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Karl Brooks

Survival Games


SURVIVE! The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game

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Contents Contents.................................................................................................................................................. 2

The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game ..................................................................................................................... 4

What is SURVIVE? .................................................................................................................................... 7

Statistics and Skills .................................................................................................................................. 7

Knowledge Skills .................................................................................................................................... 12

Physical Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 13

Combat Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 13

Archetypes ............................................................................................................................................ 15

Business Person .................................................................................................................................... 16

Student ................................................................................................................................................. 16

Entertainer ............................................................................................................................................ 16

Medical Professional ............................................................................................................................. 17

Family Man / Woman* .......................................................................................................................... 17

Police Officer ......................................................................................................................................... 17

Gang Member ....................................................................................................................................... 18

Ex-Soldier .............................................................................................................................................. 18

Rural People .......................................................................................................................................... 18

Organized Criminal ................................................................................................................................ 18

Basic Equipment .................................................................................................................................... 22

Basic Firearm Chart ............................................................................................................................... 23

SURVIVE! Character Sheet ............................................................................................................................... 49

Movement and Combat .................................................................................................................................... 25

Movement ............................................................................................................................................. 25

Combat ................................................................................................................................................. 26

Combat Progression Chart ..................................................................................................................... 27

Between Combat Rounds ....................................................................................................................... 28

Equipment Lists ..................................................................................................................................... 30

Weapons and Equipment ................................................................................................................................... 31

Clothing Gear ................................................................................... 31

Food Firearms and Ammunition .................................................................. 32

Luxuries * Melee Weapons ........................................................................ 35

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Becoming the Undead ..................................................................................................................................... 36

The Beginning of the End… ............................................................................................................................ 38

APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 40

Appendix I: Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 40

Knowledge Skills .................................................................................................................................... 40

Physical Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 41

Combat Skills ......................................................................................................................................... 42

Appendix II: Weapon Types and Damage- Firearms ............................................................................... 43

I owe a debt of gratitude to many people for contributing photos to this undertaking. Courtney Leigh

Fishell, Rob Wills, Emma Lysyk, and Jason Meyer at Hobby Destination in Chandler. These folks have

helped me in the re-fit and distribution of the game, and much of the artwork as well. A very special

thank you goes to Gen Baker of Winslow AZ, for being my SOLE CONTRIBUTOR in my funding campaign,

and to ALL members of the Zombie Eradication Response Team –Z.E.R.T.- for their inspiring, down to

earth methodology and knowledge.

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SURVIVE The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game

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SURVIVE! The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Game

Welcome to the Apocalypse… and not the Biblical ‘fire and brimstone’ one. This was made by us. H5N1, HTLV-3, BSE, Anthrax, and E-Bola viruses have been unleashed by an unknown source, and have genetically bonded together to create the Human-Bovine-Avian Reanimatory Virus (HBAR-V). It spread quickly throughout the world, in both airborne and fluid-borne means, and has begun re-animating the infected population, once they have passed on. Scientists are searching out a cure, but may be losing the battle, as the hordes of the walking dead begin to feast upon the living. While 90% of the world’s population survived the initial viral attack, those who did not, including canines, pigeons, feral cats, rodents, bovines, and humans, began attacking the human population with severe ferocity, decimating the third-world countries it had first sprung to life in.

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Now that HBAR-V has reached the United States, it has spread like a wildfire through dry grass, destroying large cities like New York, Chicago, Orlando, Los Angeles, and Portland almost overnight. As society crumbled, the CDC and FEMA have begun to co-ordinate with the US Military to attempt to find a cure, or at least a vaccine for survivors. They announce very basic facts, hiding the real truth behind the virus. The public is told to avoid scratches, bites, and any other bodily fluids from infected persons, but are not told that when their infected family members die, they’ll get up and try to eat them. The public is also informed to avoid pigeons, small dogs, rats, cows, and stray cats, and to contact authorities if large groups are seen milling around. No cause for alarm, even though little Fluffy just ate the kitty next door; Just call Animal Control, and don’t let Fluffy in the house.

Military bases are closed, and then fortified against the ever-growing hordes, and contact with them is lost. After only a few days, a terse, ominous message from the President;

“Under no circumstances should non-military personnel approach any installation in the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii, the territories of Puerto Rico or Guam. Deadly force has been authorized.”

The television stopped transmitting, then the radio, then the internet. Now, three weeks later, even the police are finding themselves merely surviving, and using their skills to help, or in some cases, prey upon others.

This could be the end times, or it could just be another turning point in mankind’s history. The Suburbs of most cities were not ravaged, and as one of the residents, do you have what it takes to SURVIVE?

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What is SURVIVE?

SURVIVE is a points-based tabletop combat and role playing game, based in the grim near-future, where

our own folly has brought us to the brink of extinction. Each character archetype will have a base point

allotment, and the ability to gain more points through experiences, combat, and straight-up dumb luck.

Each Archetype has a different point value and a different base skill set, though all have some abilities in

common. Having a well rounded group will give each member a better chance of survival.

There are a few things necessary to play SURVIVE. These items are in the repertoire of almost all

gamers, but if this is your first game, you’ll need to get:

- 12, 6-sided dice, for rolling skill modifiers. You need one die for each point in a skill category.

These dice are also used to roll statistics for the character.

- 4, 10-sided dice, for rolling to hit, dodge, and escape.

- 4, 8-sided dice for Melee damage. This is the MAXIMUM necessary for melee damage.

- 4, 12-sided dice for Ranged weapon damage. This is the MAXIMUM necessary for ranged


- 6, 4-sided dice for fire and explosion damage. These may need to be rolled multiple times,

depending upon what is being used.

- 2, 20-sided dice, for adding hit points, and for taking damage from zombies.

- Scatter and hit location dice, to see where fire/ explosions go, and where you hit/ have been bit.

- Pencils and paper, for keeping track of what happens, what you have, and how many zombies

you have killed in each gaming session.

- Character sheet. This is who you are.

- Rule book. This is what you need to know.

- TWO models representing your character (One survivor, one zombie)

Statistics and Skills

There are many skills, broken into several groups that each character can learn. Each skill can have a

minimum score of 1, and a maximum of 12. Some skills cannot be learned immediately, or have to be

purchased from another character (using the currency of the game!). Once learned, a skill can be used

the following game round, not the next turn, and skills cannot be learned in combat AT ALL!

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There are three skill categories; Knowledge, Physical, and Combat.

Knowledge skills can be anything from simple reading, to how to make TNT from hand soap and toilet

paper rolls. The skill level determines how extensively the knowledge is known, and determines the

chance of success when using that skill.

Physical skills are how fit, limber, and robust the character is. These skills can improve through simple

movement, or may require equipment to achieve better results. Some of these skills can affect Combat

skills as well, adding or subtracting from the dice roll accordingly.

Combat skills are how well the character fights, and with what. These skills MUST be learned or

purchased, as they are not inherently ingrained into our minds from birth. The higher the skill level, the

more effective the character is at surviving combat, but not necessarily the more mundane aspects of

life in the zombie apocalypse. Statistics are the basics of the character, and can affect how much they can learn, how healthy they are,

and how many skills are available at the outset. The statistics for all archetypes are Health, Stamina,

Intelligence, Strength, Speed and HBAR-V Resistance. 4, 6-sided dice are rolled five times, ones re-rolled

only once, and added and written down after each roll. Then, the player can choose where to place the

scores as they see fit, prior to choosing an archetype. There are NO minimum scores for any of the

archetypes or sub-types, as the characters are assumed to have survived the HBAR-V outbreak initially.

Statistics definitions are as follows:

- Health- This is the general health of the character, reflecting the fact they are survivors of the

21st century plague. Mid-range scores (12 – 18) are normal people, lower MUST claim some

form of infirmity, such as an allergy or minor, recurrent injury. Damage lowers health score.

- Stamina- This is how long the character can be functional, and useful, to the group of survivors.

Sleep will replenish lessened stamina, unless caused by HBAR-V. Health scores of less than 12

effect stamina, reducing the score by 1 point per point of health below 12. Conversely, each

point above 18 of health adds 1 point of stamina.

- Intelligence- This is generally how much brain power the character has. This will affect the

number of maximum skills available. Scores from 3-12 allow only 4 extra Knowledge skills

beyond archetype basics, 12-18 allow for 8, and 18-24 allow for 12 extra Knowledge skills.

- Strength-This score is the raw power the character has, as well as affecting their abilities in

Physical and Combat: Melee skills. Strength and stamina are not mutually exclusive; if the

stamina is reduced to half of the base score or less, strength is reduced by half as well.

- Speed- This score reflects how fast a character can move, and react to different situations.

- HBAR-V Resistance- This is how susceptible the character is to the zombie virus. Health and

Stamina scores determine this score. Half of strength (rounded down), and half of stamina

(rounded down) make this score. This is the number of times the character can be bitten by the

infected, without seeking or getting, medical treatment, before succumbing to the virus.

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Also, gender is not a factor in who is and is not a survivor. Children and the elderly were nearly

completely eradicated by the virus, and children, thankfully, did not rise to eat their families.

