Download - TA Procedure 3 - Lloyd's Register · PDF fileAnnex D Brief summary of typical procedure for Lloyd’s Register Type ... lists the test requirements for piping system components for

Page 1: TA Procedure 3 - Lloyd's Register · PDF fileAnnex D Brief summary of typical procedure for Lloyd’s Register Type ... lists the test requirements for piping system components for



Procedure TA02


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ABCD Lloyd’s Register71 Fenchurch Street London EC3M 4BS Telephone +44 (0) 20 7709 9166 Fax +44 (0) 20 7488 4796 Email: [email protected] Web site: © LLOYD’S REGISTER. 2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Except as permitted under current legislation no part of this work may be photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted, broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the copyright owner. Enquiries should be directed to the above address. TERMS AND CONDITIONS

Refer to a Sample of form 2502 Annex B - `Request for Marine Services`

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02

Lloyd’s Register Page 1

FOREWORD This procedure outlines the provisions for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Services and supersedes all previous Lloyd’s Register publications on the subject. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Certificates for products issued under the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System, Procedures 1990 and 1996 remain valid under the terms and conditions stated on those Certificates. Applications for extending / renewing such Certificates shall be subject to the provisions made herein. CONTENTS Section Page 1 INTRODUCTION 2 2 APPROVAL CRITERIA 2 3 APPROVAL PROCEDURE 3

3.1 General 3

3.4 Application for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval 3

3.7 Initial Review and Issue / Acceptance of Quotation 4

3.14 Inspection and Testing 4 3.14 Selection of Products 4 3.15 Inspection 5 3.16 Testing 5 3.22 Test Report 5

3.26 Certification 6 3.26 General 6 3.28 Issue of a Certificate 6 3.31 Extending a Certificate 6 3.38 Renewal of a Certificate 7 3.45 Cancellation or Withdrawal 7 3.49 Product Surveillance 8

4 FEES FOR LLOYD’S REGISTER TYPE APPROVAL 8 5 LLOYD’S REGISTER TYPE APPROVAL MARK 8 6 PRODUCER’S RESPONSIBILITY 9 7 LISTING 9 8 DECLARATION 9 9 DEFINITIONS 10 10 LLOYD’S REGISTER TYPE APPROVAL CENTRES 11 Annex A Approval Services – Request for Quotation (Sample of form LR6606) 12 - 15 Annex B Request for Marine Services (Sample of form 2502) 16 – 17 Annex C Inspection and Surveillance of Production Facilities 18 – 21 Annex D Brief summary of typical procedure for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Certification 22

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 1-2

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1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Lloyd’s Register is an entirely independent international organisation which provides impartial technical and advisory services. Its income is derived from the fees charged for its services and any surplus is used for the improvement of those services. Lloyd’s Register is recognised under the laws of the United Kingdom as a body whose business is conducted for the benefit of the community. 1.2 Lloyd’s Register retains a permanent, full-time staff responsible for the operation of its certification systems, helping to ensure that its activities are free from external commercial interests. 1.3 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval of products is an impartial independent third party assessment system based on: i. Design review / design analysis. ii. Type testing. iii. Quality Assurance verification of manufacturing facilities. It provides Type Approval Certificates attesting to Lloyd’s Register’s satisfaction that a product conforms to a particular standard and/or specification. 1.4 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval is available for a wide range of products with applications in:

i. Marine. ii. Offshore industry iii. Industrial plants and processes. iv. Information technology. v. Commercial and domestic use.

A list of products is given in applicable parts of the ‘List of Type Approved Products’, available on the Lloyd’s Register web site 1.5 Certain definitions have been selected from ISO/IEC Guides, where appropriate. See Section 9. 1.6 A list of designated Lloyd’s Register Centres authorised to issue Type Approval Certificates is given in Section 10. 1.7 Lloyd’s Register operates a ‘Software Conformity Assessment System’ which is an impartial certification system based on assessment of software products against published criteria. Further details can be supplied on request. 1.8 Lloyd’s Register is also a Notified Body for a number of European Community Directives and can issue EC Type Examination Certificates and assist with EC compliance. Product certification against the appropriate Directives may be undertaken separately or in conjunction with Lloyd’s Register Type Approval. Further details of the Lloyd’s Register Product Certification System are available on request. 2. APPROVAL CRITERIA 2.1 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval is granted on the basis of the approval procedure to confirm that the descriptive and performance provisions of the specified standard(s) are fulfilled (see section 3). 2.2 Performance and Environmental test specifications exist, which are published as separate parts of this Type Approval System. These are:

i. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System - Test Specification No.1: 2002, which lists the performance and environmental tests required for instrumentation, control and electrical products to be used in Marine and Offshore applications.

ii. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System - Test Specification No. 2: 2004, which

lists the test requirements for piping system components for Marine and Offshore applications.

iii. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System - Test Specification No.3: 2002, which lists the performance and, where required, environmental tests for electrical products for Marine and Offshore applications.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 3

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iv. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System - Test Specification No. 4: 2004, which lists the test requirements for internal combustion engines for Marine and Offshore applications.

v. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System – Test Specification GT04: 2004, which lists the

performance and test specification for Gas Turbines to be used in Marine, Offshore and Industrial applications.

