



Chemical Laboratories, University of Rajasthan,Jaipur-302004, India


Synthesis of a large number of simple and complex polymetaphosphateglasses of alkali metals with the general formulae (MXM1 -X)P03)fl and(MM_12PO3) has been described, where M and M' = Li,Na, K, Rb or Cs;M" = Be, Mg,Ca,Sr,Ba,Zn,Cd,Pb,CuorNi;andx = 1,,4or4.Thepre-parations have been carried out by heating alkali dihydrogen phosphate, metaloxide (or carbonate) and diammonium hydrogen phosphate together in thedesired stoichiometric ratios at 700°, 800° or 900°, followed by chilling the clearmelts obtained. Some of these complex derivatives have also been prepared bytreating metal salt solutions with alkali polymetaphosphate followed byprecipitation with alcohol.

A detailed study has been made of the following properties of these deriva-tives: molecular weights (M and M,.), viscosity, conductivity, i.r. and n.m.r.spectra. All the derivatives have been shown to behave as long chain meta-phosphates and their polymeric character has been further supported by

chromatographic and metachromatic studies.


The chemistry of polymetaphosphates of alkali metals has been receivingconsiderable attention in recent years, because of the growing interest in thefield of inorganic polymers and polyelectrolytes. Several reviews', dealingwith various facets of their chemistry, have appeared during the last twodecades.

Sodium polymetaphosphate known as Graham's salt was prepared9 asearly as 1834 by heating sodium dihydrogen phosphate to a high tempera-ture, followed by chilling the melt suddenly. Considered erroneously assodium 'hexametaphosphate' for over 100 years, its highly polymericcharacter was revealed by studies involving ultracentrifugation by Lammand Malmgren10, dialysis by Karbe and Jander1 1, end group titration bySamuelson'2, viscosity measurements by Malmgren and co-workers13' 14,light scattering by Strauss and co-workers1 5, conductometry by Davies andMonk16 electrolytic transference measurements by Schindewolf' ',chromato-graphy by Westman and Scott18 and by Ebe119, fractional precipitation byVan Wazer2° and x-ray diffraction by Brady21.*preseflt address: Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi, Delhi-i, India.



The highly polymeric character of Graham's salt has thus been establishedand the end group titrations have shown it to have the composition,Na 2P,,O3,,1 or [(NaPO3).Na2O]. When n is large (say, 102 to 106), thecomposition approximates to the formula, (NaPO3). These long chainpolyphosphates have, therefore, been termed polymetaphosphates. Apartfrom these and other short chain oligopolyphosphates, cyclic tn- and tetra-metaphosphates have been characterized. A detailed phase diagram for thesystem, NaH2PQ4—NaPO3 has been established22 as a result of the detailedinvestigations of Boulle23 and several other workers2"26. Following manydoubtful claims, evidence has been more recently adduced27—28 for the exist-ence of rings up to octametaphosphates. Hexametaphosphates of lithium andsodium were actually synthesized by Griffith and Buxton29 in 1965.

Although much less complete, similar studies have been made for potas-43032 (sometimes called potassium Kurrol salt), rubidium33

caesium33, lithium24'34'35 and ammonium36'37 polymetaphosphates andconcerted efforts are being made to throw light on their special structuralfeatures by various physicochemical techniques.


A renewed interest was created in the chemistry of Graham's salt in 1934,when Hall38 drew pointed attention to its capacity to sequester calcium ions.This led to its use as water-softener (Calgon) and to a number of complexa-tion studies397. Thilo48 has pointed out a close similarity between theabove complexation reactions with polyvalent cations in solution and ion-exchange phenomena.

Early observations by Tammann49 about incomplete (30-40per cent) dis-sociation of sodium polymetaphosphate have been confirmed in more recentstudies50; the degree of dissociation rz for 0.01 M solutions (on empiricalformula) of alkali polyphosphates has been found to increase from 0.34 for Lito 0.4 for Cs. These workers have from conductivity and electrostatic datashown the order of 'specific site-bonding' of ions on polyphosphate chains to beLii> Na > K > Cs > Ca2 > (CH3)4N. With increasing chainlength, the value of c first decreases rapidly and then more slowly to a limitingvalue of about 0.33 at the chain length of approximately 100. Van Wazer andCampanella5' made a potentiometric and polarographic study of complexion formation of calcium and barium ions with sodium polymetaphosphate.Irani and Cullis52 found that the pK value of calcium ions in polyphosphatesolutions, of ionic strength, say 1, changed from 5.78to 5.80 when the degreeof polymerization of (NaPO3) was changed from 6 to 6Q. Evidence aboutthe exchangeability of cations on polyphosphate chains has been adducedby Ohashi and co-workers53 and by Ripan and Stanislav54.


From a detailed study of the measurements of solubility of insoluble saltslike CaCO3, CaC2O4, SrSO4, BaSO4 and PbSO4 in solutions of sodiumpolymetaphosphate and from the increments in the conductivity of the latter



on dissolution of these salts, Mehrotra46 (1946—48) concluded that equilibriaof the following type exist in such systems:

(1/n)(NaPO3) + (1 — x/2)MX —(1/n)(NaM1_12PO3) + (1 — x/2)Na2X

As confirmed by later detailed studies of several authors, for example, inthe case of calcium salts, the value of x was found to be approximately twothirds in dilute solutions. Strontium and barium behaved almost similarly,but in the case of lead sulphate higher dissolution indicated the formationof derivatives with empirical formulae up to (Na113Pb113PO3).

