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Page 1: Suspence stories

The hole in the floor

By Amy

As a girl slept she had the most wonderful dream. It was

about her flying through the clouds and finding a wonderful

island made of chocolate ice cream. It carried on for hours on

end. She was woken at three o’clock in the morning by a

bang in the kitchen .She got out of bed and tiptoed

downstairs, making sure not to wake her family.

When the girl got downstairs no one was there and dawn

was breaking. She walked forwards and circled the table.

CRASH! She fell down a large hole in the floor .A group of

what she thought were people came towards her. “HELP ME,

PLEASE.” She shouted. They came closer and closer but they

were not people. They were white and see through. They

quickly and swiftly surrounded her.

The girl started to run. She ran straight threw one of them. A

shiver ran down her spine. She raced on her heart thumping

in fear. She could not get out. She was starting to get hungry.

She wished it was a dream but it was no dream. After a few

days running she fell to the floor gasping for air .She was so

hungry and thirsty her eyes slowly started to close.

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Emily and her dead grandma

By Honor

Alone one dark winter’s night, Emily was sleeping cosy under

her bed covers, when she heard a banging on the door. She

got out of bed and shivered to the door. Emily opened the

door and stepped onto the front porch, looking around. But

nothing was there…

Emily strolled around her little cottage to see if anything was

there. She got back to her old ragged door and she was

certain nothing was there. Suddenly she heard a noise. She

thought it was a ghost but she knew ghosts didn’t exist.

BANG!!! The door slammed behind her. Emily turned around

and started thumping on the door. “Let me in, let me in!” but

it was no good. Finally she had an idea. She went around her

house and looked through the window, but the curtains were

shut. Then she heard the same noise that she had already

heard. Now she was positive it was a ghost.

She sat down on the dirty porch. When dawn was just

breaking the door slowly creaked open. She cheered, “YES!”

She walked in and suddenly, she saw her dead great

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grandma. What was she doing there? As quiet as a mouse

she said, “hello.” But her great grandma just stared at her.

Emily sat down while her grandma was still staring. Emily

said, “Please leave.” Her grandma exclaimed in a ghostly

voice, “NO.” Emily felt uncomfortable. Her grandma said,

“come with me!” Emily shouted, “NO!”


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An iceberg in space

By Isaac

“Finished!” yelled Kevin triumphantly, as he soldered the last two

wires together. Eddie gasped sarcastically. They were on a space-

station and Kevin had just finished building a spacecraft of Eddie’s

design. It looked a bit like a satellite, but could seat a man inside it. It

was fitted with a laser that cooled down anything it came into

contact with. In this case, the Earth’s atmosphere.

“Wow, that’s really amazing!” scoffed Eddie. Then, adopting a more

serious manner he frowned at his colleague sternly. “Are you sure

you sure you have done everything right? Because if you haven’t, we

could turn the Earth into an ice cube.” The plan was to send the

shuttle into an orbit of the Earth and fire the laser at the planet to

cool the atmosphere which had been heated so much by global


“Oh, stop worrying, everything will be fine,” replied Kevin. “What

could go wrong?” But he said this mainly to himself, as he was

beginning to have doubts himself.

The G-force of the take-off nearly made Simon throw up this foul

breakfast of space food. He clutched his stomach and groaned. He

was in the shuttle Kevin had made which had just been launched.

Even all that training hadn’t made him used to the take-offs. The

small spacecraft accelerated towards Earth.

Simon’s radio blared loudly as its owner listened carefully.

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The vampire house

By Jess

One afternoon in a small house by a river, four foster sisters

carried their suitcases upstairs. “Race you there!” Angel

called, breaking into a run. She won the race, obviously. The

oldest girls, Angel, who was 15, and Amelia, who was 14,

claimed the largest room in the house. 13-year-old Alice and

twelve year old Aelita, the two more sensible sisters,

reluctantly managed to fit all their belongings in the tiny box


They settled into their rooms. Even though it was small,

Aelita fit in quite well, as she was only twelve. Alice was small

for a thirteen year old so she just about fit. Angel squeezed in

to the room and smirked at them. “I don’t know how you’ll

survive living in this room,” she told them, flipping her hair

and laughing. “But anyway, I heard there’s a haunted house

on the hill…”

Aelita stopped and the CDs dropped out of her hands, and

sprawled out on the floor. Alice knocked some books off her

shelf, but none of them cared. A haunted house?