2.3 Lloyd’s Register reserves the right to refuse applications for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval for products made to standards, which are not considered suitable. 2.4 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval is given on the understanding that the producer’s recommendations and instructions for his product and any relevant requirements for the particular application satisfy the applicable Lloyd’s Register Rules. 2.5 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval does not necessarily preclude inspection, survey or design appraisal Procedures required by Lloyd’s Register Rules for products to be installed in Lloyd’s Register classed installations. 2.6 Products that have been tested to satisfy specific requirements, e.g. hazardous areas application (explosion proof, intrinsically safe, etc.), will have that application identified on the Type Approval Certificate and on the Type Approval List Entry appearing on the Lloyd’s Register web site. 2.7 Where a product is subject to operating conditions such as cyclic loading or chemically induced corrosion, which may dictate the useful life of the product, the producer shall state any such operating requirements which are to be fulfilled. 3. APPROVAL PROCEDURE General 3.1 Initial consultation with Lloyd’s Register local offices is recommended. The review of product information and consideration of test reports and existing certification shall be co-ordinated by Lloyd’s Register (London office) or by one of the designated Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Centres (see section 10), hereafter referred to as “Lloyd’s Register” 3.2 Lloyd’s Register may recognise valid certificates and reports issued by nationally accredited organisations / laboratory, provided such certificates and reports are considered by Lloyd’s Register to fulfill the requirements specified for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval. 3.3 Inspection of the manufacturing facilities shall be carried out and type tests witnessed by a Lloyd’s Register representative unless agreed otherwise in writing. Application for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval 3.4 Application for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval should be made on `Approval Services - Request for Quotation` (see Annex A for Sample) obtainable from the local office of Lloyd’s Register Group Entity. The application should be made by the `Producer` or from producers manufacturing products under licence. The latter shall be accompanied by a written statement from the licensor confirming that there is no objection to the licensee making the application and shall state the producer’s name responsible for the application. Where the licensor already holds Lloyd’s Register Type Approval certification for the product, details should be included with the application. 3.5 A separate Request for Quotation form should be completed for each group of product / products. 3.6 The completed request form(s) and documents submitted must contain sufficient information to allow the product to be assessed against the design criteria. Typical documentation is listed below:

i. Product specification.

ii. Relevant design / assembly drawings with materials specified, catalogues / brochures, data sheets, calculations, functional descriptions and parts lists where necessary.

iii. Proposed field of application and operational limitations.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 3

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iv. Proposed test programme to demonstrate that the performance provisions of the specified

standard(s) may be fulfilled.

v. Certificates and reports for relevant tests previously obtained for the product.

vi. A copy of the specified standard(s) where necessary.

Initial Review and Issue / Acceptance of Quotation

3.7 A design review will be carried out to determine whether:

i. The product is acceptable for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval.

ii. The design of the product fulfils the appropriate provisions of the specified standard(s).

iii. Whether any specific Lloyd’s Register Rules are applicable.

iv. The type tests proposed are appropriate to the product and adequate to demonstrate that the

performance provisions of the specified standard(s) can be fulfilled.

v. Certificates and reports previously obtained may be accepted in whole or in part. 3.8 A design analysis may be used to assess performance where:

i. Evidence exists, in the form of performance measurements from similar products, to substantiate the findings of the analysis.

ii. The analysis method is recognised by Lloyd’s Register and well established.

iii. It is mutually agreed that type tests cannot be performed or are inappropriate.

3.9 The Lloyd’s Register representative will be instructed to liase with the producer in order that dates for inspection of manufacturing facilities and type testing may be arranged, if necessary. Where applicable, environmental testing will be included in the type testing. Quotations from the London Type Approval Centre will not generally include the fees for inspection and witnessing by the Lloyd’s Register Surveyor. The latter fees should be arranged via the local Lloyd’s Register office subsequent to approval of the test programme. 3.10 On acceptance of the request for Type Approval, and prior to commencement of detailed evaluation, Lloyd’s Register will issue a quotation valid for six months. The producer is required to accept the quotation and submit a completed `Request for Marine Services` (see Annex B for Sample) obtainable from the local office of Lloyd’s Register Group Entity. 3.11 Fee quotations are based on the submitted documentation being complete, and being submitted in a language acceptable to the particular Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Centre (see section 10). 3.12 In the case of the London and Houston Offices, this should be in the English language. 3.13 Translation costs may be incurred for documentation submitted in other languages. Where translation charges are necessarily incurred for technical documentation, such charges will be invoiced extra at cost.

Inspection and testing 3.14 Selection of Products

i. Samples for inspection and testing should be representative of the entire range of products to be certified and should be produced using the same methods and tools established for the production run, except where the sample is a prototype.

ii. Lloyd’s Register should agree selected samples. They are to be selected at random and where possible, should cover a series of production batches.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 3

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iii. Samples must be positively identified so as to indicate any tampering. Samples that have been tampered with should be replaced and the tests repeated.

iv. The producer should provide a statement defining how the samples are selected to be

representative of the product or group of products.

v. Where inspection and testing are based on prototype samples, Lloyd’s Register reserves the right to repeat the inspection and testing, as appropriate, on production samples.


3.15 Where a manufacturer is applying for the first time for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval, the place of manufacture shall be inspected by a Lloyd’s Register representative. This is to establish the existence of Quality Assurance controls and ensure conformity of the product throughout the life of the Type Approval Certificate, nominally for five years. Refer to Annex C for “Inspection and Surveillance of Production Facilities”.

