Download - Sustainability Development in Johannesburg.




Khotso Mxolisi Koetle, Executive MBA Application, September 2015












Sustainable Development is Development That Meets the Needs of The Present Without Compromising The Ability of Future Generations to Meet Their Own


Sustainable Development Suggest That Meeting The Needs of The Future Depends on How Well we Balance Social, Economic, And Environmental

Objectives or Needs When Making Decisions Today.


“Johannesburg Represents the Spirit of Africa”- Nelson Mandela

African Economic Capital and 16% of South Africa’s GDP

3,5M Inhabitants, Majority are Aged between 19 and 39

Largest Man Made Forest with 10M Trees

Busiest Airport in Africa (OR Tambo International Airport)

Largest Acute Hospital in the World; Chris Hani Hospital

The City Collects 1.8M Tons of Garbage per Year

13% of the City’s Waste is Recycled

The City generates 600MW of Electricity

High Crime Rate

37% of the City’s Residents are Unemployed

THE CHALLENGES Poverty Remains Persistent, Food and Nutrition Security

Continues to be Elusive to Many.

Income Inequality Remains the Highest Globally.

Energy Needs Are Likely to Remain Unmet For Many

Households And Businesses; Significant Investment in

Modern Energy Services is Required.

Greater Need to Promote Sustainable Management of

Natural Resources and Ecosystems Within The City.

Reoccurring Financial Crises Prevented The Promotion

of Long-Term Financial Investments Required to Achieve

Sustainable Development.

Substantial Increases of Public and Private Investments

in Urban Infrastructure and Services is Required.

“Eradicating Extreme Poverty, Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production, and Managing the Planet’s Natural Resource Base for the Benefit of All are The Overarching Challenges of Sustainable Development.” – Ban Ki Moon


Johannesburg is Implementing an Energy Mix Comprising Coal, Solar, Wind, Hydro, Gas and Nuclear Energy. In Future Biomass, Wind Power, Solar Power and Hydro Power Will Contribute 11.4 gigawatts of Renewable Energy to The Grid.

The Use of Steam Left Over From Electricity Generation for Heating – Would be Pursued with the Sugar, Paper and Pulp Industries to Harness Waste Energy to Produce 1 000MW.

A Coal-Independent Power Producer Program was Launched in January 2015 to Generate a Capacity of 2 500MG.

The City of Johannesburg is has initiated the Largest Landfill Gas-to-Energy program in Africa, Estimated 19MW of power, Sufficient to Supply 12 500 Middle-Income Households.

RESPONSES – INNOVATION South African Airways (SAA) and Aircrafts Maker Boeing in a Program

to Use Energy-Rich Tobacco Plants for Sustainable Aviation Biofuels; Collaborative Effort to Develop an Aviation Biofuel Supply Chain Using a Nicotine-Free, GMO-Free Tobacco Plant Called Solaris.

South African Airways has Plans to Increase Use of Biofuels for its Fights to 20M L in 2017, Before Reaching 400M Litres by 2023.

The Partnership between South African Airways and it’s Partners will create thousands of Jobs, New Skills and Technology, Energy Security and Stability and Macro-Economic Benefits to Johannesburg and a Massive Reduction in The Amount of CO2 Emissions.

Johannesburg is The Highest Ranked City on The Africa Continent in International Communications Technology Company Ericsson’s Global ICT Index: The Index Measures 40 Global Cities’ Levels of ICT Maturity, And How These Cities Leverage ICT to Solve the Social, Environmental and Economic Challenges Faced.

Johannesburg has Installed Power-Saving Initiative that Saw Solar-Powered Traffic on the City’s Major Roads.


Nedbank’s Green Funding: Every Deal is Structured Around the Creation of Innovative Solutions for Green Economy.

Nedbank’s Carbon Finance: Reduces and Offset the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Nedbank Group and its Clients Through Services Including Carbon Footprinting, the Development of Carbon Strategies and the Identification of Project Opportunities.

Nedbank’s Renewable Energy Funding: Nedbank is a Leading Investor in Hydro, Solar and Wind Energy Infrastructure Projects worth Approximately 37% of Johannesburg’s Renewable Energy Projects.

Johannesburg’s Green Mining Awards: These Awards Celebrate the Invaluable Contribution that Responsible Mining and Mineral Beneficiation Makes to the Economic Development of Johannesburg.

Financial Stability of South African Financial Services Industry: South Africa Boats One of the Most Stable Financial Systems in the World even Through Economic Crises, Most Financial Companies are Headed in Johannesburg.


Johannesburg’s Environmental Sustainability Forces Businesses to Look Beyond Making Short Term Gains and Look at The Long Term Impact They are Having on The Natural World.

Manufacturing Industries now Considers the Environmental Impact of They’re products entire lifecycle; from Development to Disposal.

The City of Johannesburg is Currently Building a €8B Eco-City in Moderfontein.

Several Strategic Initiatives are Currently in Place to: Air Quality Management Energy Provision Noise Pollution Management Waste Minimisation Water Conservation Water Pollution and Protection of Water Resources Adequate Sanitation Biodiversity Protection.


The City of Johannesburg still has a Long Way to Go until it’s Goals for Sustainable Development are Reached, Some of the Improvements the City Must Focus on Are:

To Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

To Achieve Universal Primary Education

To Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

To Reduce Child Mortality

To Improve Maternal Health

To Combat HIV/AIDS, TB, and other Diseases

To Ensure Environmental Sustainability

To Develop a Global Partnership for Development


Balancing Human Demand for Land and Food with the Need to Protect the City’s Dwindling Natural Resources is a National Challenge. For Johannesburg, the Challenge can Seem Insurmountable in the Face of Booming a Population, Entrenched Poverty and Limited Institutional Know-How for Creating Sustainable Resource Management Policies.

But with the Initiatives Currently Undertaken by The City, this should Bring About: Preservation Functionality and Diversity of System

While Providing a Wide Range of Economic Benefits, Promotion of Diversification and Preservation of Natural

Resources for the Benefit of All Inhabitants in the City Meeting the Needs of Today Without Compromising the

Needs of Future Generations.