Interpretation of these data was based on the assumption that the degreeof ionization of sodium ions from (NaPO3) and say, (Na213Ca116PO3) wasalmost similar and hence the conductivities of their equivalent solutionswould have almost equal values. In order to check this, Mehrotra andGupta5 attempted the synthesis of a series of complex polymetaphosphateglasses with the general formula (NaM1 _xiaPO3)n, where x = , or andM = Li, K, Ca, Ba, Zn, Cu, Pb and Fe(m). These glasses were prepared byfusing the reactants together for one hour at a temperature of 700 or 800°Cin the stoichiometric ratios indicated by equations (1)-{5). For comparison,sodium metaphosphate itself was prepared under similar conditions:

NaH2PO4.2H20 —(1/n)(NaPO3) + 3H20 (1)(1)

4NaH2PO4.2H20 + MO + 2(NH4)2HP04 -(1/n)[Na4M(PO3)6] + 4NH3 + 15H20 (2)


2NaH2PO4.2H2O + MO + 2(NH4)2HP04

(1/n)[Na2M(PO3)4] + 4NH3 + 9H20 (3)(IH)

NaH2PO4.2H20 + MO + 2(NH4)2HP04(1/n)[NaM(PO3)3] + 4NH3 + 6H20 (4)


6NaH2PO4.2H20 + Fe203 + 6(NH4)2HP04 -(2/n)[Na3Fe(PO3)6] + 12NH3 + 27H20 (5)


The simple sodium metaphosphate (I) as well as mixed metaphosphatesof type II were obtained in the form of clear melts with Ca, Ba, Zn, Cu or Pb,which were chilled between stainless steel plates to give transparent glasses.

Attempts to prepare complex derivatives of type III led to clear melts ineach of the above cases; soluble complexes were, however, obtained only withCa, Zn and Pb. The rate of dissolution of even the above soluble varietiesis slower compared to that of derivatives of type II.

Preparation of complex derivatives of type IV was attempted several timesin the case of calcium, even by the use of higher temperature and longer(even five) hours of heating but clear melts could not be obtained. Similarly,a clear melt could not be obtained in reaction (5) in any stoichiometric ratio.




Mehrotra46 (1948) had tried to explain the partial ionizability49 of sodiumions from sodium metaphosphate on the basis of inductive and field effectsdue to which sodium atoms on alternate metaphosphate units should showa greater tendency towards ionization. It was further suggested that the bond-ing of the remaining sodium atoms would tend to be further stabilized bysix-membered chelate ring formation and resonance effects:

o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0II II II II II II II II II

HO—P—O—P—O—P—O—P—O— — P—O— p—0—P—O—P—O—P—O—P—OHI I I I I I I I,,O O O O, O

Na Na Na Na Na

Figure 1. Structure of sodium polymetaphosphate anions, [Na(PO3)2] -.

In spite of their strongly electropositive character, atoms of alkali metalshave been shown to depict covalent bonding6° in 13-diketone61, poly-etherate62 and alkoxide63 derivatives, due to similar effects.

In the case of sodium polyphosphates, the concept of partial ionizationwas further supported by electrolytic transference measurements64'65 andby sodium ion activity measurements with cation exchange membranes66.

The sequestration of bivalent ions M2 + (e.g. Ca2 , Ba2,Zn2, Pb2)wasalso explained by Mehrotra46 to arise from chelate bonding of the followingtype:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0II II II II II II II

—0—P—O—P—O—P—0P—o or —0—P —O—P—O--P—OI I I I I I I- 0 OOO

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Structures of calcium polymetaphosphate anions, [Ca(PO3)4]' and [Ca(PO3)3].

The above simple structures were supported to some extent by the findingsof Van Wazer and Campanella51 that the coordination numbers of alkaliand alkaline earth metals in polyphosphate complexes are two and fourrespectively. On the basis of coordination number four for calcium, theformer structure appeared to be more probable for the calcium complex. Onpreparation of actual models, structure 2(a), however, appears to be ratherstrained and therefore, the alternative possibility of bivalent atoms attaininghigher coordination numbers by forming dianionic chains from structures



of the type 2(b) also cannot be ruled out and in fact, appears to be moreprobable.

The above conclusion is in accordance with the structural features ofvarious long chain phosphates, a detailed review of which has been publishedrecently8.


Although potassium Kurrol salt is a long chain polyphosphate likeGraham's salt, yet it differs from the latter in being insoluble in water andin showing a different structure in the solid state67. Andress and Fischer68showed by x-ray studies that the anion of the compound consists of a longpolymeric chain of (PO3) units. Following the work of Corbridge69,Jost7° has shown that the crystals of(KPO3) are monoclinic. He has assignedto it the space group P2 1/a with the lattice constants as a = 14.02 A; b = 4.54 A;c = l0.28A and x = 111.5°. The phosphate chain is that of a screw typewith four P04 tetrahedraper period; each potassium appears to be surroundedby seven or eight oxygen atoms. According to Jost, the swelling in water orsalt solutions and ion exchange properties of (KP03) can be attributed torelatively weak forces between 201 planes.

As the insolubility of potassium Kurrol salt could be ascribed to the speciallattice characteristics of the salt, it was predicted that the complex derivativesof the type (KXM1 _xiaPO3)n should behave differently and might be expectedeven to be soluble in water. This conjecture has been confirmed7 173 by thesynthesis of complex potassium polymetaphosphate glasses of mono- andbi-valent metals according to the general reaction:

(1 — x/a)M0 + (1 — x)(NH4)2HP04 + xKH2PO4 -+

(1/n)(KM1_xiaPO3)n + 2(1 — x)NH3 + (3 — x/2)H20where M = Li, Na, Be, Mg, Ca, Ba, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni or Pb; x = , 4 and 4;and a = valency of metal M.

