Download - Syntrophin mutation associated with long QT …Fig. 1. An LQTS patient with the mutation A390V-SNTA1. (a) Sequence chromatogram of the proband and the amino acid conservation of A390

Page 1: Syntrophin mutation associated with long QT …Fig. 1. An LQTS patient with the mutation A390V-SNTA1. (a) Sequence chromatogram of the proband and the amino acid conservation of A390

Syntrophin mutation associated with long QTsyndrome through activation of the nNOS–SCN5Amacromolecular complexKazuo Ueda*†, Carmen Valdivia*, Argelia Medeiros-Domingo‡, David J. Tester‡, Matteo Vatta§, Gianrico Farrugia¶,Michael J. Ackerman‡�, and Jonathan C. Makielski*�

*Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53792; ‡Departments of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Molecular Pharmacology andExperimental Therapeutics and ¶Department of Medicine and the Enteric NeuroScience Program, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905;and §Section of Pediatric Cardiology, Texas Children’s Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX 77030

Edited by David E. Clapham, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, and approved April 16, 2008 (received for review February 8, 2008)

Mutations in 11 genes that encode ion channels or their associatedproteins cause inherited long QT syndrome (LQTS) and account for�75–80% of cases (LQT1–11). Direct sequencing of SNTA1, thegene encoding �1-syntrophin, was performed in a cohort of LQTSpatients that were negative for mutations in the 11 known LQTS-susceptibility genes. A missense mutation (A390V-SNTA1) wasfound in a patient with recurrent syncope and markedly prolongedQT interval (QTc, 530 ms). SNTA1 links neuronal nitric oxidesynthase (nNOS) to the nNOS inhibitor plasma membrane Ca-ATPase subtype 4b (PMCA4b); SNTA1 also is known to associatewith the cardiac sodium channel SCN5A. By using a GST-fusionprotein of the C terminus of SCN5A, we showed that WT-SNTA1interacted with SCN5A, nNOS, and PMCA4b. In contrast, A390V-SNTA1 selectively disrupted association of PMCA4b with this com-plex and increased direct nitrosylation of SCN5A. A390V-SNTA1expressed with SCN5A, nNOS, and PMCA4b in heterologous cellsincreased peak and late sodium current compared with WT-SNTA1,and the increase was partially inhibited by NOS blockers. Expres-sion of A390V-SNTA1 in cardiac myocytes also increased latesodium current. We conclude that the A390V mutation disruptedbinding with PMCA4b, released inhibition of nNOS, caused S-nitrosylation of SCN5A, and was associated with increased latesodium current, which is the characteristic biophysical dysfunctionfor sodium-channel-mediated LQTS (LQT3). These results establishan SNTA1-based nNOS complex attached to SCN5A as a keyregulator of sodium current and suggest that SNTA1 be considereda rare LQTS-susceptibility gene.

cardiac arrhythmia � ion channel � nitrosylation �plasma membrane Ca-ATPase � sodium current

Long QT Syndrome (LQTS) is characterized by QT prolongationand syncope or death from arrhythmia. Mutations in 11 genes

have been linked to inherited LQTS; 5 of these genes encodecardiac ion channels (KCNQ1, KCNH2, SCN5A, KCNJ2, andCACNA1C), and 6 encode ion channel subunits or channel-interacting proteins (ChIPs) (ANKB, KCNE1, KCNE2, CAV3,SCN4B, and AKAP9) (1). The three most common LQTS-susceptibility genes, KCNQ1 (LQT1), KCNH2 (LQT2), and SCN5A(LQT3), account for �75% of patients with LQTS, whereas eachof the remaining LQTS-susceptibility genes are uncommon, ac-counting for �1% each, leaving 20% of LQTS patients with ayet-to-be-discovered genotype. Genes encoding ChIPs that affectthe ion channels behind LQT1–3 (2) represent logical candidatesfor LQTS-susceptibility genes. Notably, this strategy has yieldedcaveolin-3 and LQT9 (3), SCN4B and LQT10 (4), and the mostrecent LQTS disease gene discovery, yotiao and LQT11 (5). Whena mutation is found in a candidate gene in an LQTS patient, thedemonstration of altered biophysical function provides a plausiblemechanism for arrhythmogenesis and supports the pathogenicity ofthe gene and mutation. Characterization of the molecular mecha-

nism by which the mutation causes altered channel function pro-vides additional insight into basic channel function and regulation.

