Download - Supplier APQP Training

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    Mar 2, 2016 “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained withinthis work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"

    Supply Chain

    Management Group

    Supplier APQP Training  Advanced Product Quality Planning 

    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"


  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 2

    Supply ChainMgmt Group Supplier APQP Overview

    A$%$ i&:A &tru'ture( metho( )or (e)ining * e+e'uting the

    a'tion& ne'e&&ary to en&ure& a pro(u't &ati&)ie&the 'u&tomer

    Supplier Le(-e.uire( o) all (e&ignate( 'omponent


    Ma+imi/e the opportunity to a'hiee a (e)e't )ree

    pro(u't laun'h an( eyon(

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016

    Supply ChainMgmt Group Supplier APQP Overview

    S'ope: 3o (e)ine the pro'e&& through the&our'ing (e'i&ion o) a ne4 or mo(i)ie(pro(u't y a Supplier to 5ana to the approalo) the $$A$

    -ea&on& )or A$%$ Co&t Aoi(an'e S'rap, Engineering Change&

    -ou&t $ro(u't& 5urale 7 -eliale

    -ou&t $ro'e&&e& Stale 7 Capale

    Clearly (e)ine( * un(er&too( laun'h re.uirement&

    8uil(& &oli( Supplier relation&


  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 9

    Supply ChainMgmt Group Dana Supplier Quality Manual 

    Supplier A(an'e $ro(u't %uality$lanning ;A$%$<

    Supplier& are re.uire( to 'on)orm to the late&t

    e(ition o) the A=AG A(an'e $ro(u't %uality$lanning Manual, lo'ate( at http:77444aiagorg,)or the intro(u'tion o) a ne4 or &igni)i'antlymo(i)ie( pro(u'tion pro(u't to 5ana

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016

    Supply ChainMgmt Group Supplier APQP 

    A$%$ -e.uire(

    $rogram Laun'he& * Sele't -e&our'ing A'tion&

    Supplier -e&pon&ile )or 'omplete A$%$

    # Supplier 5eelopment Engineer ali(ate& all A$%$ Element&through (o'umentation an( o>e'tie ei(en'e &umitte( in

    the A$%$ Wor?oo?# Supplier 5eelopment on@&ite reie4 only o''ur& )or

    &upplier& 4ho 'on&i&tently )ail to &umit o>e'tie ei(en'eto the A$%$ timeline an(7or at ri&? &upplier& a& i(enti)ie( ythe $rogram 3eam

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 6

    Supply ChainMgmt Group Supplier APQP Status Report 

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training

    7/32“"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    =n or(er to initiate A$%$ A'tiity 4ith a Supplier the )ollo4ing i&

    re.uire( 5ate the 5ana LO= or $ur'ha&e Or(er Wa& i&&ue(

    5ate 3he 5ana 3ooling Or(er 4a& or 4ill e i&&ue(

    $rototype Sample .uantitie& an( timing

    -e.ue&te( $$A$ 5ate

    W=3"O3 3"=S =!FO-MA3=O! S$$L=E- 5EBELO$ME!3 CA!!O3=!=3=A3E 3"E A$%$ AC3=B=3

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training

    8/32Mar 2, 2016 “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained withinthis work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"

    Supply Chain

    Management Group

     Supplier APQP Elements

    What is the requirement? 

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training

    9/32“"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 D

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 10

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 11

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 12

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 1

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 19

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 1

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training

    16/32Mar 2, 2016 “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"

    Supply Chain

    Management Group

     Supplier APQP Status Report Elements

    What are we looking for as Objective Evidence

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 1

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    Objective Evidence Required – Elements ! "

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 1

    Supply ChainMgmt GroupObjective Evidence Required – Elements # ! $ 

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 1D

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    Objective Evidence Required – Elements % ! &

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 20

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Prototype Sample 'nspection RequirementsAll prototype &ample& )urni&he( y &upplier& &hall 'on)orm to the )ollo4ing

    re.uirement& )or their appli'ale 5ana $ro(u't Group

    Commer'ial Behi'le * Light Behi'le 5rieline 3e'hnologie& @ Ea'h part i& to e

    &eriali/e( on a non 'riti'al &ur)a'e ;'on&ult 4ith the appli'ale Engineering

    Group )or non 'riti'al &ur)a'e i(enti)i'ation

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 21

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Prototype Sample 'nspection Requirements

