never ending weekly grief

    response resulting from attachment trauma. The case worker confirmed enmeshment.

    The other PhD court appointed mental health expert confirmed childhood attachment trauma inthe other parent after viewing the prior two years pre-separation domestic violence videos.

    What followed was a barrage of victimized child - abusive parent (me) allegations, all put forth by

    the children while the puppet master "protective parent" passively stood behind the children.

    Dozens of police, CPS reports were created and dismissed ("The children are very believable").

    This smokescreen drama played out at school, medical service providers, among other parents,

    and any other common social setting. All the while forcing me in an highly embarrassing and

    ostracized defensive and putting the collective attention on me instead of the real root cause.

    The children suppressed their innate attachment towards me and even my normal range

    parenting structure was rejected as extremely controlling. The children showed BPD traits like

    grandiosity, no empathy, entitlement, arrogant attitude, and splitting and severe anxiety responses

    towards me especially in the presence of situationally associated 3rd parties .

    Over the entire 6+ years, no reasoning of any sort could sway the child from this rigidly held


    During these same 6+ years of living hell, I was formally recognized as an outstanding parent by

    the areas largest parenting skills teaching organizations, nominated as an outstanding father for

    fathers day, and the high school formally noted my solid parenting skills under duress.

    In my case the allied parent was also violent. The older child has already become violent showing

    the transference to the next generation.

    Both the LPC and the PhD expert have an ethical and moral duty to protect these children and

    cause no harm under their code of ethics and as a condition of their license to practice. Yet this

    huge crevasse exists between their stated vision and their real life practice.

    The situation is a contradiction to Darwin's theory of evolution - the current conditions are aiding

    the propagation of undesirable traits into future generations.

    Abandoning a child in this condition that leads to life long psychological problems like drugs,

    runaways, suicide, unlawful behaviors, violence, inability to maintain relationships is barbaric for

    any civlized society. We protect children that are physically and sexualy abused. Why then do we

    have a dichotomy when it comes to unseen virulent psychological abuse?

    With protective separation, a child can be recovered using the 5 day High Roads Protocol offered

    by the Conscious Co-Parenting Institute. It is unconscionable that when such solutions exist to

    simply continue to defy Darwin's theory and sacrifice our future generations in this modern day

    "live sacrifice".

    The system to protect my two daughters has failed in every way. This has caused irreparable

    damage to my children and me. My gifted daughter has failed to rise to her innate potential and

    might not even get into a 4 year college. My career and health are burnt toast.

    Without swift action on this petition, our existence remains locked up in a inhumane toxic

    psychological no-man's land.

    stella tulli Garfield, NJ 2016-02-16 My ex husband and his family LIED that I was going to harm my children so

    that I would be punished by losing my children for daring to leave my unhappy

    marriage. This loss of control of our marriage enraged my ex and his family .

    Therefore, my punishment was loss of my 2 sons. They all have alienated me

    from my sons and I have to work very hard to be a part of their lives.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Melissa Hogan Portsmouth, VA 2016-02-16 I'm the alienated non custodial parent of a child displaying many of these

    symptoms whose father is in the narcissitic/sociopath category of diagnosis.

    Debi Crabb Ripley, MS 2016-02-16 My family has been effected by this!

    carolyn obrien smyrna, TN 2016-02-16 My daughter was taken 9yrs ago now to Canada at 8yrs old by her father. She

    has never been allowed to return to me her mother. I am forced to pay child

    support to him. He doesn't even have her. He is an unemployed alcoholic,

    musician who lives with his grandmother 2hrs away from our daughter.


    Gerard Hutchison Barnegat, NJ 2016-02-16 I am the victim of this insidious, child-abusive action. My family has been

    destroyed by Parental Alienation. The Entire Family Court system ignores this

    epidemic, which goes on everyday in the Family Court system, without any

    repercussions whatsoever to penalize the alienators.

    Brian Crow San Antonio, TX 2016-02-16 Because my brother is going through this and his daughter is being taught to

    hate him and us by his ex. This is child abuse and this shouldn't be tolerated.

    Kim Smith Saltillo, MS 2016-02-16 I'm signing because this has happened to our family. It's so sad.

    Amanda Skeens Poca, WV 2016-02-16 I have been a victim in my life of my children being turned against me.

