Download - SUNSHINE Project Presentation


Urb. Sabina Dimitriu, URBASOFIAUrban Planning Center meeting

12 February 2015

SUNSHINE“Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergy Efficiency”


• Project rationale, scope and objectives

• SUNSHINE Scenarios

• Developed services and solutions


• Training and affiliation for cities




mSUNSHINE Project | GA no. 325161 | CIP FP project, ICT PSP Pilot Type B | Feb 2013 –Jan 2016


• Buildings account for approximately 40% of the whole final energy consumption within European communities (EC, 2010).

• More than two thirds of the average energy consumed per residential unit is through inefficient heating and cooling systems.

• The most cost-effective way of meeting climate change targets is through improved energy efficiency. Therefore, more efficient public lighting and better building energy consumption represent the main focus of the Smart UrbaN ServIces for Higher eNergyEfficiency (SUNSHINE) project.

Smart UrbaN Services for HIgher eNergy Efficiency”

• Innovative digital services, interoperable with existing geographic web-service infrastructures, supporting improved energy efficiency at the urban and building level.

• Smart service platform accessible from both a web-based client and an App for smartphones and tablets, for:

1. Automatic large scale assessment of building energy behavior,

2. Optimization of energy consumption of building level heating/cooling systems

3. Interoperable control of public illumination systems based on AMR.

• Assesses energy behaviors of buildings from integration of existing geographic information (e.g. cadastral data and topographic data) in order to perform large-scale energy assessments, creating energy maps ( “ecomaps”) and energy pre-certification of buildings.

• Energy maps ("eco-maps", "energy density maps") are an innovative and particularly useful tool for a large array of specialists, public workers, researchers and industry, who can use them for example in:

• Analyzing the possibilities for large scale urban renewal, especially in what concerns the development or extension of district heating networks and the creation of energy strategies for hard-to-tackle or deprived urban areas;

• Prioritizing city-wide investments and assisting decisionson development area locations based on provided information on the state of the art energy-wise as well as nearby energy opportunities for developers.

Scenario 1: Energy maps

Example Energy Map for Ferrara pilot city

• Reducing unnecessary energy consumption caused by legacy heating/cooling systems with no intelligent control technology;

• Smart service which, based on the assessment of the energy behavior of a specific building, notifies the user how to set the heating/cooling systems according to localized weather forecast, with the aim of delivering optimal comfort/energy consumption ratio.

• The Application targets the building and energy managers as users for:

• Monitoring consumption and costs and their relation to both local weather and related to internal operations

• Receiving alerts when important events occur and suggestions on how to adjust controllers accordingly

• Controlling the heating/cooling systems and programming them following the application suggestion

Scenario 2: Building energy awareness

Energy awareness readings – Ferrara pilot

• Reducing energy consumption from illumination of public streets or buildings of public relevance through optimization of lighting levels according to real conditions.

Scenario 3: Remote control of lighting networks

• Smart managing system for the lighting plants: Platform which interacts with the lighting system and simultaneously collects information from the infrastructure to optimize the lighting service and/or provide other ancillary services.

• Ferrara, IT

• Lamia, GR

• Paola, MT

• Rovereto, IT

• Trentino, IT

• Val di non, IT

• Zagreb and Split, HR

• Bassano del grappa, IT


SUNSHINE enables planners and architects to:

• Rapidly estimate energy performances of buildings at urban scaleand produce relative thematic maps;

• Retrieve analytical indicators which can be used further in substantiation studies, cost-benefit analyses etc. for updating planning documentations, drafting urban regeneration strategies and programmes, etc.

• Define specific local energy saving policiesand planning strategies regarding public lighting based on precise information on illumination networks.

SUNSHINE enables city administrators to:

• Create energy-saving policies based on true requirement of public building stock;

• Delineate and prioritize intervention areas / districts for large-scale, concerted and cost-effective investments aimed at building refurbishment;

• Optimize running and maintenance costs at city level through large-scale optimization of public illumination network according to real requirement;


• Leader of the socio-economic impact assessment study for piloting the SUNSHINE services in the 8 cities and regions of the project;

• Leader of the Awareness and Dissemination workpackage:

• Overseeing project activities such as workshops, conferences,

international seminars, organization of the end conference, publications and articles, local pilot awareness activities;

• Leader of the Training task.

• Actively searching for liaisons, conference co-organizing or affiliation opportunities.

Outside training and affiliation

• Apart from training workshops in differentpartner’s locations and assisted self-learning activity, we foresee training onthe project methodology for otherEuropean cities (observers, affiliatedtowns and regions). Assisted step-by-stepimplementation walkthrough will beprovided based on the interested cities’technology readiness and objectives inrelation to their selected scenarios andtarget users.

• We have deployed a registration process for cities and planners who wish to follow the SUNSHINE roadmap and implement their own smart services for higher energy efficiency.

Sabina DIMITRIU | Town and Regional Planner URBASOFIA | General Manager of EU Projects [email protected]|

Thank you!