Download - TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Hockey PEI has worked closely with Hockey Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island to ensure that we are able to return to the game we

Page 1: TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Hockey PEI has worked closely with Hockey Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island to ensure that we are able to return to the game we
Page 2: TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Hockey PEI has worked closely with Hockey Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island to ensure that we are able to return to the game we

TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION 1 - Introduction...................................................................1

SECTION 2 - Disclaimer......................................................................2

SECTION 3 - Operational Plan......................................................3

Checklist to Success

SECTION 4 - Protocols & Safety................................................5

Participant Screening & Tracking

Additional Participant Responsibilities

SECTION 5 - Communications....................................................7

Communications Officer

Team Liaison

Participants Meeting

SECTION 6 - Phases of Play.........................................................9

SECTION 7 - Working with facilities.......................................11

Facility Meeting

SECTION 8 - Education....................................................................13

COVID-19 Education

Coaching Resources

SECTION 9 - Appendices & Resources..............................14


Page 3: TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Hockey PEI has worked closely with Hockey Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island to ensure that we are able to return to the game we

Hockey PEI has worked closely with Hockey Canada and the Government ofPrince Edward Island to ensure that we are able to return to the game we alllove, safely. Please read the document carefully and in its entirety.

This document is intended to be used as a guide for our Associations andAdministrators, Leagues, Players, Coaches and Officials, in conjunction withother regulating safety documentation and guidelines provided by HockeyCanada and the Government of Prince Edward Island.



Hockey PEI members will be asked to understand and adhere to thefollowing documents and guidelines:

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DISCLAIMERThe information in this document is not intended or implied to be a substitutefor professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Hockey PEI and itsMembers make no representation and assume no responsibility in respect ofthe information concerning COVID-19; information is rapidly evolving, andany information on COVID-19 should be obtained from the Chief PublicHealth Office.


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These plans are not formally approved by the Chief Public Health Office,but may be submitted to that office for review and feedback.

As requested by the Chief Public Health office, all Organizations (e.g.Associations, Zones, Major U18 and Junior Teams, etc.) must have anoperational plan submitted to the Chief Public Health Office and Hockey PEIin accordance with the Governing Documentation prior to any off- or on-iceactivity. 

FOR OPERATIONS WITH MULTIPLE GATHERINGS (i.e. multiple icesurfaces) or PROPOSED GATHERINGS OF MORE THAN 50: Plans are to be submitted no less than ten (10) business days prior to theactivity. These plans require formal approval from both Chief PublicHealth Office and Hockey PEI prior to any activity. 

To assist with this requirement, Hockey PEI has adapted the Chief PublicHealth Office's Operational Plan template that each organization canfollow

ALL PLANS ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO: Hockey PEI: [email protected][email protected]

APPENDIX 1: Hockey PEI Operational Plan Template 

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Insurance CoverageHygiene Requirements and ChecklistRecommended Return to Hockey ProceduresWhat to do if there is a positive COVID-19 testJunior Hockey GuidelinesGuidelines for Officials 

Hockey Canada and its 13 Member Branches have built a comprehensiveSafety Guidelines document, along with FAQ, to provide direction andsupport as we return to hockey. Some important sections include:

These Safety Guidelines will be used in the preparation of yourTeam/Association plans for the upcoming season; however, in the event of aconflict between these Guidelines and the Provincial GovernmentGuidelines, the Provincial Government Guidelines shall prevail.

Regardless of the Phase of Play, all participants (players, coaches, volunteers,officials) and spectators must be screened and tracked prior to theirparticipation in every off- or on-ice activity (e.g. prior to every practice, game,training session, etc.). We have created a screening and tracking template foryour use:

This information must be stored either physically or electronically for aminimum of 30 days in the event that is required to conduct contact tracing.


Participants Screening & Tracking

APPENDIX 2: Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines

APPENDIX 4: Screening and Tracking Template

APPENDIX 3: Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines FAQ

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Remain informed on the documentation listed on page 2 of thisdocument;Stay home if feeling unwell;Ensure each participant has their own water bottle (marked and named)and hand sanitizer;Wear a non medical mask if social distancing is not possible (e.g. coacheson bench, trainer attending to injured player, entering and exiting thefacility, etc.)Ensure equipment is sanitized and cleaned prior to and following eachsession;Do not spit, blow nose freely, or release any bodily fluid anywhere in afacility due to a high risk of virus transfer.


Additional Participant Responsibilities

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COMMUNICATIONSThe key to an effective and safe season will rely on positive and opencommunication between Hockey PEI, Associations, Teams and Leagues,and our member participants.

Take the COVID E-Learning Module;Be the point of contact for Hockey PEI in regard to Return to Hockeyupdates;Monitor all relevant updates from the Chief Public Health Office;Monitor all relevant updates from Hockey PEI;Communicate with local facilities on guidelines and updates;Communicate updates and information with their respective Associationand Team Liaisons

This individual will:

Each team will also assign a Team Liaison who will work in cooperation withthe Organization’s Communications Officer. This individual can be an alreadyexisting team staff member or a parent.

Take the COVID E-Learning Module;Provide an overview of the Hockey PEI Return to Hockey plan andOrganization’s Operational Plan to team participants and parents;Oversee tracking and screening documentation for their respectiveteam;Communicate regularly with their respective Communications Officerregarding guidelines and updates.

