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    Al-Qaeda financier was former accountant to Saudi royals: lawyerWASHINGTON, SEPT 19

    Preparations for the September 11 attacks were part-funded via a network offictitious Saudi and Spanish companies controlled by an ex-accountant of theSaudi royal family, a lawyer for the attack victims said Thursday.A former accountant who worked for members of the Saudi royal family, MuhammadCaleb Kalaje Zouaydi, arrested in Spain last April, is considered to bethe "big financier" behind terrorist a network al-Qaeda in Europe."The money used to prepare the September 11 attacks came from Saudi Arabia,"Jean-Charles Brisard, a lawyer for families of the attack victims, told AFP.Brisard lodged a civil lawsuit against suspected al-Qaeda financiers in August.The revelations, due to be published Friday at a press conference in New York,are based on investigation documents from Spanish authorities following thedismantling of a suspected al-Qaeda cell in Spain.A Spanish national of Syrian origin, Zouaydi was at the center of amoneylaundering ring that funded al-Qaeda in Europe."We know, thanks to the Spanish investigation, that Zouaydi lived in SaudiArabia from 1996 to 2001 where he set up a series of private companies thatreceived donations," said the lawyer.The source of the funds is not yet known, said Brisard.Around one million dollars was transferred to companies set up and controlledby Zouaydi in Spain from where it was redistributed to al-Qaeda members inEurope, most notably Hamburg, said the lawyer, a former consultant for the USSenate's intelligence committee.The Hamburg al-Qaeda cell included the main members of the September 11commandos, including the attacks' leader Muhammad Atta and coordinator Ramzibin al-Shibh who was arrested last week in Pakistan.The Spanish firms used in the moneylaundering operation were mainly involvedin building and real estate, and brought around 2.5 million dollars extra tothe operation, without Spanish authorities' knowledge.One of Zouaydi's employees in Spain, Ghassoub al Abrash Ghalyoun, visited theWorld Trade Center in 1997 where he extensively videotaped the buildings."There are eight video cassettes filmed back then that were seized in Spain,"Brisard said.In addition, one of Zouaydi's associates had the number of Muhammad Atta'sapartment in Hamburg in the memory of his cell phone, the lawyer said. 6/9/03

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    ATTACKon AMERICACurrent time inAfghanistan: 2:04 a.m.Breaking NewsU.S. Strikes BackBioterror Biological &ChemicalWarfareAttack Aftermath The Human Toll List ofVictimsThe U.S. Response Bush.speechesEconomic ImpactTh e InvestigationTh e Middle East Background Bin LadenAnalys is /Perspect ive Four FaithsMilitary Action U.S. Weapons of WarImages/MultimediaEn EspanolJournalist Bios

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    The InvestigationItalian authorities arrest 2 in suspectedterrorist cellMosques raided11/29/2001Associated PressMILAN, Italy Authorities raided several Islamic centers overnight in northern Itand arrested two people accused of recruiting fighters for Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network, police said Thursday.Police said a third man already detained in Milan, Abdelhalim Hafed Remadna ofAlgeria, had spoken directly with top bin Laden operatives in Afghanistan by satelphone about sending new recruits to al-Qaeda camps.Remadna and Yassine Chekkouri of Morocco, arrested early Thursday, both workeat Milan's Islamic Cultural Center and mosque, which U.S. officials say served as Ibase of bin Laden's operations in Europe.Police raided the center along with another Milan mosque and several Islamic cenin northern Italy, said Bruno Megale, a deputy chief of Italy's anti-terrorism policeIn recent months, police have arrested a dozen people in and around Milan as patthe investigation, but Remadna and Chekkouri were the first directly affiliated witthe center to have been detained.In Remadna's office at the center, police seized a false Yemeni passport, a falseItalian driver's license and faxes of a map showing how to cross into Afghanistanfrom Iran, Megale told a news conference.The faxes, as well as wiretaps of telephone conversations between Remadna andLaden operatives in Afghanistan, showed that new recruits were advised in recenlmonths to enter Afghanistan from Iran because it was easier than crossing fromPakistan, he said.The wiretaps also revealed codes bin Laden's operatives used to indicate they neenew fighters, saying they were opening a new "gymnasium" and needed new gyrrinstructors, Megale said.