    Jacqueline Heselden Dartford, United Kingdom 2016-02-16 It happened t me

    Patrick Sexton Mankato, MN 2016-02-16 I am signing because I have witnessed first hand the destructive nature of

    pathogenic parenting. My daughter is being mentally brainwashed/abused into

    believing that I am a bad person. I am and always been a great dad. Loving

    and always present until my ex-wife succeeded in brainwashing her. This is

    child abuse plain ans simple, it is destruvtive to the child.

    Mark Sullivan Brooklyn, NY 2016-02-16 Children are historically the least protected citizens.

    This speaks volumes of societies interests

    Cindy Barrie Australia 2016-02-16 My ex husband is manipulating my children against me.

    Maud Taylor Letendre Sun Valley, ID 2016-02-16 I was the primary caregiver of my three kids all doing great. I was bullied out of

    my house in dt one night and I haven't been with kids since. My ex husband isa controlling abuser.

    Ellis Rosanne Overland Park, KS 2016-02-16 The system has allowed the alienating parent to violate a court ordered

    parenting plan with zero consequences.

    Tiffany Brady Hillsboro, OR 2016-02-16 Children and families need to be protected from all forms of abuse.

    Michelle Baird Australia 2016-02-16 Have friends going through terrible emotional trauma in similar situation

    Tina Granstrom Palmetto, FL 2016-02-16 This kind of abuse needs to be exposed globally

    Kristi Cabrera Buxton, OR 2016-02-16 I have seen this happen with a close friend of mine and it's heartbreaking and

    so unfair!!

    Kristin Shanahan Roslyn, NY 2016-02-16 I'm signing because a female cousin of mine has been manipulating her

    children to reject their father, who is an extremely good and living man. Notonly is he suffering the loss of his four besutiful children, but the children are

    being psychologically abused and used by their mother. It is such an

    unforgiveable act that will cause unrepairable life long psychological and

    emotional damage to the children as well as their father; and let us not forget

    about the damaged relationships between children and grandparents relating to

    this same topic. "K"

    Margaret Kreklau Alexandria, MN 2016-02-16 We have watched our ex-daughter-in-law mistreat our grandchildren, and our

    son, who is a loving, caring, person -she fits this description perfectly, and the

    children are suffering. So are we.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    James Moricca Lufkin, TX 2016-02-16 James Moricca

    Arran Davenport Boerne, TX 2016-02-16 Child abuse is unlawful

    Suki Harding Auckland, New Zealand 2016-02-16 I have experienced parental alienation myself. It is a widely misunderstood

    issue that affects so many families. Steps must be taken to educate people in

    general, the legal systems and Governments all over the world about this

    problem and potential solutions.

    Amy Carpenter Jupiter, FL 2016-02-16 This has to be recognized as the destructive force that it is!

    Sharlee Maher Kihei, HI 2016-02-16 I have worked in the justice system as a child visitation mediator for 20 years

    and I know this happens ALL the time!

    Holli Porter Eugene, OR 2016-02-16 A friend of mine is going through this with her ex.

    chris basham California, MD 2016-02-16 The courts need to be aware that this happens, and that they need to help

    protect children and the abused spouse in these cases.

    Andrew Fischer Australia 2016-02-16 Parental Alienation is one of the most terrible things a parent and a child can

    go through. For the parent you loose a child that once loved you and looked to

    you because the other parent wants you gone. There is no way to grieve this,

    you either find acceptance or you die.

    Thomas White Austin, TX 2016-02-16 Children are people, not leverage.Andrew Breen Charlotte, NC 2016-02-16 I have two children affected by this condition.

    Konni Bryant Mount Juliet, TN 2016-02-16 I am an alienated/target parent.

    Jill klask Taylor, MI 2016-02-16 My children have been alienated from me by their father..going on over 2 years

    They are only 8 and 10

    Michael Ochs Fernley, NV 2016-02-16 My children have been alienated from me.

    robert gude westfield, NJ 2016-02-16 Because I know the devastation of parental alienation.

    michelle McNallan Plainview, MN 2016-02-16 I have lost 3 daughters and 1 step daughter to allienation.

    Wanda Bernstein Orlando, FL 2016-02-16 I know too many in this situation who have been systematically abused and

    withheld from their children. Both mothers and fathers, for the pure reason of

    spite and revenge for some perceived misdeed. Usually the parent who is left

    behind is accused of a multitude of fabricated items at the pleasure of their

    former spouse with no basis in fact. And, it seems that nobody wants to

    challenge these abusers.

