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Surge In ADHD Drug Use

Page 2: Surge in Adhd Drug Use


In a world where distractions were long thought the enemy, onE man befriends that foe and finds freedom and a shiny object in Earth rock since then he has embraced the distraction and searches to help others in the epic battle against the norm. And now distracted with Mark Patey

Mark: Hello and welcome to the distracted program I’m Mark Patey

Jeremiah: Hey this is Miah Johnson

Mark: I’m excited about our short topic today

Jeremiah: Yup! this is a short topic

Mark: Well and it ties in what you found in an article study recently and something I found on the internet recently and a search I had just a couple days ago all are the exact same thing

New Study

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Jeremiah: And just so we maintain a high level of confidence in our listeners we try to find the most obscure blogs and the most unreputable sources for this studies that were coming up

Mark: Yes nothing that would be seen as credible

Jeremiah: Like the British medical journal

Mark: Oh yeah that one guy blog that is british journal

Jeremiah: Yes, anyway here we are with another quick study in the headline alone should cause us all the buzz. Alarming surge in ADHD diagnosis there’s an alarming surge in ADHD world wide.

Mark: What’s alarming?

Jeremiah: It’s a little more than mild I would say.

Surge in ADHD diagnosis


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Mark: Because the ADHD diagnosis has been on the rise for so long. At one point they would go it’s alarming I mean this five percent of kids roughly seven percent of adults.

Jeremiah: Ahh it’s a little more than that so the study will talk about that later. The study in essence says defines as ADHD is improperly diagnosed. The diagnosis given to children improperly who simply have problems related to three categories mainly children that have just personality problems. They may have maturity level development problem. They maybe developing a little slower in maturity level for parenting.

Mark: Oh you can’t blame the parents for everything. The school and government is supposed to raise the kids. Anyone who leaves it out to the parents ridiculous

Jeremiah:Yeah, But I thought that’s all anything those three main what they call just personality problems in children are now misdiagnosed as ADHD so child has personality problem they have ADHD

Mark: Child parents have ADHD

Misdiagnosed as adhd


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Jeremiah: And the child whose maturity level may not be of his peers because you know five, six, seven years old they had to have ADHD but it gets deeper and worst because we’re gonna talk about rid one and the study talks about medication

Mark: Is it just me or it seems like ADHD is becoming the cope out for everything responsibility in life. The catch all we have a problem here. Give him a drug and parents feel good about being a good parent even if they’re not, teachers feel good about being a good teacher even though you’re so boring. The kid can hold still everybody feel good about yourself because it’s the kid was born with something you can’t do anything about. It’s like the ultimate cope out and it is and listeners you know new listeners so it can be restated ADHD is real. Our brains really do function differently you can scan someone with ADHD legitimate ADHD and see that they’re brain is firing in different ways and different areas than someone who is not ADHD. Our argument is that different is not necessarily always a disorder and there are ADHD challenges that are connected to other things. We had someone you and I met not to long ago and that we’re talking to her about her kids and we met one of her kids and he was he and some real mental challenges she thought it was just ADHD and you’re thinking no there’s ADHD is the symptom of what your child really is going through because of what he has, all the ADHD traits are gonna be there but it’s not his ADHD he happens to be something else and ADHD or symptoms

The cope out of responsibility


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Jeremiah: Yeah ADHD… What it does is it allows you to assign the fault somewhere else and then you can prescribe Ritalin.

Mark: Awesome because Ritalin can get you really high and if this shows about getting high then we gonna tell you exactly how to get your drug subscriptions

Jeremiah: Oh I need some cheetos right now! oh wait wrong kind of…So the study continues the article continues so it talks about the surge in prescription drug administration and specifically Ritalin in children because of this improper surge ADHD diagnosis so Ritalin statistically is was has been design to treat severe ADHD which represents at highest only fourteen percent of children with ADHD have symptoms of severe only fourteen percent which means Ritalin is really only approriate for fourteen percent you wanna guess how many children in America that have ADHD are taking ritalin what percentage?

Mark: Oh my gosh I’m gonna say it’s atleast double the fourteen percent, I would go as far as even say triple

Jeremiah: Eighty seven percent of children diagnosed with ADHD in America have taken or are taking Ritalin

Surge in prescription drug

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Mark: And according to this non-scientific, non-credible what was it study?

Jeremiah: Yeah this quack study from the British Medical journal

Mark:And their saying so it’s and now its shocking I mean that’s disgusting.

