Download - SUSSEX CORRECTIONAL lN~.i111·u11uJV Sussex CI...SUSSEX CORRECTIONAL lN~.i111·u11uJV INMATE ORIENTATION HANDOUT Introduction You ue in the Sussa Co.a:ectional lnscirutioa. This brochure






You ue in the Sussa Co.a:ectional lnscirutioa. This brochure is to let you know what is exp~cd of you whiL: you :uc housed hei:c in this buildiog

The Sussex Co.i:rectiooal lnsrirutioo is chugcd with the tespon:i-ibility of plac­ing inmates/detainees in the least c:· strictivc environment necessary to in­sure public safety. Progr.ummtic and Security procedures co-exist to ensw:e effective and efficient operations. Since most inmates will be retu...--ning to the community, opportunities for devdopiog skills arc provided tb.tough social. psychological. educational, vo­

cational, and spiritual. systelll3.


The Pre-trial Housing Units are run under the co ncept of Direct Sup~­sion. Diiect Supexvisioa is a combina­

tion of Mamgement. Opcratiooal Phi­losophies, Design Features and Staff Training. The key concept JS placing the officers within the housing units in constant and direct cont:lCt with the inmates. Scaff members arc proactive i.o. addressing the nttds and conccms athcr than reacting on ooly the nega­tive bchavioc of the inmates. Officers i.o. these units are 1D. charge of the m­m.ares in the housing wut. This control is noc challenged or sha..;:d with in­mates o.c other staff members. The physical setting of the unit ptovides m acrnosphc:£e in which interaction with tnmaccs occu...--s on a mo re m.acu.:e

level. Dtrect Supetvis10 0 suppo.ctS the SCI goals of suff empowerment, L'1~ mate 1ccounrabtl.u:v r-;;p..,n.;tlnh~, ~::..:

;e(f ·3•Jf!ir1~-: :,

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Warden Richard Kearney 'P.O. Boit 500 Georgetown, DE 19947 October 2004

All inmat~s arc firsr assigned tc the ori­entation section of Housing Uofr #4. The Reception Diagnostic Unit (RDU) will ass~ss you. Based on the RDU's as­

sessment, you will be m~ to one of the other housing units. Housing U cit # 1 is the minimum unit. Units #2 & #3 ~ medium and Unk #5 is maximum All th:ce areas u: run dif­ferently as cbc secw:ity of cacli uca de­mand. Negative behavior will rcsub: m back:wud mavcmco.t. You ue apccti:d to behave as a iespcctful adult. Rules and Disciplir..c p.coccdures ue det:iilcd m the Inmate Rcf~nce Manual Sl2ff will assist ;rou if you ha-ve questions con­cerning the rJlcs a.!ld .ccgulatioos

Your en•riroamcnc and p.civilegcs will pnmarily be detemiiaed by your behav­ior. You w: expected co demonstrate positive and .rational bduvior. It is f?W: re5ponsibility to know the rules and qulacigns of this institution and to fol­low them. Each Howing Unit and Building is provided with CQP~ of th: Inmate Rc£ercnce M2nuaJ for you t2

!.§£:...The rules and other helpful iafo!.'.­mation arc !Ilcluded to help you adjust to ycu.r CO.v"lrocmeot Ask the officer in cb:uge of your unit to let y-:>u sign it out.


1. You uc to wear your ID card any· time that you uc out of your cell.

2. You arc to be pcopctly <h:essed

3 All P~+Trial .inmates ate escorted a.ay t:l.01e they depart their housing unlt. When ~in the ballwi1.y5, you are to walk UJ. an o!dedy singtc file li.-.e on th: right side cf the hall·


4 Cells will be inspected daily a~ 8:30 l .m. by the h<Jusing unit officer

( )U -ue ~'!iF -:n>ible for ~::eping ' r_; : ~Ll !lc:!.l: l .... :f - ie1:.1 ~·-, .U ~'."!U

L.:"" "! ~t:' ~c ~~·i r "* ::~ cn..l ic 1 .. ~~.:Js .. :.f .. 1r!

and remain made unal aftu 5:00 p m. You may lay on top of your bed and cover yoUlSclf with a 5~ond blanket o.c s~et, if you ba7e one, du:iag the times men­tioned.