    Carmen Ramos Detroit, MI 2016-02-16 My children and myself are experiencing this act. I need legal help desperately.

    Can someone help me restore my rights and my childrens rights please.

    Lyla Irvine Salem, OR 2016-02-16 I have a family member who has been affected by this.

    Sarah Vertner Hillsboro, OR 2016-02-16 Children should never be pawns in a divorce hearing.

    ALBERT AKL AIN-SAADEH, Lebanon 2016-02-16 My daughter is alienated from me by her mom.

    Billy Elson Lockport, NY 2016-02-16 I'm signing this petition because I believe that parents should never be

    alienated from their children unless there is some sort of abuse toward the

    children. Only then is it necessary to do whatever it takes to protect the


    Marre Wosten Athens, GA 2016-02-17 My children have been manipulated and coerced by their father to not contact

    me , he has used fear tactics to make them afraid to disobey him . he is no

    doubt a Malignant Narcisisst.

    Rebecca Austin Australia 2016-02-17 I have lost a child to this form of child abuse.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Michael Gilligan Deer Park, NY 2016-02-17 My son's have been influenced to reject this affectionate and available parent

    by a pathogenic (hostile) parent who believes divorcing the Mom also means I

    have to divorce my son's as well. It is Psychological Child Abuse. Mom in my

    case has no empathy for her children and it has been demonstrated over and

    over again. Influencing the APA to change it's statement on Parental Alienation

    is a good step but much work to be done to end this so that children are free to

    explore there authentic self to all those who love them.

    Mary Chapman Basking Ridge, NJ 2016-02-17 My son has been alienated from me despite receiving treatment from severalpsychologists.

     jennifer mcnish Dartmouth, Canada 2016-02-17 Our daughter had "behaviour issues", defiant, fidgeting, nightmares, and was

    diagnosed ADHD/ODD but stopped therapy when Ritalin was suggested at age

    6. I left the abusive ex when she was 4, 4 years of a terrible divorce and then

    he gave me primary custody. I read and was told a child needs both parents so

    when he took her to his family events I thought she would be safe and loved.

    He saw her about 6x/yr until she was 14-15 when her behaviour became

    worse. She told me she wanted to die, wouldn't come out of her room. Another

    therapist that said their sessions were private but she soon refused to go. Then

    at 5pm she had a meltdown threatening to kill herself, called the mh hotline

    went to the emergency of the Children's hospital where I was excluded until

    the end when I was told I would be investigated by CPS since she said I tried to

    strangle her. Six police officers showed up at 06:30 the next day called by her

    father. Then just after her 16th birthday he took her while I was at work. It's

    been a year and 5 months and I am fortunate to see her for driving lessons and

    to buy her things she needs. But she is so torn and hurting. One day during a

    lesson her behaviour began escalating, insulting me, slamming the car door,

    until she began screaming I was going to kidnap her and she smashed out the

    windshield (I had been driving her to her dads for over 6months). Tomorrow her

    dad is taking her for a bite plate because of her stress. Family court does

    nothing!! I got a Saturday visitation but she refuses saying it isn't "enforced".

    Then the judge ordered an assessment but only a child wishes was done even

    though the invoice states the more comprehensive assessment of reviewing

    court files and speaking to both parents. Now I find out that I can't ask for his

    contribution to university costs because she lives with him.

    Marsha Stoddard Auburn, AL 2016-02-17 I have an alienated 15 year old, the alienation began to take place shortly after

    seperation 4 years ago. I was granted joint physical and legal custody which

    was never enforced.

    Enforcement early on is key in helping these children.

    Paul manwaring Murray, UT 2016-02-17 as a custodial parent I know for a fact that it is a choice one makes as to

    weather you abuse your child with negatives about the other parent.

    Ronald Winter West Babylon, NY 2016-02-17 I'm signing because my children and i are victims of this !

    Sherryann Potenti-


    Worcester, MA 2016-02-17 Its the right thing to do. No parent should be allowed to abuse a child in such a

    manner as to manipulate them against a loving parent.christina whitaker Independence, MO 2016-02-17 Both parent are apart of a childs well being.