Jeremiah: That is shocking Ritalin is inapproriate and has been designed and even the pharmaceutical companies are pushed on x.y.n.c if you get on that conspiracy theory well they’re non conspiracy if you get on that road Ritalin is legitimately design for severe ADHD symptoms which only fourteen percent of children that have ADHD display yet eighty seven percent of American children are taking or have taken Ritalin

Mark: Eighty seven percent of those with ADHD are taking or have taken?

Jeremiah: That’s right that is a disparity of seventy three percent of Ritalin users children Ritalin users in America should not be taking it just going of to statistics.

High percentage of children taking ritalin

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Mark: This is just a facts folks. Here is the thing that concerns me coz I know right now that there’s atleast a hunderd or two hundred of our listeners that’s all of them not really, there’s gonna be few hundred people listening to this immediately going but not my kid. My kid is not the fourteen percent. My kid really needed it because they say you know like when my son was on the meds he was so well behaved. He stopped messing up the house by tearing everything apart and invent stuff he wasn’t picking apart the vcr he wasn’t hammering nails in the boards trying to make a gocart out of a broken drill he’s gonna drive it. Around the neighborhood with an old car battery all that stop and the house is clean and he sat on the couch and watch tv and so well behaved and in school teachers awesome he stop fidgeting in his chair and stair out in the window and stare in his book perfectly behave and so I caution all of you to not assume that you’re the one that needed it. And the study is legitimate. The study is serious and this is an epidemic now the study Miah talk it all about if they knew how much of that increase in medication use was abused or would they know if it was just abused recreationally or if it was just prescribed by the doctor because mom and dad and parent got together a doctor

Kids who really needs ritalin

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Jeremiah: Yes. This is just at all eighteen and under so not we’re all specially with you know with Ritalin and Atherol be a severe medication of the art a child can’t go and of course without prescription or parent consent, these are minors under the direction of their parents. So parents out there, you may not have heard that statistics you may rethink just consider the fact that this narcotics, this drugs are approriate for only fourteen percent of those with ADHD. Meaning, those that are displaying severe behaviour issues with ADHD.

Mark: So here’s what’s interesting and one side of the world, this study is out and we guess and oh my gosh I mean seriously it’s sad and scary in a real very very real way. Now if you, at the very same time, somewhere in the board meeting somewhere was a guy given a report on how awesome to sell Ritalin and Atherol had been and they’re celebrating this shocking increase shareholders are so happy because it’s doing well good job team way to sell it way to push it your amazing team go

Jeremiah: But let me tell you another side of that. For the fourteen percent who really need it, it’s probably a god send in a lot of their lives absolutely.

Severe medication

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Mark: There’s no question and the helpful tip that I’m sharing… those who recognize it as a need and art not using it a way to feel good about not taking other measures, first try to see if you can get back off of it. Because a lot of times, with kids specially, a lot of these severe ADHD traits as they grow and maybe even listen to this program learn to manage that ADHD brain to their advantage. And the last thing you want is that drug in there. You want to get off of it and learn to deal with it naturally. Okay here’s what I found and what I was looking at because we know I had another search. There’s always search and rescue stuff going on and I know some of our listeners like the search and rescue stories. So thanks for sending out try to keep…

Jeremiah: Some of like underline theme with search and rescue.

Mark: Yes! Rescuing the ADHD addicts and okay so we get a call and it’s a suicide search. And there’s been a legitimate claim that someone is gonna attemp suicide and search is out it got real serious and everybody taken it seriously when she didn’t show up to the school to pick up her young children. And then I go okay she has had a history of drug abuse and drug use and she’s gotten suicidal and she didn’t pick up her kids that’s your airborn.

Search and rescue

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Mark: And I was up in the chopper. Spent hours searching and looking at all the typical spot and for whatever reason. And this isn’t relevant to the show but just for a J-wiz factor, when people commit suicide, they generally go to a thoughtful area so the top of the look out over valley and a nice view spot of the lake when they thought about suicide they tend to go somewhere. The only exception is someone walking in on their spouse and just shock their system were shock walk in their spouse with a bestfriend or something. They might run out the door, pull a trigger and it’s instant and on the spot. But people that have struggled for a long a time when we find them, they been down this road for a long time and finally decided. We tend to find them at these points and sadly, your like “wow we were just here taking care of this last recovery or rescue” and sometimes we find them before it’s too late and sometimes we don’t. And so I’m searching all the regular areas and as we’re up in the air we’re getting updates and text messages and calls on the radio description and history and we have just finished one of our podcasts like the day after and so ADHD is always on mind. I can’t get it out of my mind. I’m distracted okay so then here’s trying to keep the short short which may not be possible and I will not be able to call it a short anymore we call it a medium the show is a medium

Typhical spot for people commiting suicide

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Mark: …we find out that her drug of choice was an ADHD medication. And I don’t want to give the specifics of what medication it was. It’s not important but she likes to use it the way abuse would use it - which is put it powder form and snore it - and she had been awake for three days straight with the assistance with the prescribed legally prescribed drug choice. So in the end, we were able to find her and it wasn’t too late and I hope and pray she gets the help she needs and that she learns to overcome the addiction. And the kids deserves a mom. And they deserve a mom that’s clean and sober in their form. And so she finds a help and she may end up… even start listening to this podcast because there’s a connection there through a mutual friend. And so, if you’re listening, please for your kids, get some help and stay strong. And if there’s anything we can do to help you reach out, we will do what we can.