After rolling your dice, choosing where each statistic will go, and working out your HBAR-V resistance

score, you must choose whether or not to be male or female. Then, you need to roll for the age of the

character. Using 2d10, choose which will represent the 10s column, and which is the ones. Roll the dice,

and write down your age. (Example: Seamless Kaboom rolls 2d10, one green, one blue. The green die is

tens. He rolls them. Green comes up as 8, blue comes up as 0. As an 80 year old man, he wouldn’t make

it long. So he chooses to make his character 18, making him young and relatively inexperienced, but


With all of this in mind, stats rolled, and character sheet in hand, it’s time to begin choosing the

archetype and sub-type you wish to play. Think what you would like to be, should the zombie

apocalypse happen. Now get rid of that, and look around you. 10% of the people nearby would be dead

within the first 48 hours of the outbreak, and another 25% almost as soon as the dead rose and began to

eat them. YOU have survived, so make the character as close to you as possible. Think through what

(and WHO) you know, and use that as a guide. This is a game of survival, violence, and carnage. There is

also humor, sadness, and the potential for love between the characters.

For those who have prior experience with role playing games, you will notice there is no ‘alignment’

mentioned anywhere. This is due to the fact that ALL human beings, when faced with unbearable

horrors, are capable of doing anything. This also alleviates the ’I wish I could do that, but my alignment

says it’s wrong’ arguments. Do what you believe should be done, what has to be done, and (in some

cases) what you want to do. Pick your skills according to how you feel, choose your equipment based on

what you know how to use (or at least properly identify), and start killing zombies!

“I hope somebody finds this record. I watched one of the people in my office eat – yes, eat- our manager.

I ran away as fast as I could, tried to get home. My building was on fire, so I went to my friend Santos’

house. He shot at me before seeing who I was. I didn’t even know he had any guns. He let me in, but his

abuela was dying with a horrible cough. When she died, Santos leaned over to kiss her forehead, and she

tore his throat out. I hit both of them in the head with a hammer, and grabbed Santos’ guns and a big

machete. I’m trying to get to the CDC site in San Jose, but I don’t know if I’ll make it. My name is Piotor

Segyerovich, and I am on Route, uh, 9, I think. Try and find me.” Found in a small SUV, just outside San

Jose, New Mexico, in the pocket of the driver. Driver’s license confirms identification on the speaker.

Individual self-terminated by way of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. – Notes of a U.S. Army

kill team, sent to clear CDC checkpoint in San Jose, New Mexico. No further transmissions from this

team were received.

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Look for these posters! They may well save your life one day!

ZERT began training for the outbreak years before it actually happened. When the dead began to rise,

they became first responders in every city, state, and country they had squadrons in. The established

military ‘safe zones’ fell, while ZERT held the line. Las Vegas, HQ city for ZERT, is a veritable safe-zone,

with only scattered pockets of the walking dead.

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Knowledge Skills These skills are taught, usually by someone skilled in their art. Some are taught in school, some at home,

but others are street-wise skills used for survival. They each have a distinct point cost, and some will

have to be purchased with other skills to get the full benefit.

Skill Point cost Reading 5

Writing 5

Language (Eng.) 5

Language (Spn.) 7

Language (other) 10

Social Interaction 5

Hide* 5

Inventiveness 6

Insider Knowledge 10

Dark Insight 6

Horticulture 7

Unreal Attitude 3

Skewed Viewpoint 3

Stoicism* 5

Emergency Surgery* 10

Humorous Cynicism 2

Home Making 6

Disaffection* 6

Bad Neighborhood 3

Driving; Basic* 3

Driving: Advanced* 4 Driving: Hard and Fast* 7

Driving: Off-road* 7

Driving: Military* 8

Gang Signs* 5

No Trace* 6

Move Silent* 6

Scavenge* 4

Firearms: Handguns** 5

Firearms: Long guns** 5

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Physical Skills These skills are the measure of the character’s physical abilities to perform certain actions, how long

they can perform them, and in some cases, how well they are performed. Some of these must be taken

in conjunction with other skills in order to function properly.

Skill Point cost

Endurance 5

Brawling 6

Flexibility 8

Iron Stomach 8

Stoicism* 5

Walking Pharmacy 7

Disaffection* 6

Driving; Basic* 3

Driving: Advanced* 4 Driving: Hard and Fast* 7

Driving: Off-road* 7

Driving: Military* 8

Gang Signs* 5

No Trace* 6

Move Silent* 6

Scavenge* 4 Firearms: Handguns** 5 Firearms: Long guns** 5

Walking Supermarket 4

Combat Skills These skills are the measure of effectiveness the character has in a fight. Some skills have to be taken to

make others work properly, while others can be taken alone and provide some degree of assistance to

the character in performing somewhat unfamiliar combat actions. For instance, most people have seen

movies where firearms are used, but many films do not show the actors reloading, charging the weapon,

or misfires. Movies also show how ‘easy’ it is to use a sword or an axe to split a skull, but do not take

into account the reality behind the forces necessary to do so. Movies and books also give a false sense

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of ease with using incendiaries and explosives. With all of this in mind, the skills here MAY be useful to

keep the character, and their group, alive until (and if) help arrives.

Skill Point costMelee: Bat 2

Melee: Crowbar 2

Melee: Knife I 3

Melee: Knife II 5

Melee: Knife III 7

Melee: Sword 6

Melee: Chainsaw 9

Ranged: Spear 5

Ranged: Bow I 6

Ranged: Bow II 7

Ranged: Bow III 8

Ranged: Firearm I** 3

Ranged: Firearm II** 4

Ranged: Firearm III** 5

Ranged: Firearm IV** 8

Explosives I 5

Explosives II 7

Explosives III 9

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There are 10 archetypes available to play in SURVIVE. They are as follows:

- Business Person- These are the people, who sold TVs, waited and bussed tables, answered

phones, cashiered, and worked the docks of the pre-apocalypse world. They are now just trying

to survive the hordes of undead scouring the world, waiting for help that may never come.

Some of these characters will have a base knife handling skill.

- Student- These are High School and College students. Geeks, jocks, cheerleaders, band

members, stoners and outcasts. Only a few of these youth really know what is happening.

- Entertainer – These are the actors, actresses, news anchors, cameramen, and strippers who

have managed to survive the hordes of undead.

- Medical Professional- These are the young doctors, nurses, and EMTs who were first to see the

HBAR-V in action, and survive. Most know what is really happening, and fear there will never be

a cure.

- Family Man/Woman – These are your average, everyday homemakers, living in suburbia when

the virus took hold of the world. Now they cling to hope that a cure will be found, and life will

just go back to a semblance of normalcy.

- Police Officer – These are your beat cops, patrolmen, and dispatchers. The rest were sent to the

worst areas of outbreak, and haven’t been heard from since. This is the first archetype with a

base firearms skill.

- Gang Member – These range from the skinny street thug to the mountainous bruiser that

populates most inner-city gangs. This archetype has a base firearms skill, as well as a base knife

handling skill.

- Ex-Soldier- This is the crazy, paranoid guy down the block that sits in his bushes with a rifle

mumbling about ’gooks in the wire’, the old veteran, who has seen combat, but didn’t let it

break him entirely, and the ROTC gung-ho kid, who feels he is invincible. These characters have

two firearms skills, and some have melee weapons skills as well.

- Rural People - These are the stereotypical farmers, rednecks, and migrant workers who

produced our food. Their lives were hardened by the bovine and canine outbreaks, forcing many

to move toward the cities in search of shelter. These characters have one firearm and one melee

weapon base skill, as well as horticulture.

- Organized Criminal – These are the numbers runners, aspiring hitters, and accountants of the

Italian and Irish Mafias. They are seeking to cut a new kingdom in the land of the dead, or simply

survive until society returns. All but the accountant have two base firearm skills.

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For each archetype, there are sub-groups. Each of these has their own set of basic skills, which cost

nothing points wise. Each sub-type is given a specified number of points to spend on skills later on.

Business Person

This archetype and its sub-types all have the basic skills of Reading, Writing, Math, and Language at skill

level 3.

- Wait Staff – 70 points, Endurance 3

- Cook – 70 points, Knife II skill 2, Endurance 3

- Bartender – 70 points, Knife II skill 1, Endurance 3

- Office Worker – 60 points, Hide 4, Inventiveness 6

- Secretary – 60 points , Social Interaction 3

- Dock Worker – 80 points, Brawling 4, Endurance 4

- Store Clerk – 60 points, Endurance 3


This archetype and all of its sub types have the basic skills of Reading, Writing, Math, and Language at

skill level 4.

- Jock – 70 points, Endurance 4, Brawling 2

- Nerd – 85 points , Hide 5, Insider Knowledge 5

- Cheerleader – 60 points, Endurance 3, Flexibility 4

- Outcast* - 65 points, Dark insight 5, Iron Stomach 4

- Stoner – 55 points, Horticulture 7, inventiveness 6

- Band Member – 55 points, Stoicism 4, Endurance 3

*Outcasts include, but are not limited to, Goths, Freaks, Gamers, Splatterhounds, and Emos.

Entertainer This archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, Language, and Social Interaction at

skill level 4.

