Download - TABLE OF CONTENTS - cool benefit from. In some lessons which don’t have an Asma ul-Husna in In some

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Introduction Note to Teachers 3:191 1

Lesson 1 The Worlds 1:2 4

Lesson 2 The Heavens 2:117 8

Lesson 3 The Sky 41:12 12

Lesson 4 The Sun 10:5 16

Lesson 5 The Moon 36:39 19

Lesson 6 The Day 36:40 25

Lesson 7 The Night 39:5 29

Lesson 8 The Stars 6:97 33

Lesson 9 Explore Space 55:33 39

References Bibliography - 44

RReesseeaarrcchh && AAuutthhoorr:: SSaajjiiddaa SSoommjjii

RReevviieewweedd BByy:: MMaauullaannaa SSyyeedd MMuuhhaammmmaadd RRiizzvvii


The Al Asr Committee is grateful to all the above Mo’mineen for helping us compile

this Manual for the benefit of Teachers, Students and Parents. We are also very

thankful to Zakira Tahera Kassamali for providing us with guidance. May Allah

reward them for their hard work and dedication in completing this task.

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Note to Teachers

Last year, in Shahru Ramadhan, 1432 H. / 2011, Al Asr Ramadhan began teaching

the topic of “Nature in the Qur’an.” The first Manual in this series on Nature

focused on Living Things that occupy the land, the sky and the seas: Human Beings,

Animals, Insects, Birds and Fishes.

While the Qur’an has a vast number of Ayaat that deal with Nature, this year’s

Program, the second Manual in this series on Nature, is devoted to Astronomy in

the Qur’an: The heavens, universe, planets, sun, moon and stars. We know students

will enjoy learning about Allah’s amazing creation.

Imam Baqir (A.S.) has said: “Observe and examine the creation of Allah.” Through

the verses in this manual, we wish to teach students to ponder and reflect over the

Creator who has made all these wonderful things for us.

We want our students to learn:

a) Nature or creation proves the existence of The Creator; Imam Sadiq’s Hadith Al

Mufaddal is entirely about this (and is quoted in every lesson of this Manual).

b) Nature shows the Perfection, Greatness and Wisdom of Allah, the Fashioner

and Designer of all things that exists; The Qur’an says: “Say: To whom belongs

what is in the heavens and the earth? Say: To Allah;” (6:12)

c) Reflection on nature teaches many lessons to humans; Allah wants us to explore

His creation and learn from it. The Holy Qur’an says: “Most surely in the creation

of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of the night and the day there

are signs for people who understand.” (3:190)

d) Closeness to nature and an appreciation of it brings closeness to The Creator

and is a form of worship for surely “There is no form of devotion like meditation”

as our Holy Prophet (S) reminds us.

e) That all things in nature worship Allah, whether willingly or not; The Qur’an says:

“And there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise, but you do not

understand their glorification” (17:44)

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Each lesson in the Teacher’s Guide is divided into:

a. A verse (ayah) that students are to memorize if possible - the Student

Manual has an Ayah Chart with images to help student memorize;

b. Tafseer and short explanation of the verse – this section also includes

interesting facts about the topic of that section;

c. The Key Points Box in each lesson has a summary of the Tafseer – the

Student Manual also has the exact Key Points Box found in this Manual;

d. Hadith that talks about the topic;

e. A story relevant to the topic with pictures – the Student Manual also has

the same story;

f. An “Asma ul-Husna” (if the verse contains one) for students to memorize and

derive benefit from. In some lessons which don’t have an Asma ul-Husna in

the verse, students are given the benefit of reciting the Surah (which

contains the verse for that lesson) or a Fun Trivia in the case of one lesson –

again, the Student Manual also has this Asma ul-Husna or Surah Benefit;

g. And lastly, questions you can ask the students that will generate discussion

about the lesson.

Last year, students were taught to recite the following verse before and after

every tafseer class. Please review it this year also.

ف تبارك الله أحسن الخالقين “ blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.” (Al Mu’minoon, 23:14)

The verse to be recited this year before and after each tafseer class is from

Surah Aal Imraan. In this Surah, after many verses where Allah reminds us how He

created whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, Allah says:

“Those who remember Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: Our Rabb! You have not created this in vain! Glory be to You; save us then from the punishment of the fire:” (3:191)

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رب نا ما خلقت ه ذا باطلا سبحانك فقنا عذاب النار Our Rabb! You have not created this in vain! Glory be to You; save us from the punishment of the fire. (Aal Imraan, 3:191)

Hence, Allah teaches us a beautiful Du’a in the above verse which we are to recite

upon reflecting on His creation. This year, therefore, students are to learn this

Du’a before and after every tafseer class. We want them to memorize it so that

whenever and wherever they see the beauty of Allah’s creation, their tongues and

their hearts will utter the heartfelt words of the Qur’an:

We thank Allah for His Grace and Help in undertaking this project. We pray for

Allah’s forgiveness for any of our mistakes and shortcomings.

ميع العليم رب نا ت قبل منا إنك أنت الس “Our Rabb! Accept (this service) from us: For You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.” (Al Baqarah, 2:127)

The Al-Asr Committee

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الحمد لله رب العالمين

Lesson 1: The Worlds

All praise is for Allah, the Rabb of the worlds. Surah Al Fatiha, 1:2

Tafseer: Student Discussion

Al-hamdulillah*1 means “Praise is for Allah” and one of Allah’s names is “Al

Hameed” which means “The Praiseworthy.”

Alhamdulillah is the praise that is said for

Allah because He gives us so many blessings

and bounties. It means praise be for Allah or

thanks to Allah. It should be said when waking

up, when finishing food, when you are asked

“How are you?” and whenever we want to

praise or thank Allah for what he has given us.

When we say Alhamdulillah, we are reminding

our self that only Allah gives us what we have.

We shouldn’t ask from other human beings –

because even they get all their needs from

Allah. We should only ask needs from Allah.

There is a beautiful Du’a of Imam Sajjad’s in Sahifa Sajjadiyah where he says

to Allah in The Whispered Prayer of the Thankful (in simple language):

(O Allah) Your favours are many – I cannot understand all the favours,

and my tongue cannot say all of them either So how can I give you enough thanks?

For, when I say “Thank You” to You, O Allah, It requires me to say “Thank You!” again

Just for giving me the ability to say thank you!

Key Points

1. Alhamdulillah means “Praise

is for Allah” (because He

gives us countless blessings).

2. Al-Hameed means “The


3. Allah, our Rabb, looks after

His creation with love, care,

nurturing and guidance.

4. The Aalameen means the

many worlds that Allah has

made – big and small, seen

and unseen, whether we know

about them or not.

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Rabb is one of the 99 Attributes of Allah - it is very hard to translate “Rabb;”

Some Ulama’ (scholars of Islam) think that there are 12 meanings for the word Rabb and that Rabb may be the Greatest Attribute of Allah (Ismi A’adham). Reciting this name often brings great favours from Allah.

Rabb means Cherisher, Sustainer, and Provider. As soon as Allah wills that

something is created, His Rububiyat begins. The Rabb nurtures the created

being with love, care and never-ending protection, providing all its needs.

In this Ayah, Allah calls Himself the “Rabb ul-aalameen” or the Rabb of the

worlds – we only know about our world which we can touch, see, hear, smell and

taste. But there are many worlds that exist that we cannot see or hear and

some we don’t know anything about. We do know some things about the world of

Fishes, Birds, Animals, Plants and Humans. Inside our bodies, there exists the

world of Virus and Bacteria that we cannot see without a microscope. These

are examples of just the different worlds on our earth. We know about the

world of Jinns and Angels from the Qur’an. In this Ayah, Allah tells us there

are many other worlds that exist – and He is the Rabb of all of them.