The reactions have been followed thermogravimetrically and by differentialthermal analysis. All these derivatives were prepared by heating the requiredreaction mixture at 800° and the product obtained in each case was a clear(except in some instances when x = 4) transparent melt which was immedi-ately chilled between stainless steel plates. The glasses obtained were colour-less except in the cases of copper and nickel derivatives which were blue andyellowish green respectively. All these derivatives (when x = ), except thebarium derivatives, were soluble in water, but the solubility as well as the rateof solution becomes less for derivatives with x = 4. Only copper, zinc andlead derivatives were found to be soluble when x = 4, but even in these cases,the rate of dissolution of derivatives of the last two metals was very slow.


The observed water-soluble nature of the complex potassium polymeta-phosphate can explain many earlier observations about the increased



solubility of potassium Kurrol salt in salt solutions of many cations otherthan potassium.

According to Madorsky and Clark76, the solubility of potassium Kurrolsalt in water is less than 0.004 g/100 ml at 25°C. Ohashi et al.53 have morerecently reported its solubility as 0.007—0.009 g/100 ml at 20°C. Volkerdingand Bradfield77 reported that the solubility of potassium Kurrol salt ismuch greater in salt solutions of alkali (other than potassium) and alkalineearth metals. Iler78 has prepared its solution free of foreign anions bydissolving it in aqueous suspension of sodium bound cation exchange resin.It has therefore, been suggested that the above dissolutions involve ion-exchange phenomena. The exchange of bivalent and trivalent metal ions hasbeen reported by Ohashi and co-workers53 to occur to the extent of 82—94per cent and 51—52 per cent in potassjum and sodium Kurrol salts respec-tively. Malmgren and co-workers10' 13,79 studied the sedimentation velocity,dialysis, electrophoresis and dilute solution viscosity of (KPO3) in the pre-sence of a number of swamping electrolytes and found it to be a high mole-cular weight chain phosphate.

The species which must be getting formed in the above experiments10' 13,79when (KPO3) is shaken with solutions of other electrolytes must be complexpolymetaphosphates of the type synthesized by fusion technique as de-scribed above. Even in Iler's method78, the species brought into solutionshould have been (NaPO3), if the exchange was complete or in the case ofincomplete exchange, it could have been expected to be (KNa1 _PO3). Inview of the above, attempts were made to prepare a few soluble potassiumcomplex metaphosphates also under the mild conditions employed by theabove workers.

It was observed that a clear solution could be obtained by shaking sixformula weights of (1/n)(KPO3) with a solution of one gram mole of chlor-ides of calcium, strontium, zinc or lead. On adding excess alcohol to theseconcentrated solutions, viscous liquids were precipitated which on dryingunder reduced pressure yielded derivatives corresponding to K213M116(PO3).In some of these cases, it was difficult to remove completely from the finalproduct, the anion of the bivalent salt originally taken. In order to overcomethis difficulty, four formula weights of potassium polymetaphosphate wereshaken with one formula weight of the bivalent metaphosphate, M(P03)2.The bivalent metaphosphates were prepared by adding sodium polymeta-phosphate to solutions of bivalent chlorides in the molar ratio of 2:1, Thebivalent metaphosphates which separated as oily precipitates were obtaihedin the solid form by adding alcohol to the oily precipitates to extract as muchwater out of them as possible and then drying under reduced pressure atroom temperature. Although both these metaphosphates are individuallyinsoluble in water, a mixture of these two, when shaken vigorously in water,went gradually into solution; the time required for mutual dissolutiondiffered from metal to metal, ranging from 12 hours for lead to 120 hours forstrontium. The complex derivatives could be separated from the solution bythe addition of alcohol and drying at room temperature under reducedpressure80.

Most of the samples of bivalent phosphates [M(PO3)2.2H2O] and of thecomplex potassium polymetaphosphates [K4.M(PO3)6.2H2O] were found



to be associated with two molecules of water of crystallization. For the sakeof comparison, a number of sodium complex metaphosphates, [Na4M(P03)6.2H2O], where M = Ca, Sr, Cd and Pb, were also prepared by similarmethods.

The conductances of solutions of these complex metaphosphates atdifferent dilutions as well as that of (NaPO3) were measured under similarconditions. The observed conductances of the solutions of these complexderivatives, prepared from solution, are of the same order, although they aregenerally lower than those of the samples obtained by fusion. Also, the plot ofconductance versus concentration is similar in nature to that observed forsodium polymetaphosphates and complex polymetaphosphate deriva-tives55' 71 The nature of these curves is also similar to those observed forother synthetic polyelectrolytes by Fuóss and Fitzgerald81 and confirmsthe polyelectrolytic behaviour of all these simple and complex polymeta-phosphates.


It is well known that although lithium belongs to the alkali metal groupof the periodic table, it has many properties similar to those of alkaline earthmetals; e.g. lithium orthophosphate is insoluble in water. It may also bementioned that lithium Kurrol salt is soluble in water and has a distinctstructure in the solid state, which consists of extended chains with alternatingP04 tetrahedra.

Caesium, on the other hand, shows quite a close resemblance to potassiumin many of its properties. Caesium polymetaphosphate, although it is iso-morphous with potassium polymetaphosphate, is soluble in water, unlikethe latter.

