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  • 8/14/2019 Suplemento del WallStreet Journal sobre la venta directa.pdf



    Direct selling is the originalsocialnetworking business. Long beforewe even knew what a computer was,people were getting together for fun,socializing and shopping. Add intechnological power and globalization,and youve got a winning formula.

    Model AdvantagesWhether a company is working

    in a mature market or an emergingone, the direct selling modelhas many advantages. In maturemarkets, the existing infrastructureand high technology saturation

    makeinteracting with customersextremely easy. Advancements inmobile devices and apps, as well asin social media tools, simply increasethe reach of this socially drivenmodel. Far-flung friends and familyare now easily included in a tightcircle, and new friends across thenation and world are made throughcommoninterests.

    In an emerging market suchasChina, having scores ofsalespeopleworking directly withfriends and family to make thepersonal pitch just reaches back in

    time. e direct selling model is over150 years old; it has never neededtechnology to be successful. A socialnetwork and a good product is all thatis necessary. Additionally, the socialconnections put you far ahead ofthe competitors who either cant getproduct on the shelves or are pushedinto obscurity. And those competitorsdont have a constant line straight totheir customers to gauge demandandfeedback.

    Products and services delivereddirectly to customers throughpersonalized presentations that are

    oen educational, entertaining andcertainly social have enabled directselling to thrive for decades eventhrough recessions, including thislatest one. e effect holds true no

    matter what the category as directselling companies represent virtuallyall goods and services customerswant and need. e DSN Global100 list of the top revenue-grossingdirect selling companies in the worldrepresents $66 billion in revenue for2010, proof that this social businessmodel has economic power.e products and services sold

    by these companies range across

    such diverse categories as cosmetics,financial planning services, homedecorating, home improvement andsolutions, energy services, personal-care, health and wellness, apparel andaccessories, legal services and finewines. Each company on the list hadto have reached $80 million in 2010revenue just to be listed.

    Analysts have noticed some ofthe advantages of direct selling.

    Doug Lane is Managing Directorat Jefferies, a full-service securitiesand investment banking firm thatwas recently ranked No. 1 in U.S.stock picking by the Financial Times/ StarMine Research Analysis. Hethinks that direct selling companiesare successful because they havestrong top-line growth driven byoutsized exposure to the rapidlygrowing emerging markets;relatively high gross margins tobuffer against the recent dramaticrise in commodity cost inflation;and ownership of the distributionchannel and the tendency towardspremium priced products that enablethe direct sellers pricing power overtraditional retail. Lane goes on toexplain that direct selling companiesoen have under-leveraged balancesheets and large free cash flows,which tend to put the direct sellingbusiness model on particularly strongfinancialfooting.

    Jim Cramer, host of investmentshow Mad Money, has caught onas well. e direct selling model isgoing great guns, he said, noting itcould be the best way to sell goods inthe irdWorld.

    I"5 J:2;+-25 E(.;-: K8%;=5%% ,(

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    Solution to a Shrinking

    Job Market

    P rofessor Paul Zane Pilzer has kept a watchful eye on the direct sellingindustry for more than 30 years. In the 1990s, the renowned economistwho served in two White House administrations predicted that networkmarketers would help make the then-emerging $200-billion health and wellnesschannel the next trillion-dollar industry. The success of companies such asHerbalife, Medifast, Monavie, Amway, Nu Skin, USANA and Blyth are helping toconfirm Pilzers theory.

    As the current economic crisis continues to take a toll on people aroundthe world and unemployment rates steadily rise, direct selling may be theanswer to a shrinking job market. Pilzer warns that too many people today seeunemployment as part of the economic cyclethat when the economy recovers,employment will naturally go up.

    However, unemployment is not a macro-economic problem, he says. It is amicro-economic issue, typically related to a skill deficiency on an individual level.The question lies not in economic recovery but employment recovery, saysPilzer, who has written nine bestsellers. We have a massive social problem.What are we going to do with 30 million people who are now permanentlyunemployed? The No. 1 social need in the United States right now has nothing todo with the economy.

    The real challenge is to replace lost jobs with new earnings opportunities andprovide much-needed training. The jobs that baby boomers and Gen Xers trainedfor years ago have disappeared. Technology has replaced millions of workers anddemanded new skills that too many older Americans just donthave.

    Instead of focusing on new methods of training, our politicians and newsmedia are looking at unemployment and the economic recovery as linkedandthey are not because most of the unemployed people today are skills-deficient.If they are over 50 years old, they probably dont touch-type or e-mail, and thatdoesnt work in todays economy.

    So what happens to those displaced workers? Direct selling may havethe answer. The direct selling business model has always had a competitiveadvantage in the training that it offers, both in business and personal skills. Itallows people to be retrained while they pursue something new. It gives peoplean opportunity when no one else will.

    The biggest need in every sector of the economy, says Pilzer, is intellectualdistributionthe dissemination of information about products and services. Wehave a huge backlog of better products and services that people arent buyingbecause they dont know about them. Direct selling is the most efficient methodfor the distribution of intellectual information that will improve your life. It is theideal model that allows anyone to reach out.

    Direct selling offers people the skills and tools to create new incomeopportunitiesto venture out on their own as entrepreneurs and grow inconfidence versus being consumed by the fear associated with a shrinking jobmarket. Technology is available to everyone at home and is even better thanwhat you can get in a large company, says Pilzer. When we examine the

    workplace, we often find outdated computers and data management systems.However, the best tools and support needed to run a home-based business arenow available to individuals at an affordable cost. This makes a home-basedbusinessand a direct selling opportunity, in particularvery appealing.

    by J.M. Emmert


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    Jefferies analyst Doug Lane has long been achampion of the sector, which relies on itssalespeople to market the product, mostlyto their local community. Lane has toldinvestors that the modelalso referred

    to as network marketingcontinued to thrivethroughout the recession in part because it offersthe unemployed an easy, low-risk way to be inbusiness for themselves, and that it also capitalizeson the fact that consumers prefer to buy productsfrom people they know and like.e direct selling business model is also proving

    to be a bonanza in developing countries. Growthpotential is huge because as these economiesexpand, their appetites for consumer goods growand previously underemployed womenwhohave historically been the foundation of manydirect sales organizationsare prospering, thanksto newfound economic opportunities. e mostrecent figures show that within the $125 billionglobal direct sales industry, a mere $28.3 billioncame from the United States, while $49 billioncame from the Asia-Pacific region, and LatinAmerican sales reached $18 billion. e sectorsgrowth leaders were also in the developing world;India joined the list of billion-dollar nations,generating $1.06 billion in revenue for 2009. Chinasaw 2009 sales increase nearly $3 billion, andRussia, though it experienced a somewhat modestgain of $200 million, still moved up to No. 9 in theDSNranking of the top billion-dollar markets inthe world, with $3.06 billion in 2009 sales.

    One reason investors love these companiesis that they have low overhead. ere are fewretail expenses, since the products are sold out

    of salespeoples homes, andmarketing and advertisingexpenditures are minimal. Itturns out [direct selling] maybe the best way to sell goods inthe developing world, wherepeople listen to testimonialsnot advertisements and retailsalespeople, Jim Cramer toldhis audience.

    Other leading investorsare nabbing opportunitiesto profitfrom networkmarketing.Warren Buffetthas been a proponent of themodel since scooping upe Pampered Chef in 2002,callingit one of the bestinvestments hed ever made; hesubsequently invested in sevenmore direct sales companies.Even British mogul Richard Branson launcheda direct sales cosmetics firmnow called Vie atHomewhich he sold to direct sales investorHelmut Spikker lastyear.

