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LOGIN:Admin can login into the runboy application by proiding the email andpa!!"ord generated during the regi!tration#


Runboy admin panel ha! the header "hich ha! many option! to locate aparticular area# Admin can choo!e the country$ !tate$ city$ area u!ing the option!#In order to !elect !tate$ a country !hould be !elected# %imilarly admin ha! tochoo!e the !tate to !elect the particular city "hich "ill be li!ted in the dropdo"n menu#

a) Select country: Admin ha! to !elect the country &rom the drop do"n menu

b)Select country first: Admin can !elect the !tate by !electing the country &ir!tc) Select state first: Admin can !et the alue &or city only a&ter !electing a !tate

d) Select city dirst: Admin can !elect the area once city i! !electede) Dashboard: 'he da!hboard can be ie"ed by the admin by clic(ing thi!optionf) Dispatcher: 'he di!patcher detail! can be ie"ed on the map# 'he detail!li(e )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$ re*ue!t te+t$ re*ue!t date$ edit etc "illappear on the !creen# 'he detail! about the di!patch )ob! "ith it! !tatu! !uch a!ne"$ proce!!$ con&irm$ !tart$ end$ completed$ clo!ed$ and canceled can beie"ed by the admin# It al!o !ho"! the total )ob detail# A ne" )ob can al!o be

created by proiding the detail! !uch a! name$ email$ phone number$ city$ map!earch location$ latitude$ longitude$ !erice$ !ub !erice$ other! ,tic( to includeother !ub !erice! name -$ date$ and "or( de!cription#

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) Settins: Admin can manage the !etting! o& the account by editing thein&ormation !uch a! admin name$ email$ addre!!$ phone etc# Admin can al!ochange the pa!!"ord here#

h) !elco"e ad"in: Admin can logout here


Admin can ie" the detail! o& "ee(ly !ale$ monthly !ale$ ne" )ob!,la!t ./ h$ne" )ob! ,la!t "ee(- etc on the da!hboard option#

a) $usto"er: Admin can ie" and manage the detail! o& cu!tomer! here#Admin can edit or delete the detail! o& cu!tomer !uch a! name$ email$ phonenumber$ city$ country$ )oined date etc# Admin can al!o !end mail and ie"!tatu!# 'he li!t can be !earched ba!ed on name$ phone number$ email$ city$ and


b) Ser%ice pro%ider: Admin can !elect thi! option to ie" the detail! o& !ericeproider !uch a! name$ email$ phone$ !erice$ addre!! etc# Admin canbloc(0unbloc($ approe0di!approe the !erice proider here# 'he li!t can be!earched ba!ed on name$ email$ !erice proider id$ and !erice#

c) Ser%ice: Admin can manage the !erice! detail !uch a! !erice name$ !ub

!erice$ !tatu! etc# %erice can be edited or deleted by admin# %ub !erice namecan be added here by proiding detail! o& !erice name and !ub !erice name

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d) Ne& 'obs: Admin can ie" the li!t o& ne" )ob! by choo!ing thi! option inthe da!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$ re*ue!t te+t$re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

e) (rocess 'obs: Admin can ie" the li!t o& proce!! )ob! by choo!ing thi!option in the da!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$re*ue!t te+t$ re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

f) $onfir" 'obs1 Admin can ie" the li!t o& con&irm )ob! by choo!ing thi!option in the da!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$re*ue!t te+t$ re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

) Start 'ob1 Admin can ie" the li!t o& !tart )ob! by choo!ing thi! option in theda!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$ re*ue!t te+t$re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

h) End 'ob: Admin can ie" the li!t o& end )ob! by choo!ing thi! option in theda!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$ re*ue!t te+t$re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

i) $o"pleted 'ob1 Admin can ie" the li!t o& completed )ob! by choo!ing thi!

option in the da!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$re*ue!t te+t$ re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

 ') $losed 'ob: Admin can ie" the li!t o& clo!ed )ob! by choo!ing thi! option inthe da!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$ re*ue!t te+t$re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

) $ancelled 'obs: Admin can ie" the li!t o& cancelled )ob! by choo!ing thi!option in the da!hboard# 'he detail! !uch a! )ob id$ !erice$ cu!tomer name$re*ue!t te+t$ re*ue!t date are li!ted here "hich can be edited by admin#

l-2ontact u!

