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Subject -Verb Agreement – Exercise 1

This handout accompanies Exercise 1 of Grammar Bytes! Get the answers by doing the interactive

version of the exercise at this address:

Directions: In the blank, use the correct present tense form of the infinitive given at the beginning of each sentence.

1. to have: The cracked windshield, in addition to the torn upholstery and rusted body, __________ made Ruth’s old car difficult to sell.

2. to be: This week's National Inquisitor claims that there __________ photographs of the Loch Ness Monster eating Elvis.

3. to work: At Tito’s Taco Palace __________ friends who will stuff double meat into our burritos for free.

4. to crawl: On the tables in the library __________ the many germs that have escaped in the hot breath of hardworking students.

5. to be: None of this breakfast that Lilly Mae cooked __________ fit to eat.

6. to taste: None of these chocolate-broccoli muffins __________ good, either.

7. to have: The whole red ant colony, including the queen and all of her drones, __________ swarmed over Tommy's feet, stinging his ankles.

8. to make: Fifteen gallons of chocolate milk __________ Herbert the elephant a happy pachyderm.

9. to hope: Everyone on the roller coaster, including Martha and Angie, __________ that the hot dogs, onion rings, funnel cake, and cotton candy will stay down during the twisting ride to come.

10. to bother: Neither Fred's ratty clothes nor his sullen attitude __________ Esmeralda, who lets Fred pick up the check every time they dine out.

11. to hug: That pair of jeans __________ the curves of Hannah’s body as nicely as tinfoil on a baked potato.

12. to annoy: Neither the coughing muffler nor the squeaky brakes __________ Ruth as much as the broken radio in her old car.

13. to get: Florida alligators usually __________ severe indigestion after eating poodles.

14. to cling: Every cat hair, candy wrapper, and loose thread __________ to the super-charged polyester pants that Theodora loves to wear.

15. to know: Any one of Ms. Orsini's students __________ the rules that govern subject-verb agreement.

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16. to take: The shine on my hardwood floors __________ abuse from the ragged toenails of Floyd, my dog.

17. to have: Neither of those students __________ a clue about the rules governing subject-verb agreement. Pity them both during the quiz.

18. to make: Patience and compassion, in addition to a wallet bulging with money, __________ everyone want Jordan as a friend.

19. to require: Statistics __________ so much homework that Michelle's poor fingers have permanent indentations from the calculator pads.

20. to come: The committee ___________ from all parts of the city, so we usually have to start late because so many members get stuck in traffic.

21. to believe: The committee ___________ that waiting until everyone arrives is more important than starting on time.

22. to be: When Dad is angry, there __________ fire flickering in his eyes as well as smoke escaping from his ears.

23. to brighten: When Matthew is having a bad day, old episodes of The X-Files always __________ his mood.

24. to hit: Each of those opera singers regularly ___________ notes high enough to break glass and rupture eardrums.

25. to be: Either the fried oyster sandwich or shrimp pizza __________ the best choice for lunch at Crusty's Seafood Restaurant.

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