- Daytime Star – 50 points, Unreal Attitude 6, Skewed viewpoint 4

- Rock Star – 50 points, Endurance 5, Walking Pharmacy 4

- Failed Theater Actor – 45 points, Unreal Attitude 4, Dark Insight 2

- Stripper – 65 points, Endurance 5, Flexibility 6, (One weapon skill) 4

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Medical Professional

This archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, Math, Language, and Insider

Knowledge at skill level 6

- Young Doctor – 75 points, Iron Stomach 6, Endurance 6, Emergency Surgery 4

- Off-Duty Nurse – 70 points, Iron Stomach 6, Endurance 6, Social Interaction 7

- EMT – 65 points, Iron Stomach 10, Endurance 8, Humorous Cynicism 5

Family Man / Woman* This Archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, Math, and Language at skill level 4,

as well as Home Making at skill level 5.

- Parent – 50 points, Stoicism 4, Iron Stomach 3

- Grand-Parent – 35 points, Humorous Cynicism 5, Iron Stomach 5

- Aunt /Uncle – 35 points, Stoicism 5, Disaffection 4

- Step-Parent – 35 points, Stoicism 7, Disaffection 5

*This archetype and its sub types can ONLY be taken if a Student archetype character is played as well.

Police Officer This archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, Language, and Social Interaction at

Level 5. They also have the Firearms: Pistol skill at level 4.

- Beat Cop – 60 points, Endurance 6, Bad Neighborhood 4, Melee: PR-24 or Melee: ASP 5

- Patrol Officer – 60 points, Endurance 4, Driving: Fast and Hard 6, Melee: ASP 5, Firearms:

Shotgun 4

- Dispatcher – 65 points, Stoicism 5, Skewed Viewpoint 5

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Gang Member This archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, and Language at skill level 4. They

also have Firearms: Pistol at skill level 4 and Melee: Knife at level 5. They also have Bad Neighborhood at

level 10.

- Drug Dealer – 50 points, Walking Pharmacy 7, Gang Signs 5

- Runner – 45 points, Walking Supermarket 6, Melee: Crowbar 7

- Bruiser – 50 points, Gang Signs 5, Melee: Bat 7, Firearms: Shotgun or SMG 4

- House Breaker – 70 points, No Trace 9, Move Silent 9, Melee: Crowbar 9

Ex-Soldier This archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, and Language at level 5. They also

have the skills Firearms: Pistol at level 5, and Firearms: Rifle at level 7.

- Hopeless Paranoid – 60 points, Skewed Viewpoint 9, Dark Insight 5, Scavenge 8

- Tired Warhorse – 65 points, Stoicism 10, Iron Stomach 7, Hide 6, Dark Insight 6

- Gung-Ho Jarhead – 60 points, Brawling 5, Endurance 4, Unreal Attitude 8

Rural People This archetype and its sub-types have the skills Reading, Writing, and Language at level 5. They also have

the skills Firearms: Shotgun at level 4, Firearms: Rifle at level 4, and Melee: Machete at level 4.

- Farmer – 65 points, Horticulture 6, Stoicism 7, Scavenge 9, Endurance 7

- Redneck – 65 points, Inventiveness 6, Ranged Weapon: Bow 8, Skewed Viewpoint 7

- Migrant Worker - 60 points, Endurance 9, Stoicism 5, Horticulture 5

Organized Criminal This archetype and its sub-types have the skills of Reading, Writing, and Language at level 6, Firearms:

Pistol at level 4 and Melee: Bat at level 4.

- Aspiring Hitter – 60 points, Endurance 5, Firearms: Rifle 7, Melee: Knife 7

- Mob Accountant – 40 points, Social Interaction 8, Math 10, Hide 6

- Numbers Runner – 45 points, Endurance 6, Move Silent 6, Melee: Knife 6

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Below are Wargames Factory models of male survivors painted by Mathew Leahy. They represent some

of the archetypes and sub-types described above. From top left to bottom right they are as follows:

- Bruiser Gang Member, armed with a 30” crowbar and a Molotov Cocktail

- Rural Migrant Worker, armed with a machete and a pistol

- Mob Accountant Organized criminal, armed with a pistol

- Nerd Student, armed with a bolt-action rifle

- Patrol Officer , armed with a pump shotgun and a pistol

- Office Worker armed with a wicket

- Aspiring Hitter armed with a pistol

- Hopeless Paranoid armed with two pistols

- House Breaker armed with a chainsaw

These are SOME of the possibilities, and only male survivors are shown. These can be modeled to display

whatever weapons your character is carrying, and will make great fun for all involved, identifying the

different characters.

*Note* These models were the inspiration for the creation of this game, and I will endlessly thank

Wargames Factory for their diligent work in creating them.

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“We saw the first ones rounding the corner. They seemed… well they seemed to be alive, at first. Then we

saw the bullet holes, the missing limbs, the torn out throats. Damn if some of them weren’t moving real

fast, runnin’ at us. First few we plugged with pistols, center of mass. Didn’t do any good. Jess shot one in

the head, and we all caught on pretty quick after that. Found out if ya blow ‘em in half, they go down

pretty permanent too. Jess got eaten by a group of ‘em so did Martha and Ross. Jenny ate a bullet after

getting’ bit. Now it’s just me, Roy, and a couple of soldiers. Hope we make it out of town.” Jared Jensen,

found on a tape recording in Green Valley, Pennsylvania, after the area was cleared by a local militia

group. There was no sign of his body, or that of the others mentioned in the recording.

“Sitrep: 27 Aug 15.We scouted a strip mall in the southwest part of Albuquerque, hoping to find civilian

survivors. All we found were HBAR-V victims, and corpses. Cpl. Jenkins vomited profusely, destroying our

map of the outlying area, but PFC Whitehall was born there, so guided us through the worst of the areas.

Avoidance is the orders we last received, and the men have had little problem following this order to the


29 Aug 15. Ran into a detachment of Marine Reservists, and assimilated them into the unit with little

trouble. LCpl. Rodriguez and Pvt. Andrews were bitten, so were dispatched by their lieutenant. I hope we

find more troops. 15 men do not make for a large enough unit to successfully –“ transmission ended

before Capt. Jon Dawson of the 1st battn. 2nd Engineer regiment could finish. No further contact had been


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Basic Equipment Every character is going to have their own idea of what is necessary for survival, but there are basics

that all need – food, water, first aid kit, clothing, and personal protection. These items are going to be

assumed to have been picked up within the first few days of the outbreak, so each character will have

some equipment to start the game with. This will NOT be a comprehensive list of necessary items, but

SOME basic items. Each character has, to begin with:

- A backpack, with multiple pockets. This is an absolute, and if lost or left, ALL items contained

within or attached to the bag will be LOST, unless retrieved by the same or another character.

- 1 pair of pants

- 1 shirt, with whatever the character wants on it.

- 1 pair of boots, either hiking or combat (player’s choice)

- 1 pair of socks

- One pocket knife. This is a basic, lock-blade knife, and not much of a weapon, but a useful tool.

- One blanket

- Two one-quart canteens, with carriers. These are filled with WATER, and nothing else.

- One day worth of food. This is two meals per day. These can be canned foods, MRE’s, or freeze

dried hiking food. Each player MUST elaborate upon the food type, and list each type of food


- Some form of firearm. This will be determined randomly, on a roll of 2d6. Amount of

ammunition depends upon firearm type.

- Two packs of cigarettes, or comparable amount of cannabis sativa or loose tobacco and papers.

This is the most basic form of currency.

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All other equipment must be purchased or gathered, although some sub-types will have specific load-

outs and more equipment than this to begin with. Archetypes with weapons skills may choose a weapon

from the list in addition to those listed above. Characters with survival skills (Inventiveness, Dark Insight,

Skewed Viewpoint [depending upon archetype], and Scavenge) may have more and different

equipment, according to their archetype and sub-type. This extra equipment must be able to be carried

in the backpack, or on their person. Otherwise, it is basically useless. The following chart is used to roll

for firearm type in basic equipment list:

Basic Firearm Chart

Dice Roll

Weapon Caliber Load Type Weight

Max. Range Damage

2 to 4 .22 cal. 8 Revolver 1 lb. 6" 1d4

2 to 4 ,22 cal. 6+1 SA 1 lb. 6" 1d4+1

2 to 4 .32 cal 6 Revolver 1 lb. 7" 1d4+2

2 to 4 .32 cal 6+1 SA 1 lb. 7" 1d4+2

5 to 7 9x 18 mm 16+1 SA 1.5 lb. 7" 1d6

5 to 7 .38 spcl. 6 Revolver 1.5 lb. 9" 1d8

5 to 7 .357 Mag. 7 Revolver 2 lb. 10" 2d6

8 .357 Mag. 8+1 SA 4 lb 10" 2d6+2

9 .45 LC 6 Revolver 2 lb. 12" 2d6+2

10 .45 ACP 8+1 SA 2 lb. 10" 2d8+2

11 to 12 12 ga. 8+1 Shotgun 4 lb. 14" 3d8+2

11 to 12 5.56x45 varies Rifle varies 22" 1d8 +1

11 to 12 7.62x39 varies Rifle varies 22" 1d8+2

11 to 12 7.62x51 varies Rifle varies 30" 2d8+2

These are the most commonly available types of ammunition found, and will be the most likely for a

character to have gotten their hands on quickly. Again, some characters will have other, possibly more

exotic, firearms and ammunition.