    In 2002, private equity firm Whitney & Co.invested $700 million in supplement giantHerbalife. e investment made by SequoiaCapital into Stella & Dot in January of this year iscertainly an example of how investors are lookingdifferently at direct selling companies and theirleadership. Also earlier this year, Pre-Paid LegalServices agreed to sell to private equity firmMidOcean Partners for $650 million in cash; thedeal is expected to close by the time we go to press.

    One of the most eye-opening events for investorswas last years IPO of direct sales financial servicescompany Primerica. Its impressive opening-dayperformance on April 1, 2010, leinvestorswhowere oversubscribed by 21 timesconfident aboutPrimericas competitive advantage in the insuranceand asset-management industry. Primerica closedat $19.65 the first day30 percent more than itsinitial public offering price of $15aer its marketdebut. Its strong performance made it one of thetop-performing IPOs for the year.

    Aer years of skepticism, the investmentcommunity is finally waking up to the viability ofdirect selling as a good investment opportunity,says Lane. eyve become true believers.

    Mad Money market guru Jim Cramer recently

    told his CNBC viewers: Direct selling has never

    gotten its due from Wall Street. Its time we

    recognize that the direct sales model works,

    and it works well. There is little question why

    financial notables like Cramer, Warren Buffett,Ray Chambers and Suze Orman have touted

    businesses based on direct selling.

    After years of skepticism, the

    investment community isfinally wakingup to the viability of direct selling as agood investment opportunity.

    Doug Lane

    ,-B;=> +#//4&8-=< .)08) by Emma Johnson

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    Since the market crash on March 9,2009, the major indices have steadilyrebounded with 95 percent growth,but some direct selling companies are

    experiencing enviable price increases on Americanand foreign exchanges. Many of the top directselling companies have achieved record salesand profitability and most appear to have

    lasting fiscal momentum in an improvingeconomy. Stock percentage growth forHerbalife Ltd.(HLF NYSE), TupperwareBrands Corp. (TUPNYSE), Nu SkinEnterprises (NUSNYSE) and Medifast Inc.(MEDNYSE) soared as high as three toseven times the average gain of the S&P500 and Dow Jones Industrial Average byearly May2011.

    Herbalife shares climbed 764 percentfrom $12.28 to $106.15 before the

    companys board of directors approveda two-for-one split in May. Furthermore,the company raised its dividend by 60percent, representing a 20-cents-per-sharepost-split quarterly dividend. The globalnutritional companys sales increased17.3 percent from $2.3 billion in 2009 to$2.7 billion in 2010, with net income of$297million. Herbalife topped that with a recordfirst quarter 2011, which includes a 28.5 percentincrease in sales and $26.8 million improvement

    on adjusted netincome.At the companys first-quarter conference call,Chairman and CEO Michael O. Johnson attributedthe companys growth to an improved distributorretention rate of 48.9 percent, up 20.7 percentfrom 2002. In an effort to broaden future earnings,he announced the release of the companys new

    Herbalife 24 sports product line, which is designedto meet high-end nutritional needs for athletes.

    Two years ago Tupperwares stock hoveredaround $11.00 per share, but an 8 percent increasein annual sales to $2.3 billion in 2010, plus a 15percent improvement to the bottom line helped liftthe share price above $64a 457 percent gain.

    The global direct seller of storage and servingsolutions as well as beauty and personal-careproducts experienced double-digit sales increases

    in the first quarter 2011 from its emergingmarkets in Brazil, India, Indonesia, Malaysia/Singapore, the Philippines, Turkey and Venezuela.Tupperwares adjusted diluted share earnings forthe first quarter of this year were 14 cents betterthan for the same period in 2010, including apositive foreign currency impact of 4cents.

    Nu Skins stock has shot up 364 percentfrom $8.04 per share to more than $37 afterrecord sales and profits in 2010. The companyincreasedrevenue 15 percent over 2009 to$1.5billion, culminating three consecutiveyearsofrecord-breaking revenue. The fourthquarter was the companys first ever $400million

    revenue quarter, marking early

    achievement of a five-year plan that beganin 2007 to double Nu Skins earnings to$2per share of stock. Thecompany isnowplanning to double itsearnings to $4per share by 2015.

    Medifasts stock has been on itsown fast-track to the top, soaring from$4.42a share two years ago to $20.39in early May. A streak of 45 consecutiveprofitable quarters has strengthened theseller of weight and health management

    consumables; the company had recordrevenues of $257.6 million and improvedprofits by 73 percent last year. Medifast,the parent company of Take Shape forLife, was named No. 1 on Americas 100Best Small Companies list by Forbesmagazine for 2010.

    The stock performances of BlythInc., Natura/Brazil, USANA Health Sciences,

    AvonandNatures Sunshine all exceeded S&P500 and Dow Jones averages for the past

    twoyears.Sales increases, net income improvementsand gains for the top publicly held direct sellingcompanies may be an indication of promisinggrowth for an entire industry, especially forthose who include emerging markets in theirstrategicplan.

    Top Publicly Held Direct Sellers AchieveRecordSales and ProfitabilityThe two-year rebound in the stock market has many investors smiling again,especially those who have put their money in direct selling companies. Many of the top12 public companies that sell direct have outperformed the average stock return by

    impressive margins since the market dipped to its low in early 2009.

    by Tim Blackwell

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    The direct selling business model is one that can

    level the playingfield and close the gap between

    the haves and have-nots.

    RAY CHAMBERS, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist


    The partnership with Avon is a logical and natural

    extension of everything I believe in. I am confident

    we can make a huge difference toward the goal

    of empowering women and helping them achieve

    theirfinancial hopes anddreams.

    SUZE ORMAN, Internationally Acclaimed Personal


    Direct selling is actually one of the oldest, most

    respected business models in the world and has

    stood the test of time.DONALD TRUMP, Billionaire Businessman

    One reason I have such strong respect for

    network marketing is that it is a genuine equal-

    opportunity business. Network marketing casts a

    very wide net. When you look closely at the more

    than 60 million people worldwide who are engaged

    in the business, youllfind people of every color

    and creed, every age group, and every level of

    background, experience andskill.

    ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI, author of Rich Dad Poor Dadand

    TheBusiness of the 21stCenturyWhat is the one bright spot on the entire horizon

    that would give someone an opportunity to be

    retrained to learn new skills? Direct selling.

    PAUL ZANE PILZER, World-Renowned Economist and

    Best- Selling Author of The Next Millionaires

    The rapid growth dynamics both in terms of

    consumers purchasing products and associates

    participating as direct sellers is driving strong

    interest from private equity groups and strategic

    acquirers in direct selling companies.

    LORIN DEMORDAUNT, Managing Director, McColl Partners

    Network marketing has come of age.

    Its undeniable that it has become a way to

    entrepreneurship and independence for millions


    STEPHEN COVEY, Author of The Seven Habits of Highly

    Effective People

    This country was founded on entrepreneurialism

    and we are returning to it. The future of

    employment is self-employment. Direct selling isone of the few business opportunities that offers

    average people, with above average ambition to

    achieve an above average lifestyle, peace of mind


    DARREN HARDY, Publisher of SUCCESSMagazine

    Strong top-line growth driven byoutsized exposure to the rapidlygrowing emerging markets

    Avon Products, Herbalife, Nu SkinEnterprises and Tupperware Brands

    allderive more than 75 percentof theirrevenues from outside the

    United States, with particularly strongpresencesinthe emerging marketsof LatinAmerica, Eastern Europe and

    Asia. Wethink Avon is strategically wellpositioned with its iconic global brandandby having approximately 70 percent ofits profits come from the attractive emergingmarkets of Latin America and EasternEurope, where the Cosmetics, Fragrances

    and Toiletries (CFT) industry isgrowingat above-average rates and direct selling

    has been gaining market share. Organicsales growth, stripping awaythe impact offoreign currency translation and acquisition,has been especially strong for Herbalife,USANA and Nu Skin. In the first quarter2011, Herbalife was up nearly 25 percent.USANA has grown local currency sales onaverage in the low teens dating back to thefirst quarter 2010, and Nu Skin also grew

    double digits throughout 2010. Conversely,our larger traditional packaged goodscompanies have struggled to generate morethan low single-digit organic growth oflate.