Alice broke the silence by saying, “Ghosts aren’t real, Angel. I

thought you knew that.”

Aelita let out a sigh of relief.

“No, it’s in the newspaper, look.” Angel waved the

newspaper in front of their faces. Five 17-year-olds enter

house on hill and have never been seen again. They gasped in

shock. “M-Maybe…” Alice stuttered, but nothing sprang to

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mind. There was no other way. They lived downhill from a

haunted house.

“Doesn’t mean there are ghosts,” Aelita said. “It could be

something else. Maybe they got trapped in the basement.”

Angel shook her head. “Let’s go. Get your jacket,” she told

them both.

Aelita frowned. “Why are we going if they were never seen


Angel smiled mysteriously and left the room. Aelita sighed

and put on her jacket. Alice did the same. They left out the

front door after informing Amy, their foster mother, that

they were going to the park.

When the girls left the house, Amy’s eyes flashed red and she


They trudged up the hill and saw the sinister house, which

they had never been near. Cobwebs covered the front door,

but Alice didn’t mind cobwebs and wiped them all away.

Angel knocked on the door one, two, three times. The door

slowly creaked open, revealing a long dull corridor.

“Come on!” Amelia said, now taking lead.

Alice saw a portrait, and tears filled her eyes. Aelita realized it

looked exactly like her mum, who died before Alice was put

in a children’s home.

Aelita comforted Alice and they carried on. They heard

footsteps, thudding gently upstairs.

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“Maybe it’s those people who got lost in here!” Angel

exclaimed. “We could win pots of money!”

There was a sinister laugh, and the creaking of a floorboard.

“They’re trying to scare us!” Amelia added.

There was a box, stuffed to the brim with jewels and gold

coins. They looked around. “Look! A real diamond, and real

gold! An emerald!” Angel and Amelia were chanting, enjoying

searching the box.

“Let’s go,” Alice suggested.

“No! Look, here, you can have the sapphire if you want.

Aelita, you have this…um, this garnet.” Angel took the

diamond and Amelia took the gold. They both took an

emerald each.

“Rubies!” Angel said.

After they had finished with the box, the footsteps grew

louder, and louder, and louder…

A long claw reached out and then suddenly disappeared into

thin air.

Aelita and Alice screamed. “Chill!” Angel said. “Probably just

some of the effects in this place. Obviously, they’re trying to

scare us. The laugh, the claw, and they tempted us with the


The girls went upstairs. There was a large room, and the door

was locked.

“Anyway, I was just thinking, as they’re in the house right

now, we could just stop joking around with them and just

tempt them in here.” It was the voice of Amy!

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“Slow and steady, Amy. Now, transform!” A deafening growl

filled the eerie palace.

“Perfect!” the voice said again. “Now, let’s open the door.”

The door swung open. The girls, who were hidden, ducked

down even more.

“I can sense them, here, hiding!” the voice said again. “Come


Angel jumped out, followed by Amelia. The other two

climbed out of the darkness as well.

When the man jumped forward, he dragged his sharp nails

along each of them. Then Amy grabbed Alice and locked her

in the room.

The girls screamed and ran, down the stairs, to the front


“Quick, the window!” Aelita yelled, still feeling really worried

about Alice.

They each punched the window very hard, and it smashed

open. They clambered out one by one, and bolted down the

hill, occasionally falling over and rolling down even further.

Finally they got home. They rang the police, and told them

that their foster mother had left and they needed a new one.

They were assigned to different foster homes. But they knew

that they would never go near a haunted house again!

The End

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Lights Out

By Sam W

“Three cheers for the Astronauts!” As they entered the very top of the rocket,

the brave pioneers, John, Adam and Robinson waved back to their families

below. As the engine ignited, they set of on their perhaps one way mission.

After twenty years of training this day had finally come! The G-Force from the

take-off made them a bit giddy but that was the last thing on their mind. They

smiled at each other then gazed out of the window. It was spectacular. They

had two months’ worth of flight before they reached the stranded satellite but

they never got bored. It was the best two months of their lives and their last.