Thermal dehydration of lithium and caesium dihydrogen phosphates toyield lithium and caesium polymetaphosphates has been studied by severalworkers82' 83, who have shown that the respective pyrophosphates areobtained around 180—183°C and the polymetaphosphate begins to be formedaround 277°C in the case of lithium and at about 233°C in the case of caesium.The polymetaphosphates melt at about 600° in the case of lithium and at700°C for caesium.

Unlike the sodium system, there appears to be no formation of trimeta-phosphates in these systems.

In view of the above, it was considered of interest to make a study of thecomplex polymetaphosphates of lithium and caesium84' 85 also. The prepara-tion of these derivatives was, therefore, attempted by heating together thefollowing reaction mixtures:

(x/2)MCO3 + (NH4)2HP04 + (1 — x/2)M110

(1/n)[MM,2PO3] + 2NH3 + (x/2)C02 + (3/2)H20where M' is Li or Cs and M" is Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Zn, Cd, Cu, Ni or Pband x = 1,, -, 4.

In some cases where x is more than one half, the amount of frothing in theabove procedure was excessive. Hence, in these cases, a mixture of alkali



carbonate and the required quantity of ammonium dihydrogen phosphatewas initially heated at a low flame till frothing had subsided and then amixture of the bivalent metal oxide (or carbonate), with equivalent amountof diammonium hydrogen phosphate was added, followed by heatinggradually till a clear melt was obtained. This melt was then placed in a mufflefurnace at 800 ± 25°C for one hour. The reactions in these cases could berepresented as:

(x/2)MCO3 + xNH4H2PO4 + (1 — x)(NH4)2HP04 + (1 — x/2)M"O -÷

(1/n)[MM_12PO3] + (2 — x)NH3 + (x/2)C02 + (3/2)H20

A clear melt was obtained in almost all cases which on chilling betweentwo stainless steel plates gave clear glasses, except in the case of (CsPO3),which was obtained as an opaque mass. However, all the complex polymeta-phosphates of lithium and even caesium were obtained as clear glasses onchilling the melts in the usual manner. The yields in all cases correspondedwithin experimental errors to the values calculated on the basis of the aboveequations. This was confirmed also by following a few typical reactions on athermogravirnetric balance.

In one case (i.e. a lithium calcium derivative), a number of derivatives(LiCa1 _12PO3) were prepared, in which x was gradually changed as1/1, 1/1.25, 1/1.5, 1/1.75, 1/2, 1/2.5, 1/3 and 1/4. These were all obtained astransparent glasses. However, it was found that the samples with x < 1/3dissolved too slowly for the preparation of a solution of reasonable strength.In view of the above, three convenient values were chosen arbitrarily for x,namely and 4so that a comparative study could be made of the sampleswith different alkali metals.

As stated above, all the complex metaphosphates were obtained as trans-parent glasses, which were colourless except those of copper and nickel, inwhich cases the colour deepened with the increase in percentage of thesetwo coloured ions. All the derivatives with the composition (M13M16PO3)were soluble in water. The lithium derivatives were harder to dissolve thanthe corresponding caesium derivatives; the nickel and magnesium deriva-tives comparatively showed the lowest rates of dissolution. All the glasseswere hard to powder; caesium glasses could, however, be powdered withgreater ease than the corresponding lithium derivatives.

Derivatives with the general formula (M12M14PO3), were also alltransparent glasses, more difficult to dissolve in water in general than thederivatives with the general formula, (M13M16PO3). In the cases of lithium,magnesium, barium and lead, complex derivatives of this composition wereinsoluble. Derivatives of lithium and caesium with the general formula,(M13M13PO3) were all transparent glasses. Out of the derivatives studied,those of calcium, zinc, cadmium and copper were soluble, but those of stron-tium, barium and lead were insoluble in water.

For sake of comparison, a few complex derivatives with the generalformula [MM"(PO3)6.2H2OIln were also prepared from aqueous solution(where M' = Li or Cs and M' = Sr, Cd or Pb). These were prepared bytreating salt solutions of these bivalent metals with lithium or caesium poly-metaphosphates in 1:6 molar ratio, followed by precipitation with alcohol



and drying under vacuum. The properties of these complex derivatives pre-pared from solution were almost parallel to the sodium and potassium con%-plex derivatives, described earlier80.



As mentioned earlier, extensive work1021 carried out on Graham's saltshowed its highly polymeric character. Van Wazer and Holst87 concludedearly from their pHmetric and x-ray studies that branching units are com-paratively much less stable (antibranching rule) and get fissioned on dis-solution, sometimes causing an initial drop of viscosity. Similar studies10'13'79on sedimentation velocity, dialysis, electrophoresis and dilute solutionviscosity of potassium Kurrol salt in the presence of swamping electrolyteshave shown it to be a high molecular weight chain phosphate; the speciesformed in solution during these studies, should have the general composition(KM1 _x1aPO3),j, where a is the valency of the metal ions M", used as theswamping electrolyte.

In view of the above, attempts have been made to throw light on the natureof the products synthesized during the course of our investigations bydetermination of their molecular weights, i.r. and n.m.r. spectra and by astudy of their chromatographic and metachromatic behaviour. Finally, adetailed study of their conductivity has, shown that the complexes are poly-electrolytes like Graham's salt.