    Janie Duckworth Vienna, WV 2016-02-17 I have seen first hand what this does to children and I cannot be silent

    Michael Muller San Antonio, TX 2016-02-17 I'm a retired psychologist with forensic experience, and we need a simple

    diagnosis, i.e., "parental alienation disorder," that judges, attorneys, and mental

    health providers can readily understand. This will greatly enhance recognition

    and treatment of this disorder. It is very similar to all those people with various

    anxiety and depressive disorders whose diagnosis and treatment was greatly

    facilitated by the creation of the diagnosis of "post-traumatic stress disorder." It

    is a common situation that needs a commonly recognized name.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    dianne marsden Port Colborne, Canada 2016-02-17 I am a rejected Parent due to parental alienation

    Linda West chico, CA 2016-02-17 I'm leaving out the details and making a long story her short: 1973 my mom

    passed. My father had divorced her a few years prior. We had no family in the

    area and I had few friends as my time was filled with taking care of a four and

    five year old. I was pretty much on my own and deeply grieving for my mother.

    A few months later my daughter was sexually attacked by someone well

    trusted by the entire neighborhood. I became so anxiety ridden that one day I

     just slid down the kitchen wall and passed out in a puddle on the floor. Ibegged my ex husband to help relieve some of the pressure by taking my son

    for two weeks, he and his sister were fighting like cats and dogs and bouncing

    off the walls. I thought that two weeks break from that would give me a chance

    to pull myself together at least to the extent that I wouldn't be passing out and

    sliding down walks! Then he wouldn't give me my son back!!!! He stole my

    son! When he finally brought him back to visit my son was not the same little

    boy! He pulled away from me, would not look me, let me touch him or even

    speak to me. He certainly did not want to stay with me. I considered forcing

    him too, but that didn't seem right either. Perhaps I should have. Things only

    got worse from there. My son is approaching fifty and still be lives the lies. He

    was told I threw him away, didn't love him and was a very dangerous person to

    be around. I have two grandsons who have no idea they have a grandma wholoves them very much. I don't even know if they are aware that I am alive. The

    poison of PAS has spread both laterally and vertically in my family. It truly is a

    killer of families.

    Hailee Smith Payson, UT 2016-02-17 I am against children being used as pawns or bargaining tools against one


    becky kemble Cedartown, GA 2016-02-17 Rights of children are zero! Parental bullying indeed exists.even to the extent of

    false allegations!!! The system must recognize and act!!!

    cinnamon white Vero Beach, FL 2016-02-17 My children were alienated from me for 9 long years, fortunantly I had the

    strength and the resources to not give up on them and I triumphed, sadly there

    are a million more parents out there who have or will lose this battle. Every

    child deserves their parents-

    Becki Hoffer Winnipeg, Canada 2016-02-17 Feigned ignorance to perpetuate this disgusting behaviour must end this Child

    and Parent abuses.

    Diane McGee Warren, NJ 2016-02-17 My ex husband Sean e McGee if Nomura securities has alienated 3 of our 4

    children by keeping them in Japan even though nj has jurisdiction

     jim pancurak bethal park, PA 2016-02-17 this has happened to me

    Anthony Paress Plymouth, MA 2016-02-17 I have gone 15 years with zero contact with my children in no small part due to


    Rodney Gonzales Lafayette, IN 2016-02-17 I'm a father who has been fighting in family court for 11 years for my daughter,

    who in turn does not want anything to do with me because of her mothers


    Peter Nowosielski Australia 2016-02-17 Children need both parents to grow up emotionally healthy.. Dividing a child's

    loyalty damages children.

    Kathryn Dwyer London, OH 2016-02-17 Children need both parents!

    Jennifer Condrut Westerville, OH 2016-02-17 My children are starting to reject me and their father is doing the manipulation.

    Michael Evans Australia 2016-02-17 I have witnessed and experienced firsthand the results of everything

    mentioned in this article.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Edith Hahn Lundquist Voorheesville, NY 2016-02-17 When I divorced my daughter's father some thirteen years ago due to his

    repeated infidelities and alcoholiwm, we were granted joint physical and legal

    custody. Our daughter is now twenty five and I've not seen her for more than

    the unusual odd occasion for thirteen years now. She now says she despises

    my entire extended family, she repeats the horrible vile words that her father

    uses to refer to me, I have not seen her on any birthday, holiday, or any other

    day for that matter. For over thirteen years. I spent the first five plus years of

    her life as a happy stay at home Mom with this sweet girl. I no longer know her.I had no part in her teen years whatsoever, I don't even know the names of her

    friends, her phone number, her address although she lives merely twenty

    minutes from me.