*1 NOTE TO TEACHERS: For students over the age of 9, explain the difference between the

words “Alhamdulillah” and “Subhanallah.” When you praise Allah for one particular blessing, it is

called Shukr. When you praise Him for the many bounties given, it is Hamd. Subhanallah is the

praise that is said for Allah because He is deserving of praise, whether He gives us something or

not. To praise Allah in this way is called Tasbih and everything does Tasbih of Allah as the Qur’an

says: “And there is not a single thing (wa in min shay-’in) but glorifies Him (yusabbihu) with His

praise, but you do not understand their glorification (tasbiha-hum).” (17:44)




Al Hameed: The Praiseworthy

a. To understand the nature of creation,

recite this Name of Allah many times.

b. To have good manners and polite

behaviour, recite this Name of Allah

many times.

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Story: The Holy Prophet (S) and the Old Woman

One day, Prophet Muhammad (S)

was walking with his companions

when he saw an old lady working at

a spinning wheel*2. While she was

working, she was praising Allah for

all that He had given her.

The Holy Prophet (S) greeted her

and asked her: “Your faith is

admirable; will you tell me what

made you believe in Allah?”

The woman answered: “O

Messenger of Almighty Allah! If I

do not move my spinning wheel, it

does not spin. If a simple thing like

my spinning wheel cannot turn

without help, how can it be possible

that the whole universe can work

so efficiently by itself?

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

Consider the universe together with its sun, moon, stars and zodiac (planets),

which revolve repeatedly in accordance with a definite decree (law) and

judgement to bring about numerous benefits to those living on earth.... Can any

person with a thinking mind think that such a perfect plan and design on which

depends the order and organisation of the universe come about without the

All-Knowing Designer?

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There must be a Great Being running it; someone who controls every atom. The

Great Being can only be Allah, who is the Creator and Master of everything.”

The Holy Prophet (S) was very pleased with the old woman’s reply. Turning to his

companions, he said: “See how this old lady came to know about Allah through such

a fine and simple way. Your faith in Almighty Allah should also be as firm as hers.”


Show students the picture of the

Spinning Wheel in the page above

(as they may not know what it

means). Also, explain what a

Spinning Wheel does (spins

thread to make yarn – used in

olden times) and give an example

of how a Ferris Wheel (roller

coaster) is run either by a person

or a motor (machine) to make it

relevant to their understanding.

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. Imam Sadiq, in Hadith Al Mufaddal, says that Allah has created the universe for

our benefit. Reflect on this hadith by discussing one thing that is in our universe

and how it has been created for our benefit.

2. What do we learn from the story? (i.e., how does the existence of the universe

prove that Allah created it?)

3. [For older students only:] In Hadith Al Qudsi (conversation/ words of Allah with

Prophets, not part of Qur’an/ Revelation), Allah says: “I have created everything

for you and I have created you for me.” What does Allah mean by that?

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ماوات والرض وإذا قضى أمراا فإنما ي قول له كن ف يكون بديع الس

Lesson 2: The Heavens

Originator of the heavens and the earth, and when He decrees a matter, He only says to it, Be! And it becomes. Surah Al Baqarah, 2:117

Tafseer: Student Discussion

Badeeu’ means the Originator; Allah is the Badee,’ meaning He is the inventor

who designs, creates, begins and brings into existence something out of

nothing; His creation is without any similar example which exists or is copied

and is the first of its kind.

The word “Badee’” is used in this Ayah and

many other Ayaat of the Qur’an to show that

Allah alone is the Designer/ Creator – He

does not need a helper or a son (as some

religions believe) to Create or Rule His


“Badee’” also means that creating something

does not change or affect Allah in any way.

This Ayah says that when Allah wants to

create something or wants something to

happen, all He has to do is say: “Kun” (“Be!”)

and the creation takes place. Imam Ali

explains about the “Kun!” that it is “not by

voice uttered or sound heard” – which means

that Allah doesn’t speak the words out loud

(He doesn’t need to speak them) – but it is

explained like this in the Qur’an so that we,

human beings, can understand it in our way;

we cannot comprehend how Allah creates.

Key Points:

1. One of Allah’s 99 Asma ul

Husna is “Al Badee’u.”

2. Al Badee’u means Allah is the

Originator – He creates by

Himself from nothing and

without any examples or any


3. When Allah wants to create

something, His command is:

“Kun!” (“Be!”) - and the thing

comes into being.

4. Allah is the Creator of

heavens and earth.

5. The planet earth is just one

planet in our Solar System

and our Solar System is just

one galaxy amongst a billion

other galaxies.

6. “Al-Ardh” is the earth and

“Samawaat” are the galaxies.

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Allah says in the Ayah that He is the Creator of “heavens” and earth. What are

the “heavens” referred to in this verse?

As explained in Lesson 1, Allah is the Rabb of the “Aalameen” (many worlds –

big and small, seen and unseen). In this Ayah, Allah says He created the

heavens and the Earth. The Earth is only one of the planets in the Solar


The Solar System is made up of 8 major planets that revolve around (orbit) our

sun. In addition to major planets, the Solar System also consists of moons,

comets, asteroids, minor planets, dust and gas.

Nearest the sun are 4 fairly small, rocky planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and

Mars. Beyond Mars is the asteroid belt: a region filled with millions of rocky

objects. On the far side of the asteroid belt are the four giant planets:

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These planets are way larger than Earth.

Other than the eight large planets, our Solar System is made up of over a

hundred worlds, including minor planets and moons.

Our Solar System is just a small part of a galaxy called “The Milky Way.” And

the Milky Way is just one galaxy. There are billions of galaxies.

Allah is the Creator of our planet, the Earth (Al Ardh), and all these galaxies

which the Qur’an calls “Heavens” (Samawaat). Imagine how huge our universe is!

Allah only has to will it all into being – “Kun!” - and the entire “Samawaat” comes

into being! Subhanaka Rabbi! (Glory be to my Rabb!)

بديع ال Al Badee’u: The Originator or

The Designer

a. Recite 1000 times in one go (or

86 times daily for 14 days in a

row) to have your all your Dua’s

(wishes) fulfilled by Allah;

b. Recite regularly to be free from



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Story: Footprints in the Sand

One day, a man asked Imam Ali: “Is

there a god?” The Imam replied, “Yes,

of course, there is a God.”

The man asked him: “How do you know

there is a god?”

Imam pointed to the sand. There were

footprints in the sand. Imam asked:

“What do these footprints tell you?”

The man said: “A camel walked by here

some time ago.”

Imam asked: “Are you sure it was a

camel? Did you see this camel pass by?”

The man said he had not seen a camel but the footprints*1 were proof that a camel

had passed by because only a camel would leave behind such footprints - they were

camel prints!

From the Hadith:

Abu Shakir asked Imam Sadiq (A.S.):

“Isn’t it a myth that there is Allah? You want us to believe in a thing which

doesn’t exist [and which cannot be perceived by the five senses].”

Imam Sadiq replied: “Abu Shakir, if there was no Allah there would have been

no universe and no you and me. The sentence, “There is no Allah” is

meaningless. The existence of Allah is a must. If attention of Allah is

diverted, even for a moment, from the affairs of the universe to something

else, it would be destroyed. Everything in the universe obeys His laws, which

are permanent and eternal. Because of His Absolute Wisdom and Knowledge,

He could make such wonderful laws which will last forever. Each and every law,

made by Him [Allah] serves some special and useful purpose.”