The number average molecular weights of Graham's salt have been deter-mined by end-group titrations12'20'88 and weight average values have beendetermined by light scattering'5, dialysis and diffusion10' techniques.Flory89 introduced a new term 'viscosity average molecular weight'. UsingStaudinger's method, molecular weights of Graham's salt have been deter-mined by a number of workers15'50' 72, 73, 90, 91, 92 Both the end grouptitration as well as intrinsic viscosity methods have been used for estimatingthe molecular weights of the simple and complex metaphosphates describedabove.

End group titrationIn the simple chain structure (Figure 1) of sodium polymetaphosphate, all

the chain hydrogens would be strongly acidic titratable in the pH rangearound four, whereas the two terminal hydrogens would be much weaker inacidic behaviour and would be titrated at pH around nine. As suggested byGustavsson and Larrson88, a dilute hydrochloric acid solution was added tobring the pH of the polymer solution up to 3.0 to 3.5. On titration with alkali,two breaks were obtained at pH values around 4 and 9 and from this titrevalue, the number average molecular weight (M,) of the polymer can becalculated by the formula:

M — 2000 x wt of polymer dissolved in solution—

ml of N NaOH required



The initial addition of HG was not considered84 necessary with most of thecomplex lithium polymetaphosphates, as the pH of their solutions them-selves was around 3.5. Values of M obtained for various simple and complexmetaphosphates range generally between 4000and 5000 for most of the com-plex derivatives except for those of caesium86 which tend to be somewhathigher both for the simple as well as for the complex polymetaphosphates.The points of inflection were not quite sharp in the cases of complexesincorporating less-electropositive metal ions like Be2 , Ni2, Zn2 and inthese cases the values of M also calculated from the observed titre valueswere exceptionally low. This might be explained on the possibility of con-sumption of some alkali by these less electropositive metal ions, if they arenot strongly sequestered.

Determinations of weight average molecular weights (Me) by viscositymeasurements

The weight a'erage molecule weights of Graham's salt have been deter-mined by light scattering and viscosity measurements. Strauss et al.50'93observed that the weight average molecular weights of Graham's salt areproportional to intrinsic viscosity (j) of the sample in 0.035 N sodium bromidesolution. The value of M can, therefore, be calculated from the equation

(ii) = K MIn the above equation, K is a constant and its value was found15 to be 1.76 x10' when 0.035 N sodium bromide solution is used as the theta solvent.The above constant K appeared to be unaffected by the nature of the anionof the electrolyte used as a solvent; Mehrotra and Gupta57'59'91 determinedthe viscosity of a number of samples of(NaPO3) in 0.035 N sodium bromideand sodium chloride, and found the same value for .Hence, the M valuesfor simple and complex polymetaphosphates of lithium92, sodium59,potassium71'72 and caesium86 were determined in 0.035 N sodium chloridesolutions. With lithium92 derivatives, lithium chloride and bromide werealso sometimes employed as theta solvents. All these determinations didconfirm the highly polymeric nature of these new complex derivatives. Asexpected, the values of M were higher than those of M for simple poiy-metaphosphates, but for some complex derivatives, this relationship appearedto be reversed. It was further observed that sodium chloride lowers the vis-cosity of solutions of complex polymetaphosphate, say (Na213Ca116PO3)much more than that of solutions of simple sodium polymetaphosphate(NaPO3). Similarly, calcium ions (calcium chloride) were found to lower theviscosity of (NaPO3) solutions much more than sodium ions (sodiumchloride). It has, therefore, been suggested91 that the anomalous behaviourof complex metaphosphates, like that of calcium, showing lower values forM than for Mm arises as the bivalent cations produced in equilibria of thefollowing type reduce the observed viscosity of the metaphosphate solutionquite markedly(NaCa1 _12PO3) + n x y Na-+ (Na+Ca1 __12PO3) + (n.y/2)Ca2 +The correctness of this assumption is proved by the observation that the

reduced viscosities of solutions of(NaPO3) + CaCl2 and (Na213Ca116PO3)



+ NaC1 are almost identical, if the formal concentrations of the individualions, i.e. of Na, Ca2 , C1 and (P03)- in the two eases are the same.

Effect of cations on the viscosity of polymetaphosphate solutionsAs mentioned above, the viscosity of polymetaphosphate solutions is

decreased by monovalent as well as by polyvalent cations, but the lowering ismuch more pronounced91 with the latter. It has been found that the orderof change produced in reduced viscosity corresponds to the order of decreas-ing ionic radii of cations in the same valency state:

Na (O.95A)> Li (O.60A)andBa2 (1.35A)> Pb2 (1.21A)> Sr2 (1.13A)>

Ca2 (O.99A) > Zn (0.74A)> Mg2 (0.65A)This simple relationship between ionic radii and the effect produced onreduced viscosity of a solution of Graham's salt appears to emphasize thephysical picture of the phenomena as pointed out by Thilo7. The anion ofthe swamping electrolyte (for example, use of ZnSO4 in place of ZnCl2),does not appear to alter the effect4.

General conclusions from molecular weight measurements ofpolymetaphosphates

The main conclusions drawn from molecular weight measurements onsimple and complex polymetaphosphates can be summarized:

(i) The reduced viscosity of simple as well as complex metaphosphatesolutions shows a rise towards higher dilutions. This behaviour can be easilyexplained on the basis of the uncoiling of the chain due to the repulsion ofcharge centres in the polymers. This uncoiling effect could well be expectedto be less pronounced for complex polymetaphosphates on the basis ofstructures of the type ha; the actual experimental results corroborate thisexpectation fully.