    She posts tributes to her Father on her Facebook page on Mother's Day that

    are deliberately hurtful to me and meant to be so. Her Father who married one

    of the women he was having an affair with at the time of our divorce has been

    very publicly fired from two high level academic positions; I own and run a

    successful private practice in child and adolescent psychiatry.

    Yet I am demonized, my young adult daughter expresses fear not only of me

    but of my entire extended family. She is floundering, unemployed, not in school

    despite a generous educational fund from my family at her disposal. Her Father

    is making her pay him back a Parent Plus loan her took out when he worked ata college she attended 'because he 'needs' the money and he deserves it,

    because he lost his job.

    My child's father said a few things that chilled me when I told him I was

    divorcing due to his repeated infidelities and alcoholism; 'You will never, ever

    see your daughter again' (which he pretty much made true) and 'to do this

    (divorce) I have to hate you, and I will destroy you'

    I can't possibly imagine statements that could be more demonstrative of

    personality disordered thinking and perception; and sadly, our daughter has

    lived under this regime for over half of her life. She does not associate with me,

    with any of her extended family on my side---cousins with whom she'd vacation

    for a week at a time plus---she will not return their phone calls or even

    acknowledge them, beloved aunts, uncles---she did not even attend the funeral

    of her beloved great grandmother.

    Please help stop this destruction of young lives and personalities--this domestic

    violence by proxy. I am mature, I am resilient, but my child is not. She can't

    keep friends, she drifts from job to school, from one bad situation to another; it

    is so painful to watch. And the underlying theme is that I, her loving Mother who

    has never given up on her, who happily paused her career to be her sole

    parent while her Father traveled more than 1/3 of the year in her young

    childhood is abusive, sick, to be avoided at all costs. This distorted thinking and

    manipulation needs to stop

    Greg Franks Trenton, NJ 2016-02-17 My children were kidnapped from me by the corrupt family courts where there

    is no justice. They have terrorized my family and are holding my children

    hostage in foster care for a ransom of court funds. Courts are working withCPS and attornies for financial gain useing our children

    Janice White Deer Park, NY 2016-02-17 Children should not be keep away from a living parent.

    Roxanne Atkins Seattle, WA 2016-02-17 I have been alienated by the other parent.

    Elise Mendez San Antonio, TX 2016-02-17 My own son was kept from me by my ex that lives in a different state. Spent

    over 15.0000. For a lawyer that did not know about parental alintion. And

    wanted more money then I had . It should be about the children not money.

    Andrew Mair Australia 2016-02-17 My wife and I have lost 3 children to parental alienation.

    Kim Stanfield Victoria, TX 2016-02-17 I'm an LPC and I see SO much of this and the devastation it causes children,

    whether they recognize it or not. This issue needs to be addressed.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Rebecca Clougher Grivy Providence, RI 2016-02-17 Children are helpless in this situation and NEED to be protected from such

    gross abuse and for this generational abuse to be eradicated for future

    generations mental, social, and emotional well being. It is a cycle of abuse and

    MUST be stopped.

    Andrew Lymburn Burnside, Australia 2016-02-17 It has affected me and my fr iends....i t needs to be addressed properly...not just

    a band aid fix!

    Della Cowall Greenwood, SC 2016-02-17 I am a targeted parent who lost my daughter almost 7 years ago. Parental

    alienation/pathogenic parenting is an insidious form of spousal and child

    psychological, emotional, and mental abuse. I am signing this because there is

    nothing I can do to restore our relationship. I support every statement made on

    this petition and ask for expedient action take place to counter the devastating

    affects of this abuse.

    Stacey DeJohn Denham Springs, LA 2016-02-17 I am an alienated parent and I miss my son!! His dad has manipulated and

    brainwashed him for a long time. No counselor, attorney or judge is able to help

    out because they don't understand PAS. This is horrible for the child and the

    alienated parent and I hope that someone figures out how to stop it.

    Joan Kloth-Zanard Southbury, CT 2016-02-17 Enough is enough!!!

    Mae Wainwright Palm Coast, FL 2016-02-17 to many Children being deprived of one of their parents especially the fathersits just not right Children need both parents

     j spille Tulsa, OK 2016-02-17 It happened to me.

