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Royal Australian historical society

(RAHS)Access to Funding

June 2016 MGNSW WorkshopSuzanne Holohan, General


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Stream 1: Administration : Reputation for professional and successful grant administration1967 – Cultural Grants funded by Arts NSW1991 - Heritage Grants funded by Office of Environment and Heritage 2015 – Transport Heritage grants funded by Transport NSW, administered with support from Transport Heritage.

RAHS & Grants

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Stream 2 : Apply, deliver and acquit grant funded programs : understand grant process from applicants perspective. •We apply to run Cultural Grants and

Heritage Grants •Receive grants from National Library of

Australia, City of Sydney, Club grants, NSW Premier Office grants, Office of Environment and Heritage, Office of Liquor and Gambling

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Opening JulyTransport NSW - $150,000 (ongoing)

Closing JuneCultural Grants - $50,000 (2016 – 2018) Heritage grants - $23,400 (2015-2016)

2016 Current Grant

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Rediscover the culture, the events and the people that shaped transport in NSW over the past 160 years, as well as support the restoration and conservation of our priceless heritage assets.

Category 1: Restoration and Conservation- to restore and conserve rail, tram and bus heritage assets (which are not eligible for other Govt. funding)Category 2: Education- to educate the community about NSW transport heritageCategory 3 Research and Publication- Innovation through digital research and print interpretation projects

Goals of Program

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Category 1 and 2 - Open to organisations only. Category 3 – Organisations, and individuals who are members of Transport Heritage NSW. • Suitable projects include

• the restoration of a transport heritage asset owned by your organisation

• promoting the history or facilities of a group to local schools or community groups

• digital research and print interpretation that highlights of NSW Transport history

Eligibility and Suitability

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• Payments is made up-front• 12 months to deliver project from date of

payment• Milestone reporting – quarterly or half-yearly• Doesn’t fund following:

• Normal administrative expenses • Retrospective funding underway• Travel expenses• Reprints

Other key points

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Category 1: 8 ProjectsCategory 2: 3 ProjectsCategory 3 : 2 ProjectsHighest Amount : $49,885Lowest Amount : $875Average: $11K

2015 – Review

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Successful grant applicants all had•a clearly defined and manageable

project scope•a realistic budget •strongly conveyed the heritage value of

their project. Assessors also looked favourably upon projects that demonstrated community and volunteer involvement.

2015 – Review

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$20,000 - Sydney Bus Museum interpretation project.

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•Assists historical research and publication of local, community and regional history

•Not-for-profit incorporated organisation or auspiced by one

•Suitable projects:•Publications ( digital and printed)•Oral histories•Education programs•Protecting research resource and increasing

their availablity

Goals and Eligibility

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• Payments is made up-front• 12 months to deliver project from date of payment• Milestone reporting –half-yearly• Doesn’t fund following:

• Normal administrative expenses, retrospective funding, reprints

• Capital Expenditure• All physical materials associated with exhibitions and

displays (panels, story boards, exhibition cases etc)• Regional Seminar Program and training

Other key points

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Project types : 13 publications, 3 web‐based and 6 digitisation projectsHighest Amount : $4,000Average: $2 KOral History Projects: contribute to historical understanding, accessibility.Full assessment report on web-site

2015 – Review

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•Assists historical research and publication of local, community and regional history

•Individual or community organisation•Suitable projects:

• Researching and presenting a local history• A local archives collection management

plan, or• A local digital image or photographic

collections management plan.

Goals and Eligibility

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• Payments is made on presentation of receipt• 12 months to deliver project from date of

payment• Milestone reporting –half-yearly• Doesn’t fund following:

• Normal administrative expenses, retrospective funding, reprints

• Capital Expenditure• Printing publication costs • Heritage trails, local heritage celebrations and

plaque projects

Other key points

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Project types : 4 individuals, 4 organisationsHighest Amount : $5,000Average: $3 KOral History Projects: contribute to historical understanding, accessibility.Full assessment report on web-site

2015 – Review

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What steps should you take next if you are interested in applying?

•Visit the RAHS website

•Look at last year’s application forms on our website and successful applicants

•Contact RAHS to discuss your possible grant application at [email protected] or 9247 8001

•Prepare a plan for your project, look at getting quotes to support your project and formulate a budget