Download - Take Notes. The Middle Ages began with the fall of Rome and continued until the 15 th century. -Poverty and Illiteracy among the masses were common. -


Take Notes The Middle Ages began with the fall of Rome and continued until the 15 th century. -Poverty and Illiteracy among the masses were common. - For about 400 years there was no theatre, only folk festivals and wandering jugglers -The church was against theatrical things. MEDIEVAL THEATRE HOWEVER, the church supported drama by introducing the trope in the 9 th century. Trope- short dramatized scenes -travelled Europe spreading the word/story of Christ to the illiterate. Theatre became revived for the Middle Ages after the church sent their tropes. MEDIEVAL THEATRE THREE TYPES OF PLAYS IN THE MIDDLE AGES MYSTERY PLAYS- biblical stories re-enacted MIRACLE PLAYS- enacting the lives of the saints MORALITY PLAYS stories teaching right from wrong in which characters personified abstract qualities. MEDIEVAL THEATRE Plays were elaborately staged. The passion play evolved during the late Middle Ages. It depicted scenes from Christs life, particularly the last days of his suffering and his resurrection. MEDIEVAL THEATRE ... .... MEDIEVAL THEATRE RENAISSANCE MEANS REBIRTH! THE RENAISSSANCE STARTED IN ITALY RENAISSANCE COMMEDIA DELLARTE A professional improvised comedy performed in the streets -Consisted of a company with usually 7 men and 3 women -Performed: Ad lib action Dialogue Song Dance Commedia dellarte usually involved love and intrigue. RENAISSANCE COMMEDIA DELLARTE Stock Characters: HARLEQUIN: WITTY AND MISCHIEVOUS SERVENT RENAISSANCE THEATRE COMMEDIA DELLARTE Stock Characters: PIERROT: aka the CLOWN lovelorn and moody RENAISSANCE THEATRE COMMEDIA DELLARTE Stock Characters: Colombine flirtatious and pretty Pantalone- gullible father and wore baggy pants RENAISSANCE THEATRE COMMEDIA DELLARTE Included the first women on stage SINCE Indian/Sanskrit drama. RENAISSANCE THEATRE QUEEN ELIZABETH I ELIZABETHAN THEATRE QUEEN ELIZABETH I LOVED THEATRE ELIZABETHAN THEATRE TOP 3 PLAYWRIGHTS OF ELIZABETHAN ERA -CHRISTOPHER MARLOW- wrote Dr. Faustus -BEN JONSON- had his thumb branded And ELIZABETHAN THEATRE William Shakespeare ELIZABETHAN THEATRE William Shakespeare was most famous for his: Use of language Plays Iambic pentameter Soliloquies. ELIZABETHAN THEATRE