Testing 3.16 Performance and environmental tests, in accordance with the agreed programme with Lloyd’s Register, shall be carried out on representative samples to confirm that the performance provisions of the specified standard(s) are fulfilled. Tests shall be either: i. Be conducted at a nationally accredited test laboratory that is acceptable to Lloyd’s Register; or

ii. At a facility acceptable to Lloyd’s Register, where the tests are witnessed by a Lloyd’s Register representative and the results endorsed. Additionally, all the test and measuring equipment should have proven accuracy and, where appropriate, be calibrated and certified to a national secondary standard of measurement. 3.17 Not all tests need be carried out at the same place. 3.18 Test methods should be consistent with the purpose of the specified standard(s). 3.19 The type of product and type number / serial number and quantity to be tested shall be designated in the programme. Also, the basis and criteria for acceptance shall be stated. 3.20 Number, revision and date shall identify the agreed test specification. 3.21 Where practicable, all tests should be carried out on the same samples, and in the sequence defined in the relevant performance and environmental test specification.

Test Report 3.22 On completion of tests, a report shall be issued, identified by number and date which accurately, clearly and unambiguously presents the test results and all other relevant information. The English language should be used, when applications are referred to the London or Houston Offices, or a language acceptable to Lloyd’s Register (see section 3.1). 3.23 The contents of test report(s) shall include the following information:

i. Type of product, with type number / serial number(s) and quantity tested.

ii. Test specification for the product identified by number, revision and date.

iii. Details of test equipment and measuring instruments stating serial numbers and calibration


iv. Names of the test engineer and the engineer approving the report.

v. Ambient environmental conditions during the test.

vi. The test results with a description of any failures encountered.

vii. Conclusion.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 3

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3.24 Test report(s) shall be signed by the test personnel, and verified by Lloyd’s Register or the agreed independent representative witnessing the tests. 3.25 The complete product test report(s) shall be submitted in one package to the designated Type Approval Centre for verification.

Certification General

3.26 When the product has satisfied the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System, Procedure TA02, generally a Draft Type Approval Certificate will be issued to the client for verification of details. 3.27 Once the verification has been completed, a final Certificate is issued together with the fee document. Issue of a Certificate 3.28 The Type Approval Certificate will contain the following information:

i. Name and registered office address of the producer.

ii. Place(s) of production. iii. Identification of the certified product, or group of products, by description and type


iv. Zone of application (e.g. Marine, Offshore, Industrial etc.) v. Specified standard(s) or specification (or portion thereof) to which the product(s) has / have

been deemed to conform to.

vi. Ratings / technical specifications (if applicable). vii. Additional environmental tests (if applicable). viii. Limitations / other conditions (where applicable). ix. Certificate number and date of issue.

x. Date of expiry.

3.29 An authorized Lloyd’s Register officer will sign the Type Approval Certificate. 3.30 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Certificates are normally valid for a maximum period of 5 years from the date of issue.

Extending a Certificate 3.31 A valid Type Approval Certificate may be extended by the issue of an `Extension Certificate` if:

i. The producer wishes to extend the period of validity of the certification. This is referred to as `Renewal of the Certificate` and is normally done for five years from the date of expiry. ii. The producer wishes the certification to cover additional types that are similar to those products already approved and manufactured to the same specified standard(s) for which the Type Approval Certificate was issued.

iii. The producer wishes the certification to attest to the conformity of his product(s) with additional

specified standard(s). iv. The producer wishes the certification to include new or additional place(s) of production. v. The producer wishes the certification to include a new name due to a change / take-over.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 3

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vi. An amendment is agreed to the original Certificate. 3.32 The application method is similar to the procedure listed in 3.4 and the quotation / acceptance of fees requirements are similar to 3.9 – 3.13. 3.33 Upon receipt of an application for extending a Type Approval Certificate Lloyd’s Register will advise the producer of any additional provisions such as additional information, inspection or testing is required. 3.34 If necessary an additional design review will be carried out to assess the additional products or the conformity of the product(s) with the additional specified standard(s). 3.35 Provided the application for extending a Type Approval Certificate is accepted, and the additional provisions fulfilled (if any), Lloyd’s Register will issue an extension to the Type Approval Certificate document which will either: i. Supplement the original Certificate by listing the additional provisions only; or ii. List on the extended certificate all the original information plus the additional provisions. 3.36 An extension to a Type Approval Certificate, when granted within its lifetime, will expire on the same expiry date of the original Certificate. 3.37 If any additional provisions are fulfilled appropriate statements will be included on the extension to the Type Approval Certificate.

Renewal of a Certificate 3.38 A Type Approval Certificate may be renewed for a further period of validity, at the producer’s request, by the issue of an `Extension Certificate`. The application method is similar to the procedure listed in 3.4 and the quotation / acceptance of fees requirements are similar to 3.9 – 3.13. 3.39 Upon receipt of an application for renewing a Type Approval Certificate Lloyd’s Register will advise the producer of any additional provisions such as additional information, inspection or testing to be fulfilled in order that an extension may be granted. 3.40 The place of manufacture may be inspected by the Lloyd’s Register representative to confirm that the product is unchanged from that for which the original Type Approval Certificate was issued. This will include materials, manufacturing and production controls continue to ensure the conformity of the product throughout the life of the Type Approval Certificate. 3.41 Provided the application for renewing a Type Approval Certificate is accepted and the additional provisions (if any) are fulfilled, Lloyd’s Register will issue an Extension Type Approval Certificate which will supplement the original. 3.42 Applications for renewing Certificates should be made at least three months before the expiry of the existing Certificate. 3.43 Applications for renewal of Type Approval Certificates issued under the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System, Procedures 1990 and 1996 will be considered, subject to the testing requirements in force when originally tested. Advice will be given concerning additional testing required to comply with current procedures for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval, test specifications or Lloyd’s Register Rules, if applicable. 3.44 Up to three renewals will be considered before re-testing of the product if there were no changes made to the product or the manufacturing process.

