Download - T St. Matthew the Apostle CatholicChurch HE LEDGER · Fr. Theodore K. Sill Andrew J. Motter Pastor Parish Finance Council, Chair On behalf of the St. Matthew Parish Festival committee,

Page 1: T St. Matthew the Apostle CatholicChurch HE LEDGER · Fr. Theodore K. Sill Andrew J. Motter Pastor Parish Finance Council, Chair On behalf of the St. Matthew Parish Festival committee,

THE LEDGER Issue 10 May 2018

St. Matthew the Apostle CatholicChurch

❖ One ❖ Parish ❖ One ❖ Family ❖ One ❖ Journey ❖

SACRED ART – A REFLECTION OF GOD’S BEAUTY AND LOVE by Fr. SillIn many of his presentations, Bishop Robert Barron focuses on the role of beauty and art in our Catholic faith. Religious art draws us in and makes us want to learn more about the source of this beauty. It produces wonder and can be an entry into a deeper meditation on the God who inspires such works. From the Rose Window at Notre Dame to our own stained glass windows, religious art reflects the beauty of our Faith and leads us to pursue a greater understanding of God’s beauty, goodness and love.The Catechism, too, reminds us that art presents God’s truth to us through the language of sight. Gazing on religious art elevates our minds and hearts and draws us toward prayer as we observe God’s beauty, mercy and love reflected in images of Jesus, Mary, the angels and saints.This is the goal of our own church beautification projects at St. Matthew the Apostle Church – to use sacred art to draw us closer to God. The first part of this project has been completed with the Stations of the Cross. These 100 plus year old stations were salvaged from storage, repaired and repainted. Special bases were designed and made. Each station depicts Jesus’ suffering in detail and invites us to accompany Him on His journey to Calvary. We are reminded at each station of His love for us and willingness to suffer for our redemption.The second phase is focusing on the apse and sanctuary. Full size paintings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary will replace the current smaller paintings for greater visibility. As the angels surround Jesus and Mary in heaven, so they will also be depicted around the altar replacing the lattice work.Because of his role in the Annunciation, St. Gabriel will be closest to Mary. St. Michael, our defender, will be closest to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Raphael, whose name means “God heals’” will be portrayed behind the tabernacle which contains the sacrament of our eternal healing. The apse and sanctuary areas will be painted in a complimentary design to enhance the figures and disguise the “wall stud shadows.”Change can be a bit unsettling, but I am hopeful that this project will, as the Catechism and Bishop Barron suggest, draw us closer to God as He is reflected in the language of art.Contributions from our parishioners to the BAA have enabled us to pursue this addition of sacred art as a way to enhance our contemplation of God’s beauty and truth. An artist’s rendering of these changes can be seen in the gathering space along with a rendering of the remodeling of the school cafeteria and kitchen. The school project is also being funded through our parishioners’ contributions to the BAA.

Parish Sanctuary and Apse UpdatesSchool Kitchen/Cafeteria Remodel

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THE LEDGERPage 2 ❖ Issue 10 MaY 2018

Father O. Update: I am slowly recuperating from what was a life-threatening bout of pneumonia. I have progressed from the hospital’s critical care unit to the skilled nursing at Mother Angeline McCrory and now to assisted living at the Villas at St. Therese. I anticipate remaining here until I am fully recovered and can be discharged to return home and able to resume my ministry at St. Matthew’s! Your prayers, get well cards, and your LOVE have been far more supportive than you could ever imagine. I have received over 150 cards including the “home made” ones from the school kids…Hallmark can’t duplicate those! Frs.Ted and Peter have kept me current on the happenings at church. Your prayers and God’s love will get me over the finish line! May God bless and reward you! Fr. Jim Ogurchock

ONE PARISH, ONE FAMILY, ONE JOURNEY AND OUR CHURCH MORTGAGE FUND We are pleased to announce we have been granted a lower interest rate on our church building mortgage from 4.5% to 4.1% by our Columbus Diocesan Office of Finance. Through the generosity of our parishioners and with continued support from the monthly blue envelopes, along with the second collections at Christmas and Easter, we have just made a major principal payment. Our new balance is now just under $2,132,000 as of the end of March 2018. This change in rate and principal payment will save our parish $226,700 in interest expense over the remaining term of the loan obligation, which has been shortened by 3 years to February 2022. Thank you all for the past, present and future support in the payment of our mortgage.

