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Survey : Results Music video target audience


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1. What is your age?

This graph shows the majority of feedback as to what age our audience was to our survey.

This can then suggest that music videos are more popular with young adults 16-20.

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2.What is your gender?

The data collected here shows that the majority of males have answered this survey , therefore it would contain more a male point of view.

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3.What is your occupation?The majority of people are students as this fits into the 16-20 age bracket.

Which would infer what kind of people they are through type of salary which means what way of music they could access on which was affordable. Such as many may stream to save buying the music of platforms such as vimeo and you-tube.

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4.Where do you watch Music Videos?

This word cloud shows that most people watch music videos on their phone , along with the majority who answered with youtube, as a platform they access it through. From this you can infer that youtube and phone’s are most popular to promote music and music video’s

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5.What genre of music do you like?

From this graph , it demonstrates that most listen to R&B music the most ,with Rock and pop shortly behind , and none for classical.

This shows that our audience for this survey were majority 16-20, so it can be said that most 16-20 enjoy and listen to R&B

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6.What do you like to see in music videos?

From this word cloud , it shows how most enjoy a performance or narrative style video as it keeps them entertained. Also the ‘Male gaze’ theory is exercised here through some answers of girls, and girls wearing little, which supports the theory of the male gaze being used to attract a male audience that promotes the video further.

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7.Who is your favourite artist and why?

A popular artist that was mentioned more than once was Rihanna, this can be due to her extreme popularity through constant promotion on video’s and collaborating with other artists. This shows our audience to be more into mainstream music that is easily accessible.

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8.What technology do you use?

From this word cloud , you can identify what technology is used the most.

From this data , Phones are the most used , along with tablets or laptops briefly following after. This shows that phones are the technology which is used often, which makes things like online streaming possible and easily accessible also.

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9.Where do you purchase your music from?

Most answered that they stream , and those who do buy their music , buy it from online platforms such as Amazon, Google and itunes. Some did mention that they purchase their music from physical record stores such as HMV, that shows physical copies are still purchased.

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10.How often do you listen to music?This pie chart demonstrates how people listen to music everyday , which signals music’s importance to life and its significant use within it and how music videos also come in to the significance of music as it is a way to access it visually at any age or gender .

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Conclusion of results:From this survey ,we can now identify what target audience we are aiming for with our indie-pop song Birdy-Wild Horses.

As our target audience is for young people this can fall under the 16-20 category, to which we know that you-tube is a popular online streaming platform that is used daily and that we can use to promote our video.

Also, as we are creating a narrative piece , we know to include more location to give more narrative as it is what our audience will enjoy and appreciate.