Finally, when they reached satellite it was nothing like they expected it to be. A

report from Houston came in: “Houston to copper Head 11 copy, there is an

unidentified object west of your pursuit , do not make contact I repeat do not

make contact.” Adam reported back: “Copper Head 11 copy can`t get a

positive ID on the abound so I’m gonna send Robinson out for an

investigation”. Robinson climbed out of the craft and approached the orb

attached to the satellite. He touched it. A surge of electricity shot through him

he was dead in an instant. Adam shut the door as fast as he could. He hadn’t

trained for this but being a clever man he had a good idea of what to do.

He called for John who came straight to the co pilot seat. Then they sealed the

windows so they couldn’t see out. There was a banging out side the oxygen

tank split and communication went down. John thought the workers weren’t

stranded they were dead and this how they died.

The banging out side out side suddenly stopped. Now they were in a broken

space ship millions of miles away from Earth, with only enough oxygen for one

person to get home. The once enthusiastic men now had no hope at all.

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Megan and the cottage of darkness

By Kate onslow

Every day Megan took her dog, who was a black

Labrador named Lilly, for a walk. Lilly and Megan loved

walking together. Megan always walked in a field

called flower field. Flower field had sunflowers,

buttercups and every flower you could think of! But

then suddenly one afternoon out of nowhere a gloomy

shadow appeared in the middle of the colourful field…

Finally as the shadow started to get clearer, Megan

could see it was an old cottage. The cottage had

brown, mouldy walls and a black and yellow striped

door. On that door it said KEEP OUT! Megan looked at

it for a while then suddenly CREAK! The door stared to

open. Lilly ran in. “Lilly, NO”! But it was too late!

She muttered to herself, “I have to go in, I just have

to.” After a long decision she crept in as quite as a


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It was pitch black, she tried shouting “Lilly,” but she

could not hear a reply. After 15 minutes of looking she

thought to herself, “It is too late, I have to go back and

give up.”

But she couldn’t find her way back because it was pitch

black. She was lost! When she trying to find her way

back the walls were starting to crave in. It was so tight

that she could hardly breathe. Then she found

something on the wall it read REDRUM WON!

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By Ruth

“Seth! You have mail!” Seth bounded down the stairs

and snatched up the letter.

“It’s from Fred.” He muttered, recognising his friend’s

untidy writing. “Dear Seth,” He read. “Please come to

my party at the old theatre. 1.00, Friday 13th.”

The next day, a slightly anxious Seth walked to the old

disused theatre. I’m not scared. Who believes in

ghosts? He reassured himself over and over again, but

Seth still shuddered at the thought of going inside that

spooky place. The door was painted yellow with

balloons on the knocker, even so, Seth’s spine pickled

with fear as he opened the door…

Expecting a bright hallway, Seth jumped back in fear

when he found himself at the end of a long, dark,

shadowy corridor. He tried to back out, but the door

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had silently shut itself. He hit his head on the hard

wood, and collapsed onto the dusty floor.

A sudden scream roused his consciousness. “RUN,

BOY! RUN! NAMLESS IS COMING! RUN!” A tall girl was

running towards him, her matted blonde hair flying.

She was wearing a torn, tattered, blue hoodie and

black trousers. She pulled him through a door into

another long hall. A rusty key lay on the floor. “Take

the key, and lock me in.” The girl instructed, pointing to

a barred door. Seth followed her confusing orders,

then carried on running. He heard noises behind him.

First, a sinister scuttling followed his feet, a hissing

slithered across the stone floor, then a huge beating of

wings echoed down the endless tunnel. Huge talons

snatched him up into the air. Suddenly, he

remembered. He remembered the newspaper

headlines: Children missing! Nameless captures

innocent children! Of course! Nameless was the

famous shape shifter! “Help!” He cried. But nothing

came but a hoarse rasp, “This one looks a weakling.

Chuck him in the cage! He may not be strong, but he’ll

make a good meal.” Human hands carried him back to

the cage where the girl was. Seth was thrown inside.

The key clicked in the lock.

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“Hello boy. I’m Sapphire. You are?” Said the girl. Seth

blushed. “Err…Seth.”

“Nameless is pretty creepy, huh?” Sapphire chatted.