More weapons are available, of course, but must be purchased or found during gameplay. The

archetypes with added weapons are:

- Police Officer. They have the standard 9mm sidearm, and on a 4-6 roll on a d6 will also have a 12

ga. Pump shotgun at no extra points cost. There will be two extra magazines for the pistol, and 8

extra shells for the shotgun.

- Gang Member. Gang members ALWAYS have 3 knives on them, and one of these, on a 2-6 roll

on a d 6, will be a machete.

- Ex-Soldier. These characters begin with two combat knives, and a .45 cal. pistol. On a 4-6 roll on

a d6, they will also have a 5.56x45 rifle. The pistol will have 4 extra magazines, and the rifle 2

extra 20-round magazines.

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- Rural People. Rural people start with a hunting knife, machete, and a 12 ga. shotgun.

- Organized Criminal. These characters start with a baseball bat and CHOICE of pistol type. Pistol

has 2 reloads.

The rest of the archetypes have nothing more than the basic equipment and weapon listed above. Some

characters will have other equipment available at no cost, depending upon what skills they choose.

When all above have been filled out on the character sheet, you can round out the character, giving

them a name, gender, height, weight, and even add a picture. The character sheet below may be

photocopied as many times as needed.

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Movement and Combat

Movement Movement is measured in inches, rate is based the Speed statistic, and distance is based on Endurance.

If a character has a speed score of 12, and an endurance of 20, then they would be able to move 10” for

6 rounds, unabated. This does not take into effect different terrain conditions, wounds, or combat. This

is just movement at a dead run, to the maximum distance allowable.

A standard equation for this is simple; half the speed scores for the number of rounds of movement,

rounding down to the nearest whole number. For distance the equation is the same. Some terrain,

however, hampers movement, as do injuries, and necessity for stealth.

Terrain Type Speed Modifier Distance Modifier Clear 0 0

Light Debris -1 -2”

Medium Debris -3 -4”

Heavy Debris -5 -6”

Shallow Water -1 -2”

Waist-deep Water -4 -4”

Chest-deep Water Impassible Impassible

Partial Darkness -5 Add Terrain Modifier

Total Darkness Impassible Impassible

Open Buildings -2 -2”

Locked Buildings Impassible Impassible

- Light Debris includes rubble, massed dead bodies, and shallow ditches.

- Medium Debris includes heavy rubble from burned buildings, parked cars, waist-high grass, and

military barricades

- Heavy Debris includes wrecked cars, fallen buildings, and deep ditches/ irrigation canals.

The rest of the terms are rather self-explanatory, and they may or may not be encountered in suburban

situations. Total darkness is impassible without flashlights or night vision equipment, and should be

avoided. Locked buildings count as impassible due to the noise to break into them drawing the hordes of


Movement isn’t always in a straight line, especially when fighting zombies or even other people. Even if

you move your maximum movement for a turn, changes in direction cost a full inch, so if you are

running around a car, take starting point (base of model), measure TO the side of the car facing the

model, then measure which direction around they will run. Subtract 1” for EACH turn of the model, and

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then recalculate distance. Moving upwards is the same as moving in a straight line, but speed is reduced

by half.

Movement is also affected by combat. If firing a weapon while walking, cut movement speed by half,

UNLESS firing from the hip. If using a melee weapon, speed is reduced by half no matter the



Combating the undead is what this game is based on. Fighting, killing, and even dying, have all become

part of everyday life. As a survivor, there are four basic ways to destroy the walking dead; ranged

weapons (Firearms, thrown spears, bows), melee weapons (swords, bats, wickets, shovels, etc.), fire and


Melee weapons, as shown above, have many variants. There are two main types of melee weapons;

blunt and edged. Blunt weapons are used like a bat. Swing as hard as you can, and destroy the head with

a single blow, if lucky. Edged weapons require somewhat more skill, but have a better chance of

destroying the threat in a single blow, if landed properly. Swords require a higher intelligence than most

melee weapons, to be used properly.

Ranged weapons, such as firearms and bow and arrow, are for keeping the undead well away while

dispatching them. More skill is needed with bows and arrows than firearms, but either requires more

skill than blunt melee weapons. Some ranged weapons will have a minimum intelligence to operate, as

well as requiring specific skills to use them.

Fire and Explosives both completely obliterate the zombie presence, but can also cause damage to

players as well. Fire itself needs no skill to use, but fire-bombs (such as Molotov cocktails) require some

form of explosives skill to use properly.

Combat is turn-based, and has 5 different parts to each round; Initiative, Movement, Ranged Combat,

Charge/ Melee Combat, and Casualties.

- Initiative- This determines which character acts first. All characters roll 1d4, and the highest

score, added to speed, is first to move, but last to shoot.

- Movement- This is performed as per the movement rules, stated above, and will determine

ranged combat ability.

- Ranged Combat- This is when ranged weapons are used, and characters may fire as many

rounds as their weapon CURRENTLY has loaded. Changing weapons and reloading is done prior

to the next round. Fire and explosive attacks are also performed during this part of the round.

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- Charge/Melee Combat- This is after ranged combat, and characters MUST be able to close the

distance with opponents to base contact.

- Casualties- This is the final stage of combat. Characters that have fallen to zombie attack must

roll 2d12, and if the score is BELOW their HBAR-V resistance score, they replace their living

model with their zombie model.

Combat continues for 4 rounds at a time, until survivors run out of ammunition, targets, or are all dead.

At the end of 4 rounds, characters can choose to regroup, retreat, or continue combat for another 4

rounds. Combat will NEVER exceed 8 rounds, and initiative will only be rolled before round 1. At the end

of round 8, the survivors will either dig in, or retreat to a ‘safe house’ somewhere on the tabletop, and

role-playing will take over, at least until more zombies arrive.

Combat Progression Chart Round Description Action Type Dice roll necessary

Initiative Beginning of Combat round 1d4 for all characters on board

Movement Move EACH character separately

Measure, move, face, using movement points

Ranged Combat Firing/ reloading ranged weapons

Use xd10 to determine to hit, modified by skill level

- Aimed pistol/rifle Selection of specific target xD12 rolled, modified by skill level

- Aimed Shotgun Selection of specific target xD12 rolled, modified by skill level

- Bow/crossbow/spear* Selection of specific target See notes below

- Hip fired pistol/rifle/SMG Area effect/group/wild shooting Roll scatter die, x d10 to hit, xd12 for damage

- Hip fired shotgun Area effect/group/wild shooting Roll scatter die, xd10 to hit, xd12 for damage

- Hand Thrown explosives Area effect/group damage Roll scatter die, xd4 for damage

- ‘Static’ explosives Area effect/group damage Roll scatter die, xd4 for damage

Charge/Melee combat Single, base to base combat Roll xd10 to hit EACH model in base contact

- Long melee weapons Single, base to base combat Roll xd10 to hit EACH model in base contact, hit location die, xd8 for damage

- Short melee weapons Single, base to base combat Roll xd10 to hit EACH model in base contact, hit location die, xd8 for damage

- Grappling/ Hand to Hand Single, base to base combat Roll xd10 to hit, hit location die, xd6 for damage

Casualties End of combat round Roll d20 PER ZOMBIE in base contact for damage

- HBAR-V Resistance rolls** Survival percentage See notes below

- Character removal/ Zombie placement

Death to unlife Roll scatter die for facing direction

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*For bow/spear to hit, roll xd10, based on strength, divided by 4. Crossbow may ONLY fire once per

round, while bows may fire up to the quartered speed of character, but MUST use scatter dice after first


** Roll 2d12, per health score. If number is GREATER than HBAR-V score, character is merely wounded.

If the number is LESS than the HBAR-V score, roll 1d8 for number of turns (not rounds) character has

remaining. At the end of this time, character dies, and returns as a zombie.

Between Combat Rounds Between combat rounds, indeed more than half of the time, characters will be searching for the items

necessary to survive in the new, completely chaotic, world. Each player MUST role-play in conjunction

with the others, deciding on who is the leader, which direction to go, how to defend the ‘safe-house’,

etc. This is very important to remember, because they are trying to survive, and groups stand a better

chance than individuals. Specific goals needing to be resolved, and this is by no means the whole list,


- Recovering food- Characters start with minimal food, so this is important to find any form of

food not already scavenged by others.

- Finding Water- Water is VERY important, clean water exponentially so. Who knows WHERE the

water is, and is someone already controlling/guarding it?

- Replenishing ammunition- Firearms use ammunition. Bows need arrows. Molotov Cocktails

need spirits or gasoline to work. Somebody has to find these things, before they are all gone.

- Finding Medical Supplies- Eventually, someone will get sick, or hurt. Who will fix them, and with


- Dealing with turned companions- What are we going to do with Johnny, since he has succumbed

to the virus? Who’s going to do it?

- Finding Shelter- Is this building secure and zombie-free? Do we have enough room? Where do

we crap?

