Download - Syren Biography and Contact Details

  • 8/13/2019 Syren Biography and Contact Details


    Syrenis the pseudonym for award-winning, singer-songwriter Erin Bennett.The name originally referred to the original, Alternative/Roc !and formed in

    The "nited States !y Bennett, Amanda #!ass$ and %o #drums$. &owever after

    %o's death and the retirement of Amanda in early ()*(, Erin reformed the!and with an all new line-up and !egan a new approach to music under theSyren name.

    In 2008 Syren (in its original form) erupted into the UnitedStates' underground music scene with their powerfuldebut album, 'ehumani!ed"' emand of the band's

    original music and unbelie#able musicianship $ept themplaying li#e shows % days a wee$ all o#er the country"&ecause of this demand Syren de#eloped a reputation

    in the merican id*est of being one of the onlyunsigned band's around to ma$e a li#ing purely off of

    their music"

    fter recei#ing sponsorshipfrom companies such as

    +art$e mplification and ainSong -raphite -uitars the band went on tour to promote

    'ehumani!ed' which recei#ed ra#e re#iews in the music press"Success of the state side tour soon found Syren touring the

    United .ingdom and /he etherlands" fter the 'ehumani!ed

    lbum' tour ended in September, Syren continued playing with anonstop show schedule throughout the U. and 1urope and

    e#en caught the eye of 0s oc$ band +aw$wind who offeredthem two consecuti#e support slots on their *inter 2008 /our"

    In 2030 between wee$ly li#e shows and radio performances Syren recorded their 2ndstudio album, 'Something +as /o Separate' at emesis Studios, en +elder (/heetherlands)" /he album was engineered by 1rin &ennett and 4etrus amdayal at

    emesis and produced by 1rin and drummer 5o at their U.based Sapphic Studios"+owe#er 1rin put mi6ing abruptly to a stop when in 2033 5o was diagnosed with breastcancer" 5o passed away in 5anuary 2032, shortly after which manda decided to retire

    from music"
  • 8/13/2019 Syren Biography and Contact Details


    1rin went on to release a solo trac$ entitled, 'e#er -i#e Up /he7ight' in pril (2032") /he song was written in memory of her late

    wife and drummer with 300 of the proceeds going to U.9harity, &reast 9ancer 9are" /his song went on to win 1rin the7ran$ie iller Songwriter of the :ear at the 2032 Scottish ew

    usic wards in -lasgow"

    uring this time, 1rin's dedication to Syren's friends and fansmade reform the band with new musicians" /he new line up wasdebuted on 5une 2, 2032 at ;ueen's +all, 1dinburgh once again

    supporting +aw$wind"

    *hilst continuously wor$ing in the studio recording a new album made up of brand newmaterial as well as the best trac$s from the unheard 'Something +as /o Separate' album,

    1rin solidified the new lineup with og on bass, nna 7raser on rums, i$$i on $eyboardand Suna asi on &ac$ing

  • 8/13/2019 Syren Biography and Contact Details



    For Bookings contact:

    [email protected]

    or call


    For general en&uiries 'lease contact

    [email protected]

    Erin Bennett at the()*( Scottish +ew usic Awards

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]