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The Imam said: “So, when you see the sun, the moon, the stars and all the living

things on earth, doesn’t that tell you that someone has created them all? That

being is Allah.”


Show students the picture of the

camel prints as well as the

footprint left behind by a human

being (left). With younger

students, ask if they know what

other animal prints look like.

Discuss how you may not be able

to see Allah but you see the proof

of His existence in His creation.

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. What does Imam Sadiq mean when he tells Abu Shakir that everything in the

universe obeys Allah’s laws? How does the sun or moon obey Allah’s laws, for


2. Can you make your own story to answer the man’s question to Imam Ali: “How do

you know there is a god?” (Pretend your friend at school asked you this question).

3. How does Allah create something?

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ن يا بمصابيح وحفظاا ماء الد وزي نا الس

Lesson 3: The Sky

And We adorned the lower heaven with lamps and (made it) to guard. Surah Al Fussilat, 41:12

Tafseer: Student Discussion

Allah calls heaven “Sama’a” (plural: “Samawaat”). There are many heavens as we

learned in lesson 2. Allah says in the Qur’an there are 7 heavens. Seven in the

Qur’an means “many” and not necessarily the number 7. “Sama’ ad-dunya” is the

lower heaven (the very first layer of heaven, right above the “dunya” or earth).

So, “Sama’ad-dunya” means the sky (or atmosphere) we see above us.

When Allah says “We” in any Ayah in the Qur’an, He does not mean that He

makes something with the help of someone; when Kings talk about themselves,

they say We because they are royal (special). Allah uses “We” the same way.

Allah says in this Ayah that He has “adorned”

the sky – meaning He has made it beautiful for

us. On a cloudless night, when we look up at

the sky, we can see the stars, planets, comets,

etc shining like “masaabeeh” (lamps).

The word “masaabeeh” is plural

of “misbah” meaning “lantern” or

“lamp.” When planets are lit by

the sun, they glitter - just as

the glass on the outside of the

lantern makes the flame look

bright and glittery. Sometimes

we see shooting stars in the sky

– they also glitter.

Allah says the lower heaven is made to

“guard.” Which means that the earth’s

atmosphere protects or guards earth: How?

Key Points

1. The lower heaven (sama’ad-

dunya) is our sky/ atmosphere.

2. Allah refers to Himself as We.

3. Allah has made the sky

beautiful for us.

4. Allah has put “lamps” in the sky.

5. The sky or atmosphere guards

our earth:

a. From meteoroids and


b. From harmful ultraviolet rays

of the sun;

c. It keeps us from freezing or


d. It regulates temperature and

brings us wind, rain and snow.

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Every day meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere. These

are pieces of rocks that are traveling through space. When

they reach the atmosphere, most of them burn up due to the

friction of the air. The ones that don't completely burn up

reach the surface of the earth in a much smaller form. When

they reach the earth we call them meteorites. The

atmosphere protects us from this “space junk” (meteoroids)

that would do damage to us, to our homes, and to the earth.

The earth’s atmosphere protects us from the harmful (ultraviolet) rays of the

sun (which can destroy skin cells and cause skin cancer in human beings).

The atmosphere also keeps us warm. It prevents the heat on earth from

escaping to space. We call this the greenhouse effect. In a greenhouse*1

people grow plants under the protection of glass or plastic which lets the light

come through for the plants to grow, while protecting the plants from cold.

That's the way the atmosphere protects us. Without the blanket of the

atmosphere we might freeze or fry.

Closely related to temperature regulation, the atmosphere also gives us

weather including wind, rain, and snow. The atmosphere provides cool breezes

on a hot day and rain to make the trees and flowers grow.

Allah ends this Ayah by reminding us of two of His Asma Al-Husna; He says:

That is the decree of the Mighty, the All-Knowing (Surah Al-Fussilat, 41:12)

لك ت قدير العزيز العليم ذ

*1 Green House

العليم Al ‘Aleem: The All-Knowing

a. If recited 6 times every day,

knowledge and wisdom increase.

b. If recited a great deal, the light of

Allah illuminates the heart and mind.

c. If recited 6 times after every wajib

salaat, it unravels the secrets of nature.

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Story: The Holy Prophet (S) is Born

Prophet Muhammad (S), the mercy to all

mankind, was born on Friday, the 17th of

Rabi ul Awwal, 29th August 570 A.D..

When Prophet Muhammad (S) was born,

shooting stars were seen in the sky.

A Jew named Joseph came

to Mecca the next day to

ask the Quraysh if a male

child (son) was born to

anyone in their tribe. They

did not know.

Joseph told them that it was written in Pentateuch (the Jewish Holy Book)

that when the last prophet of Allah would be born the devilish forces will

be driven away from the heavens forever. There will appear shooting stars

in the sky.

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

Look at the colour of the sky and see how appropriate the design is! This

particular colour is the most appropriate refresher compared with all the

other colours. Even doctors tell people to look at the green hue [green shade]

or on some other darker hue in case of some illness of the eye.

Just see how the Almighty Allah has created the sky with a green colour

inclined to be dark, so as not to cause, by repeated looks, some imperfection

[in the eyesight of people].

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The people of Quraysh then asked around and found out that a son

was born the night before to Abdullah bin Abd Al Muttalib and

Aaminah Bint Wahb.

In the same night, it was reported that

the palace of Kisra (Khosrow) in Persia

(Iran) showed large cracks. Persians

followed the Zoroastrian religion.

Zoroastrians always pray in the fire

temple where a fire is kept burning

continuously and never turned off.

The night Prophet (S) was born, the fire

burning in the temple for a thousand

years went off by itself.

(Source: Qummi)

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. In Lesson 1, Imam Sadiq, in Hadith Al Mufaddal, says that Allah has created the

universe for our benefit. How does the “sama’ ad-dunya” benefit us?

2. Why is the sky blue according to Imam Sadiq? (See Hadith box)

3. What miracles happened on the night the Prophet (S) was born?

Present-day picture of ruins of

palace of Kisra (Khusrow) in Iran

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ره منازل لت علموا عدد مس ضياءا والقمر نوراا وقد هو الذي جعل الشنين والحساب الس

Lesson 4: The Sun

He it is who made the sun a shining brightness and the moon a light and ordained for it phases that you might know the number of years and the accounting. Surah Yunus, 10:5

Tafseer: Student Discussion

The Sun and Moon both shine but their light is not the same as this Ayah says.

Allah calls the light of the sun “dhiaa” (shining

glory) while the moon is simply called “noor”

(light) – In other Ayaat, Allah calls the sun

“wahhaaj” (blazing lamp) or “siraaj” (torch).

It is known by scientists today that the sun is

a star that makes intense heat and light

whereas the moon does not make its own heat

or light – instead it reflects the light of the

sun. The Qur’an explains this difference to

people of all time using simple words like

“dhiaa,” “siraaj” or “wahhaaj” for the sun and

“noor” or “muneer” for the moon.

Allah says in this Ayah that the moon goes

through different stages. We will look at this

in the next lesson in more detail.

The Prophet (S) has said: “I am like the sun

and Ali is like the moon.” [Prophet Muhammad

brought new laws – sun makes its own light and

heat - while Imam Ali continued the rules and

Key Points

1. The sun and moon have different

kinds of light according to the

Qur’an (and also proven by


2. The sun creates its own light and

heat. The Qur’an calls the sun

“dhiaa” (shining brightness),

“Siraaj” (torch) or “Wahhaaj”

(blazing lamp). The sun is the

source of the moon’s light.