Nitric oxide (NO) is an endogenous signaling molecule synthe-sized from L-arginine by nitric oxide synthases: neural NOS (nNOSor NOS1), inducible NOS (iNOS or NOS2), and endothelial NOS(eNOS or NOS3) (6). Both nNOS and eNOS are expressedconstitutively throughout the heart, and iNOS is expressed underpathophysiological conditions. In the heart, NO has many effects,including those on contractility (7), but importantly NO alsoincreased late sodium current (INa) amplitude (8), the signaturebiophysical mechanism associated with SCN5A-mediated LQT3.Also, genome-wide association studies suggest an impact of poly-morphisms in the nNOS regulator, NOS1AP or CAPON, on theQT interval of the electrocardiogram (9, 10). These data supportthe hypothesis that genes encoding proteins interacting with nNOSare candidate LQTS-susceptibility genes.

�1-Syntrophin (SNTA1) is a member of the family of dystrophin-associated proteins containing multiple protein interaction motifsthat act as molecular scaffolds for nNOS and plasma membraneCa-ATPase (PMCA) (11). The cardiac isoform of PMCA,PMCA4b, participates in the nNOS complex and inhibits NOsynthesis (12). SNTA1 also interacts with the pore-forming �subunit (SCN5A, also known as NaV1.5) of the cardiac sodiumchannel macromolecular complex at the C terminus (13), butwhether or not SCN5A interacts with this entire complex is unclear,as is the nature of the functional consequences and implications forLQTS. In this study, we show that SNTA1 connects SCN5A to thenNOS–PMCA complex in heart and that a perturbation in SNTA1,stemming from a rare missense mutation found in an LQTS patient,selectively disrupted association with PMCA4b, increased SCN5Anitrosylation, and increased late sodium current (INa) in both anoncardiomyocyte heterologous expression system and in nativecardiomyocytes.

ResultsIdentification of a Mutation (A390V) in SNTA1 from a Cohort of Patientswith Previously Genotype-Negative LQTS. We performed compre-hensive ORF/splice mutational analysis of SNTA1 by using PCR,denaturing HPLC, and direct DNA sequencing for a cohort of50 unrelated patients (34 females; average age at diagnosis, 26 �

Author contributions: K.U., C.V., and A.M.-D. contributed equally to this work; K.U., C.V.,M.J.A., and J.C.M. designed research; K.U., C.V., A.M.-D., D.J.T., and M.V. performedresearch; G.F. contributed new reagents/analytic tools; K.U., C.V., A.M.-D., D.J.T., M.J.A.,and J.C.M. analyzed data; and K.U., C.V., M.J.A., and J.C.M. wrote the paper.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

Freely available online through the PNAS open access option.

†Present address: Research and Development, Bristol-Myers K.K., Tokyo 163-1328, Japan.

�To whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail: [email protected] [email protected].

© 2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0801294105 PNAS � July 8, 2008 � vol. 105 � no. 27 � 9355–9360









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Page 2: Syntrophin mutation associated with long QT …Fig. 1. An LQTS patient with the mutation A390V-SNTA1. (a) Sequence chromatogram of the proband and the amino acid conservation of A390

16 years; average QTc, 531 � 60 ms; QTc range, 480–759 ms)with genotype-negative LQTS that is lacking mutations in genesfor LQT1–11. In addition, these patients had a ‘‘strong clinicalphenotype,’’ defined as symptomatic cases with QTc � 480 ms.A male, diagnosed with LQTS at 18 years of age after syncopeepisodes hosted the A390V-SNTA1 mutation (Fig. 1a Upper).A390V-SNTA1 was a rare missense mutation that occurred in ahighly conserved region across species (Fig. 1a Lower) and wasabsent in 600 reference alleles. The electrocardiogram showedmarked QT interval prolongation with a heart-rate-correctedQT interval (QTc) of 529 ms (Fig. 1b). The proband had no othersymptoms of cardiac or skeletal muscle disease.

SCN5A C Terminus Is Linked to nNOS and PMCA4b by SNTA1. In mousecardiac homogenates, anti-SCN5A antibodies coimmunoprecipi-tated nNOS, PMCA4b, and SNTA1 (Fig. 2a). A GST-labeled Cterminus of SCN5A (GST-NaCT) pulled down the complex ofnNOS, PMCA4b, and WT-SNTA1 (Fig. 2b) when coexpressed inHEK293 cells. Together these results support the hypothesis thatSCN5A interacts with the nNOS complex through the C terminus(Fig. 2c). The mutation A390V-SNTA1 is located near the linkerbetween the PH2 and SU domains of syntrophin, where there is astrong binding region for SNTA1 with PMCA4b (Fig. 2c). A secondweaker interaction occurs between nNOS and PMCA4b via PDZdomains (11).