5. Noise levels within the Housing Unit will. be at an acceptable~ as set by the officer.

6 Couots and Lock. Downs will be announced by the officers. Ally time a count or lodt down is called. you will immediately .re­port to yom assigned cell aa.d SCCUIC your cell door. You will remain then: until the couat dears oc the unit officer deus lock down.

If you viola: these or any of the rules aad regulations, you will be sub­ject to disciplinaq action as described in the Rules of Conduct. You an find a ~omplete fist of offenses aod actiop..i in the lomate Reference .Man­ml

The Pte-T rial Housing rules ate in the Inmate Re{ercnce Manual There 1II1: rules ~t apply to only cert:Un housing ucas. Tbesc ruks will be posted in the unit. You ace~ bk for reyjcwigg these rqles and cbeclciog the bulletin hoods· daJ\v. forrhaogn.

Other Items of Intet;st


If you bave questions reg:uding your uunatc account, wticc to: Inmate Ac· counts, Business Office, SCI. Send by ill-house

Please Note:

Upc:in -:omm.tttaL your money is se­:· u~d (!! ;i ;afl! Th1s c:m.noc be cc­"""'-:<!·r~i: li1i1l •he n~t busmes; '1:17 Lf ·, , :.. l;;~ • '! . :::1 "U 1il.i c~ka.i-~d tn die

~t--;:· .,ill!---,..~ :J ~ ... .r.~ .;~,:a~ ... r.;;-!·-~ - . 5'" '•'- - ;:-·-- ·---- .. --

]OI.! um-~, fo£ che ::oi!lfhl~ sy;r>ni You ID2.Y put up to five (5) numb~r; en ::his 5h~et. N01E. f0<2. cao. ocly change this slice~ once :'T"".rf thi.:~: (30) days. A!l othcx ~...s m•.IS'!'. be made thro•Jgh a cou.csdc! ocfy. :><:, not ask the unit: fJfficC!' ~" mil: o!:D<J.e ;h~t cluogcs. .


The RDU 1:e2m doe$ the ti.."St clas.ilfi­catioa. Tbq will. clas.iify reo.l le ~ p~grams you need and lile coi:r~"1: ;cccrity lev--1. You ci:st be 3alt.:nc:d to be cl:tssified.. If yc4 Ol..'"e not ~t:­·=c. p-.:. ~ ;;.at ~e :!as i&cl.


If you are being bcid at Levd 5 wa.i:l:­ing for a bed at ~ 4 or Home Ccu.-6ncrr..cnt, jus;: wair. You. ~ g'O whc::i there is bed space Pillablc. Tac ;:oun­

Jclot does i::.ot bcw when ~c will gc. Counselors at SC! de not ::ill W"otk: tde:s~.

Status Sh;eta

R=cei'fingwill giv: vou & 3<a:as sbee:: whee you ~ scnt~c:d. Yo!! ..-11 llCt

ttCei-Te occ prior ~ sentencing.

If you oe:d a acw ~ shc:t anC: you ate sentmced: Send a 25-c::nt pay-to to die Business OffX:= made Ol!t tc Dda~ St:a~ Treasuter'3 O~. with your SBI mimbcr and a non: st:ir­mg what you W2:lt The business of­fice will mm you a status sheet Coun­selors ~ot copy items E:om imcat= files

Scnt;ncing Qrde;3

To ~ece:."Te 1 copy of r:;u:.: ;.~~!1.-..:ug .:>~er you ml.!St writ? 'c :h.! ? .:JX.o-:.::­gr ~ ; Jffice 10. w·: ~vr.m .. v v-,:..

M:. 3.L-1-3.)C-2i3-l>'N-

12:01 a m F..:le;ig

T:: be r=l·as::-:: 1:: ~2.~ ! r. .:'.li. , :i:.tify ct-..e

4:d2 o:fic::.:. Yo1Jt nci-! ::nU::.t: be aei:i:

at 11 30 ci .m. If 7r;I! l:::l....-: c.~ .jp~ ±~s, "!·=-:.. ~.1 ':l~ ~?!