She seemed perfectly happy in this spidery prison. “So

you got caught. Unlucky you. You’ll be first on his menu

with that!” She prodded Seth’s rather large belly.

Echoing footsteps silenced them. “Nameless is hungry.

Yes very hungry. One midget won’t be enough today,

Grit-face. Get the tall one and the fat one, fast.” Hissed

nameless. An ugly man with a stitched up eye opened

the door of the cage. Seth’s heart pounded as so called

Grit-face lead them through winding corridors to a

large blood-stained hall. Grit-face chained Seth by his

wrists to the high ceiling, and left him dangling there.

He then began to prepare the meal. Sapphire screamed

in agony as her blue eyes were gouged out of their

sockets. “Oh shut up, will you!?” He growled, and cut

her tongue out. Seth adverted his eyes from the gory

scene to a stone table. A piece of paper was lying on

top. He strained against his chains, and if he looked

carefully enough, he could just make out To Keith in his

own handwriting. “Oh no.”

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Rising of the darkness

By Jake

Dom and Zoe , who were brother and sister , were playing football by a river.

Dom was just about to score when Zoe stole the ball of him and scored in his

net. He ran over to the ball and wacked it as hard as he could with all his anger.

It went right of the grass and onto the river path. “Go and get it then.” Said


“ All right then.” Groaned Dom. As he was walking down to the river path he

noticed a sign saying WARNING SLIPPERY EDGE.

Zoe started to walk to walk to Dom to see why he’d stopped. As she got closer

she saw the sign and said “ I would not get the ball if I were you it’s pretty

close to the edge.”

“But that’s my new ball.” Said Dom.

“Come on I’ll be fine.”

“ But Dom you can’t swim and how will I save you?”

Dom started to walk towards the ball getting closer and closer to the ball. But as he reached out he slipped on some wet moss and SPLASH!!! He fell in. Luckily there was some rope on the side of the wall so he grabbed it but it was very slippery. He could just about hang on. Zoe started to shout for help but nobody was there. All she could see was an old crooked house she started running towards it. She knocked on the door but there was no answer. She sat on the door step crying. Meanwhile, Dom could feel the currents on his legs and his hands start to slip.

The door started to creak open and Zoe stopped crying. She ran into the old house hoping someone would be there. But there was nothing. She started to feel a tingling sensation down her spine. She was seeing things too. All of a sudden she started to feel hands clutching her red cheeks tighter and tighter. The last thing Dom heard was a scream and it was such a frightening scream that his body went limp and he let go of the rope.

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Trapped By Ross

John was walking home and suddenly he heard his

name .After a few minutes John crept towards the

abandon hotel. He tiptoed inside .There was a creak;

something was there!

What could it be? Blinking in shock it was gone. As he

quietly went up the dusty stairs, something smashed

behind. As quick as a flash he looked behind him. There

was a cat on a stand with a smashed vase beneath it.

So he carried on walking and met a corridor. It felt like

the walls were hugging him .At the end of the corridor

he saw something on the wall It said “REDRUM WON!”.

As soon as he said it a door opened behind him . After

he walked in the dark room the door slammed behind

him. What could he do? Something charged at him!

He woke up in a dark room which looked like a

dungeon. It said on the wall “TRAPPED FOREVER”.

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Rover Red Rum

by Jamie M

Splash. The ball hit the water but before it could be washed

out Rover quick as a flash pulled it back to Jamie. “Well done

boy,” said

Jamie. Rover wagged his tail in delight. “See if you can get

this boy.” Jamie then hurled the ball over some slimy rocks

.Rover couldn’t get it because it was too far out so he

followed it not his is off the ball. Suddenly he banged into a

castle. He saw the ball carry on its journey through the gates

and Rover dashed into the castle crash the door SLAMMED


.Jamie came breathless shouting when he caught his breath

back “rover here boy “he said softly. Then he had a shock! He

saw a sign saying red rum. He heard a deafening

Howl. What could it be? He thought. So Rover

Carefully not to trigger anything he heard a voice but tried to

control himself and carry on .Rover walked through another

narrow path and the hard, cold and wooden floor and made

a very creepy sound. But suddenly he saw the tennis ball roll

ahead he thought the tennis ball was trying to lead him


So he left the tennis is ball. Then he heard a dripping sound

“drip” ”drip” ”drip”. He saw a skeleton and took it out, as

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quick as lightening. The he saw a door and peered through

the key hole and opened the door luckily there was nothing

behind the door

Then he came to another door and opened and there was

Jamie and the skeleton queen

So Rover barked and Jamie shouted. There was a pause and

the queen hit Jamie and then Rover bit the queen’s neck and

she fell to peace’s and the Rover bit Jamie free and they got

out the castle and went back to their game of fetch but this

time further away from the castle .