A390V-SNTA1 Disrupted Association of PMCA4b with the nNOS Complex.A390V-SNTA1 selectively disrupted participation of PMCA4b inthe nNOS complex as indicated by the disappearance of the bandfor PMCA4b (Fig. 2b), but the C terminus continued to pull downboth SNTA1 and nNOS (Fig. 2b). We hypothesized that dissocia-tion of PMCA4b caused by A390V-SNTA1 would release thePMCA4b-mediated inhibition of nNOS and increase local concen-trations of NO. By using a biotin switch assay (14), we found thatdirect S-nitrosylation of SCN5A was minimal with WT-SNTA1 butthat S-nitrosylation was clearly evident with A390V-SNTA1(Fig. 2d).

A390V-SNTA1 Increased Peak and Late Sodium Current Through annNOS-Dependent Mechanism. We performed functional character-ization of A390V-SNTA1 with HEK cells coexpressing SCN5A,

nNOS, PMCA4b, and either WT-SNTA1 or A390V-SNTA1.A390V caused a significant increase in peak INa (Fig. 3 a and b andTable 1) and in late INa (Fig. 3 c and d). When NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (L-NMMA), an NOS inhibitor, was administered intothe culture medium for 24 h, the late INa caused by A390V-SNTA1was abolished, and the increase in peak INa was partially reversed(Fig. 3 c and d and Table 1). The NO donors NOR3 (30 �M) andGSNO (100 �M) caused increased peak INa (Table 1) and increasedlate INa (Fig. 3d and Table 1) with WT-SNTA1, showing that NOwas associated with increased peak and late INa like that found withthe A390V mutation. Moreover, NOS inhibition restored the INaamplitudes found with the A390V mutation to WT levels (Fig. 3d).Together with the macromolecular complex association data (Fig.2b) and the SCN5A direct nitrosylation data (Fig. 2d), thesefunctional data support the hypothesis that A390V-SNTA1 dis-rupted the PMCA4b-mediated inhibition of nNOS and caused anNO-mediated accentuation of late INa, perhaps by direct S-nitrosylation of the channel.

A390V-SNTA1 Altered Sodium Channel Gating Properties Through annNOS-Dependent Mechanism. The voltage dependence of activationand inactivation was measured in HEK cells coexpressing SCN5A,nNOS, PMCA4b, and either WT-SNTA1 or A390V-SNTA1.A390V-SNTA1 caused no change in activation (Fig. 4a) but causeda significant depolarizing shift of 6 mV in channel inactivation (Fig.4b and Table 1), which increased the overlap of the activation andinactivation curves (Fig. 4c) to increase the ‘‘window current’’ (15).The inactivation curve for the A390V-SNTA1 was normalized afterexposing the cells to L-NMMA for 24 h (Fig. 4b), showing this gatingeffect of A390V also was mediated by NO. We also found that thetime course of INa current decay was slower in A390V-SNTA1compared with that of WT-SNTA1 (data not shown). The differ-ence in INa decay for the A390V-SNTA1 compared with that ofWT-SNTA1 reached significance at more positive test potentials.

A390V-SNTA1 Increased Late Sodium Current in Native Cardiac Cells. Toassess the effects of A390V-SNTA1 in a more native myocardial cellenvironment, neonatal cardiomyocytes were transduced for 48 hwith adenovirus containing the WT or the A390V-SNTA1/Ires-GFP recombinants. Only beating, GFP-positive cardiomyocytes

Fig. 1. An LQTS patient with the mutation A390V-SNTA1. (a) Sequence chromatogram of the proband and the amino acid conservation of A390 across species. (b)A 12-lead electrocardiogram from the LQTS index case with the A390V-SNTA1 missense mutation. The QTc exceeds 520 ms.

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were selected for study. Representative current traces (Fig. 5a) andsummary data from five to six cells (Fig. 5b) show significantlyincreased late INa in the A390V-SNTA1 cells compared with thatof the cardiac cells transduced with WT-SNTA1. Myocytes infectedwith GFP alone had increased late INa compared with overexpres-sion of WT-SNTA1.