(ii) Observed molecular weights of complex derivatives are comparativelylower than those of the corresponding simple alkali polymetaphosphates.This can be explained as being due to the following factors:

(a) The hydrolytic degradation of polyphosphate chains might take placein the presence of polyvalent cations, as has been observed by severalworkers94' Further, due to hydrolysis, the pH of the solution is lowered,requiring a larger volume of alkali in the end group titration method. Thus,M values of derivatives of Be, Mg and Ni are exceptionally low (of the orderof 1500—2000), as the initial pH values of their solutions are also quite low,i.e. 2.6, 3.0, 2.8 respectively.

(b) Another reason for the low values of M obtained for complex deriva-tives may be due to extensive crosslinking in their structures, as is also indi-cated by the extremely slow rate of dissolution of these glasses in water, evenwhen they are finely powdered. Recently, a study of the polyphosphatepolymers: homopolymers containing Li, Na, Ca2, Sr2, Ba2, Zn2 andCd2 and counter-ion copolymeric systems such as Na La3 Na Ca2;Na K; K Li + in the glass transition range by Eisenberg96 has revealed



that the di-ionic chains possess crosslinking character as compared to thosein which the repeat unit contains only one type of cations.


Conductance measurements have been used as a valuable tool for estab-lishing the polyelectrolytic nature of Graham's and Kurrol's salts. Daviesand Monk16 found marked differences in electrolytic conductance behaviourof the cyclic sodium trimetaphosphate (NaPO3) and Graham's salt(NaPO3). The former behaves as a 1—3 valent electrolyte whereas the be-haviour of the latter resembles that of polyelectrolytes. The conductancesat different dilutions of a few typical polymetaphosphates of sodium5potassium71' 72, lithium84and caesium86 have been published in a number ofpapers from our laboratories in recent years. The results have been wellillustrated, in almost all cases, by the plots of(i) specific conductance againstformal concentration; (ii) equivalent conductance (2)against square root ofconcentration, i.e. 2 versus Jc; and (iii) log 2 versus — log c. These plotshave been shown to be characteristic of polyelectrolytes; similar curves havealready been reported for some organic polyelectrolytes9799. The resultshave been interpreted on the basis of the Fuoss model10° for polyelectrolytes.

Thilo and co-workers101 had shown in 1960 that with the increasing chainlength of the polyphosphate, Na 2P,,O3,,1, the degree of dissociation firstdecreases rapidly and then more slowly to a limiting value at a chain lengthof about 100. The same general trend is observed in the conductance valuesof the simple and complex polyphosphates described above. Except in thecases of derivatives of nickel and magnesium, the molecular weights andchain lengths of which are quite low, molecular weights of the same speciesshow only a slight upward trend with the temperature of preparation and theconductances of the higher molecular weight samples tend to be only slightlylower.

The conductances of complex polymetaphosphate solutions are generallyin the same range (within 10—15 per cent) of the values for the solutions of thecorresponding alkali polymetaphosphates, except in those cases where thechain length appears to assume an exceptionally low value. For example, theconductances of complex sodium polymetaphosphates46'47' aregenerally of the same order as those of simple sodium polymetaphosphate(Graham's salt). This appears to indicate that the mobilities of the anions[Na(PO3)] arenot affected by the partial or complete substitution ofsodium atoms by bivalent atoms like calcium, strontium, barium, zinc,copper or lead. As discussed earlier also, this is in conformity with the struc-tures suggested for these simple and complex polymetaphosphates by theauthor46'47 in 1948. Wall and Doremus64 had also shown in 1954 that theionic mobilities of polyanions in the solutions of (NaPO3) and (Na112Sr114-PO3) are of the same order.

If allowances be made for differences in lengths of polyphosphate chain,the conductances of equivalent solutions of simple and complex polymeta-phosphate derivatives from different alkali metals follow the order of their



ionic mobilities: Cs > K > Na > Li, which is the reverse of the order ofsite-bonding shown for alkali metals with polyphosphate chains by Straussand co-workers50.

Thus the conductance measurements demonstrate clearly the poly-electrolytic nature of the simple and complex polymetaphosphates and theresults are in conformity with the simple configurations shown in Figures1 and 2.


The absorption maxima of certain dyes which do not obey Beer's law areshifted to lower wavelengths in the presence of polyelectrolytes. This propertyhas been termed 'metachromacy' by Michaelis and Granick102. The meta-chromatic effect of Graham's salt on toluidine blue was studied by Wiame103.It has been found that the simple and complex polymetaphosphates, synthe-sized during the course of the present investigations, also shift104' 105 theabsorption band of toluidine blue from 630 to 530 mj.t. Further, it has beenobserved that the metachromatic effect of Graham's salt is unaffected in thepresence of calcium or barium chloride. Similar effects have been observedfor thionine and methylene blue, absorption bnds of which are shifted from590 to 510 mji and 665 to 575 mjt respectively by various simple and complexpolymetaphosphates of lithium, sodium, potassium and caesium.

The metachromatic effect on these dyes has been found to be independentnot only of the nature of the above polymetaphosphates, but of their mole-cular weights'°6. These effects have been explained by Michaelis andGranick102 and by Wiame103 on the basis of the change in the degree ofpolymerization of the dye. Walton and Ricketts107, however, found that inthe cases of sulphonated dextrans, the reactive groups on the dextrans areresponsible for metachromacy. Levine and Schubert'°8 followed by Mckayand Hillson109 have explained the origin of the metachromatic effects onthe association of the dye molecules with the counter anions.