The end


Rover then went on to win dog of

the year.

Thank you for reading hope you

enjoyed it (:

By Jamie. M

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Scar face lair

By Grace

Knock, knock. Knock, knock. Max shivered

under his duvet. The knocking came again,

this time louder. Knock, knock. Knock,

knock. He swore he saw the curtains rustle

and move. Silently, he reached a pale hand

to his light. Flick. The room lit up, a beacon

in the dark. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, he saw a small orb on his window

sill. What was it? Slowly and carefully, he

walked over to the small sphere, its shiny

surface reflecting off the lamplight like a

diamond. He reached a trembling hand to

it, his fingers gently colliding with the

smooth surface.

Thud. Max could feel cold ground under his

aching body. Silence. Silence had inked its

death over everything. He was in a corridor,

but where? Then he saw a small gap in the

wall. Squeezing through the gap, the black

enveloped him. At the end of this

claustrophobic journey, he entered a tiny

hall. It was filled with colourful lights.

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Hypnotised, Max stared, transfixed. As he

stared at the lights, every single lantern in

the room lit up.

Momentarily distracted, he stumbled

backwards just as a dark shadow emerged

from the shadows. It was a woman. Bearing

a flaming torch, she swiped at Max’s head.

Max ducked and screamed in horror as a

long flame licked out and set his hair alight.

He raced out of the room into the corridor

and up a staircase. Seeing a window and

pelting towards it, he realised he was

trapped. He tried to reach the door but he

was too late. The figure had reached the

door and was edging towards him. It pulled

back the hood that had hid its face so well

and revealed pus filled blisters; chunks of

flesh missing from its nose, and the stench

of rotting meat, filling the already-putrid

air. The scarred faced monster cornered

him by the stained window. There was a

large red mark on it that looked a bit like…

but he didn’t want to think about that.

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He realised that was what would happen to

him if he didn’t escape now. The monster

was almost upon him but he still had some

time. Searching the gloomy room for a

weapon, he spotted an abandoned curtain

chord on one of the tattered blinds.

Reaching out, he grabbed it and held it in a

defensive line, aiming for the monsters

neck. The monster, confident of victory,

drew close, until Max could feel its breath

on his cheek. Suddenly, he pulled the chord

tight around the neck of the monster, but it

swatted it away like a fly.

“You’re trapped.” rattled the monster.

Max knew that too but he also knew that

there was another way out. To embrace

death as an old friend. Live afterlife in

harmony with the world. Taking his final

breath, he said,

“There’s always a way out.” and plummeted

through the window, a smile on his bleeding

and scarred face…

The knocking had gained another victim.

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by Teri

“Demi,” called her teacher. Demi got up and slowly slumped over to her

teacher, her tie swinging. “So, why haven’t you been paying attention this

class? You’re 13 years old, in year 9! You really need to concentrate this year!

Sit next to Hermione tomorrow, that way if you talk, it’ll be about maths, not


A very loud bell stopped the conversation.

“Right children, HOMETIME! Don’t forget your homework!” Then she turned

back to Demi. Demi could not hear properly because of the noise outside in the

cloakroom. She just about made out the words “Be…you…in…peril.” but Demi

did not think anything of it.

When Demi got out of the classroom, she found out that her friends were

waiting for her.

“Come on Demi. Do you want to play dares in the park?” her friend Ruth

asked. Grace and Amy both said “YES! Come on…” at the same time. Ruth then

mumbled “Ok…” but it was to take her mind of what she had just heard. Ruth

heard everything that their teacher had said but Ruth thought it was

impossible. Was it important or impossible? Surely not…

Demi pulled her heavy ruck-sack down from her locker by its strap. She

rummaged around in it and two minutes later she pulled out her phone. She

checked the time, it was half past three. Her mum would have expected her

home by then. She text her mum saying:

Mum, can I please go to the park with Ruth, Grace and Amy?