DiscussionSNTA1 — An LQTS-Susceptibility Gene. SNTA1 is here proposed as asusceptibility gene for inherited LQTS. Although the proband is notpart of a large family that would allow for classic linkage analysis,other evidence supports the pathogenic nature of this mutation.A390V-SNTA1 was found in a patient with a strong LQTS phe-










PDZ1 503










PDZ1 503

a b


IB: anti SNTA1 59 kDa

IB: anti-SCN5A 260 kDa

IB: anti-nNOS 160 kDa

IB: anti-PMCA 140 kDa

IP: Nav1.5 Mou

se h



se b









IB: anti SNTA1 59 kDa

IB: anti-SCN5A 260 kDa

IB: anti-nNOS 160 kDa

IB: anti-PMCA 140 kDa

IP: Nav1.5 Mou

se h



se b









IB: anti-PMCA

IB: anti SNTA1

IB: anti nNOS 160 kDa

59 kDa

140 kDa





















IB: anti-PMCA

IB: anti SNTA1

IB: anti nNOS 160 kDa

59 kDa

140 kDa






















IB: anti-Nav 260 kDa












IB: anti-Nav 260 kDa












Fig. 2. The nNOS complex is linked toSCN5A and disrupted by A390V-SNTA1.(a) SCN5A is associated with nNOS, PMCA,and SNTA1 in mouse heart homogenates.Homogenates were subjected to immu-noprecipitation with anti-SCN5A anti-body, and the precipitates were analyzedby immunoblotting. PMCA, nNOS, andSNTA1 were detected in the immunopre-cipitates, whereas control preimmune se-rum did not immunoprecipitate the pro-teins. (b) The GST-labeled C terminus ofSCN5A was incubated with lysates ob-tained from cells transiently expressingnNOS and PMCA4b and either WT-SNTA1or A390V-SNTA1. Bound proteins wereanalyzed by SDS/PAGE and immunoblot-ted with anti-nNOS, anti-PMCA, and anti-SNTA antibodies. With WT-SNTA1, allthree proteins were associated, butA390V-SNTA1 caused dissociation ofPMCA4b. (c) Schematic representation ofthe sodium channel macromolecular com-plex with SCN5A, SNTA1, nNOS, andPMCA4b showing the location of A390V-SNTA1 in the PH2 domain. The PDZ do-mains of SCN5A, nNOS, SNTA1, andPMCA4b are indicated by boxes. The longintracellular linker between transmem-brane domains 4 –5 of PMCA4b interactswith the PH2 and SU domains of SNTA1.(d) A390V caused increased S-nitrosyla-tion of SCN5A relative to WT by using thenitrosylation biotin switch assay. Cell lysates were prepared from cells stably expressing SCN5A and transiently expressing nNOS and PMCA4b and eitherWT-SNTA1 or A390V-SNTA1. Samples were biotinylated and subjected to SDS/PAGE and Western blot with the anti-SCN5A channel antibody.





I Nap




b c

-140 mV

24 ms



-140 mV

700 ms-20 mV

20 ms

2.5 ms

100 pA/pF









Control +NOR3 +GSNO Control +LNMMA

I Na la



(%) A390V-SNTA1






I Na (






Fig. 3. BiophysicalpropertiesofSCN5AcoexpressedwithPMCA4bandnNOSwithoutSNTA1(labeledasSCN5A),withWT-SNTA1,orwithA390V-SNTA1. (a)Whole-cellcurrent traces from representative cells show increased peak INa associated with A390V-SNTA1. (Inset) INa was elicited by test depolarization to 24 ms from a holdingpotential of �140 mV. (b) Summary data of peak INa densities from each group (n � 9–16). (c) Representative traces showing increased late INa due to A390V-SNTA1compared with WT-SNTA1 and A390V-SNTA1 plus L-NMMA. (Inset) Currents were elicited by a test depolarization pulse from �140 mV to �20 mV for 700 ms. (d)Summary data for late INa normalized to peak INa after leak subtraction. Late INa was measured as the mean between 600 and 700 ms after the initiation of thedepolarization (n � 4–18). Symbols represent means, and bars represent the SEM. *, P � 0.05 versus WT-SNTA1.

Ueda et al. PNAS � July 8, 2008 � vol. 105 � no. 27 � 9357









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Page 4: Syntrophin mutation associated with long QT …Fig. 1. An LQTS patient with the mutation A390V-SNTA1. (a) Sequence chromatogram of the proband and the amino acid conservation of A390

notype, all known susceptibility genes for LQTS were found to benegative, and this mutation was absent from 600 reference alleles.The mutation also occurred in a region of SNTA1 that is highlyconserved and thought to be important for structure and function.Perhaps most persuasively, investigations in both heterologous cellsand cardiac myocytes showed that the mutation caused a markedincrease in late INa comparable to the increases seen in patients withLQT3 mutations (16). The data showing a plausible molecularmechanism for the effects of the A390V-SNTA1 mutation on theregulation and function of the cardiac sodium channel through thenNOS complex further support the view that the mutation in thisgene is pathogenic. If the genotype-phenotype relationship issupported by further studies in additional patients, then SNTA1would join the LQT9 gene CAV3 (17) and the LQT10 gene SCN4B(4) as a rare LQTS-susceptibility gene (LQT12) that together withCAV3 and SCN4B produce LQTS through actions on SCN5A tocause a net ‘‘gain of function’’ with increased late INa.