Cancellation or Withdrawal 3.45 Lloyd’s Register reserves the right to cancel a Type Approval Certificate if: i. Any design and /or construction changes are made to a certified product which are deemed to adversely affect the descriptive or performance provisions under which Lloyd’s Register Type Approval was granted.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 4-5

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ii. Safety or any other feature of a certified product is found to be unsatisfactory in service. iii. Improper use is made of the Certificate, or the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Mark, or of Lloyd’s Register’s name, in marketing the product. iv. Settlement of fees for Lloyd’s Register’s services associated with the Type Approval certification is not completed. v. The producer changes any of the addresses stipulated on the Certificate, without informing Lloyd’s Register in writing. 3.46 A Type Approval Certificate will be withdrawn if: i. The producer does not wish to renew the certification.

ii. The product is no longer produced.

iii. The specific relationship between a producer making a product under license and the licensor no longer applies.

3.47 If Lloyd’s Register considers that a Type Approval Certificate should be cancelled or withdrawn, the producer will be informed in writing and given the opportunity to take appropriate corrective action, or give notice of appeal. 3.48 Lloyd’s Register reserves the right to publish details of withdrawn or cancelled Type Approval Certificates, together with reasons, if considered necessary.

Product Surveillance 3.49 After a product has been type approved, surveillance of subsequent productions do not form part of this scheme. The following is mentioned for information only. There are primarily three methods operated by Lloyd’ Register. The particular method applied depends on the degree of criticality of the product to the safety of the system and varies from inspection and testing during manufacture through to self-certification by the manufacturer. Alternatively, a manufacturer may choose to operate under the “Lloyd’s Register Quality Scheme” for the final certification of his approved product. Where a product is intended for a Lloyd’s Register classed ship then the surveillance inspection and test requirements are specified in the Lloyd’s Register Rules. 4. FEES FOR LLOYD’S REGISTER TYPE APPROVAL 4.1 Lloyd’s Register’s services associated with Type Approval certification will be charged on the following basis. i. Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Centre fee for the review of test programme/schedule, initial design review, assessment of test reports, issue of a Type Approval Certificate, list the product(s) in the Lloyd’s Register Type Approved Lists and authorisation to use the Lloyd’s Register Logo; and ii. Lloyd’s Register representative’s fees based on time and expenses for inspection and witnessing of type tests, where applicable. 4.2 Should a producer withdraw his application for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval, for whatever reason, Lloyd’s Register reserves the right to charge for costs already incurred. 5. LLOYD’S REGISTER TYPE APPROVAL MARK 5.1 Upon receipt of the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Certificate, the producer shall be entitled to use the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Mark, Figure 1. The Mark may be included on a Lloyd’s Register Type Approved product or the literature and packaging of such a product. 5.2 The Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Mark must only be used on products or their packaging for which a valid Type Approval Certificate is held.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 6-8

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5.3 Artwork for the Mark is available in electronic format only and can be requested in writing from any Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Centre. 5.4 Printing, stamping, embossing or other method of marking a type approved product should comply with Lloyd’s Register’s Type Approval Mark Specification No 1990/1. The latter can be supplied on request. 6. PRODUCER’S RESPONSIBILITY 6.1 It is the producer’s responsibility to ensure that: i. each product supplied is in strict conformity with the corresponding Lloyd’s Register Certificate. ii. each product supplied is provided with adequate transit protection and packing to maintain conformity with the Lloyd’s Register Certification. iii. each product supplied is provided with appropriate instructions and warnings with respect to its installation or handling. 6.2 The producer shall only make reference to Lloyd’s Register Type Approval, the Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Mark, or Lloyd’s Register’s name in advertising or otherwise, for products that have been certified by Lloyd’s Register. 6.3 The producer must not mislead purchasers by claiming performance not covered by the certification. 6.4 The producer shall maintain a record of all complaints and any remedial action relative to each product certified. Such records must be available for Lloyd’s Register’s review on request. 7. LISTING 7.1 All products certified by Lloyd’s Register will be included in the appropriate part of the List of Lloyd’s Register Type Approved Products. These lists appear, in English, on the Lloyd’s Register web site which is updated regularly ( 8. DECLARATION 8.1 Lloyd’s Register undertakes to ensure that current issues of the 2002 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure and other appropriate documentation are available to all its representatives, located in exclusive and non-exclusive offices worldwide. 8.2 Lloyd’s Register undertakes to maintain records of relevant documentation, such as design drawings and test reports, for the duration of the Type Approval (i.e. while certification remains valid). 8.3 Lloyd’s Register undertakes to protect the confidentiality of information received in the course of its services.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 9

