Download - Taboo Opinions 97

  • TABOO OPINIONS #97 By Richard E. Geis [email protected] Copyright 2007 by Richard E. Geis For Adults Only! Quoting in whole or in part is encouraged With a credit line, please.

    4-4-07 THE EDUCATION SELF-DECEPTION GAME GOES ON In The Oregonian this morning a front-page story blazons 'Schools' discipline rates show racial gap' and goes on to detail that the 'percent suspended/expelled' of African American students in both Middle schools and High schools are double that of Latino students and more than triple that of Non-Latino Whites. So what else is new? Blacks have, since tests have been given and records kept in the liberal education establishment of the United States, always come in last...or worst. Even against newly arrived Asians after Vietnam, and even against Latinos recently across the border. Why, it's enough to make one think the reason is rooted in (*gasp!*) genetics. No, no, no, don't even think that! That's racism! [Although quota systems based on race are okay racism and okay discrimination (because unavoidable) if you must (by doublethink) help one race become "equal" at any cost.] Gad, what an embarrassing burden the blacks are to the libs. What terrible and humiliating intellectual contortions the blacks force upon them! Martin Luther King Jr.'s plea for equal opportunity as the solution for the genuine problem of discrimination and prejudice is forgotten ... because that has been almost completely achieved --- to little avail. But the Born-Equal-Above-Everything philosophy of the marching moron politically correct libs dictates that ENVIRONMENT is alone responsible for any and all failures of black students; it's 'society' or 'parents' or 'poverty' and/or the 'unconscious attitudes of teachers' which explain the perennial shortfalls, generation after generation after generation .... But this new grouping system is interesting. 'Non-Latino whites'? The Asians and Native Americans are now in with the Euro-whites, hmm? Wonder what the rationale for that is? THE ATTACK THAT DIDNT SHOW UP Here it is 4-7-07 and the Russian-predicted/reported attack on Iran by American air forces didnt happen on April 6. But now die-

  • hard leftists in the media expect the attack to happen sometime this summer. Perhaps when the Surge is proven a failure. I HAVE NOW BEEN TO FAST-FOOD HEAVEN --- AND IT IS H~~TERS Sunday --- Easter --- I was taken by friends to one of the Portland HOOTER establishments, to see what they are like, as something different. The food is good, inexpensive, and the very friendly, very attractive waitresses (with significant cleavage) were a delight. I had a photo taken of me with four young beauties clustered behind my chair. The girls even signed a menu and added sentiments like, Dick, we love you here at Hooters. and Thanks for coming in. I [heart] you. PS Come back soon. and Hooter girls [heart] you!! But the best one is I [heart] the way you [heart] your women hot, naked & wet. Wow. How did she know? THE EYES HAVE HAD IT Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Mans Chest stars Johnny Depp as pirate Captain Jack Sparrow, and this time, for some reason, Depp plays Sparrow as gay. An amazing change of or revelation of character (like, how else can one interpret Depps arm-waving, screaming, handflapping, girly-like run from the howling cannibals? Its a fine, inventive, fun and funny film, though, and I look forward to the next film of the series. BUT I DO GOT A BITCH Films of the 30s and onward into the Fifties did not have constant music playing in the background all the time as they do now, and did not allow party, street, office, environment sounds to blur or cover dialog, And whispering wasnt common in films as it is now. You could understand what was said. Watch the Turner Classic Movies cable channel and youll hear what I mean. END TABOO OPINIONS #97