She clicked send and hoped for the best. Another two minutes later, she

noticed a message. Was it from her mother? It didn’t sound like it. It said:

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Remember what you have just heard! Stick to it. Otherwise, the consequences

could be fatal! But yes…

Demi did a quick beckoning look to her friends. They came over and read it.

Demi thought Ruth looked scared the most but none of the others looked that


Demi and the others walked to the park, Ruth glancing backwards every now

and then. They found a soft spot on the grass and sat down.

About 1 hour later, Amy dared Demi to go into the cave across the road. They

all got out their school torches and walked over to the cave.

They walked on and Amy spotted blackness ahead through the glass gap in the

iron door. Ruth went back so she was safe.They went through the door and

before they could shut it, it had slammed. They walked on, wondering if there

was a way out. Behind them they heard footsteps running towards them,

belonging to a dark shadowy figure. The footsteps outside faded away but then

they heard a voice saying, “Did you not read what the text said?” Grace and

Amy looked round for the voice but did not find where it came from.

A pearly white figure came into view and Demi gasped in horror for what was

in front of her was a ghost belonging to her mother.

15 years later…

Demi was still trapped in one room with the stench of 2 rotting bodies, the

bodies belonged to Grace and Amy who had died almost instantly when they

had seen Demi’s ghostly mother. Demi had no-one for company apart from her

mother once a month.

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The eyes of the night

By Adam

“Hey pass it to me, pass it to me!” screamed Sam. Jake was

determined to score, so with a fierce shot, the ball blasted

like a bullet past the keeper.

“I’ll get the b…?” Sam stopped mid-sentence as he realized

where the ball had landed.

The ball had landed in a small dark garden. It was covered by

a sinister shadow being cast by a large wooden building

somewhat like a haunted house. They climbed over the fence

to get the ball.

“Let’s look inside!” suggested Jake as he picked up the ball.

“I’m not so sure we should be wandering around random

people’s houses,” answered a worried Sam.

“Chicken,” replied Jake. He knocked on the door. There was

no reply. Just as they were about to give up the door opened

with a slight creak…

Cautiously, they crept inside. The door slammed shut behind

them with a BANG which echoed through the air. Suddenly,

there was silence. “AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Both

boys looked up. The noise was coming from upstairs. Quiet as

mice, they tip-toed upstairs. The floorboards creaking with

every step. Once they reached the top it was pitch black.

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Without warning, there was a flash of light. Two red eyes

glowed brightly in the darkness. They glared at Jake and Sam.

Suddenly it started to move. Getting bigger and bigger and

closer and closer. And then, they strangely vanished into thin

air. The boys were confused. In the distance, Sam could make

out writing. He nudged Jake to get his attention.

They both stared at it. It was written in thick, blood red ink. It

read REDRUM WON. ”What’s that supposed to mean” asked

a puzzled Jake. They continued onwards. As they were

walking though the blackness they could hear faint footsteps.

It gradually got louder.

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By Shona

“Honor, I dare you to act like a monkey.” Shona laughed and then

Honor was acting like a monkey. “Oohh ohh ahh ahhh oohh ohh ahh

ahh,” said Honor. “Okay, now my turn. I dare you to um…… run as

fast as a cheetah in to that old crooked toy shop and stay in there for

1 minute and run back as fast as you can but it has to be the one with

the doll’s house in it.” And then Shona replied, “No it is too hot and

sunny to be inside.” And then Honor shouted, “Come on, don’t be

such a chicken!” So then Shona mumbled, “Even though the doll’s

house is creepy I’ll do it!”

“Yes! Because I was just about to double dare you.”

Shona crept closer and closer to the door…was she sure she was

making the right decision? 10 seconds later…BOOM!!! She was in

and the door slammed shut! All of a sudden a devil popped up.

“Hello,” it said. “Let me guess, you’re a devil?” questioned Shona.


“Why are you waving a big wand at me?” asked Shona.

The devil replied, “I will now turn you into …a…um…a pizza? Nah.