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8.4 Lloyd’s Register’s affairs are under the overall direction of Lloyd’s Register’s General Committee, which is composed of persons nominated or elected to represent the world community and the industry which Lloyd’s Register serves. 8.5 Any appeal to Lloyd’s Register from decisions or recommendations made with respect to Lloyd’s Register Type Approval may be referred to Lloyd’s Register’s General Committee, who may direct a special examination to be held. 8.6 The interpretation of these procedures is the sole responsibility, and the sole discretion, of Lloyd’s Register. 9. DEFINITIONS Conformity The fulfilment by a product, or group of products, of all requirements specified. Descriptive provision A provision for fitness for purpose that concerns the characteristics of a product in terms of design, construction, dimensions and materials. Design Analysis A method of proven reliability to assess that safety and/or performance provisions of a specified standard are fulfilled. Design Review Assessment of a product’s relevant design drawings, catalogues, data sheets, design calculations, functional descriptions and test evidence against the descriptive and performance provisions of specified standards. Fitness for purpose The ability of a product to serve a defined purpose under specific conditions and be suitable for that intended purpose. Lloyd’s Register Rules These are the “Lloyd’s Register Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships / Special Services Craft” Performance provision A provision for fitness for purpose that concerns the behaviour of a product in or related to use. Producer The organisation that either manufactured the product, abstracted it, or carried out the industrial or other process, which gave it its essential characteristics. Product All goods produced either by abstraction, manufacture or a natural, industrial or other process, and includes a product which is comprised in another product, whether by virtue of being a component part or raw material or otherwise. For the purpose of Lloyd’s Register Type Approval the term product can include a line or group of products produced to the same specified standard(s). Product standard A document, established by consensus by a recognised body, that specifies the requirements to be fulfilled by a product, or group of products, to establish its fitness for purpose. Type Approval Certificate A document issued under these Procedures indicating that adequate confidence is provided that a duly identified product, or group of products, is in conformity with a specific product standard or other accepted document. Type Testing A method under which a sample of a product or group of products is tested in order to assess whether the performance provisions of a specified standard are fulfilled, either directly or by simulation of the influencing conditions that may occur in service.

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Section 10

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10. LLOYD’S REGISTER TYPE APPROVAL CENTRES Type Approval work is undertaken at the following Lloyd’s Register Group Entities. 10.1 Lloyd's Register EMEA Tel: +44 (0) 20 7423 1841

Marine Support Group, Fax: +44 (0) 20 7488 4796 Design Appraisal / Type Approval Services Email: [email protected] 71, Fenchurch Street London, EC3M 4BS United Kingdom.

10.2 Lloyd’s Register Asia Tel: +81 45 682 5273

Plan Approval Services, Fax: +81 45 682 5279 Engineering Services Group Email: [email protected] Yokohama Japan.

10.3 Lloyd’s Register EMEA Tel: +49 40 32810715 (Electrical/Control)

Hamburg Plan Appraisal Department Tel: +49 40 32810733 (Mechanical) Mönckebergstrasse 27 Fax: +49 40 328 10750 D-20095 Hamburg Email: [email protected] Germany.

10.4 Lloyd’s Register EMEA Tel: +31 10 2018475 (Electrical/Control) Machinery Plan Approval Department / Tel: +31 10 2018420 (Mechanical) Electrical and Control Engineering Department Fax: +31 10 2141090 Weena - Zuid 170, Email: [email protected] 3012 NC Rotterdam The Netherlands.

10.5 Lloyd’s Register North America Inc. Tel: +1 281 4880778 Engineering Centre Fax; +1 281 480 0483 Suite 100, One Corporate Plaza Email: [email protected]

Bay Area Boulevard Houston, Texas 77058 USA 10.6 Lloyd’s Register EMEA Tel: +45 32 961800

Machinery & Electrical Plan Appraisal Department, Fax; +45 32 961881 Strandgade 4C, Email: [email protected] DK-1401 Copenhagen KS Denmark

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Annex A

Lloyd’s Register Page 12

Page 1 of 4 After completion of form, return to the office below

Approval Services - Request for

Quotation We request Lloyd's Register EMEA (hereinafter referred to as ‘LR’) to provide a quotation for the following approval service (s):

Complete box numbers: Notes: LR type approval 1 to 10, 14 and 15 State which and follow instructions

LR product verification 1 to 8, 10, 14 and 15 LR quality scheme

NOx certification

EC design / type examination 1 to 8, 10, 11 and 13 to 15 EC module A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H 1 to 8 and 11 to 15

LR software conformity assessment 1. Applicant’s name and normal business address

Name Address Enter office name and address for routine

correspondence and nominate a contact familiar with your request

Post code E-mail Phone number Fax number Nominated contact and position

2. Producer’s name and normal business address

Name Address Enter details only if different from those

entered in box 1

Post code

E-mail Phone number Fax number Nominated contact and position

3. Place of production

Name Address Enter details of works where the product is

manufactured, if different from above. Where there is more than one location, please use a

Post code separate sheet of paper and attach to this form

E-mail Phone number Fax number Nominated contact and position

4. Type of request

New LR certificate Extension of LR certificate

If for extension, please state previous LR certificate no.

Have any changes been made to the product or documentation since the issue of the previous

If “yes”, submit full details and latest

LR certificate? Yes No production documentation.

Form LR6606 (2003.06)

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Lloyd’s Register Type Approval System Procedure TA02 Annex A (cont.)

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Page 2 of 4

5. Product accountability What is your relationship with the producer?

Complete this section only if details in boxes 1 and 2 are different. Where this is a bilateral agreement, e.g. licensee, include a statement from the

producer confirming the agreement. Do you alter the product before marketing? Yes No If yes, specify changes e.g. label, type, designation, design, etc…

What procedures do you follow to verify conformity of the product to design specifications? This refers to: Incoming: - incoming goods from producer

Production: - ensuring conformity during production

6. Description of product Keep this description brief and as you wish it to appear on the certificate e.g. programmable logic controller; fire ball valve.

7. Normal type designation Type designation To be a unique identifier for each item. If a Is this a general code for a range of products? Yes No special variant, e.g. marine version, the type If “yes”, state whether the entire range or which individual items from the range are to be approved.

designation must make this clear.

