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Tackling the Plastics Crisis with Dedication, Innovation

Page 2: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation

Plastic usage seemed a brilliant idea when it first came into view. For users as well as businesses, plastic was witnessed as something durable, handy, and cheap which can literally last forever. However, with time the usage of plastics increased in an unimaginable state and the lasting forever became a rising risk and environmental issue.

With the increase in industrialization and usage of plastics, the adoption of plastic in different areas became widely accepted. Although there are certain issues maintained by the government and brands on the top level, still the huge question is now not based on its usage but more on its development and creation.

As per an industry expert company, even at business-as-usual rates, “the scale of plastic entering the world’s oceans will triple by 2040, to an average of 29 million metric tons of waste, per year—equivalent to 50 kilograms, or 110 pounds, of waste per meter of coastline, globally”.



29 million metric tons of


50 kilograms per meter of coastline

110 pounds of waste per meter of coastline,

globally”© Copyright 2020. ExpertsConsult. All rights reserved

Page 3: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation


Coming to a position of producing zero waste should not just be about limiting the waste present in the manufacturing operations, but, it should also be about the extended life of such products.

When many countries are working on reducing waste, very few are working or not even planning on creating such problematic waste and plastics.

Since industrialization, the production of waste has increased in manifolds and the environmental concerns have increased too. Such environmental problems have put forth the issues of the increase in carbon emission in the atmosphere for which governments have created strict laws.

The same laws and rules should also be imposed for the production of plastic that will definitely degrade the soil, oceans, and ultimately the environment. The government should ban not only the use of plastics but also its production and it should also impose the replacement of plastic with reusable metal straws, cups, water bottles.

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Page 4: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation


COVID-19 Effect On Plastic IncreaseThe imposed lockdown that came with the pandemic COVID-19 may seem to have healed some issues of the environment such as the pollution rate and cleanliness. Though we could witness a sharp decline in the rate of carbon emission and the air quality beginning to improve from the past couple of years the usage of plastic, especially single-use plastic has increased in an unimaginable state.

As the usage of single-use plastic tends to help protect people from the virus in the form of gloves, masks, hand sanitizer bottles, and PPE kits used by frontline workers, the disadvantage that came with it was its inability to be reusable. All these plastic made gloves, bottles, and especially masks are going in the oceans and have been polluting the water at a tremendously fast and worse state. Not just this, the dependence of e-commerce and stores for using plastic as a packaging material is helping them keep safe from the virus but this is heavily degrading the environment with high plastic-usage.

Plastic pollution is increasing rapidly with the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects. As per a report published in a leading daily and times of India, a waste handling facility in Chennai claims it receives around 300 kg of COVID-19 waste every day just from Trichy and nearby areas. In general, they received 8,000 kg of COVID-19 waste in May, and 3,200 kg in April.


8,000 kgCOVID-19


3,200 kg


COVID-19 waste

Chennai claims it receives© Copyright 2020. ExpertsConsult. All rights reserved

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Historical data shows that about 75% of coronavirus plastic will likely become waste clogging our landfills and floating in our seas. And the costs are staggering.

As per the UN Environment Programme, the negative spillover effects of plastic waste on fisheries, tourism, and maritime transport, for example, add up to an estimated $40 billion each year.


Global sales of disposable face masks alone are set to skyrocket from an estimated $800 million in 2019 to $166 billion in 2020, according to business consulting firm Grand View Research.

Global sales of disposable face masks

$800 million


$166 billion


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Health Concerns Due to Increase in Plastic Waste

Plastic waste does not only affect and arise the birth of infections to the cattle and animals, it is also hazardous for human health

The increasing plastic waste can affect the human digestive, cardiovascular, endocrine, neurological, respiratory, and majorly the immune system which is itself a drawback in the wake of Coronavirus.

Moreover, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the toxic and non-biodegradable things can easily be used as a substitute by using other environment-friendly, recyclable materials such as glass, ceramics, natural fibers, paper, cardboard, rice husk, natural rubber, and animal proteins.

These substitutes can easily help humans to protect themselves from a major concern of rising plastic pollution, especially in the oceans which are killing the coral life.

Moreover, as per industry experts, the use of masks will not vanish immediately with the arrival of the COVID-19 Vaccine. The impact of the virus might decrease with the COVID-19 vaccine but it won’t disappear with it. So, to protect oneself from the infection, one has to use a mask that is recommended to be made of homemade cloths or simple clothes instead of plastic.

Plastic Mask Home Made Mask© Copyright 2020. ExpertsConsult. All rights reserved

Page 7: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation


Soaring Plastic Waste in OceansThe continuous and soaring plastic waste in the world’s oceans is a serious concern due to the growing population. The other causes are the huge investments in petrochemicals along with the plastics that have been on a rising scale ever since industrialization took place.

Be it any plastic or the Single-Use Plastic, it severely damages and impacts the marine ecosystem and coral reefs when entered into the oceans. Not just this, the animal species are also affected with a risk of life with plastic present near them. The plastic debris makes up to 60 to 80% of all the marine pollution and in some places, it accounts for about 90 to 05% of all pollution.

With increasing climate conditions, the presence of plastic is always on a rise in the background. As per a research conducted by top-notch industry experts and an expert network company, the level of plastic entering the world’s ocean will triple by 2040 to an average of 29 million metric tons of waste, per year—equivalent to 50 kilograms, or 110 pounds, of waste per meter of coastline, globally.


29 million metric tons of wast

50 kilograms per meter of coastline

110 pounds of waste per meter of

coastline, globally”

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Page 8: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation

What professionals and experts consult is that the primary solution shall be the reduction in plastic production in the first place as it will solve many problems. Moreover, the subject-matter experts estimated that the reduction of plastic can go up to 80% if the recent technologies are used appropriately. Also, replacing plastics or its uses cannot simply diminish it from polluting the environment and it surely can’t bring sustainable energy to the environment at such a small scale. So, the focus should be on how the plastics are designed & created to reduce its impact to zero.


Although many businesses and companies are trying to reduce the use of plastic by adopting different reusable methods, the level of reduction is still very low overall. Also, if the government implements certain measures, it will impact and help in reducing plastic waste on a small level as low as 7% as compared to the levels of waste if no efforts are taken at all.

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Page 9: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation

Recognizing non-fossil fuel plastic substitutesOther than the regulation, production, and consumption of plastics, as per UNCTAD, the governments and businesses shall classify and look for non-fossil fuel plastic substitutes to help in the reduction of plastic pollution.

Many such items can be classified as non-toxic and recyclable which can easily replace plastic and plastic materials.

The developing countries that are capable of supplying plastic substitutes could further their methods to broaden the reach on a global scale which can provide greener trade and better investment opportunities

Developing countries that supply jute at a rate of 92% of the world’s jute, includes the main suppliers as Bangladesh (74%) and India (9%). They also account for 94% of global natural rubber exports last year, with Thailand (31.5%), Indonesia (30%), and Côte d’Ivoire (8.5%) leading the pack.


Jute Export

Bangladesh (74%)

India (9%)

Thailand (31.5%Indonesia (30%)

Côte d’Ivoire (8.5%)

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Page 10: Tackling the Plastics Crisis with  Dedication, Innovation

With developing countries having a major take in the global plastic economy, their share of global plastics production jumped from 43.5% in 2009 to 58% in 2018 can easily deteriorate the impact of plastics in the coming years

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Developing countries having a major take

Their share of global plastics production jumped


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