    3he in&pe'tion report &hall e in p() )ile )ormat an( name( 4ith the 5ana

    $rogram, $art !umer an( 5ate ;E+ample: $rogram !ame$art !umer Month@5ay@earp()

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 22

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    Objective Evidence Required – Elements ! (

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 2

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    Objective Evidence Required – Elements " ! )

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 29

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    Objective Evidence Required – Elements * ! +

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 2

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    Objective Evidence Required – Elements (& ! ("

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 26

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Additional Dana PPAP Requirements

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 2

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

     Sa,e -aunc.

    3he purpo&e o) the Sa)e Laun'h $lan i& to prote't 5ana Fa'ilitie& )rom

    re'eiing .uality non@'on)orman'e& (uring 'riti'al ne4 pro(u't laun'h

    perio(& an( ali(ate the &upplier& $ro(u'tion Control $lan (uring

    olume pro(u'tion run& =t i& in a((ition to all normal pro'e&& in&pe'tion&

    an( ealuation& outline( in the $ro(u'tion Control $lan an( i& a po&t

    pro'e&&ing, o))@line, &eparate an( in(epen(ent )rom the normal

    manu)a'turing pro'e&& 'he'? &e o) any in pro'e&&in&pe'tion7'ontainment &tation& re.uire& the prior approal o) 5ana

    3he Sa)e Laun'h $lan &hall e in e))e't )or a minimum o) D0 (ay& or the

    )ir&t &upplier pro(u'tion run&, 4hi'heer i& longer, )rom the &tart o)

    $$A$ Approe( part &hipment& to the re'eiing 5ana )a'ility =) any(i&'repant part& are re'eie( y a 5ana )a'ility (uring the Sa)e Laun'h

    perio( it &hall e e+ten(e( )or a time)rame to e (etermine( y the

    re'eiing 5ana )a'ility

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 2

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

      Sa,e -aunc.

    Any non@'on)orman'e& (i&'oere( at a 5ana )a'ility (uring the Sa)eLaun'h perio( re.uire imme(iate an( irreer&ile 'orre'tie a'tion

    4ithin 2 hour& o) noti)i'ation =n a((ition, any non@'on)orman'e&

    (i&'oere( at a 5ana )a'ility re.uire& &upplier, or &upplier (e&ignate(,

    repre&entation on &ite at the 5ana )a'ility to initiate &orting an(

    'ontainment a'tion&, a'? through their organi/ation, 4ithin 29 hour&

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 2D

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

      Sa,e -aunc.

    3he Sa)e Laun'h $lan &hall in'lu(e 100H ealuation o) @@

    All 5ana (e&ignate( Criti'al an(7or Signi)i'ant Chara'teri&ti'&


    All Customer attachment( pass through) characteristicsidentifed by Dana Engineering (Attribute) 

    All Signifcant Characteristics to the process identifedby the supplier (Variable) 

    Verifcation that the packaging and labeling conormsto the Supplier Packaging Specifcation orm approedby the receiing Dana acility! (Attribute) 

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 0

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

      Sa,e -aunc.

    Data rom sae launch inspections shall be or"arded toboth the Dana #eceiing Plant $SupplierDeelopment%dana!com& or each production lotshipped& so it is receied prior to the production lot!

    Product shipped to Dana that has been ealuated in the Sae

    'aunch process shall be identifed by means o a reenSticker& attached to eery indiidual carton& signed by theperson accountable to perorm this unction! 

    ailure to implement a robust Sae 'aunch Process&containing these re*uirements as a minimum& "ill result in a

    Supplier being placed on #estricted Shipping + and otherpossible conse*uences! 

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    “"Dana Confidential Information - Those having access to this work may not copy it, use it or disclose the information contained within

    this work without the prior express written authoriation of Dana Corporation! nauthoried use may result in prosecution!"Mar 2, 2016 1

    Supply ChainMgmt Group

    /ustomer Attac.ment Points

    Cu&tomer Atta'hment $oint&:

    Cu&tomer Atta'hment $oint& 4ill e 'ommuni'ate( to &upplier& y

    (e&ignation, ; ICA$J

  • 8/20/2019 Supplier APQP Training


    Supply ChainMgmt Group