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Ashley Bailey 100182280

Page 2: Sustainability Appraisal

Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280





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This booklet outlines a strategy to help Sharrow grow. It is a hugely diverse area with a large range of cultures and languages. It also has historic culture as it has the oldest professional football stadium and a cemetery of national importance.

Due to the large number of

students in the area of Sharrow there is a high turnover of people. Another possible reason in the cheapness of the housing in the area there are lots of people on the lower income end.

Especially through the nineties Sharrow was perceived as a ‘no go zone’ to outsiders from the area, this Is to some extent carried through to today. However this is horrid

misconception because they have never seen the vibrant, community rich parts.

A sustainability appraisal was conducted and a strategy was formed to further grow Sharrow. There will be several visualisations to help understand what the strategy is.

Where is Sharrow in relation to the rest of Sheffield?

An introduction to Sharrow and the purpose of this document.

This page also contains a map showing where the sharrow area is in relation to the rest of sheffield.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280


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An analysis of the type of land-use in the area of Sharrow

This page also contains an analysis of the District Centre.

The District Centre

There are a large number of activaties taking place on London Road and it realy has a mix of the services that it offers.

It also the main place where all the cultures full mix together as there are lots of things on london road to pull people together e.g. Resurants

London road is a hype of activity and especially at eavning has a buzz about it.

There are a few empty shops down London Road and with the stratergy it will bring more investment to the area and these shops will soon be occupied.

KEYCommunity CharityProductionCafeRestaurantEmptyTakeawayServicesSpecialist Market


Car Park



Offices to let

Health Building

GVT. Building

High-Quality Housing

High-Quality Flats






There are high quality flats and a hotel next to the 3 main roads in the sharrow area, this feels asthough the middle isn’t as good.

There is a high proportion of people live along cemetery road in terreced housing and the medium-rise flats. Yet Cemetery Road seams un-used, even though it is the main access to the city centre.

The Shops like the high quality housing are towards the edge of Sharrow, ivestment should be encurraged into the centre.

There is a high proportion of religious buildings down Cemetery Road, but they dont have much room to host events.

intresting how high quality housing is next to well-to-do housing in the north-west of Sharrow. High-Rise Flats

Terreced Housing

Religious Building

Mid-Rise Flats

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280



Green/open Space

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An analysis of the types of green/open space that is in the sharrow area

This page also contains bus stop locations.

And the road marked cycle routes that are available through the sharrow area.

It also shows the hierarchy of use and the frequency at which they are used.

KEYSemi-Private Space

Public Space

Private Gardens

Ring Road

A Road

B Road

Minor Road

Bus Stop

Cycle Route

For the roads the thicker the line the frequent it is used.


Given this you can tell that Cemetery Road isn’t used as much as it should given the status it has, B Road.

Interestingly Summerfield and Washinton Road are heavily used for access to Ecclesall Road and Sharrow Lane.

Napier Street is rarely used, this is probably because it is a dead end road. so could this become a pedestrian main route?

At the end of Cemetary road it is only used for access to the garage and deliveries for Waitrose. There is great access to public transport in this area, this should be retained.

The area is well surrounded by major roads making Sharrow easily accessible.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280




An analysis of the number of peoples passing through Sharrow every hour

This page also contains observed meeting points of people through the same time frame.

And answers from directed questions taken whilst carrying out the survey to people walking down cemetary road.

Rajendra singh, Age 45, England (2nd generation immigrant)

Its ok, it could be more attractive

Agnus grant, Age 86, English (Retired Postlady)

It’s difficult to cross to road, not many crossing points with low curb for my scooter.

Reuben Mattinson, Age 23, English (Church Goer)

Having the 3 churches down the road is great for socialising; just with there was more room to do it.

Cathy Miller, Age 28, English (Traffic Warden)

London Road should be better connected to Cemetery road; Cemetery road seams dead.

Alan Johnson, Age 36, English (Teacher)

I wish there was more greenery around; it’s too boring.

Li Shuai, Age 19, China (Student)

Not safe, empty, not know where to go, Lack of management.

Csillia Varga, Age 23, Hungarian (Church Goer)

The fact there are here churches gives a great opportunity to get together and host an event to involve the community.

Morag MacGregor, age 21, Scottish (Student)

It’s boring. It’s long and nothing really happens on it.

Annie Cartwright, Age 34, Irish (Full-time single mum)

There is nowhere for my children to play, the traffic is too fast and I’m scared they will get run over.

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High Footfall

Medium Footfall

Low Footfall

Mainly Resident Footfall

Meeting Spot


There is highfootfall on the major roads in the area of Sharrow and road inbetween this are less used.

There are congregation point along side the roads and the bigest being the space at the end of cemetary road, this makes sence as it connects with london road.

Cemetary road should be more pedestrian freindly and spaces should be opened up for the churches to hold activaties.

The traffic should be calmed to ease parents minds of children playing.

There should be a greater level of intrest down cemetary road because its boring at the minute.