    Police initially said Remadna and the two other men arrested, as well as an Egyptw ho remained at large, were suspected of criminal association aimed at possessirexplosives and dangerous chemicals and producing false documents.But at the news conference, Megale said the key charges were criminal associatioproducing false documents, arranging clandestine immigration and recruitingcombatants to fight in Afghanistan. He was vague when pressed for details on th echemical charge.Megale said an Italian chemist who converted to Islam had been questioned as PC 6/4/03

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    Bin Laden aide tied to Bridgeview groupMuslim charity says contacts with him are innocent

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    By Cam Simpson, Laurie Cohen and Michael MartinezTribune staff reportersPublished May 6, 2002That the Muslim charity Global Relief Foundation sought to distance itselffrom Wadih El-Hage is understandable. El-Hage was a personal aide to Osama binLaden and was convicted in the 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in East Africa.But now it turns out that the top official in Europe for Global Relief, theBridgeview-based charity whose assets have been frozen as part of a federalinvestigation into terrorism funding, had known El-Hage for years.

    The two communicated several times during the 1990s, a Global Relief lawyeracknowledged this week. And Spanish authorities have characterized El-Hage andNabil Sayadi, Global Relief's European director in Belgium, as "tight"collaborators "in habitual contact."The relationship was innocuous, Global Relief maintains. But the admissionthat the link to El-Hage even exists strengthens a growing web of alleged tiesbetween Al Qaeda and the southwest suburban charity with the worldwide reach.Global Relief has denied aiding terrorists and has sued the U.S. government,which raided its Bridgeview offices in December and seized its records. 6/9/03

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    T he Observer I International I Saudi envoy in UK linked to 9/11 Page 1 o f 4

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    Saudi envoy in UK linked to 9/11Riyadh's former intelligence chief ha s been accusedin US court documents of helpingto fund al-Qaeda,report Paul Harris and Martin BrightSunday March 2, 2003TheObseryerIt was another royal function on a cold February evening asPrince Charles mingled with the guests at the opening of anOxford clinic. Among the doctors were a few celebrities,including the actress Joanna Lumley. Canapes were eaten, afew glasses of wine were drunk. 'I can't tell you all how pleasedand glad I am to be here today,' Charles gushed.Charles stopped to chat with the new Saudi ambassador toBritain, the distinguished figure of Prince Turki al-Faisal. Thetwo friends shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.But Turki is not what he seems. Behind him lies a murky tale ofespionage, terrorism and torture. For, while Turki has manypowerful friends among Britain's elite, he is no ordinarydiplomat. Turki has now been served with legal papers bylawyers acting for relatives of the victims of 11 September.They accuse him of funding and supporting Osama bin Laden.The Observer can also reveal that Turki has now admitted forthe first time that Saudi interrogators have tortured six Britishcitizens arrested in Saudi Arabia and accused of carrying out abombing campaign.The revelations throw a stark light on Turki's appointment latelast year as Saudi Arabia's newambassador to Britain. Theyalso cast doubt on the suitability of Charles's relationship withsenior Saudis. A year ago Charles had dinner with bin Laden'sbrother, Bakrbin Laden, and regularly hosted meetings forTurki's predecessor, Dr Ghazi Algosaibi, who was recalledafter writing poems praising suicide bombers.The US lawsuit is seeking more than $1 trillion in compensation from a list of individuals and companies alleged tohave supported al- Qaeda. The claimants' head lawyer, RonMotley, a veteran of successful anti-tobacco suits, has already,6903,905698,00.html 6/4/03