    Relatively high gross margins tobuffer against the recent dramaticrise in commodity cost inflation

    While input cost inflation has been front ofmind for many investors of late, our direct

    selling companies have actually beendelivering gross margin expansion. In fact,USANA has had flat or higher gross marginsseven quarters in a row, while Nu Skin hassix in a row and Herbalife four. Conversely,our traditional packaged goods coverage hasaveraged gross margin contraction the pastthreequarters.

    Ownership of the distributionchannel and the tendency towardpremium-priced products

    This gives the direct sellers pricing powerthat tends to be more of a struggle for mosttraditional package-goods companies thathave to sell through big-box retailers.

    Under-leveraged balance sheets andlarge free cash flows

    Both tend to put the direct selling businessmodel on particularly strong financial footing.Notably, Herbalife, Nu Skin, Tupperware andUSANA have adopted a more aggressiveapproach to dividend increases and/or share

    repurchases, such that their cash returnedto shareholders is on par with or betterthan most of their peers in the traditionalpackaged goodsuniverse.

    Jefferies Report

    Direct SellingWellPositionedThe key attributes that we believe uniquelybenefit direct sellers in the current investmentenvironmentare:

    by Douglas M. Lane

    Douglas M. Lane is Managing Director of Equity Research for Jefferies & Company, Inc.

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    3. Brazil$13.5 billione national DSA, Associacao

    Brasileira de Empresas de VendasDiretas (ABEVD), remains bullishon its members performance.e ABEVD, which has 48 direct

    sellingmembers, reported a salesincrease of 18.4 percent from 2008to 2009. In a year of adversity formost sectors of the economy, thedirect sales opportunity generatedincome for 2.3 million people.

    4. China$10.9 billionChina continues to be a tantalizing

    yet elusive market for directselling companies. Its sales in theindustry grew by almost $3 billionbetween 2008 and 2009, proving

    that companies areoperatingsuccessfully within its borders.Many are founded in China; yet formultinational companies, the marketremains a challenge. All eyes are onthe explosive growth in China, withanalysts taking bets on when it willsurpass the United States and Japan.

    N I)8:# O:(9-: M"-==5:

    e following is a special report from Direct Selling News. e article, which is based on statistics

    reported by the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA), interviews with local

    Direct Selling Associations (DSAs) and third-party reporting, tells the story of the cumulative

    impact of the direct selling way of doing business in key markets around the world.

    by Katherine Ponder

    1. United States$28.3 billionWith $28.3 billion in sales for

    2009, U.S. direct selling was downalmost 4.4percent from 2008. sales declined, but retailingas a wholedeclined 7.3 percent over

    the same period. Looking forwardto2011, analysts expect that thosewho enteredthe direct sellingarena asa way to make up for lostincome will remain active even asthe economy recovers. at trendwilllikely lead tohigher sales fortheyear.

    2. Japan$22.4 billionDirect selling in Japan has

    literallyhad its ups and downsin recent years. Between 2006(the previous reported timeframefrom WFDSA) and 2009, it lost

    approximately $400 million insales.When youre the No. 2 nationin theindustry, this looks relativelysmall. But Japans economicrecessionhas been every bit as badas that in the United States, andeconomic problemsbegan longbefore2007.

    Figures are year-end results for 2009; 2010 full data not yet available.

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    8. Italy$3.36 billionItaly moved up in global rankings with an increase

    of $3.36 million in sales while many nationsdropped.e salesforce also grew, adding morethan30,000 people to the rolls. Both increases are instark contrast to thenational economy, which hadincreasing unemployment and a 5 percent decreasein economic growth for 2009.

    9. Russia$3.06 billion

    Russia increased its sales by $190 million,earningit an advancement of one spot in therankings. e falling U.S. dollar against the Russianruble made this change more pronounced, butthe industry showed its muscle by increasing evenas the national economy suffered through theeconomiccrisis.

    10. France$2.41 billion

    Frances international rankings brought it up onelevel as well, from No. 11 previously. French directsales stayed in the same $2.4 billion range from2007(the last period reported through WFDSA)to 2009, leaving it a winner for keeping up its paceyearover year.

    11. United Kingdom$2.1 billion

    Our annual rankings saw the United Kingdom fallfrom the No. 8 spot last year. WFDSA sales statisticsfor the country show a decrease of more than half,from $3.6 billion in 2007 (rankings last year werebased on 2007 data, as it was the last informationreported to the WFDSA) to $1.4 billion in 2009.However, there seems to be a renewed optimism inthe United Kingdom, with people and businessesstepping up to seize the opportunities that everyonefeels sure are coming.

    12. Taiwan$1.7 billion

    Taiwan moved up one spot by gaining $60million in sales over the course of 2009. is wasgreat news for the country, marking a 9.2 percentincrease and the end of a three-year slide in sales.e Taiwan ROC Direct Selling Association notesthat distributor numbers were also up, increasing8percent to 4.4million.

    13. Thailand$1.56 billion

    Despite having $30 million less in sales,ailandstill moved up two spaces on our

    international list. ese figures include sales ofbothai Direct Selling Association members andnon-members as well. ere are 10 million peopleselling through 590 companies, of which 29 areTDSA members. e ai DSA believes that the2010 figures will show almost 12 million distributorsand a strong increase of 15 to 20 percentinsalesnumbers.

    14. Canada$1.3 billionWorld economic troubles challenged Canada

    as well as much of the rest of the internationalcommunity. Sales declined 3.5 percent during 2009as the recession took its toll. Official numbers fromthe Direct Sellers Association of Canada put 2009sales at $1.3 billion, and estimates for 2010 numbersshow that the direct selling industry in Canada willdecrease 6.2 percent to $1.23 billion in 2011.

    15. Colombia$1.26 billion

    Colombias sales were down slightly from $1.5billion in 2008, but it kept its spot on our list. ebeauty and personal-care segments have dominatedthis market. While the national economy grew only0.8 percent in 2009, the beauty and personal-caremarket grew 6 percent. Skin care registered nearlydouble-digit growth, with anti-aging productsleading the way.

    16. Australia$1.25 billion

    Australia is new to the list this year.e $1.25billion is a substantialincrease over its $844 millionreported in 2008. Sales for 2010 are expected tobe strong but not huge. However, direct selling isperforming better than the rest of the retail world inAustralia. Salesforce numbers are also expected toincrease slightly, and leading categories continue tobe health care and personal goods.

    17. Argentina$1.15 billion

    e industry in Argentina decreased enough tobring them down one notch in our annual rankings.Sales decreased nationallyby $20 million. isis hardly surprising, considering that Argentinahad its own share of economic problems evenbeforetheworldwide recession.

    18. Malaysia$1.13 billion

    e direct selling industry in Malaysia is steadilygrowing, enjoying the benefits of more companieslaunching within its borders. e Direct SellingAssociation of Malaysia boasts 57 members and 4million salesforce members.