8. Design and performance- standards, codes or rules Please state the standards that the product is to be certified as complying with.

This may include producer’s own specifications, provided a copy is submitted with this request. Date and revision should be specified. Classification rules will also be applied if

9. Environmental testing If the product is to be environmentally tested in accordance with Test Specification No. 1, indicate the categories to be included.

ENV1- controlled environments only, to producer’s specification

ENV2- enclosed spaces subject to temperature, humidity and vibration- 5°C to 55°C ENV3- enclosed spaces subject to generated heat from other equipment- 5°C to 70°C

ENV4- mounted on reciprocating machinery- 5°C to 55°C

ENV5- open decks- -25°C to +70°C Additional tests e.g. IP65

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10. Ratings to be approved Enter proposed or target ratings where these are to be verified by LR in accordance with

specified standards. 11. EC conformity modules required

A B C D E F G H Show derivations where applicable e.g. B1 12. Details of place of production Main service/activity (e.g. design, manufacture) Associated products Any additional activities

Number of employees Number of shifts Details of any sub-contractors (name/address/product or service supplied/ certification held- use separate sheet if necessary.

13. Existing certification Do you hold current ISO 9001/9002/9003/ certificate? Yes No If “yes”, please provide a copy. From which location is your quality system controlled?

Do you require a preliminary assessment? Yes No

When do you anticipate being ready for assessment? Please note that EC type Examination Do you hold existing EC Type Examination Certificate (s)? Yes No Certificate(s) must be available before

If “yes”, please provide copies. assessment. 14. Documentation checklist Typical documentation required, as applicable to the service required: Remarks One set of relevant, but comprehensive

General/functional description of the product documentation which will be retained by LR.

Design drawings, sufficient to fully define the product

Performance specifications/data sheets

Technical file Documentation should bear document

Proposed test programme numbers, dates and revision status.

Existing test reports

Description of changes since previous LR Certificate (see box 4)

Statement from Producer (see box 5)

Copy of existing ISO 9001/9002/9003 Certification (see box 13)

Copies of any existing EC Type Examination Certificates (see box 13)

Copies of sample EC Declarations of Conformity

15. Declaration We declare that the information given in this form is accurate and complete and that a quotation for the stated service(s) is requested. Upon receipt of this form, and the information detailed herein, a quotation for the required service(s) will be prepared by LR and forwarded for our acceptance prior to LR commencing with the approval. Signature Date Name in BLOCK CAPITALS Our reference

Position in company

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1. In these terms and conditions: (i) “Services” means any and all services provided to the Client by any entity that is part of the LR Group, as hereinafter defined; (ii) the “Contract” means this agreement for supply of the Services; and (iii) the “LR Group” means LR, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and the officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents of any of them, individually or collectively.

2. The Client will pay all invoices for the Services within 30 days of the

invoice date. LR reserves the right to charge interest at an annual rate of 2% above the greater of the London Interbank Offered Base Rate (LIBOR) or the equivalent in the country where the Client maintains its principal office on any amount remaining unpaid beyond 30 days, and may withhold any or all Services until the arrears, including interest, are paid.

3. LR reserves the right to charge for any work that is additional to that

originally quoted. 4. LR will keep confidential and not use of disclose to any third party any

technical information or operating data derived from the Client in connection with the Services except as may be required by law or as may be requested by the Client. This obligation will survive termination of the Contract. This obligation will not apply to any technical information or operating data that was in the LR Group’s possession before its disclosure in connection with the Services, that is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of LR or that otherwise becomes available to the LR Group from an independent source not under a confidentiality obligation.

5. This Contract continues in force until terminated by LR or the Client, after

giving the other party 30 days’ written notice. 6. If the Contract is terminated by LR or the Client before the Services under

the Contract are completed, LR’s fees will be calculated on a pro rata basis up to the date of termination. Any reasonable costs directly attributed to early termination and any amounts then due to LR will immediately become payable.

7. The Services do not assess compliance with any standard other than the

applicable codes or other standards that are expressly agreed in writing with the Client.

8. If the Client requires Services from an LR Group entity other than LR, the

Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that these Services will be performed by a subsidiary of LR that is part of the LR Group.

9. In providing Services, information, or advice, the LR Group does not

warrant the accuracy of any information or advice supplied. Except as set out in these Terms and Conditions, LR will not be liable for any loss, damage, or expense sustained by any person and caused by any act, omission, error, negligence, or strict liability in any information or advice given in any way by or on behalf of the LR Group even if held to amount to a breach of warranty. Nevertheless, if the Client uses the Services or relies an any information or advice given by or on behalf of the LR Group and as a result suffers loss, damage, or expense that is proved to have been caused by any negligent act, omission, or error of the LR Group of any negligent inaccuracy, in information or advice given by or on behalf of the LR Group, then LR will pay compensation to the Client for its proved loss up to but not exceeding the amount of the fee (if any) charged by LR for that particular service, information, or advice.

Form LR6606 (2003.06)

10. Not withstanding the previous clause, the LR Group will not be liable for any less of profit, loss of contract, loss of user, or any direct or consequential loss, damage, or expense sustained by any person caused by any act, omission, or error or caused by any inaccuracy in any information or advice given in any way by or on behalf of the LR Group.

11. No LR Group entity will be liable or responsible in negligence or otherwise

to any person not a party to the agreement pursuant to which any certificatestatement, data, or report is issued by an LR Group entity for (i) any information or advice expressly or impliedly given by an LR Group entity, (ii) any omission or inaccuracy in any information or advice given, or (iii) any act or omission that caused or contributed to the issuance of any certificate, statement, data, or report containing the information or advice. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions creates rights in favour of any person who is not a party to the Contract with an LR Group entity.