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Admin can manage the admin !etting! "ith option to edit the in&ormation !uch

a! admin name$ email$ addre!!$ phone etc#


Under the admin !etting! panel$ admin can manage hi! pa!!"ord# Admin can

change the pa!!"ord by proiding detail! !uch a! old pa!!"ord$ ne" pa!!"ord$and con&irm pa!!"ord#

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*EN, #AR:

'he menu bar i! aailable &or acce!! by admin "hich contain! lin(! to option!li(e regional manager$ account! management$ cu!tomer!$ coupon management$coupon inoice management$ !tore!$ !erice management$ !erice proider$contractor$ mar(eting per!on$ di!patch$ country management$ !tatemanagement$ city management$ area management$ payment management$tran!action!$ ne"!letter$ general !etting!$ image !etting!$ 2M% management$

manage in*uirie!$ and report!#

ADD REGIONAL *ANAGER:Regional manager! can be added belo" the admin by proiding the detail! !ucha! &ir!t name$ la!t name$ email$ phone$ country$ !tate$ city$ area etc#

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*ANAGE REGIONAL *ANAGER:'he li!t o& regional manager! can be maintained by the admin u!ing manageregional manager option# 'he li!t !ho"! detail! o& regional manager name$

email$ phone number$ country$ !tate$ city$ area$ )oined date etc# 'he detail! canbe edited by the admin# 'he li!t can be !earched u!ing the &ield! li(e name$phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

ADD A$$O,N+:

Account! management option in the menu bar allo" to add or manage account!#'he admin can add account by &urni!hing the detail! !uch a! &ir!t name$ la!tname$ email$ phone$ country$ !tate$ and city

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'he account! detail can be managed here# 'he li!t !ho"! the detail o& name$email$ phone number$ country$ !tate$ city$ and )oined date# 'he li!t can be editedby the admin# 'he li!t can al!o be !earched ba!ed on name$ phone number$email$ city$ and country#

,SER DASH#OARD:2u!tomer detail! can be managed under cu!tomer da!hboard# Admin can !electthe !tart date and end date and !earch the databa!e# Da!hboard !ho"! the total

cu!tomer count a! pie chart# 2u!tomer detail! !uch a! type and number o& countcan be ie"ed here# It al!o !ho"! cu!tomer login detail! !uch a! "eb!ite

cu!tomer &or today$ la!t 3 day!$ la!t 45 day!$ la!t 6. month!$ and la!t 65 year!#7raphical in&ormation about the data i! made aailable here# U!er can print the

chart or e+port to ra!ter or ector image#

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Admin can add u!er detail! by completing the in&ormation !uch a! cu!tomer&ir!t name$ la!t name$ email$ gender$ date o& birth$ phone$ addre!!$ country$!tate$ and city#


'he u!er or cu!tomer li!t can be managed here# 'he li!t !ho"! the detail o&

name$ email$ phone number$ city$ country$ and )oined date# 'he li!t can beedited or deleted by the admin# 'he li!t can al!o be !earched ba!ed on name$phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

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$REA+E $O,(ON:Under coupon management menu$ coupon! can be created and managed ea!ilyby the admin#

'o create the coupon$ li!t o& detail! !uch a! coupon title$ coupon de!cription$amount$ total credit account$ and !hop commi!!ion ha! to be proided

*ANAGE $O,(ON:'he coupon! can be managed here "ith option to edit detail! !uch a! coupontitle$ amount$ total credit amount$ !hop commi!!ion$ and created date#

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Under coupon inoice management admin can create inoice coupon andmanage inoice coupon#

Admin can create inoice coupon by !lecting the coupon and mention numbero& coupon!#


Admin can ie" the detail! o& inoice coupon !uch a! coupon amount$ totalcredit amount$ batch number$ number o& coupon!$ unu!ed coupon!$ di!patched

coupon!$ credited date$ di!patch city$ and ready &or di!patch option#


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%tore can be added by admin by proiding detail! o& name$ email$ phone$addre!!$ country$ !tate$ city$ area# 'here i! al!o option to tic( no area option inca!e area detail i! unaailable#


'he !tore! can be managed "ith option to edit the detail! !uch a! name$ email$phone number$ country$ !tate$ area$ and created date# 'he li!t can be !earchedba!ed on !tore name$ phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

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ADD SER-I$E:Under !erice management$ admin can add and manage !erice#

Admin can add !erice by proiding the detail! o& !erice name$ de!cription$inner de!cription$ term! and condition!$ city$ admin commi!!ion$ mobile icon$and "eb icon

*ANAGE SER-I$E:Admin can mange the !erice detail! "ith option to edit or delete !erice name#%ub !erice! can be added "ith option to edit !ub !erice by clic(ing manage!ub !erice option ,categorie!-

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%erice proider detail! can be managed under !erice proider da!hboard#Admin can !elect the !tart date and end date and !earch the databa!e# Da!hboard!ho"! the total !erice proider count a! pie chart# %erice proider detail! &orthe la!t 45 day!$ la!t 6. month!$ and la!t 65 year! i! !ho"n in count a! "ell a!