Put 9. oo~ ii: t~ th! ~::>unselor's bo:c tc be s.:cc ::n:: tc ba7: a :r..;escioc 'i.11·

SW~. l:-:>I! ,...iJ! be 5Ce:l IC ~se

~c yo~ .r:ecp.est. ~ officer O"C. d~!:y

i:srill "-~~~ 1!~ c~,.~;'1-y c-'.l:.s~c: ~li?:;

!:-tmat: Ma1Jtc3 .~;!d+-;s:

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Bt.:ildir..g. Hcus:ng Ulli~

F 0 Box 5('0

1amat; T clc-;E:.ones

'T:) ~. z.::-., + l:."':~ :~je ~ nuz.­ce: (~i.e: 0 .302-535-1. l l)

Enz: 531 ~ W"~C !t iSks fv.: 702:.r pb a'.!!:lbe:.

¥'-C4? ~ ~d, .,.;~ts ~ 2. pC<riJeg:, t·E)T a .:!g'.i:. !f p1.!, oi: ~ur vlsit'.;r.,

v-i.ola:..~ :i::.7 :rJ'it-.!:::.coai rules, visitl=!g pci:vi!eg:s ~.!1 ~-: Sl.!!'lf~ded.

'Ttsitt.i:s cw. -:af tc malt: an appci!:t­mect a.c (302;• 115.;.5~3

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T•..:csda.y-12.00 p.m.-t2.45 p.m.

t i 5 p m.-2:00 p.m.

2:30 p.m.-315 p.m.

W~~sday-5 3G p m.-6 15 p.m..

~r45 p .m.- 7 30 p.m.

~nday- s~.30 p.m..-6:15 p.m.

6:43 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

B:GG !?.m.--8:45 p . .m.

Sal::lday-5:JQ p.m.-6:15 p.m.

5.45 p.o.-7:30 p.m..

~ 45 a.m - 111· 13 am.

.,tole of Delaware Judicial Branch Authorized Bond Agencies (updated 05104110) ~

i.\-Z Bail Bonds 39 Basalt Street Townsend, DE 19734

302·584-6879 j . x -1---:-x 1·

x ::>ano1c1 HH!d

A Abba Ball Bollds •6508 Coastal Hwy. .Ocean City, MD 21842

1·888-347-:.3733 302-658-3733

\ ·x - - -·~ ~ x • ,.,,~''' ... ,- ! ~ · :~~··-··· I - x x x .,,_ ,._ ~ ·· ··+=. · "::-r· ·;· ·.'.I - X - ·+~ ···;·-;-:~·1New-Castle Count-y ._.., - . -· ¥--~~ -· - __ .,,, • ... • . .• . ···v •

• X X X ~ ,->' -':: ,-, -.' .. · ·, Kent County t- --x- , _X ___ ·• -->C - -- ~..:....V-x~···" · Sussex Count'

__ _ __ _ __ _ 1

• _ _ _ _____ kl Hwy Ste. 337 1: 302-312-n14 X :': '~-};\· ::i;~~- X New Castle County - - - ~ -,'-'··-·~. --/~ .. ···-· - . ,.,,..., -. -

Resto & Company Inc. iBear, DE 19701 1 X 2<-~~~-~~-(·· ~ :~.- -' · · Kent County 302-31

w m Rea~. Charts Fold_. Etldl v X - -~~;_.,::;.; ~· :~·-_,<f~; X Sussex Count•

AA Ball Bonds 210 S. Slate Street ; 1-888-655-2245 ~~- ... _ x_ ) New Castle County ~Trenton, NJ 08606 l 609-392-3331 ,,_ . .,,; '~,1~,;,4r~ X ' ,Kent County I , I~~ ,., ·"" X $ C 1 .'· ··.,',:·· ~ ·_:;,'r" -.. :. · ussex _ aunt'

Above & Beyond Ball Bonds . 40 East Main Street.Unit #334\ 302·998-1027 __ .. .JL. _ X _ _ --~ _ --~ -L___ New Castle County INewad<, DE 19711 X X X X Kent County '2624 Belalre Drtve, Wllm.Dl;__J __ 302-275.,5463 ·~--·y · --x- - ··-- · x.- --x-- -Sussex Count Tav1er J. Dean