12. No omission or failure to carry out or observe any stipulation, condition or

obligation to be performed under the Contract will give rise to any claim against LR or any other LR Group entity, or be deemed to be a breach of contract, if the failure or omission arises from causes beyond that entity’s reasonable control.

13. Any dispute, claim, or litigation between LR and the Client arising from or

in connection with the Services provided by LR, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts and will be governed by Englishlaw.

14. No addition, alteration or substitution of these Terms and Conditions will

bind LR, or form part of this Contract with an LR Group entity, unless it is expressly accepted in writing by an authorised LR representative who expressly states in writing that LR is agreeing to alter these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any document purporting to impose different terms, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.

15. LR in its discretion may withhold or withdraw any certificate or report in

the event of non-payment of any fee.

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Name of Client

Address Telephone no.

Fax no.

Email Address

Service(s) required


At (location / site)

This contract is between the Client and Lloyd's Register (hereinafter referred to as LR) for Marine services and is subject to the terms and conditions on this document.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. In these terms and conditions: (i) “Services” means any and all

services provided to the Client by any entity that is part of the LR Group, as hereinafter defined, including any classification of the Client’s vessel, equipment or machinery; (ii) the “Contract” means this agreement for supply of the Services; and (iii) the “LR Group” means LR, its affiliates and subsidiaries, and the officers, directors, employees, representatives and agents of any of them, individually or collectively.

2. The Client will pay all invoices for the Services within 30 days of the invoice date. LR reserves the right to charge interest at an annual rate of 2% above the greater of the London Interbank Offered Base Rate (LIBOR) or the equivalent in the country where the Client maintains its principal office on any amount remaining unpaid beyond 30 days, and may withhold any or all Services until the arrears, including interest, are paid.

3. LR reserves the right to charge for any work that is additional to that originally quoted.

4. LR will keep confidential and not use or disclose to any third party any technical information or operating data derived from the Client in connection with the Services except as may be required by law or as may be requested by the Client. This obligation will survive termination of the Contract. This obligation will not apply to any technical information or operating data that was in the LR Group’s possession before its disclosure in connection with the Services, that is or becomes part of the public domain through no fault of LR or that otherwise becomes available to the LR Group from an independent source not under a confidentiality obligation.

5. This Contract continues in force until terminated by LR or the Client, after giving the other party 30 days’ written notice.

6. If the Contract is terminated by LR or the Client before the Services under the Contract are completed, LR’s fees will be calculated on a pro rata basis up to the date of termination. Any reasonable costs directly attributed to early termination and any amounts then due to LR will immediately become payable.

7. LR’s Services do not assess compliance with any standard other than the applicable classification rules, international conventions, or any other standards that are expressly agreed in writing by LR and the Client. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the issuance of a class certificate does not in itself constitute a guarantee that the vessel is seaworthy and does not relieve the owner or operator of the vessel of its non-delegable duty to maintain the vessel in seaworthy condition.

8. If the Client requires classification Services relating to vessels, machinery, or equipment classed by LR in a jurisdiction in which LR itself does not do business the Client hereby acknowledges and agrees that these Services will be performed by a subsidiary or affiliate of LR that is part of the LR Group and that is authorised to conduct classification surveys and issue certificates on the vessel, machinery, or equipment, or by another person or entity that has been approved by LR to perform the Services.

9. In providing Services, information, or advice, the LR Group does not warrant the accuracy of any information or advice supplied. Except as set out in these Terms and Conditions, LR will not be liable for any loss, damage, or expense sustained by any person and caused by any act, omission, error, negligence, or strict liability of any of the LR Group or caused by any inaccuracy in any information or advice given in any way by or on behalf of the LR Group even if held to amount to a breach of warranty. Nevertheless, if the Client uses the Services or relies on any information or advice given by or on behalf of the LR Group and as a result suffers loss, damage, or expense that is proved to have been caused by any negligent act, omission, or error of the LR Group or any negligent inaccuracy in information or advice given by or on behalf of the LR Group, then LR will pay compensation to the Client for its proved loss up to but not exceeding the amount of the fee (if any) charged by LR for that particular service, information, or advice.

10. Notwithstanding the previous clause, the LR Group will not be liable for any loss of profit, loss of contract, loss of user, or any indirect or consequential loss, damage, or expense sustained by any person caused by any act, omission, or error

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or caused by any inaccuracy in any information or advice given

in any way by or on behalf of the LR Group. 11. No LR Group entity will be liable or responsible in negligence or

otherwise to any person not a party to the agreement pursuant to which any certificate, statement, data, or report is issued by an LR Group entity for (i) any information or advice expressly or impliedly given by an LR Group entity, (ii) any omission or inaccuracy in any information or advice given, or (iii) any act or omission that caused or contributed to the issuance of any certificate, statement data, or report containing the information or advice. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions creates rights in favour of any person who is not a party to the Contract with an LR Group entity.

12. No omission or failure to carry out or observe any stipulation, condition or obligation to be performed under the Contract will give rise to any claim against LR or any other LR Group entity, or be deemed to be a breach of contract, if the failure or omission arises from causes beyond that entity’s reasonable control.

13. Any dispute, claim, or litigation between LR and the Client arising from or in connection with the Services provided by LR shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts and will be governed by English law.