- Dealing with other survivors- Can we trust this guy and his group? Why aren’t they looking


- Dealing with the military- Are they really here to help, or are they doing a purge of ‘regular


These are a few scenarios that could easily occupy a full gaming session, along with the combat aspect,

making for a full gaming experience, and intense fun for those playing. Thinking is MANDATORY and

some skills to this end will be necessarily learned, expanded, and roll over into the real world as well.

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The undead are portrayed in films as having almost supernatural strength, resilience, and are almost

impervious to all damage, excepting head shots or total obliteration. In SURVIVE!, this is not the rule.

Zombies can be destroyed, or at least suffer final death, due to catastrophic damage to the spinal

column, almost anywhere above the sternum. Therefore, chest shots with pistols, most rifles, and even

most shotgun shells, will not do any lasting damage to them. Large caliber weapons, shotgun slugs, and

explosives will end their existence permanently.

Melee weapons need to be used on the head or neck. Anywhere else will only waste time. Called shots

with melee weapons are rolled on 2d4, with a 6-8 being a lethal blow, and a 3-5 being a glancing blow.

Glancing blows will slow the zombie, affording the chance for a second hit. If the second hit is another

glancing blow, the slowing result does not take effect.

Called shots with firearms are simply at a -2 from the firearms skill roll, but more likely to cause lethal

damage to the zombie. All damage from firearms do the damage listed per firearm type.

If characters are fighting a horde of zombies, everyone in the group MUST make a decision on whether

to find a safe area, or attempt to destroy the horde. If attempts to destroy the horde are made, called

shots are at a -1 for melee weapons, and a -4 for firearms. Running negates the chances for called shots

for either melee or ranged weapons.

Fire and explosives will damage both characters and zombies, so characters must be careful when using

them without skill in their use. Fire can be used at range, by throwing Molotov Cocktails or spreading

fuel and igniting it from a distance. Explosives MUST be used by those with the skill to do so; otherwise

the chance of the explosive working properly is a 7 or 8 on a 1d8. Anything else is detrimental to the

characters within 1d10 inches from the center of the blast.

Zombie ‘Age’ Movement Rate Damage Per Attack Allowable Damage

New to 3 Hours 9” 2d4 Claw x2, 1d8 Bite 25 HP

3 Hours to 7 Hours 1” Nil due to Rigor Mortis 25HP

7 Hours to 3 Days 14” 3d4 Claw x2, 2d8 Bite 25 HP

Day 3 to Day 7 9” 2d4 Claw x2, 1d8 Bite 18 HP

Day 7 to Month 4 6” 2d4 Claw x2, 3d8 Bite* 18 HP

Month 4 and on 3” 1d4 Clawx2, 1d4 Bite 10 HP

*This represents the disease carrying capacity of each bite.


Vehicles are abundant, but working vehicles are fairly rare. For gaming purposes, look for 1/48 scale, or

O scale models for vehicles, as these are correct size. During gameplay, a proper vehicle is more of a

secondary objective, a means to get to or from a primary objective. Vehicles are useful, but not required

for moving place to place. Most characters with driving skills will also (by this point, game time) be able

to hot-wire a car. Military vehicles do not require keys to begin with.Vehicles make useful Anti-horde

weapons, as they can drive through large groups of infected and keep the passengers relatively safe.

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Equipment Lists

These lists contain a serious variety of items, categorized by type. The types are;

- Clothing- This is what you are wearing, from head to feet, to hopefully fend off bites from the

undead hordes trying to eat you

- Shelter- this is where you call home, even if only for a night.

- Food- duh

- Weapons- These are the things used to re-kill the walking dead.

- Ammunition- This is used by the weapons, helping them to do their job.

- Luxuries- These things aren’t NECESSARY, but nice to have anyway.

- Gear- This covers the various other items available to survivors, some of which may be hard to

find, some very easy… roll of the dice determines difficulty.

Each item on the following lists will have a specific number of points and ‘Smokes’ associated to it. As

tobacco farming is now a thing of the past, smokeable materials are at a premium. Cannabis Sativa, or

marijuana, is included in this. Other drugs are readily available, as the end of civilization opened the

drugstores to everyone. Smoking materials, however, are at a serious premium. Cigarettes, loose

tobacco and papers, and small amounts of marijuana are use as cash, along with fresh foods, alcohol,

and water.

If a character spends the points to get extra smokeables, they may become somebody’s best friend or

everybody’s primary target.

Weapons listed here are only listed by price, type, and caliber (firearms). Specific names for weapons

are in the appendix. If you want to add weapons to the list, follow the guidelines for the listed weapons,

add them, and then get your gaming group to agree.

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Weapons and Equipment

Clothing Gear

Type Points Cost Smoke cost Type Points Cost Smoke cost Jean Pants 2 4 Day Pack 1 1

Dickie’s Pants Leather Pants

4 9 LC-2 Pack, with frame

8 8

Chino’s 1 1 MOLLE Field Pack

12 1 pack

Denim Shirt 2 2 Chest Harness 5 7

Leather Vest 2 4 Tactical Vest 7 15

T-Shirt 0 1 Hard Body Armor

20 4 packs

Jersey Shirt 1 1 Fleece Blanket 2 8

Flannel Shirt 3 4 Wool Blanket 2 4

Denim Jacket 4 6 Sleeping Bag 2 12

Leather Jacket 8 12 Tent, 2 man 1 4

Cloth Trench 4 6 Tent, 6 man 4 10

Leather Trench 10 15 Tent, GP Small 10 4 packs

Low Sneakers 0 1 Flashlight, 2 AA 1 1

Hi-Top Cloth Sneakers

1 3 Flashlight, 2 AA MagLight

2 4

Hi-Top Leather Sneakers

4 6 Flashlight,2 C 2 2

Hiking Boots 4 8 Flashlight, 2 C MagLight

4 5

Combat Boots 6 15 Flashlight, 2 D Military

5 6

Knee High Boots, Leather

15 2 packs Flashlight, 3 D MagLight

7 10

Undergarments 2 each 2 each 4-pack T.P. 2 5

Denim Shorts 1 1 12-pack T.P. 6 1 pack

Compass, Lensatic

3 6

Map, Topo. 7 1 pack

Map. City Street

5 10

AA batteries, 8 pack

3 6

C batteries, 6 pack

6 9

D batteries. 6 pack

9 15

Mg Fire starter 3 4

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P-38 Can opener

1 Must Find or possess

Food Firearms and Ammunition

Type Points Cost Smoke cost Type Points Cost Smoke cost Canned, 3 0z. 1 1 .22 cal.

revolver 2 4

Canned, 6 oz. 2 2 .22 cal. Semi-auto w/ 2 mags.

6 10

Canned, 24 oz. 4 4 .32 cal. revolver

2 3

Canned, #10 7 10 .32 cal. Semi auto w/ 2 mags

4 7

MRE single 3 3 .380 ACP Semi Auto w/ 2 mags

7 10

MRE six 10 1 pack 9x19 mm Semi Auto w/ 2 mags

10 1 pack

MRE Case 25 1 carton .45 LC single action revolver

5 7

20 oz. Water 1 1 .45 ACP SA Semi auto w/ 2 mags

9 13

1 L. Water 4 4 .45 ACP DA Semi Auto w/ 2 mags

12 1 ½ packs

1 gal. Water 7 10 .357 Mag 9 12

Page 33: Survive


Freeze dried food, single

1 2 .44 Mag revolver

12 15

Freeze Dried food. six

4 7 .357 Mag Semi Auto w/ 2 mags

15 2 packs

Freeze Dried food, Case

10 14 ,44 mag Semi Auto w/ 2 mags

25 4 packs

Fresh Meat 0 1 pack per meal

Pistol Ammo. Per 20 rds.

10 1 pack

Fresh Fruit/ Vegetables

0 1 pack per meal

Pistol Ammo, Per 50 rds

20 2 packs

Energy Drink 0 1 pack each Speed Loader x 2

7 4

Hi-cap Mag, ea.