The savings in loan interest expense can be reallocated to support other necessary parish capital improvements. We will continue our planning and project fund raising efforts for the interior improvements to our church and school buildings, as well as for other needs identified in our parish reserve study performed last year. Your continued support though the Bishop’s Annual Appeal will also help as we dedicate all rebates from the Diocese evenly between the church and school projects.

Fr. Theodore K. Sill Andrew J. MotterPastor Parish Finance Council, Chair

On behalf of the St. Matthew Parish Festival committee, we invite you to attend this wonderful event July 19-21. The Festival is a great way to bring our Parish and the Community together while raising money for our school and the PSR program. Please come enjoy the food, games, rides, live entertainment, Kiddie Land, Monte Carlo and all the other activities. Also, parents, the Festival is a fun way to fulfill your volunteer hours. Keep an eye out for an email or bulletin announcement with the SignUpGenius link to volunteer. We are also in the Gahanna 4th of July parade, which the kids love to be in. If anyone has questions or wants to be involved, please contact Shawn and Annie Miller at [email protected].

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THE LEDGERMaY 2018 Issue 10 ❖ Page 3

HAVE YOU VISITED THE ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX LIBRARY? by Lorraine Curtin, Lori Parent and Mary Campanelli Our new library is located right across from the Divine Mercy Adoration Chapel in the undercroft and is open 24 hours a day, every day. Checkout is easy – just record the information in the sign-out book located on the table by the door.

What will you find in the library? • Over 1,200 books from a variety of categories • 160+ DVDs• 120 CDs • 50 Catholic magazines

Books are easy to locate as they are arranged by popular categories such as:Apologetics Bible commentariesJesus MaryPopes Prayer lifePro-Life And many more…

When can you come? Stop in whenver the church is open. Our Adorers in the Divine Mercy chapel (those who use the keypad entry) can access the library at any time, day or night. The door to the library is always unlocked.

Looking for a particular book? Just email Lorraine Curtin at [email protected] to find out if we have the title in our catalogue.

Many thanks to our benefactor, the Dr. Glenn Haninger family, for making this library possible. We were able to begin with well over 700 titles for study, spiritual growth and evangelization. Since then, our parishioners have donated from their home libraries to our collection so that we have an excellent selection for your Catholic faith formation and growth.

If you are interested in donating books to our library, we would gladly accept them. (Any titles that are donated but we are not able to catalogue will be used to help with the library fund.)Please stop in for a free cup of coffee and stay awhile! We hope to see you soon.

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THE LEDGERPage 4 ❖ Issue 10 MaY 2018

NO WAY I CAN DO THAT! by Cindy ConnerWhen I was asked to be a Small Group Leader for the new Walking with Purpose Bible Study for women, my first thought was “No way I can do that! I’ve never even taken a Bible Study!” What I said was “Let me think about it,” which meant I will tell you “no” later. As is often the way with God, that was not the end of it. The very next Sunday the homily was about God’s call to us and how it often makes us feel uncomfortable. Needless to say, that made me feel uncomfortable. When I was leaving after Mass, the first person I saw was Jenna – so I knew God wasn’t going to let this go – so I told her yes right then (giving myself no more opportunity to talk myself out of it). What a wonderful decision it was! The theme of the study is Open Your Heart – and it lives up to that objective. I would describe it as a faith study – we explore so many aspects of our Catholic faith – the sacraments, scripture, catechism, prayer and most importantly, our friendship with Jesus. A diverse group of women in different stages of life with different faith journeys and stories came together to learn and share about our common bond – our love for Jesus. I have been enriched by this experience in so many ways – a deeper relationship with Jesus, enhanced understanding of my faith, more engagement with the St. Matthew community and wonderful new friends. Through this study, we learn about the special place for all women in the Church and take time to focus on ourselves in the midst of busy lives. It took a while for our women to be able to stop thinking of others and spend time thinking about their own spiritual needs, if only for a few hours a week. This was a life-changing experience for me. I invite all the women of St. Matthew to join us for next year’s study. Keep your eyes out for updates about our upcoming Women’s Walking with Purpose Programs starting up again in Fall 2018.