SCN5A Association with the nNOS Complex. SNTA1 was reportedpreviously to interact with nNOS and PMCA (11), and in a separatestudy SNTA1 was shown to interact with the C terminus of SCN5A(13). The cardiac isoform of PMCA is PMCA4b, and it was shownto participate in the nNOS complex in heart to inhibit NO synthesis(12). Although these individual associations were known previ-ously, the coimmunopreciptation data from myocytes (Fig. 2a)indicate the complete complex. In addition, we used a GST-fusionprotein of the C terminus of SCN5A as bait to show that thecomplex of nNOS, SNTA1, and PMCA4b associated with SCN5Awhen expressed in HEK cells. We also showed that the A390V-SNTA1 mutation selectively disrupted the association of PMCA4b

but that nNOS and SNTA1 association with SCN5A was main-tained. These results suggest that this nNOS complex may beimportant for modulation of the cardiac sodium channel throughlocal levels of NO.

Direct Nitrosylation of SCN5A by NO. Two NO-associated pathways areused commonly for signaling (18). One is indirect through cGMP(19), a second messenger that tends to oppose the actions of cAMP.The other is direct modification via S-nitrosylation of target pro-teins where NO binds with sulfhydryl groups of specific cysteineresidues and alters function directly through this posttranslationalmodification (20). NO is a short-lived diatomic free radical, andphysiological effects are likely to depend on the local concentrationof NO in the molecular neighborhood of NOS and downstreamtargets. We showed that A390V-SNTA1 was associated with in-creased direct nitrosylation of SCN5A (Fig. 2d). Although directS-nitrosylation has been shown for other ion channels (21) andinferred indirectly for sodium channels (22), our study provides ademonstration of direct S-nitrosylation of the cardiac sodiumchannel. This finding supports the idea that the mutation wasassociated with alteration of the local NO compared with that ofWT-SNTA1 and suggests that the observed modulation of INa mayhave been mediated directly by S-nitrosylation of the sodiumchannel.

A390V-SNTA1 Increased Late INa Consistent with NO Modulation. Amajor effect of A390V-SNTA1, and the one important for LQTSpathogenesis, was the increased late INa observed in both heterol-ogous cells cotransfected with SCN5A, A390V-SNTA1, nNOS, andPMCA4b (Fig. 3) and myocytes transduced with A390V-SNTA1

Table 1. Peak INa density, the percentage of late normalized to peak, and sodium channel kinetics from n experiments averaged andreported as mean � SEM

Peak INa Activation Inactivation INaL

Samples pA/pF n V1/2, mV K n V1/2, mV K n % n

SCN5A �233 � 38 9 �40 � 2 4 9 �77 � 2 5 9 0.34 � 0.09 5SNTA-WT �238 � 33 10 �44 � 2 4 7 �76 � 2 5 9 0.16 � 0.04 9SNTA-A390V �393 � 39* 16 �41 � 2 4 9 �69 � 2* 6 15 0.62 � 0.29 18SNTA-A390V � L-NMMA �336 � 37* 6 �44 � 2 4 6 �75 � 2 5 6 0.15 � 0.04 4SNTA-WT � NOR3 �400 � 67* 12 �47 � 1 4 11 �78 � 1 5 12 0.31 � 0.07 12SNTA-WT � GSNO �427 � 151* 5 �39 � 2 4 3 �77 � 3 5 5 0.54 � 0.22* 5

The parameter fits were obtained from individual experiments with Boltzmann or exponential fits (see Materials and Methods). *P � 0.05 versus SNTA-WT.