5 9

.22 cal rifle, bolt action

1 4

.22 cal rifle, Semi Auto w/ 2 mags

8 10

5.56x45 mm rifle, bolt action

7 15

5.56x45 mm rifle, Semi Auto w/2 mags

25 3 packs

5.56x45 mm Full auto rifle w/2 mags

0 1 carton, or 1 bottle whiskey

7.62x39 mm Semi auto fixed mag rifle

6 10

7.62x39 mm semi auto rifle w/ 2 mags

10 1 pack

7.62x39 mm full auto rifle w/2 mags

0 5 packs, or 1 bottle vodka

7.62x51 mm bolt action rifle

4 8

7.62x51mm semi auto rifle w/2 mags

8 10

7.62x51 mm full auto rifle

0 2 cartons, or 1 bottle good

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w/ 2 mags scotch

5.56x45 machine gun

0 Must find

7.62x51 machine gun

0 Must find

.50 cal machine gun

0 Must find

9x18mm sub machinegun w/2 mags

10 1 pack AND small bottle of whiskey

.45 cal sub machinegun w/ 2 mags

15 2 packs AND small bottle of rum

5.7x28 mm sub machinegun w/2 mags

0 Must find

Small caliber hi-cap rifle mags

4 each 10 each

MBR rifle mags 6 each 1 pack each or find

Belted Ammo 0 Must find

Rifle Ammunition, Per 100

10 1 ½ packs

Rifle ammunition , per 500

25 1 carton

12 ga. single barrel shotgun

1 4

12 ga double barrel shotgun

4 10

12 ga. pump shotgun

6 10

12 ga. semi auto shotgun

6 10

Shotgun shells, per 50

10 1 pack

Pistol crossbow

2 6

Crossbow 5 10

Compound Bow

5 8

Recurve Bow 7 5

Bolts 5 per doz. Must find

Arrows 5 per doz. Must find

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Luxuries * Melee Weapons

Type Points Cost Smoke cost Type Points Cost Smoke cost pillows 0 Must have or

find Aluminum Bat 1 2

Sharpies 0 Must have or find

Wooden Bat, weighted

4 6

Lip balm 0 Must have or find

Wicket 4 Must find

Sunglasses 0 Must have or find

Crowbar, 24” 2 2

Hot sauce 0 Must have or find

Crowbar. 36” 3 4

Duct tape roll 0 Must have or find

Camp Axe 5 10

WD-40 or equivalent

0 Must have or find

Felling Axe 5 10

“Twister” 0 Must have or find

Tomahawk 7 10

Rum, 750ml 0 Must have or find

Battle Axe 9 15

Cheap whiskey, 750ml

0 Must have or find

Kitchen knife 1 1

Good whiskey, 750ml

0 Must have or find

Butcher Knife 1 2

Cheap Scotch, 750ml

0 Must have or find

Cleaver 1 Must Find

Good Scotch, 750ml

0 Must have or find

Combat Knife 5 10

Vodka, 750ml 0 Must have or find

Machete, 18” 4 7

Deck of Cards 0 Must have or find

Machete, 24” 6 15

0 Must have or find

Katana, cheap 1 4

0 Must have or Katana, good 7 1 pack

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0 Must have or find

Long sword 5 Must find

0 Must have or find

Bastard Sword 0 Must find

0 Must have or find

Claymore 0 Must find

*These items may also be traded for other items, or sold for smokes.

Explosives are not mentioned above, as they will only occasionally be found, and only those with an

explosives III skill can successfully create worthwhile explosives, and use military explosives with any


In each category, there are spaces open to add items, at your discretion, and to make the game more

interesting. The points costs are non-negotiable, as these are purchased at the beginning of each

character generation, and MAY be purchased after each game session, through points earned while

playing. If an unusual item is wanted, decide where it would fit in, and add it there. Permission to copy

the previous pages is allowed for game play ease.

Becoming the Undead As was previously stated, if you are bitten, and fail your HBAR-V resistance roll, you will become a

zombie after death. What does this mean to you? You are hungry, ravenous, in fact. You no longer need

sleep, water, or air. Darkness doesn’t mean anything, because your sight is limited to grayscale, while

your eyes are still intact. Bullets to the chest, if they don’t hit your spine, do nothing. Even getting your

legs blown off does nothing, nor does the removal of an arm. Only shots which sever the spine,

ANYWHERE, or head shots will end your miserable existence.

The life and speed cycle of a zombie are as follows:

- Hour 0 to Hour 3- Fast movement, sharper vision, same strength as when living.

- Hour 3 to Hour 7- Limited movement due to rigor mortis, lessened vision and strength

- Hour 7 to Day 3- Lividity returned to body, with a reduction in speed and vision, however,

strength not yet affected

- Day 3 to Day 7- Corruption of muscles, due to beginnings of decomposition and invasion of flesh

eating insects. Reduction in speed, strength, and general movement.

- Day 7 to Month 4- Desiccation of remaining tissues, resulting in sloughing off of skin and fatty

layer. Movement increased to pre-death levels, though strength reduced by ¾.

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- Month 4 and On- If sufficient ‘food’ is available, the corpse will continue existence, until

decomposition or trauma destroys the body. After month 2, if food sources are non-existent,

the body will decompose, although at a greatly reduced rate.

Now that that has been established, what does it all mean to you? If you become a zombie, you no

longer use weapons, so only strength and speed are used to calculate damage to former friends. A

single d20 is used to figure to-hit and damage from claws and bites. Your former HP value is your current

damage resistance roll. Once that is depleted, or someone scores a head or spine shot, you are finally

and irrevocably dead.

Standard zombies have 25 damage points, Zombie cows have 45, but slower movement, zombie dogs

and cats have 5 damage points, but are harder to hit, and pigeons and rats swarm, and 2d20 determines

the damage points for the swarm. These are the final stats for playing, so, get your friends together, get

your models, and start to decimate the living dead, before they destroy all life left.

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The Beginning of the End… In early 2001, the central African country of Zimbabwe was stricken by a terrible anthrax outbreak,

killing hundreds, and causing the puppet government there to fall overnight. The United Nations and the

World Health Organization (W.H.O.), rushed in to provide aid, and several ‘black agencies’ from the U.S.,

Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan rushed to see if the anthrax strain was able to be weaponized. Iraq and

Iran were the only countries to obtain un-tainted specimens, and quickly worked to weaponize the

bacterium. All they managed to do was kill small portions of their own populations before the attacks on

the U.S. in September of that year. The projects were shelved for the next 8 years, and were largely


In Atlanta, Georgia, at the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the anthrax strain was

being studied by scientists, hoping to find a way to combat its efficacy and negate its lethality. At least

this is what was told to the public, Congress, and the rest of the world. Secretly, the scientists were

splicing the anthrax gene pool with those of the avian flu (H5N1), E-Bola, HTLV-3 (the AIDS virus), and

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE, or mad cow disease). When the final viral bacterium was

created, it was tested on rats. The rats swiftly died, but within moments returned to life, and began

horrible acts of cannibalism. The government froze samples, and sent a serum to the Federal Emergency

Management Administration (FEMA), so that government officials, military, and the ultra-rich could be

vaccinated against this plague, should it ever fall into the wrong hands.

On April 17th, 2013, the ‘wrong hands’ obtained control of a small amount of the virus. Deep within the

laboratories of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), other scientists set about to weaponizing the viral

bacterium, for release in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and Libya. Once the strain was ‘controllable’, the

scientists said, terrorism would be brought home to the terrorists. Upon finding a cell of Al’qeda in

Central Africa, the CIA sent the virus there with an expendable courier – pigeons. Once released, the

birds would seek out and infect the terrorist cell, and spread the infection throughout the organization.

The plan was a marginal success. All of the cell members in Zaire died within hours of being infected,

and the ‘bird man’ reported this to his superiors. Once finished with his report, however, Zairian rebels

captured and beheaded him, not realizing what he had released. The dead began to rise, and attack the

rebels, killing and eating them, and creating even more undead in the process.

When the blood on the sand and bodies dried and became airborne, spreading the virus farther and

faster than anyone could have expected. Cows, small dogs, cats, pigeons and people were all stricken

with a sudden, unknown illness. The W.H.O. rushed in, thinking this was another SARS or anthrax

outbreak, but found the corpses of entire cities and villages rotting in the sun, or worse, eating the

bodies of the recently dead. Several countries came under immediate quarantine, and even local

warlords set aside their differences to combat the surge of seemingly unstoppable hordes. Zaire,

Zimbabwe, Congo, and Botswana fell within days and much of the rest of central Africa within two


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When the W.H.O. workers tried to alert the world about the events in Africa, the CIA assassinated those

who had witnessed the outbreaks. The belief that the viral bacterium would burn itself out in less than a

month spurred them into further action, quieting or misdirecting news agencies, leading them to believe

this was the fault of Al’qeda, not the CIA. The truth of the beginning of the outbreak would only come

some 10 months later, in February 2014, when the first cases began to appear in the European countries

of Italy and Switzerland. By this time, however, the fatal blows had been struck to most of the

industrialized world. Germany was the first to use nuclear weapons to attempt to stem the tide,

destroying the cities of Dortmund and Nuremburg. This only proved to worsen the problems, spreading

and mutating the virus, so that even the serum developed by the CDC was only marginally effective.

Those given the serum merely died, not returning to devour their compatriots. Most humans, however,

had a basic immunity to the newly mutated viral bacterium, causing nothing more than high fevers,

vomiting, and dehydration. The very young, and the elderly, however, were not so lucky. Over 95% of

those under 15 and over 65 died within hours of contracting the ‘mega flu’, and the elderly rose quickly

to begin attacking their family members. Europe fell in two months, the dead swiftly outnumbering the

living, and nuclear wastelands dotting the countries that had them available.

The first cases reported in the U.S. were in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Portland, Oregon

simultaneously. These cities fell to the 21st century plague within days, spreading their contagion

throughout the country within weeks. All of central and South America became wastelands of the dead

and undead, almost at the same time as the U.S. and Canada declared martial law, and began realizing

that the viral bacterium they had created was going to kill them.

In August 2014, the CDC re-named the strain Human-Bovine-Avian Reanimatory Virus, or HBAR-V, to try

to calm the citizens in lightly or unaffected areas. The result of the renaming was catastrophic, as entire

cities fell to chaos, rioting and looting, killing one another for those supplies available. The dead,

however, did not remain that way, and returned to kill those who had kill them, creating more zombies,

and snow-balling the effect to near biblical proportions.

