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Volume XXXI Issue No. 1 - FEBRUARY 2005

WELCOME TEAM 2005! Team 2005 Installation Dinner and General membership Meeting (GMM) On February 15, 2005, the Philippine New York Jaycees will formally install the new officers to the year. This installation dinner will also serve as the first General Membership Meeting for the chapter. The President and Vice Presidents will be presenting their plans for the year. The highlight of the evening is the installation of this year’s officers and the induction of the 42nd President of the Chapter. As a show of solidarity, the current president will be joined in the tradi-tional candle ceremony participated in by the past chapter presidents in attendance This year’s team plans to focus on change and rebuilding a better organization. It also plans to focus on the individual needs of the members so that each person can grow to become conscientious leaders. Peking Park on 40th Street and Park Avenue has been chosen as this year’s venue. Following the celebration of Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day,all our guests will no doubt appreciate another night to indulge in a feast. Welcome and enjoy!!!

Introducing TEAM 2005 President Christina Corcuera Management Development VP Joe Valdez Individual Development VP Ted Martinez Membership Services VP Jerrick Montanez International Affairs VP Mahro Migrino Chairman of the Board Catherine Romualdez Treasurer Willi Gamboa Auditor Richard Aguinaldo Director Jocelyn Bernal Director Krizteen Dulay Director Ares Ebreo Presidential Adviser Cristina Ramos Board Adviser Ner Martinez Board Adviser George Daco Board Adviser Sergs Estrada

Team 2005 Poconos Planning Session Through the generosity of PP Krizteen Dulay, TEAM 2005 was able to have its annual planning session in the Poconos. Those who at-tended the planning session included President Christina Corcuera, Membership VP Jerrick Montanez, Management Development VP Joe Valdez, Individual Development VP Ted Martinez, Directors Kriz-teen Dulay and Jocelyn Bernal (who also served as facilitator), Ad-visers Cristina Ramos and Ner Martinez (who also assisted with the planning session) While the Team had planned to spend one evening outdoors FOR snow tubing and skiing, the weather that weekend brought icy condi-tions that made it virtually impossible to do anything outdoors. As a result, this allowed the team to focus on the task at hand and to come up with interesting ways to bond and enjoy the amenities of the house.. The team had their informal oath taking as the first order or business so as to stress the importance of their offices and the task at hand. The oath was administered by PP Ner Martinez. This was followed by a review of the chapter’s strengths and weaknesses as well as identifying the opportunities and threats within the environment the chapter operates in.

President Christina was able to present her Mission and Vision for the year which the team embraced wholeheartedly. The Vice Presi-dents presented their plans while the other attendees commented on how to improve these plans. The result of the planning session will be presented during the GMM on Feb 15. When the planning session was completed, the team looked at what they could do to keep occupied. Perhaps the one individual that enjoyed his experience was Individual Development VP Ted Martinez who not only was able to snare the loft bedroom as his own bachelor pad, but was also able to run the Jacuzzi for two nights in a row. The rest of the participants were egged on by PP Ner Martinez to engage in a game of Red Dog…First time player PP Krizteen walked away with the POT of money which the rest of us contributed to.

Tambuli Official Publication of The Philippine-New York Junior chamber of Commerce (Jaycees), Inc



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Volume XXXI Issue No. 1 - Tambuli February 2005

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Looking forward to TEAM 2005 Planning Session in the Poconos

Induction/GMM meeting – 2/8/05

On February 8, final plans were being drawn up for the upcoming installation dinner. Though we may be a committee of a few, we can accomplish a lot through our teamwork.

Picture Gallery- A look back DSA 2004 at Josephine’s Restaurant – March 2004 (Standing)With guests Nanette Wright, Nena Kaufman, Jocelyn Bernal, Abby Garcia, Joe Valdez, (Seated) Betty Garcia and 2004 DSA Awardee Dr. Ben Ileto

A light moment with TEAM 2004 Marho Migrino, Andy Huang, Mitch Bednarsh, Joe Valdez, Jerrick Montanez, Ares Ebreo, Willi Gambo, Christina Corcuera, Ted Martinez, Natalie Chin and Levente Polyak.

World President Fernando Sanchez Arias comes to town – Feb 2004 (Standing l-r) Deo dela Cruz, Richard Rillera, guest, Patrick Villavert, Rene Goicochea, Levente Polyak, Andy Huang, George Daco (Middle standing) Rollie Balanza, Cristina Ramos, Sergs Estrada, Ares Ebreo, Natalie Chin, Jocelyn Bernal (Seated ) State Pres Scott Kingsley, 2004 President Catherine Romualdez, WP Fernando Sanchez Arias, PP Willi Gamboa.