Candidates who were received into full communion through the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil:

Julianne Burkholder, Shannon Feeney, Theresa Johnson, Megan McCoy, Kristin Paulus

Those who were baptized into theCatholic Church at the Easter Vigil:

Christine Eberts, Gracelyn Eberts, Wyatt Eberts, Jason Gentile, Robert Hinna, Aja Houpe, Hien Nguyen, Joseph Partin, Magen Porter, Gerald Sargent, Elisa Smith

Two adults received Confirmation with Bishop Campbell on March 10th at the cathedral:

Christopher Eberts, Nicole Schnell

Those who received First Communion on Easter Sunday:Mia Marie Dattalo, Jesus Eduardo Gomez, Fernando Enrique Rangel, Javier Rangel, Christopher Martin

Sarabia, Jason Martin Sarabia, Olivia Josephine Winters

Those who have received the Sacrament of Baptism recently: Lydia Kay Gehring, Sophia Ann Kuhnline, Owen Ryan Martinez, Zeno Tomsho Mauri, Stella Blythe Sima, Lainey Mae Bastian, Parker James Bastian, Antonio Elijah Gomez, Hayley Francis Kiwala, Jecintho Mercy Josephine Vincent, Grayson Michael Duffy, Lily Marie Kyser, Julian James Shirley, Morgan Louise Trigg,

Wyatt James Baer, Anna Emelia Felici, Lucia Jo Felici, Dallas McKenna Sajdak, Jaxx Michael Sajdak, Jacob James Webb, Jase Jackson Webb

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Steve Fife (sp), Jason Gentile (catechumen), Nick (sp), Jerry Sargent (catechumen), Hien Nguyen (catechumen), and Tom Minser (sp) before the Easter Vigil

Father Sill baptizing Jason Gentile as his sponsor, Steve Fife, looks on

RCIA by Magen Lambert  When I began my RCIA process last April, the year-long commitment was intimidating but I felt it would be time well spent getting to know the Catholic faith I’d be entering into. I have been attending Mass for some years and always observing, I wondered about many of the different parts of Mass. I knew I’d get the answers to many of these questions, but what I didn’t expect over the course of this year were the powerful effects the meanings within Mass held for me, how they would carry me through difficult times, and the foundation of community it would help me build. The first thing I found profound was some of the traditions of Mass are some of the same practices Jesus Himself did nearly two thousand years ago! To experience Christ’s love for us at every Mass through the Eucharist is humbling and extraordinary. Catholics have been celebrating Mass more or less the same since the beginning and that connects us all from the past to the present.   I could never have

imagined all that would happen in the next twelve months. I began RCIA in April while planning my wedding for November. I second guessed myself, wondering if I could do it all, and then my mother was diagnosed with cancer. I trusted the path I was on and that God would grant me the strength to see me through. I became a wife, I lost my mother, and I became Catholic. The best and the worst year ever. God knew the struggle I would face back in April, when I said yes to RCIA, and He wanted me close to Him and the church.One of the greatest blessings I received during the RCIA process was meeting all the wonderful people involved. Getting to know these people over the course of the year, seeing them every week, helped me to build a foundation in my parish community. As catechumens and candidates, we had each other while we learned together. The sponsors, volunteers and the director of the program are loving and genuine in their desire to make our footing sure in this new walk with Christ. Jesus gave His life so that we can know Him and have everlasting life, and He gave us the church so we could find faith in each other.

ST. MATTHEW SCHOOL BETA CLUB: Congratulations to the members of the St. Matthew Junior Beta Club for their success during the Ohio State Junior Beta Club Convention held on Monday, April 16th at the Convention Center. St. Matthew members placed in the following competitions: 1st Place – Tower of Power, Advertising and Design, Quiz Bowl, Technology, Math 7th, Social Studies 8th, Language Arts 8th, Charcoal, Sculpture, Wreath and Handmade Jewelry; 2nd Place – Campaign Skit, Scrapbook, Robotics, Math 8th, Science 8th, Social Studies 7th, Language Arts 7th, Talent, Speech, Color Photography, Digital Art, Woodworking, Sketching and Poetry; 3rd Place – Book Battle, Banner, Living Literature, Recyclable Art, Essay, T-Shirt and Fiber Arts. Students were selected for membership based on their commitment to service, leadership, academics, and strong character. “Beta Club prepares today’s students to be tomorrow’s leaders.”