    Walter Boxall Amherstburg, Canada 2016-02-17 In support of a good friend who is having to deal with this di fficul t issue.

    LILLY BLACK INDIANAPOLIS, IN 2016-02-17 Children that are alienated from one parent also lose an entire half of their

    extended family. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. Some that they

    have had close, loving and bonded relationships. Experts need to

    acknowledge that this is severe abuse!

    Scott Stern North Adams, MA 2016-02-17 I have been a victim of PAS.

    SAM SAPORITO Winter Park, FL 2016-02-17 because it is the right thing to do for the kids

    James Ord Salt Lake City, UT 2016-02-17 As a family law attorney I see this regularly. It needs to stop. A nd failure onthe part of the APA to get this sorted makes our jobs twice as challenging.

    Linda Homem Mississauga, Canada 2016-02-17 My children and I are living this abuse and no one can stop it. Future children

    will endure this if we do not identify and take action against it. Had this been

    done 20 years ago my children and I may have been spared the trauma and

    lasting damage of this abuse. This has been going on for decades and will only

    continue to increase. It must be stopped.

    Stephanie Weiss Culver City, CA 2016-02-17 Parents need to keep their anger and resentments of each other separate from

    their children. Children have a right to love each parent without being

    manipulated by one or the other or both.

    Marla Theocharides Granger, IN 2016-02-17 I am an alienated parent.

    Joshua Neilson Heber City, UT 2016-02-17 I have visitation rights to my kids, but my ex wife continues to tell my children

    that they are not allowed to speak or have contact with me.

    My ex wife also sexually momested my children.

    When I took her to court and reported this abuse, she plead guilty and won full

    custody of my children.

    I had everything yanked away from me for protecting my children.

    While my ex wife was praised for being a woman, and the courts and state

    workers in Utah protect women.

    This is abuse to fathers and children and needs to be addressed around the


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    Name Location Date Comment

    Robin Aungst Rancho Palos Verdes,


    2016-02-17 I am a target parent. My sons were taken by their father on 8/5/2011 at the age

    of 9 and 12. I continue to fight for their return.

    Marc Hagest Simi Valley, CA 2016-02-17 WE NEED CHANGE ! PAS IS CHILD ABUSE .... 50.50 parenting a must!

    kristen Hill Butte, MT 2016-02-17 My ex husband is currently doing this exact situation to myself and children.

    The courts do nothing.

    Roy Yost Butte, MT 2016-02-17 My ex wife is doing this and I have not been able to talk to my children in 5

    years because of their mother and grandma saying I am a bad Dad and Iabandoned them that is absolutely wrong I am a great Dad and this breaks my

    heart please help!

    Kathleen Fox Muncie, IN 2016-02-17 I am a grandmother who has been alienated from my grandchildren

    suzie dunson Columbus, GA 2016-02-17 i am a grand parent who is watching my daughter be abused by using her

    children as a tool. the other side promised to help her get on her feet and keep

    her and her kid together if shed just sigh a temporary order...they promised

    counseling and reuniting them,,instead, they stopped answering her calls and

    she never see's her kids. counseling was all about how the other grand mother

    felt about my daughter blaming my daughter for her sons she

    dont see them at all and i get saturdays only. dad got out of prison and he gets

    three days a week and spend the nights with them, now we need thousands ofdollars to get them back from temporary custody. the kids are so upset as they

    were close to me and my daughter and they never spent a night with them.

    they would never make it though the night when theyd try to have them over

    night..we would end up going and getting them...the kids are in a environment

    they never wanted to be in and away from their two major care giver, me and

    mom..needless to say she regrets believing they wanted to help her and her

    kids...we still have no way to pay for a lawyer. it has to stop. willing parents

    should be allowed their children. and grand parents should be allowed their


    Jerome Brito Norwalk, CA 2016-02-17 I'm experiencing it.

    Helen Morgan Barnsley, United


    2016-02-17 I am also alienated from my children in the UK.

    Lisa haley Flowery Branch, GA 2016-02-17 I was a stay at Home mom for 20 yr with 5kids. Now call me I'll tell you a lot .

    Joe Blum Australia 2016-02-17 My children, like so many others, have been exposed to this form of abuse -

    which was partially enabled by the ambiguity and silence of mental health

    professionals on the subject.