Fun in the sun with Aloha to summer-Sept 2004 Cunningham Park, Queens

JCI UN SUMMIT – JULY 2004 The JCI-UN Summit local support team from all the chapters based in New York City including Philippine New York Jaycees, New York Korean Ameri-can Jaycees, New York City Jaycees and Hispanic Jaycees. Joining us was State International Affairs VP Suzanne Delaney..

Where it all began – TEAM 04 planning session in New Jersey

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Volume XXXI Issue No. 1 - Tambuli February 2005

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International Affairs On Feb 6, Superbowl Sunday, the chapter hosted two guests from Switzerland. Marco Stadler, chapter President of the Zugersee chap-ter in Switzerland along with his friend Michael was passing through New York coming from their Mexican vacation. This is Michael’s first visit to NY and Marco’s third. During Marco’s last visit in 2003, he joined the chapter for our Jayceelympics held in Union, New Jersey. Arranged by IA Director Ares Ebreo and assisted by Individual De-velopment VP Ted Martinez, the group was able to secure a table at Planet Hollywood. They were joined by President Christina Cor-cuera, Directors Jocelyn Bernal and Krizteen Dulay and new member Hector Concepcion. For some of us, the only interest we had in the game was the score. Who really cared who won or lost as long as the score was in one of the boxes that we picked in our office pool. For Marco and Michael, they had a crash course on the biggest game that the American peo-ple follow. For Ted and Krizteen, anywhere there was merchandise to explore was an opportunity to sniff out a sale. An d sure enough getting Planet Hollywoord sweatshirts for 20% of the original cost during TAX FREE week was enough to send the rest of us scram-bling to get our own souvenir memorabilia. There will be more international visitors coming our way. Stay tuned for guests coming from Belgium. Magalie Denis and her friend Oliv-ier will be in NYC from Feb 20-25. Congratulations to the following for their awards rec-ognizing their efforts for Jaycee year 2004. Chapter awards from the 2004 New York State Year End convention in Batavia, New York

• Project of the Year (JCI World’s Presidents Visit); • Program Manager of the Year for the State OYNY (Out-

standing Young New Yorker Program) Krizteen Dulay • Presidential Award of Honor to Jocelyn Bernal for serving

as State Election Committee Chair Regional Awards - Year End

• Rookie of the Year - Natalie Chin • Jaycee of the Year - Christina Corcuera

Did you know that you can learn more about the Jaycees by checking out the following websites: for Junior Chamber Internetional for the United States Jaycees for the New York State Jaycees and our very own chapter website Travel planning Are you thinking of a new place to take your vacation? How about making it a training, party, networking vacation? Check out there really interesting destinations from across the state and around the world.

The United States Jaycees Year-End Celebration - March 16-20 Daytona Beach, Florida New York State Jaycees - Outstanding Young New Yorker Conven-tion April 15-17 in Long Island, New York Area C Conference for Jaycees in North and South America May 4-7 in Sao Paolo, Brazil World Congress for all global members of the Jaycees October 24-29 in Vienna, Austria Etcetera…

DID YOU KNOW? – The Tambuli is a wind instrument made from the horn of a water buffalo. This was used during early times to call the townspeople together to hear important news. The Philippine-New York Jaycees adopted Tambuli as its newsletter name 30 years ago. GET WELL SOON – To PP Richard Rillera, we pray for his speedy recovery as he undergoes an operation.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Have you considered volunteering for a project? Would you like to feel a sense of accomplishment and be-longing? Would you like to work and have fun doing it? Participate in a project! Get involved – make the most out of your membership. Call on the chapter officers – they will be able to help you. OFFICER POSITIONS AVAILABLE – there are more officer posi-tions available. Do you want some leadership training? Do you want to work and network with a bunch of fun, crazy and dedicated Jaycee members? How about becoming an officer of Team 2005? Contact President Christina Corcuera for details The Chapter mission: The Philippine New York Jay-cees is an international leadership and personal devel-opment organization for young individuals providing train-ing through business programs, community projects and social interaction. Jaycee speak: Developing your JC language skills The first time you attend a Jaycee meeting, you get confronted with acronyms like CPG, GMM, MDVP, JAYS. Well here is lesson # 1 and we will add more in future issues CPG is Chairman’s Planning Guide – a document that you use to plan events and projects.