1 s

-140 mV-140 mV

24 ms


-70 -60 -50 -40 -30













I Na

Voltage (mV)


-120 -80 -40 40 80












SCN5A WT-SNTA1 A390V-SNTA1 A390V-SNTA1+LNMMA -140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0







Voltage (mV)

b c

Fig. 4. Voltage-dependence relationships of steady-state activation, inactivation, and decay. INa was measured from cells transiently expressing SCN5A, PMCA4b, andnNOS without SNTA1 (squares), with WT-SNTA1 (circles), A390V-SNTA1 (triangles), and A390V-SNTA1 plus the nNOS blocker L-NMMA (inverted triangles). (a)A390V-SNTA1 did not affect steady-state activation. (b) A390V-SNTA1 shifted steady-state inactivation by �6 mV. (c) The peak-current activation data from a arereplotted as a conductance curve with inactivation relationships from b to show that A390V-SNTA1 increases the overlap of these relationships. Lines represent fits toBoltzmann equations with parameters of the fit and n numbers in Table 1.

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(Fig. 5). The increased late INa with A390V-SNTA was preventedby the nNOS inhibitor L-NMMA (Fig. 3 c and d), supporting theinvolvement of a NO mechanism for the increase. In nerve termi-nals and ventricular myocytes, the release of caged NO was shownpreviously to increase late INa (8) in a manner that was independentof guanylate cyclase, and the effect on late INa was blocked byN-ethylmaleimide treatment, suggesting direct involvement of theS-nitrosylation pathway. In addition to late INa, we also observed adepolarizing shift in steady-state inactivation (Fig. 4b) that wasreversed by L-NMMA and a significant increase in peak INa density(Table 1) that was partially reversed by L-NMMA. In a study whereNO was applied exogenously to cardiac myocytes, the major effectwas actually a decrease in INa density that depended on cGMP andcAMP (23) without alterations in kinetics or late INa. Our results aremore consistent with those of Ahern et al. (8); we speculate that themethod of NO delivery may be important for the observed differ-ences with endogenous NO generation in our study and caged NOrelease in the Ahern et al. study (8) giving different and perhapsmore physiological results than exogenous application (23), al-though species differences may exist also. The data support ourhypothesis that A390V-SNTA1 increased late INa and exerts othereffects by direct S-nitrosylation of SCN5A but that A390V-SNTA1possibly exerts action through direct S-nitrosylation of other regu-latory proteins of the SCN5A complex or by cGMP-dependentphosphorylation of SCN5A or other proteins of the complex. Thedetailed molecular mechanisms of the possible role for directnitrosylation versus the cGMP pathway in the SCN5A macromo-lecular complex will require further study.

Implications and Limitations for Clinical and Basic Science. The clinicalfindings and functional data reported here support SNTA1 as anLQTS-susceptibility gene acting through SCN5A and a localizednNOS complex to increase late INa. It is important to note thatmutant SNTA1 is presently limited to a single patient and theseeming rarity of SNTA1 mutations in LQTS awaits exploration ofother LQTS patient cohorts. So far, mutated SNTA1 was present injust 1 of 50 (2%) patients with phenotype-positive but heretoforegenotype-negative LQTS. Among our entire cohort of clinicallydefinite LQTS, SNTA1-mediated LQTS accounts for �1% ofLQTS and is as common/rare as LQT6, LQT8, LQT10, and LQT11(data not shown). In addition, we have not excluded the possibilitythat A390V-SNTA1 may not be specific to SCN5A but also mayinteract with other ion channel complexes, producing additionaleffects. In particular, the disassociation of PMCA4b from thecomplex caused by A390V-SNTA1 may affect the transport func-tion of that protein in ways that may be arrhythmogenic. The resultsthat we present here, however, add to our increasing understandingof the SCN5A macromolecular complex and support a generalmechanism for locally generated NO regulation of late INa ampli-tude in heart. This mechanism may account for previously observedeffects of polymorphisms involving an nNOS regulator on the QTinterval (9, 10), and it suggests that other ChIPs such as PMCA4bare logical candidates for the pathogenesis of LQTS.

Materials and MethodsLQTS-Negative Cohort. Between August 1997 and 2004, 541 consecutive, unre-lated patients (358 females) were referred to the Mayo Clinic Windland SmithRice Sudden Death Genomics Laboratory in Rochester, MN, for LQTS genetictesting (24). Clinical data including physical examination, personal history ofsyncope, seizures, or aborted cardiac arrest, family history, and 12-lead electro-cardiogram analysis were collected. Mutational analysis of the genes responsiblefor LQT1–10 was performed previously (3, 24, 25). Patients were characterized aseither genotype-positive or -negative based on this primary analysis. This studyfocuses on the subset of 50 (34 females; average age at diagnosis, 26 � 16 years;average QTc, 531 � 60.4 ms; QTc range, 480–759 ms) unrelated patients negativeforLQT1–10withaclinically robustphenotypeofLQTS (QTc � 480msorSchwartzscore � 3.0) (26).