repre!ented in graphical chart# Admin can print the chart or e+port to ra!ter orector image#

ADD SER-I$E (RO-IDERS :Admin can add !erice proider! by proiding the detail! o& !erice proider8!&ir!t name$ la!t name$ email$ country$ !tate$ city$ area$ no area$ !erice$ gender$date o& birth$ phone$ contractor name$ addre!!$ term! and condition!$ certi&ied,ye!0no-$ ID proo& , drier licen!e id$ drier licen!e e+pire date$ addre!! proo&$

proo& number-$ !can copy$ and photo#

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*ANAGE SER-I$E (RO-IDERS :Admin can manage !erice proider! "ith option to edit the detail! !uch a!!erice proider id$ name$ email$ phone$ !erice$ addre!!$ add !ub location! etc#'he admin can al!o bloc( or unbloc( the !erice proider a! "ell a! approeand di!approe !erice proider#

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ADD $ON+RA$+OR :Admin can add contractor by proiding detail! !uch a! &ir!t name$ la!t name$email$ phone$ addre!!$ country$ !tate$ city$ mar(eting per!on$ contractorregi!tration$ and app u!age ,I am u!ing0My team u!e the app-#

*ANAGE $ON+RA$+OR:Admin can manage the contractor "ith option! to edit detail! !uch a! name$email$ phone number$ country$ !tate$ city$ and )oined date# 'he li!t can be!earched ba!ed on contractor name$ phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

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Admin can add mar(eting per!on! by proiding the detail! o& the per!on !uch a!&ir!t name$ la!t name$ email$ phone$ country$ !tate$ city$ and mar(eting per!on

,Pre9mar(eting per!on0mar(eting per!on-


Admin can manage mar(eting per!on detail! "ith option to edit name$ email$

phone number$ country$ !tate$ city$ and )oined date# 'he li!t can be !earchedba!ed on name$ phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

Admin can manage mar(eting per!on detail! "ith option to edit name$ email$phone number$ country$ !tate$ city$ and )oined date# 'he li!t can be !earchedba!ed on name$ phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

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ADD DIS(A+$HER:Admin can add di!patcher by proiding detail! li(e &ir!t name$ la!t name$ email$

phone$ country$ !tate$ and city

*ANAGE DIS(A+$HER:Admin can manage di!patcher detail! "ith option to edit name$ email$ phonenumber$ country$ !tate$ city$ and )oined date# 'he li!t can be !earched ba!ed onname$ phone number$ email$ city$ and country#

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NE!S LE++ER:Admin can !end ne"!letter! by !electing cu!tomer and by compo!ing thene"!letter "ith detail! o& !ub)ect and me!!age


'he admin can manage in*uirie! "ith option to !end mail or delete it "hichcontain! the detail o& name$ email$ phone number$ and me!!age# 'he databa!ecan be !earched ba!ed on name and email#

ADD $*S (AGES:Admin can add 2M% page! u!ing the 2M% management menu# Admin can app2M% page by proiding detail! o& page title$ page de!cription$ meta title$ metade!cription$ and meta (ey"ord!#

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Admin can manage 2M% page! "ith option! to edit or delete the detail! on theli!t !uch a! page title$ page url$ and !tatu!

EDI+ A#O,+ ,S:About u! detail can be edited and managed u!er the about u! option# Admin can&urni!h the detail! in the te+t editor#

DIS(A+$HER:'he di!patcher detail! can be ie"ed on the map# 'he detail! li(e )ob id$!erice$ cu!tomer name$ re*ue!t te+t$ re*ue!t date$ edit etc "ill appear on the!creen# 'he detail! about the di!patch )ob! "ith it! !tatu! !uch a! ne"$ proce!!$con&irm$ !tart$ end$ completed$ clo!ed$ and canceled can be ie"ed by theadmin# It al!o !ho"! the total )ob detail#

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A ne" )ob can be created by proiding the detail! !uch a! name$ email$ phonenumber$ city$ map !earch location$ latitude$ longitude$ !erice$ !ub !erice$other! ,tic( to include other !ub !erice! name -$ date$ and "or( de!cription#

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Admin can edit the di!patcher detail! by clic(ing on the edit button in the li!t#Detail! li(e !erice$ )ob id$ cu!tomer name$ !erice proider$ re*ue!t te+t$

re*ue!t date$ !tart date$ end date$ completed data$ u!er amount$ !erice proideramount$ di!patcher amount$ and )ob !tate can be edited#