Paper chromatography has in recent years proved useful in the separationof phosphate mixtures. A number of studies have been made by severalworkers18' 19, 110—112 and the subject has been reviewed by Thi1o113 and byHettler' 14 Morey"5 in 1952 described the preparation of Na4Ca(P03)6which was later shown by Ohashi and Van Wazer6 to be a trimetaphosphatederivative Na4Ca(P309)2. Thilo and co-workers"7 have been able toseparate quantitatively ring and chain phosphates by two-dimensionalchromatography. Griffith and Buxton8 have been able to, detect chainphosphates having chain lengths of up to eight phosphorus atoms and ringphosphates up to twelve-membered rings by this technique. Similarity in thenature of complex sodium"9 and other alkali metal'°5 polymetaphosphateswith that of Graham's salt has been elucidated by recent paper chromato-graphic studies of Mehrotra and coworkers.




Infra-red spectraChain and ring phosphates give characteristic i.r. vibrational frequencies in

phosphates74'75' 120, The i.r. technique has also been used121"22 for identify-ing the products of thermal dehydration of various metal phosphates.The i.r. spectral data of complex polymetaphosphates are given in Table 2.Those for sodium and sodium potassium trimetaphosphates73 have alsobeen included for comparison.

The following characteristics are discernible from these i.r. data:(i) The absorption frequencies observed for alkali metal polyphosphates

are in agreement within experimental error with the values reported in theliterature74' '. The spectra of complex derivatives are almost similar tothose of the corresponding alkali metal polymetaphosphates.

(ii) The strong and sharp absorption in the region 1300-1250 cm' inall the polymetaphosphates except in (KPO3),1, where it is observed as adoublet, is ascribed to P=O stretching, Vas(P0). In almost all complexpolymetaphosphates, the position of P=O stretching is not affected, indi-cating that the P0 bond characteristics are not changed by the substitutionof monovalent metal ions by l5ivalent metal ions.

(iii) A comparison of the spectra of complex polymetaphosphates showsthe absence of strong and broad absorption in the region 1000—950 cm1characteristic of cyclic phosphates as well as of a strong sharp doublet at745 cm' and a sharp peak at 770 cm' due to asymmetric and symmetricstretching of the P—O—P bond. Instead of these, vibrations at 895—860 cm'and 785—710 cm' are observed which have been ascribed to P—O-—Pchain vibrations. Corbridge and Lowe74 have shown that the P—O—Pchain causes characteristic vibrations at 900 cm' and due to its harmonicsat 700 cm 1, the frequency at 900 cm1 is shifted to lower values, withincreasing chain length With (NaPO3),,, Vas(POP) is observed at868 cm1 whereas in the case of complex derivatives, it is observed around900—870 cm . This shift seems to be reasonable in view of the low molecularweight of the complex derivatives. Absence of splitting in Vas(P0) vibra-tions and a number of other salient differences observed in the spectra ofthese complex derivatives from those of cyclic phosphates indicate their longchain character. Comparison of spectra of these derivatives with those oftriphosphate reported by Corbridge also indicate their long chain character-istics. In the case of triphosphates, the strongest absorption is in the region1170-1100 cm . In addition, a strong absorption in the region 1250-1085,two absorptions at 1040—995 and two at 775—690 cm' have been observed.However, in the case of these complex derivatives, the strongest absorptionis in the region 1 300—1250 cm1 and only one absorption due to Va,(POP)is observed in the region 900—860 cm

The two absorption bands at 900—870 and 1030-990 cm' in the case of(NaPO3) and (KPO3) have been assigned by Gehrke and Bues75 to thecoupling of two asymmetric stretching vibrations. The spectra of simple alkalipolymetaphosphates prepared by us also show the two frequencies due toVas(POP). However, in the case of complex derivatives, this absorptionis very weak and the second band could not be identified.



The band around 785—710 cm' also shows many variations in complexpolymetaphosphates. No definite correlation between the nature of positiveions and ö(P—O—P) is observed. It can be generalized that all absorptionswhich result due to the coupling vibrations of the bond in the chain or dueto harmonics are very weak in complex derivatives because of their amorph-ous nature. In amorphous polymetaphosphates, the P04 chain is in a moredisorganized state. It may be quite possible that couplings of various bondvibrations of the phosphate chain are really not very effective. This seems to bereasonable in view of the presence of the band at 677 cm' in (KP03) andcrystalline (NaP03). The absence of this frequency has been reported alsoin the case of Graham's salt.

From the above discussion it can be said that these complex polymeta-phosphate derivatives are similar in nature to amorphous polymeric Graham'ssalt.

Nuclear magnetic resonance studiesCondensed phosphates consist of P04 structural units which are distin-

guished from each other as the end, middle and branching groups. Thepolymetaphosphates are characterized by the presence of end and middlegroup only, whereas cyclic phosphates like trimetaphosphates have got onlymiddle groups in their structure. Van Wazer et al.123 have observed that eachof the above-mentioned structural groups gives characteristic signals atdifferent fields in 31P resonance spectra of condensed phosphates in solution.More recently Crutchfield and Irani124 have studied complexing betweenLi, Ca2 and Mg2 ions and polyphosphates.