3. The moon does not have its own

light – it reflects the light of

the sun. It is called “noor” (light)

or “muneer” (light giving object).

4. The moon goes through different

stages and is useful in calculating


5. Prophet (S) = sun;

Imam Ali = moon

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laws brought by Prophet Muhammad (S) – the sun is the source of the moon’s


One of the Asma ul-Husna is “Al Khaaliq.” Allah ends this Ayah in the following

words: “Allah did not create it but with Truth.” (Surah Yunus, 10:5).

لك إل بالحق ما خلق الله ذ

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

It is with the movement of the sun that one year is complete and a correct estimate

of time is established.

Just see how the sun sheds its light on the world.... If it shone only at one spot of

the earth without changing its place, the benefits of its rays would not penetrate in

all direction due to the interruption of mountains and walls.

It has, therefore, been designed to rise from the East in the morning, to move on

constantly, extending its light from side to side till it goes on to the West to shed

its light on objects which failed to received it in the morning....

[If the sun did not rise from the East and set in the West for even part of the

year] you can imagine the problems - what chance would humans have for survival?

سورة يونسSurah 10: Yunus (Makki, 109 verses)

Those who recite this Surah once every

two or three months, Allah will raise them

on the Day of Judgement with the group

of the favourites of Allah.

The Sun makes its

own heat and light

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Story: The Sun Moves for Imam Ali (A.S.)

One day, Imam Ali was with Prophet Muhammad

(S) when Prophet (S) was recieving revelation

(wahi) from Allah. As usual, when revelation

began, the Prophet (S) felt heavy. He lay his

head down on the thigh of Imam Ali. In respect,

Imam Ali did not move the entire time that the

Prophet’s head was on his thigh so as not to

disturb him while he was recieving revelation.

It was time for the afternoon prayer, Imam Ali could not get up without

disturbing the Prophet (S) who was still recieving revelation. So Imam Ali

recited his Salaah while seated using signs to show rukuu and sujood.

When the revelation finished, the sun had begun to set. Prophet (S) lifted his

head and asked Imam Ali: "Have you missed the afternoon prayer?"

"I could not pray it standing because of your position, Ya Rasulallah, and the

circumstances of hearing revelation which you were in," Imam Ali answered.

The Prophet (S) told Imam Ali to ask Allah to

send the sun back to the place it should be in for

salaat time. Imam Ali prayed to Allah. His du’a was

answered and the sun moved in the sky from the

West - where it was setting – back towards where

it should be for the Afternoon Prayer.

Imam Ali said the Afternoon Prayer at its proper

time. When he was done praying, the sun set again.

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. How is The Prophet (S) like the sun and Imam Ali like the moon?

2. Imam Sadiq tells Abu Shakir that even non living things like the sun worsip

Allah. How does the sun worship Allah? After students respond, read hadith

below. [Imam Sadiq:”… the lifeless and inanimate objects also, with whatever instinct they have, obey Allah and

worship Him. If they did not worship Him, they would not have followed the laws made by Him.”]

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رناه منازل حتى عاد كالعرجون القديم والقمر قد

Lesson 5: The Moon

And (as for) the moon, We have ordained for it phases until it becomes again like an old dry palm branch. Surah Ya Seen, 36:39

Tafseer: Student Discussion

This Ayah describes the “Phases of the Moon.” The Islamic calendar follows

the lunar (moon) calendar.

The calendar used by most countries is the

Gregorian calendar which is based on the solar

(sun) calendar. It uses the movement of the

earth around the sun to mark months. There

are 30 or 31 days per month except February,

which has 28 days (29 days every leap year –

every 4 years). There are 365 days a year in

the solar calendar (366 per leap year). The

solar calendar corresponds with seasons:

Spring, summer, autumn/ fall and winter.

Christians use the solar calendar and the year

is marked from the time when Prophet Isa was

born. So we are in the year 2012 A.D, (Anno Domini – Latin for “Year of the Lord Jesus

Christ.”). Sometimes C.E. is used, meaning

Christian Era. Whatever occurred before

Prophet Isa’s birth is B.C. (Before Christ).

The lunar calendar marks time as the moon orbits around the earth. There are

29 or 30 days in each lunar month, depending on the sighting of the crescent

moon. The total days in the lunar calendar are 354; the lunar calendar is 11

days shorter than the solar calendar. The Islamic Hijri Calendar is purely lunar.

Key Points

1. The solar calendar corresponds

with the 4 seasons (12 months)

2. It takes 365 days for the earth

to orbit the sun

3. Solar calendar used by most

countries today. Years marked

from birth of Prophet Isa. Today

is 2012 A.D. (Gregorian Calendar)

4. Muslims follow the lunar calendar.

Years marked from the time

Prophet (S) did Hijra from Mecca

to Madina. Today is 1433 A.H.

5. The lunar calendar is 11 days

shorter than the solar calendar

6. The lunar calendar depends on the

8 Phases of the Moon – i.e., The

way the moon is seen from earth

as it orbits around the earth

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We learned in the previous lesson that the moon reflects the light of the sun

(and doesn’t have its own light). As the moon orbits around the earth,

observers on earth get to see only that part of the moon that is lit by the sun.

These are called “The Phases of the Moon” and there are 8 of them as follows:

1. The First Phase: The New Moon - The moon is not visible from earth.

2. The Second Phase: The Waxing Crescent - The right part of the moon is visible

in the shape of a crescent.

3. The Third Phase: The First Quarter - Half of the moon is visible (right side).

4. The Fourth Phase: The Waxing Gibbous - More than half of the moon is visible.

5. The Fifth Phase: The Full Moon - The moon is completely lit by the sun.

6. The Sixth Phase: The Waning Gibbous - More than half of the moon is visible

(on the left side). This is the opposite of the Waxing Gibbous (fourth phase).

7. The Seventh Phase: The Last Quarter or Third Quarter - Half of the moon is

visible (left side). This is opposite of the First Quarter (third phase).

8. The Eighth Phase: The Waning Crescent - The left part of the moon is visible in

the shape of a crescent. Opposite of the Waxing Crescent (second phase).

The Cycle is thus complete and begins all over again. This takes 29 or 30 days.

Fun Homework: Go to: and figure out what your Islamic Birthday is. Find the Islamic Birthday for your family too! Please note, this works best on Internet Explorer.

Old, dry date palm (Al ‘Urjoon) Trivia

According to the Islamic Lunar/ Hijri

Calendar, Imam Mahdi (A.S.) was born on

Friday, 15th Shaban, 255 H., which

according to the Solar (Christian) Calendar

is July 29, 869 A.D. How old is Imam Al-

Mahdi today – calculate his age according

to the Islamic and Gregorian dates.

Remember, the Islamic (Hijri) year is: 1433

H. and the Christian year is 2012 A. D.

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From Phase 1: New Moon

To Phase 2:

Waxing Crescent

From Phase 3: First Quarter

To Phase 4:

Waxing Gibbous

From Phase 4: Waxing Gibbous

To Phase 5: Full Moon

From Phase 5: Full Moon

To Phase 6:

Waning Gibbous

Phase 6:

Waning Gibbous

To Phase 7: Last Quarter

From Phase 7:

Last or Third Quarter

To Phase 8: Waning Crescent

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Phases of the Moon as the Moon orbits the Earth

The Phases of the Moon for July, 2012 (Part of Shahru Ramadhan, 1433 A.H.)

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Story: The Moon Splits in two

Surah Al-Qamar (The Moon) begins

with the words: “The hour has drawn near and the moon is cleft asunder.”