SNTA1 Mutational Analysis. After written approval for this protocol by the MayoFoundation Institutional Review Board, genomic DNA was extracted from pe-ripheral blood lymphocytes with the Purgene DNA extraction kit (Gentra, Inc.). Amutational analysis of the entire coding region of SNTA1 (chromosome 20q11.2)was performed on genomic DNA with PCR, denaturing HPLC, and direct DNAsequencing as previously described (27). PCR primers and conditions are availableupon request.

Reagents and Antibodies. L-NMMA was obtained from Sigma–Aldrich. Nitroso-glutathione (GSNO) and 4-ethyl-2-hydroxyimino-5-nitro-3-hexenamide (NOR3)were from Cayman Chemical. Rabbit anti-�1-syntrophin antibody was purchasedfromSigma–Aldrich,mouseanti-nNOSantibodywas fromInvitrogen,andmouseanti-calcium pump pan PMCA ATPase antibody was from Abcam. Rabbit anti-cardiac Na channel antibody and goat HRP-conjugated anti-mouse IgG antibodywerefromUpstate,andgoatHRP-conjugatedanti-rabbit IgG(H�L)antibodywasfrom Bio-Rad.

Plasmid Construction. The cDNA of the �1-syntrophin gene, SNTA1 (GenBankaccession no. NM�003098), was subcloned into pIRES2EGFP (Clontech Laborato-ries). A mutation of A390V in the PH2 domain in SNTA1 was introduced into WTSNTA1 by the PCR-based overlap-extension method. The cDNAs of nNOS andPMCA4b were kind gifts from Solomon H. Snyder (Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore) and Emanuel E. Strehler (Mayo Clinic), respectively. To generate theGST-labeled C terminus of the SCN5A expression vector, the region correspond-ing to Ile-1771 through the termination was inserted in-frame into pGEX-5X-2(Amersham Biosciences). All clones were sequenced to confirm integrity.

Plasmid Constructions on Bicistronic Adenovirus Shuttle Vectors. For transductioninto primary cardiac myocytes, we generated the bicistronic adenovirus shuttlevector of SNTA1 and GFP. SNTA1 cDNA was subcloned into an entry vector ofpENTR1A-IRES2EGFP, which was created by incorporation of the multicloningsites, an internal ribosome entry site, and EGFP coding region from pIRES2EGFPinto pENTR1A (Invitrogen). A recombination reaction between pAd/CMV/V5-DEST (Invitrogen) generated pAdSNTA1-IRES2EGFP. The A390V mutant was in-corporated into the WT by site-directed mutagenesis. All clones were sequencedto confirm integrity.

Transfection into HEK Cells and Neonatal Cardiomyocytes. Expressing vectorscontaining SCN5A (GenBank accession no. AB158469), nNOS (GenBank accessionno. NM�052799), PMCA4b (GenBank accession no. AY560895), and either WT-SNTA1 or A390V-SNTA1 in pIRES2EGFP at the ratio of 1:1:1:0.25, respectively,were transfected into HEK cells with FuGENE6 reagent according to the manu-facturer’s procedure. Neonatal ventricular myocytes were isolated from thehearts of 1- to 2-day-old mice through collagenase digestion (Worthington




I Na



20 ms










I Na la




a b

Fig. 5. A390V-SNTA1 increased late INa in native car-diac cells compared with that of WT-SNTA1. (a) Whole-cell INa traces were elicited by step depolarization of 775ms in duration to �20 mV from a holding potential of�140 mV and normalized to cell capacitance. Adenoviralrecombinants of WT-SNTA1, A390V-SNTA1-Ires-GFP,and GFP alone were used to transduce neonatal cardio-myocytes for 48 h. (b) Summary data for the percentageof late INa at 775 ms normalized to peak current.

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Page 6: Syntrophin mutation associated with long QT …Fig. 1. An LQTS patient with the mutation A390V-SNTA1. (a) Sequence chromatogram of the proband and the amino acid conservation of A390

Biochemical Corp.) in calcium- and magnesium-free Hank’s balance salt solution(pH 7.4). The isolated cells were washed three times with PBS and plated inmedium 199 (Gibco-BRL) supplemented with 5 mmol/liter creatine, 2 mmol/literL-carnitine, 5 mmol/liter taurine, and 0.2% mmol/liter BSA at a field density of10,000 cells per squared centimeter on 35-mm culture dishes precoated withlaminin (Sigma). After 1 h, the media were changed to remove the nonadherentcells, and then the cells were infected with adenovirus shuttle vectors of theWT-SNTA1 and A390V-SNTA1 mutant.