14. No addition, alteration or substitution of these Terms and Conditions will bind LR , or form part of this Contract unless it is expressly accepted in writing by an authorised LR representative who expressly states in writing that LR is agreeing to alter these Terms and Conditions. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and Conditions and any document purporting to impose different terms, these Terms and Conditions will prevail.

15. Any classed vessel, machinery or equipment must be operated only in a manner consistent with the proposed design criteria and any limits agreed at the time of classification. If any vessel or equipment operates outside these limits, such facts must be reported to LR without delay.

16. Any damage, defect, breakdown, or grounding that could invalidate the conditions for which a class has been assigned, must be reported to LR without delay.

17. All repairs to hull, equipment and machinery that may be required for a ship to retain class are to be carried out to the satisfaction of LR. When repairs are effected at a port, terminal, or location where the services of an LR surveyor are not available, the repairs are to be surveyed by one of the LR Group’s surveyors at the earliest opportunity thereafter.

18. Plans and particulars of any proposed alterations to the approved scantlings and arrangements of hull, equipment, or machinery are to be submitted to LR for approval, and the alterations are to be carried out to the satisfaction of the LR Group’s surveyors.

19. It is the responsibility of the Client to ensure that all surveys necessary for the maintenance of class are carried out at the proper time and in accordance with LR’s instructions.

20. LR may give timely notice to the Client about forthcoming surveys. The omission of notice, however, does not absolve the Client from responsibility to comply with requirements for maintenance of class.

21. When the Regulations with regard to surveys on the hull, equipment, or machinery have not been complied with and the ship is thereby not entitled to retain class, the class will be suspended or withdrawn, at LR’s discretion.

22. When reported defects in the hull, equipment, or machinery are found and the Client fails to repair these defects in accordance with LR’s requirements, the class will be suspended or withdrawn, at LR’s discretion.

23. LR in its discretion may withhold or, if already granted, may suspend or withdraw any class (or withhold any certificate or report in any other case) if a Client fails to comply with the conditions set forth in Paragraphs 15 through 22 or in the event of non-payment of any fee.

Client’s Stamp Client’s Signature Name in CAPITALS Date Client’s reference Quoting Reference

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Inspection and Surveillance of Production Facilities INITIAL INSPECTION / ANNUAL SURVEILLANCE * Company’s Name (confirm as indicated on the TA Certificate): Date of Inspection: Control No.

Full Postal Address of Company:

Contact Name:

Telephone Number: Fax Number:

E-mail address: Telex number:

Place of Production (confirm as indicated on the TA Certificate): Are there any additional places of production:

Is the firm QA-approved to any standard: If so, who has issued the QA certificate: QA certificate number and date:

Does the firm possess an in-house QA procedure suitable for the Type Approval product(s):


Are copies of standards listed in the Type Approval Certificate available:

Type (confirm as indicated on the TA Certificate):

We confirm that the subject manufacturing facilities have been inspected and verified that a satisfactory Quality Control System is in place to ensure each subsequent manufactured product will be in Conformity with that which was type tested. Surveyor’s name, Lloyd’s Register stamp including office and date: * Delete as appropriate

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Are components/material inspected on arrival (documentation, quantities, visual, dimensions, marking etc.) and a record kept with testing carried out, where necessary:

Are non-conforming components segregated/marked:

Is there a written procedure for non-conformity:

Is there a written procedure for incoming components/materials storing:

Is storing of incoming components / materials carried out in accordance to these procedures:

Have there been any changes to the product; if so have these been approved and documented. If not, details are to be submitted:

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Are there written manufacturing / assembly procedures and is production in accordance with the procedures:

Are there written inspection procedures during manufacture and for finished components and is inspection carried out in accordance with these procedures:

Is there a written procedure for non-compliance including finished components and can this procedure be demonstrated:

Are non-conforming components handled and identified in a suitable manner:

Are all the in-house testing instruments calibrated with traceable calibration records:

Are there written in-house test procedures:

Is the system for recording test results satisfactory and all the test reports made available to surveyors with supporting documentation, where required:

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Are there written procedures for marking components and is marking carried out in accordance with the procedure:

Are there written procedures for storage and packaging components and is storage and packaging carried out in accordance with these procedures:

Are there production records of all Type Approved products available: Remarks:

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Brief summary of typical procedure for Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Certification

1 client initial liaison with Lloyd’s Register local office.

2 Client completes form `Lloyd’s Register’s Approval Services - Request for Quotation (Type Approval)`. Compile TA documentation plus test programme / schedule and submits to Lloyd’s Register.

3 TA Centre reviews documents, issues quotation and approves/ ammends test programme. Client requested to accept quotation, submit any further documentation as required and liaise with Lloyd’s Register re: inspection and testing (if required).

4 Lloyd’s Register analysis of the design documents (where appropriate). Client arranges testing and witnessing by Lloyd’s Register representative (if required). Lloyd’s Register representative also arranges QA inspection visit to manufacturing facilities.

5 Client accepts quotation by completing form 2502 `Request for Services` ( see Annex A) and submits test reports and remaining documentation. Lloyd’s Register representative submits inspection report by completing “Inspection and Surveillance of Production Facilities” report (see Annex C).

6 Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Centre reviews all documents submitted. Further dialogue with client as appropriate.

7 On completion of review, Lloyd’s Register Type Approval Centre issues DRAFT Certificate for verification of contents by client.

8 On receipt of comments from the client, the final Certificate is issued together with fee document.

9 List entry included on database and on Lloyd’s Register web site