The unbelievers of the tribe of

Quraysh and the Jews of that time

challenged Prophet Muhammad (S)

to prove to them that he really was

the Messenger of Allah by showing

them a miracle. The Prophet asked

them what they wanted to see.

They told him they wanted to see

the full moon split into two pieces.

The Prophet (S) pointed to the

moon with his index finger.

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

There is a sign revealed by the Almighty Allah in the creation of the moon -

a fine sign. People in general calculate months on its basis, but the year is

not correctly established by it. Its motion does not comprehend the

changes of season or the times of the blossoming and the ripening of the

crops. That is why lunar months and years differ from solar months and

years. The lunar months change, so that sometimes the same month has

reference to the summer and sometimes to winter. So is the case with

other months. For example, the month of Muharram may occupy a period in

summer sometimes, in the rainy season at other times and in winter at yet

another time. This shows that the lunar and solar months continue to

change and do not correspond to each other.

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The full moon split into two! The two pieces moved far apart from each other.

People were amazed to see one piece on one side of the mountain and the other

piece on the other side of the mountain. The two pieces then returned and the

moon became one full moon again. Prophet (S) turned to the Quraysh and the Jews

and said: “Be witnesses!”

The Jews who saw this miracle became Muslims. However, from the ignorant people

of the Quraysh, Abu Jahl – the father of ignorance – said: “This is just magic.”

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. Imam Sadiq, in Hadith Al Mufaddal, says that the lunar calendar changes

(sometimes Muharram or Shahru Ramadhan is in summer and sometimes in winter).

Why do you think that is so? How does it show Allah’s justice and mercy [in relation

to fasting in the month of Ramadhan]? [We fast in different seasons so sometimes our

fasts will be long till 9 p.m. (summer) and sometimes short till 4.30 p.m. (winter)]

2. When will Shahru Ramadhan end? [When the New Moon of Shawwal is sighted.]

3. What do you notice about the shape of the palm branch (see picture above) –

why does Allah compare the moon to an old, dry palm branch? Which phase of the

moon does that refer to?

4. What symbol for Islam is on a masjid dome or minaret? Is it a waxing crescent

or waning crescent? Why? [Show student the picture below. Waxing Crescent on minaret to

symbolize new crescent moon because Muslims follow lunar calendar & new moon = new lunar month].

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هار مس ينبغي لها أن تدرك القمر ول الليل سابق الن وكل في ل الش ف لك يسبحون

Lesson 6: The Day

Neither the sun is permitted that it overtakes the moon and nor can the night outstrip the day; And all float, each in an orbit. Surah Ya Seen, 36: 40

Tafseer: Student Discussion

The earth has two movements: It spins (like a top) and it orbits around the sun.

Looking down from the North Pole, the earth

spins in a counter-clockwise direction on an

imaginary line called its axis once every 24

hours (giving us day and night). That is why

the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

From the North Pole, we would see that the

earth also orbits the sun in a counter-

clockwise motion, coming to the same position

among the stars every 365 earth days (or 1

year). This gives us the four seasons.

From the North Pole, we would also see that the

Key Points:

1. The earth takes 365 days to

revolve (orbit) around the

sun, giving us four seasons

2. The earth also rotates on its

own axis once every 24

hours giving us day and

night, sunrise and sunset

3. The moon also orbits the

earth as discussed in Lesson

5 (giving us the 8 Phases)

4. The sun has its own orbit

5. People in Prophet

Muhammad’s time thought

the earth stood still and the

sun moved around it

6. The Qur’an told the people

of that time that the sun,

earth and moon all orbit in a

perfect way as Allah has

planned and designed

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moon orbits the earth in a counter-clockwise motion. That is why we can see

the Phases of the Moon (as discussed in Lesson 5). This movement of the moon

around earth also affects tides (giving us high during full moon or low tides).

During Prophet Muhammad’s time, astronomers all over the world, including in

Arabia, believed that the earth was the center of the universe and stood still

while the sun rotated around it. They also believed the earth was flat. The

Qur’an revealed this Ayah and Ayah 21:33 that the sun, moon and earth all have

their own orbits. This was a shocking Ayah for people of that time. Today,

scientists have shown that the sun, moon and earth all move and all of them

have their own orbit. We also know the earth is not flat, it is round!

In this Ayah, Allah also points to the fact that since the creation of earth, day

and night follow a pattern: One comes after the other. The sun always rises in

the east and sets in the west. Winter is always followed by spring and then

summer and then autumn or fall. Allah has made a perfect system for us.

Orbit of planet Earth

around the sun (black

arrow) and orbit of the

moon around the Earth

(gray arrow)

سورة يسSurah 36: Ya Seen (Makki, 83 verses)

Known as the Heart of the Qur’an

1. Whoever recites Surah Ya Seen for

the pleasure of Allah, all their sins will

be forgiven and they will be given

reward equal to reciting the Qur’an 12


2. Keeping this Surah in one’s possession

as ta’widh protects one from the

jealousy of people. It also acts as a

cure from disease.

3 Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq says: Whoever

recites this Surah in the morning will

be protected from all problems during

the day and whoever recites it at

night will be protected from Shaytan

by 70,000 angels.

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Story: Prophet Ibrahim (A.S.)’s Lesson

Azar was an *1astrologer. He also

made idols that represented

different gods. Namrud often asked

for Azar’s advise.

Prophet Ibrahim lived in Azar's

house, since Azar was his uncle.

Prophet Ibrahim called Azar: "My

father" (as a sign of respect since

he was living in Azar’s house).

Allah blessed Prophet Ibrahim with

great intelligence. He had a pure

heart and was a Prophet of Allah. He

did not believe in idols. He was

amazed to find people worshipping

either nature or idols (which they

had made with their own hands). He

knew that Allah was greater than

those idols. He wanted to teach

people that they were wrong to worship anyone other than Allah. But he did not

want to just tell them - he wanted to show them so they would really understand.

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

Just consider the relative hours of the day and night.... Do you know that if

days were extended to a hundred or two hundred hours, animal and plant life

would have perished? Such a long interval without rest and comfort would have

killed the animals, while four-legged animals would have continued grazing on.

People, too, would have continued to work on without stopping, thus harming

their life. Plant life [also] would have dried up under the prolonged effect of

heat of the daytime.

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When it got dark, Prophet Ibrahim went to the city. The people who worshipped

the planet Venus humbly looked at the sky where Venus was twinkling brightly.

They thought that Venus was their god, and that it supplied them with their

livelihood and gave them blessings. They prayed to Venus.

In the meantime, while Venus was shining in the sky and people were praying to it,

the moon was also shining in the sky with its silvery light. Prophet Ibrahim stood

besides the worshippers as Venus began to fade and said: "The moon is my god!”

As night began to turn to day, the moon could no longer be seen in the sky for the

sun shone. Prophet Ibrahim said: “The sun is greater than the moon! It is god.”

Some people said to each other: "Perhaps, he is right as the sun gives us benefits."

Again, day turned to evening and the sun set. Prophet Ibrahim looked at the night

sky and said: "I am going to stop worshipping the sun also, for it sets and the true

god should not set!”

The people said: “You worshipped the moon, then you

worshipped the sun and now you say that you don’t even

worship the sun. So, what do you worship?”

Prophet Ibrahim said: “I worship the One God who

created Venus, the moon, the sun, the earth and all of us.

I worship Allah, the Creator of everything!"

*1 NOTE TO TEACHERS: Someone who predicts the future by the position of the planets,

sun and moon is an Astrologer. Astrology is haram as only Allah knows the future.