Immunoprecipitation. For immunoprecipitations, mouse heart or brain homoge-nates (2 mg of protein) and preimmune serum were used. Immunoprecipitationswere carried out by using 5 �g of anti-Nav1.5 antibody. The immune complexeswere analyzed by SDS/PAGE (4–15% gradient gels; Bio-Rad) and transfected toPVDF membranes (Invitrogen) for Western blot with antibodies to Nav1.5, nNOS,PMCA, and SNTA at a 1:250 dilution.

GST Pull-Down Assay. To generate bait for pull-down experiments, Rosetta gami2 bacteria (Novagen) expressing the GST-labeled C terminus of SCN5A werecollected and sonicated in PBS with 1% Triton X-100 and then purified and fixedon MagneGST particles (Promega) according to the manufacturer’s instructions.The purity and concentration of the fusion proteins were determined by SDS/PAGE followed by Coomassie blue. GST bait was incubated in protein-bindingbuffer overnight at 4°C with the translation products that were obtained by thetransient transfection of nNOS, PMCA4b, and WT-SNTA1 or A390V-SNTA1. Thesampleswerethenwashedfourtimes inbindingbuffer.Theboundproteinswereliberated by boiling in Laemmli sample buffer with 50 mM DTT and were ana-lyzed by SDS/PAGE and immunoblotting with anti-nNOS, anti-PMCA, and anti-SNTA1 antibodies.

Electrophysiology. INa was recorded using the whole-cell patch clamp in HEK293cells transfected with SCN5A, nNOS, PMCA4b, and either wild type SNTA1 orA390V-SNTA1. Cells were continuously perfused with bath (extracellular) solu-tioncontaining140mMNaCl,4mMKCl,1.8mMCaCl2,0.75mMMgCl2,and5mMHEPES (pH 7.4 set with NaOH). The pipette (intracellular) solution contained 120mM CsF, 20 mM CsCl2, 5 mM EGTA, and 5 mM HEPES (pH 7.4 set with CsOH) atroom temperature. L-NMMA was added to the culturing medium to block NO

prior to the experiment. Electrodes were pulled using borosilicate (P-87, SutterInstrument Co.) and heat-polished with a microforge (MF-83, Narishige) withelectrode resistance ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 M�. INA was measured and analyzedas previously described (28) using standard voltage-clamp protocols with anAxopatch 200B amplifier and pClamp 9.2 software.

S-Nitrosylation Biotin Switch Assay. The samples that were prepared in HENSbuffer (250 mM HEPES/NaOH, pH 7.7/1 mM EDTA/0.1 mM neocuproine/1% SDS)first were incubated with NO donors (GSNO and NOR3) at a final concentrationof 100 �M for GSNO and 30 �M for NOR3 in darkness for 20 min at roomtemperature. The samples were then passed through a spin column (Bio-Rad)once to remove the NO donors and then blocked with methyl methanethiosul-fonate (Pierce) at a final concentration of 4 mM at 50°C. After 20 min, methylmethanethiosulfonate was removed by passing the samples through a spincolumn three times. The samples then were incubated with 10 mM ascorbic acid(Sigma–Aldrich) to release the NO from the sulfhydryl group and subsequentlybiotinylated by incubating with 0.4 mM biotin-HPDP (Pierce). The biotinylatedproteins were precipitated by incubating the samples with 50 �l of neutravidin-agarose (Pierce). The neutravidin–agarose then was pelleted and washed fivetimes with HENS buffer. The biotinylated proteins were eluted by SDS/PAGEsample buffer to be detected by anticardiac sodium channel antibody.

Statistical Analysis. All data points are shown as the mean value, and the barsrepresent the SEM. Determinations of statistical significance were performedwith a Student t test for comparisons of two means or with ANOVA forcomparisons of multiple means. A P value of �0.05 was considered statisticallysignificant.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank research subjects from across the UnitedStates and North America for participating and Jing Wang (University of Wiscon-sin) for technical assistance in the myocyte experiments. This work was supportedby the University of Wisconsin Cellular and Molecular Arrhythmia ResearchProgram (J.C.M.), the Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Comprehensive SuddenCardiac Death Program (M.J.A.), the Established Investigator Award from theAmerican Heart Association (to M.J.A.), and National Institutes of Health GrantsHD42569 (to M.J.A.), HL71092 (to J.C.M.), and DK17238 (to G.F.).

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