AllAmerlCan -0-.11 Bonda

Alllance Ball Bonds

American Funding Servlcaa

'"'" 1s•w 01115fou

6508Coa •ft1 H___ -- . 1688-3473733 ·t,-... , .. .,.~·..-:.: ~·;11. -~"'~i, , X .... , . - •. ' · N C -ti -C- t •- wy. I - - '-,z,:-;· ":);< '3", c::r?k( ,. ·>... _ _ _ _ ., , .• .;.-.-.~;,..,,.: f!Ni as e oun y locean City, MD 21842 : 302-856-3734 :'Pkfa.'.~~~:'-;f' ·.:if~·~2t;.~· -·''f X ;(:;;·,;;·t~·'->;;~"- 0'·,~ Kent County

I .... ·,{_;:;:;. . ~.·· . .$-'j'"._(\'-.:>.'~···~~.::X-~.:,Y~~. · -~ ..... - - - · ~···, ' I · · .,:-->,- •1'··~· :·.- ·~,,, ~ -."<.'<pg.•1:e;;•fi~w>'h JC X Sussex Coun'

9 Brookridge Lane :Newark, DE 197H

!2062 New C8atle-Ave. SteA .New caaue, DE 19720

1-866-357 -2245 302-234-1565

302-658-8470 1-866-438-6880

I X r_ .. ;;:~.·:; tJ:"'~:- .. .: ) ·:P.•1 <•.

' -·. ~ .. ~ •• 1

-x- X New Castle County X · • · • - X - · Kent County

)C - · x- · · · Sussex County

x· - . x

X I . . X . • . !New Castle County X X Kent County x · -·- X Sussex Coun

Page: 1 I 3

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I . UI Ut11ld!i

:;_:_:_::;;.;.;;~ ......... ,_...------------------...... ~~~--... , , 1 f\dlt Bond$ Services, 41 1 South Queen Street 302-674·376:1

x x

INew Castle Countv Kent County Susse>< C(;)_unly

New Castle Cou111y Kent County Sussex Count

1ll th111d:o

' H1 eelling)

1#21 3 Dover. DE 19904 120 Woodville Drive 302-670·940"f •. Magnolia, OE 19962 302·535-862 1

New C&Ue County 1

Kent County Susse>< Count

· · : 1. ' '" Bov:. LLCfMa~..-- - -83 E. ·co1e Boulevard- - 302-224-1754 New Castle County 1 .,,, Mv \•::. Buil flu11d:1 ~ Middletown, OE 19709 r Kent County

·• .,,,, M·••t.111<1.i •~ew · Sussex Count .~.~ ; 11~ 1111a Bail flo;ds ;35524 Bayview Lane 877-338-1550 X New Castle County

• ... ,, '' "''" ,Miiisboro, DE 19966 . _ X 'Kenl County • . x Sussex Coum·

i-;-:-·,"=h Nall Boi•d~ 1900 West 41h Street ' 302-427-9000 • , X New Castle County W1tmmgton, OE 19805 , 1-en-348-2245 ;' _"":· ·--·~ - -x ·· X - i Kent County

, ' ' ;· _-:-- -- X _ ··- . - - x· - "'!:·..,.-----.· Sussex Coum

Ii .. ~.;;-. ~ Ball Bonds Inc, 1927 W. 4th Street 1-866-438·6880 X X X X New Castle County

r;- ,;i:I: l:\ai.I Bonds

i1~1~1\;d1t1 Ball Bonds 1m11,•lrid wit/1 Frdd W.Franlc)

I ,,.., >!iii Boud~

.. i.ui+tliz Broi:; Ball Bonds

:wuminglon, DE 302-661-2940 X x X - X Kent County X X -X.- - - X Sussex Count

16411 Gannon Circle ---.-----i:a00-624=4404 f-::-.........,...-. ; 1 ,, , New Cas-tfu County )P.O. Box 2063 (Oovlf)302-734-7120 ~ ·~~· .. x~ ··~7.:' · .n Kent County ieaston, MD 21601 It~> 302-855-1232i .. )(" ...,...,~~ · Sussex Count 1214 E. Lexington Street 1 302-427-9600 X New Castle County :eatUmore, MD 21202 1-000-334-1450 ; X Kent County 1 1 ' X Sussex Count·

rttfE. 4th Street i 302-n~oo t' -·-.---><.:..:=,~ --=~- · f· ~--- ~ _ -· _ :'"'·· , . New Castle Caunty ~Wilmington, OE 19801 1 302-n6-0101 . , '_ ~ .!- ·. . _ X _ _ Kent County L . (Nawe8111e) 1-366-91N..JAll . ··. j X X X Sussex Counl