    19. Venezuela$1.12 billion

    A newcomer to the $1 billion list, Venezuelaiscounting its successes. From 2006 (the latestnumbers for WFDSA last year) to 2009, its collectivedirect sales totals rose by more than $200 million.

    20. India$1.06 billion

    New to the list this year, Indias sales nearly doubledfrom 2008 to 2009. Figures for 2010 are expectedtoshow a 20 to 30 percent growth, according to ChaviHemanth, Secretary General of the Indian DirectSelling Association. Forecasts call for the industry tobe at $1.5 million by 20122013.

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    Smartphones, tablets, apps and socialnetworking tools have no doubt changedthe way the world connects. To directsellers, who have always shared their goodsand services with their social network

    and the new customers and friends they have metthrough existing ones, the rest of the world havefinally caught up.

    Radio reached an audience of 50 million in38years. Television reached the same number

    inonly13 years. e Internet reached 50 millioninonly four years, iPods had 50 million users inlessthan three years and Facebook had themin only two. MySpace has over 200 millionregistered users; Facebook added that manyusers last year alone. In 1992, there werean estimated 1 million Internet-capabledevices in use, and today that numberexceeds 1 billion. Simply put, currenttechnological advances in mobile devicesand apps, as well as in social media tools,

    serve to increase the speed, power andreach of whats already a competitiveadvantage in the direct sellingmodel.

    Prior to these tech advances in connectingpeople, direct sellers were limited to physicalplacesliterally going door-to-door, the partyat someones home, the meeting room at the localhotel. Now, business can be conducted anywhere

    and everywhere. Conversations about purchasingproduct can be turned into a buying experience atan accelerated level with a mobile device and anappropriate app.

    IT vendors are making quantum leaps in thedevelopment of apps for the independent business

    owner (IBOs) in direct selling for all aspectsof the business. IBOs can access their teaminformation and sign up new business owners onthe spot, wherever they happen to meet. Short,interactive opportunity presentations, createdspecifically for smartphones and tablets, enableindependent business owners to hold a meetingover coffee or anywhere people can engage in a3-minuteconversation.

    Stuart Johnson, Founder and CEO of

    VideoPlus, which specializes in the refinementand transmission of direct selling companies coremessages, says, e fundamentals of the direct

    selling model havent really changed in decades,but the deliveryof the message has changeddramatically. In todays technologically drivenworld, we can provide a focused, simple,authentic and transparent message in lessthan three minutes, and in some cases, in just60seconds.

    All of the current technologies allow

    independent business owners to meet theircustomers wherever their habits take them

    and to integrate into that behavior. Withindividuals busier than ever and used to having

    access to information, as well as the ability toconnect using their mobile devices, meeting peoplewhere they are is a critical component of anybusinesstransaction.

    Direct sellers have historically held a competitive edge over traditional retailers of goods andservices because of their skills in connecting with people, their personal ethics in businessdealings and in the automatic trust and respect generated when dealing with word-of-mouthadvertising through networking. After all, direct selling is the ultimate social business model,and technology is now redefining perceptions of what thats all about.


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    T e x a s U t a h U n i t e d K i n g d o m P o l a n d

    Partnering with many of the most successful companies

    25 years as the world leader in business and

    communication tools for thedirect selling industry

    Doug Witt, Managing DirectorofMarketing for Ignite, says the majorgrowth in retail energy is alsodue toit being an appealing product thatoffers independent distributors arecognizable opportunity. Since it isnot only a service, but an essentialservice, it then becomes moreabouteducation and less about selling.With energy, they instantly see anopportunity, Witt says. We find weattract a lot of people who have neverbeen in network marketing.

    In 2005, Ignites first year, thecompany announced $70 million ingross revenue delivering service in itshome state of Texas. In 2010 revenuehad exceeded $900 million. By the endof this year Ignite anticipates meetingthe billion-dollar mark, with servicesalready in Georgia, PennsylvaniaandMaryland.

    Ambit, which launched in 2006 andprovides service to Texas, New York,Illinois, Maryland and Pennsylvania,saw revenue increase from $325million in 2009 to $415 million in

    2010. We added more customers thanin the previous two years combined,Chambless says of 2010. He addsthat he expects the company to postrevenue in the neighborhood of $700million in 2011, and we are fairlyconfident that we will go over a billionin 2012.

    ACN was the first direct salescompany to step into the energy salesarena 10 years ago when Californiaattempted energy deregulation, butexited when the states process failed,according to Robert Stevanovski, Co-Founder and Chairman of ACN. ecompany has since focused on mobileand video phones, satellite TV andhome security, providing service in 23markets with revenue of $553 millionin 2010.

    But ACN is now back in energy sales,having launched energy servicesinCanada in 2010 and re-launched in theU.S. market this spring with servicesin New York, Pennsylvania andMaryland. Itplans to open 11 othermarkets later thisyear.

    Overseas, Telecom Plus PLC,whichoperates the Utility WarehouseDiscountClub in the United Kingdom, hasalso enjoyed recognizable growthsince it was founded in 1997. With2010 revenues of $600 million,TelecomPlus provides more than350,000 customersthroughout theUnited Kingdom with landline phone,

    broadband, mobile phone, and gas andelectricityservices andproducts.

    Not all U.S. states are open toderegulating energy and allowingcompetition for sales, but for thosewhich are, the direct selling model ofbusiness provides athree-waywinforcustomers, independentbusinessowners andenergy providers.

    We find we attract a

    lot of people who have

    never been in network


    Doug Witt, Managing Director

    ofMarketing, Ignite

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    R' 2"5 L5(6:54 9# 2"5 L5(6:54 '() 2"5 L5(6:5

    Of the Peoplee Economic Policy Institute estimates 4.4

    unemployed workers are available for every number does not take into account theestimated 2.3 million sidelined workerspeoplewho have lost jobs recently but are not yet trying tore-enter the workforcemaking the ratio between

    job openings and available workers evenhigher.In the midst of multiple opinions about causes

    and cures for our current economic state, theactivity surrounding small-business ownershipappears to be increasing. Direct selling companiessuch as Scentsy, Herbalife and ViSalus Sciences haveprocessed more applications to start businesses thanever. In fact, just among the top 20 revenue-grossingcompaniesthere are an estimated 2,000 U.S.companies using the direct selling business model

    more than 500,000 new applications are processedinany givenmonth.

    Yet the numbers of individuals starting theirown direct selling businesses are not counted inthe Department of Labors statistics, nor are theyrecognized by most economists as significantindicators for the economy. With collectivegross revenues of U.S. direct selling companiestopping $28 billion annually, it might be astatisticworthconsidering.

    By the PeopleIn direct selling, individuals market and sellproducts and services directlyto the consumer,either through individual contact or group selling,such as the in-home party. Individuals own theirown businesses but still have the support of a parentcompany.e direct selling model has similaritiesto the franchising model, another type of popularbusiness ownership. Unlike the franchisee, however,the direct seller is an independent contractor withcomplete control over building and conducting

    the business. Most direct selling companiesadvocate a robust ethical code and encourageadherence to ensureoptimal relationships amongfellowcontractors (business owners) andconsumers.e direct selling industry is very democratic,

    inviting all segments of the population to participatein business ownership, regardless of income,education or assets. e age range of direct sellers

    mirrors the age range of adults: 18 to 65+, with somesurveys indicating up to 22 percent of direct sellersare over 55 years old. e product categories are justas diverse, including nearly every product or serviceimaginable, from energy to financial planning,from health and wellness to beauty, from homeimprovement to self-improvement.