The chemical shift values'25 for complex polymetaphosphates, recordedin Table 1, show a sharp peak at 22 ± 1.5 p.p.m. and a weak peak at 12 ± 1.5p.p.m. The former correspondsto the middle groups (—0--P—0—P—0—)whereas the latter is due to the end groups. The chemical shifts corresponding

Table 1. 31P resonance spectra of a few complex polymetaphosphate derivatives




cal shifts(referenceH3P04)




cal shifts(referenceH3P04)





10.60 22.4023.40







to middle and end groups are characteristic of long chain phosphates. Thesevalues are in agreement with those reported by Van Wazer et al.123. Theend group resonance could not be observed in those cases where the linedue to the middle groups was of less intensity. This is expected since theintensity ratio of the end group line to the middle group line would be of theorder of 1:40 when the degree of polymerization, n is 80. The intensities ofend and middle group peaks depend very much on the average chain length.



The above observations are in good agreement with those of Van Wazer et al.These are also in accord with the views of Eisenberg96 about the extensivecrosslinking in these products. The breaking of crosslinks in aqueoussolution would form low molecular weight species. Therefore, in such casesthe intensity of the middle group peak is expected to be low in comparisonto the longer chain species.

Table 2. The i.r. spectral data of alkali polymetaphosphates and their complex derivatives

Compounds 5(P—O—P) Vas(P_O_P) v,(P02) Vas(P02)

(LiPO3) 792vwb 869wvb lO93mvb 1150vw 1258sb(Li213Ca116PO3) 758vwb 893wvb 1099mb 1 149vw 1250sb(Li213Ba116PO3) 758vwb 893wvb 1099mb llSOvw 1266sb(Li213Zn116PO3) 747vwb 893wvb 1099mb 1 149vw 1250sb(Li213Cd116PO3) 758vwb 893wvb 1099mb 1149vw 1258sb(Li213Mg116PO3) 758vwb 893wvb 1081mb 1149vw 1258sb

(Li213Ni116PO3) 758vwb 9O9wvb 1099mb ll5lvw 1263sb

(Li213Cu116PO3) 745vwb 9Olwvb 1070mb 1149vw 1250sb

(NaPO3) 772wb 869sb, 1087s 1149w 1266ss


(Na213Pb116PO3) 770wb 869sb 1085s 1149w 1258ss(Na213Zn116PO3) 763wb 885sb 1081s 1149w 1258ss(Na113Zn113PO3) 749wb 9Olsb 1053s 1266s(Na213Ca116PO3) 769wb 877sb 1093s 1149w 1266ss(Na112Ca114PO3) 769wb 885sb 1093s 1149w 1266ss(Na113Cd113PO3) 769wb 889sb 1081s 1149w 1256ss(KPO3) 769w 865ss 1093s 1149s 1265ss

677* 1025b 1285ss

(K213Pb116PO3) 781wb 887sb 1081s 1149w 1258ss


(K112Pb114PO3) 757wb 887sb 1081s 1143w 1258ss

(K113Pb113PO3) 746wb 885sb 1087s 1150w 1266ss

(K213Ba116PO3) 757wb 885sb 1085s 1149w 1258ss

(K112Ba114PO3) 747wb 877sb 1081s 1149w 1266ss

(K113Ba113PO3) 757wb 862b 1085s 1149w 1258ss

(K213Ca116PO3) 764wb 870sb 1087s 1143w 1266ss

(K113Ca113PO3) 769wb 885sb 1093s 1143w 1266ss(K213Na113PO3) 763wb 866sb 1087s 1149w 1266ss(K112Na112PO3) 767wb 870sb 1093s 1143w 1274ss

(K213Li113PO3) 758wb 874s 1081s 1149w 1282ss

(K112Li112PO3) 775wb 877s 1087s 1163w 1266ss(K113Li213PO3) 772wb 885s 1087ss 1163w 1266ss(K213Cu116PO3) 758wb 881s 1093s 1156w 1258ss(K213Zn116PO3) 758wb 881sb 1087s 1143w 1266ss(K112Zn114PO3) 763wb 891sb 1081s 1149w 1258ss(K213Cd116PO3) 768wb 874sb 1087s 1156w 1266ss(K213Ni116PO3) 754wb 881sb 1087s 1149w 1266ss(K112Ni114PO3) 744wb 877sb 1075s 1149w 1258ss(CsPO3) 794ms 885sh lO8lsb ll49wsh 1263s


(Cs213Zn116PO3) 854sb 1081mb llSOwsh 1266sb1010mb

(Cs213Cd116PO3) 766vwb 870wb 1085mb 1149vw 1266slOlOwb

(Cs213Pb116PO3) 763vwb 870wb 1085mb 1149vw 1266slOlOwb



Table 2 (contd.)

—Compounds ö(P—O--P) Vas(POP) v,(P02) Vas(PO2)

(Cs213Sr116PO3) 877wb1010wb

1087mb 1150vw 1266s

(Cs213Mg116PO3) 877vwbl000m

1081mb 1148vw 1266s

(Cs213Ni116PO3) 877vwbl000m

1081mb 1149vw 1258s

(Cs213Cu116PO3) 877vb 1087mb llSOvw 1266s

v = very;w = weak;b = broad; s = strong; ss = strong sharp and sh = shoulder.* (5(P—0P).(5P02.v, (ring) and v(P—O—P) for Na3P3O9: (510, 520, 525) sb, 640 s and 690 cm1 respec-

tively; for (Na4K2P6O18): (513, 520, 525) sb, 640 and 690s cm1 respectively.


The author is grateful to his co-workers Drs V. S. Gupta, P. C. Vyas andC. K. Oza for providing most of the experimental data which have beenutilized in the review. The assistance received from the last two in the pre-paration and from Sri G. M. Tripathi in typing the manuscript is also grate-fully acknowledged.

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