Download - TANAGRA Fashion Glamour

  • 8/20/2019 TANAGRA Fashion Glamour


      Daniel Medvedov•




    estatuilla de barro cocido policromada y Esratuilla de barro sin esmaltar, realizada en la antigua ciudad griega de Tanagra,especialmente a partir del s. iv a. C., que representa a una figura humana en actitud

    cotidiana •


  • 8/20/2019 TANAGRA Fashion Glamour



    Tanagra - bella palabra que recuerdo de mi infancia, nombre relacionado conPOEMANDRIS, - los Hombres Creadores, los Poetas, el antiguo nombre del territorio deesta ciudad antigua de la Grecia de antaño

  • 8/20/2019 TANAGRA Fashion Glamour



     No había oído esta palabra desde mi infancia: su sonoridad me produce un estado de granalegría.¿Qué es “tanagra”, sustantivo femenino?

    Es una estatuilla de barro cocido policromada y sin esmaltar, realizada en la antiguaciudad griega de Tanagra, especialmente a partir del s. iv a. C., que representa a una

    figura humana en actitud cotidiana;Así se llaman las estatuillas hechas en el mismo estilo y siguiendo el mismo modelo quelas fabricadas en Tanagra.•

     Beautiful love

    You dictated a brilliant programmOnly for meTears of gold and silver will scrollAnd from which will be born a new world kind and imperfect

    But immune to all•In the curve of your spineI will find the bonesThat open upA secret way to come up to you

     Alexandra Nego Poetry

    •What is the Fashion?

    This term does not just define the scent of a subtle energy which conquer men and womenalike, has nothing to do with clothes. It is a social attraction, a move of energy as a natural phenomenon of taste, a poetical attraction. Fashion helps humans to shine and it is notonly a visual attraction due to aesthetical design information. Many young girls show aspecial way in which they pick their clothes, a way in which they walk and talk, and we become spectators and witnesses of a secret scent. Choosing clothes and wear it issomething which involve a certain secret talent and charisma.

    It is the soul who touch the world there, a spiritual communication. We all put some of ourdeep thoughts in everything we do and say, we behave in a certain way always, not only incertain situations: at the table, outside on the street, in our bed, in the bathroom.

    All around fashion deals with taste: it builds a kind of a stream of information, secret formany, in a trivial shape. In spite of its simplicity, is nonchalante, appears as splendid.

    Every one in the world becomes aware of it. The industrial revolution of that moderncualities of beauty participate at the process. And there is a deep influence present in ourdayly life. No need of gold watches, no need of brilliant shoes, no need of any jewelry, norexpansive sun glasses. Fashion is poetical, and as such, creates a style from nothing.

  • 8/20/2019 TANAGRA Fashion Glamour



    Everything we wear, think, do, say and feel may become an instrument of glamour. Let’slook a bit at our cuisines. Many pretend to have their identity at what they serve and eat.

    Compared with frugality, French cuisine and all who eat Coq au van are far from glamourand real fashion. I met fans of Chinese food who are enchanted with Pekinese Duck, they prefer exotic dishes and strange ways to be served at a table. But for many who share thediscreet art of eating, this is next to nothing. Many are inhibited towards the true meaningof modern fashion. There is a secret and essential sense of glamour? Oh, yes, there is one.

    Most of the modern fashion and what is considered “glamour” is just fake. A coldminimalism has not the power to move energy. Fake fashion has not the power to survive,it disappers fast. life. We are told that people create fashion and make it a standard of theirlife. Such attitude is loosing precious time in nothing. Fashion and glamour has a seal ofethics on it. Yes, if you do not like the modern fashion you do not like the condition ofmodern society - this is true, but it is not a matter to be ashamed of. You are a lover ofsimplicity, of frugality, of eternity.


    Fashion is popular because it is something common, in style, behaviour, clothing,accessories as amulets, makeup, cuisine, or objects of furniture it. Fashion has no sex, isthe glamour of the Self, and can be feminine or masculine, but mostly androgynous. 

    Even before Marco Polo, early western travelers to the East, in China, Japan, Persia,Turkey, India, observed something amazing: they would remark and discover with awethat fashion there is never changing. Japanese subtlety in clothing had not changed overthousand and thousend of years.

    Changes in thought, behaviour and clothes took place when society shows economic

    leisure and history shows testimony of that. 

    The case of 8th-century Moorish Spain musician Ziryab from Cordoba who presentedsophisticated style in clothing, according to seasons, and daily life glamour was like a brilliant glow for men and women of the time.

    Today, if an extraterrestrial alien being would visit our cities, would remain impressed by the superficial way in which humans wear clothes and of the lack of body guardsamulets.

    Textile colors and geometrical patterns change quickly and seem to have not a traditionalsystem of the universal symbolical of thought.

    The military fashion shows a quite infantile taste in clothing and accessories.In one word, there is a deep superficial attitude in wearing clothes with no function nor power againts the visinvisble world, of which many have no knoledge, or what they knowis next to nothing.

    Unisex dressing originated in the 1960s.

  • 8/20/2019 TANAGRA Fashion Glamour



    The four major cities of fashion and glamour are New York, Milan, Paris and London.

    But for me, tibetan nomads, mountain shepherds, andean poncho people and Ainuesquimals, not to mentin african ethipopian and all people who live in woods, or deserts,like australian aboriginal communities, - all have much to say on glamour and fashion.


    TANAGRASu territorio se llamaba Poemandris y producía el mejor vino de Beocia.Era de Tanagra, encaramada en las alturas, sus templos alejados de la aglomeraciónhumana y sus casas decoradas, con pórticos y pinturas las describe el viajero griego,Heráclides, quien la visitó entre los años 275 y 270 a. C. Habla Heráclides con granafecto, de sus casas con pórticos y puertas pintadas y Pausanias, muestra gran admiración por como estaba dividido el asentamiento: la ciudad alta, la zona pura y mística,separada de los hombres y de sus diarios problemas. En la zona baja, se situaban los barrios habitados.

    Tanagra o Tanagraois - en griego !"#$%&"/Tánagra, - fue ciudad de Beocia a laizquierda del río Asopo, a unos 40 km de Platea 18 km al oeste de Oropo, a 20 km alsureste de Tebas,y a 25 km de Calcis, cerca de la frontera con el Ática.

    Pausanias menciona su localización en la antigua ciudad de Grea («Anciana») yTucídides dice que Oropo se llamó antes Grea. Grea es epónimo de los graikoi la tribu beocia cuyo nombre pasó al latín como graecus - “griego”. Homero, en su famosoCatálogo de naves, nos ofrece la primera referencia sobre la ciudad beocia de Grea.

    Ocurre que Tanagra llega a una edad avanzada, y sus vecinos la dejaron de llamar por sunombre y la llamaron Grea, o sea “la Anciana”.

    •Tanagrina (325-300 a. C.)Las terracotas griegas llamadas «tanagrinas» estaban de moda en el mundo griego desdefinales del siglo IV a. C. hasta el fin del siglo III a. C.En 1870 los campesinos de Skimatari, a 65 km al norte de Atenas, al trabajar en suscampos, encontraron tumbas con estatuillas de terracota de un arte muy refinado y llenode glamour.El escultor Praxíteles estaba encantado con sus “rostros de expresión dulce y lánguida”.

    Parece que las estatuillas eran fabricadas en Atena y los primeros ejemplares sedescubrieran en Tanagra, de donde recibieron su nombre.

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