3001 Rte. 130 S., #85L 302-351-4676 I --·-· . .>'.·.<-- ~·;.:...........t~·:,.~; -.· <; r • '. ,,. : ;_,;:.. New Caste County Delran, NJ 08075 • ' . "~' . . i' • ., .. . -ii .... ::<·) ;·:~,:, ;'. ·:, .: , Kent County • ~· ~~ .-:-t·~z~ · · .: ".' ~ I· ,~i:-; ,r-- "':' Suaaex Count·

• • .... 1 1111 Frank •214 E. Lexington Street 1

1-800-334-1450 • New Castle County 1111 • « t.I w 1tt1 Oelawar" Bail IBelllmore, MD 21202 I Kent County

, ;, 11 " 1-:_! _ 1 t Sussex Count·

1/1 ii.'\) P ll<!Je' , • 1

Gina's Ball Bonda

Immerse tnformaUon & Bonding Richard Morman

lshan Berry Ball Bonda

Just Ball Bonds

:Vlark's Ball Bonds Oo11ds Only/No Cash

Miracle Ball Bonds

Sharkey's Ball Bonds LLC .Jason Leone R Clav Foltz ·

sundragon Bill Bonda

David Hanson T&H Ball Bond, Inc.

(affiliated wfr&H Cash Bail & Bob's Ball BondsJ

T&H Cash-Ball {affiliated with T&H Bail)

h <f\11$11d 06.' 15109

307 s. State-Street Dover, OE 19901 15 S. Race Street

:own. OE 19947 10-E.esf 4th Streel­Wllmington, DE 19801

42 Mill Chase arcle 'Miiisboro, OE 19966

,4 West 4lh Street Wilmington, DE 19801

185 E. Cole Blvd. •Middletown, OE 19709

1223 N. Union Street smvma. OE 199n '424 5. Street 1Dover, DE 19904

!4396 flretower Raad ifetton, OE 19943 r

11410.N. FrencllSTreel Wilmington DE 19802 I !623 King Street W\lmlngton, DE 19801

1307 S. State Street Dover. OE 29901 623 Kfnri'Street Wiimington, DE 19801

I I I '

302.fi78·5030 1-800·227-5687 302-856-7214






302-672-7 427

302.:e97-8000 302·856-7307 302-222-6300 302:SS0:7876 302-m-1982



New castle ·county Kent County Sussex Count1 . .. x x _ New Castle County

I - •· . .... .:.......·. - .:. ..... ~ .·...-.. ··-"' x x x x Kent County -· x x x x Sussex County I

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!·_-:--~--=1 ~- =i-=--- 1 j -- ~~:-· i=~~tyCoonly ~ ~=~ _ ~~ ~-~ -·· =i _ ~ _ -- ~-::-_ .. X _ :_ _ Sussex County

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Page: 3 13

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.. 1. ' •11-0 r;i;:1tde1· 111de-~1Ml e::poturl!, anJ ttaY.­_.,. , " ' ~n. •'L·veunsm Suiil sollcirations oft atiend·

·• '· L- e1\:,.1co.: ,,., soe·.ual •:0111<1Cl or peoet(ldon·can· 1 .. , ~ a,,,~t«n>~ed ~r.:u 1·on·o~ender se:~uc.I abui:e.

t ' "" 1• ·· 1~ .. 11111._,11~ .:an bo! .ound online at: http:// •·•k . ··..i ·-= ~0·11 b1r -;<?let:.,ng die Polrcy l"'lanual ,

' •• :•cih<'.'• ,j 1>0

C:ON Flt>\:N7liJJ"fY _

~ Sharin~ micirrn• i:iurc ret<cr\linj ~

a~:aual abusf: mcicient 1:s limlc:ed to

chose st:aff ~enri<ll for 1:h1a ·.:r1:a<.- .... ' ~-

nu:nc:. i 11..:~t113l:lc,n, d~1sion nialt- ! ••

ing. and pro~ecuiii;n ilf a case. ,

.. Si:afJ will rekarn ircJm ~IWnii open!)• :::bout se~ual abus;e lnt:idem:s.


