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Adolescent Literacy

Adolescent LiteracySupporting Teacher EffectivenessImproving Student AchievementSarah Dollevoet, Reading Specialist, Literacy Support Teacher, Special Education TeacherTamara Maxwell, Reading Specialist, Literacy Support Teacher, English Teacher1

13674 and your responseNeed help with an answer? Text CHACHA!What is literacy?Chacha - warning2Adolescent Literacy Plan

Literacy instruction for all students, across all content areas315% of the junior/senior population Content Area & Special Education Teachers4Given a 7th grade text,39% Independent17% Instructional44% FrustratedGiven an 8th grade text,30% Independent35% Instructional55% Frustratedlack motivation. struggle with reading and/or writing.are credit deficient. have an average 2.44 GPA.YAL students typicallyYoung Adult Literature MAP Scores

Kids need to read a lotKids need books they can readKids need to learn to read fluentlyKids need to develop thoughtful literacyKids need quality classroom instruction

7A dearth of interesting materials Less time on reading; more time for testingNot enough reading time in school Over-teaching of books Over-analysis of books Over-teaching of academic texts

8Conceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology9Conceptual Units

Identify enduring understandings and essential questions. Identify a final project. Create a backwards plan. Knowledge vs. UnderstandingConceptual UnitsThematicPeople choose to be untruthful. There are consequences for being untruthful. One's perspective shapes the truth. WritingWriters develop, support, and organize their ideas to inform audiences. Word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions enhance meaning. ReadingUsing reading strategies advances reading comprehension. Analyzing text structures and literary devices advances reading comprehension. Enduring UnderstandingsConceptual UnitsThematicWhy are people untruthful? When is it okay, if ever, to be untruthful? What are the consequences of being untruthful? How does one's perspective shape the truth? WritingHow do writers develop, support, and organize their ideas to inform audiences? How do word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions enhance meaning? ReadingHow do reading strategies advance reading comprehension? How do text structures and literary devices advance reading comprehension?

Essential Questions


Conceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology16Instructional PracticesRead Aloud or Shared ReadingDetermine the purposeSelect the textRehearse the readingPlan opportunities to model your process of reading, comprehension, and fluencyRead the text stopping to think aloudDiscuss

17Instructional PracticesInteractive ReadingSay Something TechniqueRead, Cover, Remember, Retell TechniquePartner Jigsaw TechniqueTwo-Word TechniqueReverse Think-Aloud Technique

18Instructional PracticesTOWITHBYModeledSharedGuidedIndependentteacherstudentInteractiveGradual Release Model19Instructional PracticesFormative Assessments20Instructional PracticesConferencingWhole GroupQuick ShareCheck InOne-on-One or Small Group

21Instructional PracticesDiscussionsTableaux (Wilhelm)Puppet showsPlaydoughPaintingSidewalk chalkWikki Stix

22Conceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology23Instructional TextsUsing and Creating SchemaQuick WritesOn the FenceFour CornersWeek in Rap/Article of the Week

Instructional PracticesTechnology24On the Fence

Social networking sites have no educational value.DefinitelyMaybeMaybe NotAbsolutely NotDo you think men have it easier in our culture?26DefinitelyMaybeMaybe NotAbsolutely NotWould you like to be extremely successful professionally and have a tolerable yet unexciting private life?27Instructional TextsInstructional PracticesMonitor for Meaning Conversation LogsBrainsStory Element Cards Beach Ball Silent Discussions

Technology28Conversation Logs

29Conversation Logs



32Instructional TextsInstructional PracticesMonitor for Meaning Conversation LogsBrainsStory Element CardsBeach Ball Silent Discussions

Technology33Instructional TextsQuestioningQARConcept Ladder

Instructional PracticesTechnologyGenerating questions before, during, and after reading/thinking that lead you deeper into the text34Effects of?Roots of?Eliminated by?Caused by?Related to?Seen in?Examples of?Connected to?ConceptConcept LadderInstructional TextsDetermining ImportanceOne-Sentence Summary FramesQ-Notes

Instructional PracticesTechnology36Instructional TextsVisualizingConcept Maps

Instructional PracticesTechnology37Radial Map: Describing or Gathering Ideas

Venn Diagram: Comparing/ContrastingSequence Map: Sequencing eventsCause/Effect Map: Showing RelationshipEventInstructional TextsInferringSecond Draft ReadingWhat does it say?What does it mean?What does it matter?Syntax Surgery

Instructional PracticesTechnology42Instructional TextsSynthesizingTwo-Column NotesDouble Bubble

Instructional PracticesTechnology43Double BubbleConceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology45Independent TextsIndependent PacketBook TalkBook ProjectSmall Group Discussions

Instructional PracticesTechnologyIndependent Book Packet: Cover

47Independent Book Packet

48Independent Book Packet

49Independent Book Packet

50Independent TextsIndependent PacketBook TalkBook ProjectAnimotoPhoto StoriesMovie TrailersXtranormalVirtual MuseumsSmall Group DiscussionsNingInstructional PracticesTechnology51Conceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology52Writing ProjectsInstructional PracticesTechnologyMultigenre paper (Romano)I-Search (Macrorie)Open micsPodcastsWebsitesDigital scrapbookPoetry book53Conceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology54Instructional PracticesTechnologyCommunity Projects

55Conceptual UnitsInstructional PracticesTechnology56