Download - Taboo Opinions 43

  • TABOO OPINIONS #43 By Richard E. Geis [email protected] Copyright 2005 by Richard E. Geis For Adults Only! Quoting in whole or in part is encouraged With a credit line, please.

    3-20-05 THE RIGHT TO LIVEOR DIE My take on the Terri Schiavo situation is this: The assertion by her husband that she never wanted to be kept alive as a vegetable sucks unless there is testimony by others that she felt that way. The husband has a vested interest in seeing her dead. That is, I presume he is a devout Catholic and feels his marriage vows require him to stay married to her as long as she lives. I have heard on the news that he has a relationship with another woman and has had two children with this other woman. I presume he wants to be free to marry this other woman. He wont commit the sin of divorce, but has committed the sin of adultery---big time. As I say, his principled decision to have her starved to death sucks. END TABOO OPINIONS #43