What about a book? Nah. Aha. How about a diddy doll… Yes, you will

be turned into a diddy doll.”

The devil said, “Abracadabra turn a girl into a doll.” Shona’s last

words were, “HELP ME HONOR!!!” But it was too late. Shona had

been turned into a small doll.

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The old part of town.

By Daisy and Izzy

Lottie was just walking down a small empty street in the old a part of town. She was looking after her toddler brother Tommy. “Come on Tommy teas nearly ready’’

She looked behind her. He was nowhere in sight she felt sick with worry. Where could he be?

Suddenly she heard a bell sound. It was a from an old rundown gift shop. As she approached the shop door she peered at the sign. The lettering had faded as the shop got older and older. Dust blinded her as it shot out the door.

As the dust settled she heard crying. She looked around the room. She saw a poster. Lottie read it out loud she said “red rum won’’

She didn’t know what it meant but she had heard of it before. The cupboard started to wobble it fell on her. She managed to escape but the end of her dress got caught. She heard footsteps. She looked

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up. A strange shadow ran across the area to the staff only room. The crying got louder.

She tugged and tugged at her dress. Eventually it came free. Lottie ran to the staff room. She tried to open the door but it was locked. She kicked the door and turned around. Then the door opened slowly. In the darkness she saw her brother sitting on a small red chair at the large room. He had arms folded and a pouty look on his face. Lottie ran towards him and went to hug him. But when the tip of her pale finger touched Tommy It scolded her. She took her hand away and gave it a good shake. His skin started to melt like butter on toast. It was dripping off the chair onto the cold floor wooden floor. As quick as a flash she dashed out of the shop back home.

“Mum Mum” exclaimed Lottie “what is it” said mum Tommy went missing and and and” “what do you mean he’s at the table having tea”. She looked at the table. Tommy was there. He had a pouty look on his face. From that day on she dared to go near that part of town again.

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The old toy shop By Matthew

“Fetch!” shouted Jimmy. Joey zoomed off but for some

reason, left the stick. Jimmy started to worry where Joey was

so he ran up and saw a big pile of sticks. Next to them Jimmy

saw dog tracks heading to the road…

“No!” shouted Jimmy. Joey on the other side of the road but

almost got hit by a truck, Joey ran into an old toy shop

because he could see a dog toy. Jimmy went in and saw Joey

playing with the dog toy. Everything in the shop was old and

dusty except for a small brown wooden horse. There was a

sign above saying Redrum won. “What should I do?”

wondered Jimmy, “should I take the horse or leave it?”

Jimmy decided to take the horse but then suddenly he could

hear something moving behind him. Firstly he just ignored it,

but then he looked around and when he looked back the toys

where moving closer, closer and closer and before he knew

it, he was on the floor and the last thing that he saw was the

sign that said: Redrum won but it now said: NOW


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The woods…by Dom “Remember Jake don’t walk Buster in the woods,” said my


“Why not?” I answered back.


I didn’t stay to hear the answer. I had already started to walk

onwards. As I saw the opening of the woods I shivered in the

snow. I noticed a sign that I couldn’t really read because it

was faded but I could recognise some letters and they spelt:

MONDRE SCEME DOM’L CROSS! What did that mean? As I

trudged on, still trying to work out what the sign meant, I

didn’t notice how far I had gone. Suddenly I saw something

pop up from behind a tree and vanish again.

I heard some footsteps behind me and looked over my

shoulder. I could see a tall slender man with black eyes, a

stitched up mouth and blood stained dungarees. My heart

was thumping and my brow was wet. I ran with Buster and at

that moment the sign made sense. It meant MURDER SCENE


I saw Buster run full pelt into the dark part of the woods so I

followed thinking that I could lose this maniac that was

chasing me. I ran down a hill thinking that he would lose sight

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of me, I jumped into a bush and then hid behind a giant oak

tree. The murderer slowed down to a walking pace and I

could see the sunlight reflect off his cleanly shaven head.

He sped up again when he heard a dog bark. That must have

been Buster. When I had lost sight of him my breath came

back. I felt tired and giddy but I just shuffled my way back. I

then realised I had gone even further into the woods instead

of going out of them.