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. Why did Prophet Ibrahim pretend to worship Venus, the sun and moon?

2. What does Imam Sadiq say about daytime – why did Allah assign a certain

number of hours to the day? What would happen if we had very long days?

The people who worshipped Venus turned to him and

asked him: "Why have you chosen the moon as your god?"

Prophet Ibrahim said: "Venus has set so it is not a true

god; god should not set!"

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هار على الليل ر الن هار ويكو ر الليل على الن مس والقمر يكو ر الش وسخى كل يجري لجل ار مسم أل هو العزيز الغف

Lesson 7: The Night

He coils the night over the day and coils the day over the night; and He has made subservient the sun and the moon; each running for an assigned term. Surely He is the Mighty, the Forgiver. Surah Zumar, 39:5

Tafseer: Student Discussion

Allah uses the word “yukawwir” to explain how night turns to day and day turns

to night. Yukawwir comes from the word “kawwara” which means to coil or wind.

Astronauts have described and photographed the

earth from the moon as day turns to night and

night turns to day.

The sun permenantly lights

up one half of the earth

that is facing it. This half

of earth is in daytime. The

part not facing the sun is in

shadow – that shadowed

part of earth is in night


Earth keeps rotating on its axis and so from

space, it looks exactly as if day coils into night

and night coils into day as the Qur’an says!

Allah says He has made the sun and moon

subservient – which means they follow the

command of Allah and obey Him (i.e., they follow

the laws of Allah).

Key Points

1. When astronauts see the

earth’s day and night from

space, it looks like day is

coiling into night and night

is coiling into day – as the

Qur’an says in this Ayah

2. The sun and moon obey

Allah’s commands

3. The sun and moon both have

a specific time in their

present form and then they

will no longer be as they are


4. Scientists say the sun as we

know it today will cool down

when it is 10 billion years

old – as other suns known as

“the white dwarf” have

done so in the past

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This Ayah says the sun and the moon have “an assigned term” – which means

they are there for a specific period of time - and that time will come to an end.

Modern Astrophysicists say the sun is about 4.5 billion years old today. A star

the size of the sun will burn out by the time it is 10 billion years old before it

cools off as observed in other stars like the “white dwarf” star.

Science believes that the Solar System, including the sun, will not be the same

in a few billion years. Scientists predict that the sun as well as the Solar

System will run its “assigned term” and then come to an end as the Qur’an says.

In this Ayah, Allah calls Himself “Al ‘Azeez” (The Mighty) and “Al Ghaffaar”

(The Forgiver). These two are very special attributes of Allah (Asma ul-Husna).

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

Just consider the relative hours of the day and night.... If the night had been

made longer, all species of living beings would have been prevented from moving

about and finding nourishment resulting in starvation. The plants would have

lost their vital heat, delayed and died, just as you see those plants which are

placed so as to receive little sunshine [also dying].

The White Dwarf Star as seen from

The Hubble Telescope in space ار الغفAl Ghaffaar: The Forgiver

a. Recite to cool down your anger.

b. Recite 100 times after Salaat Al

Jumua’h for forgiveness of

previous week’s faults.

c. Recite to have your sins forgiven.

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Story: The Best Sleep Imam Ali (A.S.) Ever had

People visiting the idols hanging on the Kaaba did a lot of shopping in

Mecca and made the Quraysh rich. How dare Prophet Muhammad say the

idols were useless and that there was only one god, Allah, who couldn’t be

seen?! So, they secretly decided to call a representative from every

tribe to kill the Prophet (S) so that he would no longer spread Islam and

stop people from worshipping the idols hanging on the Kaaba.

At midnight the enemies of Islam

surrounded the house of Prophet

Muhammad. But Allah was the supporter

and protector of His beloved Prophet.

Allah already informed the Prophet (S)

about this secret plot. He was given the

command to journey from Mecca to

Medina and live in Medina from then on.

This event would be known as Hijrah

(migration) and the Islamic Calendar

would begin from that date.

On the night of Hijrah, Prophet Muhammad left his house to begin his

journey. As he came out of the house he threw some sand towards the

men who were waiting to kill him and recited the following verse of Surah

Ya Seen: "And We have made before them a barrier and a barrier behind them, then We have covered them over so that they do not see." (36:9)

Because of this, the men surrounding his house did not see the Prophet

(S) pass by. It was as if they became blind for a moment!

So that the enemies would be tricked into believing that the Prophet

(S) was still at home, the Prophet asked Imam Ali to sleep in his bed.

This was a dangerous thing for Imam Ali to do because the enemies

could easily come in and kill him thinking the Prophet was in his bed.

But Imam Ali loved the Prophet (S) and was happy to help him.

On his way out of Mecca, the Prophet (S) met Abu Bakr who asked if he could go

with him also. The Prophet took him. The Prophet knew that his enemies would soon

find out that they had been tricked and they would track him down. So, he

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"And among mankind is he who sells his nafs (self) in exchange for the pleasure of Allah."

sheltered in the cave of Thawr. Allah commanded a pigeon to build a nest and lay

eggs right at the entrance of the cave and a spider to spin its web across the

opening of the cave after the Prophet (S) entered the cave.

Back at the Prophet’s house, the enemies looked in

the house. They saw Prophet Muhammad in bed,

covering himself with his blanket. They rushed in,

swords drawn and ready. But instead of the Prophet,

they were surprised to find Imam Ali fast asleep in

the Prophet’s bed. They were enraged. They asked

Imam Ali: “Where is Muhammad?”

Imam Ali told them that the Prophet (S) had left the city.

They sent someone to track Prophet Muhammad. The expert

tracker followed the footsteps to the opening of the cave

but when he saw the undisturbed nest with the eggs in it

and the unbroken web the spider had spun, he knew that no

one could have entered the cave. So, the tracker turned

back without entering the cave.

Prophet Muhammad then continued on his

journey and reached Yathrib safe. Yathrib

exploded in joy and celebration and was

renamed Madinat un-Nabi or the City of the

Prophet. Today, we call it Madina. Masjidun

Nabawi is in Madina.

About that night, Imam Ali says he had the best sleep! Allah was so pleased with

Imam Ali for sleeping in the Prophet’s bed that night – while endangering his own

life – that a verse was revealed in Imam Ali’s honour in Surah Al Baqarah (2:207):

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. Imam Sadiq, in Hadith Al Mufaddal, says to consider the length of night time.

What would happen if the night was very long?

2. How does the sun and moon obey Allah’s command as the Ayah says?

3. What do we learn from the story?

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هو الذي جعل لكم النجوم لت هتدوا بها في ظلمات الب ر والبحر قد فصلنا اآليات لقوم ي علمون

Lesson 8: The Stars

It is He Who made the stars that you may guide yourselves with them through the darkness of the land and the sea; Certainly, We have made clear the signs for a people who know. Surah An’am, 6:97

Tafseer: Student Discussion

Allah says in this Ayah that he has made stars as guides for human beings.

Some commentators of the Qur’an say that “stars” in this verse refers to the

Ahlul Bayt (A.S.) who guide us.

When you look at the night sky you can see

many beautiful stars. If you are away from

the bright city lights - for example if you are

camping - you may see thousands of stars. You

may even be able to see part of the Milky

Way. In a big city like ours, the lights create a

glow in the sky and the stars are hard to see.

There are several different kinds of stars in

the sky. Some are very big. A couple of stars

have been found that are 100 to 200 times

larger than the sun! Some very old stars are

smaller than the planet Earth.

