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A analysis of myself

Hope Watson


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Respect for persons/Social awareness Building Connections - partnership Data Analysis * Detail Oriented – quality

*I have taken graduate level courses on biostatistics. My statistics background is very strong, which allows me to digest and interpret data in more complex ways than the way they are done in many business applications currently. That is I perform true statistical analysis and not simple aggregate functions such as sum or average values.

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Workplace Comfort


I pride myself on being able to work with all different types of people and their given backgrounds. First and foremost I think of myself as a scientist, which I feel makes understand the importance of treating all teammates and colleagues ideas with merit and respect. I believe to be successful in a work environment tolerance is not enough, acceptance and respect are necessary.

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Building Connections


Pharma Client

Dynamic Changes

Dynamic Changes

Dynamic Changes

Dynamic Changes

When making this SWOT analysis I had been an academic advisor at my university. I felt there was a strong relationship with how I would also build connections with the client on the account I worked on.

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Perfectionism Taking on too much Lack of Coding/Programming Skills



I have since improved my coding skills, although I have a long way to go. I am currently focusing on R and SQL, since my background is in statistics and database relationships.

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Varied and transdisciplinary skill set Knowledge Facilitation – Triaging

Although I am a kinesiology major on the pre-med track and a public health minor, my skillset truly runs across multiple fields. I am self-taught in a many computer and programming skills. I also have many business skills such as client account billing and budget metrics and creating work instructions and standard operating procedures (SOPs) for accounts.

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Shared Facilities

and Budget


Market Access

Medical Informatio



This was an example I applied to Ashfield’s different business sectors. Ashfield, like many current companies, is a product of many acquisitions. For this reason, getting different business sectors to share facilities and budget streamlines data transmission and is a cost reduction model. I proposed this to be an opportunity for Ashfield to utilize.

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Information Triage –Who Needs to Know What


Within different branch

Caregiver Patient

Co-worker (in same branch)

I do not like to operate on the “need-to-know” principle. I believe it leaves room for lots of error in how accounts, people, or projects are handled when there is turn over. I do however operate on telling people their job in relationship to their boss, client, and project scope relative to their role and level of understanding. Level of understanding should increase as the person gains experience, this way new hires are not bombarded when trying to give input and direction to a project they just came on board to.

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Facilitating received information Companies/Academia favoring extremes Mergers and Acquisitions being costly – cuts to R&D

Ideas + Products



es P


Costs Profit

1. Facilitating information - Much information is never received from the computer system to the person. People who do receive information do not relay the information to others in a timely manner. Information that can give great trends and insights is also typically with held due to the “need-to-know” principle and only shared with those working directly on an account or project.

2. Extremes – companies and colleges tend to choose people that are very well rounded or very specialized. This can make it hard for an individual, such as myself, interested in numerous areas with a few specialties to decide whether it is advantageous to either broad or narrow my scope and direction.

3. Mergers and acquisitions – This is what the graphic is showing. Organizing a company or project is very time intensive, and it is usually done retrospectively which costs more money. Organizing does not yield any profit, unless from organizing it produces ideas and or products, which are profitable.

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