I saw a shadow creeping up behind me so I ran for my life

again and I dived into what seemed to be a fox hole but I was

soon proved wrong. It was a muddy tunnel and as I crawled

forward the tunnel widened and the stench of rotten flesh

grew stronger. I saw Buster DEAD!

I wept and wept. The tunnel seemed to squeeze me like a

bear. Shadows took me from behind and I squeezed my eyes

shut. I got dragged away into the darkness all because I didn’t


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Tom and the terror!

By Aidan

One winter’s night Tom woke to wind rushing round his room. The cold wind

formed into a ghostly figure. Tom shrank back as the ghost screamed.” Do not

enter the house on the hill. Do not release it!” Then all went quiet and he

faded back to sleep. Tom woke from his sleep. That was a strange dream he

thought. He whispered to himself. Or was it real?

That morning as he went for a walk he walked past the house on the hill. He

thought he saw someone in the house on the hill so he started the trudge to

the house. As he walked to the door it swung open. That was strange he

thought to himself.

Just as he stepped inside the door slammed shut and a suit of armour fell over

blocking his exit, so he carried on. He crept into a huge hall and a bar of steel

fell down in the door ways.

As he pulled with all his might on the bars the ghost appeared.” It’s all over

Tom run all you like you will never escape it!!” The ghost boomed. Tom ran as

fast as he could.

The floor behind him was being ripped down.” JOIN US JOIN US!!!” The ghost

screamed. The floor beneath him suddenly fell in and he fell in to a fiery abyss

never to be seen again. But even to this day they say you can sometimes hear a

sudden snap and the terrified screams of poor old Tom.

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Fred By George Harrison

“Fred dead?” The dark alley was filled with posters looming over like haunting

shadows. Newspapers with pictures of the droned boy littered the cobbled

pavement. Dark windows followed the man up the alley. He was not convinced

his son was dead.

5 minutes later he was standing on the edge of lake. The black water lapped

against the cold banks. SPLASH! He was in .the cold water suddenly embraced

him. He could hold his breath for minutes. Was it long enough? He dived down.

The bottom of the lake was sandy and he could hardly see. Where was the body?

OWCH! He stubbed his toe on something. Peering through the murk he could see

a trapdoor. He opened it and went inside…

The water level in the room dropped after the trapdoor had shut. He looked

around him. The room wasn’t acutely a room it was a long corridor with dull grey

bars on the right hand side. “This is where my son is,” he said aloud.

There was something in one of the cells. Cautiously he crept forward. Slowly,

slowly the truth was uncovered. Rotten flesh was hanging off bones. Suddenly a

figure appeared. “My son,” Fred’s dad cried.

“Redrum,” he replied


“Redrum,” he said again

The water level rose. He ran to the trapdoor but the water was rising too quickly.

Now he realised what redrum meant. It spelt backwards

He died a miserable death.

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Trapped in black

By Rebecca

“Lara will you bring the clean washing into the cottage please?” Lara’s mother shouted.

“Ok mum” Lara answered.

After bringing the washing in, Lara peered through the kitchen window and watched the

delicate trees, that had big bushy leaves, sway from side to side in the gentle summer’s

breeze. But then she spotted a black moon…

The sun was glazing through the window. Suddenly, in the blink of an eye, it became pitch


“What’s going on?” Lara whispered.

“I don’t know” exclaimed Lara’s mum.

Lara stumbled to the draw and grabbed a torch.

“What are you doing?” Lara’s mum asked.

“I am gonna find out what’s going on” Lara declared.

She flicked the torched on and slowly tip toed outside.

As Lara carefully tip toed through the forest, she remembered the black moon. “What did

that mean?” she thought.

There was silence. Then a voice. Lara turned back but nothing was there. As quite as a

mouse Lara moved on. A few minutes later, Lara felt that something or someone was

following her. She felt as though the trees were ganging up on her…

Suddenly, Lara saw a distant figure following her. She ran like the wind jumping over all the

obstacles but the figure was faster! It kept getting closer and closer and closer. Till suddenly

it was nearly on Lara’s back. Lara lost her focus and tripped over a log. She landed in a deep

hole that was covered up by leaves. In the 10 foot hole was a sign that had a black moon

and it red …


Finally she knew what it meant but was left there to die there and never seen again.