Does your car have a Global Positioning

System, or GPS unit? This amazing machine

can tell you where you are going or how to get

somewhere while traveling.

Key Points

1. Stars in this verse refers

to the Ahlul Bayt as our


2. Today we use GPS systems

or a compass to tell

direction and travel

3. Stars were used to guide

travellers in the past

before the GPS or

compass was invented

4. Travel using the stars was

called Wayfaring

5. The North Star in the

constellation “Little

Dipper or Little Bear”

points to the North Pole

6. Two of the stars in the

“Southern Cross” point to

the South Pole

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Most modern travel – whether by boat, car, plane or train – makes use of the

GPS machine, which takes its information from satellites to tell your location.

How did people in the past travel when they did not have GPS or even a

compass to tell direction? They used stars as Allah says in this Ayah.

The Polynesians, for example, travelled

thousands of miles through the Pacific

Islands using celestial (sky) navigation

called “Wayfaring.” Wayfaring means

using information about the position of

the stars, sun, moon, planets as well as

wind direction to know which way to go.

They built boats with a system of

rungs that would line up with the main

stars on the horizon for the navigator

to tell direction. It took many years to

train a navigator to use Wayfaring.

This very accurate system of rungs is

called the Hawaiian Star Compass.

There are several stars that are important for travel, depending on where you

want to go. The most famous navigational stars are the North Star, called

Polaris, and the Southern Cross. The North Star (Polaris) is a part of the

constellation Ursa Minor, commonly known as the Little Dipper or Little Bear.

The Southern Cross is a constellation of four stars called Crixa, two of which

point towards the celestial south pole.

سورة النعامSurah 6: Surah An’am -

The Cattle (Makki, 165 Verses)

Write with saffron and wash

with water. Then drink the

water. You will become free

from all illness, Insha Allah.

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Story: The Stars Prostrate to Prophet Yusuf (A.S.)

Prophet Yaqub had two wives and twelve sons. Prophet Yusuf and Benyamin had the

same mom whereas the ten older brothers were from a different mom. Prophet

Yusuf’s ten half brothers were always jealous of him because he was handsome,

kind and smart. They thought Prophet Yusuf was their father’s favourite child.

When Prophet Yusuf was nine years old, he dreamt that eleven stars along with the

sun and the moon were prostrating. When he woke up, he related the dream to his

father. Prophet Yaqub realized that the dream was describing that Prophet Yusuf

From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

Just as the Pleiades*1 were ordained to appear and disappear at different

times for particular benefits to people, similarly the constellation of the

Bear has been ordained...never to disappear, as it has an aim to serve, as a

sign-post for people to seek their way through the unknown paths amidst

forest and oceans. As the stars of this constellation are ever in view, people

look to them immediately when they need to know the path for any direction.

The stars are just bright enough to give light in the absence of the moon

and to enable us to move about in their glimmer. People sometimes need to

journey at night, and in the absence of their glow, they would have found it

difficult to find their way.

*1 Note to Teachers: Pleiades is a cluster of more than 300 stars in the constellation

Taurus, several of which are blue-white giants visible to the naked eye on a clear night.

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would be powerful in the future. Prophet Yaqub was afraid that if Prophet Yusuf’s

brothers came to know of the dream, they would envy him more. So, he told

Prophet Yusuf not to tell his brothers about the dream.

But as time passed, Prophet Yusuf’s brothers disliked him even more.

Whenever the brothers took their goats out for grazing

they would ask their father if Prophet Yusuf could

accompany them. Prophet Yaqub always refused, saying that

the boy was too young and might get hurt in some way.

When Prophet Yusuf reached the age of sixteen, his

brothers insisted that he was now old enough to accompany

them. Prophet Yaqub did not want Prophet Yusuf to go with

his brothers but they promised they would take care of him

and keep him safe. Prophet Yaqub reluctantly let Yusuf go.

Prophet Yusuf loved his brothers and was very happy to go with them. However, as

soon as they were far away from the house, his brothers began to yell at him and

hit him. At first, Prophet Yusuf asked them why they were hurting him – he did not

believe they really meant to harm him. Soon, however, he realized that his

brothers truly disliked him and wanted to hurt him.

At first, the brothers planned to kill Prophet Yusuf. But one

of the brothers suggested that instead of killing him, they

should throw him into a well where he would die of hunger.

So, they took Prophet Yusuf’s white shirt and threw him in a

well. They bloodied the shirt with sheep blood so they could

tell their father a wolf had eaten their brother Yusuf and

show the shirt as proof.

When Prophet Yaqub heard this, he knew his sons were

lying to him because Prophet Yusuf’s bloodstained shirt

did not have a single rip in it. How could a wolf eat Yusuf

and not tear Yusuf’s shirt at all? Prophet Yaqub accepted

this test with patience and prayers. However, he missed

Yusuf a lot and cried so much that in time, he lost his


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In the meantime, travellers stopped at the well where

Prophet Yusuf was lying down, hungry and hurt. They went

to draw water from the well and Prophet Yusuf held on to

their bucket. He was, thus, rescued from the well. He was

taken to Egypt and sold as a slave at the market.

Everyone wanted to buy Prophet Yusuf because he was very good looking. But the

Aziz (Governor) of Egypt offered the most silver for him and so he bought Prophet

Yusuf. He took the handsome young boy to the Pharoah’s palace to his wife,

Zulaikha. He told Zulaikha they would adopt Yusuf as a son.

Many years later, when all the wise men of the king couldn’t

figure out what the Pharaoh’s dream meant, Prophet Yusuf

correctly interpreted the dream because he was a Prophet of

Allah and the miracle given to him was interpreting dreams.

He said the Pharaoh’s dream meant that Egypt would

have seven years when the land would grow a lot of

crops followed by seven years when there would be

drought in the land. He suggested the people of

Egypt make good use of the first seven years and

grow and store their food for the hard times ahead.

The Pharaoh was impressed by this young man’s wisdom. At the age of thirty,

Prophet Yusuf was made the Aziz of Egypt in charge of distributing food to the

people of Egypt during the seven years of abundance followed by drought.

The famine also extended to the lands of Palestine and Kanaan where Prophet

Yaqub lived with his sons. One day he called them and said, “My sons! We are in

great distress due to the famine. You should go to the al-Aziz of Egypt whose

reputation as a kind and just person has spread everywhere in the country. Leave

Benyamin with me so that I am not lonely.”

As commanded by their father, the brothers of

Prophet Yusuf set off for Egypt to purchase grain

and bring it back to the family in Kanaan.

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Prophet Yusuf was a powerful man. He wore the royal

uniform. Guards and soldiers surrounded him. He held the

keys to the wheat stores of the King of Egypt. His

brothers did not recognize him. When they saw the Al-

Aziz (Prophet Yusuf), they bowed to him respectfully.

Prophet Yusuf recognized them immediately.

Prophet Yusuf told his brothers who he was and they asked to be forgiven for

their meanness. He asked them to bring his whole family from Kanaan. When his

parents, his brother Benyamin and his ten half-brothers came back to Egypt, they

all prostrated to Allah in thankfulness for reuniting the family.

This is how Prophet Yusuf’s dream about the eleven stars along with the sun and

the moon prostrating came true. After many trials, Almighty Allah raised him from

the position of a slave to the highest rank in the land and gave him power to punish

his brothers for their evil – but this great Prophet chose to forgive his brothers

and invited his family to come and live with him.

Prophet Yusuf raised his hands and thanked Allah

for all His blessings as the Qur’an says (12:101):

“My Rabb, You have given me the kingdom and taught me of the interpretation of sayings. Creator of the heavens and the earth, You are my Guardian in this world and the hereafter. Make me die a Muslim and join me with the good.”