    For the PeopleDirect selling is also an extraordinarily philanthropic

    industry, with nearly every company, regardless ofsize, participating in some kind of charitable endeavor,whether it is setting up its own foundation, partneringwith humanitarian organizations, or regularlysupporting existing charities. Companies such asAmway, Nu Skin, Herbalife, Shaklee,e PamperedChef, Tahitian Noni and XANGO also are among

    first responders to help when disaster strikes, herein the United States and across the world, offeringmillions of dollars in reconstruction efforts, products,and even basics such as food and blankets to affectedpeople. Amways generosity is rooted in the belief ofits founders and owners that we need to share ourresources with the communities where we do business,says the companys president, Doug DeVos.

    Participating in the generosity of the industryprovides another compelling reason that people wantto sign on with direct selling companies. According

    to USANAs Chief Marketing Officer Kevin Guest, theindustry attracts people who want to make the worlda better place. Our entire business is about helpingothers, he says. It seems only natural to me thataltruism would spill over into other aspects of theirlives as well. USANA partners with e ChildrensFund, delivering food and vitamins to children acrossthe globe, and even making it possible for employeesand associates to volunteer in other countries.

    Direct selling company CEOs are also known fortheir personal philanthropy in support of many causes

    around the world. A recent example of this giving spiritcan be found in Andrea Jung, CEO of Avon, who giedher entire long-term bonus of $5,362,500 to the AvonFoundation for Women, which has raised more than$800 million to support womens issues such as breastcancer awareness and ending domestic violence.

    Direct selling: of the people, by the people, andmost definitely, for the people.

    by Teresa Day

    More than 12 million jobs have been eliminated from the U.S. economy since December 2007,and according to the Brookings Institute, it could take 12 years to re-create whats been lost.

    Many individuals are looking to the direct selling model for a different answer.

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    NOVEMBER 5-6TH, 2011

    Long Beach Convention CenterLong Beach, California

    Get the Competitive Advantagein Business and in Life

    Tickets open to independent businessowners, entrepreneurial enthusiasts

    and leaders worldwide soon.


    Publisher, SUCCESSMagazine

    Scentsy, Inc.Founded in 2004 in an ocean shipping container on

    a sheep farm, this Idaho-based company was named

    the fastest-growing, privately-held consumer products

    company in the United States in 2010 by Inc. Magazine.

    With only $60,000 in paid-in capital, Scentsys business

    success has defied the worst economic downturn

    since the Great Depression.

    Since 2008:

    750 new employees

    113,000 new small business owners

    $6 million in charitable contributions

    6 million new customers

    $80 million paid in taxes

    $352 million paid to families across

    North America

    Follow Scentsy at scentsy.comor on Facebook.

    Includes Scentsy payroll, benefits, commissions, royalties, and shareholder distributions.

    Entrepreneurshipis the answer.

    Direct Selling works.

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    Direct Selling News, thetrade publication for thedirect selling and network

    marketing executive, is theonly publication of its kinddedicated to reporting the

    news as it happens in the direct selling industry.Each month, DSNdemonstrates its partnershipwith direct selling companies by telling theirremarkable stories and examining the issuesimportant to the industry atlarge.

    From providing its readers with thelatest industry news to profiling maturecompanies and startups,

    DSNseeksto educate,inform andinspire.

    Straightforwardand Authentic

    Whether providingreaders with valuableinformation aboutcompensation plansand growth strategies,

    offering a forumfor direct sellingexecutives and suppliers to sharetheir ideas or profiling direct sellingstartups in Young Company Focus, DSNstrives to deliver information that can help directsellers be more successful. Direct Selling Newshas proven to be a great partner for SwissJust,says Jacques Mizrahi, CEO of SwissJust. eyare a true partner because we have helpedthem with their stories, and they have helped

    us enormously in our path from a startup tocontinuous growth.

    Companies also frequently use DSNarticlesto support their strategies and growth. Fromposting articles on their websites to sendinge-mail blasts to their salesforce, to includingarticle reprints in their starter kits, thecompanies DSNcovers say the editorial staffs

    reporting helps them generate excitement amongthe public, their customers and their salesorganizations and, in some cases, helps increaserecruiting efforts.

    Relevance and EducationDSNprovides its readers with much more

    than industry news and company profiles. epublications Working Smart section covers thetactics and strategies that enable companies tomeet industry challenges, improve efficienciesand achieve business objectives. is sectionnot only gives direct selling company executivesand suppliers the opportunity to share their

    knowledge with others in the industry bycontributing articles, but it also provides directselling companies with information and insight

    that can directly affect their businesses.USANA President Dave Wentz says he and

    his company learn much about the day-to-dayissues faced by companies from Working Smartarticles. I have been consistently impressed bythe management strategies and marketing tacticsshared in these regular sections, and Ihavefrequently used them to promote discussion

    andstrategic planning in my staffmeetings, hesays.

    Insightful andPerceptive

    DSNs NewPerspectives sectionoffers commentaryon contemporaryissues fromrespected directselling executives,business professors

    and industryconsultants. Itsmonthly Top Desk

    essay is contributed by a direct selling CEOor presidentand addresses such important topicsas leadership and ethics. Personally, Ive had theopportunity to share my thoughts in such areasas ethics and integrity with our entire industry,saysHerbalife Chairman and CEO Michael O.Johnson. Its gratifying to know that such a

    venueexists, where matters that are especially

    important to allofus aregiven anopen forumfordiscussion.

    Direct Selling Newsis read not only bydirect selling executives and suppliers butalso by members of the academic community,who use the publication to educate theirstudents and thecommunity at large aboutthis industry. What makes direct selling

    F;)5.2 E5::;=> D5P%

    Serving the Direct Selling and Network Marketing Executive

    by DSNStaff

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    fun to teach is that when someone enrolls in adirect selling opportunity, they are buying intoa proven business model, with a proven firm,with provenproducts and identified markets,says LarryChonko, Ph.D.,omas McMahonProfessorof BusinessEthicsat the UniversityofTexas at Arlington. e entrepreneur,insteadofhaving to start a businessfrom

    the ground floor, must engage in aseriousevaluationof the strategies and tactics ofthedirect selling company and his/her prospectivefit with that company. Most studentswill beemployed by companies with existing plans andstructures. e evaluative process of choosinga direct sellingcompany is onethat providesa transferrable learning foundation for what

    students are most likely to experience as anemployee or future businessowner.

    Global in ScopeDSNalso aims to provide its U.S. readers with

    comprehensive information about direct sellinginother parts of the world.

    Direct selling executives in Europe are so

    interested to hear whats happening acrosstheir region, says Kathy Slater, a DSNeditor.ey tell me that DSNprovides them with

    valuable, accurate information about differentcompanies, cultures and business legislation.Readers have alsosaid that DSNis at the heartofbringing together direct selling companiesandassociationswithin the industry, by

    ensuringthey all have a voice and a recognizableface, brought to life within one reputableindependent source.

    A Journalistic ResourceDirect Selling News is committed to

    keeping direct selling company executivesabreast of the latest news and trends around

    the world; profiling individual membercompanies, theiraccomplishments and theirefforts to give back; providing a forum forsharing ideasand industrybest practices;and acting asan advocatefor industryethics and integrity.emonthly printpublicationisfordirect sellingexecutivesanddecision-makers.

    The DSNGlobal 100An Industry Event

    Direct Selling Newscelebrated its second annualDSNGlobal 100 list with an awards banquet on

    April 27. The event, which recognized the top 100revenue-grossing direct selling companies in the world for2010, was attended by nearly 300 members of the directselling industry, representing more than 140companies.