Using adhd medication drug

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Mark: So here’s what it lead me to. After all that, I thought this is just a another example. Here’s just another case and so I thought how easy it is to people to get it. And now here’s your study which ties then to all of it. Of how many people are getting prescribed that didn’t even need it. And then the people that want to abuse it because it is the college recreation drug of choice right? Now it’s right up there with marijuana so I did a quick search. It took me sixty seconds to find a website that specializes in helping kids get high and first article legally get high. Well they have other illegal ways to and the first article and I’m gonna lean over here is its title “How to convience your shrink you have ADD/ADHD so you can get high” and it has all questions that are gonna be asked. You will be asked how many jobs, if you had your answer and then it tells you then, you will be asked “were you usually fired or do you quit?” and it tells you the answer. You need to give if you were fired or quit and it goes through and it has all the questions from a clinical diagnosis format of what they’re gonna ask you and exactly what you need to say and according to this article and incidentally Miah this is the third time I found a different drug user website advertising how to help their friends get high and talking about this method. It’s a hundred percent according to this article. It’s a hundred percent you will get your medications and then another guy.

Abusing the adhd drug

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Jeremiah: And then you can resell them, yes my mind already went there.

Mark: So one of the very first post after the article is “I’m not personally a drug user I see what it does to my client” tell that’s what he’s talking about. He says I put this is the direct quote the other part is phrase he says “I put myself through college on my Ritalin prescription” and I’m sure he had multiple and he was selling him to his friends to abuse that needs to stop doctors and if there’s any listening to the show, you were being played the fool. And I’m sorry, you are the fool for two reasons. One, the kids know your test. They’re able to manipulate you and according to this drug abuser websites, they get you hundred percent of the time and even if their lying and they only get you ninety and eighty, even if they get you at once. The other problem is this somehow your being played the fool by the parent who tell you so worked up over how difficult their child is. That you’re willing to give them the med to keep the parent happy when the kid didn’t need it and according to this study, in all seriousness, very reputable very serious it’s at the disparity of…

Played the fool

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Jeremiah: It’s a personality problem. A maturity level problem or poor parenting are the top three misdiagnosed problems that people associate with ADHD which is not ADHD. And definitely not severe ADHD and for we know, severe ADHD people and two of us, we happen one of them and maybe staring at one right now. And even if you’re severe ADHD, that does not mean default medication but just for the parents out there and for you out there that you maybe ADHD yourself, really consider that statistics. It’s only really approriate for fourteen percent.

Mark: Fourteen percent of those with ADHD, and what it is eighty?

Jeremiah: And not they say required and it says approriate an eighty seven percent of ADHD children are being prescribed.

Mark: Okay that needs to stop. It’s kind of a downers

Jeremiah: We can have more sunshine, lollipops and care bears

Top three misdiagnosed problem

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Jeremiah: I don’t know shall we tease it on the next program we really out on our short which is now our non short short medium.

Mark: We’re at nineteen minutes, we could shorten this and then just do another one.

Jeremiah: Okay we are gonna tease this next story for the long program and were gonna… I think we should end our short now as a medium short?

Mark: So stay tuned for our next program we’ll be tackling this very interesting and educational beneficial experience with discussion and dialogue I had with the child of an ADHDier and her confrontation with me on the use of drugs and my stand on it.

Jeremiah: And also on the next program, we’re gonna have another question from a caller that comes in.

Mark: Yes we will start catching up and start getting some of those in. So absolutely take another caller. Thanks for joining us on our program you guys are all awesome.

The next program

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts

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Jeremiah: Well we don’t know you personally so could be very lame but we would like to hope that your awesome.

Mark: I would like to think that people listening to us is not people

Jeremiah: I would really shock I would be flattered coz mostly, people who listen to me are not too awesome

Mark: Miah nobody listens to you don’t get yourself, I’m Mark Patey.

Jeremiah: I’m Miah Johnson

Mark: And difference is not a disorder

Difference is not a disorder

ADHD Gift Finding their Gifts