    Jeanie Dunning Herrin, IL 2016-02-17 Children,Grandchildren. Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Nieces,

    Nephews etc.....whole families are being used and abused for no justifiable


    Barb Schroeder Barberton, OH 2016-02-17 I believe that the APA needs to recognize that one parent can turn a child on

    the other parent and specialized training for mental health professionals should

    be done when dealing with families suffering from this epidemic.Mark Ball Seaton, Australia 2016-02-17 What can I say how to destroy a child

    Jacqulyn Arison Philpot, KY 2016-02-17 Children should be able to know both sides of their family!

    Janice Dennis Cambridge, OH 2016-02-17 My family are victims of severe parental alienations. Even so far as false

    allegations of sexual abuse that were all proven with clear and convincing

    evidence to be false. Father and grandparents alienated from loved ones for 7

    years. Family law reform is severely needed to correct this by changing to

    50/50 co-parenting.

    Sarah Mansur Oviedo, FL 2016-02-17 This has happened to someone in my family.

    Mike Port Byesville, OH 2016-02-17 I am currently living it myself.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Jefferson Wiggins Royal Oak, MI 2016-02-17 I had my children manipulated against me

    Sophia Rose Sth Dennis, MA 2016-02-17 What is happening to our children in divorce court, when they refuse to

    acknowledge this is happening and take action that only exacerbates rifts, is


    Scott Johnson Maineville, OH 2016-02-17 I have seen the abusive affect

    Lee Francis Oberlin, OH 2016-02-17 This is a very real problem for untold legions of people, especially today's

    American father that is regularly falsely accused of "abuse" and then raped oftheir children, possessions and community standing by feminist and socialistic

    domestic court judges. I have personally witnessed the perversion by attorneys

    helping women do this. And the local authorities are then the puppets of the

    courts to enforce decrees designed to destroy fathers especially. American

    women lead the world in falsely accusing the dad during divorce to steal the

    children and alienating the children out of revenge and twisted, defiant,

    unrepentant of feministic bitterness. They do this to dads especially as "good"

    people stand by and do nothing. One cannot be neutral in these cases and be

    "good" human beings.

    Jim Romas Vaughan, Canada 2016-02-17 The law need change

    mary mcshane Bozeman, MT 2016-02-17 I'm signing because I was a victim of parental alienation as a child, by mymother. Now I have had to watch my step-daughter be alienated from her

    father, with whom she had a very close and living relationship with. She loved

    being with her father and I. Her mother has cruelly manipulated her own child

    to reject her father at just nine years old. The things this child has said to her

    father are not things her young mind could have come up with on her own. She

    adored her father but her mother has shut that down and forced her child to

    reject her father and brothers and the rest of that half of her family. This is child

    abuse and needs to be seen and addressed as such.

    Carolyn Campanella Cherry Hil, NJ 2016-02-17 Jerry Mock

    Carlisle, PA 17013

    Christine Bolton Upminster, United


    2016-02-17 I've seen first hand what damage this does to families

    Mary Ann St. Marie Westfield, MA 2016-02-17 No parent, grandparent, uncle, aunt, relative should be deprived of his children

    if he, she, they can prove to be caring, nurturing, and loving.

    Paul manwaring Murray, UT 2016-02-17 as a custodial parent I know for a fact that it is a choice one makes as to

    weather you abuse your child with negatives about the other parent.

    Eileen Shaffer Orland Park, IL 2016-02-17 I am an alienated grandmother and my daughter hasn't seen her 3 older

    children since July of 2014 because of a false restraining order. We have no

    options and the effects are devastating. This issue has to be taken seriously.

    When a mentally disturbed person takes children and methodically turns them

    against what is, the other half of what they are. It has long term psychological

    damage, this is according to testimonials by adults and children who have had

    to live the nightmare. A child should never be forced to choose sides unless

    there is documented proof of ongoing abuse. Thank you.

    Paige Williamson Alliance, OH 2016-02-17 Because I miss my beautiful niece

    Donna Pennell Cave in rock, IL 2016-02-17 I am not allowed to see my grandchildren and the mother has taught them to

    hate me.

    Denise Barry Livonia, MI 2016-02-17 My exhusband has been proven that he has indeed been practicing parental

    alienation with my son. He told the court he would stop. He has not.