    Brian Connolly, former President of Avon North Americaand Executive Vice President of Avon Products Inc.,

    emceed the event. John Fleming, Publisher and Editor inChief of Direct Selling News, presented the awards to thetop 10 companies.

    The evening opened with the presentation of theDSNBravo Awards for outstanding achievementTurnaround, Growth and Leadership. The first awardwentto the company that experienced the bestturnaround over the previous 12 months, which was

    ViSalus Sciences. The health transformation companyfocused its 2010 efforts on marketing its Body by ViChallenge and grew to an estimated $10 million in

    monthly sales.

    Co-founders Ryan Blair, Nick Sarnicola andBlake Mallen accepted the award, along with ToddGoergen,whose family owns Blyth, the parentcompanyofViSalus.

    Starting a company is about the ups, the downsand celebrating successes along the way, Blair says.Winning the Turnaround Award during the worsteconomic time of recent history was a testament to

    thehard work of our distributors, the power of our BodybyVi messaging, our products and our comp plan.The second Bravo Award went to the company with

    the highest growth rate over the prior year. The winnerwas Stella & Dot, which saw sales of $33 million in 2009increase to $104 million in 2010, a growth of 215 percent.The jewelry company made news in February when theinfluential venture-capital firm Sequoia Capital invested$37 million for 10 percent of the ownership.

    The award, presented by 2009 winners OrvilleandHeidi Thompson of Scentsy, was acceptedby MikeLohner, Chairman of Stella & Dot. Coco

    Chanelsaidthat girls should be two things: classy andfabulous. I think were doing our part to help that be atruism, saysLohner.

    The final Bravo Award went to the leadership teamofACN: Greg Provenzano, Robert Stevanovski, MikeCupiszand Tony Cupisz. Provenzano accepted theLeadership Award, which was presented by 2009winnerJohn Addison, Co-CEO of Primerica.

    Given the high caliber of people who are here tonight,its a surprise and an honor to be able to acceptthisaward on behalf of all of ACN, Provenzano says. Weappreciate being in business with you. Itsagreat industry.Lets continue to do great thingstogether.

    After the presentation of the Bravo Awards, DSNunveiled its Global 100 for 2010. Tom Kelly, Senior VicePresident of Global Direct Selling for Avon, accepted theaward for No. 1 direct selling company in the world. Westrive to be the best. Tonight, to be recognized as the bestof the best in your eyes is a big honor and means a lot to

    us, says Kelly.

    Tom Kelly, Senior Vice President for Global

    Direct Selling for Avon, accepts the award forNo. 1 direct seller in the world.

    ViSalus Sciences Co-Founders Ryan Blair, Nick

    Sarnicola and Blake Mallen and team acceptthe Bravo Turnaround Award.

    ACN Co-Founder Greg Provenzano accepts

    theBravo Leadership Award from 2009 winnerJohn Addison of Primerica.Mike Lohner, Chairman of Stella & Dot accepts

    the Bravo Growth Award from 2009 winnersHeidi and Orville Thompson of Scentsy.

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    When we published theDSN

    Global100 ranking last year, it was the firsttime in the history of the industry thata comprehensive list of the top 100direct selling companies (by revenue)was researched andpresented.

    1 Avon Products, Inc.2010 Revenue:$10.9 billionCountry:USAAvon is the founder of modern direct selling andthe acknowledged world leader in cosmetics,fragrances and toiletries. Avons well-known

    product lines include Avon Color, Anew, SkinSo Soft, Advance Techniques Hair Care, AvonNaturals and mark.

    2009 Rank:12009 Revenue:$10.3 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Single-level and multi-levelProducts:Beauty, fashion jewelry andapparelMarkets:100+Distributors:6.5 millionEmployees:42,000Headquarters:New York, N.Y.Executive:Andrea JungYear Founded:1886Stock Symbol:AVPNYSE

    2 Amway2010 Revenue:$9.2 billionCountry:USAAmway, under parent company Alticor, offersArtistry cosmetics and skin-care products,Nutrilite nutritional products and loyalty-inducing

    householdproducts.2009 Rank:22009 Revenue:$8.4 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Nutrition, beauty, personal-care andhome-care productsMarkets:80+Distributors:3 millionEmployees:14,000+Headquarters:Ada, Mich.Executives:Steve Van AndelandDougDeVosYear Founded:1959

    3 Natura Cosmeticos SA2010 Revenue:$3 billionCountry:BrazilNatura is a cosmetics giant with more than 900products. The company operates in Argentina,Chile, Peru, Mexico, France, Venezuela and

    Colombia. Corporate social responsibility is oneofits coreemphases.

    2009 Rank:52009 Revenue:$2.4 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-person and retailCompensation Plan:Bi-levelProducts:Personal-care products andfragrancesMarkets:7Distributors:1 millionEmployees:5,000+Headquarters:So Paulo, BrazilExecutive:Alessandro G. CarlucciYear Founded:1969Stock Symbol:NATU3.SASo Paulo

    4 Vorwerk & Co. KG2010 Revenue:$2.9 billionCountry:GermanyVorwerk is a family-owned company that has beenfocusing on the direct selling channel since 1930.Products include household appliances and high-

    quality cosmetics. Vorwerk is a global group thatincludes JAFRA Cosmetics, which reported salesvolume of more than $600 million in 2010.

    2009 Rank:32009 Revenue:$3.5 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-person andpartyplanCompensation Plan:Multi-level(JAFRACosmetics)Products:Cosmetics and home appliancesMarkets:61Distributors:600,000Employees:23,000Headquarters:Wuppertal, GermanyExecutives:Walter Muyres and ReinerStreckerYear Founded:1883

    DSN Global 100

    by DSNStaff

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    5 Herbalife Ltd.2010 Revenue:$2.7 billionCountry:USAHerbalife sells nutritional supplements andweight-management and personal-care products.

    Its products have been developed by scientists,physicians and nutrition experts, including Nobellaureate in medicine Louis Ignarro, Ph.D.

    2009 Rank:62009 Revenue:$2.3 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Nutritional supplements; health/fitness,wellness, skin- and hair-care; and weight-management products

    Markets:75Distributors:2.1 millionEmployees:4,300Headquarters:Los Angeles, Calif.Executive:Michael O. JohnsonYear Founded:1980Stock Symbol:HLFNYSE

    6 Mary Kay Inc.2010 Revenue:$2.5 billionCountry:USAMary Kay was founded by Mary Kay Ash with thegoal of helping women achieve personal growth and

    financial success. The companys skin-care andcolor cosmetics products are sold in more than 35countries around the world.

    2009 Rank:42009 Revenue:$2.5 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-person and party planCompensation Plan:Single-level and multi-levelProducts:Skin-care products andcolorcosmeticsMarkets:35+Distributors:2 millionEmployees:5,000Headquarters:Addison, TexasExecutive:David HollYear Founded:1963

    7 Tupperware Brands Corp.2010 Revenue:$2.3 billionCountry:USATupperware is a global direct seller of innovative,premium products through an independent

    salesforce. Product brands and categories includedesign-centric preparation, storage and servingsolutions for the kitchen and home, and beauty-andpersonal-care products.