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Volume XXXI Issue No. 1 - Tambuli February 2005

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GMM is General Membership Meeting – usually refers to one of our bi-monthly meetings open to members and guests alike. MDVP is Management Development Vice President, also known to some as the little President since he serves as second in. Overall he handles the business of the Chapter. This year that person is Mr. Joe Valdez. JAYS – Jaycees Against Youth Smoking – A national program conducted with the support of Philip Morris to help the community address the issues of youth smoking through education and parent/child communication. ~ ~ ~ ~ Topic for the month: Project planning - A How to Guide A Plan of Action is not a schedule of events (which only specifies the activity and when it is to take place), or a list of things to be done to achieve the objective. A Plan of Action must answer the following questions: 1. Why was this project established? – The Mission or Purpose.

The mission or purpose of a project or activity is the reason for its existence, the definition of its purpose. Each project is unique and will have its own mission, but it must be closely related to the chapter’s mission and JCI mission:

2. Where will the project committee concentrate its efforts? – The Key Result Areas. The mission should now be divided into Key Result Areas, which will determine where the committee and the members should invest most of the time, talents, energy, and money. The Key Result Areas are the areas where primary attention needs to be focused and where results, not activities are significant.

3. What do we want to do? – The Objectives.

Objectives form the basis for determining what activities should be performed. Objectives also help to establish criteria for evaluating how well the activities are being conducted. An ob-jective is a statement of a result to be achieved and must start with the word "to" followed by an action verb. It must be clear, achievable, and measurable.

4. Who will be responsible for it? – The person Responsible.

Each objective must clearly indicate who will be responsible for the coordination of the action and the accomplishment as well as the development of strategies and the assignment of new re-sponsibilities to each strategy.

5. When should it start and be completed? – The Deadlines.

The objective must also state dates to begin and end or a time period within which the result is to be accomplished.

6. How much is it going to cost? – The Budget.

The objective must stipulate the maximum investment the chap-ter is willing to authorize.

7. How do we want it to be done? – The Strategies.

The objective is now divided into smaller strategies, which are general actions to be taken to accomplish the objective. The strategy must also indicate the person responsible, the deadline,

and the cost. The one responsible for each strategy must then decide how the strategy will be carried out.

8. How each strategy should be completed? – The Action Steps.

Action Steps are the small tasks that must be taken to accom-plish the strategy.

- From the Project Plan of Action module – Junior Chamber Interna-tional Individual Development corner Save the Date: March 19, 2005 Saturday Come and meet two young professionals who have successfully embarked on their next careers as entrepreneurs. Learn about busi-ness planning, working with banks, doing a thorough analysis of the business and when to know it is the right time to start a new busi-ness. And in this corner….our Members!!! Welcome to our new members January February April Dequito Oliver Guarino Hector Concepcion Mabel Reginio Welcome back to our current members January anniversary February Anniversary Ted Martinez Vivian Velasco Natalie Chin Christina Corcuera Dr Arnil Neri Birthday greetings January celebrants February Celebrants Catherine Romualdez Ares Ebreo Natalie Chin Fragrance Chen The Chapter Vision: The Philippine New York Jaycees cultivates conscientious and responsible leaders, offers imaginative programs that enhances personal skills, raises global awareness, and encourages individuality and uniqueness in cooperative environments.


TThhaatt ffaaiitthh iinn GGoodd ggiivveess mmeeaanniinngg aanndd ppuurrppoossee ttoo hhuummaann lliiffee;; TThhaatt tthhee bbrrootthheerrhhoooodd ooff mmaann ttrraannsscceennddss TThhee ssoovveerreeiiggnnttyy ooff nnaattiioonnss

TThhaatt eeccoonnoommiicc jjuussttiiccee ccaann bbeesstt bbee wwoonn bbyy ffrreeee mmeenn tthhrroouugghh ffrreeee eenntteerrpprriissee;;

TThhaatt ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt sshhoouulldd bbee ooff llaawwss rraatthheerr tthhaann ooff mmeenn;; TThhaatt eeaarrtthh’’ss ggrreeaatt ttrreeaassuurree lliieess iinn hhuummaann ppeerrssoonnaalliittyy

AAnndd tthhaatt sseerrvviiccee ttoo hhuummaanniittyy iiss tthhee bbeesstt wwoorrkk ooff lliiffee