Prophet Yaqub (who is also known as Israel) settled in Egypt with his family, and

their clan came to be known as the Bani Israel (Children of Israel). The entire

story of Prophet Yusuf is narrated in Surah Yusuf (Surah 12 of the Holy Qur’an).

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. What is Wayfaring?

2. What are the many lessons we learn from the story of Prophet Yusuf (A.S.)? [Miracle of dream interpretation given to Prophet Yusuf, jealousy and its effects,

importance of family, not misusing power or authority if you are given that by Allah,

forgiveness, thankfulness, patience with Allah’s decree, etc]

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ماوات نس إن استطعتم أن تنفذوا من أقطار الس يا معشر الجن والل تنفذون إل بسلطان والرض فانفذوا

Lesson 9: Explore Space

O Assembly of the jinn and the human! If you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass; you cannot pass except with power. Surah Rahman, 55:33

Tafseer: Student Discussion

In this Ayah, Allah challenges us: Explore earth and explore space!

In the time of Prophet (S) when human beings

were still using camels, horses and mules for

transport, Allah sent this challenge – how hard

it must have been for people of that time to

even imagine space travel. They would surely

have thought it impossible!

The word “tanfudhu” is used in this verse –

“nafadha” means to penetrate and come out on

the other side (like a needle passes through a

cloth and comes out on the other side). This is

exactly what space travel involves.

This verse says “if you are able to pass

through” - the Arabic word for “if” in this

Ayah is “إن” (in-is-ta-ta’tum). In Arabic, when

the word “إن” is used, it means the challenge

given is achievable. So, this Ayah doesn’t mean

“if” in the sense “let’s see if you can do it.”

Instead, it actually means “you will be able to achieve this if you try hard.”

Key Points

1. Challenge given to explore the

regions of earth and to

explore space

2. Challenge given in the time of

the Prophet (S) when people

had not even discovered the

car or the train, let alone

space shuttles!

3. “Tanfudhu” means to

penetrate and come out on

the other side – like a needle

goes through cloth

4. Allah assures that space

travel is possible if humans

(and jinns) use authority

(sultan) given

5. Power through knowledge and


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And how can you try hard? The answer is given – “you cannot pass through but

with authority (illa bi sultan)” - This means you need to educate and explore and

experiment so you can have power.

What should we educate ourselves about?

All the things that we learned in the past few lessons; i.e.,the laws of physics

that Allah has made to govern the universe so perfectly. For example:

There are many worlds – seen, unseen, microscopic and huge

The sun is a blazing lamp, having its own light while the moon reflects the

light of the sun (i.e., the sun is the source of the moon’s light)

The moon goes through phases and when the moon completes its orbit

around the earth, we have a lunar year

The earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours giving us night and day

The earth revolves around the sun every 365 days giving us seasons

That the earth and sun and moon swim in their orbits as do planets

Can you think of other lessons you have learned from the Qur’an?

Space Shuttle Atlantis Liftoff (right)

and a Lunar Roving Vehicle (left)

سورة الرحمنSurah 55 – Surah Rahman:

The Beneficent (Makki, 78 Verses)

Knowns as the Bride of the Qur’an

a. Cures eye problems

b. Allah appoints an angel to

safeguard the recite

c. If written on a wall, it keeps

pests away from the house

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From the Hadith:

Extracts from Imam Sadiq (A.S.)’s discussion with Mufaddal Ibn Umar, Hadith Al Mufaddal, The Environment (Chapter Four)

If someone says that mere chance

has brought this [universe] about,

why does he not say that same thing

in connection with the Persian-wheel*1

which he sees revolving, irrigating a

garden planted with trees and

vegetation? He sees all its component

parts manufactured according to a

definite plan, each part coupled with

the other on a pattern to serve the

needs of the garden and its contents.

...In the case of a wooden

Persian-wheel, will he deny that

it is a piece of workmanship

planned and designed – and yet

will be able to say that this

stupendous universe which is full

of projects beyond human

understanding, functioning for

the entire earth's surface and

its contents, has come into being

by mere chance without Skill,

Design or Measure?

*1 Persian water wheel is an irrigation machine made of wood used to get water

out of a well to water a garden. It is a system of a chain of buckets slung

around a vertical wheel, which is turned by cogs and interlocking wheels

powered by an ox or bull. This machine was used in the past. Later on, it was

modified and a metal wheel was used. Today, there are some villages in Pakistan

that still use this machine to irrigate their gardens or fields.

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Story: The Holy Prophet (S) Journeys to the Heavens

It was the 27th of Rajab. The Prophet (S) was finishing the Night Prayer in the

house of Umm Hani, Imam Ali’s sister and the Prophet’s cousin. Angel Jibraeel paid

him a visit. He was asked to accompany the angel on a special visit to the heavens.

It has been narrated from Shaykh Saduq (in the book, Amali), Imam Sadiq said:

"When the Prophet along with

Jibraeel mounted on Buraq - one of

the horses of Paradise - to go on

the Me'raj, they first went to Bait

al-Muqaddas. The Mehrab (prayer

Niche) of the previous Prophets

was shown to the Holy Prophet, and

he also performed Salaah there.”

Some narrators say the Prophet did

not go to Bait Al-Muqaddas in

Jerusalem – instead Bait al-Muqaddas

is the “farthest masjid” in heaven.

Angel Jibraeel accompanied the

Prophet (S) on this journey from

earth to Sidrat al-Muntaha (the place

in the seventh heaven beyond which

even Angel Jibraeel is not allowed to

go). From there, Prophet went alone.

During Me’raj, the Prophet (S) saw many different angels, heaven and hell.

It is on this visit that the Prophet (S) met many of the other Prophets who came

before him, including Prophet Isa, Yahya, Haroon, etc. When the Prophet returned

from this journey, he gave the order from Allah to all Muslims that from then on,

the Five Daily Prayers were wajib on all Muslims.

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The Me’raj is one of the most amazing journeys recorded in the Qur’an in Surah Al

Israa (17:1)

“Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque

(Masjid Al-Haraam) to the farthest mosque (Masjid al-Aqsa) of which We have

blessed the precincts, so that We may show to him some of Our signs; surely He is

the Hearing, the Seeing.”

Questions for Student Discussion:

1. What is Imam Sadiq trying to say in Hadith Al Mufaddal when he gives

the example of the Persian wheel?

2. Who does Allah give authority to when it comes to space exploration?

3. Over time, as we gained knowledge what inventions have human

beings achieved when it comes to transportation? [See chart]

Transportation Over Time

3500 B.C. 2000 B.C. 1620 1783 1787 1790 1814

River Boats


used for transport

Submarine using oars

Hot Air Balloon




powered railroad

1867 1903 1908 1940 1947 1969 1981







Manned mission to the moon


shuttle launched


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All Lessons:

Qur'an Translation and Tafseer References (Translation: Shakir, Khan, Yusufali, Pickthall) (Tafseer: Aqa Mahdi Pooya) (Ayah Charts)

Benefits of Qur’anic Surah and Asma ul-Husna

Hadith References (Hadith Al Mufaddal By: Imam Sadiq)


Nature in the Qur’an:

Bucaille, Maurice, The Bible, Qur’an and Science – The Holy Scriptures

Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge, Islamic Book Service, 2001


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Specific Lessons

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 8

Lesson 9


Al-Kashani, Mulla Faidh (Tr. Bhimji, Saleem), Me’raj – The Night Ascension,

Islamic Humanitarian Services