    2009 Rank:82009 Revenue:$2.1 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-person and partyplanCompensation Plan:Single-level and multi-levelProducts:Storage and serving products; beauty-and personal-care products

    Markets:Nearly 100Distributors:2.6 millionEmployees:13,500Headquarters:Orlando, Fla.Executive:Rick GoingsYear Founded:1946Stock Symbol:TUPNYSE

    8 Oriflame Cosmetics S.A .2010 Revenue:$2.2 billionCountry:SwedenOriflame is one of the fastest-growing beautycompanies in the world. The company operates in

    62 countries and is the market leader in more thanhalf. Although it has no U.S. presence, Oriflamehas a presence in Mexico, Central America, SouthAmerica, Europe, Asia and Africa.

    2009 Rank:92009 Revenue:$1.8 billionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Beauty productsMarkets:62Distributors:3.5 millionEmployees:8,000Headquarters:Luxembourg, LuxembourgExecutive:Magnus BrnnstrmYear Founded:1967Stock Symbol:ORI-SDBStockholm

    13 Miki Corporation2010 Revenue:$927 millionCountry:JapanMiki Corporation began as a textile importer andseller. Today, it is a multimillion-dollar seller ofsupplements made from prune extracts as well ashousehold cleaners, personal-care items and muchmore. The company has sales agents in Japan,Taiwan and Malaysia.

    2009 Rank:142009 Revenue:$969 millionMarketing Style:Not availableCompensation Plan:Not availableProducts:Foods, cosmetics andhouseholdproductsMarkets:3Distributors:Not availableEmployees:270Headquarters:Osaka, JapanExecutive:Toshikazu KadotaYear Founded:1964

    14 Ignite Inc.2010 Revenue:$902 millionCountry:USAIgnite Inc. was founded in 2004 by parent companyStream Energy to meet the changing needs ofconsumers. With energy service deregulation, morechoices exist for consumers and entrepreneurs, andIgnite seeks to meet the needs of both.

    2009 Rank:162009 Revenue:$845 millionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Electricity and natural gasMarkets:1Distributors:195,199Employees:262Headquarters:Dallas, TexasExecutive:Rob SnyderYear Founded:2004

    15 Melaleuca Inc.2010 Revenue:$750 millionCountry:USAMelaleuca sells more than 350 products, includingpersonal-care items, cosmetics, household cleaningsupplies and vitamins to consumers througha network of sales representatives, catalogsandwebsites.

    2009 Rank:152009 Revenue:$879 millionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Single-levelProducts:Personal-care products, cosmetics,cleaning supplies and vitaminsMarkets:18Distributors:Not availableEmployees:1,200Headquarters:Idaho Falls, IdahoExecutive:Frank VanderslootYear Founded:1985

    15 Omnilife2010 Revenue:$750 millionCountry:MexicoFounded by Jorge Vegara Madrigal, OmnilifeManufactura S.A. de C.V. is owned by ultimate parentcompany Grupo Omnilife S.A. de C.V. The companyhas independent consultants in 23 markets in SouthAmerica, North America, Central America, AsiaandEurope.

    2009 Rank:182009 Revenue:$750 millionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Nutritional supplements, weight-management and beauty products, beverages,cosmetics andfragrancesMarkets:23Distributors:5 millionEmployees:3,500Headquarters:Zapopan, MexicoExecutive:Jorge V. MadrigalYear Founded:1992

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    21 PartyLite (Blyth)2010 Revenue:$545 millionCountry:USAStarted by entrepreneur Mabel Baker with her single line of bayberrycandles, PartyLite is now the worlds largest direct seller of candles

    and home fragrance products. The company was acquired by Blyth,Inc. in 1990.

    2009 Rank:192009 Revenue:$621.6 millionMarketing Style:Party planCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Candles, candle warmers, flameless fragrance, homeaccents, personal-care products and foodproductsMarkets:18Distributors:63,556Employees:1,249Headquarters:Plymouth, Mass.Executive:Anne ButlerYear Founded:1973Stock Symbol:BTHNYSE

    22 Amore Pacific2010 Revenue:$539 millionCountry:South KoreaAmore Pacific is an old favorite in South Korea, and its productscan now be found on Sephora shelves in the United States. The

    companys products use Asian botanicals and nanotechnology todeliver skin-care and personal-care items.

    2009 Rank:272009 Revenue:$475 millionMarketing Style:Direct selling/retailstoresCompensation Plan:Not availableProducts:Cosmetics, personal-care, health products and teaproductsMarkets:3Distributors:Not availableEmployees:Not availableHeadquarters:Seoul, South KoreaExecutive:Kyung-Bae SuhYear Founded:1945Stock Symbol:090430 (Korea StockExchange)

    23 LG Household & Health Care2010 Revenue:$532 millionCountry:South KoreaLG Household & Health Care is an established leader in the Koreanhousehold goods and cosmetics industries. Its household goods

    include oral care products, skin-care and hair-care products, laundryproducts and paper products.

    2009 Rank:232009 Revenue:$461 millionMarketing Style:Not availableCompensation Plan:Not availableProducts:Cosmetics and household productsMarkets:5Distributors:Not availableEmployees:2,745Headquarters:Seoul, South KoreaExecutive:Suk ChaYear Founded:1947Stock Symbol:051900SEO

    24 USANA Health Sciences Inc.2010 Revenue:$517 millionCountry:USAUSANA Health Sciences develops andmanufactures high-quality nutritional supplements,healthy weight-management products andpersonal-care products, which are marketed byindependent associates in 15 internationalmarkets.

    2009 Rank:312009 Revenue:$436.9 millionMarketing Style:Person-to-personCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Nutritional supplements, personal-care, energy and weight-management productsMarkets:15Distributors:228,000Employees:1,240Headquarters:Salt Lake City, UtahExecutive:David WentzYear Founded:1992Stock Symbol:USNANASDAQ

    25 Shaklee Corp.2010 Revenue:$500 millionCountry:USAFounded in 1956, Shaklee manufactures productsand distributes them through its website and morethan 750,000 representatives in North Americaand Asia. The company is known for its greenproducts and social responsibility efforts.

    2009 Rank:242009 Revenue:$500 millionMarketing Style:Person-to-person(also retail inSingapore)Compensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:Nutritional supplements, skin-care,weight management, green cleanersMarkets:8Distributors:1.25 millionEmployees:750Headquarters:Pleasanton, Calif.Executive:Roger BarnettYear Founded:1956

    25 The Pampered Chef Ltd.2010 Revenue:$500 millionCountry:USAThe Pampered Chef sells more than 300gourmet kitchen tools, cookware, cookbooks andfoodstuffs. Founded in 1980, Pampered Chef wasacquired by Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomeratecontrolled by billionaire Warren Buffett, in 2002.

    2009 Rank:242009 Revenue:$500 millionMarketing Style:Party planCompensation Plan:Multi-levelProducts:High-end tools for cookingandentertainingMarkets:5Distributors:60,000Employees:800Headquarters:Addison, Ill.Executive:Marla GottschalkYear Founded:1980Stock Symbol:BRK-ANYSE

    25 Tiens/Tianshi2010 Revenue:$500 millionCountry:ChinaIn China, Tiens sells its products throughsome100 branch offices and chain stores ofaffiliate Tianshi Engineering. Outside of China,itsells products through independent distributorsthrough subsidiary Tianshi International and

    majority-owned Tiens Biotech Group USA Inc.

    2009 Rank:472009 Revenue:$275 millionMarketing Style:Person-to-person and retailCompensation Plan:Uni-level and breakawayProducts:Wellness products,dietarysupplementsMarkets:110Distributors:Not availableEmployees:2,827Headquarters:Tianjin, ChinaExecutive:Li JinyuanYear Founded:1990Stock Symbol:TBVAMEX


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    Clinically proven Medifast Meals

    Lose up to 2 to 5 lbs a week, quickly and safely

    Recommended by over 20,000 doctors since 1980

    Achieving Optimal Health is Now PossibleOptimal Health is a whole new approach to well-being that is based on creating health

    with the Take Shape For Life Program.

