Download - T HE R IGHTEOUSNESS OF T HOSE Whose Lives Are Ruled By God - 5:17-7:12 Matthew 6:24 S ERVING T WO M ASTERS — I MPOSSIBLE.



God - 5:17-7:12



“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be

loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and

mammon.”Matthew 6:24

Serving Two Masters



One Must Make a Choice!

Trying to Serve Two Masters


“It should not be surprising then that a sermon that was in large measure

addressed to the twisted and corrupting ways of the Pharisaic mind should

contain a stiff warning about the dangers of so great an affection for things.

Covetousness is subtle. It is just the kind of spiritual cancer which seems to live easily with a great display of piety. It

does not have about it the open ugliness of gross immorality, yet “this respectable

worldliness,” through its subtlety, becomes even more dangerous.”

Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual Revolution; pages 103

“No Man Can Serve Two Masters.”

Is this an absolute truth?Why will a person necessarily

love one master—hate the other?

What is “mammon?”Please keep in mind these words

are addressed to believers—not those in the world!

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Introduction: Three


Can men “split the difference?”The word “serve” comes from

Greek word “douleuin”—”to be a slave to.” The word “master” (kurios, often translated Lord) suggests ownership and control.

A man in simple terms—cannot be a slave to two owners—both demanding total service

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Introduction

“Mammon.” Comes from a common Aramaic world for “wealth.” Also used in Luke 16:9,11,13 as “unrighteous mammon”

The context dictates the Lord is simply concerned with the “love of money” as a rival of “true commitment to God.”

Not wealth itself—but ungodly behavior and affections

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Introduction


“Materialism has a voracious appetite and will soon consume the personality which gives it an opening. Yet, when it

finally rules without restraint, it brings no peace or satisfaction—no lasting

happiness. God also desires to have us exclusively for Himself, but for our

benefit, not His. Money will consume us. He will fill us. Men who have been made

for God will find no peace apart from Him.”

Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual Revolution; pages 104

Is this an absolute truth?Can a woman obey God and her

husband at the same time?Can a son serve his father and

God at the same time?Can an employee serve his

employer and God at the same time?

Can one engage in secular work and spiritual work at the same time?

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Serving Two Masters…

Reconciled…We are required to offer earthly

service to “earthly masters.”Romans 13:1-7

Yet, one must put God in FIRST place

Realm and will of one’s actionsAllegiance CANNOT be given to


“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Serving Two Masters…


Two Masters

Matthew 23:9,10Do not call anyone on

earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. And do not be called teachers; for One

is your Teacher, the Christ.


“Mammon will cease to attract us so perniciously when we finally realize that

riches have no independent power or reality—that even wealth, like all of God’s creation, is ultimately traceable to the great and holy God. He is the one who “gives us richly all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17) and fills our “hearts with food and gladness” (Acts

14:17). He is more than that. He is the giver of “every good and perfect gift” (James 1:17)…our fascination with money is just another case where we need to avoid the foolishness of the ancient Gentiles who “exchanged the

truth for a lie,” (Romans 1:25). ” Paul Earnhart, Invitation To A Spiritual

Revolution; pages 105

"You cannot serve God and mammon" - 24

✦ Call to TOTAL Allegiance and Absolute Commitment✴ God demands, not just your all,

but all of you! - (2 Corinthians 8:5)

✴ This was the rich young ruler’s problem! - (Matthew 19:22)

✴ “"How long will you falter between two opinions? If the LORD is God, follow Him” - (1 Kings 18:21)

"You cannot serve God and mammon" - 24

✦ Call to TOTAL Allegiance and Absolute Commitment

✴ Total rebellion is not necessary to forfeit heaven - divided loyalty does the job!

✴ We must be loyal in every circumstance - When we are tempted, suffering, being persecuted - be loyal! (Revelation 2:10)

"You cannot serve God and mammon" - 24

✦ Results of Divided Loyalty

✴ A spiritual dwarf - (Heb. 5:12-14)

✴ Worry, doubt, fear - (Mat. 6:25-32)

✴ Broken relationships - (Col. 3:12-15)

✴ Stuff, that in the overall scheme of things has no value!! - (Mat 16:24-26)

✴ Forfeit reward from God - (Mat. 16:27; Josh 24:15-20; Heb. 10:39; 2 Tim. 4:10)

Hating one—loving one…Can man find a suitable

compromise?Man must decide between the

spiritual and physicalThe service between the “inward”

man and “outward” man Romans 6:16-18

Galatians 5:16-18

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Serving Two Masters…

What is under consideration?Value placed on “money”

compared to the value one places on “service” to his Lord.

When one’s heart is set on “material wealth”—all their energy is spent acquiring and keeping it.

Man does not need riches to be “trapped”—love of WRONG things placed before God!

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Serving Two Masters…

Application of the Principle…Man is a free moral agentNo man can travel in two different

directions at the same timeCan one focus on heaven with

one eye—and the world with the other?

Who do you hold allegiance to?Philippians 3:201 John 2:15-17; James 4:4

“Two Great Threats To Our Right Standing Before God”Serving Two Masters…


✴Are you striving to do the impossible?

✴What and who receives the majority of your time and attention?

✴Do you have a “split allegiance?”

✴One who is actively seeking to hold on to both—has already given the advantage over to the adversary!

Make serving Him the # 1 priority in your life! - (Put spiritual things first)

Direct your heart towards loving Him above all - (Love spiritual things instead of worldly things)

Zero your focus in upon pleasing Him- (Focus our minds upon establishing, strengthening and solidifying our spiritual life!)

Determine to be loyal to Him in every circumstance - (Give whole hearted commitment to Jesus – who died for you)

Where’s Your Heart, Focus and Loyalty?

The Lord is God, follow Him!!

Where’s Your Heart, Focus and Loyalty?

One day this life on earth will end

You will either regret for eternity your priorities in this life or you will be eternally happy that you

put God firstIf your life ended today -

which would it be for you?

In the Valley of Decision

“The Two Masters” ✦ Which has your Loyalty and

Focus?✴ “…If anyone desires to come after

Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For

whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is

it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or

what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” {Matthew 16:24-26}