Should try to bring people in, onto Cemetary road as is it the most direct road into the city centre and is safer.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280


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Safer Sharrow


Create an attractive, safer walking route to the city centre

• Planting of edible trees along roads and paths around areas of denser population – Community Garden?• Make roads more accessible to people• Get better linkages between the City

This area has potential to bring the city centre into Sharrow and help solidify the link, this could be don’t by use of the same materials, encourage busking in the area to make the area seem more vibrant. Also offer temporary stands to sell things or carry on art projects from the Moor into this area of Sharrow.

This area would become very busy with the meeting points of London Road and of Cemetery Road. Make its more pedestrianized.

London road is already well functioning as a busy commercial street, there is no need make any interventions.

Outside the middle of the three religious building is an ideal place for making the road more pedestrian friendly due to the amount of people that congregate around this area.

The high density flats are often mis-judged and planting a great deal of fruit trees would give the community feel and would help to dissipate the attitude towards them.

With the high density flats that are in this are a crossing point in this area would make it safer for kids to cross the road.

Terraced housing next to an open green space, traffic control would make this open space more appealing to the residents.

The end of Napier Street is rarely used therefore this area could become more pedestrianised. It would also encourage people to walk down the river, extending the nicer route to the city centre.

Ecclesall road, like London road is already busy and vibrant and fully functioning therefore there is no need to do any with this area, other than signpost and alternative, more attractive route into the city centre.




Action Area

Proposed Pedestrian Movement

Planted Fruit Trees

Traffic Control Measure

At the moment there is nothing of any intrest to keep/invite people to this area. Potential to make this a square of sorts and help connect the city centre to the tip of Sharrow

The orange lines going through are the proposed pedestrian movement through ‘New Sharrow’ it would incorporate Traffic control measures and the planting of trees to make the route more attractive. This more attractive route would also encurrage pedestrians to go this way. There’s something satisfying about having a freshly picked apple on the way to work.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280



Traffic Control


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Shows visualisations of traffic control measures that will be implimented down certain roads

This page also gives reasons why this would be benefitial.

From the questionnaire that was conducted as part of the sustainability appraisal it became apparent that they wanted more space so the church could hold events.

One way to achieve this succesfully the road would have to be aultered, however this would also make it easer to cross the road and the chicane would slow the traffic right down making this a safer place for pedestrians to cross.

As people wanted the road to be more accesible and easier to cross there could be more crossing points of different types, outside the medium rise flats a zebra crossing could be put to encurrage people to walk around sharrow at easy crossing points.

Also it will seem more attractive to outside people who are traveling through sharrow as they will get a safe vibe about the place.

Again the main focus here was to make it safer for pedestrians to cross the road.

Because of the terrced housing on the left hand and the entrence to the General Cemetery and the walk along the river this makes it an ideal spot for a crosing of some point, potentially there is an opportunity to narrow the road to slow down the traffic or simply put a zebra crossing across the road.

In addition to this it will again make the parents more relaxed knowing that there is a traffic contol measure in place to calm the traffic.

Napier Street is running to a coupple of minor roads and it is hardly used at all.

There are a couple of things that could be done here, one of which would be creating a shared street seurface, almost like creating a ‘Home Zone’ in Sharrow. This shared

surface would be primarily used for pedestrian use however vehicular access would be permitted. Another alternative would be to shut the road off directly, this is not the most disirable approach as it does inhibit the cir-culation of the site. also there still needs to be some access to the small buisness park that is located to the left of this site, making a shared surface the most feaseable.

This would also make people feel safer because they do not have the fear of getting knocked over by cars.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280



Street Trees


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Shows visualisations of the street trees in use.

This page also gives reasons why this would be benefitial.

The planting of Trees in this area would make it a more attractive place to sit, also it in the centre of the high-rise flats, medium-rise flats and the churches who would be the primary users of the space. This space would be most used in summer however

that doesnt meat that it doeasnt have year-round intrest. The trees that are in the area are fruit trees and this would give people the opportunity to eat fresh fruit.

This area in front of the high-rise flat would be the ideal place for planting fruit trees.

It would attract people fron the flats and would encurrage them to maintain the grounds. in addition to attracting the people from the flats it would be the first thing you see if you wer comming into Sharrow down Cemetery Road from London Road.

It would be a fantastic statement to have an orched of sorts at the entrence to Sharrow and would really get the community talking and get them involved.

Creating an avenue of trees down Cemetery Road would create a very strong visual link towards the city centre.

Also there would be the opportunity to intergrate schemes that are already implimented in Sheffield shuch as ‘Grow Sheffield’ and ‘Abundence’.

The expanse of grass between the medium-rise flats and Cemetery Road could be a potential plot to create an orchard of edible trees. These edible trees will be fully accesible to the public and would create a great sence of community during the fruiting season.

It would provide a certain degree of privacy for the people living in the flats because the main line of site into the flats would be blocked off by trees.

These trees coupled with the vegitation on the otherside of Cemetary Road, owned by the gymnaisium, would create a sort of boulivard and if the street is well maintained would have a positive impact on the landscape character of the site.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280



Cemetery End Square


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Shows visualisations of Cemetery End Square.