    Who We Are

    Take Shape For Life is the direct sales, and largest, divisionof Medifast, Inc. (NYSE: MED), a solid 30 year old company

    recently named#1 Small Company in America byForbes Magazine. Recognized in the top 100 direct sales

    companies in the world,Take Shape For Life is a physician-

    led business model based around Health Coaches who aretrained and educated to support Clients on the Medifast 5

    & 1 Plan with encouragement, education and mentoring.What makes Take Shape For Life so different is that Health

    Coaches dont sell products or services, they simply share

    the program and then help guide their Clients.

    A Great Opportunity

    With obesity in the United Statesreaching epidemic proportions, Take

    Shape For Life offers an amazingbusiness opportunity to become a

    Health Coach and join like-minded

    individuals with the common goal ofpaying it forward and getting America

    healthy. We are a health network ofcoaches who live and teach the Trilogy

    of Optimal Health: Healthy Body,

    Healthy Mind, and Healthy Finances.

    If you could choose

    Optimal Health,would you?

    Three unique components(a Health Coach, the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan, and the Habits of Health

    System)create the foundation of long-term support that guides Clients along their journey. As a

    Client youll learn to make the choices that can help you take charge of your health for the longterm. Reaching a healthy weight is just the beginning Take Shape For Life offers much more.

    *Results not typical. Typical weight loss on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan is up to 2 to 5 lbs per week.Take Shape For Life (Medifast) is ranked No. 69 on the 2010 Direct Selling News Global 100 li st. This list identifies the Top 100 Direct Selling Companies in the World.

    Discover more about Take Shape For Lifeat

    e company would like to thank all of our Health Coaches

    for everything they do to get America healthy!


    Client and Health Coach

    Nancy lost 135 lbs*andhas kept it offfor 8 years!

    Most people say they get their

    life back, but now I have a lifeIve never experienced before.


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    28 Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.2010 Revenue:$454 millionCountry:USA

    29 Tahitian Noni International, Inc.2010 Revenue:$420 millionCountry:USA

    30 Market America Inc.2010 Revenue:$416 millionCountry:USA

    31 Ambit Energy, L.P.2010 Revenue:$415 millionCountry:USA

    32 WIV Wein Intl AG2010 Revenue:$385 millionCountry:Germany

    33 Scentsy2010 Revenue:$382 millionCountry:USA

    34 Pola Inc.2010 Revenue:$361 millionCountry:


    35 Arbonne International Inc.2010 Revenue:$357 millionCountry:USA

    36 FORDAYS Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$350 millionCountry:Japan


    Natures Sunshine Products Inc.2010 Revenue:$349 millionCountry:USA

    38 NOEVIR Co., Ltd.2010 Revenue:$345 millionCountry:Japan

    39 Southwestern2010 Revenue:$337 millionCountry:USA

    40 KK ASSURAN2010 Revenue:$333 millionCountry:Japan

    41 LR Health & Beauty Systems2010 Revenue:$307 millionCountry:Germany

    42 Aerus Holdings Inc. LLC2010 Revenue:$300 millionCountry:USA

    42 Sunrider2010 Revenue:$300 millionCountry:USA

    44 Cosway2010 Revenue:$298 millionCountry:Malaysia

    45 Eureka Forbes Ltd.2010 Revenue:$272 millionCountry:India

    46 Isagenix International2010 Revenue:$256 millionCountry:USA

    47 Neways, Inc.2010 Revenue:$250 millionCountry:


    47 XANGO, LLC2010 Revenue:$250 millionCountry:USA

    49 Vivint, Inc.2010 Revenue:$245 millionCountry:USA/Canada


    Charle Corp. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$240 millionCountry:Japan

    50 KOYO-SHA2010 Revenue:$240 millionCountry:Japan

    50 Naturally Plus Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$240 millionCountry:Japan

    53 Faberlic2010 Revenue:$236 millionCountry:Russia

    54 Lux International2010 Revenue:$234 millionCountry:Switzerland

    55 Mannatech, Inc.2010 Revenue:$228 millionCountry:USA

    56 Four Leaf Japan Co./Forifu Japan2010 Revenue:$226 millionCountry:Japan

    57 PM-International AG2010 Revenue:$217 millionCountry:Germany

    58 ERINA Co., Inc.2010 Revenue:$216 millionCountry:Japan

    59 Nikken Global Inc.2010 Revenue:$210 millionCountry:USA

    59 Team National2010 Revenue:$210 millionCountry:


    61 Diana Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$204 millionCountry:Japan

    62 CUTCO Corp./Vector Marketing2010 Revenue:$200 millionCountry:USA


    Longaberger Co.2010 Revenue:$200 millionCountry:USA

    62 Stampin Up!2010 Revenue:$200 millionCountry:USA

    62 4Life Research L.C.2010 Revenue:$200 millionCountry:USA

    66 GNLD2010 Revenue:$175 millionCountry:USA

    67 Family Heritage Life2010 Revenue:$166 millionCountry:USA

    68 Univera2010 Revenue:$164 millionCountry:USA

    69 BearCereJu Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$160 millionCountry:Japan

    69 Take Shape for Life (Medifast)2010 Revenue:$160 millionCountry:USA

    71 Jewels by Park Lane Inc.2010 Revenue:$150 millionCountry:USA

    72 Sportron2010 Revenue:$148 millionCountry:USA

    73 Japanlife Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$144 millionCountry:


    74 Chandeal Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$138 millionCountry:Japan

    75 Deesse2010 Revenue:$130 millionCountry:Switzerland


    Enagic USA, Inc.2010 Revenue:$129 millionCountry:USA

    77 Tastefully Simple Inc.2010 Revenue:$125 millionCountry:USA

    78 Keller Williams Realty Inc.2010 Revenue:$120 millionCountry:USA

    79 Creative Memories2010 Revenue:$113 millionCountry:USA

    continued on page 38


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    23 countries4 continentsand growing ! "#$%$#'( ! )**+,--+./0*


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  • 8/14/2019 Suplemento del WallStreet Journal sobre la venta directa.pdf



    80 ARSOA HONSHA Corp.2010 Revenue:$111 millionCountry:Japan

    81 Stella & Dot

    2010 Revenue:$104 millionCountry:USA

    82 Kleeneze2010 Revenue:$102 millionCountry:United Kingdom

    83 Kirby Company2010 Revenue:$100 millionCountry:USA

    83 lia sophia2010 Revenue:$100 millionCountry:USA

    83 Premier Designs2010 Revenue:$100 millionCountry:USA

    83 Thirty-One Gifts2010 Revenue:$100 millionCountry:USA

    83 Unicity Networks International

    2010 Revenue:$100 millionCountry:USA

    88 The Maira Co. Ltd.2010 Revenue:$96 millionCountry:Japan

    89 Vemma Nutrition Co.2010 Revenue:$92 millionCountry:USA

    90 WorldVentures2010 Revenue:$90 millionCountry:USA

    91 AdvoCare2010 Revenue:$89 millionCountry:USA

    92 Agel Enterprises2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

    2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 FreeLife International2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 Passion Parties2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 Pure Romance2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 Regal Ware2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 Relv International Inc.2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 TriVita

    2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    92 World Financial Group2010 Revenue:$80 millionCountry:USA

    Direct Selling News is now

    available as aniPad application.You can download thisFREE app


    continued from page 36


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