It has now been a full year since the first outbreak. Survivors worldwide are gathering into tight-knit

groups, scavenging the remains of once-great civilizations, just trying to maintain a semblance of

humanity in a chaotic, apocalyptic world.

The U.S. military, being previously inoculated against the original strain, began to venture out and

attempt to restore order in the wastelands, burned-out cities, and less-infected areas. The dead were

waiting, and those not quick or smart enough to leave the worst areas swiftly joined the ranks of the

undead. Roughly 20% of mankind has survived, and that number dwindles further each day.

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Special Thanks go to the following groups, companies, and people, without whom I never would have

been able to begin, let alone complete, this game. They are as follows;

- Z.E.R.T., for giving me some hope for the future, if (or when) this ACTUALLY happens.

- The Face Book group Newbie Cosplay Support Group, NCSG, and its members Tyfani Lynn

Johnson, Scott Svelty, Eric Richardson, Gus Matos, and Jason Youngdale, for their ideas and help

when my own brain stalled

- My Face Book friends Grizzly Beale, Nick Blazek, and Chris King, again for great ideas and


- My family and friends, Donna and Kirstynn Brooks, Karen Brooks-Sousie, “Seamless Kaboom”,

Kyle Earley, Matthew Lee and Ariel Shield.

- Finally, I would like to thank Wargames Factory, LLC, for FINALLY creating modern zombies and

survivors in plastic model form, and especially to Jim Goss for reviewing and critiquing the game

prior to release.


Appendix I: Definitions

Knowledge Skills Reading The ability to read written language

Writing The ability to communicate through written language

Language (Eng.) The ability to fluently speak the English Language

Language (Spn.) The ability to fluently speak the Spanish Language

Language (other) The ability to fluently speak another language

Social Interaction The ability to deal well with other people, and avoid direct confrontation

Hide* The ability to remain still, quiet, and unseen for long periods of time

Inventiveness The ability to create solutions to problems, or find ways to do things with little or no resources

Insider Knowledge The knowledge of what HBAR-V really is, and prevention of contracting

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Dark Insight A different view of the ‘real darkness’ in the world, making the outbreak less frightening

Horticulture The ability to grow food (animal and vegetable).

Unreal Attitude

A) The view that everything will always turn out for the best. OR

B) The view that the individual is invincible

Skewed Viewpoint Seeing the world from the side, not really believing that everything is as seen

Stoicism* The mental and physical ability to steel oneself against the horrors of the reality presenting itself

Emergency Surgery* The knowledge of how to perform emergency operations safely

Humorous Cynicism The mental ability to turn horrible situations into jokes to lessen stress

Home Making The ability to create a comfortable living environment under adverse conditions

Disaffection* The mental (and physical) closing off from friends and loved ones to avoid pain

Bad Neighborhood The ability to find your way and survive in violent areas safely

Driving; Basic* Small, automatic transmissions, within speed limit

Driving: Advanced* Standard transmissions, faster and more aggressive driving

Driving: Hard and Fast* Fast, very aggressive driving

Driving: Off-road* Ability to drive 4WD vehicles off-road safely and effectively

Driving: Military* The ability to drive APCs, tanks, and other large military vehicles effectively

Gang Signs* The mental and physical ability to recognize and use gang sign language

No Trace* The ability to move through an area without leaving evidence of being there

Move Silent* The ability to move without making noise

Scavenge* The ability to find necessities and luxuries more easily than others

Firearms: Handguns** The knowledge of how to properly use and maintain handguns

Firearms: Long guns** The knowledge of how to properly use and maintain rifles, shotguns, and sub-machine guns

Physical Skills

Endurance The physical ability to last for long periods of time while exerting oneself

Brawling The physical ability to fight WELL with ones fists, and take a beating in the process

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Flexibility The ability to bend and stretch beyond normal limits

Iron Stomach The ability to maintain composure when faced with horrible carnage

Stoicism* The mental and physical ability to steel oneself against the horrors of the reality presenting itself

Walking Pharmacy The ability to CARRY a number of different drugs, and know their proper uses

Disaffection* The mental (and physical) closing off from friends and loved ones to avoid pain

Driving; Basic* Small, automatic transmissions, within speed limit

Driving: Advanced* Standard transmissions, faster and more aggressive driving

Driving: Hard and Fast* Fast, very aggressive driving

Driving: Off-road* Ability to drive 4WD vehicles off-road safely and effectively

Driving: Military* The ability to drive APCs, tanks, and other large military vehicles effectively

Gang Signs* The mental and physical ability to recognize and use gang sign language

No Trace* The ability to move through an area without leaving evidence of being there

Move Silent* The ability to move without making noise

Scavenge* The ability to find necessities and luxuries more easily than others

Firearms: Handguns** The knowledge of how to properly use and maintain handguns

Firearms: Long guns** The knowledge of how to properly use and maintain rifles, shotguns, and sub-machine guns

Walking Supermarket The ability to carry, unobtrusively, many necessities at one time

Combat Skills Melee: Bat The ability to use any of the various types of

baseball, cricket, or lacrosse bats as weapons

Melee: Crowbar The ability to use a crowbar effectively and swiftly as a weapon

Melee: Knife I Basic knowledge of stabbing and slicing

Melee: Knife II Knowledge of street fighting

Melee: Knife III Combat training in the use of edged weapons

Melee: Sword The knowledge and ability to use swords effectively

Melee: Chainsaw The knowledge and ability to use a chainsaw effectively

Ranged: Spear The ability to throw a spear or javelin accurately

Page 43: Survive

Ranged: Bow I The ability to use a crossbow effectively

Ranged: Bow II The ability to use a compound bow effectively

Ranged: Bow III The ability to use a Recurve or longbow effectively

Ranged: Firearm I** The ability to use simple firearms, with some degree of accuracy

Ranged: Firearm II** The ability to use most semi automatic firearms accurately

Ranged: Firearm III** The ability to use fully automatic firearms accurately

Ranged: Firearm IV** The ability to use military scoped rifles, and any other firearm, accurately

Explosives I Fireworks and smoke bombs

Explosives II Home-made low-grade safe explosives

Explosives III High grade safe and military explosives

Incendiaries I Molotov cocktails, gasoline

Incendiaries II Homemade napalm, military incendiaries

Appendix II: Weapon Types and Damage- Firearms

Weapon Type

Caliber Damage Max. Range


Light Pistol 1d4 (base damage)


Ruger LCR pistol, 6 rd. revolver

.22 long rifle 1d4 6”

S&W Mod.48, 6rd. revolver

.22 long rifle 1d4 6”

S&W mod.317, 8rd. revolver

.22 long rifle 1d4 6”

Taurus mod. 9482, 9rd. revolver

.22 long rifle 1d4 6”

Ruger SR22, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.22 long rifle 1d4+1 6”

S&W 22A, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.22 long rifle 1d4+1 6”

Page 44: Survive

S&WM&P22, 12rd. semi auto pistol

.22 long rifle 1d4+1 6”

Taurus 22BR, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.22 long rifle 1d4+1 6”

Jennings JA-32, 8rd. semi auto pistol

.32 cal 1d4+2 5”

Ruger LCP3718, 6rd. semi auto pistol

.380ACP 1d6 7”

S&W Bodyguard 380, 6rd.semi auto pistol

.380ACP 1d6 7”

Taurus 738FS, 6rd. semi auto pistol

.380ACP 1d6 7”

Medium Pistol 1d6 7”

Ruger SP101, 6rd. revolver

.38 Spcl. 1d8 9”

S&W 686 Plus, 7rd. revolver

.38 Spcl. 1d8 9”

Taurus Mod.82, 6rd. revolver

.38 Spcl. 1d8 9”

Glock 17, 19rd. semi auto pistol

9x19mm 1d6 7”

Browning Hi-Power, 13rd.SA semi auto pistol

9x19mm 1d6 7”

Ruger LC9, 17rd. semi auto pistol

9x19mm 1d6 7”

S&W M&P9, 17rd. semi auto pistol

9x19mm 1d6 7”

Taurus Mod.92, 17rd. semi auto pistol

9x19mm 1d6 7”

Glock 22, 17rd. semi auto pistol

.40 S&W 1d6+1 7”

Page 45: Survive

Ruger SR40, 15rd. semi auto pistol

.40 S&W 1d6+1 7”

S&W M&P.40, 15rd. semi auto pistol

.40 S&W 1d6+1 7”

Taurus 24/7 G240, 15rd. semi auto pistol

.40 S&W 1d6+1 7”

Large Pistols 2d6 10”

Ruger SP101, 6rd. revolver

.357 Mag 2d6+2 10”

S&W 686 Plus, 7rd. revolver

.357 Mag 2d6+2 10”

Taurus Mod. 608, 6rd. revolver

.357 Mag 2d6+2 10”

Colt M1911A1, 8rd. SA semi auto pistol

.45ACP 2d8+2 10”

Glock 21, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.45ACP 2d8+2 10”

Ruger SR45, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.45ACP 2d8+2 10”

S&W M&P45, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.45ACP 2d8+2 10”