This page also gives reasons why this would be benefitial.

Cemetery square is located at the junction of London Road and Cemetery Road. As London road is a very busy street this space could

become a fantastic meeting space and people may stay in this area for longer periods of time.

In addition to this it is opposite The Moor which is one of Sheffields major shopping streets, there is lots of opportunity for this street to spill onto Cemetery Road. Eventually this section of the road could become a mini high-street.

Given the increased actvity in the area it would encurrage street performers, this would improve the overall character of the space and it would give people some entertainment if they were to stay in this area.

Moreover it gives the space a more lively feel and a memerable experience which would encurrage people to return.



This is an example of a typical high-street, this is similar to what the top of Cemetary Road could be.


Visualisation of a potential stratigic plan for the section of land at the end of Cemetery Road.


Is another visualisation of how the street may look and how more peo-ple would use the space.

By making the area pedestrianised and making more connections with The Moor then activaties and event that happen there have the potention to be sent down to the sharrow area starting out at Cemetery End Square.

Street art is an aspect which could then be disapated around Sharrow and a ‘Golden Route’ of Sharrow could be created.


Two images of types of street performers, the top right is a Street Busker and the bottom is a living statue. Both would be suited for this area of Sharrow and both have lasting intrest.

This area would be will lit so that it have multi-functional, multi time of day useage. These would be low energy lighting to go with the sustainability of Sharrow.

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280





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Sharrow is a vibrent place that has lots of potential. from the site surveys it was clear that Cemetery Road needed to undergo some transformations in order for sharrow to grow and to continue to expand.

A stratergy was devised whereby a more attractive, Safer walking route to the city centre was going to be created. this stratergy was going to be achieved in 3 ways;

The first by planting trees alongside roads to a) make the roads more attractive, and b) to give to community something to do and something that could potentailly be used to make jams and sell them on. The trees were going to be planted at selected locations so to serve a secondary purpose aswell as there primary purpose of making Cemetery Road more attractive

The second section of the stratergy was traffic control measures, these would be used to inhibit cars from driving too fast and to give

pedestrians a safer crossing point along the road. There were two stratergies created, one to narrow the road by means of a chicane and the other by the standard zebra crossing. Both stratergies would be used in different locations.

The third section was to connect the city centre with sharrow by means of pedestrianising the end of Cemetery Road. This would encurrage city centre behaviour and offers opportunities to spread investments further into Sharrow and further help develop it.


Action Area

Proposed Pedestrian Movement

Planted Fruit Trees

Traffic Control Measure

Traffic Control Measures

Planted Trees Down Roads

Cemetary End Square

Gives a summary of my stratigic proposal.

This page also gives a list references.

Image ReferencesBBC Suffolk (n.d.) Drum & Monkey launch party, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13/12/11]. ----> The Busker in Suffolk high street raising awareness for Drum & Monkey

RockSea (2009) living statues of padova, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13/12/11]. ---> Street Statue in Italy

LUC Environmental Planning Design & Management (2011) Inverness City Centre Streetscape, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13/12/11]. ----> High Street in Inverness

LOST AT E MINOR (2011) Home, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13/12/11]. -- Street Art despleyed in France

European Commision (2010) Eindhoven square heads into the future, [online] Available at: [Accessed: 13/12/11]. ---> lighting in renovated Amsterdam square

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Stratigic Redevelopment Plan

Date Created

Ashley Bailey 100182280




There are many opportunities for the site of Sharrow and some possibilities have been explored in this booklet. Following a sustainability appraisal it was apparent the road through the centre (Cemetery Road) was in need of a revamp.

A strategy was created whit the mantra of “creating an attractive, safer walking route into the city centre” by creating this route it would reduce some of the footfall that is seen

on London Road and Ecclesall Road while improving the overall character of Sharrow

The outcomes of the strategy were to create a multifunctional road, the primary function was obviously traffic, the lesser noticed outcomes are to make the roads safer for children to play and making the spaces at the side of the road have a secondary purpose.

By implementing this strategy it will allow the area of Sharrow to grow and encourage further investment in the

area. It will also bring the different style of communities together because they will have a Sharrow to be proud of. It also has scope to connect the city centre with Sharrow by means of the pedestrianized section of cemetery road next to the underpass opposite The Moor.

For more strategic proposals feel free to contact the Sharrow Community Forum or Sharrow Partnership who has lots more ideas and will support you in any way.


Where will Sharrow go then?

By implementing this strategy there are many opportunities to mirror these strategies further into the Sharrow area. This would create an all round more attractive aesthetic to the area of Sharrow and will make

the roads safer and more accessible to pedestrians.

In addition to this, especially down cemetery road there is opportunity for street markets to develop or have street art exhibition in the area. Some of which could be bleed down from the city centre. Moreover with the planting of

fruit trees there is a very possible partnership with the ‘Sheffield Grow’ and ‘Abundance’ schemes.

There are lots of possibilities to see this strategy grow and encase most of the city of Sheffield.


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