This individual will:


Communications Officer

Team Liaison

Each Organization (i.e. Association, Zone, Major U18 or Junior Team) willassign a Communications Officer who will be responsible to ensure allupdated and relevant information is passed on to everyone within theirjurisdiction.

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Hockey PEI will provide a virtual education session for these roles, withfurther elaboration on the Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines, Hockey PEIReturn to Hockey Plan, and to provide guidance on best practices andresources.

Prior to the commencement of any on-ice activity, it is recommended thateach Organization host an initial meeting with parents/participants to reviewhow programming will look and allow them to ask questions (this can bedone virtually if necessary). Topics can include:

Facility/association/team protocols for spacing/limits, number of patronsusing the parking lot for drop-off/pick-ups, entering and leaving thebuilding and/or dressing room, washroom restrictions and other limitsand patterns. Facility guidelines for the number of people that are permitted in thefacility and/or on the ice at any given time. Families should be prepared tominimize the number of parents/guardians/spectators that attend to limitthe number of people in the facility. Work with the facility to determinewhat is best. A system to limit the number of patrons entering and exiting the facilityat one time. Work with the facility to determine what is best.Execution of on-ice sessions under Chief Public Health Office authorityrequirements. Player arrival/departure – what to expect on arrival and how soon playersneed to leave. Importance of players arriving dressed in their equipment where requiredand player accessibility to showers. Steps to practicing good hygiene. Players not feeling well and what steps are to be taken by the team


Participant Meeting

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PHASES OF PLAYPlease be aware that the Phase of Play may change at any given time ineither a less or more restrictive direction, depending on the local, regional ornational circumstances. The situation we are operating in is fluid and werecognize that we may have to pivot at any time.

We have created the below Phases of Play approach which reflects HockeyCanada’s Seasonal Structure recommendations, taking into account PrinceEdward Island’s geography and COVID-19 guidelines.

These Phases of Play may be modified at any time by either Hockey PEI oron recommendation by the CPHO.


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*Unless otherwise noted herein, Hockey Canada and Hockey PEI Bylawsand Regulations continue to apply. (e.g. Regulation 26: Sanctioning)

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WORKING WITH FACILITIESCommunication and cooperation with local facilities is going to be integral inthe Return to Hockey for each Organization. With every Organizationrequiring an operational plan, many of the specific questions around thelogistics of coming back to the rink will be answered on the direction of localfacilities.

What are facility guidelines and requirements specific to physicaldistancing?Are there restrictions specific to the number of people allowed in publicareas? What are entry and/or re-entry rules? Are there areas that may not be accessible in the facility – main lobby,dressing rooms, observation areas, showers, washrooms, etc.? If dressing rooms are not available, what alternative option may need tobe conveyed to players and parents? If dressing rooms are available, arethere multiple rooms that may be needed to satisfy physical distancingrequirements?Are common areas available to put on skates or remove skate guardswith marked physical-distanced seating? What additional cleaning and disinfection processes have beenimplemented by facility owners and how often are common touchpointsserviced? Players must not spit, blow their nose freely or release any bodily fluidanywhere in the facility due to an extremely high risk of virus transfer.

As each Organization constructs its operational plan, we highly recommendthat its leadership meet with the local facility to determine the logistics ofusing the facility space. Some questions to consider are:


Facility Meeting

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As an administrator drafting an operational plan, consider the specific facilityguidelines that are pertinent to your plan and how the Organization willoperate around them.

Above all else, respect the facility and all those that work within it.


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EDUCATIONUnder these unusual circumstances, we recognize that each participant andvolunteer is eager to get back on the ice, but we must do so under acoordinated and united effort. Hockey PEI undertakes to do the following inorder to ensure that Communications Officers, Team Liaisons, and otheradministrators are prepared to provide direction to their respectiveparticipants:

Offer virtual education sessions specifically on the Hockey PEI Return toHockey Plan and Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines;Offer feedback and guidance through the construction of Organizationoperational plans;Provide access and support for all Organization volunteers and teamstaff through the COVID-19 E-Learning Module through HockeyCanada’s Hockey University, which provides further education andsupport regarding the Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines.

There may be some further additions to coaching and officiating clinicsmoving forward that are specific to COVID-19. All team staff will be requiredto have taken the COVID-19 E-Learning Module.

Hockey Canada’s Seasonal Structure Workgroup has developed coachingresources designed around physical distancing requirements, such aspractice plans and drills.

More information around education sessions, clinics and team staffrequirements will be communicated in the near future.


COVID-19 Education

Coaching Resources

APPENDIX 5: Alternative Skills InstructionAPPENDIX 6: Hockey Canada Network

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APPENDIX 2: Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines



APPENDIX 1: Hockey PEI Operational Plan Template 

APPENDIX 3: Hockey Canada Safety Guidelines FAQ

APPENDIX 4: Screening and Tracking Template

APPENDIX 6: Hockey Canada Network

APPENDIX 5: Alternative Skills Instruction

Link to Hockey PEI COVID-19 Page

CPHO Renew PEI Plan Phase 4

CPHO Gatherings Guidance

Hockey Canada Seasonal Structure Recommendations

Officiating Guidelines for Return to Hockey

CPHO Guidance on Organized sport and recreational activities

CPHO Guidance on Fitness Facility

Return to Hockey - Frequently Asked Questions

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Page 18: TABLE OF CONTENTS - · Hockey PEI has worked closely with Hockey Canada and the Government of Prince Edward Island to ensure that we are able to return to the game we