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Annette Parker Dallas, TX 2016-02-17 My Family has been personally affected by children being manipulated to reject

    one of their parents. The process to heal is great and a long journey. No

    family should feel this pain.

    Mary Cure Lebanon, OH 2016-02-17 I am signing because my children are suffering by being put in this situation!

    Sarah Meier Corpus Christi, TX 2016-02-17 The catastrophic damage that is being done to families under the APA's watch

    can no longer be sustained. As we continue to sit by and do nothing, the spirit

    and integrity of society crumbles before our very eyes. APA: collect your

    thinking and ACT NOW!

    Leonard Piontek Madison, WI 2016-02-17 This is an awful problem that needs to be recognized. It is abuse and creates

    futur dysfunctional adults.

    Andrea Curran Taos, NM 2016-02-17 I am signing because this has been happening to me since July 2011! My

    children were 5 and 3 years old! I need help!!

    Michael Conlon Australia 2016-02-17 I am an alienated father in Australia. It has brought a lot of pain & misery to me

    & my family. I am worried what trouble it will cause our children as they grow.

     june conlon Australia 2016-02-18 rejected grandparent

    Kirsty Conlon Australia 2016-02-18 This impacts my family directly, my children are missing out on spending time

    and building relationships with their cousins. It is heartbreaking for my brother-

    in-law and his parents.

    Sam Robinson Clifton, NJ 2016-02-18 I am an alienated parent.

    Zoe Andronicou Athens, Greece 2016-02-18 I'm signing because I have been there. Children should be protected not

    allowed to be abused.

    mary wright ballston spa, NY 2016-02-18 I have seen this happen and it is tragic. Family Court system, attorneys, and

    mental health professionals have all been useless. This must be addressed for

    the epidemic that it is.

    Mariah Gallman Chesapeake, VA 2016-02-18 I have witnesses parental alienation for 5 years strictly because the mother

    uses the kids a pawns for money, manipulation, and coerce the father into

    signing papers, he doesn't agree with, with false promises of visitation.

    Xiaojie Zheng San Francisco, CA 2016-02-18 I am a loving mother has been alienated from my children since my son

    kidnapped from me in 2004.

    Jane Vandale Marietta, OH 2016-02-18 www.

    Lisa Hrenchir Walla Walla, WA 2016-02-18 I have been alienated from my two boys (16 &18 ) for going on two years

    sandra pasquale Tinley Park, IL 2016-02-18 Perpertators of violence manipulate children to lie on their behalf. Coerced by

    threats of violence if they do not comply with their demands.

    Joanne Townsend Manly Vale, Australia 2016-02-18 Know family in this situation

    LISA ANDERSON MESA, AZ 2016-02-18 I am so tired of our grandkids being used as weapons to satisfy their mother's

    need to cause pain. And the poor kids are brainwashed and manipulated and

    lied to. The courts and judges should look more closely and see what is really

    happening instead of believing the narcissist who lies and lies and lies.

    Sue Heath Carlisle, PA 2016-02-18 My main treatment is focused with children and this presents a serious


    Shayne MCneill Australia 2016-02-18 The mother continually ignores court orders & nothing is done.The children are

    growing up without their father

    David Person Elk Grove, CA 2016-02-18 My children (and I) are the victims of pathogenic parenting by my disordered

    ex, and the mental health and legal systems are unable / unwilling to address

    it. I distributed this to members of a parental alienation support meetup group I

    organized in Sacramento.

    Joel Gallegos Manteca, CA 2016-02-18 I am a victim of parental alienation 8 year old daughter 6 year old boy

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    Name Location Date Comment

    Brett Ussher Clifton, NJ 2016-02-18 I've seen the affects of one generation of children in my family that has suffered

    this and now I'm watching them have kids and make the same mistakes. This

    abuse, like other forms of abuse, is passed down from one generation to the


    John Long Merced, CA 2016-02-18 I lost my daughter to this.

    cherrie huguenard Fort Wayne, IN 2016-02-18 me and son have not seen my grand daughter for a yr the mother wont let us

    see her and my son pays child support we don't have money to take her to

    court she has even got in trouble by cps for filthy home n drugs but they never

    removed my grand daughter from the home

    Rhonda StMarie Holyoke, MA 2016-02-18 I'm signing this because the court system and his ex-girlfriend have done a

    great job at alienating my br