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The Parish School of Religion students are enjoying learning about Kindness, one of the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

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CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE 2018 by Steve DavisThe 2018 Catholic Men’s Conference was attended by over 3,000 men to listen to three dynamic speakers who spoke on “Cast Your Nets and Be Fishers of Men.” Dr. Scott Hahn, Chris Stefanick, and Jeff Cavins ignited the audience of Catholic men in attendance and also listening on 820 radio. This was a record attendance for the largest Midwest Catholic Men’s Conference in the U.S.

Each speaker had their particular spin on how each of us as Catholic men in our faith journey can grow by attending Mass, Bible Studies, men’s ministry groups, conferences, reading scripture daily, prayer, retreats, adoration, and much more. These things help us to be better husbands, fathers, brothers, grandfathers, and men to our families, friends, coworkers, community, country, and this world. How can we be the light that shines on others? We lead by example – the way we worship, the way we are generous with our talents, the way we serve those most in need – that is how we shine the light. We as Catholic men have to take a stance and say enough is enough and go out into the world each and every day to make a difference by shining that light on others that God has given us to change this culture one day at a time.

“God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting their trespasses against them . . . We are ambassadors for Christ, as if God were appealing through us.” — 2 Corinthians 5:20

Each of the men from St. Matthew had a brochure on their chair that has all the ministry groups at St. Matthew that they can get involved in to strengthen their life journey, build relationships with other like-minded men, build up the Catholic church, to be more humble, and to invest our God- given talents. Where are you at in your life journey? My challenges to the men of St. Matthew are…what will you do after the conference to use your talents to build up the church and strengthen your life journey? Second challenge is to look at your circle of family, friends, coworkers, and your communities – is there a man or men who could be invited to next year’s conference? If each of us just brings one new person next year, we double our numbers. Mark your calendars for February 23, 2019 for the 2019 Catholic Men’s Conference.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS SMOKER/BBQ EVENTS by Steve DavisThe Knights of Columbus, St. Jude Council 5801 will be kicking off the second season for our Smoker/BBQ events. All proceeds benefit the St. Matthew Charitable Works Ministry to help the needy in the Gahanna community. Orders are made and picked up the 3rd Sunday of every month from now through November. Orders must be turned in by the Wednesday before the third Sunday via email ([email protected]) or by paper order form, found on the Knights bulletin board in the parish Gathering Space. We will be located outside the Knights Hall that is west of the school. Follow the smoke and the aroma.

We will feature a variety of smoked meats each month with two sides. All orders are packaged in cup, pint, and quart sized plastic containers. You can purchase just one or multiple sides. Feeding the whole crew is easy with our family package of four that was a big hit last year. Stop by for samples to try before you order.

If you are looking for food for your high school or college graduation parties, let us do the work for you. We will be offering specials, so make sure you check the bulletin or by the gathering space on the K of C bulletin board. There will be order forms available there or you can place your order online at [email protected].

If you have never placed an order and have questions, please contact Steve Davis at 419-989-0325. Enjoy the summer with some really delicious food after Mass to go home or take to the park for a picnic.

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THE LEDGERPage 8 ❖ Issue 10 MaY 2018

STAFF SPOTLIGHT: Get to Know Mike Gibboney

Where am I from? I was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. I grew up in Berwick, which is on the East side of Columbus. I am the fifth child of Paul and Rosemary Gibboney. I have three older sisters, one older brother and one younger brother. I attended Christ the King Parish and Bishop Hartley High School. Go Hawks!

Favorite part of my Job?Is working with fabulous coworkers at St. Matthew school and parish. Maintaining and servicing equipment and fixing broken appliances on a daily basis. Keeping safety issues a top priority for all coworkers and students.