Taurus 24/7 Mod.245, 12rd. semi auto pistol

.45ACP 2d8+2 10”

Ruger Blackhawk, 6rd. SA revolver

.44mag 2d8+3 12”

S&W Mod.19, 6rd. revolver

.44mag 2d8+3 12”

Taurus Mod.44, 6rd. revolver

.44mag 2d8+3 12”

IMI Desert Eagle, 10rd. semi auto pistol

.44mag 2d8+3 12”

Page 46: Survive

IMI Desert Eagle, 12rd. semi auto pistol

.357 Mag 2d6+2 10”

Light Rifle 1d4 22”

Ruger 77/22, 10rd., BA rifle

.22 long rifle 1d4+1 22”

Ruger 10/22, 30rd. semi auto rifle

.22 long rifle 1d4+1 22”

Medium Rifles 1d8+1 22”

Ruger M77 5rd. BA rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

Remington Mod.700 5rd. BA rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

FN TSRXP, 5rd BA rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

Colt LE6940, 30rd. semi auto rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

Bushmaster M4, 30rd. semi auto rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

Colt M4 Carbine, 30rd. Select fire rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

FN SCAR, 30rd. semi auto rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

FN SCAR, 30rd. Select fire rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

HK G36, 30rd. Select fire rifle

5.56x45mm 1d8+1 22”

Norinco SKS, 10rd. semi auto rifle

7.62x39mm 1d8+2 22”

Norinco MAK-30, 30rd. semi auto rifle

7.62x39mm 1d8+2 22”

Soviet AK-47, 30rd. select fire rifle

7.62x39mm 1d8+2 22”

Heavy Rifles 2d8+2 30”

Colt LE901-16S, 30rd. semi auto rifle

7.62x51mm 2d8+2 30”

Page 47: Survive

FN SCAR 17S, 30rd. semi auto rifle

7.62x51mm 2d8+2 30”

H&K MR762A1, 30rd. semi auto rifle

7.62x51mm 2d8+2 30”

FN SCAR Mk17, fire rifle

7.62x51mm 2d8+2 30”

H&K 417, 30rd. select fire rifle

7.62x51mm 2d8+2 30”

Springfield M14, 20rd. select fire rifle

7.62x51mm 2d8+2 30”

Barrett M82A1, 10 rd. semi auto rifle

.50 cal. BMG 3d10+3 60”

Sub Machine Guns

2d6+2 8”

H&K MP5SD 30rd, select fire SMG

9x19mm 2d6+2 8”

Ingram Model 11, 30rd. full auto SMG

9x19mm 2d6+2 8”

UZI, 30rd. select fire SMG

9x19mm 2d6+2 8”

Ingram Model 10, 30rd. Full auto SMG

.45ACP 3d6+3 7”

H&K UMP, 30 rd. select fire SMG

.45ACP 3d6+3 7”

FN P90 50rd. select fire SMG

5.7x28mm 3d6+3 12”

Machine Guns Variable Variable

Browning M2HB, belt fed machine gun

.50 cal. BMG 3d10+3 60”

H&K MG4, belt fed machine gun

5.56x45mm 3d6+3 20”

Springfield M60, Belt fed machine gun

7.62x51mm 3d8+2 30”

Soviet RPK 50rd. select fire machine gun

7.62x54R mm 3d8+2 30”

Page 48: Survive

Shotguns 12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

Remington 870, 8rd pump shotgun

12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

Mossberg 500, 8rd. pump shotgun

12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

FN SLP Mk.I, 8rd. semi auto shotgun

12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

Winchester Mod. 101, 2rd. Over/under shotgun

12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

Stoeger Double Defense, 2rd. side/side shotgun

12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

SRM Mod. 1216, 16rd semi auto shotgun

12 ga. 3d8+2 14”

Page 49: Survive

SURVIVE! Character Sheet Name Age

Gender Height

Weight Ethnicity

Archetype Sub-Type

Hit points

Statistics Health Stamina

Intelligence Strength

Speed Max Skills


Equipment Backpack Food Type

Pants x

Shirt x

Socks x

Blanket x

Food (days) x



Pocket knife x Firearms

‘Smokes’ x

Page 50: Survive

SKILLS Knowledge Physical Combat

Reading Endurance Melee: Bat

Writing Brawling Melee: Crowbar

Language (Eng.) Flexibility Melee: Knife I

Language (Spn.) Iron Stomach Melee: Knife II Language (other)


Melee: Knife III

Social Interaction

Walking Pharmacy

Melee: Sword


Disaffection* Melee:


Inventiveness Driving; Basic* Ranged: Spear Insider Knowledge

Driving: Advanced*

Ranged: Bow I

Dark Insight Driving: Hard

and Fast* Ranged: Bow II

Horticulture Driving: Off-

road* Ranged: Bow III

Unreal Attitude Driving:

Military* Ranged: Firearm


Skewed Viewpoint

Gang Signs*

Ranged: Firearm II**


No Trace* Ranged: Firearm


Emergency Surgery*

Move Silent*

Ranged: Firearm IV**

Humorous Cynicism


Explosives I

Home Making Firearms:

Handguns** Explosives II

Disaffection* Firearms: Long

guns** Explosives III

Bad Neighborhood

Walking Supermarket

Incendiaries I

Driving; Basic* Endurance Incendiaries II Driving: Advanced*


Driving: Hard and Fast*


Driving: Off-road*

Iron Stomach

Driving: Military*


Gang Signs* Walking


No Trace*

Page 51: Survive

Move Silent*

Scavenge* Firearms: Handguns**

Firearms: Long guns**


Page 52: Survive

SURVIVE! Character Sheet Name Age

Gender Height

Weight Ethnicity

Archetype Sub-Type

Hit points

Statistics Health Stamina

Intelligence Strength

Speed Max Skills


Equipment Backpack Food Type

Pants x

Shirt x

Socks x

Blanket x

Food (days) x



Pocket knife x Firearms

‘Smokes’ x

Page 53: Survive

SKILLS Knowledge Physical Combat

Reading Endurance Melee: Bat

Writing Brawling Melee: Crowbar

Language (Eng.) Flexibility Melee: Knife I

Language (Spn.) Iron Stomach Melee: Knife II Language (other)


Melee: Knife III

Social Interaction

Walking Pharmacy

Melee: Sword


Disaffection* Melee:


Inventiveness Driving; Basic* Ranged: Spear Insider Knowledge

Driving: Advanced*

Ranged: Bow I

Dark Insight Driving: Hard

and Fast* Ranged: Bow II

Horticulture Driving: Off-

road* Ranged: Bow III

Unreal Attitude Driving:

Military* Ranged: Firearm


Skewed Viewpoint

Gang Signs*

Ranged: Firearm II**


No Trace* Ranged: Firearm


Emergency Surgery*

Move Silent*

Ranged: Firearm IV**

Humorous Cynicism


Explosives I

Home Making Firearms:

Handguns** Explosives II

Disaffection* Firearms: Long

guns** Explosives III

Bad Neighborhood

Walking Supermarket

Incendiaries I

Driving; Basic* Endurance Incendiaries II Driving: Advanced*


Driving: Hard and Fast*


Driving: Off-road*

Iron Stomach

Driving: Military*


Gang Signs* Walking


No Trace*

Page 54: Survive

Move Silent*

Scavenge* Firearms: Handguns**

Firearms: Long guns**


Page 55: Survive

SURVIVE! Character Sheet Name Age

Gender Height

Weight Ethnicity

Archetype Sub-Type

Hit points

Statistics Health Stamina

Intelligence Strength

Speed Max Skills


Equipment Backpack Food Type

Pants x

Shirt x

Socks x

Blanket x

Food (days) x



Pocket knife x Firearms

‘Smokes’ x

Page 56: Survive

SKILLS Knowledge Physical Combat

Reading Endurance Melee: Bat

Writing Brawling Melee: Crowbar

Language (Eng.) Flexibility Melee: Knife I

Language (Spn.) Iron Stomach Melee: Knife II Language (other)


Melee: Knife III

Social Interaction

Walking Pharmacy

Melee: Sword


Disaffection* Melee:


Inventiveness Driving; Basic* Ranged: Spear Insider Knowledge

Driving: Advanced*

Ranged: Bow I

Dark Insight Driving: Hard

and Fast* Ranged: Bow II

Horticulture Driving: Off-

road* Ranged: Bow III

Unreal Attitude Driving:

Military* Ranged: Firearm


Skewed Viewpoint

Gang Signs*

Ranged: Firearm II**


No Trace* Ranged: Firearm


Emergency Surgery*

Move Silent*

Ranged: Firearm IV**

Humorous Cynicism


Explosives I

Home Making Firearms:

Handguns** Explosives II

Disaffection* Firearms: Long

guns** Explosives III

Bad Neighborhood

Walking Supermarket

Incendiaries I

Driving; Basic* Endurance Incendiaries II Driving: Advanced*


Driving: Hard and Fast*


Driving: Off-road*

Iron Stomach

Driving: Military*


Gang Signs* Walking


No Trace*

Page 57: Survive

Move Silent*

Scavenge* Firearms: Handguns**

Firearms: Long guns**
