Download - Taking Your GWT App to Tablets with GXT 4.0


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Taking Your GWT Apps to Tablets with GXT 4.0David ChandlerDeveloper Advocate - GXT

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015We can build this

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Something has changed?

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015The Tablets are coming

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015to work


CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015users expect

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015in a browser?

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015but wait, we need

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015

gesturejes-chernoun1. a movement of a finger, stylus, orother pointing device to express anintended action

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Touch support in GXT 4

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015GXT 4 Touch Demo11

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015GXT 4 Triton Theme


CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015GXT 4 Triton Theme


CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015GXT 4 Executive Dashboard App


CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Getting started with touch in GXT 4

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Set the viewportAvoid conflict with system gestures like double-tap to zoomOption 1: lock the viewport

Option 2: limit scaling

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20153 ways to enable touch

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20151. Use a widgetMost widgets automatically respond to touchButtons fire SelectEventExpand / collapse works without delayEditable cells respond to single or double tap based on setClicksToEdit()etc.If youve implemented onMouseClick/Up/Down*may* also need to override onTap/onTouchStart/onTouchEndMany widgets expose new methods for touchSliderCell example

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20151. Use a Widgetpublic SliderCell sliderCell = new SliderCell() { @Override protected void onTap() { super.onTap(t, context, parent, value, valueUpdater); }

@Override protected void onTouchMove() { super.onTouchMove(t, context, parent, value, valueUpdater); }};

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20152. Use a GestureRecognizeraddCellGestureAdapter(new LongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer.CellLongPressOrTapGestureRecognizer() { @Override protected void onLongPress() { Window.alert(Im feeling pressed.); }});

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20152. Use a GestureRecognizer

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20152. Use a GestureRecognizerWhere to call addGestureRecognizer()Widget constructor (if all vars available)Example: SliderCell, Tree, as soon as you canExample: LiveGridView.onAfterRenderView()

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20152. Use a GestureRecognizerExample: in Tree constructor

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 20153. Listen for an eventEach GR defines events such as TapGestureEventBy default, GR fires events to the Component, Cell, or Widget which registered it*Listen using Widget.addHandler()

* you can change this by calling GR.setDelegate() after registering

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Under the coversTwo pieces required for GestureRecognizers to workmust listen for the raw DOM eventsforward events to the GestureRecognizerWeve wired this for you in Component and AbstractEventCelladdGestureRecognizer() sinks the eventsonBrowserEvent() => recognizer.handle()You only have to call addGestureRecognizer/Adapter()

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Understanding JS touch events vs. changedTouchesgotcha: target property will always be the element where touch beganevents bubble up through the DOM until stoppedto stop bubbling, call event.stopPropagation()at the top level, the browser will handle in its default wayexample: right click shows context menucan prevent this using event.preventDefault()

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Eliminating the 300ms delayIf no touch handlers, mobile browser will fire synthetic mouse click AFTER 300msYour old code will work, but will feel sluggishBest answer: implement touchEnd handlersGXT 4 has mostly done this for youOr you can do it in your custom widgets:Use Widget.addDomHandler() oronBrowserEvent switch / casedont forget to sink the event(s)

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Pro tipsKEEP MOUSE AND TOUCH PATHS SEPARATEWhy not onTouchEnd -> onMouseClick()?Because your code might have this hiding in it:if (mouseDown) {...}

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Pro tipsAvoid this:

Do this instead:

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Pro tipsProblem: mobile browsers dont blur fields when you touch SubmitSolution: programmatically focus the Submit button when tappedprotected void onTap() { getInputElement(parent).focus();}

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Pro tipshandle touchEnd rather than touchStartotherwise, you might select things when you really wanted to scrollin general, touchEnd is the better method to use in TapGRonTouchStart() should also preventDefault()otherwise, long press might show browsers context menu as well as a tool tipwe solved this in GXTs PanelTab

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015other niceties in GXT 4.0property binding: gxt.device=tablet|desktopcan be used in CSS conditionalsalso GXT.isTablet()caveat: its pretty basic!GestureRecognizers are independent of GXT widgetscan use with your own widgetsnew TouchEventToGestureAdapter(Widget w, GestureRecognizer gr)raw events flow through as normal

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Dev tricks

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Device emulationalias chrome='/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --touch-eventsemulate devicedont auto-launch

start dev mode and wait for this: Click the link or Cmd+Shift+R in browser

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015reduce initial compile timeTypical gwt.xml:

With *

* not for prod. Size will increase 15-20%[INFO] Compiling 12 permutations[INFO] Compilation succeeded -- 144.760s[INFO] Compiling 1 permutation[INFO] Compilation succeeded -- 78.085s

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Chrome remote debugginglaunch GWT with dev mode param bindAddress to connect via wifilaunch Chrome devicehit GWT URL(AirDroid rocks!)plug in your device USBchrome://inspect

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Super Dev ModeProblem:SDM sometimes doesnt automatically recompile on mobile

Solution:1. force save in IDEA (tab switch or Ctrl+S)2. refresh browser

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Upcoming GWT 3.0

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015GWT 3.0 is for Modern BrowsersGWT 2.8 will be a long-lived maintenance branchGWT 3 is a complete rewrite of the compilerJava to JS transpiler onlySuperior JS InteroperabilityNew DOM implementationNo more WidgetNo more GWT-RPCNo more permutations (use static factory methods instead)

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Senchas PlanGXT 4 with GWT 2.7/2.8 will continue to support new browsersStill very early GWT 3 not expected till next yearLot depends on JS InteroperabilityAreas were looking hard at:Touch WidgetsResponsive DesignEasier Theming40

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Q & ADownload GXT 4 Early Access

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CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Bonus: working with touch events in MVP

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Touch events in MVPGrid or ListView are typically members of a View classbut touch events happen in the Cellhow to invoke a Presenter method from a Cell?via interface, just like View invokes Presenter

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Define Handler interface in Cell

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Delegate to Handler

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015Let View implement Handler

CONFIDENTIAL Sencha Inc. 2015