Hobbies? When time allows I like to ride my Harley Davidson Ultra Classic. Tinker with my 1977 Chevy Corvette. Camping with my friends, family and grandchildren.

Anything about myself that might surprise you?I continue to dabble in the construction field. Besides going to school for HVAC, and current president of RSES (Refrigeration Service Engineers Society) I have built 5 homes in my West Albany Subdivision & many others over the years, also have flipped a few homes for friends and family.

What do I like most about St. Matthew?The people that I work with and Parishioners.

YOUTH MINISTRY by Maggie Smith and Erin Upp.Camp K.R.I.C. will be July 8-13. High school counselor applications are due to Erin Upp by June 2! Middle School camp applications can be found on the parish website under the school/psr/sports section. If you have any questions, please contact Erin Upp at [email protected]. Introducing SIC! Summer in Christ is our new summer ministry program. SIC is open to incoming 6th-incoming 12th graders. SIC is a time to build community and grow in joy together. It will begin with 30 minutes of praise and worship, and then outside for games such as kickball, soccer, slip n slide, and frisbee. Lunch included! The dates of SIC are:May 26th, 12:00-2:00 p.m.June 30th, 12:00-2:00 p.m.July 28th, 12:00-2:00 p.m.

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Where in the World Did You Go To Mass?Are you traveling in the next few months? Share a photo of where your family went to Mass!

Send it to Karen Lackey at [email protected].

Pic 1: Rob Hinna went to Mass and received ashes at St. Brigid Church, Sydney, Australia.Pic 2: Rob Hinna went to Palm Sunday at Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul, Providence, Rhode IslandPic 3 :Justin, Amanda and Emma Hahn (4H) were in Madrid Spain. The Good Friday Service was at Catedral de Santa María la Real de la Almudena. 5:00 p.m. local (11:00 a.m. est). Pic 4: Leo Grimes, our parish Business Manager, his wife and a group of friends went to Mass at 51 Voorstraat, Phillipsburg, Sint Maarten (that’s Dutch for island of Saint Maarten)Pic 5: Katie , Jack, Lauren and Brian Whitlatch at Sacred Heart in the Bahamas

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St. Matthew the Apostle Catholic Church

807 Havens Corners Road, Gahanna, OH 43230614-471-0212

Parish Office and Clergy: 614-471-0212, Theodore K. Sill, PastorFr. Peter Asantebwana, Parochial VicarFr. Michael Nimocks, In Holy ServiceFr. James Ogurchock, In Holy ServiceDeacons:Rev. Mr. Joseph MeyerRev. Mr. Larry Koebel

Parish Staff: 614-471-0212Business Manager, Leo GrimesDirector of Evangelization, Jenna ZinsDirector of Athletics, Eileen Buzenski 614-478-8533Director of Information, Robert BuzenskiDirector of Music, Dawn Shininger ext. 1117Parish Administrative Assistant, Darlene RotellaParish Administrative Associate, Hillarie MichaelsParish Office Manager, Jenna ZinsPastoral Associate, Mary ThompsonRCIA, Jennifer CabeSafe Environment Coordinator, Michelle LantzSchool Principal, Susan Maloy 614-471-4930Parish School Of Religion, Coordinator: Sherry Schoenstein 614-471-2067Secretary, Malinda MoloneyPreschool Coordinator, Julie RatliffCharitable Works: 614-471-5320Wedding Coordinator, Jonni Masters

Social Media Updates: Follow the Parish, School and PSR Programs on Facebook by liking:St. Matthew the Apostle Catholic Church • St. Matthew Catholic School • St. Matthew Parish School of Religion

Our Parish Mission...

St. Matthew Mission Statement:In Baptism,

we are committed to follow and imitate Jesus Christ,

to hear and proclaim the Word of God,to participate in the liturgical

and sacramental life of the Church,to nurture a life of prayer, to hunger

and thirst for justice,and to practice the commandment of Love.

One Parish. One Family. One Journey. One parish committed to Jesus Christ,

His teachings, His Church.One family seeking to support each other

in faith, hope, and love.One journey towards eternal life in heaven.