OUT\' TC Pi\tJTEC'f r.GA!NS'"( l\ET AW\TION:

• All lfrforu wlll be made by DOC sraii m ~lro\:a;' v1cctm$

ni s~ual abm;e from n!taliation. Vio:ims, or ..:ho1;e tint have: made dtir d-partt repon::; lc;,r v1cdmi: of \."eliual abu:it;, may bring in!>tam:~ of ret:dliaaon to dle ll"tei-•·

·c:ion or any DOC line stalt member, a.Jmmisu-a\.or, ven­i:lor, or vclunt:e~r


• 'fou ~hould report 1h e 5Cl<Ual abuse 1.0 any !.tafl n1tm1-

~r }'OU feel cotnton:.-.ble catltmg to . All DOC ~1:ati are

mandatory revon.ers. They nre reqwr ecl to brln~ yol1r ille~~n:ion io~r,j ICJr in1Sesi:i~tion.

1o •, ou sho t1ld r2port St!:l~al ab1.1se a! soon ; 1ce,. :t li;ip­

p~ as possible .

.. In mos;: cases, )'Ot.1 will be ~mined by 1t1Kltcali)' ;:rained perwnnel.

'" Crillis couoselil\lj iind ·nippori. :ervlc:es will be oue-i·ed.

• R~lar foll~w·up11 V..'ldl trilined c~unsdcJ'l, will be pro­vldt'<J

t-IJ.$E ALLl:Gi S ION•;.

• All f.ilse allepi:IOns oi s~ual a!Ju5e will be referred •O

the Al;;e:mev Ge11eral'i1 ottk~ for prosecution. r111:ernat disciplinary !Nlnctlons w lll <il! o be used

"(If.'$ ·ro AVOID ABUSE: " Chor.m; your il$S01:1a1:es ·.-.•1s.:ly. • F.le careful abc•UL how dc.i~e you b~'-""\lo:: ,,..,.,J-. 1-

~'ll~ wfl._, may nc11. hav.. ~mur be:~i: hlL~n:::w:; 11. .;c

.. Du 1loc: tec:oinc 1uvl)lved w1d1 pns1_w1 c .. m J<lb<J

.. Do ;1oc a:>so~d3tti y.:.u•se lt with <in;- • ,i(.::,. 1<:1· i r • urlless it is wi1:h111 a 1;r,"lgl'dlil prornoo.J I. ·, rl ie ()QC ;;dmim:.n:raoun.

e1 0oi dir~:i. an.J li1-.n ""lt.;:n 1 11 1.~ra~cin~ ... !d 1 vd-1 ~.­

•Jffemle.-·: e1 L•o 1101. us~ :my banned subs.:an,:.:, m:;1· ":i• 5cc u

!:ubsc1nt:€ yc•u may be i;n~~~1·ilx...J .

.. Oc111..:.1 lend ..:o· \.i0,·.-1..'W 1(e1t1s v.·n:h vch~ · •r'i·:n _..., .... ...

• 01.J ,,, .,t ;i,cep~ <Ul offer of p1·ot:f':t..i:l<:i11 from ano offender

• Oo rio t accepc gifts from o t:hm· oHc n.:ler ·,.

e1 Be alert to odlel· oftender'S who s~i: to sp.:rr1..i much dmt with you, or who be.:ollw o"eth· .:• cen1ed with your personal issues.

• Com:rc>I you,· einoaons. Do you1 b.;:sc to 1 t0

show fear, a1001?ty, o r anger to o cher wm ates.

" ldenoty ; stall member- v.:•u trust ~o .:on11d,:! m. .. ~i1ld 4 1;1.1ay IX• be 1.Q\,ipei-aav~ wid1 :n:a1l" ' "'~ 11.:h •

nae appi;,ai· ~o <1m:ago11iz~ vdi,,;1· o i'le1idr4-r c. Stay h l ;t1·~i; oi ii~ tfl!it:ilu i:.eon w w h1d' 1t:iu cir

au1gnet:l. "' 1:o1k1w ~II 14,.;1h i:•1 rul.::s aild regula1,;1Qns.